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The baby screams all the time. Why does the baby cry and not sleep? When to see a doctor

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The most common problem new parents face is the constant crying of a newborn baby at the age of 1 or 2 months. The child is very small and he cannot yet express in words his feelings and needs for anything. Maybe something hurts him? Or does he just want to eat? How to learn to determine why a newborn is crying? Why does a 1-2 month old baby cry in his sleep? How can I calm him down, and should I see a doctor about this?

Reasons for crying

In fact, there are many reasons why newborn babies cry a lot. The most common of them are:

  • hunger;
  • colic;
  • climatic conditions in which the child is located.

Basically, the baby cries because of the hunger that he experiences. Today, most inexperienced young mothers adhere to a strict feeding schedule, which they believe has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Perhaps they were told about this in and upon discharge from the maternity hospital. Yes, that may be true. But the problem is that the newborn’s ventricle is very small and, accordingly, he eats little. And sometimes he does not have enough milk that he consumed during feeding in order to wait for the next “portion”.

Therefore, it is extremely important to feed the child not according to time, but according to need. If a newborn baby is crying, checking whether he wants to eat or not is very simple. It is enough to place a bent little finger on the corner of his mouth. If he starts turning his head towards the finger and opening his mouth as if he wants to grab it, it means the baby is hungry. It's time to calm him down and put him to the chest. A baby who is 1 month old will eat, quickly fall asleep in his mother’s arms, and hunger will not bother him in his sleep for the next couple of hours.

Colic is the second reason why an infant cries. His digestive system has just begun to master its “new role.” As a rule, colic bothers the baby during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of his life, in some cases it can last up to 6 months. If a child who is 1 or 2 months old constantly cries, know that the whole problem may lie precisely in this.

Identifying the crying of a colicky baby is just as easy. It is impossible to confuse it with any other. The child screams very loudly, kicks his legs and literally chokes from crying. The face becomes red, almost blue. In this case, in order to calm the crying baby, you need to give the baby a massage and give medicine (today there are a huge number of medications that help relieve a newborn from colic), or give him dill water.

Another reason why an infant cries is the climatic conditions in which he is located. Small children sometimes cry because they cannot stand extreme heat or cold. Each child is individual, so it is necessary to create exactly those climatic conditions in which your baby will feel comfortable.

The following method will help you determine whether your baby is hot or cold.:

  • take the child by the hand;
  • place your fingers on your wrist;
  • if the wrist is cold, then the baby is cold, it needs to be wrapped up more tightly; if it is hot or wet, it is hot, the baby needs to be undressed.

Another reason why a baby cries is the negligence of parents who are simply too lazy to change the baby’s diaper once again. An adult feels uncomfortable in wet clothes, and a baby whose diaper is full also feels discomfort. Check frequently to see if your baby has had a bowel movement. If an “accident” occurs, deal with it immediately to calm your baby. By the way, for the same reason, a child may experience irritation in the groin area and in the folds, which can cause the baby not just discomfort, but severe pain and itching. If there is redness in the groin area, try to minimize the use of diapers and often treat the baby's skin with special creams.

Also, postpartum complications can cause crying. Often, young mothers during childbirth cannot direct their strength in the right direction, that is, when they push, they begin to sulk, but in the wrong direction (in the face), due to which the baby’s passage time through the birth canal increases. As a rule, at this moment, in most cases, the child experiences anemia (lack of oxygen), which negatively affects his nervous system. Because of this, the newborn may sleep poorly, flinch at every rustle in his sleep and constantly scream. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist who will conduct a thorough examination of the baby and prescribe appropriate treatment. After completing the medication course, the baby’s nervous system will improve, it will be easier to calm him down, and crying will not disturb the parents so often.

Very often, parents are faced with such a problem when a newborn baby cries every time he urinates and begins to sound the alarm. In fact, there is nothing scary here, this is a child’s usual fear of what is happening. He cannot control the process itself; he gets scared when he starts writing, as a result of which he begins to cry. But you still need to consult a doctor and take urine tests. Because sometimes there are cases when a baby cries due to pain when urinating, which may be associated with:

  • with infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • or with an incorrect position of the foreskin.

Painful sensations when urinating may also indicate a high concentration of urine, which, passing through the urinary canal, causes irritation and burning.

When an infant cries and has a frequent increase in temperature (the norm for a newborn is 37.2 C), it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor. Perhaps the reason lies in an infectious disease that requires urgent treatment.

But our children do not always cry because of hunger or pain. Sometimes they just need their mother's presence nearby. Before birth, the child was one with her, and now it is very difficult for him to get used to the new life. The baby needs his mother's presence nearby and feels her warmth and care. Therefore, do not be afraid to spoil your child, take him in your arms more often, put him to your breast more often, put him to sleep in your arms to calm him down, talk to him. This will help the baby calm down and fall asleep quickly. Your care and warmth will definitely return to you in the future!

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep?

If a baby constantly cries in his sleep, then you should first inspect the baby’s sleeping place. Perhaps something is preventing him from sleeping, for example, the sheet is twisted under him or he is lying on the pacifier.

Also, the reasons for crying in a dream can be night colic, which prevents the baby from sleeping, teething (for some children, teeth begin to erupt at 3.5 - 4 months), or the banal absence of the mother nearby.

If a child constantly cries in his sleep for 1 - 2 months, but nothing bothers him, maybe you should think about co-sleeping? The baby will feel calm next to his mother, especially since he will always be able to eat without forcing you to get up if he is breastfed.

How to calm a crying baby?

First, you need to find out why the baby is crying, and only then begin to calm him down. If the reason for crying is a feeling of hunger, feed him, even though not even 2 hours have passed since the last feeding.
If colic is the cause, give your baby medicine and massage. And it is done as follows:

  • put the child on the bed;
  • put your hand on his stomach, your palm should completely touch his stomach;
  • mentally draw a horseshoe on his stomach, the ends of which are directed downwards;
  • With smooth hand movements, follow the trajectory of the horseshoe clockwise.

If this massage does not help your baby, then you can use another massage. However, it can only be performed from 1 month:

  • put the child on the bed;
  • bend both legs at the knees so that they touch the stomach;
  • With smooth movements, move the child’s legs first to one side, then to the other. The legs should be pressed tightly against each other and against the stomach.

If these methods do not help, you can use a gas outlet tube. However, you should not abuse it, since the body can get used to the mechanical method of getting rid of gases and then it will be difficult to establish this process.

If a baby who is 1 or 2 months old is crying and you have tried everything possible, but nothing helps, perhaps the reason is not colic. Try placing a heating pad on your baby's tummy, making sure it's not too hot! Give your child dill water or fennel tea.

Carry the baby in your arms, press him with your stomach. Sometimes both gentle rocking and “dancing” can calm a crying baby. Some children find relief from waltzing, while others find relief from marching. Try holding your baby in different positions - vertically, horizontally, belly down. Perhaps you will find exactly the position in which the baby will feel relief.

But remember that the reason a baby cries a month may not only be colic or climatic conditions. If your child is restless and cries frequently, it is best to take him to the doctor. At an appointment with a specialist, you can find out why your baby is crying and make sure that there are no or no diseases.

Useful video about the reasons for a newborn's crying

The tears of a baby can cause panic in a young mother. I remember very well that feeling when the baby bursts into screams, and you rush around, not understanding what’s going on.

Meanwhile, in the vast majority of cases, it is very easy to determine why a newborn is crying by following certain rules. As a rule, the baby has a limited number of reasons for dissatisfaction. We’ll talk about them today, and also learn how to recognize and eliminate them.

Experienced pediatricians distinguish 3 groups of causes of crying in a child:

  1. Instinct. A newborn alone is not viable. Therefore, nature has endowed him with the ability to call for help when he feels that he is left alone, just to feel the warmth of a large and strong adult and to make sure that he is safe.
  2. Unsatisfied natural needs (want to drink, eat, pee, poop, sleep).
  3. Discomfort or pain (diaper elastic rubbed, wet, diaper rash hurts, tummy hurts).

The baby cannot say all of the above in words, because his only way of communicating with you is screaming and crying.

Accordingly, if a baby cries, this does not mean that something terrible happened right away. And all that is required of you is to first understand the reason for the tears.

How to understand why he cries

  1. Take the crying baby into your arms. Calmed down? This means that nothing terrible probably happened. Because pain and discomfort do not go away on their own just because the baby is picked up. Most likely, the reason for the tears was that the baby missed you, lost you, and generally wanted attention.
  2. Have you picked up your baby, but he hasn't stopped crying? Check the diaper, if it is full, change it. Think about how long ago the baby drank and ate; if more than 2 hours have passed, offer water, breast or formula.
  3. Has the crying stopped? We are looking for the causes of discomfort or pain.

A separate topic is the child’s capriciousness due to illness; read about how to recognize this.


Think about whether the baby is hot. Infants' metabolism occurs much faster than in adults, so the baby's body produces more heat per unit of time. We add here the imperfection of the sweating system, and we get that the baby is very, very easy to overheat.

The air temperature in the room where the newborn is located above 22 degrees is dangerous for the baby due to overheating. However, one layer of cotton clothing is more than enough.

Taking into account the characteristics of a child’s body, it is impossible in principle to overcool a child if the room temperature is above 16 degrees.

How do most families live here? When it’s plus 28 in the apartment in winter, a crib is closer to the radiator, an additional heater, the poor child has a lot of clothes on: a shirt, rompers, a hat, socks, a jacket. As soon as I imagine it, I already want to cry!

It is especially painful to sleep at night in such conditions, so most likely the little one does not sleep at night, but screams.

It is overheating that is dangerous because when you find its obvious signs (red wet skin, wet head, diaper rash), this is already an extreme situation, indicating that the baby has lost a colossal amount of fluid and salts, and there is a real threat of dehydration.

In such a situation, against the background of fluid loss by the body, intestinal juices become thick, viscous, and are not able to properly digest the food eaten.

Tummy hurts

Therefore, we are gradually approaching the next reason for a child’s crying: tummy pain, gas, colic.

The main causes of tummy problems are overheating and overfeeding, that is, eating every squeak, every 30 minutes or more often.

As you already understand, without eliminating the causes of this disaster, you will not deal with the consequences (screaming and crying).

You should definitely offer food no earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

When a toddler has a tummy ache, he can cry constantly, all the time: during the day, and in the evening, and at night. How can I help him right away?

As a temporary measure for gas and colic, you can try:

  1. Massage the baby's tummy clockwise.
  2. Special children's medicines with simethicone (commercial names Espumisan baby, Subsimplex, Bobotik). Before use, of course, you should consult your pediatrician. Simethicone itself is interesting in that it is not absorbed into the body, but reacts exclusively with gases in the intestines, binding and eliminating them. Thus, it is safe for the baby.

Crying while bathing

When a previously calm child begins to scream at the moment of immersion in water, or while in the water, we should stand in his place and think about what is wrong.

Water temperature? The optimal temperature for babies is about 34 degrees Celsius. Moreover, if the baby bathes in a large bath and moves actively, then even this temperature is high for him.

Therefore, if you pushed your newborn into 37-38 degrees, the reason for the discomfort is quite obvious - it’s too hot!

Pay attention to the lighting. It often happens that the baby lies on his back, and the lamp shines directly into his eyes, blinding and frightening. It may be worth dimming the lights to eliminate this cause of concern.

Before urinating

A fairly common problem in boys is inflammation of the foreskin. You can recognize it precisely by the fact that before peeing, the child screams heart-rendingly, after which he urinates and calms down.

Before the doctor arrives, you can try to alleviate the baby’s condition with the following actions:

  1. Wash the baby with a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine (up to 4 times a day).
  2. After this, slightly pull the foreskin up and carefully drip about three drops of a sterile oil solution of vitamin A or E (sold in pharmacies in ampoules) inside from a clean pipette or syringe (without a needle).

If, however, the baby does not calm down even after peeing, if he cannot pee at all, if something is swollen or blue, then a surgeon is urgently needed, do not torment the little one with self-medication, but rush to the doctor!

How to behave when the baby screams and screams, and you feel like you're about to explode? Pull yourself together. Take your child to a crib or playpen where he cannot hurt himself, hit himself or fall, close the door and exhale.

If possible, go to the farthest room, where it is as quiet as possible. Take a shower, drink a big, cozy mug of lemon balm or chamomile tea. Take a timeout for 15 minutes and try to relax. Even such a short respite can restore emotional balance and restore sober reason.

In the end, the baby will either fall asleep during this time, or you will hug him with renewed vigor, after which he will instantly calm down.

Time flies mercilessly fast. And, looking back one day, you will be surprised when and how, from a crying lump hanging on his mother around the clock, the baby managed to turn into an independent teenager with his own personal space and kisses only on holidays.

Therefore, appreciate these moments - priceless moments of happiness with your baby - when he is here, at arm's length, eating, playing and even when he cries.

By the way, modern pediatricians recommend hanging special carousel mobiles on the cribs of babies over 1 month old. Looking at this device, the baby learns to concentrate, strain and train the eye muscles and focus on the subject, which is very important for timely development in all respects. In addition, the little one quickly calms down, interested in such a toy, and can look at it for a long time, giving mother priceless minutes. I bought this mobile from MyToys. Large selection, reasonable prices, inexpensive delivery. So take it on board!


At first, the baby constantly cries, this does not mean that everything is bad in their life, it’s just that the toddler has no other ways of communicating. Therefore, they can cry for completely different reasons: when they are hungry, wet, did not get enough sleep, when something hurts or there is discomfort.

Of course, the baby will not cry just like that, so the question arises of what to do if a newborn baby cries. You can calm the baby by solving his problem, but first you have to understand the reasons for the crying.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

The main reasons for a baby's crying

There are many reasons for a newborn to cry; in fact, he cries for any reason:

A newborn baby cries for any reason.

Why the baby constantly cries - warning signs

You should consult a doctor if one of the following symptoms is present when crying:

  • high temperature (above 37 o C);
  • redness on the skin;
  • the child does not eat, refuses to breastfeed;
  • Crying accompanies coughing;
  • The toddler has a wet nose and has snot;
  • frequent regurgitation is observed;
  • The toddler cries loudly and constantly.

If a child cries a lot and constantly, it is better to consult a doctor, even if there are no other alarming symptoms. At the very least, this will help you calm down.

In any case, the doctor will tell you what to do if the newborn cries all the time.

What to do if a newborn cries periodically even after feeding?

First of all, don't be nervous. If the mother is afraid, then her anxiety is transmitted to the baby, as a result, their anxiety and discomfort only intensify. By the way, it is precisely because confidence is transferred to toddlers that they calm down faster in their dad’s arms.

Try the following:

  1. Give him breasts even if he doesn't want to eat. Breast in the mouth conveys confidence to babies. This is a surefire remedy as it helps in 80% of situations.
  2. Rock in your arms or in a stroller. Uniform motion sickness affects the vestibular apparatus, thereby distracting babies.
  3. Put him in a sling. An effective remedy that helps not only with fatigue or fear. Babies calm down even if they have colic or are teething. The sling will also help your baby fall asleep faster. If you don’t know how to make a sling with your own hands for a newborn,...
  4. Take the baby in your arms and place it in a vertical position. This will help release gases accumulated in the intestines. The baby will calm down in 15-20 minutes.
  5. Talk to the baby, sing a lullaby, and it is advisable to change the intonation, since in this case the baby will be more distracted. You can growl, the sound “r-r-r” greatly surprises the little ones, distracting their attention.
  6. You can try to distract with quiet music(preferably a classic), a toy, a bright object. Flowers, indoor plants, and pets help to distract yourself.
  7. Give a pacifier. The method is especially good if the toddler is teething. The pacifier can be moistened with a special anesthetic cream.
  8. Give water. With colic or colic, water will help the little one and relieve discomfort. About when you can give water to newborns.
  9. Cheer up the little one. The method helps for older children. Almost anything will do: bunny jumping, growling and grimacing, unusual sounds made by mom or dad.
  10. Tummy massage will help with colic. Done with one palm. Apply gentle pressure and massage clockwise or counterclockwise.
  11. A warm bath may help. This especially helps if the baby is tired, wants to, but cannot fall asleep. You can add soothing agents to the bath.

Advice: talk to the child, tell the baby that everything is fine, he won’t understand the words, but he will feel the intonation.

Parents' mistakes

Despite the fact that many parents know what to do if their newborn cries after feeding or in other situations, many make standard mistakes:

An expert mother will tell you about the reasons for a newborn baby’s crying in this video:

A newborn cries for many reasons. He may not be happy with damp diapers, noise in the apartment, colic or hunger. The best remedy against crying is mother's breasts; they satisfy hunger and give a feeling of security. If the baby does not calm down, then you can try to cheer him up, distract his attention, rock and cradle him. Just don’t panic because of crying, anxiety is easily transmitted to the toddler.

A one-month-old baby cries often. This is normal. Your task is to learn to understand what is bothering the baby, as well as what actions to take to eliminate the causes of crying.

Why does a month old baby cry?

Crying is a newborn’s way of communicating with this world and with you.

A one-month-old baby cries when hungry or uncomfortable.

The reasons for crying are:

  • Hunger. Touch the corner of your baby's mouth with your finger. If he opens his mouth and tries to catch it with his lips, it means he wants to eat. Crying is usually intermittent.
  • Colic. With intestinal colic, the newborn strains his legs and clenches his fists, jerks them, and screams. Often the face turns purple when screaming.
  • Pain. The symptoms are similar to those of intestinal colic, but last more than 3 hours.
  • Temperature. Touch your baby's wrists and neck. These places react quickly to rising and falling temperatures. When a baby is cold, he cries quietly and intermittently. If he is hot, he makes a loud cry. The face turns red.
  • Fatigue. The baby whines, screams resentfully and is capricious when he is tired and cannot fall asleep on his own. Often these symptoms are observed in the evening.
  • Diaper. The unpleasant sensations caused by an overfilled diaper cause a plaintive quiet cry.
  • Fear. If a child is alone for a long time, he begins to scream protractedly. Loneliness causes fear in the baby.

These are the main reasons that cause crying in a newborn.

What to do if your one-month-old baby is crying

Don't ignore your baby's crying. Eliminate all possible causes one by one. Feed your baby when he wants, not on a schedule. Change your diaper regularly.

Use a sling so your baby can spend more time with you. If the baby wants to sleep, he needs his mother's breast, parental hugs, and gentle rocking to calm him down. Offer your baby a pacifier. If your baby does not fall asleep alone in the crib, place a lactation disc soaked in mother's milk. This will give the baby a feeling of calm that mom is nearby.

If you have colic, consult your pediatrician. As a rule, the following remedies help:

  • Special drops, dill water, fennel tea. Give them from a spoon, using a bottle or syringe without a needle.
  • Gas outlet tube. To insert it, use vegetable oil.
  • Light massage. When massaging the abdomen, move your palm clockwise.
  • Vertical position. After feeding, hold your baby upright in your arms until he burps the trapped air.
  • Warm sheet. Place it on your baby's tummy.
  • Horizontal position. Before feeding, place your baby's tummy on your lap to help pass gas.

Use several methods at once. This will help the newborn get rid of pain faster.

Breastfed babies are these cute little lumps who still don’t know how to do anything, but are desperately striving to get to know this interesting adult world as soon as possible. But bad luck, very often our babies cry, sometimes for no reason at all, and learning to determine the reasons for this is, perhaps, only their mother can do - who, if not her, is important to feel the mood and well-being of her own little miracle. We will try to tell new parents why an infant constantly cries.

Why is the baby crying?

A newborn baby does not yet know how to talk, so tears are the only way to attract the attention of parents to themselves, notify them of their well-being, and talk about what worries and worries them. It is with the help of crying and screaming that the baby informs his parents about his needs: he may be hungry, wet himself, perhaps his tummy hurts or he is cold.

There are so many reasons to cry as a child.

But this does not always indicate any problems. Little children can whine simply when they are bored or want to see mommy, feel her presence and warmth. In order to understand why a baby bursts into tears, it is important to remain calm and understand that linking every such time with an illness is fundamentally wrong!

Causes of newborn crying that are not related to illness

I want to eat!

It is the feeling of hunger that is the most common cause - the baby's stomach is very small, so each time he is able to take only a small amount of breast milk. Breastfed babies want to eat very often and it is through tears that they try to communicate their desire to satisfy their gastronomic whims to their mother.

If the baby is crying, hold him to your breast so he can eat. If your baby is bottle-fed, offer him a bottle of fresh formula. Remember that not all babies calm down instantly, continuing to cry during feeding, but if the cause was hunger, the sobbing will stop as the stomach fills. Also remember that when bottle feeding, your baby may cry out that the formula is too hot - always check the temperature of the food before offering it to your baby.

No one has ever liked the feeling of hunger!

When a newborn is constantly crying, you should pay attention to the dynamics of weight gain and the amount of milk from the mother. Perhaps he simply does not eat enough and it is necessary to introduce complementary foods. Carefully monitor your baby's growth and if you have any questions, consult your pediatrician.

If the sobbing does not stop after feeding, you should look for another reason for your child’s dissatisfaction.

I peed myself or crap myself!

Do you think it’s very pleasant for a child to lie in a wet diaper or romper? Or does he enjoy lying in an overflowing diaper? If the baby starts crying, be sure to check if he went to the toilet, and if traces of an “accident” are found, eliminate it.

The only way a baby can communicate his discomfort is by crying.

Usually, newborns do not cry loudly after using the toilet, rather capriciously, with dissatisfaction. In addition, even at such a young age they want to eliminate the cause of the inconvenience, so they fidget around the playpen a lot.

I feel uncomfortable!

Very tight, uncomfortable or scratchy clothing can also cause your baby to whine unhappily. Try to choose comfortable styles of undershirts and rompers, in addition, always make sure that all seams are on the outside - this is not only more convenient, but also safer, since too rough seams on clothes can damage delicate ones.

If a baby cries in his sleep, pay attention to the air temperature in the room - whether it matches the clothes the baby is wearing. The optimal and comfortable temperature for children in the first months of life is considered to be 18 degrees Celsius. Perhaps he is just hot or cold. One of the simple rules for choosing clothes for a newborn: put one more layer of clothing on your baby than on yourself. Despite the fact that the cold is dangerous for the baby, overheating his body has even more harmful consequences, therefore, you should not wrap him up too much or dress him in warm envelopes in the playpen.

I'm bored and want to go to my mom!

Many babies cannot imagine their life without their mother, and therefore quickly begin to get bored and even scared when lying alone in a crib. They need to be rocked and calmed in your arms. Give him the opportunity to calm down in a hug with you, but remember that the baby may get used to falling asleep in your arms, and then later you will ask a completely different question: “”. If your baby needs constant close contact with his parents, pay attention to this - it is convenient and practical.

Tight clothing or simple boredom can also cause hysterics

Just tired!

Oddly enough, the reasons for the tears of a newborn child are added to our collection by the general fatigue of the baby. His body is still too weak, and even those uncertain movements with his arms and legs that he makes in the playpen are enough stress to get tired. Perhaps the baby just wants to sleep. In this case, the presence of mommy or a lullaby can calm him down. As they say, the baby will simply “cry out” the fatigue that has fallen on such a fragile body all day, and calmly fall asleep.

Other reasons worth paying parental attention to

Unfortunately, babies sometimes get sick, and any illness naturally causes various unpleasant sensations.

Newborn crying while urinating

Many parents have noticed that the baby cries when urinating, and begin to sound the alarm. In fact, the cause of such a phenomenon does not always mean the presence of any diseases, but it is an alarm bell that is worth focusing your attention on.

One of the reasons that a newborn is upset about something during the process of urination may be the usual fear of what is happening. According to some pediatricians, if crying is not caused by pain during illness, the cause is misunderstanding and inability to control the process by the baby. The baby simply does not know how to relax and control the process of urination, and therefore it is unpleasant for him.

Causes of tears during urination can also be:

  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • incorrect positioning of the foreskin (often swelling and redness)

If you suspect a painful origin of the disease, you should show your baby to a doctor, as well as take blood and urine tests.

Another reason for crying when a baby pees may be an increased concentration of urine, which causes irritation and burning during the passage of the urinary canaliculus. This indicates a small amount of fluid in the baby’s body - let him drink more water.

The child strains and cries, sobs when he poops

When a newborn strains and cries, he is most likely experiencing gas and constipation. During this, their tummy often hurts, they fart and cry. Almost everyone goes through these tests. We talked about how to treat colic in newborns in previous materials.

Fear of the unknown has always been present in man

If your newborn cries when he poops, pay attention to his stool, and also remember what the baby has been eating lately. If you have just introduced supplementary feeding, this is normal, since the baby’s stomach is not yet accustomed to serious food, it will be rebuilt gradually.

The main causes of tears in newborns during bowel movements and gases:

  • a sudden change in formula if the baby is bottle-fed;
  • colic in a newborn
  • introduction of complementary foods

If your baby continues to cry when he poops for several days, contact your pediatrician for help; he should write out a referral for tests.

Why might newborns cry in their sleep?

Many parents notice that a child sleeping peacefully in a crib suddenly begins to sob and cry. There are several main reasons why a newborn baby cries in his sleep.


The most common cause of nighttime crying in infants is colic, or rather its pain. The baby simply suffers from gas formation, so even in his sleep he begins to cry. Check out where we described the methods.

As a preventive measure for colic and its treatment, you can give your baby a drink that we have also already published and do not forget about the special one.


If your baby is already teething, they may be the cause of tears in their sleep.

Teething is not a pleasant process either.

Mommy's absence

A newborn or infant may cry in his sleep not only if something is bothering him, but even simply because his mother is not around. If this greatly bothers the baby and he does not stop crying for more than one night, you can think about sleeping together - this way the baby will feel the mother’s warmth and will always be able to refresh himself if he is breastfed.

Learn to understand your baby, because he cannot tell you everything - he can only draw attention to himself by screaming or crying.

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