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How to clean superglue stains. How to remove super glue from fingers: step-by-step instructions

Super glue is a wonderful, useful thing, but only until you use it to put a stain on your clothes or your favorite tablecloth. Then such a positive quality of super glue as fast drying will become its negative quality. Superglue sets almost instantly, so even if you act quickly and without delay, it will most likely have time to dry before you remove it. If super glue gets on your clothing or other fabric, try the following tips to clean it up:

To remove superglue stains you will need:

  • Paper napkin or cotton swabs (discs);
  • Acetone-based nail polish remover;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Very fine sandpaper or nail file;
  • Liquid detergent for washing clothes;
  • Washing machine;
  • Lighter fluid (optional).

Removing superglue from clothing and fabric

  1. Wait until it is completely dry before attempting to remove the super glue.
  2. Soak a piece of paper towel or cotton swab in acetone-based nail polish remover (make sure the nail polish remover is acetone-based, otherwise it won't help you).
  3. To make sure that nail polish remover will not damage the structure of the material or its color, test its effect on the fabric of the clothing in a small, inconspicuous area.
  4. Place a napkin or cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover over the superglue stain. Let the glue soak for a minute or two.
  5. Scrub the stain vigorously with a toothbrush until the glue begins to peel off.
  6. Depending on the amount of glue on the fabric, steps 4 and 5 may need to be repeated until the superglue is completely clear.
  7. If the glue has saturated the fabric to the opposite side, you may need to repeat steps 4 and 5 on both sides of the material.
  8. If a glue stain remains after several repetitions of the soaking and scrubbing procedure, try gently rubbing the stain with very fine sandpaper or a nail file. Be careful not to scrub too vigorously, otherwise you may damage or tear the fabric and ruin your clothing.
  9. Apply a few drops of detergent directly to the area where the remaining adhesive remains. Rub the detergent into the fabric of your clothing using your thumb and forefinger.
  10. Wash the fabric or clothing in the washing machine according to the directions on the product label.
  11. When the wash is complete, carefully check the fabric for any remaining traces of the glue stain. If the stain remains, do not put the clothes in the dryer - the heat from the dryer will only set the stain and make it almost impossible to remove.
  12. If the stain remains, try dampening it with lighter fluid and scrubbing again with a toothbrush as described above in steps 4 and 5. Then rinse as usual. Remember To make sure that lighter fluid will not damage the structure of the material or its color, test its effect on the fabric of clothing in a small, inconspicuous area. ALSO, be careful when using lighter fluid as it is flammable and quite toxic. Do not use it near open flames or on any material that is prone to static electricity.
  • Unlike most stains, it's best to wait until superglue is completely dry before attempting to remove it. Otherwise, the material you use to remove (paper towel or cotton swab) will stick to the stain, making the situation even worse.
  • NEVER use any of the above cleaning methods on clothing or fabric that is dry clean only. Such items should only be cleaned by professional dry cleaners.
  • If the fabric with the super glue stain is extremely delicate (such as silk), even if it is washable, it is best to seek advice from a professional dry cleaner before attempting to remove the stain yourself.
  • Many hardware stores and supermarkets sell super glue remover that can be used to remove glue from fabric. However, keep in mind that these solvents are quite strong and cannot be used on some types of materials. Before treating a stain, first read all warnings on the solvent label and always test the solvent on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.
  • If these tips for removing superglue from clothing or fabric don't work for you, pay attention to the glue packaging. It should contain information about the glue manufacturer - a website or telephone number should be indicated. You can try contacting the manufacturer for additional help and advice.
  • The best way to remove super glue stains from clothing fabric is to not get it at all. Always read and follow all warnings and instructions before using superglue or any other adhesive. Make sure your work area is well organized. Wear old clothes or a work apron when working with glue.

During work, superglue can get not only on the materials being joined, but also on your hands, clothes, chipboard and other surfaces. In addition, the materials may not bond properly. This article is devoted to how to remove superglue using improvised and special substances.

Method one

Superglue stains can be cleaned with acetone or nail polish remover. You need to generously moisten the stained area with liquid and after an hour, rub the surface with a cotton cloth or a soft brush, such as a toothbrush. In some cases, it is necessary to repeat the procedure several times until complete removal. When using acetone, check in advance on an inconspicuous area to see if the liquid will cause discoloration of the surface or other damage. When removing stains from the fabric with acetone (it is recommended to proceed only after the glue has completely dried), you should place cardboard or white paper under it so that during the cleaning process the fabric does not stick to the table or other surface.

Method two

There is a chance that hot water and soap will help remove the superglue. This method is most suitable for removing dirt from hands and clothes. You can use both liquid soap and bar soap, as well as various scrubs or rich creams for the face and body.

Method three

To clean superglue, you can use Dimexide solution (sold in pharmacies without a prescription). A small amount of liquid should be applied to a cotton swab, thoroughly rub the stain and rinse with warm water.

Method four

Another method for removing superglue stains from clothes is to heat the fabric with an iron, hairdryer, or cool it in the freezer. When exposed to high or low temperatures, the glue will become brittle and can be carefully scraped off, for example, with the blunt side of a knife. You can remove superglue with a pumice stone or a nail file, if treatment with abrasives does not lead to further damage to the base.

Method five

High-quality superglue is quite difficult to remove with improvised means, as it is resistant to moisture, chemicals and high or low temperatures. In this case, you cannot do without a special superglue remover, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

Anti-adhesive “Second” copes with its task “excellently”. It removes even old stains from instant glue of any brand, as well as traces of chewing gum. Thanks to a special formula based on propylene carbonate and colloidal silicon dioxide, the anti-adhesive is not only extremely effective, but also practically does not damage surfaces, including paintwork, and does not irritate the skin. To remove superglue stains from your hands, just apply the product for 10-20 minutes. For substrates such as plastic, fabric, wood and others, it is recommended to increase the exposure time to several hours.


Tons of things could have been thrown into the trash ahead of schedule if humanity had not invented glue. Today, most repair and installation work cannot be done without its use, some types of glue replace nails and screws, and the average person on the planet cannot imagine their life without the world-famous superglue. But often surfaces and objects get dirty and you have to remove the glue in every possible way. We will tell you how to remove superglue without causing damage to products and coatings.

Often, after repairing a product or installation work, the glue stains the surface, leaving unsightly stains and smeared marks. Fortunately, even superglue can be wiped off almost any surface without damaging it.

Why is it difficult to remove superglue?

When the glue dries, it hardens on the surface, penetrating into pores, crevices and irregularities. The gluing effect lasts a long time and can withstand all kinds of physical activity and high temperatures. Superglue contains cyanoacrylate - a substance that tightly glues any smooth surfaces and, interacting with moisture, instantly hardens. Therefore, in a loosely closed tube, the glue dries quickly, since moisture is present in the air. Any attempts to wash superglue from the surface with ordinary water only lead to its further hardening. The problem with removing cyanoacrylate from surfaces is that many materials do not react well to solvents that can dissolve superglue. Some surfaces cannot be cleaned with abrasives, so you need to be careful when choosing methods and products.

Often the table gets dirty because the tube of glue is left uncovered.

Chemicals for removing superglue

Most products that can cope with traces of glue are found in every home. For some you will have to go to the nearest building materials store or pharmacy. It is better to remove traces of any glue while they are still fresh. If you repaired a product and got it dirty, then, if possible, you should immediately carefully remove any remaining glue, being careful not to move the adhesive joint. Also, do not forget about safety measures if you work with solvents:

  • to protect your skin from irritation and dermatitis, wear gloves;
  • Since many of the solvents are quite toxic, do not use them in enclosed spaces;
  • use products with caution on plastic and painted surfaces;
  • After work, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

With its help, you can not only wipe away traces of glue, but also separate glued parts and fingers. Perfectly removes products such as Secunda, Super Moment. Since Anti-Glue has a rather thick consistency, it can be used even on vertical surfaces. Cannot be used on varnished or painted surfaces and some types of plastic.

Instructions for use:

  1. Apply the product to the stained surface and leave for an hour.
  2. If it does not work completely, then leave it for another hour.
  3. In particularly severe cases, leave Anticlea overnight.
  4. Remove the napkin and discard.
  5. Wipe the surface with a clean cloth.
  6. Wipe with a damp cloth or wash in water.
  7. Allow the surface to dry.

Anti-glue can remove glue even from the upholstery of a soft chair


This drug successfully dissolves cyanoacrylate and removes traces of polyurethane foam and paint. When working with it, you should use rubber gloves, as it can irritate the skin (as an exception, glued fingers). Also, do not forget that not all surfaces can be treated with this product and, for example, plastic or painted ones can change their structure. Successfully removes glue from household appliances.

  1. Apply the product to the area stained with glue.
  2. Wipe the stain with a rag.
  3. Remove the napkin and discard.
  4. Repeat the procedure if the stain has not disappeared.
  5. Wipe with a damp, clean cloth or napkin until any remaining solvent is completely removed.

Dimexide removes superglue from most types of surfaces


Used to dilute various types of paints, enamels, varnishes. Dissolves acrylic and some types of plastics. Acetone is quite aggressive for the skin of the hands, mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and eyes, so it should be used with caution and gloves should be worn on your hands.

  1. Apply acetone to a cotton swab and place it in place with the dried glue.
  2. Leave for a few minutes to allow the glue to dissolve.
  3. Remove any remaining glue with the same swab.
  4. Repeat the procedure if the glue is not completely removed the first time.
  5. Use an old toothbrush if the glue doesn't come off easily.
  6. Wipe the treated surface with a damp cloth or wash in water.

White Spirit

Another organic solvent that can be used to remove traces of glue. Also dissolves paint and varnish. Less toxic. Use as with acetone.

White spirit is excellent at removing most types of glue.


It does not completely dissolve superglue, but it significantly softens and destroys its structure. After treatment with alcohol, the glue becomes softer and is easier to remove from the surface mechanically. Unlike solvents, alcohol is safer. It is applied directly to the surface to be treated and allowed to act. The softened glue is removed with a scraper, knife or spatula.

Nail polish remover

Available with or without acetone. The latter is less effective, but more gentle on surfaces sensitive to acetone and other solvents. Use like acetone or white spirit.

Nail polish remover without acetone is more gentle on surfaces

A common feature of solvents is the ability to act not only on adhesive joints, but also on the surface that needs to be cleaned. Before starting cleaning, always check the effect of the product on the most inconspicuous area and if any damage to the surface is detected, stop using the product.

Traditional methods of removing glue from surfaces

Many types of glue can be removed without the use of organic solvents. These are products for non-mechanical, mechanical and combined cleaning. They are less aggressive, do not always give quick results and are often not as effective as chemical ones.


Any vegetable and cosmetic oils, as well as Vaseline, will do. Such a handy tool will not dissolve the glue, but will help peel it off the surface. Suitable only for surfaces that cannot absorb oil.

  1. A cotton swab is generously moistened with oil.
  2. Apply the product to the stained area and rub vigorously.
  3. Leave for a while so that the oil can be absorbed.
  4. Check how the glue reacted.
  5. If the glue has softened, remove it with a plastic knife, an old bank card, a spatula or your fingernails (if the glue comes off the surface easily).
  6. Wipe off traces of oil with a dry cloth or paper towel.

Instead of vegetable oil, you can use baby or any cosmetic body oil

Table vinegar

Vinegar is a 9% solution of acetic acid, and it can destroy cyanoacrylate. In low concentrations it does not harm coatings, but if in doubt, you should first test the effect of vinegar on an inconspicuous area. Not the most effective remedy because the acid concentration is too low. It is better to use vinegar essence, but do not forget that it is dangerous for the skin of your hands and mucous membranes.

How to process:

  1. Apply vinegar to the adhesive area.
  2. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. If the glue has dissolved, remove any remaining residue using a piece of cloth or napkin.


This truly universal product is suitable not only for cleaning various kitchen utensils, but also for removing adhesive compounds from surfaces.

  1. Make a cleaning paste: mix 2 tbsp. l. soda with 1 tsp. water (the paste should be thick).
  2. Apply the product to the glue-smeared area.
  3. Let the baking soda sit for a few minutes.
  4. Wipe off the glue with the paste until all traces disappear.
  5. Remove any remaining baking soda with a damp cloth.

Superglue can be removed by scrubbing with a paste of baking soda and water using an old toothbrush.


It will help remove already hardened and hardened glue. This method can hardly be called effective, but it’s worth a try.

  1. Heat the stained surface with a hairdryer.
  2. If the glue becomes softer, try removing it mechanically.
  3. Depending on the surface being treated, the glue is removed with the blunt side of a knife, metal or plastic scraper.

Do not heat varnished surfaces. When exposed to hot air, the varnish may swell and turn white in some places.

Use it to remove superglue from metal surfaces. Apply the product to a rag or sponge and treat the surface until the glue is removed.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to remove superglue from metal surfaces.

Safe ways for children

Most children love to make crafts, make appliqués, or secretly steal glue from their parents and glue everything until they are horrified to discover their child smeared with glue. You can also entrust a child with removing traces of superglue by choosing the safest means. These are soda, sunflower oil, diluted vinegar, and alcohol wipes. Of course, you shouldn’t leave the little pest alone with himself. He will need your advice and control.

Using these wipes you can remove glue from various surfaces and the skin of your hands.

How to remove glue from different surfaces and materials

Methods permitted for one type of material are unacceptable for another. The most difficult to remove glue are varnished and painted surfaces, as well as some types of plastic.

How to remove superglue from furniture

When choosing methods and means, you need to take into account the material and type of surface to be treated. Lacquered surfaces do not tolerate solvents and alcohol, and they cannot be treated with abrasives.

How to remove superglue from the floor

Glue often spills on the floor, especially during renovations. If stains remain, you can use white spirit. Single marks are removed using nail polish remover. Also, spilled superglue will perfectly remove Dimexide. Not all products are equally safe for linoleum, laminate and parquet.

  1. Linoleum is the least picky; white spirit and other solvents can be used to remove traces of superglue.
  2. Parquet should be handled more delicately and instead of conventional solvents, use nail polish remover, Anti-glue or Dimexide.
  3. Dimexide effectively removes superglue stains from laminate flooring. It is absolutely harmless for this type of coating. Apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe the stain until it disappears completely. Residues are removed with a dry cloth.

Video: how to remove superglue from laminate flooring

How to remove glue from glass and office equipment

Remove hardened glue from glass using a universal glass cleaner and a stationery knife. The glass cleaner removes most adhesives, and the utility knife is thin and flexible so it won't damage the glass.

  1. Apply the product to the stained surface and leave for several minutes.
  2. The remaining glue is scraped off with a stationery knife.
  3. Clean with window cleaner.

Such a remedy is not always at hand, so you can use improvised means. Glass glue is most often cleaned with alcohol, solvents, and nail polish remover.

Glue from glass is also removed using a razor blade. To avoid cutting your hands, the blade is inserted into a stationery eraser.

A razor blade will help you clean the glass.

Even if superglue somehow ends up on your glasses, it can be removed using nail polish remover without acetone. The screen of a smartphone, laptop, tablet will be safely cleaned by Dimexide. If glue is spilled on the laptop cover, the same substance will remove it without a trace, without damaging the surface of the electronic device. Wipe the dirty lid until the glue is completely removed, and then remove excess solvent with a damp cloth.

Video: how to clean tablet screen from superglue

How to remove glue from silicone and plastic cases

Silicone cases can also be cleaned with oil, nail polish remover without acetone, Dimexide and Antiglue. Solvents can ruin silicone, so it is better to use sunflower oil.

If you treat a stain on a plastic cover with sunflower oil, the glue will come off slowly. You will have to scrub for a long time, making efforts. It may not be possible to remove the glue completely, but it’s worth a try, because this product does not harm the plastic.

Video: how to remove superglue from a plastic phone case

How to clean the front door, metal, suede, marble and tiles

  1. Entrance doors are cleaned using Penin oil paint solvent. Apply the product to a rag, wipe the stained surfaces, and wipe the door with a clean, dry rag.
  2. Metal can be cleaned with any solvent, as well as mechanically, for example, with a steel wool for kitchen utensils. If the surface cannot be scratched, then use hydrogen peroxide: apply it to a cotton pad, apply it to the contaminated area, wait until the glue begins to dissolve, and then remove the residue with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge or a blade.
  3. Suede is a delicate material. If during repairs suede shoes were stained with glue, then remove the stains with Anti-Glue. To restore the lint, hold the product over steam for several minutes. You can also try refined gasoline and nail polish remover.
  4. Marble does not tolerate acids and solvents. They clean it from dried glue mechanically, followed by grinding. The same goes for untreated stone.
  5. If ceramic tiles are stained with superglue, acetone, white spirit or nail polish remover will help correct the situation. Also carefully remove the glue using a razor blade.

If evil neighbors poured glue into the keyhole

You will need a lot of endurance and time, Anti-glue, a knife with a thin blade, a watch screwdriver or some long thin object (wire, knitting needle).

  1. Poke the glue with a knife and clean off as much as possible.
  2. Pour solvent into the core using a syringe.
  3. After half an hour, pick up the glue again.
  4. Fill with Anti-Glue again.
  5. Do this until the key enters the lock.
  6. Open the door.

You can also use any solvent that you have in the house, but they are liquid and will most likely leak out faster than they have time to act. If you can remove the lock, you can use acetone, white spirit, or gasoline.

How not to remove glue and precautions when working with it

When trying to remove glue, we often cause irreparable damage to objects and surfaces. The following recommendations will help you avoid this:

  • do not use a solvent if you are not sure how the coating will behave;
  • Since many solvents are toxic and can cause nausea and dizziness, do not use them in enclosed spaces or in the presence of children;
  • Do not use chemical agents to remove adhesive on objects in which food is stored (dishes, refrigerator).
  • Share with your friends!

Stains remaining on clothes after superglue are among the most difficult to remove and can hopelessly ruin any item. Fortunately, there are fairly safe and proven ways to remove superglue stains from clothing without damaging the fabric, and you can do it yourself without resorting to expensive dry cleaning services.

The success of independent actions is determined by several factors:

  • composition of the affected tissue;
  • the degree of its strength and thickness;
  • the size of the spot left by superglue;
  • the presence in the house of the means necessary to carry out the manipulation.

After superglue gets on clothing, you should act immediately, without waiting for the resulting stain to harden. The easiest way to do this is with boiling water (of course, if the item is made of heat-resistant fabric), proceeding as follows:

  1. The product is removed so that adjacent layers do not stick together.
  2. After boiling water in a kettle as soon as possible, pour it into a wide bowl.
  3. Taking care to prevent burns, immerse the item in boiling water (stain side down) and hold for three minutes.
  4. Having achieved softening of the glue, take the product out of the water and, placing it on a hard surface, quickly but carefully scrape off the stain with a piece of plastic or a blunt metal object. In order not to damage the material, it is better to avoid using a blade or a sharp knife.

What to do if the glue has dried?

Dealing with already dried superglue stains is much more difficult, but you can try:

  • Scrape them off with a not too sharp knife. As a rule, it is not possible to completely get rid of the adhesive stain in this way. Residual traces of superglue can be permanently removed by washing.
  • Break them with several blows of a hammer, laying the damaged item on a hard surface. This method is suitable for removing drops of superglue that have frozen on clothing in the form of large peas. The crumbled particles of the adhesive stain are carefully separated, and the clothes are washed immediately using laundry soap and hot water.

How to remove glue stains using improvised means

To remove superglue stains that are deeply embedded in the fabric, you can use one of the methods described below.

Water and soap

If you apply a concentrated soap solution made from hot water and any alkaline (preferably laundry) soap immediately after superglue gets on your clothes, there is a high probability that the damaged item will regain its original appearance.

To do this, you need to hold it in a soapy solution for at least half an hour, and then try to clean off the glue. If the stain does not come off, rub it with a bar of soap and leave for 15 minutes, then wash the product.

Cleaning items made from delicate materials (suede, wool, velvet, silk) must be extremely careful. Too vigorous actions are fraught with the occurrence of irreparable abrasions.


One of the most effective ways to remove superglue stains is to freeze them. The affected item is placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Under the influence of low temperature, the stain will harden and peel off from the fibers of the material, after which it can be carefully pryed and scraped off using tweezers, a nail file, a dull knife or a tablespoon.


Fatty bases are a good option for superglue stain removers. The easiest way is to treat the stain with glycerin or petroleum jelly. You can apply a piece of margarine or butter to a cheap cloth. After this, you need to rub the glue stain until it completely disappears. To remove residual traces, you can use dishwashing liquid.


You can remove superglue stains from your favorite item by using an iron: when exposed to high temperatures, it will melt and easily come off the fabric. Procedure:

  1. The soiled item is laid out on a flat surface, with a piece of natural, clean cloth placed under it.
  2. Cover the stain with another layer of the same fabric.
  3. Heat the iron to maximum and iron the area of ​​contamination for a few seconds, checking the condition of the adhesive stain from time to time.
  4. The softened adhesive mass is scraped off with any blunt object.
  5. The item, cleaned of glue, is soaked for several minutes in a solution of stain remover or washing powder, and then washed.

Video: how to remove traces of glue from clothes

This video clearly demonstrates how you can get rid of superglue stains using acetone, iron and dimexide.

How to remove super glue from clothes using chemicals

You can also get rid of superglue stains using household chemicals that are found in every home.


An item made of thin fabric must be placed on a hard surface with a sheet of thick paper or cardboard placed underneath it, thereby preventing the fabric from sticking to this surface. When removing a small drop of superglue from very thick fabric, you can do without adding cardboard.

Armed with two cotton swabs or disks, soak them in acetone and apply them tightly to the hardened spot of superglue from the inside and top. After seven minutes, begin scraping off the loosened adhesive layer.

It must be remembered that the use of solvent or pure acetone is only permissible in relation to natural and very dense fabrics. Fibers of thin synthetic fabric can melt under the influence of acetone, forming a hole in the area of ​​the adhesive stain. Colored items may lose their original color.

Before using solvent or acetone to remove superglue stains, you need to make sure that their effect on the fabric is safe by rubbing an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing or a spare piece of clothing supplied by the manufacturer with a cotton swab soaked in them.

Table vinegar

It is sometimes possible to remove superglue from clothes using a solution prepared from 200 ml of table vinegar and a tablespoon of warm water. After soaking the contaminated area of ​​clothing in it for a quarter of an hour, scrape off the softened stain with some non-sharp object.

Using vinegar to remove superglue from the surface of synthetic fabric is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to deformation of the material.


When using gasoline to remove superglue stains, the area of ​​exposure to the fabric must be minimized. To do this, the item to be processed must be placed on a flat horizontal plane.

After moistening two cotton pieces with gasoline, place them on both sides of the stain. After ten minutes, begin to remove the adhesive layer. To eliminate a specific odor, the treated item is washed in a powder solution and then rinsed using conditioner.


One of the most effective ways to remove glue stains from clothes is to use a specialized solvent, sold in construction supermarkets under the name “Anti-Glue”.

This product was developed to dissolve high quality adhesive bases that have a complex chemical formula. With its help you can even get rid of old superglue stains. The components of this liquid substance are particularly delicate in their action on various materials, due to which their structure remains intact.

To remove superglue stains from clothes, just apply a special compound to them and wait about ten minutes. Then the product is rinsed with plenty of warm water.

Solvent "White spirit"

When using white spirit, the area contaminated with superglue is thoroughly moistened with it and left for several minutes. Considering the rapid evaporation of the solvent, you should prevent it from drying completely by wetting the adhesive stain from time to time. After making sure that the adhesive mass has softened, carefully scrape it off with a nail file.

You cannot use white spirit for processing items made of cotton and natural silk.


A solution of dimexide, which gives good results in removing stains left by superglue, can be purchased at the pharmacy. After moistening a couple of cotton pads with it, apply them to the contaminated area both from the outside and from the inside.

After ten minutes of exposure, they begin to remove undissolved glue particles. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, it is repeated several times. Once cleaning is complete, clothes should be washed as usual.


To remove superglue from colorless things, you can use “Whiteness”. A small amount of this chlorine-containing liquid is soaked in a cotton rag, applied to the stain and lightly rubbed. After this, the cleaned item must be washed.

Mistakes when removing superglue stains

The most common mistakes made when removing glue stains are to use:

  • not clean, but drained, contaminated gasoline, which can further damage and stain the damaged item;
  • acetone without preliminary testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing;
  • iron for cleaning items made of silk, fine synthetics and wool.

There are many ways available to help remove superglue stains from your favorite items without causing any harm to them. By using one of the recipes we offer, acting carefully and following the rules for working with flammable liquids, you can not only return your clothes to their original appearance, but also save a significant amount for the family budget by refusing dry cleaning services.

When you need to glue something, two problems usually arise: why doesn’t it stick, and how to remove glue from clothes? And if in the first case you should choose the best adhesive, then in the second this article will help.

For help!

This is not to say that only mothers whose children adore crafts and appliques face this problem. An adult can often get smeared during minor or major repairs. In any case, it is important to know how to quickly and easily remove glue from clothing.

If you notice that you have gotten dirty while working, act immediately:

  1. Try to wipe the stain on the product with a napkin.
  2. If something has already dried out, scrape it off with a knife or scissors.
  3. Before filling an item with any stain remover, check its effect on the reverse side of the item.

It is also important to know what kind of glue you used so that you can use solvents that can handle your particular composition.

Super glue

The most powerful adhesive that can join wooden, plastic and other surfaces is superglue. It can be called differently: “Moment”, “Second”, “Force” - but the essence is the same.

It dries very quickly and adheres to surfaces, is moisture resistant and durable. These are all, of course, advantages when it comes to the gluing process. But there are definite disadvantages if a droplet gets on your T-shirt.

From now on, be careful and wear an apron when working with this composition!

So, how do you remove super glue from clothes?

  • Wipe the fresh stain with laundry soap.
  • Gasoline can also help. Soak a cotton pad in it and rub the product.
  • Kerosene is another reliable solvent that also removes traces of paint, ink and resin.
  • In building materials stores you can find “Super Moment Anti-Glue” - a special product for removing the sticky layer. Suitable for white items only. By the way, with its help you can remove excess from any surface, not just fabric.

  • This is not all the means, since you can remove glue from denim with nail polish remover or acetone.
  • White spirit is another solvent that has been proven over the years and can work wonders.
  • When wondering how to remove super glue from wool or silk clothes, take a look in the kitchen. Every housewife has vinegar. Dissolve 20 ml of vinegar in 40 ml of water and soak the thing in it. Then wash as usual.
  • The wallpaper composition can be washed in soapy water or using regular powder.

Keep in mind that cheap Chinese tubes will be of lower quality. That is, this will affect the durability of the materials being glued, but they will wash off much easier.


Regular stationery glue with a water-soluble composition. Fresh stains can be easily removed in warm soapy water. Even just a stream of lukewarm water will easily wash away the white liquid.

If you got dirty a long time ago, but only noticed now, the following actions will help you:

  • The alcohol will help dissolve the gluten on jeans and thick cotton fabrics.
  • Ammonia will cope well with stains on suede products, including shoes.

It is recommended to steam suede first. Hold over a boiling kettle for 10 minutes, and then wipe with ammonia.

  • Use the freezing method for delicate fabrics. Place the blouse in the freezer for an hour. Afterwards, all you have to do is scrape off the frozen composition from the surface of the product and wash it as usual.
  • Vinegar can save synthetics (microfiber, fleece, acrylic).

Try to act immediately, as removing dried glue from any clothing is much more difficult.


It is also called liquid glass and is often used hot. For heavily soiled items, it is better to go to dry cleaning, especially if the fabrics are thin. You can try to deal with dense materials yourself.

So how do you remove silicate glue from clothes?

  • A soap solution or washing powder can handle minor stains. Soak the dirty sweater in a bowl of detergent for a couple of hours, then wash and rinse as usual.
  • You can add soda to the powder and soak it too. This will be effective for old dried blots.

Silicone sealant

This viscous composition can be easily washed off from things if it leaves a small trace.

  • Soak a sponge in vinegar and place on the stain for 30 minutes.
  • Acetone and white spirit will also dissolve dried caulk.

Use the products described above for natural materials; synthetics will not withstand such stress.

A thick layer of silicone must be filed off with a nail file or cut off with a knife, and the remaining stain must be removed with a solvent.

Any strong liquids must be used after wearing gloves.

We have listed for you the main types of adhesives that are used in construction and in everyday life. Now you probably know how to effectively remove glue from clothes.

For a snack, we left some information for fashionistas.

Stickers, rhinestones, labels

Often in stores, sellers glue labels directly onto clothes, so that after removal, a sticky residue remains, which quickly becomes overgrown with lint. Lovers of things decorated with rhinestones encounter a similar problem. After all, these small beads often fall off, leaving behind a nasty white mark.

So, here are the surefire ways to remove glue from stickers, labels and rhinestones from clothes:

  • Apply any vegetable oil to the dirty area. In an hour it can dissolve any sticky trace. What to do with the grease stain now? Just soak it in dishwashing detergent.
  • An iron can also be your assistant. Place a layer of paper between the stains and the iron coating, now iron the product. The sticky compound should stick to the paper.
  • For white items, a cotton swab dipped in white spirit or acetone is suitable. Treat the surface with this and the thing will become clean immediately after drying.

It would be useful to remind you that any product should always be first tested on the wrong side of the product or in things that are invisible to the prying eye. This will help protect you from permanent damage to an already damaged item.

Every home has a couple of T-shirts and pants that are not suitable for going out. It is best to wear them during repair work and in the process of creative crafts.

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