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Peeling ray sodium chloride. How to make peeling with calcium chloride for different types of facial skin at home? Facial skin care after peeling with calcium chloride

Often on the Internet I came across articles and reviews about peeling facial skin with calcium chloride and baby soap. I decided to try it. I bought 10 ampoules at the pharmacy, the price for such pleasure is a penny - about 15 hryvnia.

In the evening I washed my face, wrapped the ampoule in a towel, and broke off the neck. I poured the contents of one ampoule into a glass bowl. I wiped my face with a cotton pad soaked in the solution 5 times, and after each application I waited for the layer to dry. IT IS IMPORTANT! Apply cream to the area around the eyes and lips; calcium chloride is therefore not applied to these areas. My layer dried in literally a minute. It will burn a little, but if it burns too much, wash it off immediately. I had a slight tolerable burning sensation.

After applying the layers, we don’t sit around, we immediately (!) go wash it off with soap. Take the most ordinary baby soap, lather it in your hands and gently but energetically massage your face with the resulting foam. There are pellets left on your hands. We wash ourselves thoroughly with water or a decoction of herbs, whatever you like.

Result: unfortunately, I don’t have a camera and can’t post before and after photos. But my skin is well-groomed, I constantly try to keep it in good condition, I don’t accumulate blackheads and therefore I think there wouldn’t be a huge difference. The result is more in the feeling. And it was magnificent: the skin became fresher, it creaked with cleanliness and seemed to glow from the inside.

A little about my skin: my nose and chin get a little oily, my pores get clogged quickly. And my cheeks and forehead constantly peel and dry out very much, so I have to constantly moisturize. The skin on the cheeks is very sensitive.

So, after peeling, my cheeks turned a little red. I immediately applied my favorite Coconut oil. After about an hour, the redness went away and the skin began to look more even and it became clear that after peeling, slight peeling had gone away, the pores had cleared and tightened.

On the nose, where the pores quickly become clogged but are difficult to clean, by the way, I repeated the procedure twice.

You should not carry out such peeling more than once every two weeks; be sure to carry out the procedure in the evening so that the skin is not exposed to sunlight afterwards. That same evening, you should no longer do any cleansing or aggressive experiments with the skin. But I think a nourishing mask won’t hurt)

Several days have passed, and I am still pleased with the result.

I am incredibly glad that I now have this recipe in my self-care arsenal. It's very effective, inexpensive and fast!)

Thank you for your attention, read my other reviews, I’m gradually writing new ones)))

Today I made myself a homemade peeling roll with calcium chloride. Despite the harsh photo that I chose for the post, the procedure itself is quite soft, safe and widespread among home skin care methods popular in RuNet.

You can find out how to make a homemade peeling gel with calcium chloride under the video.

Background: The skin is oily in the T-zone and normal in other areas of the face. I only did peelings at home. This is my first experience with chemical peeling.

Target- remove dead skin cells.

Means- calcium chloride and baby soap.

Ingredients: 1-2 ampoules of calcium chloride, 2-4 cotton pads and baby soap (I have Neva cosmetics).

I poured calcium chloride (two ampoules) into a large container to make it easier to apply to a cotton pad.

I printed out the soap and lightly moistened it with water.

After this, use the same cotton wool with calcium chloride on it several times over the surface of the soap.

The cotton wool becomes covered with pellets

After that, with a cotton swab containing the remnants of HC, soap and pellets, we wipe the face again. Carefully and thoroughly.

The pellets are HC that coagulates under the influence of soap. It coagulates along with the dead pieces of your skin.

On the face it looks like this

Then we leave these pellets on the face for another 3-5 minutes.

The pellets will fall off and your skin will tingle. But the oven should not burn!

Then we wash off the remaining product from the face with water (you can use mineral water, you can wash off with saline solution).

It wasn’t enough for me and I decided to do the roll up twice in a row.

On the second roll there are much fewer pellets

And now a photo of the skin before/after.

Chin before the procedure

After the first roll

After the second roll

Nose before the procedure

After the first roll

After the second roll

Cheek before the procedure

After the first roll

After the second roll

Other cheek before the procedure

After two rolls

About the procedure, warnings, etc.

Calcium chloride (CA) is sold in ampoules at the pharmacy. I bought 2 ampoules of 10% with a volume of 10 ml. Officially it is called Calcium Chloride, but say calcium chloride - they will understand you. These 2 ampoules cost me 2.1 UAH (0.2 euros). Simply put, 10 ampoules will cost you 2 euros.

Baby soap I had a new one lying around. I don’t remember the cost, but I think it was about 0.5 euros.

Attention! HK does NOT react with ANY baby soap. It depends on the additives that are in the soap. But I succeeded the first time. It is recommended to buy baby soap without additives. You can buy Neva cosmetics and know that it definitely works.

Peeling techniques vary. Someone passes a cotton swab with HK over their face 6 times, and then washes it with their fingers. Someone dilutes HC with soap shavings and then exfoliates with it. I chose this procedure as the simplest.

I poured HC onto a cotton pad very generously, smeared it all over my face and neck, and then lathered the cotton wool and went over my face and neck thoroughly again and left it for 3-5 minutes.

The procedure is contraindicated for rashes, wet pimples/pustules and wounds. Effective for peeling, scars and post-acne.

I don’t know anything about rosacea and would be grateful for information on this topic.

My face requires cleaning at the time of peeling. This may not be very visible in the photo, but I decided to do the peeling a day before cleaning the pores. I don’t know whether I should do the rolling before or after cleaning the pores. I think that everything is individual. My skin will definitely calm down and return to normal within a day, so I’m not worried about it. Plus, I was interested to see what the blackheads/clogged pores would look like after the peel.

Myself peeling effectively exfoliates, tightens pores, significantly brightens and evens out complexion, removes all oiliness and makes it matte. At the same time, it irritates the skin, causes short-term redness, tightens and dries the skin.

Redness after peeling is normal. Redness will go away quickly with a moisturizing/soothing mask.

Doesn't clean out pores. This is so... just in case, I say so that there are no false expectations. Cleaning pores is not a task for peelings.

After peeling, you definitely need a soothing face mask. I applied the Evening cream thickly and after a couple of hours my face returned to normal.

I can't compare peeling to salon treatments. I think that everything will definitely be more efficient in the salon. But as a home remedy it is good. I'm satisfied and will do more.

How often to apply?

There are different tips. For thin/sensitive/dry skin - once every two weeks.

Normally, once a week.

For oily, acne-prone skin twice a week.

After peeling, do not sunbathe or irritate the skin. For the weekend, for the evening - optimal. Once the skin returns to normal, then you can sunbathe, etc. You determine the norm yourself.

Personally, I will try a 6 week course. I'll probably post the results.

They are rightfully considered one of the most effective ways to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. There are many options - (they penetrate deeply into the skin and are carried out only by a cosmetologist). Except salon procedures, chemical methods of purification include. They can be carried out at home. In this article we will consider one of the peeling options - Hollywood peeling. Peeling with sodium chloride (or calcium chloride). Let's find out the pros and cons of this procedure, as well as user reviews.


The peeling procedure with calcium chloride is carried out in beauty salons and is called Hollywood peeling.

The essence of the method is a chemical reaction between products applied to the skin. Namely, calcium chloride reacts with soap to form sodium chloride and calcium salt, which does not dissolve. The salt rolls off, taking with it dead skin particles and impurities.


  1. Suitable for frequent use.
  2. Has a gentle effect.
  3. Takes little time.
  4. There is no pain during the procedure.
  5. The recovery period is short.
  6. Safe for the body.


  1. The likelihood of tissue necrosis in the presence of skin damage.
  2. Redness and tightness of the skin after peeling.
  3. Not suitable for sensitive skin.

Hollywood peeling helps get rid of acne, fine wrinkles and skin creases. Useful for dullness, loss of skin elasticity, scars and scars.


  1. For skin damage.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. In the presence of inflammation on the skin and herpetic rashes.
  4. If you are prone to allergies.
  5. If you have rosacea.
  6. If the skin is too dry or, conversely, too oily.

Salon peeling process

  • The face is cleansed of dirt and makeup.
  • Cover the skin with a thick layer of soap (usually baby soap).
  • Apply a solution of calcium chloride on top with your hands and rub it into the skin until pellets form.
  • Massage your face for several minutes until all the product has rolled off.
  • Residues are washed off with warm water.
  • Apply moisturizer.

In some salons, this procedure is carried out in reverse - first, several layers of calcium chloride are applied, and then soap foam is applied on top. The effect is the same.

At home

Peeling with calcium chloride can also be done at home. The process is no different from salon peeling.

At the pharmacy you need to purchase a solution of calcium chloride or sodium chloride. To begin with, it is better to use a 5% solution; if there are no consequences, you can try a concentration of 10%.

  1. Apply the solution to your face with a cotton pad and wait until it dries.
  2. Apply a second and, if necessary, a third coat.
  3. Lather the soap, lather your face and massage until pellets form.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with water.

When carrying out this procedure yourself, you must comply with three important conditions:

  1. Do not apply the product to the skin around the eyes and lips.
  2. Wait until the previous layer of mortar has completely dried before applying a new one.
  3. Do not leave the calcium chloride solution on your face for a long time, as this will cause hyperpigmentation of the skin.

This peeling is best done at night, as the skin turns red and tightens after the procedure.


In some cases, complications are possible in the form of:

  1. The appearance of dilated blood vessels (rosacea).
  2. Scar formation.
  3. Increased skin pigmentation.
  4. Excessive lightening of some areas of the skin.
  5. The occurrence of erythema (redness of the skin for a long time).

Today, one of the most effective and popular ways to cleanse the face is peeling with calcium chloride. Reviews about it are numerous, but contradictory. For some, it becomes a panacea for solving skin problems, but for others it brings nothing but disappointment.

This method of caring for pores is also called rolling. This procedure appeared quite a long time ago. If done correctly, it will give amazing results. Cosmetologists very often recommend it to their clients to solve a number of facial problems.

A few significant facts

In fact, calcium chloride peeling as a skin care method is a procedure that you can do yourself at home. But to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to seek help from a professional cosmetologist. This cleaning is chemical in nature, which means choosing the right proportions of components plays a key role in its implementation.

It is very important before starting to treat your face to do a test for the tolerability of this composition. After all, it can cause allergic reactions and even leave unpleasant burns on the skin. They pass within one to two weeks and do not leave any traces behind, but still, a face covered with crooked red spots and crusts (even if not for long) is not the most beautiful and pleasant sight. More than one girl who tried to do everything on her own faced this problem.

Reviews recommend peeling with calcium chloride in the evening. The fact is that at the end of the procedure, redness may appear on the face, which will go away in an hour or two. In addition, while the composition is applied and after its use, it is advisable not to go out in the sun, since the skin at this moment is very delicate and is defenseless against ultraviolet rays. And under the influence of the sun, the production of melanin in cells can be activated, and then inappropriate pigmentation will appear on the face.

Those who have already done this procedure know firsthand that buying the ingredients for it costs literally pennies. If you go to a salon, you will, of course, pay more, but this price is a guarantee of your safety and the correct implementation of each cleaning step without negative consequences. Often these investments pay for themselves in full.

Simple components

Peeling with calcium chloride, the results and reviews of which are quite contradictory, is very simple to do. You can buy the components for it at any pharmacy without spending a lot of time searching. It’s very easy to find them, but unfortunately, not everyone can apply them correctly.

So, according to cosmetologists, all you need is a 10 percent chloride solution, fragrance-free baby soap and the most common cotton swabs you use to remove makeup. Upon completion of the procedure, you will feel how smooth your skin has become due to the removal of dead cells.

What do they promise you?

Peeling with calcium chloride (reviews from cosmetologists confirm this) is very effective method for facial care. When carried out correctly, it gives the following results:

  1. Clogged pores are significantly cleared.
  2. Regardless of what type of skin it is, its condition improves by an order of magnitude.
  3. Inflammation goes away faster.
  4. Even the smallest pimples dry out and disappear completely over time.
  5. The complexion brightens. You look fresh and rested.

Also, cosmetologists attribute the significant advantages of rolling stock to the fact that it copes with skin problems much more effectively than mechanical cleaning. But in order to achieve what you want, you must strictly follow certain rules when doing it.

Working with soap foam

Reviews recommend peeling with calcium chloride as follows. A cotton pad must be soaked and the composition should be evenly distributed over the face. Then you need to wait a little while for it to dry and repeat the application a few more times until you get a slight tingling sensation. As a rule, the number of such layers varies from three to four.

Note! While performing these steps, avoid areas around the eyes and above the lips.

In the next step, lather your fingers and start massaging your face with the tips. If you do everything correctly, you will notice small white flakes rolling down your skin. At first there will be few of them, but the longer you rub the epidermis, the more they will separate from it, and even sounds similar to light creaking will appear.

Cosmetologists advise to wash the mixture off your face very carefully. After this, there is no need to dry yourself, let the skin dry on its own and absorb some moisture (as reviews advise). Oh, calcium chloride peel! This is a miracle procedure! You simply won't recognize yourself!

Reviews from those who have tried it indicate that its use perfectly cleanses the skin and helps it renew itself. Among the components of the composition is phytic acid. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, brightening and antioxidant effects.

A more gentle option

This method is extremely popular among cosmetologists around the world. Some may be scared by its operating principle, because acid molecules penetrate deep into the skin and literally burn through the stratum corneum. To avoid the negative consequences of this procedure, it is necessary to strictly control the timing of its implementation.

Experts say that there is a softer version of this peeling. Soy has been added to its components, softening the aggressive effect of the other components. This procedure in salons costs much more than regular peeling with calcium chloride. Reviews of both cleaning options allow you to create a complete picture of their effects.

After rolling, you need to cover your face with a thick layer of moisturizer. You can also make a brightening scrub using baby formula and purified water. It will help the skin recover faster after aggressive exposure.

We use vegetable oil

Each peeling, which is based on chemicals, accelerates skin aging. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with such procedures too often and focus with special care on restoring the epidermis after them.

People who work on skin care will confirm: in order to fill the cells of the face with vitamins and life, various oils of plant origin (for example, olive, avocado, grape seed, macadamia nuts) are excellent.

After you have peeled with calcium chloride, reviews from cosmetologists advise using various folk remedies to restore and moisturize the skin. You will need currants, tomatoes, cranberries and other natural ingredients for this purpose. Their use is especially important in the winter-spring period, when the face begins to dry out and peel.

Vegetable oils after aggressive cleansing have a much stronger effect and are more effective than even the most expensive age creams. Cosmetologists recommend conducting three to eight such sessions before bedtime. But the course of cleansing in each case must be selected individually, taking into account the level of skin condition and your well-being during the procedure.

Key Features

If you decide to undergo peeling with calcium chloride, you should definitely study reviews, contraindications and recommendations for its implementation. So, you should remember the remark of cosmetologists that when the composition is applied to the skin, as a result of its interaction with the surface, a ridge should form. If white flakes do not appear, then you need to use a different soap. It may be that yours contains an ingredient that prevents calcium from reacting with the skin.

When beauty experts strongly recommend lubricating your face with a thick layer of moisturizer at the end of the procedure, you should heed their advice. This way you can significantly reduce the degree of redness of the skin. If you feel a burning sensation (even a strong one), this is quite normal, and you should not be afraid that you will have burns after this.

Who should not peel?

It would seem that calcium chloride is a completely harmless remedy. Facial peeling (reviews indicate this) still has its contraindications. It is better to refrain from performing the procedure in the following cases:

  1. Your skin is easily irritated and rashes, it is sensitive and dry.
  2. There are inflamed areas on the face.
  3. You are prone to allergic reactions.
  4. Due to the chemical composition, the course is not recommended for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

By following these instructions, you can avoid the negative consequences of rolling. Cosmetologists explain the principle of chloride operation. It consists of interacting with potassium and sodium salts, which are part of the soap. As a result of this reaction, insoluble formations are formed, which, rolling down the skin, delicately remove dead scales from its surface.

Caution first!

If you use a solution of calcium chloride (peeling), reviews warn: if a burning sensation occurs at the first stage, you should immediately wash the mixture off your face and do not continue applying it. After all, this indicates that you are experiencing an allergic reaction.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, experts advise that before you start rolling, conduct a test that will determine the degree of your susceptibility to the components. But if you still don’t want to give up the idea of ​​doing this procedure, choose a more gentle version.

Many who have tried this method admire the results that calcium chloride peeling gives. It differs from deep cleaning by a lesser degree of aggressiveness and a lower price. But in terms of the smoothness it gives to the skin and how much it improves its condition, this process is not inferior to its less accessible counterparts.

Peeling is easy to do yourself or go to a salon. In both cases, the result will depend on the skill of the one who performs it in the first place. Having the necessary skills, you may be able to do it yourself better than a cosmetologist.


This type of cleaning is not only very effective, but also a method proven by more than one generation. It was popular back in the days of the Soviet Union, and it cost a lot of money. Today you can easily do cleaning yourself, spending a minimum of your time and money.

Girls are often interested in what results can be seen after the first session. If you perform all the steps correctly, the pores will be significantly cleaned, blackheads will become less noticeable (and some will disappear altogether), the skin will lighten, its tone will even out, and inflammation will significantly decrease.

Side effects from the procedure may include dryness and slight pigmentation, which can be avoided by staying out of the sun for several hours after cleansing.

The decision is yours

If you cannot decide to carry out such a peeling, talk to a cosmetologist and find out how suitable this type of cleansing is for you. The effectiveness of rolling depends on two decisive factors: the accuracy of performing all the necessary actions and maintaining the correct proportions of ingredients.

You can not only see the effect on the skin, but also feel it when you touch your perfectly smooth skin after the first sessions. To consolidate and enhance this effect, you can use various vegetable oils, natural ingredients and non-allergenic gentle products. When combined with cleaning, they give much better results than separately.

Facial peeling with calcium chloride was practiced back in Soviet times. This is a fairly effective and time-tested technology. The principle of its operation is based on the reaction of an acid with an alkali. Calcium chloride applied to the surface of the skin exfoliates the top layer, due to which the skin is renewed. As a result, the face becomes smooth, pink and noticeably younger.

Action and benefits of the procedure

This procedure can be performed at home. The ingredients are freely sold in pharmacies and are quite inexpensive. It is extremely important to follow safety precautions when working with chemicals. Before starting the procedure, you should check your skin for an allergic reaction.

Facial peeling with calcium chloride has many beneficial effects. Cosmetologists and their patients note following results:

This peeling has noticeable advantages over other cleaning methods. Calcium chloride is especially recommended for those with oily skin.

How is it carried out?

In beauty salons in the USSR, this procedure was called Hollywood, hinting that it was used by American celebrities. And although this was not true, Soviet beauties gave fortunes for the opportunity to rejuvenate with the help of a magical composition. Now that the secrets of peeling have been revealed, any woman can do it at home.

You will need the following components:

There are several ways to perform peeling with calcium chloride. If you feel tightness and dryness after the procedure, do not panic. This reaction is completely acceptable.

Peeling dry skin

This method is used for dull or dry skin. After completing the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing mask with added oil. In preparing the nutritional composition, you can use oatmeal, sweet fruits (apples, pears, persimmons or bananas) and full-fat sour cream.

  • Regular alkaline soap (preferably without a strong aroma) is dissolved in your hands until a rich foam forms.
  • Soap foam is lathered on a cleanly washed face.
  • Cotton wool is moistened in a chloride solution and used to wipe the face along the massage lines.
  • Flakes are removed using a cotton pad.
  • After completing the procedure, wash with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

If exfoliation does not occur and there are no flakes, you should change the soap or increase the amount of calcium chloride. You cannot neglect masks, and also refuse nourishing cream.

Cleansing oily skin

In this case, they most often do the opposite. Apply the solution, and then soap foam. Procedure steps:

  • Open the ampoule with calcium chloride and pour the contents onto a cotton pad.
  • The skin is cleansed of makeup.
  • Lather your hands and treat your face with stroking movements.
  • With quick movements, distribute the chemical solution on the surface of the face.
  • White flakes form on the skin and roll off easily. The pellets are removed using a cotton pad and soap.
  • After 1 minute, apply the next layer. There should be no more than four layers in total.

After completing the procedure, wash with water and apply a face mask. After a while, wash off the mask and lubricate the skin with a nourishing night cream.

This method has a number of contraindications that should be followed. First of all, you need to find out if you have an allergy or intolerance to calcium chloride. To do this, apply a small amount of solution to the area of ​​the elbow and observe the reaction for 5 hours.

This method is contraindicated in the following cases:

The composition is not applied to the area around the eyes and lips. It is also not used by children under 18 years of age and pregnant women.

  • After peeling, it is forbidden to appear in the sun for 24 hours. Before going outside, apply a high-protection sunscreen.
  • If the skin is dry, then the solution is applied only to the forehead and nose.
  • If a strong burning sensation occurs during the procedure, do not wash off the composition with running water, but use a cotton pad with a soap solution.
  • Instead of nourishing cream, you can use vegetable oil. Shea butter, coconut, olive and cocoa butter are perfect.
  • If peeling is being done for the first time, then you should not immediately purchase a ten percent solution. A five percent ampoule will be sufficient.

This procedure preferably done before bedtime to give your skin a chance to calm down overnight. After finishing the peeling, there may be slight irritation, which goes away after a few hours. After sleep, apply another layer of nourishing cream, and before going outside, apply a layer of sunscreen.


This is the third time I have done facial cleansing with calcium chloride at home. I really like it, and I don’t understand where it gets its flaws and side effects. To avoid side effects and allergies, you should first try the solution on the crook of your elbow. Perhaps you are too sensitive skin or dry and thin. My skin responds well to this peeling and is only getting better.

I proceeded as follows: I hid 2 ampoules of a 10% solution and poured the contents onto a piece of cotton wool. I wiped my clean face with a sponge and then applied cleansing foam. Then I treated my face with calcium and soap solution. Then she began to do a light massage, due to which flakes formed.

During the massage, rollers are formed under the hands. These are dead skin cells that, thanks to calcium chloride, are exfoliated. Only when the rolls stop forming can you wash your face. The face after such cleaning is always fresh and rosy. Cleaning is done no more than once every 3 months.

Liana Russia, Kazan

I learned about it from my new friend. The girl highly praised the method of cleansing the face with sodium chloride at home. So I decided to try it. I washed my face, then dripped a little solution and wiped it all over my skin except the eye area. Then she soaped her face and repeated the procedure again: first with the solution, and then with soap. Usually it recommends applying layers up to 5 times, but I limited myself to two.

The next day the skin was fresh and smooth. Blackheads and small pimples have completely disappeared. Side effects include some dryness. I had to smear my face with a rich and nourishing cream for three days. But overall I really liked the procedure.

Diana Russia, Sochi

Previously, I did not like such procedures, I even considered them a little harmful. But after I watched how my peeling elder sister, reconsidered my opinion. I've never been particularly keen on scrubs and peeling. For me, facial care involves removing makeup and applying cream. I heard about other means, but never used them. And then it turned out that I read a lot positive feedback on the Internet and decided to try it out of curiosity.

I bought everything I needed and got down to business. I cleaned my face and applied the contents of the ampoule onto cotton wool and wiped it over my face. After that, I smeared my face with neutral soap foam and applied the chloride solution again.

I decided not to do 4 layers, but to be content with only two. After all, I did such a procedure for the first time, so it was scary. She also did not press hard with her hands, but only lightly carried out massage movements. When I washed off the solution, my face felt soft and somehow very smooth. I didn't have any side effects. After I washed my face, I applied night cream and rose oil to my face.

The next morning I wanted to stroke my skin all day, I liked it so much. After a while I plan to repeat the cleaning.

Larisa Russia, Voronezh

In one of the Facebook groups I read about peeling with calcium chloride and baby soap. The reviews and photos were simply amazing. Before this, I had already done peeling with aspirin, and now I decided to try something new. Despite the fact that everything is clear in theory, in reality there were a lot of pitfalls. At the pharmacy I bought a package of 10 ampoules of calcium. I decided to immediately purchase a ten percent solution, although a five percent solution was recommended. In the end, I only used 3 ampoules, leaving two left for next time.

I decided to do exactly as recommended. As a result, I didn’t get any flakes. Then I washed everything off, took another soap and decided to do the opposite. Apply the solution first, and then the foam. After that things got better. Flakes formed and rolled off easily. When it was all over, I began to take a closer look at the result. He turned out to be weaker than I expected. The blackheads disappeared, the face became pinker and fresher. This is probably where all the effects ended. I often visit beauty salons where they do cleansing, but this peeling turned out to be the most useless compared to the others.

Marina, Moscow

About action potassium chloride I heard it a long time ago and still didn’t dare try it. But one day I read positive reviews on the Internet and became bolder. A huge advantage of this procedure is that it is very cheap. I paid only 15 rubles for the ampoules with the solution. My skin is oily and prone to breakouts. Therefore, this peeling suited me. Moreover, the day before I discovered pimples and blackheads on my nose and chin.

I did peeling with calcium chloride at home as follows: I washed my face and wiped it dry. Then I treated it with a sponge soaked in the solution and lathered my face with soap. After that, I performed a similar action two more times and began the process of rolling the flakes. When you roll them, act more energetically. If you apply a little pressure they roll much better. Everything went very well and I did not notice any unpleasant sensations. The only trouble was that some of the solution got into my mouth, and its taste was very unpleasant.

Valentina Russia, Lipetsk

I have long wanted to try calcium chloride for facial cleansing. The special one purchased a good Chinese solution and began the procedure. My skin is porous and constantly shiny with oil. And not only the T zone, but the entire face. Therefore, I applied the solution to the entire surface. The Internet offered two methods of cleaning. One of them involved using the solution first and then the soap. With the other method it was the other way around. I decided to do it as in the first case, because my skin is rough and requires good exfoliation.

I ended up applying 4 layers alternately. The flakes went well, I took them off for a long time, and then washed my face with water. Instead of cream, I decided to use my favorite coconut oil. I liked the result. Firstly, my skin has brightened very noticeably. She went from being reddish-brown and spotty to being completely flat with a nice pink-beige hue. Secondly, the pores have noticeably decreased. Thirdly, as I noticed, the wrinkles became less deep.

It's been two months now and the effect is still gone. The pores have narrowed and no longer diverge. Now there are no blackheads or oily shine. When the pores were open, dirt constantly got in there, and the sebaceous glands secreted everything they produced out through the open pores. After a while I plan to repeat the procedure.

Alena Russia, Novosibirsk

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