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How to choose a backpack for a first-grader: tips for parents. Personal experience: how to choose a backpack for a first grader? Which company to choose a briefcase for a first-grader

And sign up for the right class. “Ha-ha!”, life told me. And so my friend Svetik, wise with experience and parenting courses, called on Saturday morning and chirped: “I’m going to choose a backpack, I’m bored, get dressed and come with me. You will need it." While I sluggishly stuffed myself into sneakers and dictated what to feed the child, my husband looked skeptical. I must say that for two years now he has been remembering how he once gave me money and sent me to buy a good, ergonomic backpack, and I took a “beautiful” one. Therefore, just in case, my husband wrote in a Telegram to a friend (the father of a first-grader) that the girls went for a comfortable backpack, but there is a possibility that they will come with something “beautiful.”

An experienced mother should not be underestimated: Svetik prepared herself so well that she can now easily defend her doctorate on the topic “The Place of the Knapsack in the Modern World.” I was also on the alert: I took a small notepad and pencil with me, because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to just go shopping. A long, detailed lecture awaits me, with a lot of visual material and practical exercises. All I can do is pass on the knowledge further, as befits a #mother_by_the_rules.

Not a heavy burden

In the first store, Svetik immediately blurted out to the salesperson: “We’ll look at those backpacks that weigh less than a kilogram!” In response to my silent question, she said that the norm is when a backpack with school supplies weighs no more than 10% of the child’s total weight. Her Seva weighs 16 kilos, which means she can carry no more than one and a half kilograms on her shoulders. A total of 800 grams for a backpack and the same amount for notebooks, textbooks, pens, shifts and other things.

Spine protection

The next item on Sveta’s list of selection criteria was an orthopedic back. We put on our backpacks and silently sat on an ottoman to listen to the sensations. Comfortable. Soft cushions support your back and you have to sit up straight. Ideally, this nuance will help to properly distribute weight and save you from scoliosis. By the way, the fabric on the back should be mesh so that the student does not sweat. Seva did not yet understand where he had ended up, and actively shared comments: “Something is a bit heavy, and it’s not very convenient here.” I understood: for a child who had never carried anything on his shoulders, any backpack would hinder his movements, but I was silent, because my task was to find out more useful information.

Little things matter

So, we were looking for a lightweight backpack with an orthopedic back. Those who think that this is enough are the aborigines from my tribe. It turned out that a good backpack is like a superhero dressed in armor - with a bunch of bells and whistles. There was a lot of theory, all that was left in the notes was:

  • the body is rigid, an aluminum frame is better (at least up to the fourth class)
  • reinforced corners
  • There are not too many compartments (two large and several small ones are enough, plus pockets for water on the sides)
  • the bottom is plastic or on legs (so you can easily put it on the ground even in the rain)
  • in size - no wider and no higher than the shoulders, below the hips
  • holds A4 format
  • The locks are easy to open and close (not by you, but by the child!)

Finally, we examined the quality of the paint on the material: while I was distracting the sellers, my friend managed to quietly rub the satchels with a damp cloth to check if they were stained.

Road Safety

Three hours later, I caught myself thinking that I was rooting for the backpacks. I mentally encourage those who fell into our hands: “Come on! You are cool! You can do it!”, but the list of criteria did not end. Now reflectors were required on the backpack, especially if the child would cross the road on the way to school. I asked the saleswoman if there are the same ones, but with a flashing light? Sveta silently took my hand and led me out of the store.

Pull the strap literally

A consultant at one of the stores decided to compete with Sveta on knowledge of the subject: the replicas, like a tennis ball, jumped over me. My mother won with a score of 5:4, because she knew that the straps should be wide (4-8 cm), with enough winter clothes reserve in length, and to prevent them from falling off, a front strap on the chest is needed. The winner was the remark about the handle, which is needed more by parents, because children are absolutely not allowed to carry a backpack in one hand. Smart manufacturers produce backpacks with a thin, inconvenient ribbon - you can’t drag it around, but you can hang it on a hook under your desk.

What else to pay attention to

We finally chose and bought a good backpack, which, by the way, turned out to be beautiful and Seva liked it (which is important). But before that, Svetik made her son walk with him and made sure that the gait was straight, the straps did not rub, the manufacturers sewed the seams twice, and there were no parts with glue. As a bonus, the saleswoman taught Seva how to put on the backpack correctly - place it on the desk, stand with your back and pull both straps at the same time.

In the end, everyone was happy: Seva happily ran down the street with his still empty backpack, Sveta felt that she had fulfilled her maternal duty, and I mentally rubbed my hands together, anticipating a new blog entry. Such shopping trips are almost adventures. I wonder what backpack my son will go to school with in five years?

Important for parents of schoolchildren!

Whether you're taking your kids to first grade or eleventh grade, it's time for back-to-school shopping! How to prepare a child, arrange his room, what to buy by September 1 - read about this in our special project "Happy childhood". And since school is only a part of children’s lives, in the project we will cover other areas: recreation, entertainment, vacations, gifts, toys and educational activities, travel, gadgets.

Now, briefly, what kind of backpack does a first-grader need:

1. Weight no more than 10% of the child’s weight

2. Orthopedic back with mesh fabric

3. Rigid case with reinforced corners, waterproof bottom and convenient locks

4. Wide straps that do not stain

5. There are reflectors

6. Ideal if there is a front line

It is best to buy a backpack, not a briefcase or bag. The backpack evenly distributes the load on the back, so your posture is not disturbed. The traffic police recommends that the color of the backpack be bright and have reflective elements along its edges - then it will be easier for drivers to notice your child when he is about to cross the road.

The weight of the backpack with contents should not exceed 2 kg.

Backpack weight

American doctors who conducted research in primary and secondary schools came to the conclusion that the weight of a briefcase should not exceed 10% of a child’s body weight.

The weight of a first-grader’s backpack with all its contents should not be more than 1.5-2 kilograms. An empty backpack should weigh 500-800 grams.

If you expect that the final weight will be more than 2 kilograms, pay attention to the backpacks HAMA, Schneiders, Garfield, Herlitz, MIKE&MAR. These backpacks take into account all orthopedic features.

If your child has to carry a lot of textbooks with him, companies such as Disney, Garfield, MIKE&MAR are suitable for you.
The higher the weight of the backpack, the more adaptations it has for carrying heavy things.

Knapsack shape

If the child’s height is up to 120 cm, it is worth purchasing a horizontal backpack.

If the child is taller than 130 cm, pay attention to vertical models.

Back of the backpack

The rigid back of the backpack prevents the contents of the backpack from pressing on the student's back. Modern manufacturers indicate on their portfolios that it is orthopedic.

Remember, that:

- in the part of the backpack that is in contact with the back, there should be hard books;

— there should be a soft padding made of mesh fabric on the back so that the child’s back does not sweat.

Backpack material

The material for a school backpack should be light and durable, water-repellent and frost-resistant. It is very good if the backpack is easy to clean and wash.

Backpack straps

They should have an adjustable buckle that allows you to change their length. The backpack straps should be lined with an additional layer of soft material so that they do not cut into the shoulders.

The straps should be strong, stitched with several lines. The width of the belts must be at least 4 cm.

The thicker the straps, the more comfortable it is to wear. heavy weight. But at the same time it is inconvenient to take off and put on the backpack.

If the straps stretch, then it is convenient to take off and put on the backpack, but if the backpack is heavy, it will become uncomfortable to wear.

Backpack locks

The most reliable locks are iron, but the paint peels off after a while. Plastic locks will last less.

Bottom and legs of the backpack

It is desirable that the bottom of the backpack have a rubberized base, with plastic legs at the corners.

Backpack size

Requirements for the size of a first-grader's backpack have been developed:

  • length: 300-360 mm;
  • front wall height: 220-260 mm;
  • width: 60-100 mm;
  • length of shoulder straps: 60-70 cm.

Backpack colors

You shouldn’t choose a backpack for a first-grader based on the design - children’s movie and cartoon characters change very often, and therefore such things quickly go out of fashion.

Backpack compartments

Inside the backpack there should be compartments for notebooks and a pencil case, and outside there should be pockets for small items and bottles of water.

A future student should definitely try on a backpack with books.

Ask the seller to fill the backpack. This The best way see its shortcomings (distorted seams, incorrect redistribution).

You need to choose with your child! He must definitely like the backpack!

Advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

First, decide on the size - you shouldn’t buy a backpack “for growth” that holds twice as much as you need.

Don't forget to tell your child how to properly pack and wear the backpack.

Heavy objects should be placed in the backpack so that they are at the bottom and as close to the child’s back as possible - then the weight of the backpack will be evenly distributed over its straps.

You cannot wear a backpack on one belt.

The straps must be equal in length.

Ask your child on the evening of September 1st if it is convenient for him to walk with a backpack.

Summer holidays will fly by very quickly. This means that parents will soon have to buy again school uniform, office supplies and choose a new briefcase, backpack or satchel. Today we’ll talk about how these three types of school bags differ and how to choose the best one from a wide range.

Briefcase, satchel, backpack - is there a difference?

Of course have. Otherwise, why are these types of children's school bags called differently? Let's figure it out.

  • WITH portfolio Your grandparents also went to school. Its feature is solid walls and one handle. Orthopedists do not recommend that children walk with a briefcase, as it unevenly distributes the load: the child holds this bag in one hand and bends slightly under its weight, which affects the posture and can lead to scoliosis. Therefore, it is very difficult to find a schoolbag for a schoolchild in modern stores.
  • Satchel It has a solid body, and this is a big advantage. A tight back distributes weight throughout the child's spine, impeding development. Textbooks and school supplies are conveniently placed inside. Also, thanks to the dense walls, all contents are protected from the backpack falling, impacts, rain and other external factors. In this regard, younger children school age It is recommended to buy a backpack.
  • Backpack is very popular among middle and high school students, but children from primary school It's better not to buy such a bag. The backpack may have a tight back and does not have a rigid frame, which is what teenagers like.

Lightweight, comfortable and safe: choosing the best backpack for a first-grader

Choosing a backpack for a schoolchild, especially a first-grader, is not easy. The health of the child depends on how comfortable it is to wear. When choosing a particular school bag model, do not forget to carefully study it and evaluate all the pros and cons!

Rigid inner frame- an invaluable plus. It helps distribute the load by preventing sharp objects (like the edges of textbooks or pencils) from cutting into your back. A satchel with such a frame does not lose its shape, does not fall when placed, and does not wrinkle notebooks and books.

Orthopedic back- Same important detail. Several dense pads covered with breathable mesh fabric help to evenly distribute the load across the student's entire back. In addition, the backpack with an orthopedic back supports correct posture.

Material, from which the backpack or satchel is made, it is better to choose a dense, synthetic one. It is more durable, and it is also easier to care for: dirt can be washed off more easily.

Size A school bag should be selected so that its upper edge does not rest against the back of the student’s head, and the lower edge does not put pressure on the lower back. This rule also helps to distribute the load evenly and not shift the center of gravity. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​buying something to grow is inappropriate in this case.

pay attention to backpack weight. Orthopedists assure that a first-grader should not carry more than 10% of his own weight on his back. Therefore, the weight of the empty briefcase itself should not exceed 1 kg.

On September 1, 2011, the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation also came into force. It regulates the conditions for organizing children's education, including the maximum permissible weight of school bags.

Be sure to rate straps. The ideal option is soft, made of elastic fabric, about 5 cm wide. And, of course, they must be adjustable in length. Additional straps (waist and chest) will ease the load on the shoulder girdle.

The satchel or backpack must have two or more branches and a simple, comfortable clasp that is easy to unfasten in one motion. Heavy books should be placed closer to the back of the bag, and smaller and lighter items should be placed in the second compartment. Additional pockets will be a nice bonus - it’s convenient to put all sorts of small things in them or, for example, to hold a bottle of water.

The school backpack and briefcase also have an auxiliary function: reflective elements make your child visible on the road at night. Make sure they are on all sides of the bag.

The first of September is an exciting holiday for schoolchildren and their parents. Future students prepare for it with special responsibility, with the participation of fathers and mothers, grandparents. Buying everything you need begins in the summer. Purchasing stationery, uniforms and notebooks will not be difficult, since their choice is dictated by the recommendations and requirements of the educational institution. But everyone buys a school backpack according to their own taste, which raises numerous questions: which one to choose, what to pay attention to, what requirements should it meet?

Fortunately, today manufacturers offer a good range of different models of briefcases, among which everyone can find the option that suits them. So, how to choose a backpack for a first grader?

Types of backpacks

Modern school bags are divided into three main categories: briefcase, backpack and satchel.

  • Briefcase. It has one wide strap, so it can be worn on the shoulder. According to doctors, this feature can lead to curvature of the child’s spine, and therefore it is strongly recommended not to buy briefcases for children of primary school age.
  • Backpack. It is a large volume bag, light, soft and comfortable. As a rule, it has several compartments and two straps. The backpack should be worn correctly on the back. Models for boys and girls differ only in color and pattern. The disadvantages of such a bag are its softness and “shapelessness,” which complicates the process of folding things, as well as its unprotected bottom.
  • Satchel. This is an improved backpack with a rigid structure and two straps, thanks to which it holds its shape well. Some models are equipped with a retractable handle and wheels. The satchel is worn on the back. Among its disadvantages, we should highlight the presence of only one compartment for textbooks, notebooks and heavy weight.

Which backpack to choose for a first-grader is up to you. To find a suitable school bag, you need to consider several factors, the main ones being size, anatomical shape, weight, design, durability, safety and practicality of the model.

Materials for production

For quality, appearance, the practicality and reliability of a backpack is influenced by the material used for its production. First of all, the fabric must be durable so that a first-grader can use the bag for at least a year.

Children's backpacks are mainly made of polyester. This is a synthetic material with high strength and wear resistance. It does not fade when exposed to sunlight, dries quickly and has excellent breathability. Stable or greasy stains rarely form on the surface of such fabric; Basic stains, as a rule, can be easily removed with a damp cloth or napkin.

Leather backpacks are highly durable, but their cost is beyond the average price range. Nylon fabric and denim are often used to produce backpacks. There are school bags made of film and leatherette, but, according to experts, these are not the best choice for a first grader. The disadvantage of such models is their inability to allow air to pass through.

Whatever material a first-grader’s backpack is made from, it is important that the fabric is waterproof. It is common for a child to drop a bag into a puddle, spill water on it, or simply get caught in the rain. The contents of the portfolio should not be damaged.

When wondering how to choose a good school backpack for a future first-grader, we must not forget about the details. You should pay attention to the threads with which the bag is sewn. If it is reinforced with steel, then we can say with confidence that the baby will not be able to tear the backpack. Great importance has accessories: buckles, belts, zippers. All fixing elements of the selected model must be reliable, strong, and easy to use. High-quality fittings are made of modern plastic or metal.

Inside the backpack, you can often find a thin “rubber” layer on the fabric. It helps protect your child’s pens, notebooks and textbooks from moisture, so you shouldn’t refuse to buy such a model. Another important detail is the mesh on the back and straps of the backpack. This is not a decorative element at all, but a functional element. Thanks to this mesh, the bag will not slide over the baby's shoulders and back.

Manufacturers of quality models

Stores today offer a wide range of backpacks for first-graders. The shelves are full of bright models that dilute the restrained classic options. Modern briefcases differ not only in design and size, but also, importantly, in quality. As a rule, manufacturers, in conditions of fierce competition, monitor compliance with sewing technology. They create special commissions that monitor the quality of products, conduct numerous tests on the ergonomics of models, their safety and reliability.

These characteristics of backpacks are also evaluated by independent experts who give valuable recommendations and advice on how to choose the right school backpack for a first-grader so that it is functional and safe for health.

The products of the following companies are considered to be of the highest quality today.

  • Erich Krause (Germany). The manufacturer calls the safety and environmental friendliness of manufactured products a priority in its work. All backpacks have wide straps, reflective elements, an orthopedic back, and high-quality material is used for their production. The weight and features of Erich Krause models meet all international standards of orthopedics, hygiene and safety and will allow you to choose the best option for every first-grader. German school bags are characterized by an optimal number of compartments and pockets, they are distinguished by a moderate color scheme and an ergonomic ventilated back.
  • Lego (Denmark). By developing backpack models, the manufacturer strives to minimize the load on the child’s back from school textbooks and supplies. In this regard, such backpacks are distinguished by a rigid frame, soft wide straps, the length of which is easily adjustable. Products are made from modern materials with dust- and water-repellent impregnation. Lego backpacks are attractive to children who are interested in Lego construction sets and cartoons. Danish backpacks are characterized by a bottom with small legs and a voluminous internal compartment. They are equipped with zippered pockets and reflective tape. Some models have additional content.
  • Hama (Germany). The company is one of the leading manufacturers of school bags in Europe. Her products are distinguished by an orthopedic back, adjustable length straps, a reliable metal lock, a pocket with thermofoil walls, a flexible partition inside, and stripes of reflective fabric. If your task is to choose a backpack for a schoolchild with filling, you should pay attention to the Hama models. Most of them are equipped with a three-leaf pencil case, a shoe bag, and a chest wallet. Among the disadvantages of these bags are the significant price and heavy weight.
  • Hummingbird (Russia). The company's products can be called an example of an excellent balance of price, design and quality. These school bags are equipped with zippers, a lock, an orthopedic back, wide straps, and a spacious internal compartment. The model set usually includes a shoe bag, a raincoat and a wallet.

  • Weight. Even if the backpack is equipped with wide straps and an orthopedic back, which is important and correct, surgeons and orthopedists do not recommend putting more than 10% of the child’s weight in it. According to hygiene standards, the weight of a filled bag should not exceed 1.5 kg.
  • Size. You should pay attention to the dimensions of the backpack Special attention: the width of the product should not exceed the size of a first-grader’s shoulders; in addition, it is not recommended to purchase a bag that falls below the child’s waist.
  • Orthopedic back. It is a rigid frame with relief bends. Models with anatomical backs contribute to the formation correct posture, reduce pressure on the spine and minimize the risk of developing scoliosis.
  • Safety. The presence of reflective stripes and signs on the backpack makes the first grader visible on the road in the dark.
  • Straps. They should be wide, moderately soft, and easily adjustable in length. You should pay attention to ensure that the straps do not dig into the child’s shoulders and do not slide off when walking.
  • Bottom of the backpack. Preference should be given to bags for first-graders with a hard bottom, since it does not sag under the weight of books and, accordingly, does not put pressure on the child’s lower back.
  • Equipment. Backpacks for schoolchildren can be sold with additional components. Their presence can be considered a plus, but it is not a decisive factor when choosing a bag.

The decision about which backpack to choose for your child for school should be made based on quality indicators, not forgetting the preferences of the child himself. Children are concerned about what the backpack looks like, what is written on it, and whether their classmates have one. When thinking about the safety of a school bag, it is important to maintain balance and be able to bring joy to the child not only with a reliable and durable, but also with a stylish, beautiful purchase.

For a first-grader, what factors need to be taken into account in order not to make a mistake, as well as what volume of a backpack a first-grader needs, read our material.

For parents of first-graders, the question of which backpack is best to buy for their child for school is especially relevant. If parents with older children already know what is needed, then mothers of those who are going to school for the first time are usually at a loss. That's why we collected useful tips, how to choose a backpack for school for a first grader.

After all, when choosing a school bag, you need to know what to look for.

How to choose a briefcase or backpack for a first grader

Initially, you need to forget about briefcases as a backpack for a first-grader. Carrying heavy things (and school backpacks are never light) is very harmful not only for a fragile child’s spine, but even for an adult’s back.

Based on this, iron rule No. 1 is formed when choosing a briefcase or backpack for a first-grader - it should be a backpack with an orthopedic back. So that the load on your back and shoulders is distributed evenly.

“For children, it is very important to have an even distribution of weight on the back and shoulders. Therefore, bags worn over the shoulder are completely unsuitable for younger schoolchildren,” says orthopedist Mikhail Kozlov. — It is better for children under 15 years old to buy orthopedic backpacks. And carrying heavy weights can cause early growth arrest."

Photo of how to choose school bags or backpacks for a first-grader

11 important rules for choosing a briefcase for a first-grader

  1. Schoolbag should not be wider than the child's back, and its weight should not exceed 10-15% of the weight of your first-grader or first-grader. Children 6-9 years old can carry a backpack to school without harm to their health weighing no more than two kilograms. That is, an empty backpack should weigh 500-800 g.
  2. When choosing a briefcase for a first grader, make sure that the backpack reached the child's waist, maximum - 5 centimeters lower. It is better to place heavy textbooks close to the child’s back. It is important to check with your student at the end of the day to see if they have any pain or weakness in their arms after wearing a backpack.
  3. The "correct school backpack" has orthopedic back wall with thick inserts, wide straps and an ergonomic back.
  4. Also, when choosing a backpack for school for a first-grader, pay attention to the availability reflective strips, which will ensure safety on the road at night or in bad weather.
  5. The weight of a primary school student’s school backpack should not exceed 1200 grams.
  6. School backpack straps and straps should be adjustable so that the child has the opportunity to adjust them to his height and clothing. The straps should be strong, wide and soft so as not to cut into the child’s shoulders. The width of the straps is at least 4 centimeters.
  7. It is important to remember that the school backpack or satchel that you decide to buy for a first-grader should keep its shape well and not be deformed when putting school supplies into it. Check that such a backpack should have a hard bottom so that the textbooks do not “sag” and do not put pressure on the lower back.
  8. It is very good if the briefcase you want to buy in first class has additional external and internal pockets. They will help the child conveniently place and then find many of the necessary things. For example, a mobile phone, a pencil case with stationery, a bottle of water or sandwiches for lunch.
  9. The fabric of the school bag should be durable and waterproof, because children love to run through puddles, and if the backpack suddenly finds itself in the “center of events,” it should remain dry and unharmed.
  10. The back of a first-grader's school backpack should ideally be lined with mesh fabric to prevent the child from sweating.
  11. Of course, the main connoisseur of a schoolbag or backpack should be a schoolchild. It is better to try on a briefcase filled so that the child can evaluate its convenience.

Backpacks from the Ukrainian brand meet all these rules "1 Veresnya". Durable material, an orthopedic back, a reinforced bottom and straps that allow you to evenly distribute the load on the back of a first-grader, as well as many different details (pockets for water, a silicone handle, legs at the bottom of the backpack, various patterns and styles) make these backpacks the right choice. By the way, the brand has been cooperating with Disney for more than eight years, so it’s worth looking at 1 Veresnya for licensed backpacks with your favorite Disney characters, for example, from the cartoons “Cars” or “Frozen.”

In the photo are school backpacks for first-graders from the Ukrainian brand with a 15-year history "1 Veresnya"

How much backpack does a first grader need?

Each school has its own rules. Therefore, the volume of the backpack that a first-grader needs cannot be determined with one hundred percent accuracy.

When choosing a backpack for school for a first-grader, it is much more important to take into account its size and shape. A briefcase that is too large will incorrectly distribute the load on the child’s spine. It is for this reason that you should not buy a backpack for growth.

To choose the right backpack size for a first-grader, you need to try it on the child.

The top edge of the briefcase should not rest against the back of the child’s head, and the bottom should not be lower than his lower back.

After homework in first grade was abolished in Ukraine, children usually carry few things in their briefcases. This mainly includes a pencil case, replacement shoes, sports uniforms, materials for drawing and crafts.

Photo of a school backpack for a first grader

School bags for boys and girls: teaching a child how to handle a backpack

After purchasing a school briefcase, boys and girls should learn how to handle it. Explain to your child that you cannot carry a backpack or satchel on one shoulder or drag it across the floor by the handle.

Books should be folded from the back of the backpack so that nothing presses or pricks the child’s back.

If something doesn't fit in your backpack, it's better to take an extra bag (lunchbox or gym bag) rather than trying to fit everything into one briefcase.

Practice with your future first-grader putting notebooks and books in his new school backpack, opening and closing zippers or sections with buttons.

We hope that our tips on how to choose a school bag for a first grader will be useful to you and you will buy an excellent school bag or backpack for your child in first grade.

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