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Who suits black hair color? How to choose hair color: light, dark or red? Paint on black girl goes

With the onset of cold weather, many of us are thinking about updating our wardrobes, and our choice often turns to... black clothes.
Black color is favored and idealized, following many myths associated with it. According to statistics from many online stores, black clothing is the most popular. And when it comes to buying basic items for their wardrobe, most people choose black without even thinking about it.

Is this color really that good? Let's find out!

We must start with the fact that black is indeed overgrown with a huge number of myths bordering on delusions. In fact, black is not nearly as universal as it seems. It's time to dispel these myths and face the truth!

Myths about black

1. “Black is the most elegant color.”
Elegance is not dictated by color, but directly depends on the fabric and shape, if we talk exclusively about clothing. Do you really think that a black T-shirt looks more elegant than a light silk blouse?

When buying black things, you need to be especially attentive to their quality - black items must be of very good quality and made from expensive materials, since cheap fabric in black will look really cheap, but dark blue, for example, or burgundy can look decent. Black clothes made from low-quality materials often become grayish after washing, and knitwear quickly pills.

2. “Black is slimming.”
This is true. Black is really slimming. Also like any other saturated dark color - indigo, dark blue, dark pine green, eggplant, chocolate, burgundy, cherry, marsala, etc., etc. This is an optical effect - darker objects seem more compact to us, but dark is not definitely “black”.

3. “Black color is practical because it does not easily stain. »
Yes, perhaps you won’t see black dirt on it. But all the lint from the scarf, threads and pet hair are visible on the black(all this sticks to us more often than real dirt) much stronger than on other colors, which does not at all indicate its practicality.

4. “You can never go wrong with black and you won’t look provocative.”
A very weak argument. Indeed, there is no risk of making a mistake with the wrong choice of color or color combinations, but there is a risk of never creating any interesting combinations that would please the eye.
And also there is a risk of looking boring and sad.

5. “Black goes with all colors.”
I cannot agree with this controversial statement, being a color specialist.
Firstly, Black clothes are quite difficult to combine even with each other. After all, black also has different shades, like any other color - black objects of different shades collected together look quite careless.
Secondly, black creates a rather rough contrast with pastel-colored items, so relevant this year. . It also weighs down many light colors, unlike other basic colors (dark blue, camel, burgundy, etc.).
Also, I very often meet women on the street whose basic accessories are black. They wear them with other basic accessories Brown(we are talking about real brown, not camel or terracotta). For example, black boots plus a brown bag. Black with real brown is a frankly unfortunate combination. But if instead of black there was a dark blue or burgundy color in your basic wardrobe, they would look great with any other color (brown, pastel, light, etc.). So this supposed universality of black is clearly far-fetched.

Image sources: 2coastsfashion, getty

6. “Black is good for basic wardrobe
This myth stems from the previous one (since basic items should be universal in combination with other colors). What is true is true, black is indeed one of the basic colors, but a basic wardrobe of exclusively black looks rather banal. If you look at people on the street, especially in the cold season, you will notice that most are dressed in black. Blending in with the black mass is not the best good idea, if you want to look stylish and highlight your personality with clothes, right?

7. “Black suits everyone.”
This should upset you - this is very far from the truth. Black, on the other hand, suits quite a few people. Black really suits either representatives of the Deep color type () of the cold subtype, that is, people natural colors who themselves are close to black, or people with a cool color scheme, while if they are fair-haired, their appearance should have a pronounced contrast.
Everyone else it only highlights the imperfections and unevenness of the skin, makes circles under the eyes even darker, highlights bags under the eyes, if any, frankly makes some people look older, some people have a tired-looking face, etc.

9. “Black is good at any age.”
The older the woman, the lighter the shades suit her. You especially need to be careful with black, as it is the one that can highlight all the imperfections of the skin.
On the contrary, lighter or brighter colors can somewhat “rejuvenate” the appearance of a mature woman.

In the photo there is an older model, really. elderly woman. See for yourself how the gray color beautifully sets off her skin; the same black turtleneck, on the contrary, emphasized the circles under the eyes and wrinkles - the eyes seem sunken, and the nasolabial folds are especially noticeable.

Pictured below is Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of the American Vogue magazine, one of the most elegant and stylish women on the planet. In a recent interview, when asked: “What would you never wear?”, she answered: “Black from head to toe.” By the way, she is 66 years old.

Image source: rm-style

Of course, I in no way urge you to exclude black from your wardrobe (although if you are a representative of the Light or Warm color type, then it would be nice to replace it with some other color that is more suitable for you). Although even in this case, a black skirt, trousers and shoes will not hurt. But it would be quite advisable diversify your wardrobe and get more creative by adding other basic (neutral) colors.

How to wear black

If you still can’t imagine life without clothes of this color, try to follow these simple tips: how to make black work for you and not against you.

1. Try to choose black items from quality materials that fit your figure perfectly.

Eileen Fisher

2. Black will look much more interesting if clothes are in this color non-trivial cut- in this case, black will even enhance the effect of an unusual element in your outfit.

Marni, Beaufille, Alexander McQueen, Prada

3. If there is a lot of black in the set, especially near the face, add or bright or metallic jewelry, bright accessories (shoes, scarf, bag) and also bright lipstick color that suits you. The following technique also works well - black tops with a low neckline. This way you will move the black color away from your face, and it will not be able to harm you.
Look how Cate Blanchett uses these techniques, although black is not her color at all (she is a representative of the Light color type), she skillfully uses these principles.

4. If you quite often create the so-called total black look, that is, dress in all black, then try to choose fabrics with different textures(velvet plus chiffon and leather, for example), then your outfit will not look boring, but will make a really interesting impression.
In this example you see a combination of wool, satin and suede in black:

A heavily textured sweater plus smooth wool trousers and a leather bag:

The same textured sweater with a smooth wool scarf and leather skirt:

Image source: fightny

Still the same sweater with lace:

Well, you understand the principle.

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London stylist and author of The Color of Your Style David Zyla says: “Even if your closet is filled with the most different colors and shades, there is always a color that you prefer, in which you feel comfortable and confident. It is this color that reflects your character.”

Having studied the opinions of various experts, website I found out how our favorite color characterizes us in the eyes of others and reflects our character.

1. Black

"Black is a color that's taken seriously," says fashion and style expert Karen Haller.

Indeed, according to psychological research, black is perceived by others as an indicator of prestige, power, seriousness, and also intelligence. Therefore, in many European universities the graduation gown is black.

Those who prefer black in clothes are ambitious, purposeful, but also sensitive people. Which, as a rule, are emotional and easily excitable, although they often try to hide it. The color black helps them switch the attention of others from appearance to personality, because it is the internal qualities of a person that are most important to them.

2. Brown

Brown is the color of earth. The color of something reliable, strong and stable. This is exactly what people who often wear brown and its shades appear to be.

These are slightly conservative people who respect their elders and always seek peace, stability and strength in everything. A girl in a brown dress or a man in a brown jacket will give the impression of a reliable, intelligent and rational person. In fact, this is true.

3. Blue

Journalist and psychologist Lisa Johnson Mandell writes: “Blue is the best color to wear to a job interview because it exudes confidence and reliability. That’s why many work uniforms or business suits are blue.”

Scientists from the University of British Columbia conducted a study and found that dark shades of blue tend to calm. Others associate blue with intelligence, trust, efficiency and calm.

Often, shades of blue in clothes are chosen by a person who is kind, empathetic, courteous, and even a little shy. As psychologists say, a person in blue will become an ideal parent or an exemplary employee. Calmness and poise are the main qualities of such people.

4. Green

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam say that green and its shades support you and those around you in good mood. “The pleasantness of green comes from its affinity with nature, which evokes feelings of peace and contentment,” says Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute and author of Living With Color.

Those who prefer green are active in social activities, live in a good area, and have a stable financial situation. They are often caring and kind people with a soft heart.

5. Purple

In the past, the color purple spoke of belonging to high society. It meant sophistication, wealth and luxury. It is known that Cleopatra was simply crazy about this color. Only the rich could afford to wear such shades in those days.

Today, the color purple in clothing indicates creativity, insight and a love of art.

According to experts, people in purple are emotional and sensitive people. They are dreamy, passionate and love mysticism. We can say that the person in purple is an unpredictable person, with whom it is easy and difficult at the same time.

6. Red

Red is the color of passion and strength. It's the color to choose if you're trying to persuade or impress someone, says Kenny Frimpong, brand manager for the Italian men's clothing Eredi Pisano.

Any bright shades of red attract all the attention. Others associate it with energy, movement and excitement. Psychologists from the University of Rochester have found that men are more attracted to women wearing ruby ​​shades. "Red is a stimulant for men," says Abby Calisch, professor of psychology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia.

Someone who often wears red is a bright, excitable, slightly self-centered and enthusiastic person.

7. Yellow

8. White

White is a symbol of freedom, purity, innocence and simplicity. That is why, having decided to start life from scratch, we often buy ourselves something white.

White color attracts reliable people, they love freedom and have an optimistic outlook on life. These are individuals who are careful in everything, who love fresh beginnings and strive for excellence. In general, people with any character can wear white. It is a neutral color that is rarely off-putting.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

For men, girls and women of any age are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of famous branded coloring products are voluminous and varied: blondes, chocolates, chestnuts, ash, black and copper tones - their number is close to infinity, and the newly released collections are replete with a variety of “flavors”.

The easiest way that a woman knows to change what has become a habitual and even slightly boring look is a haircut and/or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi length hair, but change its color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

When dyeing hair color, it shapes a person’s individuality, but the procedure for choosing the appropriate option is complex and responsible.

General classification of color types

The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists who work with hairstyles do not bother much and distinguish only two types of women: “cold” and “warm”. In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

Warm appearance includes golden or peach-toned skin and amber, green or tea-colored eyes. Copper strands gleam in normally chestnut-colored hair. Let's also name Penelope Cruz as a bright media representative of the warm color type. “Warm” girls and women are recommended to use any warm shades that enliven the natural hair color and perfectly harmonize with it - golden, red, walnut.

It is categorically not recommended to add cold tones to a warm color type, which include numerous ash and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for fairly dark skin, they will highlight every wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash or classic blonde

Cool beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes combined with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. Natural hair color varies from ash of varying degrees of saturation to raven. A platinum or black color will look impressive, original and stylish on such women, and for those with dark and black hair, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will be suitable. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make the complexion unhealthily greenish, shading it unfavorably with their sunshine.

Cool color type - choose paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, avoiding golden-red and nut tones

Winter spring Summer Autumn

More scrupulous stylists and masters of hairdressing approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very general color types, but four - two in each of the indicated ones: warm ones include Spring and Autumn, cold ones include Winter and, oddly enough, Summer. The principles remain the same, but colors can be chosen more carefully:

Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive skin that practically does not tan; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel-colored eyes; “native hair” is light brown (necessarily with an ashy tint) or cold chestnut. The optimal tones for hair coloring range from cool blonde with a light brown undertone to nut-chocolate.
Winter – pale, even bluish skin; Necessarily dark hair– from dark chestnut to blue-black; eyes of rich bright color - gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

Spring - well-tanned ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheat-colored hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal tones for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber tones.
Autumn - your natural hair certainly shimmers with gold or copper, your skin ranges from easily burned, almost transparent to dark with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with luminous golden sparkles. Optimal tones for hair coloring: from golden-copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

Determining your own color type and focusing on it when choosing hair dye is the most reliable way not to get into trouble when changing your image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent her own color in it.

Skin condition

Few who want to change their natural hair color think about the fact that the result obtained after such a seemingly careful selection turns out to be far from ideal, because the skin of the face played a role. Unhealthy skin - acne, allergic rashes, skin irritations, liver and dark spots, peeling - requires not only close attention and care, but also the right choice hair dyes, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial “charms” clearer and more visible.

An unsuccessfully chosen hairstyle color will place unnecessary emphasis on problem skin faces

Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blondes, ashy, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all the imperfections of the skin. If you have less than attractive skin, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that are more than a couple of tones different from your natural one. Full coloring of the head is optional, but it would be somewhat more organic to perform coloring in suitable tones, and for beautiful light heads -. Then the basic tone of the hairstyle will remain its own, native, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

How to choose a new hair color?

If the determination to change the image has become stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Bring a subtle revitalization to your usual hairstyle with tones that are in harmony with the “native” color, perform colorization, or radically transform from brunette to blonde or vice versa?

If you prefer to dye your hair at home, then, having narrowed the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the cosmetics store, in the department of hair coloring and care products, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a line of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a “color card” with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first number in this number indicates the depth of the color, the second - its shade. In natural lighting conditions, determine whether a strand of the palette matches your own “native” tone, and then (depending on whether you want to go darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that is different from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and the proposed shades, you choose the one that is closer to your soul.

When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use a palette of paints that is developed by branded manufacturers

It will not be possible to transform from a brunette to a blonde in one fell swoop, even with the help of a professional stylist: even healthy and strong hair cannot do such an execution - global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will happily cover the light one at once.

The correct choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes – expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will highlight imperfections and make your skin look unhealthy.

April 27, 2014, 12:51

There are few women who do not have black clothes. After all, it is practically universal. It goes well with other colors, so you can always create a set for a wide variety of occasions.

Black things are almost irreplaceable in the office, because color is allowed even according to the strictest dress code. At the same time, evening ensembles look elegant. And for everyday life, outfits with this shade are practical. No wonder it always remains in fashion.

Yes or no to black

But this is a very difficult color. He is able to hide extra pounds, and this is one of the advantages. But it also emphasizes even minor imperfections on the face, such as the first wrinkles. Older women appear older than they are. Girls with a dull complexion risk looking pale and unhealthy. Therefore, you need to know who suits black on the face, so that blouses or dresses will decorate a fashionista.

Correcting with color

The inky shade in clothes is primarily suitable for girls with the “winter” color type. They themselves are bright, so they won’t get lost against the background of the set. They can afford a total look in dark colors. All other color types should experiment with black with caution.

Girls who prefer black in clothes should pay attention Special attention accessories. With their help, you can create different and stylish looks every day.

What solution is there for lovers of black clothes, which are also in fashion now? There is no need to give it up at all. But it is worth separating the kit from the face. For example, wearing a large piece of jewelry around your neck. You can use a scarf or stole for this purpose. Or wear dark trousers and skirts, and blouses in a different shade. Moreover, the color goes well with almost the entire palette. This is precisely where its charm lies; it’s not for nothing that things of this color are recommended to be included in your basic wardrobe. Another option is to try different shades, they are all in fashion. They differ in saturation: it can be, for example, deep inky or almost gray.

Selecting combinations

If the question arises, which color is more suitable for ink in clothes, then the answer is simple: almost any. You can safely take red, blue, green, yellow and others.

The combination with a rich shade looks very contrasting, so it’s worth choosing bright girls. Those with a softer appearance should give preference to muted tones.

White, red, blue

The combination of white and ink in clothes has long been in fashion and does not lose its relevance. It allows you to look strict, but at the same time elegant, as the photos show. White blouses and dark skirts are classic office dress codes. Ensembles that combine these two colors look stylish and somewhat solemn. But you need to be able to wear them correctly. The image turns out to be especially stylish if one of the tones dominates, and the second complements it in the form of accents. Which one will be the main one can be determined if you remember the features of your appearance. For a “winter” girl, you can make black the main color, but for the “summer” color type, predominant white is more suitable.

Red is often used to complement inky shades in clothing, as can be seen in the photo. But such an image turns out to be too rich and intense, especially if the proportions are approximately equal. Of course, scarlet blouses can liven up black suits, adding sensuality to the ensemble, so that they remain relevant in fashion. Moreover, such an ensemble is quite appropriate in a work environment. And if you choose a dark top and red bottom, the look will not be so formal. So you can go to a meeting with friends.

Makeup should match the bright image. If it is neutral, then the face will be lost against the background of the clothes.

Accessories also need to be given attention. Black shoes work well in this case. If the image still seems too heavy, then you can dilute the combination with things white. They will add lightness, refresh red and dark colors, and eliminate unnecessary aggressiveness. This is clearly visible in the photo. The ensemble, which combines black trousers, white blouses and a red jacket, looks extremely stylish, it is now in fashion.

Like red, blue allows you to create a rather controversial combination in clothing. Many people find it dark and depressing. In combination with a dark shade, blue seems even colder. In addition, the image turns out to be restrained and conservative. In everyday life, you may want a more cheerful ensemble that matches fashion, but for business meetings this is a good solution. Therefore, you should not refuse it.

Just like red Blue colour goes well with black if one of them appears only in details. For example, a dark belt on a sky-colored dress. A blue jacket will make a classic combination - a white blouse, dark trousers or a skirt, less boring.

Yellow, orange, green, pink

If blue seems gloomy in such a combination, then the question arises, which color will allow you to get a truly bright image that matches fashion. Of course, this is yellow, examples can be found in the photo.

They combine even in nature itself, so together they look organic. A yellow dress will be decorated with ink polka dots, or you can choose the opposite option. You can wear blouses of one color with bottoms of another.

Orange will be no less pleasing to the eye. It will add warmth to the dark shade. Classic little dress and a cheerful orange jacket look very original, but at the same time sophisticated.

You should not choose glasses that are too big for black sets. The frame should be matching or metal.

The combination of black with emerald and olive also looks interesting, as the photos show. Not all greens are suitable: soft pastels will simplify the look. But deeper ones can be combined. For example, interesting compositions can be created with an olive tint. But as with the blue tint, there is a risk of looking gloomy. To prevent this from happening, it is worth adding another shade. Let's say white will dilute the set. Black blouses with an olive bottom will look original and less depressing if you wear a golden belt. The appearance will immediately change.

You can wear the color in question with pink. They are combined organically, but with a very bright shade the set can turn out frivolous and childish. Such solutions are used more often in some subcultures.

Even knowing who suits black, you need to be able to wear it correctly and combine it with other colors. Blue, red, orange and others will help you look harmonious and stylish. Interesting combinations are also obtained with an olive tint. So it's worth a try different variants to find the perfect one. And don’t forget about photos with examples.

Black color is considered to be a win-win, ideal color. If you need to create a sophisticated, emphasized elegant look, we automatically begin to “compose” it in black. But it was not always so. A hundred years ago, French ladies from high society wore black dresses only on days of mourning. Black clothes were the uniform of maids and saleswomen until Coco Chanel invented the legendary and taught the whole world the idea that black is the standard of style and good taste.

But the truth is that black doesn't suit everyone! By dressing in black from head to toe, you can create an image - yes, strict, yes, elegant, but not decorating you at all.

Who suits black?

For women of the southern, Mediterranean type, dark-skinned, dark-eyed, black-haired, black suits them very well. “Snow Whites,” who have very fair skin but dark or bright red hair, usually also go with black. Their appearance itself is very contrasting, and the black color of their clothing supports and emphasizes this contrast.

Who does NOT suit black?

For women with low contrast appearance, brown hair and with light eyes, yellowish or grayish skin, black is dangerous. It can kill your face, make it gloomy and tired. And it can easily add years.

Does this mean that brown-haired women and blondes cannot wear black? Not at all! Let's look at a few examples in the gallery (if you click on the photo, you can enlarge them).

I’m not one of those people who suits black either 😉 But I really liked this fashionable black jacket in the “retro military” style. And I fit it into my wardrobe, following a few basic rules.

If black is not the best color for you,

1. Dilute black with other colors

Don't dress in total black from head to toe, it's Right way to turning into a mourning horse. Add a color that suits you and refreshes you, and place it near your face - this could be the collar of a blouse, a colored scarf or a large piece of jewelry.

2. By diluting the black, soften the contrast

The simplest combination that comes to mind is black and white. It is also one of the most dangerous. If you do not have a very bright appearance, the sharp contrast of black and white will come to the fore and “eat” you.

Choose soft tones. Instead of a snow-white blouse, take a creamy, creamy, milky, ecru color. And the fashion gods forbid you from the idea of ​​“revitalizing” black with red. Let's leave this bloody contrast to the flamenco dancers))

3. Not all black things are equally black))

It may seem strange, but black also has shades. The jacket in the photo is not completely black, it has a very light, barely noticeable yellowish tint. This may seem like a small thing, but nevertheless, this is one of the reasons why this black jacket does not “eat” me. A deep, blue-black color would be much more difficult for me to cope with.

Lightweight, slightly lightened blacks, the so-called off black color (not quite black) may be just your options. But this can only be determined experimentally and only in natural sunlight. In store light, this mission is impossible.

4. Black requires makeup

Seriously. Even if you usually don’t wear much makeup. At a minimum, you will have to highlight your lips with a lipstick color that decorates you and ensure a healthy, fresh complexion. Otherwise, the black color will do its dirty work and instead of an elegant, sophisticated image, you will get an image of universal sorrow.

5. Add frivolous details

Black color sets a very high note of “surprise”. If you are an employee of some ministry at an important event or a strict examiner in the selection committee, this is what you need. But in all other cases, so that the image does not turn out to be overly serious and official, add something informal to solid black things. Maybe even a little frivolous. Blouse with floral print or a lace top, open-toed shoes, a bag with funny picture or inscription. Something from which it clearly follows that you are a living, young woman, and not the head teacher at the teachers’ council. Even if in fact you are the head teacher)))

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