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What folk remedies can treat cough in pregnant women? The only important thing in treating bronchitis during pregnancy is taking the right expectorants. Mucus decongestants for pregnant women.

Our ancestors knew everything about herbs and treated all diseases with them. For coughs during pregnancy, folk remedies have been used since then, when there was no talk even of penicillin. Of course, today herbs have given way to powerful drugs, but not all of them are suitable for pregnant women.

Moreover, taking many medications can affect, if not the mother’s health, then the condition of her unborn child. That is why expectant mothers try to be treated with proven means. How to treat cough with folk remedies during pregnancy? Let's take a closer look.

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Are folk remedies effective for coughs in pregnant women?

In fact, traditional medicine acts similarly to drugs, they simply contain natural ingredients, not chemically produced ones, and in a smaller volume. Their effectiveness is lower, but it cannot be denied. Folk remedies for coughs for pregnant women are often prescribed by doctors themselves, as they are recognized as a good alternative to classical drug treatment in the initial stages of the disease.

The effect of folk remedies is dictated by the high content of C, B, A and E, flavonoids, macro- and microelements. In different combinations, they not only increase immunity, but can also have expectorant, wound-healing, antiseptic and other effects.

Methods for treating cough during pregnancy with folk remedies

And yet, what to do if it hurts? Treatment with folk remedies during pregnancy is based on infusions and decoctions of herbs and inhalations. Which method to choose is up to you: proceed from the form that is convenient for you and your liking for the recipe. As reviews show, inhalations are more effective and help you recover faster, but it is best to combine different recipes together with each other.

Infusions and decoctions

During this time, you need to drink a lot of both plain water and infusions, fruit drinks, and teas that are beneficial for the body. The main thing is that the drink is hypoallergenic, so any herbs must be selected carefully, starting with small doses.

It is important to understand that the reaction to treatment of cough with folk remedies during pregnancy will be individual for an individual, that is, any of the remedies may be ineffective for you due to the characteristics of the body. This is a normal reaction, you should try further and look for something effective.

A few examples of decoctions and infusions useful for pregnant women with ARVI:

  1. Figs 4 dried figs pour 3 cups. milk and simmer until the mixture begins to brown. Drink 0.5 cups while hot. 3 times a day.
  2. . Chop half a kilogram of onions and mix with 2 tablespoons. l. honey and 400 grams of granulated sugar, add a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 3 hours. Let the mixture cool, strain it, pour it into a container and hide it in the refrigerator. Drink 1 table. l. up to 6 times, preheat.
  3. Bran. Brew half a kilogram of bran with a liter of water, let it cool, separate the mass from the liquid and throw it away, drink it hot throughout the day.
  4. Raisin. 50 grams of raisins pour 1 cup. boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour and strain. Add 3 tablespoons to the resulting infusion. onions and stir. Drink this at night, in one dose. You can drink every 2 days.
  5. Birch buds. Ceiling birch buds, table 3. l. mix with 100 gr. butter, melt for 60 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture; the cake can be used for... Add 200 grams of honey to the composition. Drink 4 r. per day.

You can also be treated with decoctions of medicinal herbs in their pure form.


Inhalations are considered the most effective method, as they help calm coughs and quickly relieve spasms, dilate blood vessels, and promote active blood flow, which stimulates the immune system. For procedures, it is better to use inhalers and, but if they are not available, you can take a teapot or a saucepan, but you will have to do inhalations.

Solutions can be prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. 20 grams of sage herb per 250 ml mountains. water.
  2. Mix 10 grams of eucalyptus leaves with 2 chopped cloves of garlic and dilute with 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. 50 grams of soda per liter of boiled water.
  4. 10 grams of honey per 250 ml of warm water.

It is important to remember that inhalation is prohibited, as this will significantly worsen the condition. You need to breathe over the inhaler for about 5-8 minutes, then take a short break. There should be no more than 6 such visits during one procedure. The temperature of the solution itself must be maintained at 40 degrees. It is better if at least half an hour passes between meals and inhalation.


Often women do not like using folk remedies for rinsing during pregnancy, as this can increase toxicosis and even cause a gag reflex. However, these procedures are the best option in cases where medications cannot be taken, but treatment needs to be done quickly.

As rinsing agents you can use:

  • saline;
  • soda and salt (half a teaspoon each), diluted with a glass of water;
  • decoctions of any herbs, for example. linden, clover;
  • apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon), diluted with a glass of water.

Gargling procedures are especially effective, as they relieve pain in the throat area and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane. It is better to gargle after eating and during exacerbation of the condition, no more than 8 r. per day.

Expectorant folk remedies for cough during pregnancy

If you are experiencing this, they will help. For example, these:

  1. Onions with budra promote expectoration and thin mucus. Chop 10 medium onions and 1 garlic, boil in 1 liter of milk until softened, separate the mass and discard. Mix with budra juice (literally a couple of spoons) and 2 tablespoons. l. honey Drink 1 table. l. every hour throughout the day.
  2. Leek. Remove the leek rhizomes (2 pieces) along with the white pulp, chop the rest, mix with half a glass of granulated sugar and 250 ml of water, boil until the mixture thickens, separate and discard the cake. Drink 1 table. l. every 90 minutes.
  3. Leeks with milk. Chop the rhizomes and the white part of 1 leek, brew 250 ml of milk, cover with a towel and leave for 240 minutes. Drink 1 table. spoon every 2 hours.
  4. Hazelnuts with honey. Mix chopped hazelnuts and honey in equal parts. Take 1 teaspoon. l. up to 6 times, washed down with warmed milk.
  5. Honey and horseradish. Mix honey and horseradish juice in a 3:1 ratio. Drink 1 teaspoon. l. every 3-4 hours, washed down with herbal tea.

Compresses, for example, based on honey, will help relieve cough. To do this, you need to smear a cabbage leaf with honey and press it to your chest.

Herbs for coughs during pregnancy

Herbs are usually prescribed in the form of tea, infusion or decoction. The following herbs are safe and effective:

  • Linden;
  • rose hip;
  • raspberry greens;
  • chamomile;
  • verbena;
  • echinacea;
  • ginger root.

In pharmacies you can also find infusions, for example, infusions based on herbs that are safe to take.

Plantain for cough during pregnancy

Plantain, a remedy for cough during pregnancy, is used carefully, since it can slightly increase the tone of the uterus. By itself, it is highly effective due to the flavonoids and vitamins it contains, and has a wound-healing effect.

The plant is used in the form of an infusion, which relieves pain in the throat and reduces the rate of development of the inflammatory process. 4 table. l. Brew 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 1 table. l. up to 5 times a day.

Linden for cough during pregnancy

Traditional medicine has long recognized linden as an effective remedy for treating a number of viral and chronic diseases. Together with honey, the plant increases its antiseptic qualities, which helps cure ARVI. Its flowers contain:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • antioxidants;
  • carotene.

These substances increase immunity and relieve inflammation.

Thanks to its antipyretic and diaphoretic effects, the plant helps to expel pathogenic microflora and strengthens the immune system. Linden is also often used for coughs during pregnancy, as it has an expectorant effect.

The recipe for taking linden is quite simple; you can use it in the form of:

  1. Tea. Mix 2 table. l. linden with a glass of water, leave for 15 minutes. It is advisable to drink no more than 4 cups.
  2. Infusion. Mix 3 table. l. linden with 400 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use when rinsing, preheat.
  3. Decoction. 1 table. l. pour a glass of water and cook for 10 minutes. You are allowed to drink no more than half a liter of decoction per day.

It is allowed to make compresses with linden blossom.

Ginger for cough during pregnancy

Ginger has been shown to be highly effective in relieving coughs. The recipe during pregnancy is mainly focused on teas, since during cooking the beneficial substances in the plant are broken down.

The maximum benefit when taking ginger can be achieved only by using fresh root, since it contains a large amount of vitamins, microelements and other compounds. Dried and crushed ginger can be used as a seasoning, but in small quantities, since spicy food increases the tone of the uterus and increases nervousness. It is not recommended to consume pickled ginger.

Fresh ginger can be brewed in boiling water, adjusting the volume of raw materials to taste, adding lemon and honey. It is advisable to drink no more than 1 liter per 24 hours. For ARVI, you can also take capsules with ginger, which are sold in pharmacies.

Badger fat for coughs during pregnancy has been used since ancient times, so its effect has been tested for generations. The product contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E, as well as more than 20 useful compounds. That is why fat is not only safe, but also promotes health due to:

  • improving the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • unloading of the cardiovascular system;
  • improving immunity;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Badger fat can quickly cure both the common cold and other diseases.

For treatment, it is better to take real badger fat, which is usually sold in glass containers.

You need to eat it 3 times. per day in about 60 minutes. before eating in this volume:

  • 1 dessert. l., if weight is less than 60 kg;
  • 1 table. l., if the weight is around 60-100 kg;
  • 1.5-2 table. l., if the weight is more than 100 kg.

You can eat honey, but it is advisable not to drink it. Continue the course until symptoms disappear.

If you cannot take fat internally, you can use rubbing, massaging the lung area in front and on the back, neck. Fat has a warming effect, which makes coughing easier.

What folk remedies should not be taken by pregnant women?

It’s worth making a reservation right away: even a cough compress during pregnancy must be approved by a doctor in advance, not to mention any serious traditional medicine. To understand what is not allowed, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is forbidden to drink vodka and alcohol tinctures.
  2. Drinking too hot can damage the mucous membrane.
  3. Honey and citrus fruits are allowed in minimal quantities, since the products are highly allergenic.
  4. It is not recommended to drink herbal teas more than 5 times a day.
  5. You should not drink infusions of nettle, comfrey, hemlock and other plants, which are poisonous in any way, increase muscle tone and can cause bleeding.
  6. Do not overuse compresses.
  7. Compresses are prohibited from being applied to the abdomen, including its upper part.

It is worth adhering to moderation in treatment and starting any new product with small doses to reduce the risk of allergies.

Figs with milk are an effective folk remedy for coughs that can be used during pregnancy. How to prepare this delicious medicine - watch the next video.


Like medications, cough herbs during pregnancy must be used with caution, preferably in consultation with a doctor. The variety of such methods allows you to choose the most comfortable one, so it is not necessary to force-feed yourself badger fat. Listen to your body, try different folk methods, be careful and you will definitely get better.

Choosing the right expectorants during pregnancy is quite difficult, since on the one hand, the drugs are required to be effective in order to overcome a condition that is unpleasant for the mother and dangerous for the child, and on the other hand, they are required to be safe, so that instead of a cured cough, they do not develop much more serious health problems.

The opinion of doctors is clear: to avoid coughing during pregnancy, you should only use the simplest means that do not affect the woman’s body in addition to the underlying disease, and are also unable to penetrate to the baby through the placenta barrier.

What are the dangers of coughing?

For pregnant women, any disease can have serious consequences, both on its own and due to potential complications. This is especially true for colds - a cough, even if it becomes a symptom of a common cold, if untreated can increase the tone of the uterus, creating a threat to the gestating fetus.

Diseases accompanied by cough often cause difficulties for normal blood circulation in the mother and child.

At the same time, treating a cough can be no less dangerous than waiting for the condition to “go away on its own.” The fact is that most antitussives that can give any quick result, that is, allowing one to count on the fastest possible recovery, cannot be taken by pregnant women.

Some of them contain components that can penetrate through the placenta into the fetal circulatory system, others have the potential to harm both mother and child, and a separate category of products has such properties that all their harm to both organisms has not been fully studied.

The conclusion is obvious: a pregnant woman suffering from cough will only need an expectorant that provides symptomatic treatment. Rinses, light expectorants (provided there are no allergies), as well as inhalations and compresses are all that you should count on. And the greatest effect under such conditions should be expected from alternative medicine, and not from industrial pharmacology.

Healthy and safe rinses

Properly selected rinses help reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, relieve swelling in the nasopharynx, and eliminate dryness and sore throat. In general, rinsing with the simplest means that can be found in every home will allow you to quickly treat a dry cough, as well as relieve the pain that accompanies this condition, and all this without harm to the pregnant woman and the fetus.

The rules for gargling a cough with expectorants during pregnancy are simple: the procedure is carried out on average every 3-4 hours, immediately after meals or between them.

During pregnancy, treatment with the following means is allowed:

    baking soda (1/2 tsp) with warm water (350 ml);

    boil equal parts of calendula, sage, eucalyptus (1 tbsp per 350 ml of boiling water) for 10 minutes, strain and cool;

    Dilute apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) in warm water (550 ml), preferably rinse every 2 hours.

Gargles can be used to combat a cough only if additional conditions are met: the pregnant woman tries to drink plenty of fluids, and the room where she is located is provided with an optimal level of air humidity.

In this case, sputum will begin to be released and expectorated quite quickly, which will at least lead to relief from coughing attacks.

Inhalations that will not cause harm

Inhalations are the safest cough treatment procedures for pregnant women. The only thing that should be taken into account before starting such treatment is whether the expectant mother has any contraindications to the drugs used.

Inhalations are harmless at any stage of pregnancy; they are useful in that they can relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, effectively influence dry and wet coughs, and in addition they can eliminate a runny nose with nasal congestion.

To treat cough with inhalations during pregnancy, you can choose decoctions of medicinal plants, giving preference to:

  • St. John's wort;


Pregnant women can also use essential oils, including extracts:

  • eucalyptus.

If patients have contraindications to one or another remedy, alkaline mineral water, soda or saline solution should be used for inhalation.

It is important to remember that too strong thermal effects are prohibited for pregnant women, so inhalation procedures should be carried out at a water temperature of no more than 40°C. Such a remedy will give good results, bringing recovery closer, while at the same time not harming the bodies of the mother and child.

The inhalation procedure itself is carried out as follows:

    A certain amount of liquid of the permitted temperature is poured into the container, and medicinal agents are added if desired/permissible.

    A pregnant woman covers her head with a towel and leans over the container. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes, during which you should take deep breaths alternately through the nose and mouth.

    Upon completion of inhalation, you should refrain from eating and drinking for about 1 hour, do not talk, and do not go outside. It is best to go to sleep after inhaling aromatic vapors so that the treatment can work optimally.

Relief usually occurs after 3-4 courses of inhalation, but care must be taken to ensure that the measures do not lead to problems, such as malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

If a pregnant woman feels unwell during inhalations, they should not be continued or repeated.

For this procedure, you can also use a device called a nebulizer - a large inhaler that can transform medications into an aerosol cloud, which, with the correct selection of drugs and the permission of the attending physician, can not only affect a cough in a pregnant woman, but also treat the diseases that cause it ( bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis).

Healing drink

People with a cough should generally drink as much as possible, as this helps protect the body from dehydration, moisten the airways, and help soften and accelerate the removal of mucus from the bronchi. For pregnant women, it is important not only to drink plenty, but also to drink correctly.

It is best to give preference to the following means:

    figs (4 pcs.) with milk (700 ml): boil until brown, strain, drink 1/2 cup three times a day;

    chopped onion (500 g.) with honey (2 tbsp.) and sugar (400 g.): mix, add water (1 l), boil for 3 hours, cool, cool, drink warm, 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours;

    bran (500 g) and boiling water (950 ml): brew, cool, strain, drink the entire portion in 2 days;

    raisins (50 g) in boiling water (350 ml): leave for 30 minutes, strain, add a few drops of onion juice, drink before bed;

    birch buds (100 g.) with butter (100 g.): chop, melt for 60 minutes, strain, mix with honey to taste, drink in 4 doses per day.

All of the above remedies are useful and effective, but their use by pregnant women cannot be self-medication. Before implementing the chosen recipe, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The ideal treatment option for a pregnant woman is timely care of her health. It is categorically not recommended for expectant mothers to get sick, since the lack of proper therapy and the use of drugs intended to combat cough can harm them. So it is better that the woman does not get sick at all, then she will not have to choose between two equally unsafe options.

The pregnancy period is accompanied by a significant decrease in the activity of the immune system. A woman should not forget about this. When in contact with sick people, you should use protective equipment, and if you have a cough, contact your doctor for help.

Cough is not a disease, but a reaction of the body to processes occurring in it. It occurs when phlegm accumulates in the bronchi or lungs, which needs to be gotten rid of. Various reasons can lead to the formation of sputum, most often viral or colds.

The main danger of coughing during pregnancy is that it can have a different cause. Starting from viruses and ending with allergens, perhaps it’s all about hypothermia or the pregnant woman already has a chronic disease, which has become acute due to a decrease in the activity of the immune system.

If the cause of the cough has not been established, then you should not:

  1. Prescribe your own medications.
  2. Try to cure the disease using folk remedies.
  3. Experiment with tablets.

Only wet cough requires application. But if the cause of its occurrence is an allergy, then you will need to take antiallergic drugs rather than expectorants.

Nominally, pregnant women are allowed all drugs that are of natural (plant) origin. But you should not “blindly believe” advertising; you must study the instructions before use; the drug should not contain:

  • alcohol or ethanol;
  • synthetic substances;
  • alkaloids and other chemical compounds.

Nominally, there is no drug that would help a woman get rid of a dry or wet cough during pregnancy. The remedies are selected on an individual basis, taking into account the general condition of the patient, the intensity of the attacks, the cause of occurrence and the duration of the phenomenon.

The video describes the problem of the disease in pregnant women:

  1. It is worth increasing the amount of fluid consumed (drinking warm milk, tea with lemon or raspberries).
  2. Maintain bed rest (if possible).
  3. Use warming ointments (only those approved during pregnancy).
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

It is important to minimize risks and eliminate the likelihood of developing unwanted complications that a normal cough can lead to. A doctor will help you do this; you should contact him if unpleasant symptoms appear.

In the first trimester

The first trimester is the time up to 12 weeks during which the baby's vital organs are formed. During this period, the appearance of a cough is especially dangerous, since the placenta has not yet fully formed, and it cannot protect the baby from harmful substances, viruses and bacteria.

At this time, taking products of synthetic origin is strictly prohibited. The cough will have to be treated with a limited amount of medications.

Due to the fact that there is a risk of introducing some changes into the process of fetal formation, medications are prescribed in minimal dosages, their list is limited, and their effectiveness is poorly expressed. This means that treatment will take a long time.

So, what drugs can be prescribed to a woman during pregnancy in the 1st trimester:

  • Eucabalus- Essentially an extract of plantain and thyme, it is available in the form of a suspension; hypersensitivity is listed among the contraindications. The drug is taken over a long period of time, it can cause

    The natural components of this product will allow you to safely restore your health.

  • Marshmallow root syrup – contains, they cover the mucous membranes, reduce their irritation and stop inflammatory processes. Nice and dry. The drug has one contraindication: individual intolerance, prescribed during pregnancy. But it can cause allergies.

    Before using this product, you should consult a doctor

  • The composition includes marshmallow root and extracts of other plants. The tablets are dissolved in water before use and the resulting drink is drunk. Mucaltin has an expectorant and moderate anti-inflammatory effect and is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Link - .

    A very effective anti-inflammatory agent that should be used only for its intended purpose.

In the second trimester

During this period, the fetus is already protected by the placenta, but if the cause of the cough is a viral disease, then there is a high risk of developing a pathology such as placental insufficiency. In this case, the child will have problems with nutrition and oxygen supply. This will negatively affect the process of its development.

In addition, in the second trimester the formation of the nervous system occurs. Disturbances in the process can cause various diseases: encephalopathy, PEP, cerebral palsy, etc.

To prevent a cough from causing serious complications and affecting the baby’s health, it must be treated with medication. In the 2nd trimester, the list of drugs expands and a woman can be prescribed:

In the second trimester, a woman can also be prescribed synthetic drugs: Ambroxol, but such a prescription is made by a doctor and only on the condition that the potential harm does not outweigh the possible benefit.

In the third trimester

The list of cough medications that can be used in the 3rd trimester is much longer. The reason is that the fetus has already formed, and after 30 weeks it is protected not only by the placental barrier, but also has its own immunity. This protection allows the use of various medications, both herbal and synthetic.

In the 3rd trimester, a woman may be prescribed the following cough medications:

Treatment of cough in pregnant women should always be under the supervision of a doctor, since the gynecologist needs to know about all the medications the patient is taking. Self-selected therapy may help get rid of cough, but it will not be as effective. This means that the risk of developing complications increases, which can negatively affect both the state of matter and the process of fetal formation.

Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the happiest periods in the life of every woman. Every woman hopes and believes that no matter what happens to her, it will in no way affect her unborn child. She also tries to protect herself from the most dangerous, in her opinion, misfortunes. However, you should also worry about minor troubles in the form of illness.

Why is a common cough dangerous?

Due to the fact that a pregnant woman cannot isolate herself from society throughout her pregnancy, she easily catches simple diseases such as colds and acute respiratory diseases, which can cause a number of particularly dangerous consequences for both the mother and the unborn child. One of the most common complications after maternal illness is intrauterine hypoxia in the baby.

One of the symptoms of a cold is a cough. Even after other symptoms of the disease have disappeared, the cough may remain and not go away for quite a long time. Since almost any medications are prohibited for pregnant women, because they can cause irreparable harm to the baby’s health, pregnant women need to especially carefully choose methods of treating and preventing diseases. The best treatment is folk remedies.

It is very important to especially closely monitor the health of a pregnant woman at the very beginning of pregnancy, since any sneeze can negatively affect the developing fetus. If a woman suffers from a severe cough, and the fetus is located below normal, forming placenta previa, the woman may experience severe bleeding. Since a pregnant woman's immune system is weakened, the accumulated sputum is not coughed up. This, in turn, is fraught with the entry of phlegm into the lungs and the development of pneumonia, then acute bronchitis and, ultimately, asthma. That is why, at the first slight cough, you should immediately seek treatment.

Inhalations as an expectorant during pregnancy

The cough always starts out dry. A nebulizer is suitable for the prevention of dry cough for pregnant women. If you don’t have such a device in your medicine cabinet, you can do regular inhalations by inhaling and exhaling the steam from the decoction, covering your head with a thick towel.

Decoctions can be different. Garlic, onions, potatoes, and herbs are well suited for this treatment. You need to be sure what type of cough you have in order to better select the ingredients for the decoction. For dry cough, chamomile, thyme, linden, sage, plantain, marshmallow and St. John's wort are perfect. They promote the secretion of mucus. Plantain and string are also suitable for treating wet cough, but it is better to change the herbs to lingonberry, eucalyptus or coltsfoot.

In addition to inhalations, you can drink the same decoctions, but before you start taking herbal decoctions orally, you must consult with your doctor, since some herbs can cause a miscarriage.

Here are a few recipes for inhalation without a nebulizer:

After inhalation, it is not recommended to eat, drink, talk or go outside. The best thing to do is go to bed immediately after the procedure. However, women suffering from various forms and manifestations of allergies are not recommended to use them. Inhalations are also contraindicated if you have a fever. At most, a small amount of oil can be applied to clothing to inhale. Some oils are toxic; choose oils very carefully and generally do not overuse this type of treatment. It is mainly recommended to use lavender, cedar, lime, rosemary oils. An alternative to oils is “Zvezdochka”, however, you need to be careful with it.

Gargling and drinking plenty of fluids are expectorants during pregnancy.

In cases where you cannot clear your throat, you must gargle at least once an hour. For dry coughs and inflamed mucous membranes, this procedure is especially useful. It is necessary to gargle at least 8 times a day, preferably after meals. A regular solution with salt and soda will do just fine. If desired, you can use a herbal decoction.

The best expectorant is to drink plenty of fluids. To prevent it from affecting the fetus in any way, it is necessary to select hypoallergenic products. As an option - tea with lemon, fruit drink, herbal decoction, warm milk.

Warm milk perfectly removes excess accumulated phlegm. Honey and butter are also good for this. In case of severe cough, you need to drink birch sap with the addition of milk, flour and starch. Be sure to monitor your reaction to each of the drugs you use.

You can also add figs to the milk and leave until the milk turns brown. Serve warm.

You can make a decoction from the following ingredients: cook onions, honey, sugar for three hours, let cool and drink.

In order for phlegm to clear faster, you can prepare a liquid puree with the addition of butter, onion, garlic and milk. This recipe is good for women with chronic cough.

Cough syrups during pregnancy

Various medications, as a rule, are not recommended for women during pregnancy, since they contain a huge amount of all kinds of chemical components that can lead to various types of complications and become a threat to the child.

The use of the following drugs is not prohibited:

  1. Gedelix.
  2. Plantain syrup.
  3. Doctor Mom.
  4. Mukaltin.

During the period of bearing a child, you should be very careful about treatment and, without unnecessary need, do not use drugs containing chemical additives and flavorings to improve taste. Folk remedies work better in this matter, but in any case, before starting treatment, consult a specialist doctor to avoid unwanted complications.

According to statistics, during the gestation period, about 70% of pregnant women face the problem of cough. But many people have doubts about which expectorants can be taken in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy without fear for the child. During pregnancy, mothers' bodies are much more defenseless against colds. To become infected, it is enough to have very little contact with a sick person, for example, ride with an infected person in an elevator or talk in line to see a gynecologist.

At the first alarming signs, consult a doctor immediately

Cough is not a disease; rather, it is a pathological symptom indicating pathology. Typically, a cough occurs when there is an accumulation of sputum in the bronchopulmonary system, which needs to be gotten rid of. Such conditions can be provoked by a variety of factors, but most often they occur as a result of colds or viral diseases. The virus causes an increase in mucus in the respiratory system, which becomes viscous, so it cannot be eliminated from the body on its own. As a result, the lumen of the bronchi narrows, causing breathing difficulties. In general, dry, wet or allergic cough is typical for pregnant women.

A wet or expectorant cough is accompanied by the release of large volumes of sputum. It usually replaces a dry cough and is proof of the success of treatment. When mucus begins to be actively expectorated from the bronchi, recovery occurs. It is to speed up the discharge of sputum that mucolytic drugs are prescribed. By the type and abundance of mucus accompanying the cough, specialists can determine the location of the inflammatory lesion.

  • Copious mucus secretion occurs from the bronchi and trachea.
  • Rusty sputum is released from the pulmonary cavity as a result of interaction with blood.
  • If the sputum produced is clean and free of impurities, then this manifestation indicates asthma.

A cough must be treated, otherwise it can lead to dangerous consequences.

Why is a cough dangerous during pregnancy?

If necessary therapy is neglected, coughing in the first or second trimester can lead to serious complications. For example, a cough can easily turn into pneumonia or bronchitis, when it is no longer possible to manage without antibiotics. And in the early stages, antibiotic therapy is extremely dangerous for fetal development. In late gestation, antibiotics can lead to premature birth.

Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the fetus

When a bacterial infection is attached, intrauterine infection of the fetus can occur, causing defects in its development. Moreover, with constant coughing, muscle tissue becomes tense, which leads to hypertonicity of the uterine muscles. Such overexertion is fraught with the threat of miscarriage. If the placental tissues are located lower, then when coughing, the load on them almost doubles, because on the one hand the pressure comes from the child, and on the other, from the uterine walls, which are in a state of tone. Such pressure is fraught with placental abruption and the threat of abortion.

Cough during pregnancy in the early stages can increase ailments due to toxicosis, in particular, nausea. Vomiting reactions become more frequent, but do not bring any relief. As a result, the pregnant woman’s well-being worsens, and the patient’s mental and emotional state suffers.

In the first trimester, viral cold infections are incredibly dangerous, because it is at this time that the necessary systems and intraorganic structures of the baby are formed. By 10 weeks, the likelihood of abnormal fetal development is reduced. But if before this time the mother is bothered by a cough in the 1st trimester, then the uterus will constantly be in good shape, which will lead to disruption of the normal fetal blood supply and hypoxia. During this period, it is not recommended to take strong expectorants, so it is important to protect yourself from colds during all weeks of the first trimester.

What else do you need to know

The second stage of gestation is a calmer time regarding medication use. The baby is already gaining weight, and his organs are almost formed. The placenta actively protects the baby from viral effects and the negative effects of medications, and coughing during this period is no longer as dangerous as before. But you should not self-medicate, because at the second stage of gestation the active formation of the endocrine, nervous and skeletal systems occurs. If you take homeopathy or herbs on your own, you can disrupt normal fetal development.

The least threat comes from coughing in the last trimester of gestation. The baby is already quite viable, but the mother still needs to monitor her health, because a viral infection picked up during this period contributes to the aging of placental tissues. Then the components of the medications will be able to penetrate the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus.

But if the cough is very strong, then in the 3rd trimester it can cause harm. Firstly, it creates a threat of premature delivery, secondly, it can provoke placental abruption and water leakage, and thirdly, it negatively affects the functioning of the mammary gland, making lactation difficult.

How to treat phlegm

Herbal tea can significantly alleviate the condition

The ideal choice for pregnant women for severe coughs are proven home remedies that are safe for the fetus. Even if they do not always act quickly, like medications, however, with the help of such drugs alone it is quite possible to cope with the removal of phlegm and eliminate a debilitating cough. It is useful to drink plenty and often of warm drinks, for example lemon tea with honey or milk with the addition of soda, linden blossom infusion, etc.
If the sputum is highly viscous, then inhalations are useful to help thin the sputum. It is especially effective to use essential oils of medicinal plants such as thyme or thyme, camphor, etc. for inhalation. And if you combine inhalation with internal administration of marshmallow root decoction, then the pathological symptoms go away much faster, the sputum thins out quickly enough, so it is much easier to expectorate.

Frequent gargling procedures are also effective for dry coughs. They not only relieve irritation and inflammation, but also significantly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman when she is unable to cough normally. Such rinses should be carried out 8 or more times a day, preferably after meals. You can add a little soda, salt, apple cider vinegar, etc. to such rinsing solutions.

In general, cough therapy, which is difficult to treat with home remedies, involves an integrated approach using pharmacological agents and inhalations, rubbing with warming ointments and herbal medicine, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.


When using medications, the main thing is to have minimal impact on the baby. To avoid chronicity, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations exactly. At first, the cough is dry with no sputum. It occurs with characteristic soreness, respiratory spasms, and breathing problems. Mommy tries hard to clear her throat, but nothing comes of it. It is this type of cough that requires urgent medical intervention. It is very important to quickly transform a dry cough into a productive form so that the mucus accumulated in the bronchi is coughed up faster.

  • To improve the removal of sputum, inhalations, warming ointments on the chest and herbal decoctions are prescribed.
  • The doctor must prescribe each remedy individually, because it has its own individual contraindications.
  • Sometimes it is impossible to do without the use of mucolytic expectorants.
  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to take drugs of synthetic origin before 12 weeks.
  • During this period, vital structures are formed.
  • Therefore, treatment is possible only with the use of a limited number of drugs.
  • During these weeks, drugs like Eucabal, marshmallow root syrup and Mucaltin are acceptable.


This drug is a mixture of plantain and thyme extracts. The product is produced in suspension form. Eucabal has practically no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the product. Eucabal suspension must be taken in long courses, so pregnant women prone to allergies may experience an allergic reaction.

Marshmallow root syrup

The product contains plant mucus that coats the respiratory mucous membranes, relieving irritation and reducing inflammation. The syrup has the only contraindication – individual intolerance. May provoke an allergic reaction due to hypersensitivity to the components. Otherwise, the syrup is safe for pregnant women.


Any pills - only as prescribed by a doctor

The product contains marshmallow root, as well as various extracts of other medicinal plants. Before use, the tablet must be dissolved in water and then drunk. The drug has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Used in the treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory system.

At the second stage of gestation, the fetus is already protected by placental structures. But with a cough of viral etiology, there is a high risk that placental insufficiency will occur, which is dangerous due to hypoxia and negative consequences for fetal development. In addition, in the second trimester, nervous system structures continue to form. If disturbances occur in these processes, this is fraught with the development of encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, PEP, etc. in the fetus. To exclude unfavorable complications and eliminate coughing, qualified drug therapy is necessary. In addition to the medications listed above, the pregnant woman may be prescribed medications such as Bronchipret, Bronchicum, Gedelix, and sometimes Ambroxol or Bromhexine.


A drug based on an extract of useful medicinal herbs such as ivy, thyme, etc. The product has an antispasmodic, expectorant and moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the presence of ethanol in the composition, Bronchipret can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.


This remedy is a herbal expectorant. Bronchicum is used in the complex treatment of pathological conditions of the upper respiratory system. It is contraindicated to take the drug for heart pathologies, liver or kidney diseases. Contains ammonia and glycerol.


A herbal medicine with active ingredients in the form of ivy extract (leaves). The drug is prescribed for the treatment of tracheitis and bronchitis, and other respiratory pathologies, which are accompanied by severe cough and difficulties with the discharge of secretions from the bronchi.

  • Also, at the second stage of gestation, patients can be prescribed drugs from the category of synthetic drugs, for example, Ambroxol or Bromhexine, but they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor when the potential threat does not exceed the expected therapeutic effect.
  • At the final stage of gestation, the list of expectorant drugs expands again.
  • By this time, the fetus acquires its own immune protection, and is also protected by placental structures.
  • All this minimizes possible risks to the fetus when taking drugs of various origins.

The most common and effective drugs prescribed at this stage of pregnancy are Prospan and Gerbion.


An excellent drug, has a plant nature, provides a pronounced mucolytic, antispasmodic and expectorant effect. In a short time it helps pregnant women cope with a debilitating cough.


The drug has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, and is contraindicated in endocrine pathologies such as diabetes, etc. The main component is plantain extract. It is recommended to take this medication only as directed.

Cough therapy in pregnant women should always be carried out under the strict supervision of treating specialists. Self-treatment is fraught with the development of complications, the cough becoming chronic and other troubles.

Traditional methods of removing phlegm

Folk remedies effectively help cope with cough throughout gestation, but they are especially useful, and sometimes necessary, in the first weeks of pregnancy. The best expectorant among folk remedies is considered to be dried figs brewed in milk. The dried fruits are boiled in cow's milk for about 30 minutes, then a warm brown drink is taken 3-4 times a day.

Onions are also great for coughs. Chop two peeled onions, add several large spoons of sugar and pour in 2 glasses of water. Then the mixture is boiled for an hour over low heat, cooled slightly and filtered, add ½ cup honey. The mixture is taken after each snack or full meal.

What is strictly prohibited

Incorrectly selected mucolytic agents can be incredibly dangerous for a pregnant woman, as well as for a baby. Codeine, which depresses the fetal respiratory center, is strictly contraindicated; other means of central action on the cough center are also prohibited. Also, pregnant women should not take drugs that act on bronchopulmonary receptors, for example, potassium iodide, etc.

ACC, Pertussin, Tussin Plus, Thermopsis, etc. remain prohibited for pregnant women. Among herbs, mothers should avoid the uncontrolled use of St. John's wort, which complicates labor, coltsfoot or comfrey, which have a carcinogenic effect and can cause fetal mutations. It is also unacceptable to use echinacea, ginseng or eleutherococcus, which can provoke severe allergic reactions. And the use of gingko biloba or oregano is fraught with dangerous uterine bleeding that threatens the viability of the fetus.

For any cough, the decision to take medication should only be made by a doctor who knows which expectorants are safe for pregnant women.

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