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Tourism Day in Russia is celebrated with various events and gala evenings. world tourism day international tourism day

Tens of millions of people are engaged in tourism in the world, and its forms are quite numerous. These are not necessarily people with backpacks sleeping in tents in the bosom of nature. There is scientific, cultural, health tourism, as well as other varieties of this professional hobby.


Tourism as an occupation has a very ancient history. For example, many people know the name of Herodotus, and it was he who was the oldest known tourist who visited many countries of the ancient world. Over the years, the number of adherents of tourism has grown, and in 1970 the World Tourism Organization was created and its Charter was adopted. At the same time, at the first meeting, a proposal was made to establish their own holiday. However, at first the leadership of the association was busy with other matters and the proposal was not implemented.

9 years have passed, and the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization has gathered in Spain, in the city of Torremolino for its annual meeting. Here it was decided to establish a new holiday, called World Tourism Day, that is, World Tourism Day. And after 4 years, it began to be celebrated with us, because there are millions of adherents of tourism in Russia.


Every year the World Tourism Association chooses a new slogan for Tourism Day. This holiday is celebrated in Russia very widely. And in various events dedicated to him, not only those who travel around the world or go through tourist trails take part. World Tourism Day is celebrated both in travel agencies and in stores specializing in the sale of tourist equipment, as well as officials responsible for this area in state institutions.

On September 27, tourists going on a voyage can count on serious discounts on tickets and various advantageous offers for themselves from travel agencies. All over the country are:

  • tour flights;
  • thematic festivals;
  • congresses of representatives of the tourism business;
  • competitions and competitions in many types of tourism
  • concerts, etc.

A holiday is not complete without meetings at a festively laid table. But most often in his role is a tablecloth spread right on the grass, in a forest clearing.

World Tourism Day is an international holiday. World Tourism Day is usually celebrated on the twenty-seventh of September, but this date is not marked in red on the calendar. She doesn't get a day off. The purpose of this celebration is to promote tourism, highlight issues of its importance in the field of the economy of each state and in the field of strengthening ties between different countries.

history of the holiday

World Tourism Day, celebrated in many countries on the twenty-seventh of September, was proposed to be celebrated by the General Assembly, which belongs to a tourism organization of international importance. This happened in 1979 in the city of Torremolinos, located in Spain. The holiday did not come to Russia immediately. In the Russian Federation, it began to be celebrated only in 1983.

The purpose of the holiday is to promote tourism, highlight its contribution to the economy of the world community, and develop ties between the peoples of different countries. It aims to draw the attention of the international community to the importance of tourism and its social, cultural and economic significance.

Every year a new motto is chosen to celebrate this date. In 2003, Russia was appointed as the presiding state. Regardless of the chosen slogan and year, the celebration is timed to coincide with the beginning of the tourist season in the Southern Hemisphere and its completion in the Northern Hemisphere. A wide range of events aimed at highlighting issues and problems in the field of tourism is held in most countries of the world.

World Tourism Day is celebrated annually on September 27th. The holiday was established by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Tourism is an excursion or journey with elements various kinds recreation, as well as cultural, educational and educational activities.

To date, tourism has become one of the most profitable sectors of the economy, has united many countries and has become a holiday for those people for whom travel is not only a pleasant pastime, but also the meaning of life.

Tourists learn the history, traditions and foundations of the peoples of other countries. Thanks to tourism, cultural ties have been strengthened between many peoples.


This date was not chosen by chance. It coincides with an important event in the history of tourism development - the anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Charter in 1970.

The holiday itself dates back to 1979. In the city of Torremolinos (Spain), a meeting of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization was held, following which it was decided to establish the World Tourism Day.

For the first time this holiday was officially celebrated in 1980, and since then it has been celebrated annually on September 27th. In a short time, he gained wide popularity in many countries of the world. In the Soviet Union, the event began to be celebrated in 1983.

The timing of World Tourism Day is very fortunate because it falls at the end of the season in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of the season in the southern hemisphere, when millions of people around the world are thinking about tourism.

The essence of the holiday

The purpose of the holiday is to promote tourism and develop international relations. It is designed to strengthen the connection between countries, and bring considerable income to the world economy. And also to draw the attention of the international community to the importance of tourism and its social, cultural and economic significance.

The day serves as a reminder that all citizens of the world have the right to enjoy the incredible diversity of our planet and the beauty of the world in which we live. Therefore, on this day, the World Tourism Organization calls on everyone to pay attention to the importance and benefits of affordable tourism.

Official celebrations to mark this year's World Tourism Day will be held in Bangkok, Thailand.


This day is solemnly celebrated in most countries of the world. Many cities host gatherings of tourists, conferences, festivals, concerts and other festive events. Tours and field trips are arranged.

The celebrations are attended by travel enthusiasts, travel agency employees, equipment stores, employees of organizations for the development of the tourism industry. The Tourism Organization Assembly actively encourages all inhabitants of the planet to travel.

On this day, events are held to popularize public tourism, spread ideas for outdoor activities and visits to different parts of the Earth.

Thematic programs are broadcast on television and radio stations. The main characters talk about distant countries, exotic places on the planet.

Tourism is becoming more and more popular, the heads of state are striving to simplify the procedure for traveling abroad as much as possible. People travel to each other for exchange and deepen their knowledge.

Organized travel to get acquainted with the culture and nature of other peoples existed in the ancient world. For example, in the fourth century BC, the ancient Greeks and Romans traveled to Egypt, where they were attracted ancient history, culture, unusual nature, magnificent Egyptian buildings.

The first Greek tourist, about whom there is reliable data, is the "father of history" Herodotus, who described his numerous travels in nine books.

In 1425, the Italian humanist and teacher Vittorino da Feltre organized the "Casa Giocosa" (Joke House) school in the city of Mantua, where, in addition to the standard pedagogical program, he taught various physical exercises and made multi-day trips to the foothills of the Alps with students.

The trip, organized by teetotaler Baptist Thomas Cook, is considered the first organized tourist event, and July 5, 1841, is the birth date of modern tourism.

By agreement with the railway, he bought 570 tickets at a discount, organizing a mass departure outside his city for a distance of 107 kilometers.

The world's first travel company, Cantor Cook, which sold tourist vouchers, he opened in 1847.
Through the efforts of Thomas Cook, the world's first travel magazine "Excursionist" was also created.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

In order to popularize the tourism industry, in 1979 in a small town in Spain, the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization established World Tourism Day.

history of the holiday

The first time this holiday was officially celebrated in 1980. The date of the celebration fell on September 27th. It is worth noting that this day was not chosen by chance - it was on September 27, 1970 that the charter of the World Tourism Organization was approved in Mexico City. The main purpose of the celebration is the creation and strengthening of business and economic relations between countries, as well as the maintenance of diplomatic ties. Annual meetings contribute to the strengthening of established relations between states, and also position some states in the global tourism market.

Every year, on September 27, Tourism Day is celebrated in many countries and states. Every year, the WTO holds a variety of festivals and tourist gatherings that fully convey the atmosphere of the holiday.

Traditions of World Tourism Day

For several years of the history of this holiday, some countries have developed their own specific traditions. So, for example, with the greatest scope, the day of tourism takes place in Spain - in the homeland of this event, directly in the city of Torremolinos. On September 27, carnival processions take place here, music plays everywhere, and a variety of dance and theater performances are held, even with the participation of horses.

In Madrid, World Tourism Day is celebrated in its own way - free tours are held for city guests, and huge screens are installed on the most important squares and streets, which broadcast entertaining and useful tourist information. Tahiti notes international holiday festival of traditional cuisine, fairs and various competitions. But in the capital of France - Paris - the government organizes various actions, with the help of which they call on the local population to treat foreign tourists more loyally.

world tourism day

What is this holiday for? Why is it celebrated in many countries and states around the world? First of all, the day of tourism is celebrated in order to indicate the significant role of this phenomenon on a global scale. In addition, this holiday promotes tourism, strengthens business and economic ties, and develops the cultural and tourism potential of many countries.

This event allows to draw attention to tourism - a process that is of the most important international importance in terms of economy, culture and integration. All countries and states that take an active part in the celebration are striving to establish new diplomatic ties, and also strive to develop the tourism potential of their country directly.

Who celebrates this holiday?

September 27 is a holiday celebrated by many. First of all, these are passionate fans of travel who have visited many countries around the world. However, there are also representatives of the tourism industry, thanks to whom traveling to a particular country becomes more comfortable and interesting. Employees of travel agencies, museum workers, guides and guides, friendly staff of hotels and hotels - these are the people who ensure the traveler's stay anywhere in the world. This is a professional holiday for those who are engaged in tourism and hospitality.

Numerous international forums, conferences and seminars, which are held not only on the International Tourism Day, allow the exchange of experience and gain even more skills to work in this area.

Some features of the celebration of World Tourist Day

Every year, on the eve of September 27, the World Tourism Organization approves the motto of the event, under which the entire holiday will be held directly. The combination of culture and tourism in different countries world, gaining accumulated experience and developing new technologies in the field of tourism, relations between different ethnic groups, the educational potential of tourism - the subject of this event can be very diverse.

Tourism Day is not just a holiday, it is an occasion to gather at a large round table and discuss the most important and significant issues related to the tourism sector. It's no secret that many countries exist at the expense of this industry, which provides most of the state's income.

What is this holiday for?

World Tourism Day, as already mentioned, contributes to the creation and maintenance of diplomatic ties. In addition, this event contributes to the integration of international relations and the development of the economic, business and cultural potential of many countries.

International Tourism Day is celebrated by everyone who at least once plunged into the atmosphere of exciting travel. This holiday is especially popular in countries that are attractive to tourists. This event, which is celebrated every year on September 27, is important not only for travelers. Many are employed in the tourism sector, and this holiday allows you to attend many conferences, exhibitions and seminars dedicated to this date, and thus get a lot of useful and exciting information, express your opinion, and also get acquainted with various innovations in this industry.

Tourism Day is, of course, an international event. And it's not just the name. This holiday allows you to strengthen relations at a high level and make them even more profitable and diplomatic.

Perhaps, each person can classify himself as a tourist. Even if you just walked along the streets of the neighboring area, you can already say that you were laying a new tourist route.

World or International Tourism Day was coined in 1979 at a meeting of the WTO (World Tourism Organization), held in the Spanish resort town of Torremolino.

The purpose of the Tourism Day, according to the organization, is not so much to draw attention to this industry, but to promote this area as the most important economic component in the development of a country. Nothing can be done - the economic model of the development of society has not yet been canceled.

The development of tourism gives impetus to the development of international relations, improves the international climate and leads to global understanding. In addition to all of us - ordinary tourists and travelers, International Tourism Day is also celebrated by professionals - people working in this field. Guides, travel agency managers, museum curators, hotel owners and many other professionals can easily identify themselves as tourism.

Despite the fact that the very first travel agency began its work back in 1841, the official World Tourism Day has been celebrated in the world (including Russia and Ukraine) for the last 35 years.

When is Tourism Day?

World (international) Tourism Day in Russia, Ukraine and other countries is celebrated annually on September 27th. Happy holiday, Happy Tourism Day, friends!

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