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Examples of behavior of road users. Causes of road accidents and human injuries - document. How to properly cross the road after getting off the bus

Profession: life safety teacher

Institution: Municipal educational institution Drenevskaya basic secondary school

Education: secondary special

Pedagogy: 14 years

Lesson topic
: Road traffic accident. Presentation

Goals and objectives of the lesson.

Educational :

    ensure that students acquire knowledge about the meaning of a traffic accident; to develop students’ skills to act accurately in various road situations in strict accordance with safety rules traffic; control the degree of mastery of basic knowledge and skills on the topic of the lesson.


    develop the cognitive abilities of students to highlight the main, essential things in the material being studied, to develop the ability to compare, classify, generalize the concepts and methods of action studied in the lesson, to develop independence of logical and visual-figurative thinking. developing children's skills to comply with traffic rules in order to prevent child road traffic injuries


    during the lesson, promote the formation of professionally important qualities of students, fostering a conscious and responsible attitude towards issues of personal and public safety, fostering a sense of friendship, the ability to work in a team, fostering healthy competition between children and teams, fostering a culture of behavior in children as road users

Teaching methods and techniques: involving students in independent activities through:

1. Application of individual and group forms of work;

2. Using active methods of working with information.

Form of organization of student activities: collective, individual.

Working method: verbal, visual, practical

The purpose of the lesson- training in road literacy, developing skills for safe and correct behavior on the road. Summarize and consolidate students' knowledge about road safety. To create a culture of safe behavior for children and adolescents on the road and in public transport.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation made in the POWER POINT program.

During the classes

Teacher's opening speech

- WITH Today in class we are conducting a lesson, the topic of which you will have to determine yourself.

At the beginning of the lesson I would like to talk a little about the history of the appearance of the first car.

The first car was built in Germany in 1885 - 1886. Nowadays, the car has become the most common form of transport. (Annex 1)" width="638" height="242 src="> The statistics on the number of accidents and the number of victims in them are sad: Nowadays in car accidents all over the world The death toll is 1 million 171 thousand people, the number of injured exceeds 10 million, and the damage from road accidents reaches 500 billion US dollars. Every year in Europe, 45 thousand people die as a result of road accidents and 1.6 million people are injured.

In the Russian Federation, about 35 thousand people die and about 215 people are injured during the year. Moreover, the damage exceeds 200 billion. Rubles. Every day in our country there are more than 500 road accidents, in which an average of 100 people are killed and about 600 are injured. In one year, we lose more than 1,500 children on the roads of Russia, and about 21,000 more are seriously injured.

· - improving the system of monitoring compliance by drivers, pedestrians, passengers and cyclists with the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation and enforcing their compliance." align="left" width="539" height="779">

Appendix 2

And the practical part of our lesson will help us find out how good you are on the road - a crossword puzzle that you will try to solve on your own.

Vertically: Place where roads intersect.

Horizontally(in order):

A place where several roads intersect or begin.

An element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic.

A road user walking on the sidewalk.

A part of a street located between two intersections.

Road markings indicating where pedestrians cross the roadway.

Technical device regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians

A ditch along the road designed to drain water.

An element of the road adjacent to the roadway on which pedestrians can move in the absence of a sidewalk.

A man in uniform and with a staff in his hand, ensuring order on the roads.

Memo for students

The purpose of the lesson: to form a clear understanding of the discipline of pedestrians, passengers, drivers and cyclists.

Equipment: traffic rules brochures.

A road participant is a person who is directly involved in the movement process as a driver, pedestrian, or passenger of a vehicle. In the process of explanation, work with the text of traffic rules.

1.3 Road users are required to know and comply with the relevant requirements of the rules, traffic lights, signs and markings, as well as comply with the orders of traffic controllers acting within the limits of the rights granted to them and regulating road traffic with established signals.

1.4 Right-hand traffic for vehicles is established on the roads.

1.5 Road users must act in such a way as not to create a traffic hazard or cause harm.

It is prohibited to damage or pollute road surfaces, remove barriers, damage, unauthorized installation of road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of traffic management, or leave objects on the road that interfere with traffic.

The person who created the obstacle is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if this is not possible, then by available means ensure that traffic participants are informed about the danger and inform the police.

1.6 Persons who violate the rules are liable in accordance with current legislation.

Each of us crosses the street every day, many use public transport, some are bicycle drivers - all this makes us road users. Therefore, knowledge of the Traffic Rules is a necessity for a modern person. And violating them can result in injury and even death.

Imagine what would happen in the city if, for just one minute, all vehicle drivers and pedestrians did not comply with the established Traffic Rules, did not pay attention to road signs and traffic lights, pedestrians walked wherever they wanted on the roadway.

Cars would not go where they should, but where they could go. What would happen on the streets and roads?

The chaotic movement of vehicles would lead to intersections being littered with piles of broken cars. How many accidents would result from such chaotic traffic movement? The travel schedule of buses and trolleybuses would be disrupted. Passengers, cargo and goods would not be delivered on time to their destination, and normal life in the city would be disrupted.

To avoid this, the Traffic Rules were created, which must be known and strictly observed.

The traffic rules clearly define the responsibilities for each category of road users: drivers, passengers and pedestrians. But at the same time, everyone has general rule- be mutually helpful. What does it mean? If everyone follows the prescribed rules and, thereby, does not interfere with other road users, then this means mutual consideration. For example, a driver turns at an intersection, there is a pedestrian crossing ahead, along which a pedestrian is walking, and the driver lets him through. Or a pedestrian, seeing that the car is already close, does not rush to cross it - “maybe” I’ll make it in time, but lets the car pass. This is courtesy.

(Give your own examples).

In our country, driving on the right is accepted. This applies not only to cars, but also to pedestrians. When walking along a pedestrian path or crosswalk, you must stay on the right side. BUT why, after all, both people and cars, when they meet, disperse and drive apart to the right, and not to the left? Where did this rule come from?

It arose a long time ago, in ancient times. Once upon a time, people always went armed, because traveling in those days was quite dangerous. A man is walking or riding along the road. He has a weapon in his right hand and a shield in his left. Sees someone walking or driving towards him. What is the best way to deal with him? So that, just in case, be covered with a shield, so that an unexpected blow would fall on the shield, and not on the open side. This is how the habit of diverging or passing on the right side appeared. It appeared and remained forever.

Give way (do not interfere) is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change the direction of movement or speed.

One of the main requirements of traffic rules for drivers is a clear distribution of passage through intersections. To do this, you need to know that the car driving on the main road has the advantage.

Which road is the main one? What if the roads are equal? So there is a traffic light. What if he is not there? The driver gives way to all vehicles moving on the right. When crossing a road with a bicycle path, a car has priority.

Let's formulate the basic rules of ethics on the road that every cyclist should follow. Be polite and helpful. Even if you have the right of way, if you see that due to inattention or negligence someone is in the way of traffic, give way.

When performing any maneuver on the road, it is imperative to give a timely warning signal to other road users.

Don't stop others from moving. There is no need to occupy larger roadway widths than required for traffic. Do not linger when passing through an intersection.

Be careful and prudent. Accuracy is, first of all, the exact fulfillment of the requirements of the Rules. It would seem like a trifle - there is no rear light or it has deviated from the roadway further by 1-2 m. But it is precisely such liberties that lead to accidents. Forethought – Native sister accuracy. It consists of looking ahead and seeing a little further - how the traffic situation will turn out in 3-5 seconds. It is necessary to take the necessary measures in a timely manner to avoid conflict on the road.

Stay calm and don't respond with rudeness to other people's mistakes. The road does not tolerate sudden maneuvers: acceleration. Braking, changing lanes. This always happens unexpectedly for other road users. If another cyclist overtakes you by dangerously cutting you off, you should not respond in kind. “Vengeance” on the roadway never leads to good things.

Passengers must also fulfill their responsibilities. (Remember which ones). One of these requirements is the mandatory use of seat belts, if provided for by the design of the car. The effectiveness of using seat belts is beyond doubt; it has been proven by numerous studies and many years of practice. When a car moving at a speed of 50 km/h hits a stationary obstacle (a tree, a wall, a standing car), the car is subjected to forces that exceed its weight by approximately 20 times. In this case, passengers, moving by inertia in the direction of the initial movement, hit the protruding parts of the cabin with a force that is 20 times greater than their own weight. And some people incorrectly believe that when driving in urban conditions, seat belts are not so necessary: ​​the speeds here are low. A sharp turn, a slippery section of the road, steering failure, a sudden burst of the front tire - these and many other reasons can lead to an accident. Seat belts save the lives of drivers and passengers three out of four times.

Currently, human life and activity are inextricably linked with the use of various vehicles both in personal life and in production. Without the constant development of road transport, the technical and social progress of human society would be impossible.

The first car was built in Germany in 1885-1886. Nowadays, the car has become the most common form of transport.

One of the first cars on the street of a European city. Beginning of the 20th century

Both day and night, in any weather, cars, trucks and buses move along the streets and roads of the countries of the world, transporting people, delivering various goods to stores, raw materials for factories and factories, building materials to construction sites and many other goods.

Second half of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. are characterized by a steady increase in road transport. The number of cars on roads around the world is growing every year. But first of all, this concerns Russia, where, like no other country in the world, the flow of cars has recently increased sharply.


    Only in the period from 1992 to 1997. the number of vehicles in Russia increased by more than 4 million units. According to experts, in the near future in Russia, high rates of motorization will continue and the level of saturation with motor vehicles will reach 550 units per 1000 residents of the country by 2020 (approximately every second resident will be a driver).

A car is a high-risk vehicle. Before a pedestrian crossing, the driver must reduce speed to a mark (for example, to 40 km), which is located on a special sign

Road traffic accident. The young driver could not cope with driving a motorcycle on a wide city highway, and now he is awaiting intensive care

The rapid increase in the number of cars has led to the occurrence of road traffic accidents (RTAs) and victims of road accidents.

A traffic accident is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused (Road Rules of the Russian Federation).

The first traffic accident involving death was recorded in the United States in 1899.

Currently, according to the UN, every year about 300 thousand people die from road accidents in all countries of the world and about 10 million are injured.


It should be noted that the relative danger of a car for humans exceeds the relative danger of air transport by more than 3 times, and by rail by 10 times. For every one billion passenger-kilometers, there are 20 deaths in road transport, 6 in air transport, and 2 in railway transport.

Experts note that, compared to developed countries, the accident rate in road transport in Russia is characterized by a higher risk of death in road accidents.


    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in the period 2009-2010. in the country there has been a trend towards a decrease in the total number of road accidents (in 2006 - 229,140, ​​in 2008 - 218,322, in 2010 - 199,431), the total number of deaths in road accidents has decreased (in 2003 - 35,602 people, in 2008 - 29,936 people, in 2010 - 26,567 people) and victims of road accidents (in 2006 - 285,362 people, in 2008 - 270,833 people, in 2010 - 250,635 people).

    In Russia, an indicator of the severity of the consequences of road accidents, such as the number of deaths per 100 victims, is an order of magnitude higher than in developed countries. In 2003, it amounted to 14.5 deaths, in 2008 - 10, in 2010 - 9.6. For comparison: in the USA - 1.3 deaths per 100 victims, in Germany - 1.8, in Sweden - 3.4, in France - 4.1, in Finland - 5.2.

Compared to developed countries, Russia has a significantly higher number of road accidents per 10 thousand vehicles. In 2008, this figure was 56 road accidents. It is noted that more than 70% of road accidents occur in cities and towns.


The cause of more than 85% of road accidents is violation of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF) by vehicle drivers and pedestrians, while drivers account for 70-75% of incidents.

Thus, the “human factor” in the occurrence of road accidents and their tragic consequences is more than 85% and indicates a low culture in the field of road safety of the main road users - drivers and pedestrians.

There is another factor that has a negative impact on road safety. Currently, the growth of accident rates is significantly influenced by the significant lag in the pace of construction of new and reconstruction of existing roads from the growth rate of traffic intensity. The number of accidents due to unsatisfactory road conditions is 29%.

As a result of the rapid growth of the vehicle fleet, the number of vehicle owners has significantly increased. This led to the massive inclusion of new drivers in the road traffic. Traffic density has increased in large cities and on federal roads. The intensity of traffic in small towns and on regional roads has increased, resulting in a change in the traffic situation for both drivers and pedestrians, who were ill-prepared for this.


It is much more difficult to comply with traffic rules in the face of an ever-increasing traffic flow on the roads. Many road users lack the restraint and discipline to do this, and lack a general safety culture.

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the federal target program “Improving road safety in 2006-2012”.

The goals of the program were to reduce by 1.5 times the number of people killed in road accidents and by 10 percent the number of road accidents with injuries in 2012 compared to 2004.

This allowed the Russian Federation to approach the level of road safety characteristic of countries with developed motorization of the population, reduce accident rates and, consequently, reduce the social severity of the problem.

The objectives of the program were:

  • preventing dangerous behavior of road users;
  • development of a system for training vehicle drivers and their admission to participation in road traffic;
  • reducing child road traffic injuries;
  • improving the organization of transport and pedestrian traffic in cities;
  • reducing the time it takes for relevant services to arrive at the scene of a road accident, increasing the efficiency of their activities in providing assistance to persons injured in road accidents;
  • increasing the level of vehicle safety, etc.

In addition, since 2004, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations began to create a system for ensuring safety on the roads of the Russian Federation. To this end, in order to provide assistance to victims of road accidents in the liquidation of their consequences, an experiment is being conducted on joint duty and liquidation of the consequences of road accidents by rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Measures are being taken to create a common culture in the field of safety among the country's population, compliance by the majority of road users with safe standards of behavior and a reduction in the total number of accidents, injuries and deaths.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the culture of safe behavior on the roads is of particular importance in adolescence when a person becomes more and more independent in his behavior and actions.

Everyone should know this

Being one of the significant components of the general culture in the field of safety, a culture of safe behavior on the roads should be formed together with the expansion of the sphere of human life. It includes components such as:

  • constant study and improvement of knowledge of the Rules of the Road, taking into account personal needs: pedestrian, passenger, driver;
  • cultivating an internal need and discipline to comply with traffic rules;
  • the ability to assess the situation on the roads, anticipate developments and the possibility of a dangerous situation arising;
  • possession of skills and methods based on an assessment of the situation on the road to avoid dangerous situations;
  • the ability to act adequately in a traffic situation to reduce the risk factor for oneself and others.

Developing such qualities is the task of all road users, and each person must constantly improve their culture in the field of road safety, taking into account their capabilities and needs.


  1. Why has the number of cars on the roads of our country increased?
  2. What are the reasons for the increase in road accidents in our country?
  3. What influence does the “human factor” have on the occurrence of accidents, injuries and deaths on the roads?
  4. What priority areas have been identified in the Russian Federation to reduce road accidents and deaths on the roads?
  5. What should be understood by the general culture of road users?


After reading the text of the paragraph, formulate the main directions in the formation of a common culture to ensure road safety. Record your findings in a safety diary. Consider several examples from everyday life of the behavior of road users on the roads, assess their level of culture in the field of road safety.

Chapter 2. Road safety

Experts note that, compared to developed countries, the accident rate in road transport in Russia is characterized by a higher risk of death in road accidents.

Compared to developed countries, Russia has a significantly higher number of road accidents per 10 thousand vehicles. In 2008, this figure was 56 road accidents. It is noted that more than 70% of road accidents occur in cities and towns.

Thus, the “human factor” in the occurrence of road accidents and their tragic consequences is more than 85% and indicates a low culture in the field of road safety of the main road users - drivers and pedestrians.

There is another factor that has a negative impact on road safety. Currently, the growth of accident rates is significantly influenced by the significant lag in the pace of construction of new and reconstruction of existing roads from the growth rate of traffic intensity. The number of accidents due to unsatisfactory road conditions is 29%.

As a result of the rapid growth of the vehicle fleet, the number of vehicle owners has significantly increased. This led to the massive inclusion of new drivers in the road traffic. Traffic density has increased in large cities and on federal roads. The intensity of traffic in small towns and on regional roads has increased, resulting in a change in the traffic situation for both drivers and pedestrians, who were ill-prepared for this.

The Government of the Russian Federation was approved federal target program “Improving road safety in 2006-2012”.

Program goals were a 1.5-fold reduction in the number of people killed as a result of road accidents, and a 10 percent reduction in the number of road accidents with casualties in 2012 compared to 2004.

This allowed the Russian Federation to approach the level of road safety characteristic of countries with developed motorization of the population, reduce accident rates and, consequently, reduce the social severity of the problem.

The behavioral strategies chosen by the participants in the conflict are crucial for its subsequent development, and often for the final result, the outcome of the conflict. The following strategies of behavior of participants in the conflict are distinguished::

  1. dominance (competition, rivalry, struggle, assertiveness);
  2. care (avoidance, ignoring);
  3. compliance (sometimes referred to as accommodation);
  4. cooperation (cooperation, integration).
  5. compromise.

Destructive strategies of behavior in conflict

Typical destructive methods of influencing a partner in a conflict situation are the use of threats, “emotional blows” (humiliation, insults to the enemy), reference to authority (or, conversely, its denial), avoidance of discussing the problem, flattery, etc. Let’s consider several examples of destructive techniques.

  1. Intimidation and threats. General formula: “because I am stronger than you”, “because if you don’t ..., then I ...” Examples: “I have the ability to influence you”, “If you do not solve my problem, I will have to contact your leadership "
  2. Humiliation of a partner, insults towards him. The general formula: “because you (always do it wrong; you can never clearly explain what you want; you never follow through; you’re just a fool; you don’t understand anything about it).” Examples: “You are not even able to understand the problem,” “You constantly make mistakes in the simplest situations.”
  3. References to one's own authority or denial of the authority of another. The general formula: “because I... (decide here; I understand this better than you)”, “because you... (are not at all as competent, right, as you think).” Examples: “Believe me, I have had to make similar decisions many times before,” “I don’t think you understand this better than others.”
  4. Avoiding discussing the problem. Examples: “In my opinion, you are dramatizing the situation,” “I don’t see any problem here at all.”
  5. Flattery. Examples: “You understand this so much better than me that it won’t be difficult for you to find correct solution problems,” “Aren’t you going to meet me halfway, because you can do everything and it doesn’t cost you anything.”

Research, case studies in labor collectives, where there was a confrontation between the administration and the employee, allow us to analyze some methods of force, using destructive techniques.

  • Among the most frequently and typically used, a peculiar "psychological reduction", reducing the conflict situation to the “bad character” of the participant (or participants) in the conflict. An employee complains about poor work organization or managerial injustice, and he is accused of being “scandalous.” With the help of this technique, the position taken by a person is interpreted as a consequence of one or another of his personal characteristics and is thereby devalued. At the same time, he is dealt an “emotional blow,” often forcing him to take a position of defense and justification of himself.
  • Another trick is “tying” the employee’s unsatisfactory behavior to the interests of the group, consisting in contrasting the interests of an individual and the group as a whole. In this case, there is a potential for pressure on the person from the group.
  • The next method of weakening a partner’s position is to compromise him, and no matter what areas are affected, it generally contributes to a decrease in trust in the person, which ultimately weakens his position.

In addition to the mentioned methods of influencing the “conflicting” person, other tactics of “forceful” influence on a person were also observed (“catch them by surprise,” “find vulnerabilities in a partner and take advantage of his weakness,” and finally, the use of threats and other methods of the most brutal pressure). All of them, however, involve the use of force and are aimed at “overwhelming” the partner.

However, methods of influencing a partner may include “soft” techniques and various forms of manipulation that allow one to “outplay” the partner. All manipulation techniques are aimed at creating situations that help the manipulator use his partner to achieve his goals.

Pfive groups of signs characterizing manipulation:

  1. psychological impact as a generic sign of the concept;
  2. the manipulator’s attitude towards another as a means of achieving his own goals;
  3. the desire to obtain a one-sided gain;
  4. hidden nature of the impact;
  5. using (psychological) strength, playing on weaknesses.

Strategies for constructive behavior

One of the most well-known descriptions of interaction techniques is the rules for conducting a constructive dispute according to S. Kratochvil (Tables 1 and 2), including descriptions of positive and destructive techniques of verbal communication in a conflict situation.

Table 1. Constructive dispute according to Kratochvil: style of argument

1. Specificity In a dispute there is a subject, attack or defense is reduced to specific behavior. Generalization: Behavior is said to be “typical,” a reference to past or unrelated events.
2. Engagement Both are passionate, giving and receiving strong “hits.” One of the participants is not involved, is on the sidelines of the dispute, is insulted, ends the dispute prematurely, etc.
3. Communication Clear, open, everyone speaks for themselves, means what they say. You can understand him and answer him. Good feedback. Repeating your own arguments too often and not paying attention to the arguments of others. Hidden signs of misunderstanding, hints, ambiguities “noise”.
4. "Fair play" “Low blows” are not allowed and what is taken into account is how much the partner can bear. The arguments do not relate to the subject of the dispute, but are aimed at a sensitive place.

Table 2. Constructive dispute according to Kratochvil: the result of the dispute

1. Information content I learned or received something, learned something new. Didn't learn anything new.
2. Response Tension has disappeared, anger has decreased, and grievances have been clarified. The tension did not disappear, but remained or intensified.
3. Rapprochement The dispute led to mutual understanding and rapprochement between the partners. There is a feeling that this concerns them, that this is how it should be. Maintain their dignity. Partners are more distant than before. The feeling that they are misunderstood or greatly offended.
4. Improvement Eliminating the problem, resolving the situation, excuses, apologies, plans for the future. Nothing is resolved, the participant does not try to fix anything or leaves it to someone else and does not want to forgive him.

The most common methods of conducting a discussion and presenting one’s position are: argumentation and counterarguments. Argumentation techniques usually include the presentation of arguments, the development of arguments and the method of positive answers, and the techniques of counter-argumentation include the “reversal” of the partner’s arguments, their dismemberment and the counter-development of argumentation.

For example, the method of positive answers involves asking specific questions with the help of which the opponent’s agreement is achieved on each individual point and thus both partners gradually come to the same conclusion; the reversal method is aimed at leading the partner to opposite conclusions by gradually tracing the solution to the problem together with him; the dismemberment method involves specifying and dividing the partner’s arguments with their subsequent elaboration, etc.

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