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Dye your hair yourself. Learn how to properly dye your hair at home. Best time to paint

Have you decided to dye your hair? Then you definitely need to know how to dye your hair correctly! You can learn about all the nuances of this activity in this article. We will tell you how to color your hair correctly.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

How to dye your hair at home?

It is considered that one of the most the right ways radically change your image and style - change your hairstyle or haircut. More precisely, this is the first decisive step, which foreshadows the beginning of something new and unusual. For some, hair coloring is a way to hide White hair, and for some it’s another reason to start changing their life.

If you really understand that you are determined in your desire, then the time has come to act and change!

But before moving on to the painting process itself, it is necessary to consider some points. First you need to understand what the right paint to use, and we are not talking about the color, which you have probably already decided on, but about the type of paint itself, its shade. And in general, not every paint may suit you, even if it seems to you that this is the shade of your dreams. Always remember that after dyeing it may suddenly turn out that the curls have become darker or, on the contrary, lighter. This is often observed in cases of blondes. And yes, such a passage does not always mean that you used bad or low-quality paint; rather, it indicates your simple ignorance.

To avoid the horror or stress of a failed experiment, it is important to prepare everything in advance.

Preparing for hair coloring

The first step in preparing for painting is choosing the paint itself. We have a separate article on how to do this, so here we will present only the basic principles.

There are a number of shades and colors of hair dyes, and there are also different types that differ in their characteristics. To choose correct option the following points must be taken into account:

  • paint fastness;
  • your skin tone;
  • eye color;
  • natural hair color and shade;
  • presence of gray hair.

These are the main factors that influence the selection of suitable products. However, do not forget about individual characteristics. For example, some may be allergic to certain types of dye, or the curls may not be prepared (brittle and lacking vitality). For precise definition, which paint to buy, you should first consult with specialists. They will help you choose the right product that will have a visible effect and will not cause problems with your scalp.

The main advice from experienced women who often dye their hair is to buy a little more dye than indicated in the instructions. The thing is that during the process circumstances may arise due to which there may not be enough paint. This happens more often than you think, so if you are planning to apply makeup at home, take this moment into account!

As for the durability of coloring products, here you need to consider your goal for changing your hair color. If you want to hide gray hair, then definitely choose a permanent dye. It can last up to two months even with regular shampooing. Not durable paints needed for those who don’t have a lot of gray hair, but have a great desire to experiment. If you don't know what will suit you, but want to try new color- the tint option will be just right.

As soon as the paint is selected and purchased, we move on to the next stage, namely the painting itself.


There are a few more tips to consider before starting the process:

  • you should not apply makeup if you have injuries in the head area;
  • You cannot add additional components to the diluted paint, such as balm, oil, etc.;
  • Do not use diluted paint more than once.

During the next stage, you need to prepare all the things you need to paint your head. These include:

  • the paint itself;
  • comb, preferably with fine teeth;
  • brush;
  • Bowl;
  • gloves;
  • hairpins or crabs for curls;
  • special cape.

It also makes sense to stock up thick cream. It is necessary for application along the hairline so as not to dye the ears or forehead. In general, this is all we may need for work.

How to apply paint yourself and wash it off?

Now we move on to a description of how to apply paint yourself, but before you start doing this, be sure to do an allergy test. To do this, take the diluted paint and apply it to your wrist or elbow, wait 10 to 15 minutes. If this place does not turn red or itch, then everything is in order and you can start.

d"> How to dye gray hair correctly?

For those who want to know how to properly dye gray hair, it is important to remember that there are some small peculiarities here.

If this is your first time wearing makeup and you only have a little gray hair, cover it first, starting from the roots. In this case, the paint should be kept longer so that the color takes on better. After this, dye your hair evenly along the entire length. How often should you color your roots? As the colored locks grow.

If you already have gray hair, dye your hair in several stages to get the desired shade. We use the same application technique.

How to dye your hair with henna?

Today many people prefer to dye their hair. This is a natural substance that gives beautiful results. How to dye your hair correctly?


There is no particular difference from the principle of painting with a chemical analogue, but there are a couple of nuances:

  • For shoulder length hair, one pack of henna is usually used;
  • You need to fill it with hot water, but not boiling water. There is also a method where henna is mixed with kefir to increase the shine effect and improve the hair structure. Kefir in this case acts as a tonic;
  • henna is stirred until it resembles sour cream;
  • To enhance the effect of color transfer, use a polyethylene cape on the head, usually this can be a pre-purchased cap, but you can also choose the traditional method using a bag. A towel is also placed on top;
  • Keeping henna on your head costs several hours; the shade will depend on the duration.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Often, dyeing your hair at home leads to unpleasant consequences. This happens due to non-compliance with the instructions, incorrect choice of paints, incorrect combination of dye and oxidizing agent, or the fact that the choice of color does not suit the complexion of the face. To avoid this, there are recommendations on how to color your hair at home.

General rules

In order for this procedure to bring the desired results, it is necessary to adhere to specific rules. They are as follows:

    Do not count on exactly the same picture as on the paint packaging. Texture of natural dark or blonde hair different. This affects the final result. Blonde curls, due to their more porous structure, will perfectly retain the coloring pigment, so the picture will turn out as close as possible to the declared one. On dark ones, the color will be different and appear richer.

To understand how your hair will look after dyeing, you need to conduct a preliminary test by dyeing a small strand at the back of your head.

    Do not try to lighten in one procedure dark hair. To reduce the harmful effects of the lightener, after each procedure it is necessary to make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

  1. Be sure to test for an allergic reaction. Many people ignore this rule, which leads to unpleasant consequences. A test is carried out a couple of days before staining. In the absence of allergies, the composition can be used.
  2. You cannot use styling products, nourishing masks, or balms before the procedure. If on the hair a large number of fixing agents, you need to wash your hair, but this needs to be done 2-3 days before painting. At this time, you need to do without styling products.
  3. You cannot increase the exposure time, assuming that this will help preserve the color longer or make the shade brighter. This measure will only harm the hair structure. Golden Rule: It is better to underexpose the paint than to overexpose it.
  4. Take precautions. Painting should only be done with gloves and a special cape. This will protect the skin of your hands from irritation and your clothes from indelible stains. It is important to ensure that the paint does not get into your eyes. After the specified time has elapsed, the head should be thoroughly rinsed with water, warm or cool (hot water will open the hair even more, which will lead to its destruction).
  5. Do not ignore the instructions when mixing formulations. The most common mistakes are combining different formulations in one container (for example, when coloring), dyeing eyelashes and eyebrows with hair dye, and incorrectly using an activator lotion or oxygenator. Ammonia paints use:

    3% – suitable for sensitive skin head, does not cover gray hair, but gives tone-on-tone color;

  • 6% – allows you to change the color by two tones in any direction, covers gray hair;
  • 9% and 12% - used for significant lightening, but can cause skin burns if used carelessly.

    Before applying the paint, the skin around the head should be treated with Vaseline or greasy cream.

  1. Apply the coloring composition from roots to ends using a brush, sponge, or comb.
  2. Dyed strands must be secured with clips. A common mistake is to twist your hair into a bun, attaching it tightly to your head. For a proper chemical reaction, air exchange is necessary.
  3. Before washing off, 5 minutes before washing, you need to emulsify the paint: foam it with a small amount of water. This way it will be well distributed throughout the strands. Water is applied with a spray bottle.
  4. You can wash off the dye with or without shampoos for colored hair. Afterwards you need to rinse with a weak vinegar solution. Please note: anti-dandruff shampoos cannot be used, because... they affect the color, brightening it.
  5. When finished, treat hair with balm. After this, they need to be carefully wrapped in a clean towel, without squeezing.
  6. If staining is unsuccessful, the procedure can be repeated only after two weeks.
  7. Thinned paint is not intended for storage or reuse.
  8. You cannot paint and paint at the same time. perm.
  9. Modern paints do not require insulation with polyethylene or a towel.
  10. For abrasions, wounds, and scratches on the head, the process should be postponed until they heal.
  11. You should not choose colors on your own that are very different from natural ones if the color is not determined by the color type. These shades are suitable if the type is:

Color type


Shades of paint


Cold ash, platinum, light brown (if the skin has a yellowish tint, use golden colors it is forbidden).

  • golden, peach, ivory skin, freckles;
  • eyes light, brown, hazel, blue, green;
  • natural hair has a golden wheat tint.

Red, copper, golden.

  • milky or dark skin;
  • eyes dark, blue;
  • hair is natural black, brown, but without a golden tint.

Focus on hair and eye color.

  • peach skin, ivory;
  • eyes green, cognac, amber;
  • natural hair red, curly, chestnut.

Chocolate, brown, copper, blond.

    gloves, a robe or cape, an old towel (it may get dirty in the process);

  • a brush for applying the composition (it is better to purchase a special one);
  • glass or ceramic bowl;
  • plastic clamps (metal ones may react with the oxidizing agent);
  • watch.

How to dye your hair roots at home

To disguise only regrown roots, one can of paint is often required.

Exposure time – 20-30 minutes. After this (if necessary), the paint is distributed over the entire length and left for another 5-10 minutes. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    Comb your curls.

  1. Start painting from the back of the head (in this area they are the thickest and are difficult to paint). Unwind your hair, divide it into strands, and dye one at a time.
  2. Paint the top of the head.
  3. Finish the work on the temporal areas.
  4. If necessary, use a comb to distribute the dye over the remaining curls.
  5. Wash off with or without shampoo.

Full length coloring

Dyeing technique long curls uncomplicated. You can use a brush or sponge to apply the composition. The only condition is to try to work quickly. The sequence is:

    Divide into 3 parts: crown, back of head, temples. Secure each zone with clamps.

  1. Apply the cream to areas along the hairline.
  2. Paint the roots.
  3. Comb the curls with a wide-toothed comb.
  4. Start coloring from the back of the head. Unwind your hair, divide it into strands, and dye one at a time. Apply paint along the entire length with a brush. Try to do this carefully. When using a sponge, apply the composition with blotting movements. Tip: twist each treated strand into a flagellum, so the paint will be well distributed.
  5. Paint the top of the head.
  6. Finish the work on the temples.
  7. Maintain the time specified in the instructions. Emulsify the paint. If there are a lot of gray hairs, you can increase the time to 10 minutes.
  8. Wash off with water and shampoo.
  9. Treat with conditioner.
  10. If a little paint gets on the skin, you can remove it with lemon juice or night cream. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately under running water.
  11. Comb your hair and dry without using a hair dryer.

How to preserve color for a long time

Once the dyeing process is complete, it is important to maintain the color for as long as possible. Here are some recommendations to help you do this:

    after coloring, use a fixative (it can be included in the kit);

  • do not wash your hair for two or three days after dyeing (at this time the final fixation of the shade takes place);
  • regularly use thermal protection (even if you do not use a curling iron or hair dryer);
  • use a stabilizer (this substance is included in many lines of cosmetic products);
  • rinse only with warm or cool water to cover the hair scales;
  • When caring for your curls, do not overuse oils that wash away the color;
  • if possible, do lamination;
  • It is not recommended to add oils or balms to chemical dyes, except those included in the kit (products from more than one cosmetic line may give an unexpected reaction).


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With the help of hair dye, you can not only change the color of your curls, but also radically change your image and lift your mood. A variety of modern hair coloring products can satisfy the needs of even the most capricious beauty. Of course, it’s easier to entrust your hair to a professional who will select the color correctly, apply the dye evenly, and good advice for hair care will give.

If you don’t have extra money or don’t have enough time to go to the hairdresser, you can dye your curls at home yourself. To carry out such a procedure at home, you will need certain skills and experience, otherwise you may get the most unexpected result, which may not please you, to put it mildly.

How to choose the right paint
If you value your hair, choose products from well-known companies, do not save, otherwise you risk not only getting an unexpected result, but also spoiling your hair with a low-quality product. Read the information on the packaging carefully. Many companies provide very convenient layouts with a palette of colors and curls artificial hair, painted in different colors. After carefully studying this layout, you can easily choose a color. Please note that the final result will depend on the original color of your hair. In addition, be sure to buy paint from the same manufacturer each time.

How to choose the right color
All hair dye colors are divided into three groups (scales): blond, chestnut and black. Each group is divided into three categories: light, medium and dark. Please note that making a dark shade is much easier than lightening your hair in case of unsuccessful dyeing. Therefore, first take the lightest tone from the selected category. Be especially careful with dark shades. Chocolate and black colors visually age you, so consider your age when choosing paint.

If you have short hair, take one package, but if you have long hair, take two. Please note that red and red shades are quickly washed out, in which case you will need special care for colored curls using special balms and color-refreshing tonics.

To avoid unpleasant surprises after you wash off the dye, check out some of the nuances of the hair coloring procedure at home:

  1. You should know that the hormonal changes that occur in your body directly affect the coloring result. And it doesn’t matter whether you go to a salon or apply your makeup at home. So during critical days, pregnancy, stress, hormonal imbalances, it is better to hold off on changing your image, because the result can be the most unpredictable.
  2. If your hair has been dyed with henna or basma, put it off for a while. Natural components, when reacting with the chemical ingredients of the dye, can give your hair a completely incomprehensible color.
  3. Please note that you cannot dye your hair more than two tones in one go.
  4. If you are changing your hair color for the first time, be sure to do a dye sensitivity test. Dilute a small amount of paint with an oxidizer, apply to your wrist and leave for a day. If your skin does not become irritated within 24 hours, you can safely use this product.
Before starting coloring, prepare:
  • fatty cream or Vaseline;
  • disposable gloves (if they are not included in the package);
  • a plastic bowl (never iron);
  • a special brush for dyeing hair (if you don’t have one, you can use an old toothbrush).
It is not recommended to wash your hair before dyeing, but you must comb it thoroughly. Please read the instructions carefully. Drape an old towel over your shoulders to avoid staining your clothes. Throw a rag or newspaper on the floor to avoid hassle with stains later. Wear gloves. Apply thick cream or Vaseline to the forehead, ears and temples so that no traces of paint remain on the skin. IN plastic dishes Stir the paint thoroughly according to the instructions until the consistency is uniform. Then follow the plan:
  1. Divide your hair into sections.
  2. Apply the dye evenly to the roots.
  3. Then distribute the remaining mixture through your hair, combing it thoroughly with a wide-tooth comb when finished.
  4. Secure your hair with a bobby pin to avoid staining your neck, shoulders and those around you.
Leave the dye on your hair for the time specified in the instructions.

If you need to color only the regrown roots, apply the mixture to them first, and after 20 minutes, distribute the remaining paint along the entire length of the hair and leave for another 10 minutes.

Wash your hair thoroughly with plenty of water, and then apply a special restoring balm to your hair, which will fix the color and give your curls a gorgeous shine.


  • It is better not to leave the dye on your hair than to overexpose it;
  • after dyeing, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  • apply only freshly prepared hair dye;
  • Do not add additional components to the mixture under any circumstances;
  • After dyeing, do not wash your hair for several days so that the coloring pigment adheres well to the hair;
  • if you have itching or a rash on your scalp, dyeing your hair is strictly prohibited;
  • use a special shampoo and conditioner for colored hair, as such care will help maintain the rich color for a long time.
If it happens that your hair color does not suit you, do not try to correct the situation at home. Only a professional hairdresser will help you save your hair no earlier than two weeks after unsuccessful dyeing.

The main thing is to follow the basic rules and know professional secrets that will help you achieve the desired shade and maintain the beauty of your hair.

You don't have to be a hairdresser to color your hair yourself!

1. If you are using a new brand of paint, be sure to check the skin test. Apply a little of the dye tube to the inner crease of your elbow. If during the day the skin in this area becomes red or irritated, the paint is not suitable for you.

2. Always mix the paint immediately before applying it: chemical reaction begins immediately and after some time its effectiveness weakens. And keep in mind: the gloves that manufacturers most often put in household hair dye are very uncomfortable, so buy a pair in advance latex medical gloves, fitting your arms like a second skin

3. Dyeing with chemical dyes is done on unwashed hair: a protective lipid film protects the scalp and hair shafts from damage. However, if the hair is very dirty, the paint will not be absorbed well. Ideally, you should not wash your hair before dyeing it. 1-2 days, no more. Vegetable dyes based on henna or basma are usually applied to clean hair.

4. Before applying the dye, comb your hair and lightly spray it with water from spray bottle: the paint will be absorbed better and the color will be brighter. Apply a thick layer to the hairline near the forehead and temples. Vaseline or fatty cream, it will protect the skin from staining.

5. Start coloring your hair from the back of my head gradually moving towards the forehead. Paint the temple area at the very last moment: the hair here is thinnest and dyes faster than others.

6. If you are tinting overgrown roots, apply the dye to them first, wait the time specified according to the instructions (usually 20-35 minutes), and then spray your hair with a spray bottle and comb the dye over its entire length. Leave it on your hair for about 5-7 minutes. This time will be enough to update shade along the entire length.

Natalia Karpova

Beauty expert, wellness expert

What hair coloring trends should you pay attention to this season, says the stylist and presenter of the program “Female form. Beauty demands! Vlad Lisovets:

The most popular colors of this fall and winter are close to natural. Girls with brown hair The shatush dyeing technique is recommended - these are slightly faded strands. Bright blonde is only acceptable if you have flawless skin. As for brunettes, chocolate shades are recommended for them. Owners of light eyes especially suit cool colors. And if you prefer warm tones, choose “warm chocolate”.

7. Don't skimp on paint. One package is only enough for short hair, shoulder length hair and below require more dye. And apply it as much as possible faster- otherwise the hair will be dyed unevenly. This is especially important if you are using products new generation for quick 10-15 minute coloring.

8. Follow exactly holding time paints. An extra 5-10 minutes will not make the color brighter, but such overexposure will instantly affect the condition of the hair, and not for the better.

9. Don't rush to wash the dye off your hair right away. At the beginning emulsify her - sprinkle your hair generously with water and, without taking off your gloves, thoroughly massage your head. This is necessary in order to give the hair shine and fix the color.

If you decide to change your hair color, you don't have to go to the salon. We will tell you how to dye your hair at home without harming its health and beauty. Modern hair dye manufacturers have simplified this process to the maximum. But the main thing in home coloring is to follow the rules and remember some nuances. Then you will enjoy bright and uniform hair color, as well as its shine without split ends.

How to dye your hair at home: step-by-step instructions

Simple monochromatic hair coloring can be done at home. But if you want to learn how to dye your hair at home using complex techniques (gradient, ombre, highlighting, pixel), then you cannot do without the help of a professional hairdresser. You also shouldn’t risk dyeing your hair from brunette to blonde on your own. The result may unpleasantly surprise you.

In all other cases, you will first need to choose a hair dye. For home dyeing It’s better to choose a color that is 1-2 shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color. Please note that color products can be semi-permanent, permanent or tinted. Read the description on the package carefully, as semi-permanent and tinted paints do not cover gray hair.

Tint products are suitable for those who are not ready for radical changes and want to refresh their hair color. They apply like shampoo, but the color doesn't last long.

You can dye your hair with permanent dyes no more than once a month. It is worth remembering when you should not dye your hair with chemical dye:

    If you have had a perm, you can dye your hair only a month after the procedure.

    Cannot be used after dyeing hair with henna or basma, as the color may not be what you expect (for example, green or purple).

    You should not apply hair dye if your scalp is damaged, has scratches or abrasions.

After choosing a hair dye, the entire process is divided into three stages: preparation, dyeing and care for colored hair.

Step 1. Preparation: what you need for home hair coloring

To make coloring easy, prepare everything in advance. Here's a list of what you'll need:

    1-2 packs of hair dye. The amount of dye depends on the length and thickness of the hair; for long hair you will need 2 packs.

    Old clothes or cape.

    Oilcloth on the floor. The paint will eat into the flooring if you accidentally drop it on it.

    Coloring brush and comb.

    Bowl for mixing paint and developer. Any non-metallic utensils, such as plastic, will do.

    Plastic hair crabs to hold strands.

    Cream or Vaseline that is applied along the hairline to prevent the dye from staining the skin.

Step 2. Hair coloring technique at home

Experts recommend doing an allergy test first. Although this is a rare occurrence, it is still not worth the risk. Mix a drop of paint and developer and apply to your wrist. Wait 15-20 minutes. If there is no redness or itching, then this paint is suitable for you.

How to apply hair dye:

    Mix the paint and oxidizer according to the instructions, stir well with a brush.

    In most cases, the dye is applied to dry hair. But this point should be clarified in the instructions.

    Lubricate the skin along the hairline with rich cream and make two partings. The first will go from the forehead to the back of the head, the second - from ear to ear. As a result, you will have 4 equal parts. Secure each of them with a crab or an elastic band.

    Apply paint along the main parting lines with a brush. Then start dyeing the strands from the back of your head. This is where hair takes the longest to dye. Paint your temples last, where the hair is thinnest.

    Strands are dyed from roots to ends.

    After you have dyed all the strands, distribute the remaining dye along the entire length of your hair and collect it in a bun.

Do not wrap your hair in a plastic bag and towel. Chemical paints do not need additional heat for the color to develop. On the contrary, it can damage your hair and make it dry.

You need to keep it for as long as indicated in the instructions. You can’t wash it off earlier or later, as the pigment needs time to be absorbed into the hair shaft. Wash off the paint with warm water until it becomes transparent. You can use shampoo and do not forget about the balm that comes with the paint. It is applied only to the entire length of the hair, avoiding the roots.

Gently pat your hair with a towel and dry naturally.

Step 3. Hair care after coloring

Dyed hair requires special care. It will be necessary to take care of preserving the color and improving the health of the hair. To do this you will need:

    Special shampoos and balms for colored hair. Regular shampoos can wash off dye much faster, especially with fruit acids.

    Make nourishing masks once a week which will strengthen the hair roots.

    Try use a hair dryer and straightener to a minimum so as not to injure your hair.

    Protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation and chlorinated water.

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