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Formation of healthy lifestyle rules for preschoolers. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age. Interaction with subjects



Faculty of Psychology

Department of Pedagogical

psychology and pedagogy


Course work

Direction of training "Pedagogical education"

Profile "Preschool education"

Fulfilled: student 932 - U

Correspondence department

Latypova Madina Firgatovna

Scientific director :

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tertychnaya Vasilisa Vladimirovna




1.Theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children

before school age………………………………………………………….7

1.1. The essence of the concepts of "health" and "healthy lifestyle"………………7

1.2. Age features of the formation of a healthy image


1.3. Tasks, content and forms of organization of familiarization of preschoolers

with the basics of a healthy lifestyle……………….………………………...15

2. Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of preschoolers in a preschool institution………………………………..….25

2.1. The state of work in the preschool educational institution on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers……………………………………………………………………..25

2.2. Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children

senior group…………………………….…………………………………..32

2.3. The results of experimental work…………………………………...39





To date, in accordance with the federal state requirements, the direction "Physical development", including educational areas"Health", "Physical culture" occupies a leading place in the educational process of preschoolers. And this is no coincidence. The latest data from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: according to statistics, the 21st century began in Russia with a sharp deterioration in such a significant indicator as the health of a preschooler. The number of healthy children decreased by 8.1%. By 6.75% - The number of children with disabilities in physical development, predisposition to pathology has increased. The number of children of the 3rd health group with severe deviations and chronic diseases increased by 1.5%. Vera Alyamovskaya, an innovative teacher in preschool education on the health problems of a modern child, notes: “Although for many years the need for an integrated approach to improving children's health has been preached in the practice of preschool education, this problem has not yet been properly resolved.”

Every year the percentage of children with deviations in health increases, there is a tendency for a continuous increase in the overall level of the disease among preschool children. This is due to many negative phenomena of modern life: difficult socio-economic conditions, environmental problems, low level of development of the institution of marriage and family; mass distribution of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction; weak health care system and educational base of the educational institution and family. The well-being of society as a whole depends on the level of the mental and physical condition of the population, on the state of its health, therefore the problem of forming children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle of children seems to be relevant in modern society..

The attitude of the child to his health is the foundation on which it will be possible to build the need for a healthy lifestyle. This need arises and develops in the process of a child's awareness of himself as a person and personality. The child's attitude to health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his mind.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children are determined by the presence of knowledge and ideas about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regimen, hygiene procedures, physical activity), and the ability to implement them in behavior and activities in ways accessible to the child (brush teeth, wash hands, do exercises). ) .

Modern society is distinguished by a variety of examples of human lifestyles that every child constantly encounters. This diversity is not always a model for a child; as a result, chaos is created in the child's ideas about a healthy lifestyle and already established ideas are destroyed. Today, the problem of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is being considered at the state level in connection with the negative trend towards the deterioration of the health status of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia, and especially children of preschool and school age.

The studies of A.A. Bodaleva, A.L. Venger, V.D. Davydova, M.I. Lisina, V.A. Slastenina, E.O. Smirnova. Analysis of the works of V.A. Derkunskaya, S.A. Kozlova, L.G. Kasyanova, O.A. Knyazeva, I.M. Novikova et al. shows that already at preschool age, a child develops a steady interest in his health, a careful attitude to his body (life, health) as a value.

Despite numerous studies, the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers requires further study, the search for new approaches to the implementation of the tasks of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in the practice of preschool educational institutions, which determines the choice of the topic of the course work.

Purpose of the study - studying the features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in a preschool educational institution.

Object of study - ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

Subject of study - the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in a preschool educational institution.

Research hypothesis : work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in a preschool educational institution will be effective if we take into account:

Age and individual characteristics of children;

To create conditions in the preschool educational institution for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers;

To systematically and purposefully carry out work on the introduction of a healthy lifestyle with the families of pupils.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to decidetasks:

1. To study the theoretical foundations of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

2. Reveal age features formation of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Consider the content and forms of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

4. Determine the criteria and indicators of the formation of a healthy lifestyle and experimentally test the effectiveness of the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in a preschool educational institution.

The structure of the course work: introduction; the main part, consisting of two chapters - theoretical and practical; conclusion; bibliographic list; applications.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children

1.1. The essence of the concepts of "health" and "healthy lifestyle"

The starting point for the definition of the term "health" is the definition given in the Charter of the World Health Organization: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Health is characterized by biological potential (hereditary capabilities), physiological reserves of vital activity, normal mental state and social opportunities for a person to realize all the inclinations (genetically determined).

There are three types of health: 1) "individual health" (person, personality); 2) "health of the group" (family, professional group, "stratum - layer"); 3) "public health" (population, public).

In accordance with the type of health, indicators have been developed, through which a qualitative and quantitative characteristic is given.

Psychological health is also distinguished, which determines the mental, emotional well-being of a person. According to the studies of L.A. Abrahamyan, M.I. Lisina, T.A. Repina, “emotional well-being” of preschool children can be defined as a stable emotionally positive well-being of a child, the basis of which is the satisfaction of basic age-related needs: biological and social.

The term "mental health" was introduced by I.V. Dubrovina. It emphasizes the inseparability of the physical and mental in a person. A generalized portrait of a psychologically healthy person is a creative, cheerful, cheerful, open person who knows himself and the world around him not only with his mind, but also with feelings and intuition. Such a person takes responsibility for his life, is in constant development.

According to I.V. Dubrovina, the basis of psychological health is the full mental development of the child at all stages. The authors argue that psychological health should be considered from the point of view of the spiritual wealth of the individual, focusing on absolute values ​​(kindness, beauty, truth).

Human health is laid in childhood and, according to scientific research, it is determined by 50% - lifestyle, 20% - heredity, 20% - the state of the environment and about 10% - the possibilities of medicine and health care. An important place in maintaining health is occupied by physical culture and sports.

Since no existing definition of the concept of health is recognized as a reference, the state of human health is judged on the basis of objective data obtained as a result of anthropometric (physical development), clinical and physiological (physical fitness) and laboratory studies, correlated with average statistical indicators, taking into account gender, age, professional , temporary, ecological-ethnic and other amendments.

Currently, a “health metric” is being developed, i.e. quantitative and qualitative measurement of health. There are up to 5 levels of health (health rating: from simple survival to a full healthy life (excellent health).

Determination of the level of health has a large practical value, because allows you to solve a wide range of problems: from professional selection to the appointment of a rational mode of physical activity, nutrition, rest, etc.

Population health indicators include: fertility and mortality, disability and life expectancy, morbidity and stillbirth, etc.

Human health largely depends on the value systems existing in society that determine the meaning of life. Health is a personal and social value. The formation of such an attitude towards one's own health is engaged in a new branch of knowledge, called "valeology" - the science of health.

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" is not unambiguously defined: P.A. Vinogradov, B.S. Erasov, O.A. Milshtein, V.A. Ponomarchuk, V.I. Stolyarov and others consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem , an integral part of the life of society as a whole .

G. P. Aksenov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. There are other points of view: for example, biomedical; but there is no sharp line between them, because they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual.

A healthy lifestyle is “the result of the actions of many internal and external factors, objective and subjective conditions that favorably affect the state of health.” A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of other aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions.

The basic principles of a healthy lifestyle are highlighted:

Rice. Basic principles of a healthy lifestyle

1. The creator of a healthy lifestyle is a person as an active being in biological and social terms (individually and socially useful spiritual or physical activity).

2. Refusal of bad habits (abuse of alcohol, smoking, drugs and toxic substances).

3. Compliance with the principles of rational nutrition (qualitatively balanced - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements and the quantitative and energy value of consumed products and energy consumption in the process of life).

4. Rational motor activity.

5. Compliance with universal human norms and principles of morality that regulate all spheres of human life, etc.

Currently, 16 healthy lifestyle programs have been developed that regulate almost all spheres of human life.

The purpose of these programs is “to create conditions for a long, full, full of impressions, emotions, joy of human life; prevent negative consequences - infection with venereal diseases, HIV, etc.”

The system of preschool education plays a great role in creating favorable conditions for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, since, as noted by A.F. Amend, S.F. Vasiliev, M.L. Lazarev, O.V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, O.Yu. Tolstova, Z.I. Tyumaseva and others, is not only a medical problem, but also a pedagogical one, since properly organized upbringing and educational work with children often, to a greater extent than all medical and hygienic measures, ensures the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle. Education, as a social way to ensure the inheritance of culture, socialization and development of the individual, is the hope of the state policy for the formation of an individual culture of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, as one of the main components of the national culture of a healthy lifestyle.

So, the state of health of children is now becoming a national problem, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is a state task, the solution of which largely depends on the organization of work in this area in a preschool institution.

1.2. Age features of the formation of a healthy image in preschoolers

Preschool age refers to the so-called critical periods in a child's life. Throughout preschool childhood there is an increase in the strength and mobility of nervous processes, the formation of higher nervous activity. Nervous processes are characterized by rapid exhaustion. Emotional overstrain is associated with an increase in the frequency of borderline states and neurotic reactions. It is no coincidence that at this age, parents and teachers often encounter such manifestations in the behavior of children as mood swings, increased irritability, psychomotor excitability, tearfulness, fatigue, and inattention when performing tasks. Children may experience the following reactions: they bite their nails, twist their hair, do not fall asleep for a long time, make erratic movements (swaying, bouncing, etc.).

During preschool childhood, “deep” changes in metabolism occur, which are associated with the maximum frequency of childhood infections and pose a serious danger to the health of the child.

In addition, this age period is the possibility of the formation and manifestation of all kinds of allergic reactions and chronic somatic diseases, mainly in those who are often ill and predisposed to certain diseases. chronic diseases children.

But even a healthy preschooler needs careful care and participation from the adults around him. This is due to the fact that the health of the child is formed throughout his life.

The child's attitude to his health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his mind. In preschool children, the following age prerequisites for the stable formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle can be distinguished:

Mental processes are actively developing;

Noticeable positive changes in physical and functional development; children try to maintain and demonstrate correct posture;

Children of senior preschool age are able to independently carry out household tasks, possess self-service skills, make strong-willed efforts to achieve the goal in the game, in the manifestation of physical activity.

The physiological state of preschool children is greatly influenced by their psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on mental attitudes. Therefore, scientists identify the following aspects of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers:

Emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one's own emotions;

Intellectual well-being: the ability of a person to learn and use new information for optimal action in new circumstances;

Spiritual well-being: the ability to set really meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them; optimism.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that each age period is characterized by its own characteristics, which should be taken into account in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Children of younger preschool age understand what a disease is, but they still cannot give the most elementary description of health. As a result, young children practically do not develop any relation to him.

In middle preschool age, children form the idea of ​​health as “not illness”. They talk about how they were sick, they show a negative attitude towards the disease based on their experience. But what it means to “be healthy” and feel healthy, they still cannot explain. Hence the attitude to health as something abstract. In their understanding, being healthy means not getting sick. When asked what to do in order not to get sick, many children answer that they should not catch a cold, do not eat ice cream on the street, do not wet their feet, etc. From these answers, it follows that in the middle preschool age, children begin to realize the threats to health from the external environment (cold, rain, draft), as well as their own actions (eat ice cream, wet their feet, etc.).

At the senior preschool age, due to the increase personal experience health attitudes are changing significantly. But, at the same time, there is a confusion of the concepts of "healthy" - like "big, good" (that's great!) And "healthy" - like not sick. Children still correlate health with illness, but they more clearly define health threats both from their own actions (“you can’t eat dirty fruits”, “you can’t take food with dirty hands”, etc.) and from the external environment. At a certain educational work children correlate the concept of "health" with the implementation of hygiene rules.

At the older preschool age, children begin to correlate physical education with health promotion and in its definition (as, in fact, adults) put the physical component in the first place. At this age, children, although still intuitively, begin to single out both the mental and social components of health (“everyone there was shouting, cursing, and my head ached”). But, despite the existing ideas about health and ways to preserve it, in general, the attitude towards it among children of older preschool age remains rather passive. The reasons for this attitude lie in the lack of necessary knowledge in children about ways to maintain health, as well as unawareness of the dangers of unhealthy human behavior for maintaining health. Unhealthy behavior in some cases brings pleasure (how nice it is to eat cold ice cream, drink a whole bottle of chilled lemonade, run through a puddle, lie in bed longer, etc.), and the long-term negative consequences of such actions seem distant and unlikely to the child.

A significant part of the self-protective behavior of older preschool children is determined by their ideas about health. With purposeful upbringing, training, fixing the rules of hygiene in everyday life, the appropriate motivation for physical education, the attitude of children to their health changes significantly. The formation of attitudes towards health as the greatest value in life (at a level accessible to children) becomes the basis for the formation in children of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

In turn, the presence of this need helps to solve the most important psychological and social task of becoming a creator in the child in relation to his own health and the health of those around him.

So, activity, curiosity, mobility, on the one hand, and on the other, the mobility of nervous processes, susceptibility to infectious and colds, allergic reactions in preschool children are important prerequisites for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, allowing you to acquaint and teach children the right attitude to their health. and interaction with the environment. At the same time, each age period is characterized by its own characteristics, which should be taken into account in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

1.3. Tasks, content and forms of organization of familiarization of preschoolers with the basics of a healthy lifestyle

The tasks and content of educating preschool children are multifaceted. A special place among them is occupied by the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle, because. The full development of the child depends on the effectiveness of solving these problems.

For each age group, in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle, their own tasks are set.

Junior group:

1. Form an idea of ​​yourself as a separate person; learn how to take care of yourself and the world around you; show models of social behavior.

2. Introduce the rules for performing physical exercises (attentively listen to the signal, wait for each other, do not push, coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner, control and coordinate movements).

3. Talk about the rules of conduct on the city street: cross the street at the green color of the traffic light only by the hand with an adult, move on the right side of the sidewalk, do not bump into passers-by, carefully look under your feet and forward.

4. Talk about the sources of danger in the apartment and group room; clarify the "no" rule.

5. Talk about the rules of conduct at the table; introduce objects and actions related to the implementation of hygiene processes: washing, bathing, body care, appearance, cleanliness of the home.

middle group:

1. Continue to identify your name with yourself; familiarize with the external parts of the body; to give an idea of ​​the ways of expressing one's states with the help of facial expressions and gestures); appreciate your body know the basic rules for caring for him; to establish connections between the structure of the organ and its purpose, between their condition and ways of taking care of themselves and the world around them. Learn to dress and undress independently, fasten buttons, lace up shoes, neatly fold and put away clothes in place; politely seek help from a peer or adult.

2. Continue to form a stable habit of physical activity; to tell that a person is a living organism, in order to live, it is necessary to actively move, for this purpose the human organs are intended: legs, arms, torso, head. Talk about health (how you can know and change yourself, how to find your path to health); to acquaint with the prevention of diseases: self-massage, hardening, proper breathing, alternation of active movement and rest.

3. With the help of an adult, establish a connection between the actions performed, habits and the state of the body, mood, well-being. "I will run like a dad to get healthy and strong." “I brush my teeth properly every day, which means they won’t hurt me.”

4. To develop perseverance, purposefulness in taking care of your body, physical culture and health activities.

5. Talk about the Rules traffic.

6. Talk about the rules of first aid for injuries and frostbite: the face is frozen in the cold - rub it easily with a scarf, but not with snow; cold feet - jump, move your fingers; wet your feet - change into dry clothes.

7. Talk about the culture of food, the rules of conduct at the table, the sequence of dressing, washing, hygiene rules; teach rational ways of self-care. Learn to wash your hands, face, neck; after washing, wash off soap suds from the sink, faucet.

8. Tell how to sit down at the table, use a fork, spoon correctly, eat carefully, do not rush, do not be distracted, do not play with cutlery, do not stuff your mouth, do not talk with your mouth full, do not slurp, take bread, cookies from a common plate, but do not change what is taken; do not interfere with other children; use a napkin, calmly leave the table, say “thank you”.

9. Talk about germs, prove the need to use soap and water. Teach them to take care of the health of others: when sneezing and coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief; if you get sick, do not go to kindergarten.

Senior group :

1. Expand the child's knowledge about himself, his name, surname, age, hereditary characteristics of the body, physique, gait, reactions to certain foods; to tell what the heart is for, why it beats, what ears and eyes are for, how we move, breathe, communicate with other people. represent in general terms the development of man; baby, preschooler, student, mother (dad), grandmother (grandfather), to distinguish between gender by appearance(facial features, physique)

2. Take care of your body, be aware of the purpose of individual organs, the conditions for their normal functioning. “I have a wonderful assistant - a skeleton, it helps me stand, sit and protects the internal organs: the heart, liver, lungs from damage, so you need to take care of it, learn how to fall correctly on skis, on skates. Train, do gymnastics and exercise.

3. Responsibly treat the internal organs, follow the basic valeological rules: help your heart with the work of all muscles, do physical exercises daily; help your lungs breathe fresh air, do not be lazy to walk daily in the park, on the site, sleep with an open window; help the work of the stomach and intestines, chew "33 times" each piece of food; help your brain think, think, protect your smart head from bruises, do good deeds.

4. To acquaint with different types of hardening, breathing, corrective gymnastics. On the examples of literary heroes, show ways to take care of your health, body. Talk about the mode of activity and rest, the need to plan your time, about health-improving gymnastics, a walk in any weather conditions, eating, sleeping with an open window. Consciously perform physical exercises, understanding their significance for health.

5. Tell that you can’t throw stones and snowballs on the street, walk near houses during snow melting (icicles, layers of snow can break off); animals must not be teased, one must beware of homeless dogs and cats. Do not eat unfamiliar berries, climb into reservoirs. Teach your child to anticipate the consequences of their actions based on different situations (if you are lost in the park, met with a stranger).

6. Talk about the rules of personal safety at home and in different life situations. Know that if the apartment caught fire, you must immediately leave the premises and call for help, and not hide; you can not play with matches and fire, touch the gas taps at the stove, turn on electrical appliances. Know the telephone number of the fire department - 01.

7. Form a system of ideas about the culture of human life; introduce the basic rules of etiquette, behavior, nutrition, communication at the table. Perform hygiene procedures, independently monitor the cleanliness of the body and home.

Preparatory group:

1. Form a positive assessment and self-image; pay attention to your appearance; answer questions (Do you like your name, would you like to be called differently? How? What is your full name, patronymic, and mothers and fathers? What is your family, your household duties?).

2. Tell about the ways of a person's careful attitude to his body, about the troubles that await a person who does not follow the rules of life safety. To acquaint children with the feelings and moods of a person, show how they are reflected on his face (fear, fatigue, resentment, joy, anxiety, surprise, cheerfulness, laughter, irritation, fear, tears, anxiety, despondency, complacency, friendliness, admiration, horror , interest). Talk about human health, about maintaining the integrity of organs.

3. Name the characteristic signs of a state of health and ill health, talk about situations that have occurred or may occur in violation of the rules, because of laziness, inability.

4. Talk about rational rest, develop a strong habit of sports, physical education, and exercise.

5. Tell what health, beauty, harmony and perfection, strength, grace are; understand the features of the functioning of the human body, the structure of the human body; actively use exercise.

6. Talk about the basic rules for the safety of behavior on the street and indoors.

7. Learn how to independently, based on a picture, talk about safety situations, how not to harm yourself and other people, why a person grows, why you need to take care of your body, be in harmony with yourself.

8. Talk about human qualities: accuracy, cleanliness, sociability, beauty, love, pugnacity, kindness, perseverance, politeness, good breeding, education, talent, strength.

9. In the process of household, play activities, clarify and systematize children's knowledge about healthy and unhealthy food; learn to keep things in order. To form an idea of ​​the rules of conduct at the table, personal and public hygiene.

10. Learn to serve yourself, exercise control over well-being after physical activity; independently follow the rules of hygiene, control the quality of washing hands, feet, neck; be able to rest, relax; eat correctly and beautifully, sit comfortably at the table, do not lean back in a chair, do not spread your elbows, use cutlery, and if necessary, carry on a conversation.

Such a differentiation of tasks guarantees accessibility for children and thus the creation of a favorable environment for the assimilation of the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle by every child.

For the formation of preschoolers' ideas about a healthy lifestyle, special exercises are needed that strengthen the health of children, a system of physical education. For this, daily morning exercises are carried out in kindergarten groups, the purpose of which is to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children, improve health, develop dexterity, and physical strength. Morning exercises and special physical education classes in the gym are accompanied by music, which “has a positive effect on emotional sphere older preschooler, contributes to the good mood of children, forms their ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor games are of great importance for the formation of preschoolers' ideas about a healthy lifestyle. They are held in groups, in special classes, during walks and in the intermediate intervals between classes. Outdoor games are necessarily included in music classes. The games of younger preschoolers are organized by the educator; at an older age, such games are most often organized by the children themselves.

The process of forming preschoolers' ideas about a healthy lifestyle is closely related to instilling in them a love for cleanliness, neatness, and order.

In addition to daily morning exercises, special physical education classes are held with preschool children. Their goal is to teach children the correct execution of movements, various exercises aimed at developing body coordination and increasing independent motor activity. Classes are held in a special room, accompanied by music. All classes are conducted according to special methods.

The development of movements, the upbringing of the motor activity of preschoolers is carried out during walks. Most preschools have well-equipped areas where children spend time. Each walk can have a specific content. So, the teacher for a walk plans a series of outdoor games, a relay race, a collection natural material for further work with him in a group, competition, etc.

The formation of preschoolers' ideas about a healthy lifestyle is closely related to the protection of their life and health. The rules for protecting the life and health of the child are set out in special instructions and methodological letters for preschool workers. IN kindergarten medical monitoring of the health of children is constantly carried out, preventive measures are taken to strengthen it.

Thus, the implementation of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children in a preschool educational institution is carried out through classes, through a regimen, a game, a walk, individual work, and independent activity.

The following methodological techniques are used: stories and conversations of the educator; memorization of poems; simulation of various situations; consideration of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters; role-playing games; didactic games; training games; fun games; outdoor games; psycho-gymnastics; finger and breathing exercises; self-massage; physical education minutes.

Artistic word, children's book - an important means of influencing children. Therefore, in addition to conversations and looking at illustrations and pictures, educators widely use fiction. A conversation after reading a book deepens its educational impact.

An important place is occupied by games, puppet and finger theatres, flannelograph, listening to audio CDs, etc.

When carrying out work, they use a positive assessment, praise, and encouragement. It is known that praise spurs on, and an angry word, on the contrary, offends.

A special place should be given to working with parents. The family plays an important role, it, together with the preschool educational institution, is the main social structure that ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, familiarizing them with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. It is known that not even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full-fledged result if its tasks are not solved jointly with the family, if a children-adult community (children - parents - teachers) is not created, which is characterized by assistance to each other, taking into account opportunities and interests of everyone, his rights and obligations.

Practice shows that activities for the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children during the day, a properly composed regime give their results: children are calm, active, there is no crying, excitement, children do not refuse food, they calmly and quickly fall asleep, sleep soundly and wake up cheerful.

Being indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothing, extensive washing with cool water, barefoot, sleeping with an open window, active exercise in the air - all these are hardening moments that are actively used in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

So, the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers is associated with the formation of a habit of cleanliness, compliance with hygiene requirements, with a mobile lifestyle, ideas about the environment and its impact on human health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the process of classes, regime moments, walks, in the game, in work.

In the first chapter, the essence of the concepts of "health" and "healthy lifestyle" is considered, the age-related features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers are established, the tasks, content and forms of organization are studied. work of preschool educational institution on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. The task of preserving and strengthening the health of children, familiarizing children with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, developing an understanding of the value of human health for their life activities constitute the main direction of the work of the preschool education institution on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. The implementation of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children in a preschool educational institution is carried out through classes, regimen, play, a walk, individual work, and independent activity of children. The organization of work with parents is of great importance in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, not even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full-fledged result if the family does not adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers in a preschool institution

2.1. The state of work in the preschool educational institution on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers

The practical part of the work was carried out in MBDOU No. 1 "Spark", p.g.t. Aktobe. In the process of experimental work, a series of consecutive experiments (stating, forming, control) was carried out, which were carried out during June 2015. – September 2015 In kindergarten 8 groups: 1 preparatory group, 2 senior groups, 1 senior group, 2 - 2nd junior group, 2 - 1st junior group. The study involved 23 children of the older group: 11 boys and 12 girls.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the experiment was to determine the level of formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the senior group No. 5.

Research methods at the ascertaining stage:

Studying the conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle that exist in preschool educational institutions;

Observation of regime moments, gaming activities, behavior on walks;

Individual conversation with the children of the group.

MBDOU "Ogonyok" works under the program of the Federal State Educational Standard. To organize the familiarization of preschoolers with the basics of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten, the following conditions have been created:

1) a music and sports hall equipped with modern equipment;

2) a sports corner in a group room; benefits that stimulate the active movements of children, contribute to the consolidation of motor skills mastered in physical education classes. Each allowance remains in the corner for no more than 5-7 days, while it arouses interest among children and is used correctly by them, and then is replaced by another;

3) sports ground (on the site of the kindergarten);

4) relaxation corner in the group room;

5) medical office.

One of the priority areas activities of the preschool educational institution is to protect and promote the health of children. Health-improving, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are organized in the preschool institution, including: a system of effective hardening procedures developed for each age, taking into account the child's health group: contrast hardening of the legs; walking - salt hardening of the legs; contrast air baths; wet wipes; "Coast"; barefoot; acupressure; gargling the throat and mouth with herbal infusions; maximum stay of children in the fresh air; health-improving complexes: sauna - shower - phytobar; swimming pool - sauna - phytobar. measures to strengthen immunity during an exacerbation of influenza; vaccination of children according to the national calendar of preventive vaccinations. All children are vaccinated by age, in a timely manner; strengthening control over the sanitary condition in preschool educational institutions.

Evaluated physical development children. On the basis of anthropometric data, a conclusion was made about the state of physical development. On average, during the school year, children grew by 3-4 cm and gained weight by 2.5-3.0 kg

A special place was occupied by physical culture and health-improving work. In the system, hardening, morning exercises, corrective exercises, physical education, sports circle "Merry Physical Education" were carried out. In physical education classes, motor density was calculated. At the beginning of the year, motor density was 72-75%, at the end school year- 80-87%. Physical minutes were also used during classes, physical activity of children in the fresh air was organized, and sports entertainment was held.

To implement the entire system for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children, a necessary part is work with parents. During the year, various consultations, parent meetings, committees were held, where questions about the health of children were a priority.

In April, an in-depth medical examination was carried out by narrow specialists (Appendix 1). The results were summed up on the state of children's health, the incidence and attendance of children were analyzed. A comparative analysis of all health-improving work with the indicators of the previous year was carried out.

There is a movement of children by health groups:

15 children moved from group 1 to group 2;

8 children moved from group 2 to group 1;

1 child moved from group 1 to group 3;

1 child moved from group 3 to group 4.

In the preschool educational institution, work on the formation of an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle in children, on the education of good habits, physical education is carried out in accordance with the plan (Appendix 2).

An analysis of the environment and conditions, as well as the work carried out, showed that a lot is being done in a preschool institution to raise healthy, comprehensively developed children. Here they receive full care, rational nutrition, systematic control over development and health. In planning the work of the preschool educational institution, sufficient attention is paid to the tasks of forming a healthy lifestyle, physical education of children. For the improvement of children, modern health-saving technologies and methods are used. The living environment of children is equipped with a variety of sports equipment, equipment for outdoor and didactic games. Thus, the DOE created good conditions to solve problems of physical education and health improvement of preschool children. At the same time, an analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that more than half of the children (113 out of 210) have II and III health groups (93 children and 20 children, respectively). This suggests that the work on the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is fragmentary, aimed mainly at the formation of physical culture and sanitary and hygienic skills, which is an integral part of the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle; its content does not create a holistic view of healthy lifestyle in children.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

To determine the level of formation of a healthy lifestyle, the following criteria were established:

1) children's ideas about health as a human condition and the impact of the environment on human health;

2) the relationship between health and lifestyle (knowledge of good habits and children's attitude to bad habits);

3) participation in recreational and hardening activities

In accordance with the selected criteria, the levels of formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the older group were established:

Low level: the child has unsystematic ideas about the concept of "health" as a human condition, does not link the state of health with the state of the environment; does not deny bad habits; cannot talk about good habits, requires leading questions, does not like to participate in recreational activities.

Intermediate level: the child has an approximate idea of ​​the concept of "health", associates it with the human condition; has little idea of ​​bad habits; names good habits, with the help of an adult, reveals the relationship between health and the environment, the presence of bad and good habits, with the help of leading questions, names the conditions for a healthy lifestyle, participates in recreational and tempering mood events.

High level: the child has a clear understanding of the concept of "health" and associates it with the human condition, with the state of the environment; has a negative attitude to bad habits, confidently names good habits, understands their impact on health; adjusted to a healthy lifestyle; observes the rules of hygiene, neat, tidy, gladly takes part in recreational and tempering activities.

To determine the level of formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle, a conversation was held (Appendix 3).

The survey showed that in the understanding of most children, being healthy means not being sick. When asked what to do in order not to get sick, 99% of the children answered "To be treated." Children realize that if you do not follow some rules (dress warmly when it is cold; do not sit in a draft), then because of this you can get sick. For many children, unhealthy habits seem very attractive: “I really like to eat ice cream, a lot”, “I like to drink juice from the refrigerator to keep it very cold”, “I like to watch TV late and sleep long in the morning”, “I always run on puddles because I like it, etc.

Among useful habits, children name: “do exercises in the morning”, “harden”, “swim like a walrus”, from bad habits children name: “eat with unwashed hands”, “drink beer”, “drink vodka”, “drugs”, “smoking”, “swearing is very ugly and insulting”.

Of the children surveyed, all children want to be healthy. 47% (11 children) like to run "chase", 39% (8 children) ride a bike, 86% (20 children) like to sled and ski in winter, 1% (2 children) go to gymnastics, 1% (2 children) go to the pool and “therefore they don’t get sick”, but only 22% (5 children) do exercises at home, together with their parents.

61% (14 children) of children believe that they lead a healthy lifestyle, 39% (9 children) answered the question “I don’t know”. Some children (34%) associate their state of health with environmental factors that affect human health: “you need to eat well so as not to get sick”, “products must be healthy, vitamins”, “you must drink clean water”, “air very dirty, so everyone gets sick”, etc.

Some of the children even name methods of treatment: “drink tea with lemon”, “eat garlic and onions”, “you need to eat more raspberries”, “you need to give injections”, etc. According to the results of the survey, the levels of formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the older group were determined (Table 1).

Table 1

The level of a healthy lifestyle in children of the senior group No. 5 (ascertaining stage of the experiment)


Levels (%)




Ideas about health

The table shows that 57% of the children in the group have a low level of a healthy lifestyle, 40% of children have an average level, and 16% have a high level of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the majority of children in the older group have low and medium levels of a healthy lifestyle. According to the first criterion - 53% and 32%, according to the second criterion - 41 and 45%, according to the third criterion - 38% and 44%, respectively. Children of the older group do not have enough knowledge and ideas about the factors of harm and benefit to health, partially formed ideas about the importance of physical and physical activity for health, proper rest, proper nutrition, the importance of hygiene, the state of the environment, not enough formed ideas about maintaining health with the help of hardening and preventive measures, the use of healthy items and products.

So, a survey of children showed that children of the older group did not form an attitude to their health as a value, an understanding that health should not only be protected, but also strengthened, get rid of bad habits, and make friends with good habits. The results obtained showed the need for work to improve the level of formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the older group.

2.2. Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the older group

The purpose of the formative stage of the experiment is: to form in the children of the older group ideas about a healthy lifestyle as an active activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

In the course of work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Give children a general idea of ​​health as a value, teach them to take care of their health and take care of it.

2. To help children in the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, instilling and consolidating cultural and hygienic skills.

3. Expand children's knowledge about nutrition, its importance, about the relationship between health and nutrition.

4. Introduce children to the factors that affect human health (environment, sleep, physical activity).

For the implementation of experimental work, a subject-developing environment was organized, conditions were created that would help each child become physically and mentally healthy:

Gym area in the group room. The benefits that are available stimulate the active movements of children, contribute to the consolidation of motor skills mastered in physical education classes. Each allowance remains in the corner for no more than 5-7 days, while it arouses interest in children and is used correctly by them, and then is replaced by another. Traces, classes, lines are "lined" throughout the group room.

Sports ground (in the kindergarten area),

Relaxation corner in the group room;

Music and sports halls, as well as a medical office were also used in the work.

Favorable conditions were created for the classes in the room for games and classes:

Cross-ventilation was organized (3-5 times a day in the absence of children);

The air temperature in the group was maintained at 20-22°C.

In the work on health promotion and stimulation of motor activity, the following were used: physical exercises during morning exercises; outdoor games; gymnastics after sleep; - sports games, as well as tempering procedures: walks in the fresh air; water procedures (washing, washing hands, playing with water); barefoot; air baths.

The implementation of the daily routine was used as a means of forming a healthy lifestyle. The repetition of regime moments, the constancy of requirements ensured the strength of knowledge and self-service skills, and helped in the education of independence.

In the process of working on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, they tried to consolidate the basic hygiene skills in children, so that children would understand their significance and importance for health, and teach children to systematically perform them correctly and quickly. To develop them, the children learned to roll up their sleeves, lather their hands well with soap, rinse them thoroughly, wash their faces, wipe dry with a personal towel, and use a handkerchief. Not all children like to wash their hands, but in the process of work, an understanding appeared that hands are washed so that they are clean, there are no germs on them, and they also explained with examples that dirty hands are unclean, ugly, with such children I don’t want to communicate and make friends, they also explained that washing hands makes the body stronger, this hardening is a procedure that improves health. Many children did not dry their hands well after washing, leaving them half-moist. We talked with such children individually, explained that it is better to do it diligently and thoroughly, to wipe each finger - this is very useful, the hands will not freeze and the fingers will be happy with the massage. Cognitive activities and didactic games play an important role in consolidating the skills of washing, educating neatness and accuracy. In the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, such techniques as demonstration, explanation, direct assistance, encouragement, and individual conversation were used.

Non-traditional forms of healing were also used: acupressure; breathing exercises; finger gymnastics.

To form the habit of a healthy lifestyle, it is important that the child understands the need for physical exercises, which include, among other things, morning exercises. Once or twice a week, gymnastics is performed to music, but breathing exercises are performed first. This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in the implementation of a set of playing exercises with the nose. carried out 2-3 times a day.

It is well known that mental work without regular and appropriate physical exertion leads to a decrease in efficiency, overwork. Therefore, in the process of classes and between them, physical education sessions were held to promote active rest and increase tone. Exercises for them were updated 1-2 times a month. I remember the first reactions of children to physical education. These were smiles and joy from the fact that during a serious lesson some kind of verbal game with movements suddenly begins. The children listened to the conversation about the fact that physical education sessions will help them grow strong, that adults in factories, factories, students in schools - everyone spends physical education sessions in order to have a little rest and start working with renewed vigor.

Hand massage was also included in the work, since the intense impact on the fingertips stimulates a rush of blood to them. This favors psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body. Finger massage was also used in the classroom, as well as physical education.

To form a healthy lifestyle for children of the older group, a cycle of classes was developed (Appendix 5):

Lesson 1. "Magic country - health." Purpose: to give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of; educate the desire to take care of their health.

Lesson 2. "From morning to evening." Purpose: to introduce children to the daily routine. Show the importance of adherence to the regime in improving the health of each person. To consolidate the concept of the importance of the regime of the day. Raise the desire to adhere to the rules for its implementation.

Lesson 3. "The beauty of the body and soul." Purpose: To teach children aesthetic perception human body. Show the importance of a healthy lifestyle for each of us. To reveal the importance of one of the aspects of health - spiritual beauty. Cultivate the desire to be morally and physically beautiful. Develop imagination, the ability to display what was conceived in the drawing.

Lesson 4. "Let's be slim and beautiful." Purpose: to explain to children the importance of the formation of correct posture for health. Show techniques and exercises for the formation of correct posture. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and healthy.

Lesson 5. "So that you can keep your natural teeth longer." Purpose: To introduce children to the rules of dental care. Explain to children the need for constant care for them. Raise the desire to have beautiful and healthy teeth (Appendix 5)

Classes on the formation of a healthy lifestyle lasting 25 - 30 minutes were held 3 times a month in the group's premises, in the music and sports halls. one week, didactic games were selected on the topic of the lesson, in the book corner they laid out books, illustrations, consonant with the topics of the lesson, put up dummies of fruits and vegetables. After the classes, the children discussed for a long time, for example, why a person has a toothache, and what microbes and bacteria begin to live in the teeth if they are not cared for. During such conversations, they took the book “The Queen of the Toothbrush”, looked at the pictures together, then started playing shop, selling toothbrushes, pasta, talking about the usefulness of the paste, making advertisements, then the game smoothly flowed into the game “Tooth Doctor”. The children turned into caring moms and dads and with their kids - animals (bears, squirrels, bunnies, kittens) came to the doctor to treat their teeth.

In the classroom, children were also introduced to how the human body is arranged. In an accessible form, with the help of illustrative material, they talked about its main systems and organs, drawing attention to the need to listen to one's well-being.

Solving the tasks of shaping a healthy lifestyle in children in the course of work, we tried to take care of the health of the child himself, using health-saving technologies in his work: gymnastics for the eyes, wellness minutes, self-massage, acupressure, music therapy, etc., in order to relieve muscle and nervous tension, psycho-emotional tension, as well as health-improving and preventive action.

Carrying out work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, they tried to explain that health depends not only on a person’s attitude to his health, but also on compliance with safety rules, that the lifestyle should be healthy and safe. Safety and a healthy lifestyle is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations, the ability to put into practice in real life acquired knowledge and skills. In the work on acquainting children with the basics of life safety, they partially used the program “Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children (ed. R. Sterkina, N. Avdeeva, O. Knyazeva), the methodological guide “How to ensure the safety of preschoolers” (ed. K. Belaya, V .Zimonina, L. Kutsakova). Life safety classes were held on the following topics:

- "Dangerous people, and who protects us from them";

- "Contacts with strangers and rules of conduct with them;

Where should children play?

The group also had a conversation on the topic “Poisonous mushrooms and berries”, from which the children learned that some gifts of nature cannot be eaten, they can be poisoned. And later, the Microbes and Bacteria class, in which the children looked at dirty water through a microscope, they began to take a very responsible approach to washing their hands and cutting their nails. The lesson “Vitamins in our food” contributed to the fact that children began to relate to food differently: now they are trying to eat salads, fruits, vegetables, and drink milk. After this lesson, the children gained an understanding that proper nutrition helps the growth and development of the human body, as well as maintaining health.

Of great importance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is a positive example in the behavior of adults. This was taken into account in the work by the teachers themselves and set up the parents of the children for this - in consultations, in joint activities, in organizing various events. Work with parents had a preventive focus (Appendix 6).

In the course of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children of the older group, a set of measures was prepared and implemented. As a result of the work carried out, the children became more energetic, cheerful, less tired in the classroom, they had a meaningful attitude towards the world around them in terms of the impact on the health of air, water, and vegetation. Children began to pay attention to the fact that cars are not only a fast and convenient way to travel, but also a source of air pollution. Sympathy for nature and people appeared in their reasoning: “The smoke that cars emit destroys living trees, poisons the air, then trees get sick and people get sick too.” After a lesson about healthy and wholesome food, the children told their parents: “Mom, you don’t have to buy chips for me anymore. I won’t eat them, I want to be healthy and strong.”

So, the experimental work showed that the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is associated with the presence of knowledge and ideas about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regimen, hygiene procedures, physical activity), an emotionally positive attitude towards these elements and the ability to implement them in behavior and activities. in ways accessible to the child (brushing teeth, washing hands, doing exercises).

2.3. Results of experimental work

The work carried out on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children of the senior group No. 5 was aimed at cultivating a responsible attitude to their health and the health of others, teaching children practical skills through physical exercises, outdoor games, special classes to help their health, the ability to maintain vigor; education of good habits and the formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits, acquaintance with the use of physical exercises, acupressure, relaxation elements in managing one's health. On the basis of the classes, preschoolers developed responsibility, independence, observation, attention, memory, imagination, the impressions that they received when interacting with the outside world were streamlined, vocabulary expanded, skills of playing, educational and experimental search activities were formed.

The purpose of the control stage of the experiment: to identify the effectiveness of the work carried out on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in the older group.

After the control experiment, the results were summarized (Table 2).

table 2

Levels of formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the senior group No. 5 (control stage of the experiment)


Levels (%)




Ideas about health

Attitude towards bad habits

Participation in wellness activities

The diagnostic results show that, on average, 11% of the children in the group have a low level, 17% of the children have an average level, and 66% of the children have a high level of formation of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, after the completion of the experimental part of the work, the level of formation of a healthy lifestyle in the children of the older group increased significantly, most of the children in the group - a high level (66%). Children with a low level of a healthy lifestyle are often ill children with whom it is necessary to carry out individual work.

For individual indicators of a healthy lifestyle, the results of the control stage of the experiment are as follows. More than half of the children of the older group have high indicators of health ideas (76%), 21% have an average result, children with a low level of a healthy lifestyle make up 3%. Attitudes towards bad habits have changed as follows: 57% of children understand the harmful effects of such habits on health, 25% of children partially understand, 18% of children do not understand the harmful effects of such habits on human health. 64% of children began to take part in recreational and sports activities with pleasure (38% at the first stage), 26% of children participate in their mood, 12% of children do not want to take part in recreational and sports activities, and participate in them only after individual work.

The results obtained show that there have been not only quantitative changes in the level of a healthy lifestyle, but also qualitative ones - children have become more active, mobile, more strict and follow the rules of hygiene not only in relation to themselves, but also to their comrades, to their parents. The conducted classes helped the children to get acquainted with the rules of a safe lifestyle, and therefore, on walks, in conversations, children began to notice dangerous situations - a pedestrian tries to cross the road on a red color, one of the children spoke to a stranger, the children warn him that to do so no need, etc. The results obtained show that the classes and activities have increased the level of a healthy lifestyle for children.


The course work deals with the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschool children. Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic exercises. physical education and sports.

The first chapter discusses the theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. A healthy lifestyle is considered from two positions: as a factor of health, the full development of the child and as the main condition for the formation of healthy behavior skills in him. The implementation of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children in a preschool educational institution is carried out through classes, regimen, play, a walk, individual work, and independent activity of children. The organization of work with parents is of great importance in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, not even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full-fledged result if the family does not adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

In the second chapter, the practical significance of the developed system for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the senior group of the MB preschool educational institution "Ogonyok", p.g.t. Aktobe, organized a developmental environment focused on enriching children's knowledge about healthy lifestyles, stimulating motor and cognitive activity. The work took into account the age and individual characteristics of children. Each new day began with morning exercises, She lifted everyone's mood and energized for the whole day, creates a good mood.

Important components of the experimental work were: personal hygiene of children; ventilation; wet cleaning; diet; proper hand washing; teaching children the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

In the classes "Starna magic - health", "Beauty of the body and soul", in the conversations "Why do we brush our teeth", "Hygiene of food intake" - children were introduced to physical culture, culture of behavior, personal hygiene.

We told the children about the benefits of proper nutrition, indoor plants, we teach them how to care for them. They explained to them that plants suppress the vital activity of dangerous microorganisms that increase the bactericidal energy of the air, plants organize the air, and we know that fresh air improves health and cures many diseases.

Diagnostics showed that as a result of the work, the level of knowledge in the field of a healthy lifestyle has significantly increased among children, their attitude towards their own health and the health of others has changed. In the course of observations, it turned out that children began to consciously relate to strengthening their health. Parents have an understanding that a very important factor in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children is the example of an adult. At parent meetings, consultations, they were taught to assess the health of the child, parents were advised literature, brochures. Recommendations and advice were drawn up for parents in the Health Corner.

Parents began to devote more time and attention to the formation of good habits in children, began to be more attentive to their behavior, trying to get rid of bad habits. Educational work among parents through the corner of information, consultations, parent meetings gave positive results.

Thus, it has been experimentally established that if: properly organize the development environment, take into account the age characteristics of children, involve parents in the work on a healthy lifestyle, systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children helps to strengthen children's health, forms an idea of ​​health as a value, educates useful habits and skills of a healthy lifestyle, which confirms the proposed hypothesis.


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Annex 1

Analysis of the health status of children MBDOU No. 1 "Spark"





Amount of children




Number of people examined




% examined




Number of children with health problems



27 (13%)

Number of children in dispensary registration

visual impairment

Hearing disorders

Speech defect

flat feet

Posture disorder


Cardiovascular disorders

ENT diseases

Genitourinary disorders, pyelonephritis




Bronchial asthma

Recurrent bronchitis

R- mantoux




Health groups

1 group



2 group

3 group

4 group

Physical development




Below the average

Above average



Appendix 2

Plan for the implementation of annual tasks for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among pupils of MBDOU No. 1 "Ogonyok"

Forms of organization

Theme of the event



Annual task: Organize health-saving space as an environment for raising a healthy child.


"Organization of a health-saving space"

"Social health of children"

"Game is a health-saving environment"

"Games-experiments in the education of a preschooler as a subject of health-saving activities"

"The influence of music on children's health"

"Interaction of teachers in the process of physical culture and health work"







Art. educator

Mubarakshina F.F.

Health workers

Educator Salun M.N.


Tukhfatulina Z.M.


Galiullina G.A.

Music director Sattarova G.S.

Ph / w instructor Latypova M.F.

Thematic check

"Organization of work on health saving in preschool educational institution"


Mutual check

"Organization of outdoor games on walks"

Kindergarten teachers


"Protection and promotion of children's health"

Senior teacher Mubarakshina F.F., group educators

Medical and pedagogical meeting

- "Adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten"
- “Organization of a health-saving space in GROUPs for children early age»

senior caregiver

Teacher Kamartdinova O.A.

PPK No. 2

"Health-saving environment in working with children with OHP"

Specialists, educators of correctional groups

Pedagogical Council No. 3

« Creation of a health-saving space»

pedagogical team

Cooperation with parents

Meetings, advice on prevention various diseases, sliding folders, Consultation: “The role of the family and kindergarten in shaping the health of children”, the newspaper “Friendly Family”, a questionnaire on introducing children to healthy lifestyles

In tech. of the year
according to plan

Imamova L.A., group educators

The work of the methodical office

Monitoring the development and monitoring of the development of the educational areas "Health", "Physical culture".

Editing monitoring criteria in accordance with the requirements of the Veraksa program "From Birth to School"

Replenishment of the mobile games folder

Conducting "Health Week"

During a year

Ph / w instructor Latypova M.F.

Senior teacher Mubarakshina F.F.

Kindergarten teachers

Ph / w instructor Latypova M.F.,


Appendix 3

Questions of conversation with children of the older group

1. What should be done in order to be healthy?

2. Do you do morning exercises?

3. Do you know what "good habits" are?

4. Do you know what "bad habits" are?

5. Do you know about the consequences of bad habits?

6. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

7. Why is it necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle?

Appendix 4

Plan of experimental work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the senior group No. 5


Work with children

Working with parents





Lesson "Magic Land - Health"

Purpose: To give children a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth as a value that must be constantly taken care of.

desire to take care of your health. Develop imagination and the ability to display your idea in a drawing.

Conversation "Poisonous mushrooms and berries"

Purpose: To acquaint children with life-threatening plants and fungi, tell them why they are dangerous and about the external distinguishing features of such plants and fungi.

Lesson "From morning to evening"

Purpose: To introduce children to races

the order of the day. Show the importance of following the regimen in strengthening the health of each person. To consolidate the concept of the significance of the daily regimen. Raise the desire to adhere to the rules for its implementation.

Game-lesson "Microbes and bacteria"

Purpose: to talk about the impact of microbes and bacteria on health. Raise a desire to take care of your health, consolidate hygiene skills

Consultation: healthy baby»

Exhibition "Games and toys aimed at strengthening the health of the child"

Continuation of Appendix 4



Lesson "Beauty of body and soul"

Purpose: To teach children the aesthetic perception of the human body. Show significance

healthy lifestyle for each of us. To reveal the importance of one of the aspects of health - spiritual beauty. Cultivate the desire to be morally and physically beautiful. Develop imagination, the ability to display what is conceived in the drawing.

Lesson "Vitamins on our table"

Purpose: To introduce a variety of berries and vegetables, talk about their usefulness, show ways to preserve vitamins.

Round table: "The game is a means of protecting the health of the child"

Consultation: "Modern technologies for maintaining and stimulating health"

Issue of the newspaper "Friendly Family"




Lesson "Let's be slim and beautiful"

Purpose: To explain to children the importance of the formation of correct posture for health. Show techniques and exercises for the formation of the correct posture. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and healthy.

Lesson "So that you can keep your native teeth longer." Purpose: To introduce children to the rules of dental care. Explain to the children the need for constant care for them. Cultivate the desire to have beautiful and healthy teeth

Sports and theatrical lesson "Bogatyr's holiday"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of emotional regulation, develop dexterity, speed.

Advice: "How to protect a child from injury"

Parent meeting“We raise children healthy, beautiful, cheerful.

Annex 5

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group No. 5

Topic: "So that you can continue to keep your own teeth"

Program content:

- To acquaint children with the rules of dental care;

- Explain to children the need for constant care for them;

- Raise the desire to have beautiful and healthy teeth

Methodical methods: guessing riddles, using visualization, teacher's story, questions to children, teacher showing actions.

Material: a picture of a healthy and diseased tooth, a mirror for each child, pictures of the sequence of actions when brushing teeth, toothbrushes for each child,.

Vocabulary work: to activate in the speech of children the words enamel, dentist, caries, toothbrush.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about the need to brush their teeth and rinse their mouth after eating, looking at illustrations, a trip to the dentist's office.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, I want to give you a riddle that K. Chukovsky came up with. Listen:

Red doors in my cave

White animals sit at the door

And meat and bread - all my booty,

I gladly give to the white beasts.

What do you think this riddle is about? Right! White animals are teeth. A person who has healthy teeth can chew well.

The teeth are covered with enamel. She is very firm. But if the teeth are poorly cared for, then this hard material may not withstand. Holes appear in the teeth - caries. Look at the picture - a healthy tooth is shown on the left, and a sick one on the right. Tell me how they differ?

Guys, now I will give each of you a mirror. See if all your teeth are healthy, or are there sick ones? Guys, what should you do if you have bad teeth? If you find even a small hole on your tooth, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. If the teeth are treated in a timely manner, then you will not feel pain during the treatment at all. And now we will spend a wellness minute (invites the children to go to the middle of the group room and line up one after another)


I suggest you guys I sneak into the winter forest

Normal walking.


There are still not sleeping hares, There are snowdrifts to heaven.

High knee walking


The winter forest is so dense, And the frost is so prickly.

Children rub their cheeks and rub their hands


Let's run away from the cold
Let's warm our legs

Easy running Performed by soft springs

And now, children, quietly sit down in our seats and continue our lesson.

Which one of you has had your teeth fixed?

Who is not afraid to do this?

I want to read you a poem by L. Fadeeva "We treat teeth"

We are sitting at the office.

How terrible is this!

What kind of a dentist is he?

Is it not with a bone leg?

And isn't he sitting in a mortar?

Not ruffled?

Not angry?

The door opened softly,

The doctor - the queen has appeared!

She smiled at me slightly.

"First" I see a daredevil!

I was in the chair for two minutes!

Even three - with climbing if.

He suffered pain not just like that, but because

What a daredevil I am!

And who among you knows what else to call a dentist?

Do you need to go to the dentist if you think that your teeth are intact?

Children, even if the teeth do not hurt, they still need to be shown to the doctor: what if he notices the very beginning of a tooth disease? You must visit the dentist twice a year. Then your teeth will always be intact. What else needs to be done. To keep your teeth from hurting?

I will now introduce you to the rules that you all must know.

- Rinse your teeth with warm water after each meal;

- Brush your teeth in the morning after breakfast and before going to bed;

- Be sure to visit a dentist twice a year;

- Do not eat very hot and very cold food;

- Never chew on hard objects.

Children, you must always remember that you should brush your teeth only with your own brush, which should be kept clean, well rinsed. Store in a special glass with the handle down. Then the brush dries quickly, and this is very important, since microbes remain on a wet brush for a long time.

Guys, look at the pictures that show in what sequence and how to brush your teeth correctly. And now let's repeat the rules that help us keep our teeth healthy. (Invite the children to repeat the movements of the toothbrush in the same sequence as in the pictures).


May you, my friend, longingly

Did not have to in his declining years.

Terrible false jaw

chewing lunch,

So that your native teeth

Could you keep it longer?

We need to clean them more often.

It is necessary to treat in time!

And now let's play one very interesting and useful game "What is good and what is bad for teeth." (Children stand in a circle) If I name something that is good for teeth, you will smile. If I name something that is harmful - cover your mouth with your palm.

Teacher: Well done guys! If you follow everything that we have learned today, then your teeth will be white and healthy!

Appendix 6

Advice for parents

Topic: "How to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children"

The concept of "health" has many definitions. But the most popular, and perhaps the most capacious, should be recognized as the definition given by the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects”

This definition is extremely difficult to apply to the health of Russian citizens living in conditions of economic instability and social tension. Taking this into account, the definition of health formulated by Professor S. M. Grombach as a “degree of approximation” to full health, which allows a person to successfully perform social functions, is more adequately formulated by Professor S. M. Grombach for modern conditions.

Important in this and other definitions of health is the attitude towards it as a dynamic process, which allows the possibility of purposefully managing it.

That is why any educational institution (primarily the Kindergarten) should become a “school of a healthy lifestyle” for children, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) will be health-improving and pedagogical. orientation and promote the education of their habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions regarding the maintenance and strengthening of their health.

An integral part of any culture are traditions that have developed on the basis of long-term experience of group activities and are firmly rooted in everyday life, transmitted to newcomers to the team, social community rules, norms and stereotypes of behavior, actions, communication of people, the observance of which has become a social need for everyone.

The creation of traditions is a long-term process, sometimes requiring the change of more than one generation. After all, it is important not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to find practical and constant application for it at the level of natural needs, habits, attachments. It is not enough to know and understand, it is important to live it.

The creation of healthy lifestyle traditions is what should underlie valeological work in educational institutions, and what you need to strive for in the end.

Around children from early childhood, it is necessary to create such an educational environment that would be saturated with attributes, symbols, terminology, knowledge, rituals and customs of a valueological nature. This will lead to the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to the conscious protection of one's health and the health of those around them, to mastering the practical skills and abilities necessary for this. Thus, the formed healthy lifestyle traditions become the property of the nation, the state, an integral part of people's lives.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is the main lever of primary prevention in strengthening the health of the population through a change in style and lifestyle, its improvement using hygiene knowledge in the fight against bad habits, physical inactivity and overcoming adverse aspects associated with life situations.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that a person’s lifestyle does not develop on its own depending on the circumstances, but is formed purposefully and constantly throughout life.

Often, children have no interest in recreational activities. This is due to the fact that, firstly, recommendations on a healthy lifestyle are most often imposed on children in an instructive categorical form and do not cause positive emotional reactions in them, and secondly, adults themselves rarely adhere to these rules in everyday life, and children they see it well. In addition, the implementation of the necessary rules of a healthy lifestyle requires significant volitional efforts from a person, which is extremely difficult for a preschool child who has an insufficiently formed emotional-volitional sphere. Therefore, when working with children, it is important to remember and follow the commandments formulated by the brilliant Russian director K. S. Stanislavsky: the difficult must be made familiar, and the familiar must be made easy and pleasant.

Based on this, recreational and pedagogical classes should be systematic and comprehensive, evoke positive emotional reactions in the child, and, if possible, contain elements of a didactic game and motor exercises. In addition, the materials of such classes should be reflected in all regime moments of a preschool institution (training sessions, daily routine, physical education classes, educational classes, in general-scale events for the entire kindergarten).

You can't buy health, you can only earn it by your own constant efforts. But in order to preserve the health of the child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all the adults around him (parents, educators, doctors, teachers, etc.) in order to create an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle is formed from an early age. The knowledge, skills and abilities of a health-improving nature, laid down in childhood, will become a solid foundation for creating positive motivation to protect one's own health in adulthood.

Dear parents!

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve health children in the process of education and training.

The problem of early formation of culture health is relevant, timely and quite complex. It is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, which is not repeated throughout the subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, main personality traits attitude towards oneself and others. It is important at this stage to form a knowledge base and practical skills in children. healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

What does it depend on child health? Health 20% depends on hereditary factors, 20% - on environmental conditions, i.e. ecology, 10% - on the activities of the healthcare system, and 50% - on the person himself, on lifestyle which he leads. If the first 50% health we, educators, we cannot influence, then we can and must give the other 50% to our pupils.

Since under healthy lifestyle is understood as active human activity aimed at preserving and improving health, then this activity should include such components as proper nutrition, rational physical activity, hardening of the body and maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state. These are the components that should be included in the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler.

The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle for a preschool child:

  • Optimal driving mode

It is necessary that children have the opportunity to systematically move. To do this, it is necessary to promote the development major motor qualities, maintain a high level of performance throughout the day. However, it must be taken into account that healthy lifestyle for preschoolers involves the alternation of active and calm games, so that a reasonable balance between motor activity and rest must be maintained.

Forms of organization health work are: independent activity of children, outdoor games, morning exercises, motor health-improving physical minutes, physical exercises after daytime sleep, physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures, walks, sports holidays, wellness procedures in the aquatic environment (pool).

  • Personal hygiene

Hygienic culture is as important for a person as the ability to speak, write, read. It is important that the child learned that in his body there are no organs, sections of unnecessary, ugly, that all parts of the body must be equally constantly taken care of and, first of all, kept clean. To teach the child that he has his own comb, his own bed, his own handkerchief, his own towel, his own toothbrush. Encourage children to understand that cleanliness of the body is important not only for the protection of personal health, but also the health of others.

Organize learning not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. life when situations arise that push children to make a decision about this problem. It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form the habits of proper washing, wiping, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, correct behavior when coughing and sneezing.

  • hardening

Hardening is one of the most effective methods of increasing the resistance of the child's body to sharp fluctuations in air temperature and, most importantly, the so-called colds. For hardening, environmental factors are used - air, water, sun. Basic the principle of hardening is the gradual effect of training factors on the body, the development of endurance to increasing in strength and duration effects.

There are several required rules:

Firstly, any hardening procedures must be carried out systematically. If they are not carried out regularly, the body cannot develop the necessary reactions. Hardening can not be carried out as if for the future. If the hardening procedures are stopped (usually in the cold season, then the body's resistance decreases. Therefore, when the conditions associated with the season change, one should not cancel the hardening procedures, but simply change them a little.

Secondly, the principle of gradualness in increasing the strength of the irritating effect should be observed. This is necessary for the successful adaptation of the body to changing conditions. Graduality is especially important when hardening children of early age. age whose body is not able to quickly respond to cold factors.

Thirdly, it is very important to take into account individual characteristics child, its reaction to the applied stimuli. Hardening can only be carried out with positive attitude child for the procedure.

Consideration must be given to the state child health, features of its higher nervous activity. It is more careful to harden weakened and often ill children.

  • Prevention of diseases in preschool children

In winter, children are more likely to suffer from various colds than in the warm season. In order to minimize the number of diseases, special preventive measures are taken.

Prevention of childhood colds includes immunization of children, taking vitamin, homeopathic and other preparations that increase the immunity of children; systematic ventilation, quartzing and wet cleaning of premises; hardening of children; regular exercise and outdoor activities.

Significant impact on child health provided by the indoor air. The need of children for clean and fresh air is very high, since they combine a high frequency and small volume of respiratory movements with a high need for oxygen. Proper breathing through the nose plays an important role in the prevention of respiratory and vocal apparatus diseases. During nasal breathing, air, before entering the larynx, bronchi and lungs, passes through narrow, winding nasal passages, where it is cleaned of dust, microbes and other harmful impurities, moistened and warmed. This does not happen when breathing through the mouth.

  • Prevention of injuries and injuries in preschool children

Only through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family can we achieve a reduction in the level of child injuries!

In early childhood (1-3 years) main in the development child is the desire for independent knowledge of the surrounding reality. Main motor skills in children age(walking, climbing, running) are in the development stage. damage in this age due to insufficient development of the simplest motor skills, inability to orient in the environment.

In children in age At the age of 4-6, the initial forms of self-consciousness are formed, there is a desire to independently satisfy their needs, to act without the help of adults. However, the lack of knowledge about the environment, their own experience is the reason that children undertake to perform actions that have not yet been fully mastered, which are still too difficult for them, which leads to their injury.

Physical development child plays an important role in injury prevention. It has been established that well physically developed children, dexterous, with good coordination of movements rarely get injured. Therefore, it is necessary to pay considerable attention to the physical education of children. Considering that often the source of injury in child becomes a peer, it is important to instill in children a sense of humanity, kindness to others, including other children.

Particular importance should be given to the formation of safe behavior skills in children. For this purpose, it is possible to conduct thematic games and classes in which children learn skills handling scissors, needles, other

household cutting and sharp objects, stories, pictures are discussed, which show some traumatic situations from children's lives.

  • Daily regime

correct, appropriate according to the child's age, the regimen improves health, ensures the performance, successful implementation various activities protects against fatigue. At child accustomed to a strict routine, the need for food, sleep, rest comes at regular intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activity of all internal organs. The body, as it were, is tuned in advance for the upcoming activity.

During the day, activity and performance baby is not the same. Their rise is observed at 8-12 o'clock and 16-18 o'clock, and the period of minimum working capacity falls on 14-16 o'clock.

Proper physical education, combined with a daily routine that meets hygienic requirements, sufficient sleep and reasonable nutrition, is the key to normal growth and development. child.

  • Proper nutrition

In the nursery age the role of nutrition is especially great when a food stereotype is formed, typological features of an adult are laid down. That is why from properly organized nutrition in children's age condition largely depends health.

Rational nutrition of children is one of the major environmental factors that determine normal development child. It has the most direct impact on vitality, height, condition child health, increases resistance to various adverse effects. Due to the importance of such a component of nutrition as regularity, on weekends and holidays Parents should be advised to follow the same meal schedule as in preschool.

Subject:Formation of rules

healthy lifestyle

in preschoolers


A healthy lifestyle for children is the same as the foundation for a building. The stronger the foundation is laid, the higher the building can be erected; the more care there is for the physical education of a child, the greater success he will achieve in general development, in the sciences, in the ability to work and be a useful person for society.

At no other age is health so closely related to general education as in the first seven years. In the period of preschool childhood (from birth to seven years), the child lays the foundations of health, longevity, comprehensive motor fitness and harmonious physical development.

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have long established that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of health care and 50% on lifestyle.

A great contribution to the development of issues related to the healthy lifestyle of the child was made by I.I. Brekhman, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.K. Krepskaya, E.N. Weiner, Ya.L. Marchotsky, V.A. Shishkin and many others.

Caring for the health of children, their physical development begins with educating them in love for cleanliness, neatness, and order. “One of the most important tasks of the kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. From early childhood, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out clothes, wipe their feet, not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more in the fresh air, etc.”

The main tasks in the formation of a healthy lifestyle are the protection and strengthening of the health of the child, the formation of the child's ideas about himself, the structure of his body, about feelings and thoughts; teaching knowledge, skills, and habits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; teaching a child to objectively evaluate the positive and negative phenomena of our life and act depending on the situation; hardening of the child's body; formation of correct posture, vital motor actions and cultural and hygienic skills and abilities, achievement of full physical development.

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task not only of parents, but also of every preschool institution, since their children spend most of the day. For this purpose, physical education classes are provided, which should be built in accordance with psychological characteristics specific age, accessibility and expediency of exercise.

That is why the outstanding Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky so rightly noted: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vivacity of children.

Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly form a healthy lifestyle at this particular age, which will allow the baby’s body to accumulate strength and ensure not only full-fledged physical, but also mental development in the future.

The significance of this question is that harmonious development any state is impossible without strong, comprehensively developed people who make up its society. And such important human data as strength, will, endurance, health, cheerfulness, physical activity are instilled precisely in childhood, no matter how beautiful the flower is, and if it is not watered in the bud, it will never bloom.

Thus, the health of children is of great importance for the future of the whole society, and therefore the purpose of my work is to study issues related to the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle.

states with the help of facial expressions and gestures; appreciate your body know the basic rules for caring for him; to establish connections between the structure of the organ and its purpose, between their condition and ways of taking care of themselves and the world around them. Learn to dress and undress independently, fasten buttons, lace up shoes, neatly fold and put away clothes in place; politely seek help from a peer or adult.

2. Continue to form a stable habit of the mode of physical activity; to tell that a person is a living organism, in order to live, it is necessary to actively move, for this purpose human organs are intended: legs, arms. Body, head. Talk about health (how you can know and change yourself, how to find your path to health); to acquaint with the prevention of diseases: self-massage, hardening, proper breathing, alternation of active movement and rest.

3. With the help of an adult, establish a connection between the actions performed, habits and the state of the body, mood, well-being. "I will run like a dad to stay healthy and strong." “I brush my teeth properly every day, which means they won’t hurt me.”

4. To develop perseverance, purposefulness in taking care of your body, physical culture and recreational activities.

5. Talk about the Rules of the road.

6. Tell about the rules of first aid for injuries and frostbite: if your face is frozen in the cold, rub it easily with a scarf, but not with snow; cold feet, jump, move your fingers; wet your feet, change into dry clothes.

7. Tell about the culture of food, about the rules of behavior at the table, about the sequence of dressing, washing, hygiene rules; teach rational ways of self-care. Learn to wash your hands, face, neck; after washing, wash off soap suds from the sink, faucet.

8. Tell how to sit down at the table, use a fork, spoon correctly. There is neat. Do not rush, do not be distracted, do not play with cutlery. Don't stuff your mouth, don't talk with your mouth full, don't slurp and take bread. Cookies from a common plate, but do not change the one taken; do not interfere with other children; use a napkin. Quietly leave the table, say "thank you".

9. Talk about microbes. Demonstrate the need to use soap and water. Teach them to take care of the health of others: when sneezing and coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief; if you get sick, do not go to kindergarten.

Senior group.

1. Expand the child's knowledge about himself, his name, surname, age, hereditary characteristics of the body, physique, gait, reactions to certain foods; tell what the heart is for, why it beats, what ears are for. Eyes as we move. We breathe. We communicate with other people. Represent in general terms the development of a person: a baby, a preschooler, a schoolchild, a mother, a grandmother, to distinguish between gender in appearance.

2. Take care of your body, be aware of the purpose of individual organs, the conditions for their normal functioning. “I have a wonderful skeleton assistant, it helps me stand, sit and protects my internal organs: heart, liver, lungs from damage, so you need to take care of it, learn how to fall correctly on skis, on skates.

3. To acquaint with different types of hardening, breathing, corrective gymnastics. On the examples of literary heroes, show ways to take care of your health, body. Talk about the mode of activity and rest, the need to plan your time, about health-improving gymnastics, a walk in any weather conditions. Consciously perform physical exercises, understanding their significance for health.

4. Tell that you can’t throw stones and snowballs on the street, walk near houses during snow melting (icicles may break); you can not tease animals, you need to beware of stray dogs and cats.

5. Form a system of ideas about the culture of human life; introduce the basic rules of etiquette, behavior, nutrition, communication at the table.

Preparatory group.

1. Form a positive assessment and self-image; pay attention to your appearance.

2. Tell about the ways of a careful attitude of a person to his body, about the troubles that lie in wait for a person who does not follow the rules of life safety. To acquaint children with the feelings and moods of a person, show how they are reflected on his face (fear, fatigue, resentment, joy, fear, laughter).

3. Talk about rational rest, develop a strong habit of sports, physical education, and exercise.

4. Talk about the basic rules for the safety of behavior on the street and indoors.

5. Talk about human qualities: accuracy, sociability, pugnacity, kindness, perseverance, politeness, good breeding, talent, strength.

6. Learn to serve yourself, exercise control over well-being after physical activity; independently follow the rules of hygiene, control the quality of washing hands, feet, neck; be able to relax; eat properly and beautifully, sit comfortably at the table, do not lean back in your chair, do not spread your elbows, use cutlery.

This differentiation of tasks ensures accessibility for children, and the creation; thus, a favorable environment for the assimilation of the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle by every child.

To form a healthy image in preschool children, special exercises are needed that strengthen the health of children, a system of physical education. To do this, daily in groups kindergarten morning exercises are carried out, the purpose of which is to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children, improve health, develop dexterity, physical strength. forms their ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Of great importance for the formation of preschoolers' ideas about a healthy lifestyle are outdoor games. They are held in groups, in special classes, during walks and at intermediate intervals between classes. Outdoor games are necessarily included in music classes. The games of younger preschoolers are organized by the teacher, and at an older age, such games are most often organized by the children themselves.

In addition to daily morning exercises, special physical education classes are held with preschool children. Their goal is to teach children the correct execution of movements, various exercises aimed at developing body coordination and increasing independent motor activity. Classes are held in a special room, accompanied by music. The formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers is closely related to the protection of their life and health. The rules for protecting the life and health of the child are set out in special instructions and methodological letters for preschool workers. In the kindergarten, medical monitoring of the health of children is constantly carried out, preventive measures are taken to strengthen it.

Organization of work in the preschool educational institution on the formation of a healthy lifestyle


Caring for the health of the child has become a priority all over the world. Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in the health of children. In kindergarten, the child lives a third of his preschool life. And this life is organized by the staff of the preschool educational institution. And the state of health of children depends to a large extent on how it will be organized. Doe teachers createdeveloping environment for children. For the full physical development of children in the kindergarten, the following conditions have been created:

* sports and music hall

* sports ground mini-stadium

*motor angles in groups

Non-standard equipment (balls, hoops, sandbags, skis, ropes, skittles). All this allows you to include a large group of children in the work, which ensures a high motor density of classes. The territory of the kindergarten is equipped with: sports, volleyball, basketball courts, color markings are applied to increase the physical activity of children during a walk.

I introduced into the practice of my work, made massage paths from buttons of different sizes, plastic plugs.

The development of interest in different sports is carried out throughsports work:

* morning exercises

*corrective gymnastics after sleep

*sport games

* sports activities, holidays

* outdoor games on the walk

Strengthening health, hardening of the body passes through different typeswellness work:

* breathing exercises

* corrective gymnastics (flat feet, posture)

A variety of physical education activities have a positive effect on the physical development of children;

* gaming

* story

*walk hike

*relay competitions

Creation of a physical culture and game environment determined by the program objectives of comprehensive education of children. The variety of physical culture equipment makes it possible to productively use manuals in physical education classes different type, in organized games and exercises on a walk, during gymnastics after a daytime sleep. One of the important requirements for the selection of equipment is to ensure the safety of children when using it. Each allowance must be strong and sustainable. To prevent injuries during physical education, the equipment has good fastenings, there are gymnastic mats.

With the help of equipment and aids provided correct execution various physical culture complexes, as well as the purposeful formation of various physical qualities.

The equipment is located in such a way that children can easily approach it and use it independently.

The combination of various benefits into certain complexes: an obstacle course, game and massage paths, fences, houses. Creation of novelty due to the change of portable equipment, the use of new benefits. The development of movements, the upbringing of the motor activity of preschoolers is carried out during walks. In our preschool, we have well-equipped areas where children spend time. Each walk can have a specific content. So, for a walk, I plan a number of outdoor games, a relay race, collection of natural material for further work with it in a group, competitions. I implement work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children in a preschool educational institution, through classes, regimen, play, a walk, individual work, and independent activity.

The followingmethodical methods:

* stories and conversations of the educator;

* memorization of poems;

* simulation of various situations;

* consideration of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters;

* role-playing games;

* didactic games;

* games - trainings;

*outdoor games;

*finger and breathing exercises;

* physical education


The main goal of modern society is the formation of a healthy lifestyle habit, the creation of all necessary and favorable conditions from preschool age for the future formation of a healthy and physically strong personality.

Thus, it is necessary from an early age to introduce the child to a healthy lifestyle in family and public education, to form the child's skills in protecting personal health and caring for the health of others.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to form in preschoolers the knowledge of how to maintain and strengthen their health, healthy lifestyle skills, the ability to carry out sports and recreational and motor activities. At the same time, it is purposeful to work with children to educate value orientations for the spiritual and physical development of the individual, a healthy lifestyle, the formation of needs and desires to improve their health, since the most valuable thing in a person is life, the most valuable thing in life is health.

Care for the formation of habits of a healthy lifestyle of a child should begin with ensuring a clearly established daily routine, creating optimal hygiene conditions, proper nutrition, performing daily morning exercises, hardening the body, which contributes to the correct formation of the physical qualities of the child's body, prevention of various diseases.

Teachers who work on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits among preschoolers should work in close cooperation with the child's family, organize activities to attract a healthy lifestyle in such a way that children are interested.

The upbringing and educational process should be considered in parallel with the health-improving process, since harmonious development, along with the realization of the intellectual potential of the individual, forms the spirituality, orientation and physical health of the individual.


1. Valeology: Textbook / Ya.L. Marchotsky. - Mn.: Vysh. school, 2006.

2. In kindergarten - for health: a guide for teachers providing preschool education / V.A. Shishkina., 2006

3. Weiner E.N. Valeology: Textbook for universities. - M.: Flinta: Science, 2001. -

4. Fundamentals of valeology and school hygiene: Textbook / M.P. Doroshkevich, M.A. Nashkevich, D.M. Muravyov, V.F. Blueberry. - 2nd edition - Mn.: Vysh. school, 2004.

5. Narskin G.I. // Physical rehabilitation and health promotion of preschool children: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. 2002..

Authors: Petukhova Elena Semenovna, Dubovskaya Evgenia Vitalievna
Job title: caregivers
Educational institution: MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 241"
Locality: Novokuznetsk
Material name: methodical development"Be healthy baby"
Subject:"Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers"
Publication date: 13.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 241"


Petukhova Elena Semyonovna,


Dubovskaya Evgenia Vitalievna,


Novokuznetsk city district, 2017


Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

Motor developing environment………………………………..

The model of interaction of subjects in the formation of

preschoolers ideas about healthy lifestyle………………

Used Books………………………………………...


in the 21st century poses many challenges for us, among which






health. Over the past decades, the problem of formation






(A.I. Antonov,

G.A. Butko,

G.I. Tsaregorodtsev




health care and 50% of lifestyle. Physicians, parents and teachers

delays, delays, violations, deviations,

inconsistencies in the development of children, the inferiority of their health. By








the prevalence of pathology of the musculoskeletal system among children,





speech therapy






significant values: functional disorders of the gastrointestinal

intestinal tract are found in 52% of children, the cardiovascular system -

in 28%, the nervous system - in 20%, in 20% of children pathology of the ENT-




attitude to their health and strengthening it from childhood. In this connection

there is a need for children to actively study their body, its

opportunities. Children need to know the basic principles of recovery





maintaining a good level of functioning of all organs and systems.

Due to their age, ideas about healthy lifestyle among preschoolers are formed

not enough.

This can be explained by the lack of a coherent system of pedagogical

work in this direction, specific difficulties in mastering these








coordination of movements, etc.). As a result, there was a need for





life in preschoolers, based on the close interaction of medical

workers, educators, parents and PEI specialists. After all, preschool






habits that, when combined with training in improvement techniques and

maintaining health will lead to positive results.

It has been suggested that if the necessary

A model for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children has been developed and implemented;

A comprehensive plan for the interaction of the educator, parents

and specialists of preschool educational institutions;

Provided didactic support



formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers,

will become a means of self-expression, self-preservation and self-realization of the child

in different types of activities.

This system of work is aimed at solving the problem of initiation

preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle.

aim benefits





developed, socially active, creative personality.


To create conditions for the preservation of the health and development of the child in

conditions of preschool educational institution and family.

To increase the effectiveness of the child's adaptive mechanisms for

through the development of physical, mental and socio-moral

To form the motivation for a healthy lifestyle in all subjects










Make elementary basic knowledge available to every child

hygiene, anatomy, human physiology.

The solution of the tasks set requires the definition of a methodology for

on the basis of which you can develop the content and technology of familiarization





concrete scientific approaches.

A systems approach that considers a knowledge system as two





(N.N. Poddyakov).





exact, what the main attention is paid to in the classroom, on the other -

the opposite process of transformation of clear and









serving as a powerful stimulus for the cognitive activity of the child in




the basis of self-development and creativity of children.

The dialectical approach ensures the formation of primary




change and development. Preschoolers develop a common understanding


present, future. Thus, children develop the ability





Mastering by children the initial forms of the dialectical approach to






then a world view is formed.

The basis for the development of content and technology for familiarizing children with

the foundations of a healthy lifestyle were laid by specific principles:





offered to preschoolers, based on scientific facts, personal experience

and sensory experiences of children.

Principle integrated





carried out












completion of each type of work and monitoring of results.

Principle activity and awareness– formation of subjective

activity of the child in terms of awareness of the impact of various factors

on health and the need for behaviors aimed at strengthening


Principle speakers







going on

gradual complication, while taking into account the specifics of the change

social experience of children of different preschool age

Principle naturalness


ideas about healthy lifestyle among preschoolers are determined on the basis of a holistic

psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the child, the features of his development

cognitive sphere.






carried out in three directions:

Work to familiarize children with the basics of a healthy lifestyle is distributed three


information block: processing of theoretical materials for

presentations to children;


r a z a b from ka

co n s p e who in

for n i t and y

using methods of developmental education;

Organizational block: creation of a subject-developing environment.




technologies for familiarizing preschoolers with the basics of a healthy lifestyle

b a z o u s

I'm in and l and with b methods,


S.A. Kozlova

N.N. Poddyakov.

Areas of work

I am human:

what i know about myself


human and


healthy image

life in conditions

big city

Man as a living


Conditions required

mine to him for life;

Basic needs

External structure


States and feelings;

Health and disease

Man's lifestyle;

The rhythm of life


Psychological com-

correct and useful

health addiction

from lifestyle

Features of life in

big city;

environmental factors

Components of great-

th lifestyle

Methods that increase cognitive activity:

Elementary and causal analyzes (causal relationships);


Modeling and design;

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods that stimulate emotional activity:


Surprise moments;

elements of novelty.

Methods that help establish links between different


Proposing and teaching a way to establish a connection between different







Methods of teaching and development of creativity:

Emotional saturation of the environment;

Motivation of children's activities;





phenomena in motion - past, present, future);

Game tricks;

Problem situations and tasks;

Questions asked by children;

Obscure knowledge, conjectures, assumptions.

It is advisable to include the proposed methodological techniques in both

classes, and in the free activities of the preschooler. This is due

an integrated approach to the process of teaching children healthy lifestyle skills.








the importance of physical exercise in the daily routine, a lecture for parents






practical part, which gives the basic knowledge to children and parents about















to carry out self-assessment of various parameters of influences and sensations,

themselves determine the time of the procedure, perceive the temperature more subtly

water and air, regulate the volume of these procedures depending on these

sensations, understand the benefits of walking barefoot, etc.

carrying out

physical education


emotional and psychological comfort of children and adults: conducted




stationary sprayer, elements of auto-training and yoga are used.

Classes are held in the traditional

and in an unconventional form:

Types of motor mode organization

child's activity








morning exercises

Physical education minutes

Dynamic pauses

Physical culture and



exercise after sleep

sports holidays

Sport games

Mobile games for

air and indoors

Sports activities

health days





children's activities in

indoors and on


story, training, control, complex, relay races, etc.





The principle of alternating vigorous activity with exercises is used










organically included in the structure of classes, contributing to the expansion of knowledge

children about the structure of a person, the effect of physical exercises on the body, about

life safety.




preschoolers play method is dominant among all methods.


turning on



self-massage, health-improving gymnastics, hygiene of postures and movements, first

medical care that they can provide to themselves and their loved ones. WITH

At an early age, children learn to take responsibility for their own health,

treat it with care, distinguish between what is useful to them and what is harmful. IN

during the game, children are liberated, they can freely express their emotions,





are held

free pace, without compulsion. The dosage depends on the age of the children and

mood at the moment. Morning exercises, physical minutes, invigorating

gymnastics after sleep cheer up and muscle tone in children.








are used





vitamin prophylaxis.



presented to them in a playful way, are easy to master, leave space




sequence of actions, but also the ability to feel your body.


An important role in educating preschoolers the habit of healthy lifestyle


organization motor



there are certain requirements:

It must give the child freedom;

Influence health, well-being, attitude;

Should be convenient, expedient;

It should tune in an emotional mood, create an image of this or that

other process;





the surrounding world.

The motor development environment created taking into account these requirements

is a set of conditions organized by the administration of the preschool educational institution, all

teaching staff with the mandatory participation of parents.


physical education




gymnastic walls, ladders and inclined boards, rings,

gymnastic benches, mats, climbing arches of different heights, planks

ribbed, gymnastic sticks, skipping ropes, colorful flags and ribbons,





ring throwers,



targets, soft modules, massage paths, etc.



stands out


mini Wednesday,

which consists of corners of physical self-development, corners of solitude.



are used

various paths, pigtails, snakes, for crawling - arcs. In groups

there are benefits for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and


general developmental








material for replenishment of physical culture corners. Small physical culture

the equipment is located so that it is accessible to children.

The main components of a healthy beginning - rest and movement - should

correctly combined in the daily routine of the child. Therefore, the groups created




the buildings

tent houses,





“call” mom on the phone, look at photos, just lie on

soft beautiful pillows and rugs.

In order for the subject-developing environment to encourage the child to

new physical activity, contributed to the strengthening of his health,




repeatedly change the environment and design of the room. All available in the group

aids and materials are always at the disposal of children.

To solve the problem of mental health of children in kindergarten

a psychological relief room has been created, in which there are benefits for





rain", light fountain, water column, small

motility and sensory, etc. The office of psychological unloading is divided into

zones: educational, game, relaxation. A special place is occupied by the gaming and





equipment that allows you to quickly change the game situation, soft

rugs, knitted toys, pillows with soothing herbs,

audio cassettes



Educational psychologist





preschoolers learn to manage their emotions.

To form the basics of safety in children in traffic situations

movement operates "GAIchkin Gorodok", which is equipped with various

types of cars, a large traffic light, floor and chest road

signs, wall and table didactic games, posters on

traffic topics, etc.

For preventive measures, a medical office

equipped with special equipment: quartz and bactericidal lamps,

inhaler, foot baths, quartz tube, Chizhevsky chandelier, etc.




comfortable environment, rationally organized and rich

variety of equipment and materials.


health care





parents, where decisions are discussed and made on the most


vital activity



healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and at home. Meetings are held in





varied: “Dad, mom, I am a healthy family”, “How to become healthy”,


a pedestrian"

are used


thematic exhibitions, competitions (handicrafts from waste material

“Cars on our street”, “Model of our area”), survey.

Parents learn to see the complex multifaceted process of raising a child.


physical education




Workshop for parents of children with posture disorders

exercises at home.







information is used in parent corners, in slide folders

“Movement is the basis of health”, “Winter walk”, “How to dress a child for

walk”, “Brush your teeth properly”, etc.





recovery of the child's body.












Maintain Interest

child to form

To make a conditions



Create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about



surrounding reality


ideas about

value for healthy lifestyle

development of creative




creating conditions











form ideas about

various conditions and

human feelings,

human needs for

communication, psychological


Build skills

general motor skills;


physical qualities


Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B. Security: Study Guide


vital activity


preschool age. - St. Petersburg. "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2003.

Bannikova L.P. The program for the improvement of children in preschool education

telny institutions: Toolkit. M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

Preschool Pedagogy. Publishing house "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005.

Druzhinina V.R., Paranicheva T.M. The daily routine of a preschooler. - M.:

Ventana-Graf, 2004.

Ezushina A.V. The ABC of proper nutrition. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

Healthy baby: a program for the improvement of children in the preschool educational institution / Ed. Z.I.

Beresneva. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 4-5 years old.

M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

Methodical manual "We introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle

life "- Moscow 2012.

Scientific methodical journal "Physical Education Instructor" 2010.

Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle

for preschoolers - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

11. A guide for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Formation of ideas about a healthy

lifestyle among preschoolers”, Moscow, 2010.

We learn to eat right. For preschool educators working on

program "Conversation about proper nutrition" / ed. - comp. Yu.P. Klimovich.

Volgograd: Teacher, 2000.


Health saving
















Interaction with subjects

educational process


"I am human"


ideas about

person as one of

Living creatures,

inhabiting the earth.

Expand and consolidate

ideas about

elementary structure


Educational psychologist

Conversation "I and other people"

about the similarities and differences between people.

Relaxation exercise

"Journey to the Magical Forest"

Purpose: to relieve muscle and

emotional stress,

development of imagination and fantasy.

Musical director

Leisure "Cleanliness and health"

Purpose: fixing views

about the importance for health

sanitary and hygienic


Working with parents

Consultation "Protective

mode in kindergarten

"Vegetables, berries and

fruits are the most



Introduce children to

main sources

vitamins - fruits,

vegetables and berries and their

significance for


"Health and


Refine Views

children about health and

sick state

person; to uncover

cause some

diseases caused

compliance with sanitary

hygiene rules



human organs"


form in children


ideas about

the human body, it

internal organs and


Educational psychologist

Rest Pose exercises


Goal: Relaxation

"Communicating with other people"

Purpose: to form the concept of

the need for human communication

with other people.

Musical director

Entertainment "Adventure"

Timoshi in the city of healthy people "

attitude towards one's own


theatrical performance

"Which mushroom is better"

Purpose: to pin views

about hazardous to human health


Prince Oxygen"

Build knowledge about

internal structure

nose, respiratory

human systems.


job idea

individual bodies and

body systems

man as one


mushrooms, about the rules of safe

behavior in the forest.

"Edible and


Teaching children to distinguish

mushrooms in appearance

Working with parents


"Self-preserving Behavior in



"Our assistants

(ears, nose, eyes)"



ideas about

the human body, it

sense organs and their


Teacher speech therapist

Learning riddles about teeth

Musical director

Game "Compliments"

Game "Magic Wand"

Working with parents

Consultation "Performances

children about health and wellness


Consultation "Hardening scheme

Drawing competition "My favorite

day off"



Consolidate knowledge about



habits, rules

use of objects

"Caries and his



children's ideas about

need for care

teeth and oral cavity.


"I live in

big city"


children's ideas about

environmental factors

big city environment,


on human health.



behavior on the street.


Exercise "Star Breath"

Goal: mastery of skills

conscious control over

respiratory process;

relaxation and improvement

emotional tone

Musical director

puppet show

"Where did Timosha look for health"

environmental influence

big city for health,

rules of safe behavior

Working with parents

Consultation "What happens

Consultation "Prevention

flat feet in children

"Walk for



ideas about

importance for health

place man

walks, organizations


activities during

walking, thermal


"Baby at Home"


children's ideas about

household items

household, which are


Educational psychologist

Conversation "Meetings on the walk"

Purpose: to form representations

children about possible dangerous

situations in contact with

"If you want to be

To instill healthy lifestyle skills,


relationship with your

body; give a concept

Musical director

Listening to a music album

"The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky

about healthy products

Working with parents

Practical lesson "We play

together with the child"


"The role of vision in

human life"

Show the role of vision in

human life,


structural features

eyes. Learn to care


"I am a pedestrian and



children's idea of

meaning of transport for

big city,

transition rules

streets and behavior


Educational psychologist

Conversation "On the Playground"

Purpose: to form representations

children about sources

potential danger to

playground, rules

safe behavior in


Musical director

Entertainment in the city

healthy people"

Purpose: to form a conscious

attitude towards one's own

health, nurture desire

take care of your health

Working with parents

Consultation "TV and

computer - friend or foe

Correct Posture Consultation

child is a guarantee of good

physical development"

"Dangerous areas

on the pedestrian

parts of the street

Introduce children to

dangerous situations

arising on

pedestrian part of the street


computer and



children's ideas about

harmful effect on

computer health and

TV; introduce

with ways to take care of

health at


computer and



"Healthy image

life in big

Formation in children

ideas about


take care of

own health,

components of a healthy

lifestyle and

leisure activities in

big city.

Educational psychologist

Situational game with elements

theatricalization "The cat and the hedgehog on

swing”, “Machine”, “Help

little squirrel"

Teacher speech therapist

Dramatization of poems

Working with parents

Consultation "Influence

psychological climate of the family

on the health of the child"

Sharing Cooking Experiences

healthy dishes "Tasty, healthy,




children's ideas about

health signs and

illness; reasons


and the role of tempering


"Daily regime"


view of the mode

day and its meaning in

human life. Learn


relationship between

time of day and

human activities


"Trip to

country of health"

Learn to take care

your health, avoid

situations causing

harm to health

Educational psychologist

Situational story game

"A Case in Raspberries", "Taffy"

Purpose: enrichment with experience

effective cooperation in

situations of conflict of interest

Teacher speech therapist

Preparation of posters "Healthy

lifestyle", "Vitamin


Musical director

Leisure "Who lives in the forest"

Purpose: to reinforce ideas about

rules of safe behavior in

forest when meeting strangers

animals, about careful

relation to nature



"How nature to us


be healthy"


picture of

importance for health

natural factors

"Where to find

vitamins in spring

Introduce children to

vitamins; give

picture of



products - sources



behavior on

Teach kids the rules

behavior on the street

you can and can't walk

not to harm

your health

Educational psychologist

Relaxation "Beach and Sunny

clearing", "Stretched -


Goal: development of muscle

control, elimination



Teacher speech therapist

Teaching children roles

theater production


"Plants around


ideas about


medicinal plants,




some of them.


hospital game


ideas about


health promotion with


exercises, point

massage, gymnastics

A healthy lifestyle for preschool children is not only physical activity, but also a whole range of measures that should become priorities for the parents of the baby. Until the age of 7, a child goes through a huge development path, on which both his physical health and personal qualities are laid. They are interconnected with each other, which is why it is so important at the very beginning of life to form a knowledge base and skills of a healthy lifestyle in the baby.

Fundamentals of preschool health

For many parents, the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is limited only by the physical development of the child, while the baby's body is a complex system. The normal functioning of a young organism is ensured by the combination of several components:

  • biological;
  • mental;
  • social.

These components interact closely with each other. A child's lifestyle is half of his biological health. However, the second half is influenced by factors such as genetic predisposition, the quality of medical care, and the state of the environment.

Often the biological health of a child directly depends on the lifestyle of his parents. Bad habits fathers and mothers harm the development of the baby even in his intrauterine life. Negatively affects the development of the fetus and excessive physical activity of a woman during pregnancy, overeating, poor sleep, emotional overload.

If the ecological environment in which a child grows and develops cannot be changed by one person, then the mental and social health of the child is completely in the hands of his parents. The formation of a culture of health in preschool children should begin with parental example. A calm atmosphere in the family, an adequate response to emerging difficulties, helping each other - all this will become the basis for the normal mental development of a preschooler.

The social foundations of the health of a preschooler and a younger student are laid in communication not only with parents, but also with friends. An unfavorable environment will negatively affect the development of the individual. Therefore, it is so important to find an environment for the child that would influence him positively. In addition, the baby himself must develop the necessary qualities for comfortable interaction with the people around him. This formation moral ideals and values, as well as social adaptation. All this is an important component of the basis for educating a culture of health in preschool children. One of the best means promoting social health is a labor activity. It is the introduction of the baby to work that gives him a sense of need and belonging to society.

Physical development

The formation of healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers cannot take place without a practical component. An example of a healthy lifestyle of parents is important, but the concept of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers is unthinkable without the physical development of the baby himself. So far, he does not need sports loads, but a set of measures to strengthen his physical condition is necessary. The main aspects aimed at improving the health of preschool children include:

  • motor mode;
  • personal hygiene;
  • hardening.

Games are the main way to keep a child moving. Strengthening exercise is important, but only a few minutes a day are allotted for it. The rest of the time the baby spends in games. However, a reasonable balance must be maintained between vigorous activity and rest. Therefore, it is better to alternate active and calm games, as well as spending time outdoors and indoors.

Introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle begins with short physical exertion. These are morning exercises, motor physical exercises that need to be done both at home and in kindergarten, exercises after daytime sleep. It is useful to carry out health-improving water procedures in the pool with the child.

Personal hygiene for the health of the child is extremely important. The kid at the very beginning of life must learn that the body needs to be looked after. This is important not only for the good condition of the body, but also for the health of others. The child must have personal items: comb, toothbrush, towel and handkerchief. From childhood, you need to teach him how to use these items correctly.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children does not pass without hardening, although many parents associate this procedure with the use of risky measures. However, hardening effective method prevention of diseases and strengthening of immunity. If you follow the basic rules of hardening, then the baby's body will gradually become more resilient to environmental factors. It is important to carry out hardening procedures regularly, especially in winter. The principle of gradualism is the main one. It will be possible to easily adapt the body to changes in the external environment if you increase the load gradually. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby. If he does not tolerate any procedure, then it is better to refuse it.

Health saving technologies

Today, in educational institutions, much attention is paid to the system of educational, health-improving, preventive and corrective measures. The use of health-saving technologies of preschool education is an important step in the development of a full-fledged and physically strong child. Such technologies are used in all types of activities. They are aimed at maintaining health and the formation of basic knowledge of healthy lifestyles in children. The following forms of health preservation and promotion technology are used in preschool institutions:

  • dynamic pauses;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • breathing exercises;
  • invigorating gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • relaxation.

Short dynamic pauses of 2-5 minutes are necessary for babies. They diversify activities and relieve stress. Short physical activity allows you to join in classes with renewed vigor.

Finger gymnastics in kindergartens is very important. If for schoolchildren the warm-up of fingers and hands only relieves stress, then the kids improve during these short lessons. fine motor skills, speech is stimulated, blood circulation is enhanced. In speech therapy groups, such breaks between classes are simply necessary. Finger gymnastics can be done at any time. Recently, the technology of bioenergy plastics has become widespread in kindergartens. This is a combination of movements of the hands and the articulatory apparatus. This exercise helps to stimulate brain activity.

During activities that require a lot of visual concentration, it is necessary to pause and give rest to the eyes. Special gymnastics for 3-5 minutes will relieve tension from the eye muscles. It is useful to make circular movements with your eyes, look in different directions, into the distance and in front of you.

Breathing exercises have a good effect on the health of preschool children. It activates oxygen metabolism in tissues, normalizes the respiratory system as a whole. This type of pause is especially useful during physical exertion.

After lunch, it is useful to do invigorating gymnastics. It lasts only 5-10 minutes and consists of a certain set of exercises. This is a kind of morning exercise, but not so intense. You can start a set of invigorating exercises right in the beds. These exercises are aimed at correcting posture and flat feet. In many kindergartens, caregivers use a button mat. Children walk on it after sleep. This track is good for the health of preschoolers, it perfectly massages the feet and strengthens the muscles.

Outdoor games are an integral part of classes in preschool institutions. They not only contribute to strengthening the health of children, but also develop motor activity, improve the psychological and physiological state of the body. Of course, after outdoor games, rest is necessary. During relaxation, the child can do self-massage. This procedure will improve blood circulation and will be an excellent prevention of many diseases. A good tales and pleasant music that complements classes will improve the psychological health of the baby.

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