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How to choose a men's winter jacket - material, size, style, modern technology. How to choose a winter jacket? Winter jacket should be a size larger

Very soon the thaw will come, and the long-awaited warm spring days will come. The warm one saved me from the cold all winter outerwear, but now is the time to think about purchasing light spring outerwear - we’ll talk about a men’s spring jacket. This jacket is present in every wardrobe of the stronger sex, regardless of social and financial status, it is practical, comfortable and versatile. A spring men's jacket is designed for the off-season; during this period it will keep you cozy and warm from any vagaries of the weather.

The modern fashion industry offers a huge selection of men's spring jackets, all kinds of styles and colors, from various fabrics. In order not to get lost in this diversity, you should familiarize yourself with some tips. A men's jacket should decorate its owner, give his figure masculinity and attract the attention of the fairer sex. With its help, you can correct your figure, hide flaws and, on the contrary, focus attention on its advantages. When choosing a men's spring jacket, you need to take into account its purpose, style, color, fabric. Also, a spring jacket should fit perfectly, taking into account all the nuances and features.


When choosing a spring men's jacket, a man's height plays an important role; it must be taken into account when choosing a jacket style.

For representatives of the stronger sex who are not tall, shortened models will look very good, and jackets with an elasticated waist will also look good. Long jacket styles will not work; they will shorten your already short height.

Those with taller than average height should not pay attention to shortened models, such styles will disfigure the figure and visually it will look out of proportion. Tall men are well suited for long jackets.


Modern fashion designers present a huge selection of models of men's spring jackets. Spring weather is unstable and it is important to choose correct style men's spring jacket. Let's look at some basic models.

Biker jacket, pea coat, light spring men's jacket, leather jackets and leatherette jackets.

The men's biker jacket has long been in fashion and has taken a strong place in the wardrobes of bikers and the stronger sex who prefer grunge, rock and glam rock styles. This jacket goes well with jeans and black biker trousers. The style of the biker jacket is short, with a zipper with turn-down sides; if necessary, you can fasten it tightly. This model is very convenient and practical. Men's biker jackets are made from different materials: genuine leather, leatherette, raincoat fabrics and fabrics imitating leather. Biker jackets do not differ in the variety of colors; they are mostly black, Brown.

An incredibly stylish and fashionable men's peacoat jacket; this style is on trend this season. The model is suitable for men who have slim figure, this style will favorably emphasize the waist and visually enlarge the shoulders, giving masculinity and solidity. A pea coat should be chosen according to size. Pea coats are made from thick woolen fabrics, so they are warm on cool spring days. With the help of special treatment of the fabric for sewing a pea coat, it becomes waterproof. A pea coat goes well with classic trousers and jeans. The color range is limited; most jackets of this style come in black, dark blue and brown. This style is not recommended for men with a large build.

A light men's spring jacket has long won the hearts of many men. It is universal, practical and comfortable, easily combined with other items of clothing, has a variety of styles and many colors. This jacket will do For almost every man, it will be good for work in the office and at a business meeting. This jacket goes well with classic trousers and jeans. Light spring men's jackets are distinguished by their variety of colors, from the most discreet classic to bright, depending on the purpose of the jacket. These jackets are made from raincoat fabrics.

Comfortable, durable and versatile men's jackets made from genuine leather and leatherette. Such jackets are mostly of shortened styles, sometimes they have an elongated style. This model will suit almost every man, regardless of age. Leather jackets are very comfortable and easy to care for. This jacket can be easily combined with clothes and accessories, suitable for any occasion. In unstable spring weather, it can protect against rain and cold.

It is worth paying attention to the clasp of the jacket; the best option is a zipper; if it is missing, you should give your preference to a jacket with a clasp with large buttons.


As a rule, you buy one spring jacket for the entire season, so you need to choose it by size. There is a practical, sure-fire way to choose the right size jacket: go one size larger. Such a jacket will not restrict movement; if necessary, a sweater may be pulled up. If you have the opportunity to try a jacket on a jacket or a thick sweater, pay attention to the shoulders, they should be in place, the seams should be smooth, not bulging or pulling. The jacket should be comfortable.

When choosing one jacket, you must take into account that it must replace several others; in cold weather, it must protect from rain and cold without losing its style.

When purchasing a men's spring jacket, inspect it for the quality of tailoring and seam treatment. It is necessary to check the strength of the fittings. Armed with a few tips, you can independently choose the right men's spring jacket.

Men's winter jackets are considered universal clothing items. Absolutely all men wear them, regardless of age and financial status.

There are general tips on how to choose the right jacket model.

It is advisable that the jacket:

  • It suited the style, i.e., it hid flaws and emphasized the advantages of the figure. For overweight and large men, a tight-fitting jacket that has transverse seams, elastic at the waist and along the bottom edge, short to the waist, shiny jackets, multi-colored and bright models is not suitable.
  • Fits true to size. If transverse creases appear on the jacket, this means that a slightly larger size is needed.
  • She sat freely according to her figure. If insulated clothing is worn under the jacket, it should not tear at the seams.
  • Allowed me to move without difficulty. When a man tries on a jacket, he should spread his arms to the sides, raise them to the top, close them in front and bend down a little, touching his legs with his hands. There should be no barriers to such movements.
  • She didn’t crawl back and didn’t rest on her neck.
  • The type of material corresponded to the season. A jacket for dry weather should be made of thin material, and for wet and windy weather it should be made of dense and water-repellent material. For extreme cold - made of fur, genuine leather and spandex.
  • It was of high quality tailoring. Men's winter jackets must be of high quality so that they last for several seasons. The lining of the jacket should only be made of good material, the seams should be perfectly even, without missing stitches or knots on the outside. For example, Italian products are of excellent quality. Meucci men's down jackets.
  • It unfastened freely, and the clasp did not jam the material. The buttons should not be weak or tight.

Also, make sure the shoulder seams are in place.

When purchasing, it is necessary to take with you a professional person who can tell you how to choose the right jacket. He will recommend the right size and choose the best quality, and look at the item from the outside.

Types of men's winter jackets:

  • Men's Jackets. For severe frosts, you need to choose an elongated jacket, slightly below the knees. These models are filled with down or bird feathers. The materials from which down jackets for men are made must be sufficiently dense, without padding. The ideal down jacket weighs very little and warms well during severe frosts, but its price is high. Men's men's are very popular today. leather down jackets, which do not get wet and perfectly protect against moisture and winter cold.
  • Jackets for drivers. For those men who spend more time behind the wheel, a very long jacket is not suitable, and the lock on it will quickly break. Accordingly, it is advisable for motorists to buy knee-length models that have fasteners at both the top and bottom.
  • Lightweight jackets. Lightweight models are suitable for warm weather. Preferably those that do not have down and feathers as insulation, since such jackets will be very hot.
  • Shearling jackets. These men's winter jackets are quite expensive. They, as a rule, require careful and careful handling, as they tend to get dirty quickly. Also, sheepskin coats are not suitable for rainy weather. The material from which such jackets are made gets wet quickly.

“Look how well the down jacket fits on you, warm, warm, no doubt,” the saleswoman habitually jabbers, serving another customer who has come to warm up before the harsh Siberian frosts. It’s up to you to take the word of a nice consultant or try to figure out for yourself exactly what temperature a winter jacket is designed for. In this material we will briefly look at the main insulation materials used by jacket manufacturers, from the point of view of their ability to warm the wearer in cold weather.

Fluff and feathers

It so happens that almost each of us habitually calls any winter jacket“down jacket”, although this is true only for a certain part of the representatives of winter outerwear. Naturally, only a jacket that uses natural bird down and feathers as insulation can be called a down jacket.

Most often, eiderdown or goose down is used in outerwear. On the labels of imported manufacturers it is designated by the word down. Next to this word is feather - “feather”. The ratio of the first and second ranges from 70:30 to 85:15, the more fluff, the warmer and heavier the product.

The warmest and most expensive eider down. Such down jackets can cost several tens of thousands of rubles. The thoughtful cut of the gasket with filler also increases the price of the product. For example, to prevent the fluff from clumping inside the product and coming out, it is sewn into special bags, which are then evenly placed inside the lining. To avoid cold bridges in the seams, competent manufacturers lay bags of fluff overlapping or glue the seam spaces with special compounds. When choosing a down jacket, inspect the seams, remember the product slightly - there should be no sharp ends of feathers or down sticking out of it.

The advantage of down jackets is their high thermal insulation rates, like all natural materials. But they require especially careful care when washing or cleaning. At the same time, natural material serves as an excellent breeding ground for dust mites. It is best not to purchase low-quality down products at all, since problems during wear (feathers and down that come out and get tangled) will negate the pleasure of warmth.

Viva synthetics!

Perhaps the most common fillers for warm jackets today are synthetic. Their use is justified by ease of maintenance, relative affordability and good thermal insulation properties.

One of the most common insulation materials for outerwear is synthetic winterizer. It has a small volume and does not crumple when worn, but a jacket with padding polyester can save you from frost of a maximum of 10-15 degrees.

A more frost-resistant insulation is holofiber. It is more voluminous - products with it look plumper, which may not be to the taste of fashionistas. But the obvious advantage of holofiber is that it can easily warm the owner at temperatures up to 25-30 degrees below zero.

Recently, products based on new-generation synthetic insulation materials, such as Fibertek, Waltherm, Thinsulate, etc., have come into mass sale. All these are developments of foreign companies, which were originally used in the sewing of military and sportswear. They owe their heat-saving properties to synthetic hollow fibers that have a high degree of elasticity. Products with such fillers may not be inferior in thermal insulation properties to down jackets.

The most popular filler is Thinsulate, developed by the American company 3M. This is a very light and warm material that recovers well after washing and, despite its artificial origin, allows the body to breathe. In terms of cost, products with Thinsulate as a filler are close to jackets based on natural down.

Typically, the label of a product with a synthetic filler contains the word Polyester. This means with a 90% probability that there is padding polyester or holofiber inside. The latter, as already mentioned, is more voluminous and warm.

By the Thinsulate inscription you will unmistakably identify Thinsulate. Another modern insulation, which is most often used in sportswear, Waltherm will be designated as Valtherm. By the way, experts advise purchasing products with Waltherm with a density of at least 200-250 units for the winter.

Products filled with natural down are best dry cleaned. When washing down jackets, use the gentle cycle or hand wash them without soaking or wringing. When washing by machine, experts advise putting a couple of tennis balls in the drum: they will absorb excess moisture and roll over the jacket during washing, preventing the fluff from falling off.

What does the label say?

The label of the factory product must indicate the material from which the top of the jacket is sewn, the material of the filling and lining. The outer fabric can be windproof and waterproof, which will certainly increase wearing comfort.

The abbreviation CLO and the number from 1 to 3 will indicate the thermal insulation properties of the product. Thus, a down jacket with 1CLO is designed for temperatures down to -15o C, 3CLO - up to -40o C.

In addition to the label, many large manufacturers supply their products with a special booklet, which describes in detail the properties of the filler and upper fabric.

If you are planning to buy a winter jacket, the main thing is to decide on the material from which it should be made.

Fur jackets


Fur jackets are the warmest, especially if they are made from natural fur. The warmest option is beaver and mink jackets. But a jacket made of astrakhan fur is suitable only for warm winter. Jackets made from natural fur are not cheap, so you should buy them in specialized fur stores, where the likelihood of buying a fake is much lower.

Down jackets

Down jackets are considered very warm winter clothing, but we must remember that they get wet easily, after which the down loses its heat-protective properties. Such a jacket should be impregnated with a water-repellent agent if it is made of a material that allows moisture to pass through. But most often such products already have factory water-repellent impregnation.

A good down jacket should contain at least 20% feather, otherwise the down will clump into clumps. Eider down is considered the best filling for down jackets, while gray and white goose down take second and third places.


When choosing a down jacket, you should definitely pay attention to the inside of the lining; under no circumstances should feathers stick out from it. The quality of the down itself is checked as follows: fold the jacket and squeeze it tightly, then release it. The fluff should occupy approximately 70% of its original volume. The full volume of a real down jacket should be restored no earlier than after 20 minutes. The more time it takes, the better.

You need to remember that a down jacket requires proper care. It must be washed with special shampoos and dried quickly, on a horizontal surface, placing a heater under it. If you do not do this, the fluff may rot and the product will have yellow streaks.

Jackets with synthetic insulation

A down jacket is more suitable for a sports style of clothing, but if you prefer a different style, you can purchase a textile jacket with a fur or synthetic padding lining. You can wear it in both cold and warmer weather.

Unlike down jackets, jackets with synthetic insulation are lighter and thinner. Thanks to modern technologies, in a jacket with high-quality insulation you will not freeze even in the most severe frost. A huge advantage of such products is their price.

Leather jackets


Leather clothing looks beautiful and protects well from frost, but cold winter it must have a lining that can be easily unfastened. The advantage of this jacket is that it can be worn in cold and warmer weather. The warmest liners are made of mink or sheepskin. But be aware of fakes. Often the collar is lined with real fur, and the inside is lined with faux fur. You can check this by pulling out and burning a hair. If it burns completely and the smell of burning hair appears, then the fur is natural, and if the hair melts, then the fur is artificial.

An excellent material for a winter jacket is calfskin or sheepskin; it is soft and practical. To find out the quality of the leather, shake the jacket - the leather should not rustle. If you hear this sound, this is a sign that the leather was poorly processed or overdried, and it is advisable to refuse to purchase such a jacket.

When purchasing a leather jacket, be sure to check whether it has a water-repellent coating. This can be done in the following way: a drop of water drips onto the jacket; if the water rolls off, it means that the treatment has been carried out, but if the water has been absorbed, it means that the jacket has not been treated.

Price and quality


The price of the jacket will depend on the popularity of the brand, the country of manufacture, the newness of the collection, the filling and the material from which it is made. Jackets made in China may be cheaper, since there are many factories there that produce clothes under license from large brands. They cost the manufacturer less, so prices in stores are lower. When buying a jacket, you should pay attention to some details, in particular, the cut of the product and the evenness of the seams, and you also need to check all the zippers, buttons and other fasteners on the jacket.

When it's time to update winter clothes to my husband, I started preparing for shopping in advance. He prefers a classic and elegant style, so the option of buying a down jacket was out of the question. The winter jacket turned out to be the most preferable, especially since the efforts of many designers provided men with an excellent assortment of similar items for every taste and color - and wallet size.

Even if a jacket is needed by an inveterate fashionista who cannot imagine his existence without trendy things, when it comes to a winter wardrobe, it is still better to give preference to warmth and comfort - even at the expense of fashion. How to choose a men's jacket for the winter? First of all, you need to pay attention to its most important characteristics:
- size;
- materials.

Finding out what size you need is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, ideally, the item should be tried on by the person who will wear it before purchasing. However, it is sometimes difficult for always busy men to find time for shopping, and some ladies may purchase such things as a gift for their husband, brother or son. In this case, the easiest option is to look at the size of the jacket he is wearing now. And if it becomes too small for him, then he just needs to focus on a larger size - besides, if the item doesn’t fit, it can be exchanged. One more interesting secret can be used if your man wears a jacket. Choosing jacket, you need to take something that is 1 size larger than the jacket. Then the outerwear will fit neatly, and its owner will avoid such inconveniences as a feeling of squeezing in the shoulders or neck.

You also need to try on your future jacket correctly. If you buy it in winter, then, of course, there will be no problems. But many prudent and economical people prepare for the cold in advance - and go to the shops in the summer or autumn. In this case, you will need to take the thickest sweater with you and try the item on it. When you put on your jacket, be sure to zip it up completely. Try raising and lowering your arms, bending over and tying your shoelaces, and squatting a little. If there is a feeling of discomfort, the jacket presses somewhere or restricts movement, it is better to try a larger size.

How dense and warm a thing will be, whether it will protect the owner well from frost, wind and snow - depends on the materials that were used in its manufacture. Of course, the raw materials must be of high quality. What other characteristics will be important when choosing?

1. Material of the front part. Ideally, it should be of natural origin. A fur, cashmere or wool jacket will perfectly warm its owner in winter, and at the same time will look respectable and presentable. Cashmere in this case will be somewhat warmer than the same wool. However, if the jacket is made of wool, it will be stronger and more durable than cashmere - and this is important. You can pay attention to models that are made from a mixture of wool and synthetic materials. First of all, such models are considered budgetary, as they are cheaper. Of course, they are less warm than pure wool, but they are lighter in weight - that is, the jacket will be lighter. And the heat-protective properties of the front fabric material can be perfectly compensated by a high-quality lining.

2. Insulation. If you want to buy a jacket with natural insulation, then the best option is, of course, down. It is light and at the same time able to warm even in the most severe frosts. This option is not suitable for people prone to allergies. In addition, down filling does not tolerate washing very well. You can turn your attention to artificial insulation. Of course, a jacket with padding polyester is not the most the best choice for our harsh climatic conditions.

An interesting and popular option today is models with synthetic down. This is a kind of synthetic analogue of down, a more progressive version of padding polyester, which has better characteristics in terms of heat retention. A thing filled with holofiber will also please you with its price and heat-protective properties. If you want the warmest and lightest option, then you can look for a jacket with such modern insulation as Thinsulate. In terms of its heat-protective qualities, it is not inferior even to down.

3. Lining is a very important part, especially when it comes to winter clothes. The ideal option is a lining made of silk of natural origin. Then the jacket will fit perfectly over your clothes, and you will feel comfortable and cozy. If it is not possible to purchase a model with a silk lining, then it is better to choose an option where this important detail made from natural materials. Synthetics - especially cheap synthetics - wear out quickly and can also cause skin irritation.

4. Attention to detail - buttons, zippers, fasteners and seams can say a lot about the integrity of the manufacturer. If the seams are uneven, threads stick out from them, buttons are poorly sewn and dangle, and are made of suspicious-looking plastic, and the zipper jams, it is better to refuse such a purchase, since the product is clearly of poor quality. In this case, you should not pay attention to the popularity of the brand - there is a good chance of buying a bad fake at an exorbitant price.

A few words about types

The variety of options offered by modern designers is indescribably great. However, they are all essentially divided into five main types.

1. Pea coat: once worn by sailors, it was even part of their uniform. Therefore, traditionally peacoats are made from high-density wool, and the color range of such items is usually restrained - mostly black or dark blue color. In order for the peacoat to protect the owner not only from the cold, but also from snow (or snow and rain), manufacturers impregnate the wool with special compounds. Both an active tourist and a respectable businessman can wear such a jacket - it is comfortable and also belongs to the category of “immortal classics”. The main thing is to choose the pea coat exactly in size. If the jacket is too big (even just a little), the man’s figure will seem too bulky and disproportionate. And if the item is small, it will stretch at the button area, and its owner will look quite funny. Also, peacoats are contraindicated for large men, as they visually make the shoulders and chest wider than they actually are.

2. Leather jacket - another classic option that was, is and, most likely, will be in trend at all times. By the way, my husband finally settled on a stylish black leather jacket - it looks very solid and protects well from the cold. Long coats are usually chosen by men who want to emphasize their high social status. The main thing when choosing leather jacket for the winter: take into account your body type, and, of course, carefully study not only the quality of the item, but also do not forget to look in the mirror when trying it on;

3. Windbreakers: this, of course, is an insulated option, ideal for fans of winter sports. Such models protect very well from wind and precipitation, and they usually have a hood - and this is additional protection for the face. The ties on the sleeves and waist also prevent cold air from penetrating under clothing.

4. Parka: These jackets are distinguished by their practicality and are back in fashion today. Such jackets usually have a fur trim, are well insulated, and the front part is impregnated with a water-repellent composition. The classic length of the parka is mid-thigh. On the one hand it is convenient, and on the other hand it is warm and comfortable.

5. Insulated jackets: most often these are sports-cut products made from modern synthetic materials. It's essentially a waterproof and windproof lightweight jacket that can be lined with polyester or down filling. Such jackets are very light, resistant to wear and abrasion, and also retain heat well.

You need to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the quality of the product, its style, and, of course, your financial capabilities. Of course, other things being equal, it is still better to give preference to a warmer item than to one that has a fashionable cut and stylish design.

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