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Notes of targeted walks and nature excursions. Message on the topic “Environmental education of preschool children on targeted walks and excursions. Aesthetic perception sharpens and deepens if we turn to the past experience of children,

Olga Baskova
Organization of targeted walks and excursions

Organization of targeted walks and excursions

Excursions with children are carried out outside the institution. Excursions, as a form of classes, are conducted in middle, senior and preparatory groups. But small children can organize special classes- excursions in a group room with supervision (in the room, on the site).

When planning to work with children in the summer, you need to remember to include physical education and musical entertainment in the plan. (2 times per week); days of health (once per quarter); sports holidays (once per quarter); work according to the rules traffic (once a week) and safety basics (once a week); walks along the route(simple tourism, excursions, pedestrian walks(1-2 times a week, in senior group- up to 3 times a week).

Natural history excursions.

Since time immemorial, humanity has valued nature and sees in it not only its nurse, but also a wise educator and mentor. Observations in natural conditions, thanks to which children perceive the world around them in all its richness, color, and dynamics, contribute to the development of curiosity, aesthetic and moral feelings.

In progress excursions the foundation of specific ideas about native nature is laid. Children get acquainted with all the richness of its colors, sounds, smells, forms in development and change. The more organs senses participate in such cognition, the more signs and properties the child identifies in the object or phenomenon under study, and, consequently, the richer his ideas become. Thus, it is carried out sensory development, on the basis of which thought processes, imagination arise, and aesthetic feelings are formed.

Excursions– one of the main types of classes and a special form organizations work on environmental education is one of the most labor-intensive and complex forms of training.

Mainly carried out excursions outside of preschool. Advantage excursions in that that they allow children to become acquainted with objects and natural phenomena in a natural setting.

Natural history excursions are advisable to the same places at different times of the year, in order to show children the seasonal changes that occur in nature.

Excursion It is much more difficult to conduct than a group lesson, so its success depends on careful preparation of the teacher and children. The preparation of a teacher consists, first of all, in determining the goal excursions and selection of program content. The teacher outlines excursion, based on requirements programs and features of the surrounding area. Determining the place excursions, the teacher chooses the best path to it - not tiring, not distracting the children from the intended goal. When determining the distance to a place excursions should be based on the physical capabilities of children. Duration of the journey to the selected location (one way) should not exceed middle group 30 minutes, in senior and preparatory groups - 40-50 minutes. In this case, you should take into account the characteristics of the road and weather conditions.

No matter how familiar the teacher is with the place excursions, it is necessary to examine it a day or two before. Having visited the place of the future excursions, the teacher clarifies the route, finds the necessary objects, outlines the content and scope of the knowledge that children should receive about a given range of phenomena, the sequence of individual parts excursions, establishes places for collective and independent observations, for children to relax. In order to the excursion was interesting, the teacher needs to prepare poems, riddles, proverbs, and game techniques.

Preparing children begins with the teacher communicating the goal excursions. The guys need to know where they will go, why, what they will learn, what they need to collect. The teacher reminds children about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, and in public places. In preparation for excursions You need to pay attention to children's clothes. Children should be dressed comfortably, in accordance with the weather and season. In the system of preparatory work, training games are actively used, which involve the inclusion of elements of psycho-gymnastics in different kinds children's activities and aimed at developing adequate self-esteem and skills of constructive communication with the natural world, nurturing a value-based attitude towards what surrounds the child.

TO excursions the teacher should prepare excursion equipment and equipment for placing the collected material in a corner of nature.

It is good to involve children in its preparation. This helps to arouse their interest in the upcoming excursions. All equipment must be located in a specific place. Before excursion The teacher needs to carefully consider what material to collect for further work in the group and what equipment to take with him in connection with this.

Methodology for conducting natural history educational studies excursions.

Natural history excursion includes an introductory conversation, collective observation, individual independent observation of children, collection of natural history material, and children playing with the collected material. The order of the parts varies depending on the purpose excursions, season. Bringing the children to the place excursions, you should remind about its purpose in a short conversation and let the children look around. Main part excursions is collective observation, with the help of which all main tasks are solved excursions. The teacher must help children notice and understand the characteristic signs of objects and phenomena. For this you can use various techniques: questions, riddles, comparisons, survey activities, games, stories, explanations. The level of cognitive activity is facilitated by elements of conversations and logic problems offered by educators. An example is question: “How is the birch tree in the park similar to the birch tree on your site?”, etc. It is advisable use exactly those that stimulate the expression of children’s emotions and feelings. You can ask the students what kind words you can give to the flowers in the park’s flower beds, and what wishes you can send to your feathered friends. It is necessary to pay attention not only to individual natural objects, but also to ecological communities, considering the “floors” of the park and reservoir, determining the conditional interaction between them, and building logical chains of connections and dependencies.

Didactic games held during excursions, it is necessary to focus on providing preschoolers with the opportunity to show an active, environmentally literate position in relation to natural objects. Topics can be following: “Help the tree”, “Beware the ant”, “Birds love silence”, “ Good morning" and others. Small environmental actions expand the experience of environmental protection activities, support the desire to actively and independently provide assistance to natural objects, and allow you to experience a sense of pride from the work performed. During excursions to the park, park, to a pond, children together with adults can hang bird feeders, plant grown seedlings in flower beds and flower beds, plant trees, etc. The most significant thing is that during these activities, preschoolers accumulate emotionally positive experience of communicating with nature.

An important place is given to excursions questions and tasks, forcing children to examine an object, compare it with other objects, find differences and similarities, and establish connections between various natural phenomena. When considering objects, it should be taken into account that children’s knowledge will be strong only if it is obtained as a result of the active work of all sense organs. At the end of the main part, children are given the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity in individual independent observations and collection of natural history material. However, one should not forget about nature conservation; the collection of material should be strictly limited and carried out under the guidance or with the direct participation of a teacher. During children's rest, games and game exercises. Children consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of an object, express in words an opinion about the quality of an object, remember the name of plants ( "Guess by the smell", "Find out by description", “Branch, branch, where is your baby?”, “One, two, three, run to the birch!”). In the final part excursions The teacher once again draws the children’s attention to the overall picture of nature. The main goal of the final stage is to summarize excursion work.

Creative tasks will allow the child to express his impressions and show his attitude towards the natural world. You can invite the children, together with the teacher, to compose books of fairy tales. For example, preschoolers can write a story about a park and imagine what tales an old spruce tree could tell them. Through the actions of the characters introduced into these literary works, one can express attitudes towards various environmental situations. As an option for creative tasks, the teacher suggests drawing up collective collages depicting above-water and underwater inhabitants of reservoirs, favorite park alleys, etc.

Construction of ecosystem models from natural and waste materials will help children better understand the chain of relationships and interdependencies that exist in nature. After each excursions the layout can be supplemented and transformed.

Based on specific information, children build food chains, add new natural objects, etc. Thus, excursions help expand students’ understanding of ecological systems (parks, reservoirs), form ideas about their “life” throughout the year, observe what changes occur with each natural object depending on the season, learn to love and protect the environment.

Starting from the second junior group, are carried out targeted walks along the site with exit beyond its limits. Taking into account the natural environment of the kindergarten, the most striking seasonal natural phenomena, the children’s capabilities, and the work done with them, the teacher decides where to go and what to see. Targeted walks, unlike excursions, are short-term, and a small number of problems are solved on them. Children get acquainted with the bright natural phenomena of this or that season: bird nesting, ice drift. Conducted targeted walks to the pond, to the meadow. You can select one object for observation in the residential area, for example, a birch tree, and make targeted walks in different seasons, observing and noting the changes that occur.

Tips for preparing and conducting walks along the route:

- walk- the hike is carried out only after a thorough study of the route;

The content of the route and hike is carefully thought out;

An adult, together with children, prepares the necessary equipment;

Children's clothing is thought out - comfortable and appropriate for the weather;

Children and their parents are notified in advance about the time of the hike;

It is advisable to clarify weather forecast;

The day before, a conversation is held with children about the rules of behavior while moving and in the process of communicating with natural objects;

Adults should have a good knowledge of berries, mushrooms, and plants growing in the area;

Must know the contents of the first aid kit and the rules for using it;

Adults should be well aware of and take into account the individual and physical capabilities of children (movement should be in a certain rhythm, aligned with the weakest participant, walking should not be monotonous);

The plan and route are coordinated with the health worker, manager, deputy manager;

Adults should be well aware of and follow the rules of the road.

Planning walks and hikes.

Long-term plan carrying out walks-hikes can be made approximately as follows scheme: the date of the; topic or objects of observation; target; completion mark.

A brief description of the route is given, stops and activities on them are noted. For each trip, a script is drawn up (a summary indicating the location, departure time, form and duration.

Educators must find good combination various types of physical activity with rest, taking into account the conditions of the area. Children can be taught navigation.

Route maps are approved by the teachers' council, which is confirmed by the signature of the head on the map. All routes are numbered. Dangerous sections of the road and rest stops must be marked. The total length of the route and the length of the sections of the path between rest stops, as well as its duration, are noted.

Before leaving, a note is made in the notebook of the arrival and departure of the group on a hike. scheme: No.; date of; group; number of children; Route number; number of accompanying persons, full name; care time; signature; return time; signature of who accepted the information.

Memo for teachers on organizing excursions and targeted walks: Pedestrian walks should be designed for a 30 minute walk each way. In such a hike, children’s strength strengthens, endurance develops, the ability to overcome difficulties, will and perseverance are exercised. The teacher outlines a route in advance, on which a flat road alternates with a variety of natural obstacles: slopes, logs, stumps, ditches, bridges, etc. resting places and a place to set up a camp.

A music director and a nurse take part in such trips. A summary is being drawn up. In him indicated: with which group the hike is being carried out and at what distance, place and time of departure, route. During walking walks need to be organized for children so that they can walk not only in pairs, but also freely, in groups of 3-4 people.

We must meet on the road obstacles: a fallen tree, low hanging branches, a stream, etc. The natural environment can always be used to practice jumping: jump from flat stones, from tree stumps (not higher than 50 cm.). For long jumps, use the width of paths and grooves. You can jump in height through a twig placed on two adjacent stumps, through low stumps. To climb over, use logs, fallen trees, and low-hanging branches for crawling. We must strive for every walk, exercise children in all types of basic movements, using a combination of natural conditions with special aids. For example: walk between two lines, throw the ball up and catch it with your hands, having reached the stone, put the ball near it, stand on the stone, jump, walk on all fours to the hoop (woven from branches, crawl into it, run up to the branch with a hanging bell, jump up and call.

During the walking organize walks with children, collecting natural materials that can be used in design classes for work. After this walks Children are invited to make sketches, and conversations are held about what they saw.

When setting up a camp, it is advisable to provide telephone communication, and limit the camp area with garlands of flags, flowers, etc. organizations small tourism, provide measures to ensure the protection of the life and health of children.

NOTE: Increase the duration of the route gradually, giving it a game form - “Tourist hike”. Make up your own little tourist song. Before going on a hike, give instructions on how to behave on a hike. At rest stops organize children's holidays: songs, round dances, competitions, reading and looking at books, etc.

Tourist equipment: Headgear (hat, cap, Panama, sports suit, sneakers or sneakers. You need a backpack, dishes, toys, sports equipment (ball, skittles, jump ropes, etc.). Be sure to take a first aid kit and drinking water with you. You can take musical instruments with you.

Excursions in order to familiarize themselves with the work of adults.

An important area of ​​social and cognitive development of preschool children is familiarization with the work of adults. In kindergarten, in the family, in the public environment available to him - everywhere the child encounters the work of adults and takes advantage of its results. Consistently familiarize children with the work of adults in their immediate environment, and then outside kindergarten allows them to develop an understanding of the essence and significance of labor actions, of the social structure of life in general. A child’s daily observations of the diverse work of people is a prerequisite for labor education, while children need to be given sufficiently systematized data about the work of adults and, on their basis, develop respect for work, its results, and for those who work. The knowledge of preschoolers about the work of adults has a great influence on the development of their correct attitude towards work, however, it can remain formal if familiarization with work activities is not carried out consistently, systematically, based on an imaginative worldview and positive emotions. Observing the work of adults and explaining its significance in people’s lives plays an important role in the comprehensive development of a child’s personality. The work of a kindergarten has its own difficulties in carrying out labor education: a significant part of the work of adults does not take place in front of children, and there are limited opportunities to observe their work. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways and forms for preschoolers to approach the work of adults, showing its social significance, the essence of labor actions, the results of labor, and to determine the conditions for the most effective influence of adult labor on the formation of imaginative ideas about it.

An important means of developing ideas about the work of adults is excursions, since children have the opportunity to see labor actions, the labor process itself, its tools. Advantage excursions consists of that they allow children to be introduced to objects and phenomena in a natural setting. Excursions contribute to the development of observation and interest. For creating positive attitude to work and understanding its significance has a living example of surrounding adults, direct contact with their work.

Properly carried out excursion leaves a deep imprint in children's memory and is reflected in children's creative games, influencing their actions and behavior. But the game does not reflect observations in which only objects come to the fore for the child and people, their activities and relationships slip away. Successful excursion, of course, is the basis for the process of children acquiring knowledge about the meaning of work, how, by whom and why it is carried out. Since living images are the most intelligible and convincing, a true example of the work of adults. Visibility of life (observations, excursions) ensures the greatest clarity of ideas and maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by children. What is visually perceived, however, requires interpretation. In the process of further conversations, through the inclusion of children in various types of activities, the information obtained during observations is clarified, consolidated, and supplemented.

Preparing for excursions.

One of the forms excursions in order to familiarize adults with the work - this is production excursion. Preparing for excursions begins with drawing up a plan for its implementation and choosing an object, that is, enterprises that preschoolers will visit. And based on the goals and objectives excursions, the teacher identifies issues that children should pay attention to. He then negotiates with excursion organizers at the enterprise or seeks permission to conduct it himself. When outlining a route plan, the teacher thinks through how to ensure the safe movement of children around the enterprise, how to excursion less tedious and at the same time more meaningful.

Below are some indicative questions on which you can prepare information for conducting production excursions:

Name of the enterprise.

What types of work are performed in the main workshops of the enterprise.

Modern equipment used in the workshops.

Employees of the main professions of the enterprise.

What technological sequence of materials processing exists at this enterprise?

Which workshops use equipment that performs several operations simultaneously?

Describe technological sequence processing of a particular part or component of a product.

During excursions Children always listen with great interest to the explanations of those directly involved in production. The teacher needs to come to an agreement with such people, involve them in participating in excursions, clarify the content of conversations and highlight the most important thing in the conversation. Convey the story in clear language, avoiding highly specialized terms. Attracting employees to excursions does not free the teacher from preparing for the story.

Methodology for conducting production excursions.

Any production excursion, as a rule, takes place in several stages:

1. Preparing preschoolers for excursions(preparatory conversation).

2. Introductory conversation at the enterprise.

3. The procedure for getting to know the production, the teacher’s story, children’s observations, explanations from the company’s specialists.

4. Collection of illustrated materials.

5. Meetings and conversations with production workers.

6. Brief final conversation on site excursions. Preparing for excursions conducted in two directions: in content and organizational issues.

IN preparatory conversation teacher explains the goal excursions, tells the children where they will go and what they should observe. During the conversation, you can propose questions, the answers to which will need to be given after excursions. Such questions will help children conduct observations in a given direction, preventing them from being distracted. The teacher explains that excursion- this is the same activity as everyone else, so during excursions it is necessary to fulfill the requirements for children class: listen attentively, ask questions in an organized manner, do not talk, maintain discipline. You cannot violate order, discipline and on the way to excursion. At the enterprise, everyone should stay together, move from one room to another calmly, without fussing.

“Organization and conduct of targeted walks and excursions in the summer.”

Walking - hikes, excursions, targeted walks - will be a wonderful vacation for children in the summer, as well as a way to learn about the world around them and themselves in it. Natural conditions will give preschoolers a lot of impressions and will contribute to the improvement of movement.

Each walk-hike, targeted walk and excursion is preceded by preliminary work with preschoolers. Thus, the teacher not only conducts a series of conversations, games, and activities in which children receive the necessary information and master special terms, but also activates knowledge of traffic rules in case the route of a walk or hike crosses highways.

A nurse at a preschool institution forms groups of children based on their health status and level of physical development, completes a special camp first aid kit, and holds conversations with the teacher about the rules of safe behavior in natural conditions and methods of providing first aid.

Before a hike, excursion, or targeted walk, preschoolers are told the purpose of the upcoming activity in order to arouse their interest. Children should know where they will go, why, and what they will see.

When preparing for a hike, excursion, or targeted walk, you need to pay attention to children’s clothing. It should be light; children should dress according to the weather and season. The content of walks, hikes, targeted walks, excursions depends on the chosen topic. If the weather permits, the teacher can organize observations of insects, birds, and collection of natural material.

In June, herbs bloom magnificently: bells, daisies, carnations, clover and other plants. To introduce them to their diversity and beauty, 3-4 targeted walks are organized. Children need to be shown plantain, bindweed, and cinquefoil. Tell us why we call them that. Bells attract children's attention. It is interesting to watch how the bells close their petals at night and before the rain. On targeted walks, children’s attention is drawn to the beauty of the surrounding nature. Children enjoy the variety of smells, shapes, colors of leaves and flowers of plants. After such targeted walks to the meadow, it is good to read books: “In the Meadow” by G. Ganeizer; “Our Flowers” ​​by E. Serova.

During the summer there are several targeted walks in the forest. During a walk in the forest, children pick berries, find shrubs and herbaceous plants: fireweed, willow-herb. Here it is necessary to talk about poisonous plants: crow's eye, elderberry, wolf's bast, etc. Children's knowledge of forest plants can be clarified and expanded by reading the book “Flowers of the Forest” by M.M. Sokolov-Mikitova. Starting from the second youngest group, targeted walks are carried out, going outside the kindergarten site: to a pond, to a meadow, etc. On these walks, children are introduced to colorful natural phenomena. During walks, the teacher can introduce children to those natural phenomena, the idea of ​​which takes a long time to develop.

One of the types of activities to introduce children to nature is an excursion. During the excursion, the child can observe natural phenomena, seasonal changes in a natural setting, see how man transforms nature in accordance with the requirements of life and how nature serves people.

Excursions are divided into natural history and agricultural. Natural history includes an introductory conversation, collective observation, individual independent children's research and collection of natural material, children's games with the material collected during the rest, the final part, where the teacher, summing up, draws the children's attention to the overall picture of nature.

The main part of the excursion is collective observation. The main tasks are solved here. The teacher helps children notice and understand the characteristic signs of objects and phenomena. This is achieved using various techniques (questions, riddles, poems, survey activities, game techniques). The teacher supplements the observations with his story and explanation.

It is useful to use a nursery during the observation process. fiction. At the end of the main part, children must be given the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity in individual and independent observations and collection of natural history material. However, when giving the task to collect material, you should strictly limit its quantity in order to focus the children’s attention only on certain plants or animals, in addition, to solve the problem of caring for nature.

During rest, the collected material is sorted, laid out, and used for games and exercises. In games: “recognize by smell”, “recognize by description”, “find a plant by leaf”, “branch, branch, where is your baby?” - children consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of objects, express their quality in words, remember the names of plants and their parts.

Agricultural excursions are varied: to the field, to the meadow, to the garden, to the vegetable garden, to the greenhouse, etc. Such excursions provide an opportunity to clearly show how man influences nature how to grow plants and animals. The uniqueness of these excursions is that the child can observe both human activity and the nature on which he influences.

Excursions to agricultural sites begin with a preliminary conversation. At the end of the excursion, impressions of working at the bottom object are summarized.

When conducting walks, excursions, and targeted walks with children, teachers must follow certain safety rules.

Firstly, the upcoming route is carefully studied and approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

Secondly, the content of the event is clearly planned and the appropriate equipment is selected. The set of necessary equipment includes light individual backpacks, fresh drinking water, disposable cups for the number of children and adults, soap, napkins, attributes for organizing educational games and independent activities for preschoolers. In case you need to clean up the parking area, it is worth taking small rakes, shovels and garbage bags with you.

Thirdly, be sure to have a first aid kit. Every adult accompanying a group of children must know its contents well and be able to use it.

Fourthly, the clothing and shoes of all participants must be appropriate for the season and weather conditions.

These forms of work allow children to develop skills in behavior in nature, develop the ability to be surprised and surprised, cultivate an interested and caring attitude towards the environment, and introduce them to the sights of their hometown.

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    A pedagogically organized form of active recreation for children in the fresh air, with the goal of strengthening children’s health and developing their mental and physical abilities. - an element of the regime that gives children the opportunity to satisfy their needs for movement through outdoor games, labor processes and a variety of physical exercises. Walk

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    Types of walks

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    Frequency of exits outside the preschool educational institution

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    Duration Approximately two to three hours a day are allotted for children to spend time in the fresh air. In summer this time increases to three to four hours. The daily routine of the kindergarten includes a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after afternoon tea. In summer, children are received outside. The time allotted for walking must be strictly observed.

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    Organization and conduct of Target Walks The main form of organizing children, which has a small scope of tasks, to familiarize children with the bright natural phenomenon of the season. This is the same walk, but with a specific goal setting.

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    They are carried out at certain hours, according to a plan drawn up in advance in accordance with the program. Methods: observation of natural objects, adult labor, didactic games, working with paintings, reading works of art, stories, conversations, etc. Games: with natural materials - sand, leaves, snow, water, wind. Objects: nearby places (parks, ponds, squares, boulevards) In the older group - school.

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    Preparation and execution

    Visit the place in advance, determine the object, the material for collecting and transporting plants, and how to dress. - Organization of children: did they take everything and the rules of behavior. - In place: move, run, sit. -Give me a feel for nature. - Observation is central. - Follow the rules for collecting plants. Rest for 5-10 minutes before returning. Quiet play or analysis of collected material

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    Pine cones for crafts, Flowers for the herbarium, Nesting of rooks, Beautiful flowers in our flower bed Our vegetable garden Autumn tree Leaf fall Starlings have arrived Christmas tree, Christmas tree Snowfall Whose trace Let's feed the birds What the trees have become Spring has come Our birds Drops What spring will give us The sun on the grass White boats Walking, but we don’t break trees What kind of bird Icicles Children’s games in winter

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    Organization and conduct of excursions An excursion is an organized demonstration of something, accompanied by explanations. This is a type of lesson in which training is carried out at a natural or industrial site. Excursions highlight not just one subject, but phenomena of living reality in their inevitable relationship.

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    The emergence of aesthetic feelings. Physical development. The emergence of interest. Enrichment of vocabulary Development of grammatical structure of speech. A culture of verbal communication is being formed.

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    Long-term plan

    Topic Object Program content Calendar plan Topic Object Equipment and material Plan - summary Formatting of results

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    Scheme for writing an application

    Date Group Number of children Number of accompanying persons Time of departure Time of return Signature Attached route sheet

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    Familiarization with the object Determination of the guide Careful selection of methods and techniques, materials, excursion equipment Determination and study of the route Conducting a preliminary conversation with the children The day before: Inspection of the place the day before Children's clothing Have you taken everything Rules of conduct Writing a statement

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    Conducting nature excursions

    Introductory conversation, Collective observation, Individual, independent observation, Collection of natural history material, Games with the collected material You can hang feeders, plant flowers in a flower bed, plant trees Didactic games Questions - tasks Summing up

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    After returning from the excursion, the collected material is placed in a corner of nature. After 2-3 days, the teacher conducts a lesson using the collected material, drawing, modeling, didactic games with natural material, reads fiction, listens to children's stories about where they have been and what they have done. In conclusion, a generalizing conversation is held, during which the teacher asks questions to the children in such a way as to reconstruct the entire course of events. You can write a story. Compose a book of fairy tales, compose collages, design ecosystem models

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    Games and game exercises: “Guess by the smell”, “Find out by the description”, “One, two, three run to the birch tree!”, “Branch, branch, where is your baby?”

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    Topics of excursions in the premises of the preschool educational institution

    For children 3-4 years old. Our bedroom, what it is used for, what is in it; crib, bed equipment, nomenclature of accessories, purpose of each item, care of the bed, etc. For children 5-6 years old. The same in a deeper study with the addition. Living material in our kindergarten; the purpose of each room and their relative location; where the windows of the rooms face, comparison of rooms by size and other characteristics; our steam heating, batteries, their location, significance, combustion time (thermal sense exercise) and others, determined by the characteristics of the room. For children 6-7 years old. Piano. Telephone. TV. Stove (ordinary and gas). What decorates a kindergarten. When choosing a topic for an excursion, the teacher should not forget that everything that the child gets acquainted with is connected with the demands of the life around him and his developing personality. When putting forward this or that object or phenomenon for observation with children, the teacher must be aware of what determines this choice, how it is connected with the general life and interests of the children. In other words: knowing what possible objects for an excursion, you need to choose a topic that is consistent with local conditions.

Zhuk Larisa Nikolaevna,


MADO CRR DS "Solnyshko"

G. Muravlenko

Explanatory note

The love of a small preschool child for the Motherland begins with the attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, love for his home, the street on which he lives, kindergarten, city.

It is during the preschool period that a person develops initial ideas about the world around him. And the active position of the future citizen depends on how competently this process is structured. When developing moral and patriotic qualities in children, feelings of love for the Motherland, it is necessary to take into account the emotionally positive attitude of children to the places where they were born and live, to develop the ability to see and perceive the beauty of the surrounding nature and culture. At the same time, an essential condition for developing an adequate attitude towards the immediate environment is the formation of the desire and desire to bring all possible help to adults, native nature, and the city.

One of the most important organized types of children's activities, during which love and aesthetic attitude to nature, the child’s cognitive needs are satisfied, and motor skills and physical qualities are improved, i.e. wellness tasks are fully solved, a walk is an excursion, a walk is a hike. In the process of thematic excursions, walks, and hikes, the child gets his first ideas about his country, studying the features of the “small Motherland”, the existing cultural, labor and spiritual and moral traditions of the peoples living in the area. And this is the beginning and the basis patriotic education. In this case, the process of cognition occurs in an objectively visual, active form, when the child directly sees, hears, and touches the world around him. The sensory experience of a preschooler is enriched by bright, emotionally rich, memorable images, much more impressive than those that can be seen from the pages of books. The reality of perception, the possibility of practical, useful application existing knowledge strengthens both the educational and educational components of the pedagogical potential of walks. It is this factor that allows us to effectively solve problems related to optimizing the educational process. Integration of the content of educational work, implementation of developmental tasks modern program for preschoolers in the most attractive forms and types of children's activities, in this case on walks, allows not only to reduce the total time of organized forms of education (classes), but also ensures an increase in the cognitive and motor activity of children during the day. In natural, emotionally favorable conditions, taking into account the regional component, preschoolers more successfully learn and consolidate the material of different sections of the program. At the same time, the educational tasks of early socialization are also organically solved: the development of communication in collective activities, the cultivation of sensitivity and a caring attitude towards the surrounding reality, acquaintance with professions and the formation of respect for people - workers of their hometown.

Thus, a walk-excursion gives a preschooler the opportunity to have emotional and practical contact with the world around him, and to receive convincing, vivid, visual answers to questions that arise. This activity satisfies not only the natural curiosity, but also the preschooler’s natural need for movement, ensuring maximum exposure of children to the fresh air at any time of the day and year, which is of no small importance in the conditions of the northern region, in modern conditions of constant employment of parents who do not have the opportunity to , and sometimes the desire to take long, educational trips and walks around the city with their children.

Thematic plan of excursions.

Excursion topic


"City Trip"

introduce preschoolers to the concept of " small homeland", streets, residential buildings and public buildings, their purpose;



Introduce children to public buildings of the city and their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of the work of city residents;



Continue to introduce children to public buildings of the city and their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of work for city residents;


introduce children to the public buildings of the neighborhood and their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of their work for city residents;

Conducting excursions

Stage 1 - autumn cycle (September, October, November).

The teacher reveals the placement of observation objects, creates problematic situations, uses techniques to activate mental activity (questions, use of childhood experience).

The teacher's story, revealing the purpose of the objects of observation, the meaning of special terms.

Consolidation of received ideas. Summing up the results of each trip includes an oral story from children and various creative works and games: drawings, applications, entertainment, quizzes.

Stage 2 - spring cycle (March, April, May)

On repeated excursions, children themselves can lead the group along the route, accompanied by adults. It is known that children of older preschool age are distinguished by a high degree of independence and organization, and this is an important condition for the formation of skills of self-organization of cognitive activity, the development of coherent dialogical and monologue speech in the process of playing the role of a tour guide. Children are happy to talk about the sights of their hometown.

Approximate structure of excursions.

1 Preliminary conversation.

2 Course of the excursion

¨ road to the object

¨ examining the appearance of the object

¨ repetition and familiarization with the rules of behavior culture

¨ teacher's story

¨ problematic issues


(receiving feedback from children - drawings, stories, diagrams, didactic games, etc.)

Conditions for the effectiveness of excursions:

¨ accounting age characteristics children;

¨ favorable time to spend it when preschool children are most energetic (morning hours)

¨ direct participation of adults and children, sincere interest in the object of acquaintance, observation, study.

¨ a natural living environment for the child, familiarization with the immediate environment - the “small homeland”, satisfaction of children’s cognitive interests regarding the social and natural sphere of the microdistrict, individual pages of the history and culture of the city

¨ progression from experience to knowledge.

¨ mandatory compliance with safety measures.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of excursions is the understanding of their role by parents for the formation of citizenship, moral education. The active participation of parents and their assistance to teachers in organizing and conducting excursions ensures the integrity of the pedagogical approach in this work.

Our experience can be creatively used by kindergarten teachers and will help them develop new excursions and trips with preschoolers in their area.

Excursion “Trip around the city”

Program content: to introduce preschoolers to the concept of “small homeland”, streets, residential buildings and public buildings, their purpose; clarify children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about traffic rules, and cultivate a sense of responsibility for their city.

Preliminary conversation:

Tell me, please, do you like to take walks along the streets of our city?

¨What is a street? (houses standing in a row)

¨ Each street has its own name. Each house has its own number. The street name and house number are the address. What is the address for?

¨ What streets of our city do you know? Give your address.

Children look at photographs of the central buildings of the city as landmarks for the upcoming walk.

Move. Today we will travel along the main street of our city.

¨ What is the name of the central street of the city of Muravlenko?

As they move toward the central street of the city, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the names of the streets adjacent to it and emphasizes changing the direction of movement. (“Now we are walking straight along Pionerskaya Street, then we turn right and end up on Lenin Street”, “What do you see to the right of us, to the left, in front, etc.?”)

What parts is the street divided into?

Roadway – a road along which traffic moves.

¨ What is the traffic on this road? (one-sided or two-sided). How do cars move?

Lawn – This is a strip of greenery along the roadway.

¨ Why do we need landscaping along roads? (Cleanse the air, create shade, decorate the road.)

¨ What trees are planted on the street?

¨ How should we treat green spaces?

Sidewalk - This is the pedestrian part of the street.

¨ Children, think and tell me, how do pedestrians know that this is where they need to cross the street? What signs indicate to us that there is a pedestrian crossing here? (Wide white stripes are painted on the road; a sign by the road with a picture of a walking man on it).

¨ And if many streets intersect at once, what is this place called? (Crossroads).

Children remember the rules for crossing the street, the teacher reminds children of the importance and need for strict adherence to traffic rules.

¨ At what light will we cross the road?

¨ Remember the rules of conduct for pedestrians on the street?

If the light turns red,

So it's dangerous to move

Green light says:

“Come on, the way is open!”

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal to move. (S. Mikhalkov.)

There are many shops on our way.

¨ What stores do you see to the right of us, to the left? (Natalka, Golden Orchid, Visit, Troika, etc.).

¨Who works in the store?

The teacher draws the children's attention to the area near the shops: landscaping, order, the presence of trash cans.

Shall we take a look at one of the stores? Remind yourself of the rules of behavior in a public place.

Our journey continues.

¨What is this institution to our left? How did you find out that this is a pharmacy?

¨ What do we gain from it? Why are pharmacies needed in the city? Who works in the pharmacy? Let's take a look there.

On the way back, the children are given the task: to name all the houses that they know. At the same time, attention is paid to the building material from which they are made, to the color, shape and distinctive features.

Conversation after the excursion.

¨ What buildings did we meet on our way today?

¨What types of houses are there?

¨ What material are they made of? Why are houses called brick, panel, wooden). Which geometric figures Did the shape of these buildings remind you?

¨ Let's think about why people build buildings?

Children are offered a schematic representation of the route, on which they place the symbols of the buildings that they encountered along the route.

Excursion. "Shop".

Program content: Introduce children to public buildings of the city, their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of the work of city residents; develop cultural behavior skills on the street and in public places; stimulate children's interest and love for their city; improve the health of children during walking excursions.

Preliminary conversation.

  • What is the name of our kindergarten?
  • What is the address of our kindergarten?

There are different houses around the garden. You live in one of them. There are other buildings in which people do not live, but we all really need them. Such buildings are called public.

What public buildings are located near our kindergarten? (mosque, school, shops).

  • What are such buildings needed for?
  • How should you behave in public places?

Progress of the excursion.

Today the goal of our excursion is to get acquainted with the public building where people of our city come every day. We will visit your nearest store. You are already familiar with some of the stores in our city, which are located on the main street. Let's remember:

¨ Do you often go shopping with your parents?

¨ What do you get from them? What types of stores are there?

¨Who works in the store?

¨Why do people build stores?

There are different types of stores: grocery stores, department stores, hardware stores, and vegetable stores.

¨ What stores are located near our kindergarten?

¨ What is the name of the store where you and your parents go most often?

As they move toward the object of observation (the store), the teacher draws the children’s attention to the names of the streets, house numbers that the children pass, and emphasizes changing the direction of movement.

Stop: store (named by the children as the most famous).

The teacher invites the children to carefully examine the store building (color, sign, doors). Should be paid Special attention in order near the store. Availability of a trash can. For what?

¨ Who cleans up the area around the store?

¨ Let's remember the rules of conduct in a public place:

speak quietly, politely;

walk calmly, without pushing,

to keep order,

look at the product without touching it with your hands.

We won't buy anything at the store today. We will play the game “The most attentive”. Rules of the game:

1. Listen carefully to the teacher.

2.Remember everything you see.

3. Talk about what we saw and remembered after we leave the store. You yourself can determine the most attentive child in our group.

Teacher's story (in the store).

This is a grocery store because it sells food.

The store has several departments. One sells vegetables, juices, fruits, another sells candy, sugar, cookies, tea, and the third sells dairy products, sausages, and fish products. Each department has its own salesperson. A salesperson is the profession of a person who offers us a product, shows it, and exchanges the product for money.

Do you think it's easy to work as a salesperson? In fact, there are special educational institutions where they teach how to work as sellers: after all, a good seller should know a lot. He doesn’t just stand behind the counter and sell the thing we need - a good seller must know everything about the quality and properties of the product he sells in order to give useful tips people who want to buy the product offered. The seller must be able to count well in order to give change correctly, use a calculator, cash register, and punch checks.

¨What are people who buy goods called? (Buyers).

Let's look at a display case with a selection of goods.

¨What do you see in the window?

Large selection of different tasty and healthy products. Each product has its own price. Some products can be weighed, some are sold individually.

The teacher draws children's attention to the variety of shapes, sizes, brightness of the design of commercial products: juice in small and large bags, in cans of different capacities, in bottles, briquettes with semi-finished products, bread: white, black, small and large (“brick”, round, oblong).

Asks children to carefully observe buyers and sellers: the buyer selects the desired product, politely asks the seller to show and sell the required quantity of goods, the seller fulfills the buyers’ requests, politely asks questions to help buy the right product in the required quantity.

¨ Where do the products in the store come from? (delivered from the warehouse).

¨ Who else besides the sellers works in the store? What do you think they are doing?

Store manager or director. This is the main seller, who is responsible for the general order, the culture of service, and makes sure that the store has a large selection of goods.

Loaders who deliver goods from the warehouse help unload products and place them in utility rooms.

Packers weigh and place goods into bags or nets in large or small quantities.

Cleaners and janitors who monitor the cleanliness and order of the store and the surrounding area.

That's how many people work in the store and they all take care of you and me so that we have everything we need to live.

On the way to kindergarten, children remember everything they saw in the store, and the most attentive child in the group is determined. In the evening, children are invited to make sketches of the most memorable moments of the excursion.

In the afternoon, a role-playing game “Shop” is organized, in which the rules of behavior in a public place, cultural communication skills, and special terms are reinforced.

Excursion "Pharmacy".

Program content: Continue to acquaint children with public buildings of the city and their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of work for city residents; cultivate love for your hometown.

Preliminary work.

Reading fiction. Visit to the kindergarten first aid station. Conversation with a nurse:

¨ Why is there a first aid station in kindergarten?

¨Who works there?

¨ What kind of help do health workers provide to children?

¨ What medications are available at the kindergarten first aid station?

what are they needed for?

Progress of the excursion.

Today we will get acquainted with another public building called a pharmacy. What kind of building is this and why do we need it? We will be able to answer these questions during the tour.

As they move towards the object of observation (pharmacy), the teacher draws the children's attention to the names of the streets, the numbers of houses that the children pass, emphasizes the change in direction of movement, the buildings and objects of the environment (what is on the right, left, in front, behind). Children remember the rules for crossing the street, the teacher reminds children of the importance and need for strict adherence to traffic rules.

When approaching the object of observation, children's attention is drawn to appearance buildings, features of its structure, decoration of the surrounding area.

¨What kind of institution is this in front of us? - Pharmacy.

¨ How did you find out that this is a pharmacy?

Before entering the pharmacy, children remember the rules of behavior in public places.

Let's go to the pharmacy.

¨ What do you see inside the room? (window displays, sellers).

¨ What product is sold in the pharmacy? (medicines).

This means that a pharmacy is a store where city residents can purchase the medicines necessary for treatment and recovery. And salespeople in pharmacies are called pharmacists; this is a very responsible profession. A pharmacist must know very well which medications can help people with different diseases. Mistakes are not allowed, as this can harm human health.

¨ Let's see what medicines pharmacists offer on pharmacy shelves?

In the departments you can buy cotton wool, bandages, iodine, vitamins, herbs, creams, ointments, hygiene products and some medicines that can help people in emergency cases (headaches, coughs, general malaise).

Children's attention is drawn to the variety and packaging of medicines: there are pills - what do they look like? What about powders? Potion? Ampoules?

There are medications that are available without a prescription, but there are also those that are available only with a prescription.

¨What is a recipe? To whom and by whom is it issued?

Let's look at it carefully. The prescription contains the patient’s last name, which means that the doctor prescribes the necessary medication not to anyone who wants to buy this medicine, but only to this person. The name of the medicine and some numbers indicate how people should take it correctly. Every medicine different people prescribed in different doses (for some - two tablets, for others - one). Below is the doctor's signature and seal. A recipe is not just a piece of paper, it is a document! This medicine will not be dispensed without the doctor’s signature and seal.

¨Why is there a cash register here? Medicines are bought (exchanged for money), which means, just like in a store, you have to pay money to the cash register.

So what is a pharmacy? – An institution where medicines, therapeutic agents, sanitary and hygiene items are sold and purchased.

¨ What about the first aid kit? Have you heard this name? What is the difference between a pharmacy and a first aid kit?

You and I often have to travel. And it’s not always possible to come across a real pharmacy on the way. And on the road, anything can happen: you get a headache or stomach ache, you get hurt, or you accidentally get a speck of dust in your eye. How to help in such cases? To provide first aid, you should always take a set of necessary, basic medications with you on a long journey. This set of medications is called a first aid kit. Every family must have its own first aid kit - a set of necessary medications. Every car, bus, and any type of transport should have a first aid kit.

On the way to kindergarten, children remember everything they saw in the pharmacy, and the most attentive child in the group is determined. In the evening, children are invited to make sketches of the most memorable moments of the excursion.

In the afternoon, a role-playing game “Pharmacy” is organized, in which the rules of behavior in a public place, cultural communication skills, and special terms are reinforced.

Excursion "Library".

Program: content: introduce children to the public buildings of the microdistrict, their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of their work for city residents; to educate the rules of cultural behavior on the street and in public places; stimulate children's interest and love for their city, concern for its beauty and cleanliness; improve the health of children during walking excursions.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, looking at books, designing homemade books - little ones from children's drawings and explanations for them.

Teacher's story: A little bit of library history...

A long time ago, when there was no paper, people wanted to pass on their knowledge to others. Information - words and symbols were written down on whatever was necessary: ​​they were carved on stone in the form of icons (hieroglyphs), later the letters were depicted by embossing on clay tablets. IN Ancient Egypt wrote on papyri - specially prepared material made from a perennial plant of the same name. And in Russia, written messages were written on parchment, on birch bark, on processed thin skin. People tried to preserve these letters: clay tablets and papyri and parchments. The first institutions were created where ancient manuscripts were kept. Later, these institutions began to be called libraries. Over time, the words were erased, the planks and birch bark deteriorated. Then people learned to make paper and print books. A person who writes books is called a writer. Writers wrote about what they saw and heard. They wrote poems and came up with stories and fairy tales. There are a lot of books that we all need to know our past, present and future. Find out about everything that is happening in the world, happening on Earth.

¨Where can we see, purchase or borrow books?

(buy at the store, at the library)

There are libraries for adults and children. There are special libraries where books are collected for the blind, in which they “read” books with their fingers.

In our city there are different libraries: family reading, student, school and children's. Today we will go on a trip to the library, which is called the “Children's Library”. Why do you think?

As they move toward the object of observation (the library), the teacher draws the children’s attention to the names of the streets, the numbers of houses that the children pass, and emphasizes changing the direction of movement (let’s turn right, left, walk a little forward, what is left behind us). Children remember the rules for crossing the street, the teacher reminds children of the importance and need for strict adherence to traffic rules.

When approaching the object of observation, children’s attention is drawn to the appearance of the building, the features of its structure, and the decoration of the surrounding area.

Drawing children's attention to the building, sign, order in the territory, the teacher initiates children's responses using spatial prepositions (above, behind, in front of, around, around, because of, under, etc.)

Before entering the library, children remember the rules of conduct in public places.

We approached the building.

¨Who knows what kind of building is on our right?

¨Who was in the library?

¨What do you think is inside?

¨What is the difference between a library and a bookstore?

¨Why do we need libraries?

In library:

Main departments of the library.

Library workers collect books for the library, make special orders to bookstores, and accept fiction from the public. The book collection of the children's library is created in such a way that children readers can find the answer to any question they are interested in:

How to fly from Earth to the stars?

How to catch a fox by the tail?

How to make steam from stone?

In the children's library you will find books for any child: with bright illustrations for the little ones, educational textbooks for teenagers on mathematics, geography, history, encyclopedias, dictionaries and wonderful fiction by famous Russian, Soviet and foreign authors.

The first stop is SUBSCRIPTION.

You can choose any book from the subscription on the book racks and shelves available to readers. The books are on the shelf in a certain order, in sections that separate the literature of different sciences, topics and authors from each other.

Second stop – CATALOG.

Cards are collected in small boxes. There are exactly as many of them as there are books in the library. On each card we will find the name of the author of the book; Its name; the name of the artist who made the drawings and photographs for this book. The city where the book was printed, the year of publication, and the number of pages are also indicated here.

The cards are arranged in a strict order, as are the books on the shelves in accordance with the section. A LIBRARY will help you find the book you need.

¨ Let's think about what a person who works as a librarian should be like? (read a lot, love and cherish books, know different authors - writers, be able to talk interestingly about what you read)

¨ Why does the library need such a worker? (maintains order, issues books to readers for home reading, carefully keeps records of all books in the library)


In the reading room you can look through the latest issues of children's newspapers and magazines and get acquainted with new titles of children's periodicals. Old newspapers and magazines published in different years are also stored here. They are needed by those readers who want to remember some information from the history of our city and country. In the reading room you can read rare books in silence, without being distracted by extraneous noises, which are not given out for reading at home.


¨ You can contact the library staff with any question, asking for help in choosing the right literature.

¨ Handle library books carefully;

¨ Return the book to the library on time; the date and time frame for home reading are indicated by the librarian on a special card (reader’s form and on the cover of the book)

¨ Glue the pages or spine of the book, if necessary.

On the way to kindergarten, the children remember everything they saw in the library, and the most attentive child in the group is determined. In the evening, children are invited to make sketches of the most memorable moments of the excursion.

In the afternoon, a role-playing game “Library” is organized, in which the rules of behavior in a public place, cultural communication skills, and special terms are reinforced.


Bondarenko A.K. didactic games in kindergarten. – M.: Education, 1991.

Bykovsky V.A. There is a city in Yamal - Muravlenko. – Ekaterinburg: Publishing House “Ekaterinburg”, 1999.

Voitenko T.P. Game as a method of learning and personal development. - Kaluga: Adele Publishing House, 1997.

Lesson plans for the Development program for kindergarten. – M.: UTs im. L.A. Wenger “Development”, 1999.

Nifontova S.N. , Gashtova O.A., Zhuk L.N. A series of educational targeted and thematic excursions for children 4-7 years old. Educational and methodological manual - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Childhood-Press" LLC, 2010

Software and methodological manual “Development +” - NOU “Training Center named after. L. A. Wenger “Development” 2012.

Instructional and methodological letter “On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education” - M., 2000.

G. Management of preschool educational institutions, article by K. Belaya, I. Pavlenko and others. “Integration - as a tool for creating a new model of preschool educational institutions” - M., No. 4-03.

“Certificate of Publication” Series A No. 0000969 date of dispatch March 26, 2013, receipt No. 62502659111163

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Description of material: I offer you a summary of the natural history excursion “The World That Surrounds Me” for children of the senior and preparatory groups. The material will be useful to physical education instructors, senior educators and preparatory groups, teachers additional education. This summary of a motor lesson is aimed at developing cognitive-exploratory interest and orientation in space.
Integration of educational areas:“Physical development”, “Cognition”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative”.
Target: Formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world.
Educational: Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the simplest connections between objects in their immediate environment.
Educational: Continue to develop coordination of movements and spatial orientation.

Educational: Develop independence and initiative in physical activity, the ability to self-esteem when performing movements.
Benefits: A sheet of Whatman paper, a simple pencil, two circles of colored cardboard.
Progress:Group gathering at the porch.
Leading: Today we have a very important task. Uncle AU would like to get to know us and visit us, but unfortunately he cannot leave the forest unattended for a long time, and therefore asks us to write a letter for him about what is located around our kindergarten, and then he can teach us to play interesting games. Walk with the children to the central gate and stand facing the buildings, draw the children’s attention to a sheet of Whatman paper on which two rectangles are depicted.
Leading: Look around, do these two rectangles remind you of something?
Children: This is our kindergarten.
Leading: Our kindergarten is surrounded by a fence; it stretches around two buildings. Show on plan. But how can you enter a kindergarten if it is surrounded by a fence?
Children: Need a gate. Based on the children’s observations, we find and mark the central and side gates on the plan.
Leading: Now we need to decide which kindergarten is ours in order to definitely get into our group. Should you go right or left from the gate? Orient the plan relative to the children and draw a pencil path from the gate to the building).
Leading: I would love to come and visit you, but the trouble is there is not a single door in this building. Find and mark all entrances to the building; select the entrance to your group.
Game "Get directions". Children are divided into two teams (girls and boys). On the easel, attach a sheet of Whatman paper with a plan of the territory. The presenter places one of the circles on one of the entrances, and the children must tell how to get from the gate to this entrance, naming the direction of movement. The second team then plots a route to another object. The game can be played as a competition between teams.
Leading: Well done, both boys and girls did a great job, they were able to show the right way. And now we will go on our first trip, because there are so many amazing things around our kindergarten, and all this must certainly be noted on the plan.
Children walk in a flock around the territory of the kindergarten and mark natural objects schematically on a piece of Whatman paper with a plan.
Game "Hide and Seek". Children are divided into two subgroups. The leader shows the first subgroup of children the place on the plan where they should hide. The teacher leaves with this subgroup. After some time, the leader shows on the plan the second subgroup of children the place where the first subgroup went. Children must orient the plan in relation to themselves and tell how they will move when going in search of the children of the first group.
Leading: We came up with a great plan. You can easily find the entrance and exit along it, and go to any area and sports ground. I think Uncle AU will be pleased and very soon we will get to know him interesting games. In the meantime, let’s return as planned to the sports ground and play outdoor games.

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