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Why does a child suck his thumb and how to wean him off the bad habit? How to stop a baby from sucking fingers? What to do if your child sucks his thumb

Hello everyone, dear readers. Many parents wonder: why does a child suck his thumb? Is there any reason to worry? How to stop a child from sucking his thumb? How to react to such a habit of a child? Maybe this is just pampering or is it still a signal to action? Let's find out in today's article. Read on to learn ways to stop your child from thumb sucking.

Who among us does not have or have not previously had any bad or strange habits? Surely such people are few in millions. Such habits can be developed in a person over many years or throughout his life. And someone can “get infected” with them from people around them. Young children are also no exception to this all-consuming “virus”. They also reward themselves with such bad habits as a result of some constant actions, which in the understanding of an adult and sane person are deviations.

Most parents have observed such socially unacceptable behavior in their children as thumb sucking. It can appear in children of all ages. And for some reason, some mothers and fathers have a strange, incomprehensible feeling about what to do about this and how to deal with this problem. While some parents prefer to turn a blind eye to this, thinking that everything will go away on its own, others urgently undertake to wean their children in every possible way.

According to many experts, if a child is not yet five years old, then such behavior will be the norm for him, and parents should not be afraid for anything. As a rule, thumb sucking goes away after five years, when the baby has already grown physically and mentally. Therefore, until the age of five, parents should not sound the alarm or worry about this. The situation is much more dangerous with children who have reached the age of five and continue to keep their fingers in their mouths. In these cases, parents should think about methods and measures for weaning. And we will tell you how to do this further.

If the habit of thumb sucking has exceeded the acceptable age limit, parents need to resort to the following measures to rid the baby of his bad habit.

What to do if your child sucks his thumb:

  1. Screaming, swearing, reprimanding and forcibly pulling fingers out of the mouth will not give positive results in an attempt to wean a child from a bad habit. Such behavior on the part of the parents will only provoke the baby to continue his actions.
  2. Often, thumb sucking does not occur out of nowhere. As a rule, this is preceded by some circumstances in the baby’s life. The task of parents is to monitor the behavior of their child in order to understand why and under what circumstances he puts his hands in his mouth. Perhaps with such actions the baby is hinting to his parents about something. For example, thumb sucking may indicate that a child is tired and bored, or that he is hungry. If this is true, then parents need to start teaching their child to talk. So that he can express his feelings and wishes through words.
  3. Parents should talk to the child about his bad habit, explaining its cessation by saying that his friends and peers will laugh at him when he goes to school. kindergarten or school. They should also mention that such actions can spoil the baby’s health, and this is very bad for health.
  4. Very in a good way In ridding the baby of bad habits, it is necessary to draw up a special calendar in which mother and child can mark all the days that have passed without thumb sucking. To do this, mother and child must talk and set an expected date for completely getting rid of the habit. For example, they chose a period of deliverance of one week. That is, after a week the baby should stop sucking his fingers. To do this, starting from today, you need to mark all subsequent days on the calendar, up to the agreed date when the baby does not put his fingers in his mouth. The child must make these notes independently. In this way, he will master the techniques of self-control and planning. He will undoubtedly like this.
  5. The well-known “old-fashioned” method, which consists of smearing the nails or fingertips with mustard, a drop of perfume or vinegar, is also effective in this problem. Thus, when the baby puts his fingers in his mouth again, he will feel an unpleasant taste or bitterness. Several such repetitions can develop in the child an aversion to this activity.
  6. Various rewards in exchange for giving up a bad habit can also help. For example, you should offer your baby something that will stimulate him. It could be a toy or candy.
  7. Since the habit of thumb sucking is extremely attractive, getting rid of it can develop a certain emptiness and lack of action in the baby. To prevent this, parents are obliged to compensate for the loss with all sorts of approving and affectionate words addressed to the baby. This will greatly support and encourage the child.

Bad habits - a child sucks his thumb, how to stop it

In conclusion, I suggest watching a video in which Dr. Komarovsky tells how to deal with a child’s habit of sucking fingers.

Seeing your baby on the screen using an ultrasound machine is happiness for every mother. And if the baby sucks its tiny finger, then there is no limit to the tenderness. What to do if this habit migrates from mom’s tummy into adult life? Should I worry? How to stop a child from sucking his thumb? Or wait until everything goes away on its own? This is discussed in our article today.

From this article you will learn

Causes of thumb sucking

With the birth of a baby, his reflexes and instincts are born. Many of them are quite understandable to the mother: she cries - she wants to eat or it’s time to change the diaper, she rubs her eyes - it’s time to sleep. Why does a baby suck his thumb? There are several reasons for this:

And in this short video pediatrician Yulia Rogozina will tell you about the main causes of thumb sucking and ways to get rid of this habit.

Age characteristics

Babies under 1 year

If a baby sucks a finger, then this is the influence of a still strong sucking reflex. It manifests itself more significantly than usual during tension and stressful situations. This habit can arise during weaning.

A bad or disturbing dream gives rise to fatigue, which does not go away; in order to somehow help oneself, the child calms himself by sucking. Take a closer look at your baby, check if he sleeps for the hours he is supposed to. Once you establish a daily routine, this habit will disappear on its own.

From 1 year to 3 years

At this age, if a child still puts his finger in his mouth, then we can talk about psychological reasons. Catalysts can be: a tense situation in the house, strict upbringing, lack of tactile contact with parents.

Getting used to the garden is a moment that rarely passes without tears and fears; help your baby adapt gently and painlessly. Before weaning a child at this age from an already bad habit, it is worth getting to the bottom of its origins.

Children 3–5 years old

The first fears appear - the dark, dogs, cartoon characters. A large number of incoming information can cause emotional overload. Often children are either afraid to tell adults about their experiences, or suffer from something unconsciously.

In these cases, it is worth talking about obsessive behavior, which is expressed in thumb sucking. Weaning off a bad habit will be difficult; you need to choose gentle methods of struggle.

Over 5 years old

If a five-year-old child is noticed sucking his thumb, then this is a reason to be wary and seek help from professionals. Often in such situations, you can observe hair wrapping around your finger, nail biting, skin scratching, and even an obsessive cough.

All this indicates the presence of neurological or psychological problems (for example, hidden aggression, suppressed emotions of resentment or guilt), which need to be solved as quickly as possible, otherwise they can lead to psychosomatic diseases.

At what age does your child suck his thumb?

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Harmful or not

  • Entry of pathogenic viruses into the body, microbes and worms, dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract in particular and health in general.
  • Due to constant exposure of the skin of the hands to teeth, gums and saliva cracks, calluses, abrasions may appear. An infection introduced into them can cause tissue inflammation. There is a possibility of nail deformation.
  • Problems with socialization. Laughter and ridicule in the direction of a child sucking his thumb are guaranteed, and new stress will only add more reason for a bad habit.
  • The formation of a malocclusion will entail violation of pronunciation of sounds.

What you should absolutely not do

  • Fix your hands. Many parents go so far as to put special bracelets on their child’s hands or, even worse, use mittens. Is it worth talking about the psychological consequences of bondage? Psychosomatics and treatment of neuroses in the future are guaranteed.
  • Hit hands. Assault, even in a mild form, will not bring any benefit, but will only add new problems: withdrawal from parents → fear of punishment → self-absorption → isolation.
  • Smearing your hands with something tasteless. Under no circumstances should you put mustard, hot pepper, or soap on your hands. All these products, if they get on the delicate mucous membrane, will cause a burn.
  • Pull your hand out of your mouth on your own. If you pull your baby's hand out of your mouth yourself, the baby may perceive this as a fun game and thus attract your attention even more often.

Weaning off a bad habit

Watch the video where child psychologist, perinatal psychologist Natalya Movchan talks in great detail about how to overcome the habit of thumb sucking in children of different ages.

From the previous paragraph it is clear that if you adopt “grandmother’s” methods, you can easily cause harm, both psychological and moral. To get rid of the “habit of putting everything in your mouth,” you need, firstly, to find the reason why this finger strives to find a secluded place. And secondly, you need to act according to the age of the child.

Children under 2 years old

The age at which the sucking reflex gradually fades. The method of control will depend on the feeding option.

If this is breastfeeding, then it is necessary to provide the child with access to the breast upon request. You should not follow the opinion that spending 10 minutes at the breast is enough to satiate. Extend feeding times as much as your baby wishes.

Important! If you offer two breasts during one feeding, then give the second one only after half an hour. This way you will be sure that the baby has eaten, reached the hind milk and satisfied his sucking reflex. Let him fall asleep against your chest.

Weaning should be done delicately, preferably no less than six months in advance, otherwise hysterics and whims cannot be avoided. During this time, you gradually cancel one day feeding at a time, then move on to night feedings. Remember that WHO recommends breastfeeding until your child is 2 years old.

Artificial feeding milk mixture occurs according to an average schedule. You have the right to focus not on the norms, but on the behavior of your baby. If necessary, the intervals between feedings should be reduced.

Choose a bottle with a hard nipple and fewer holes. This trick will increase the time it takes to eat, which means the sucking reflex will be satisfied. Artificial children can be offered a pacifier made of good material that corresponds to orthodontic ideas.

Children from 2 to 5 years old

As already mentioned, thumb sucking at this age is psychological in nature. It is better to seek help from a specialist; if this is not possible, use the general recommendations:

The habit of holding a finger in the mouth, which persists after 5 years, should alert parents. Most often, this is a signal about the presence of psychological problems of a different nature: neuroses and obsessive states. You can no longer manage here on your own. Only good psychologist able to get to the roots of this habit and help you get out.

Parents who are faced with such manifestations need to closely monitor the child and notice all the little things in behavior. There are often cases when thumb sucking was subsequently aggravated by anxiety, apathy, and depression.

A psychiatrist or neurologist will be able to select medications and techniques that will once again make the baby cheerful, active and cheerful. But only through the relationship between doctors and parents can one expect a good result. You, in turn, must maintain a favorable environment at home and ensure that there is no emotional and physical stress.

Important! Remember that focusing on a bad habit and punishing it will only make the situation worse. Be more patient and attentive, surround your baby with love and attention, spend more time with each other, and you will be able to overcome all adversity.

Find an alternative

Dr. Komarovsky says that the fight against instincts and reflexes cannot end in victory. If you are going to take a finger from a child, then it is worth offering an alternative option.


  • Chest feeding on demand– the best prevention of thumb sucking. It not only satisfies the sucking reflex, but also helps bring mother and child closer together, establishes close physical contact, and prevents the emergence of fears and anxiety.
  • At artificial feeding choose a good quality pacifier for your baby. Remember that the size of the pacifier depends on the age of the child. An incorrectly selected pacifier can cause a malocclusion.
  • Give it to your baby beautiful rodents, then the teething process will be easier.
  • Development fine motor skills has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, harmonious physical development, formation of speech. And most importantly, he keeps his hands busy with useful and interesting things: assembling construction sets, putting together puzzles, playing in the sandbox.

If all else fails

Quite recently, an unusual device appeared on the children's goods market - a nozzle for the habit of thumb sucking in children. It looks something like this:

We agree that not everyone will like the aesthetic appearance of the invention and the presence of something extra on the child’s hand, but you must agree that this is better than seeing the baby’s finger constantly sucked until meat and blood.

Nozzles are produced by different manufacturers and of different modifications, but the principle of using them is approximately the same.

In this video you can learn a little more about this device.

More detailed information is available on the manufacturer’s website:

Real reviews about the use of this device can be read on the Otzovik website.

We wish you and your child the absence of all sorts of bad habits, health and always a good mood.

IMPORTANT! *When copying article materials, be sure to include an active link to the original

Some parents are faced with the fact that their son or daughter constantly puts his fingers in his mouth - one or several at once. Perceiving this action as a bad habit, they begin to look for answers to the question of how to wean a child from thumb sucking.

What is the danger?

Bite deformity

If a child sucks his thumb for more than 6 hours a day, this leads to tooth displacement and deformation of the upper dentition. Because of this, a so-called “open bite” is formed.

Finger injury

The easiest harm from thumb sucking is redness or swelling. But with prolonged sucking, more serious injuries to the skin occur.

Child from birth to 2 years: satisfaction of the sucking reflex

Olga, mother of four-month-old Misha: “I became worried when my son began to constantly suck his thumb throughout the day: this usually happens between feedings. In addition, he worries and cries. During the examination, the pediatrician said that he has enough milk, but I wean him too quickly (I feed him for 15 minutes at a time) and he does not have time to “pump.”


Unsatisfied sucking reflex

A baby is born with a set of unconditioned reflexes necessary for survival. Sucking is basic for a baby. While undergoing an ultrasound while still pregnant, the woman could see that her unborn child was holding his fingers in his mouth. The instinct is present in all children, with the exception of those born with severe somatic or neurological pathologies. In each baby it manifests itself with varying degrees of intensity.

When the sucking reflex is not fully satisfied, the child tries to compensate for it by sucking the thumb (most often), as well as other fingers and toes, a corner of a blanket, clothing, or a bib. This happens in cases where:

  • he is hungry;
  • does not stay near the chest for long;
  • the bottle has too large a hole, and the baby quickly drinks the mixture;
  • the baby refuses the pacifier or the parents themselves do not offer it.

Introduction of complementary foods

Sometimes, when introducing complementary foods, mothers try to quickly replace purees and cereals with formula or breastfeeding. The child again experiences dissatisfaction with the sucking instinct and/or begins to feel hungry (vegetables, for example, are inferior in calorie content to breast milk and formula), which leads to the fact that the baby begins to pull his fingers into his mouth.


Children may begin to thumb sucking when abrupt weaning occurs at 1 year of age or earlier. Such a process becomes traumatic, and the unsatisfied sucking reflex is superimposed with discomfort and anxiety, which somewhat dulls finger sucking.

Very often, mothers wean their babies from the breast after a year, so until 2 years old, he can continue to suck his finger, remembering his mother’s breast and thus calming down.


Feeding on demand

In the first case, it is necessary to monitor how long the break between feedings lasts: perhaps it should be reduced, especially if the child is feeding breast milk, since it is absorbed faster than the mixture.

Switching to on-demand feeding often completely solves a baby's problem of thumb sucking.

This involves putting the baby to the breast every time he shows that he wants to suck, or feels discomfort, or cries. Some mothers are afraid to overfeed, but this happens very rarely: the baby actively eats for the first 20 minutes, the rest of the time he makes gentle sucking movements, satisfying the reflex.

Gradual cessation of breastfeeding

If possible, feeding should be phased out gradually: first, remove the daytime ones one after another for several weeks, then the nighttime ones. Some mothers often leave breastfeeding only at night, which allows babies to cope with weaning calmly.

If for some reason it is impossible to gradually stop breastfeeding, you need to take care of replacing it - a bottle, a pacifier.


If the method is free breastfeeding not suitable for mother, it is best to introduce a pacifier. It is also necessary when the baby’s diet is based on a formula, which is easier and faster to drink from a bottle. Modern nipples for children up to 6 months provide a slow flow due to a small hole. The approximate time it takes for a baby to drink milk should be 20 minutes. If the baby copes faster, you need to choose a pacifier that will lengthen the feeding.

The duration of the sucking reflex is individual for each child - in some children it begins to fade at 10-12 months, and in others it continues at 2 years. All this is a variant of the norm.

However, not all pacifiers are created equal. Some of them can cause the same damage to a baby's teeth as thumb sucking. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend choosing an orthodontic pacifier. Its advantages:

  • the thin neck-base does not deform the dentition;
  • the step at the base of the dummy determines the correct structure of the incisors;
  • The flat head maintains space for the correct position of the tongue in the mouth.

Finger protection

You can purchase special finger protection. It fits over the entire handle and is secured with a strap or ties. As a rule, such protection has several levels: from 0 to 3 years and from 3 years and older.

Babies stop putting their fingers into their mouths as soon as the sucking reflex subsides.

Sometimes children may keep their finger in their mouth for a while while they sleep, especially when they have emotionally charged dreams. As a rule, nighttime thumb sucking is also not a pathology until a certain age - most often this habit goes away on its own by about 3 years.

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky says about it this way: “It is unlikely that the habit of thumb sucking will remain for life - this “dangerous” phenomenon is usually outgrown.”

Thumb sucking at 3–5 years old: psychological problems

If a child sucks his thumb at 3 years of age or older, this phenomenon may indicate a pathological nature. It is necessary to understand the reasons in order to eliminate the problem.

Olga, grandmother of four-year-old Vika: “Vika can still suck her thumb throughout the day. The girl has been raised with my grandfather for a year now: her mother left to work in another city after a divorce. Dad doesn't visit his daughter. When we try to remove her finger from our mouth, the girl asks to let her suck a little more.”

When older children continue to put their fingers in their mouth or return to it after they stopped some time ago, this may indicate that they are experiencing a traumatic situation that is caused by:

  • unfavorable family situation (loud scandals, adult alcoholism);
  • divorce of parents;
  • physical punishment;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • difficult adaptation to kindergarten or nanny.

You cannot put mustard on your finger, scold, or constantly pull your finger out of your mouth. These are destructive methods that will not solve the problem, but will only worsen it: the child’s anxiety will only increase, which will inevitably lead to a desire to calm himself down.

Without an analysis of the family microclimate and the desire of adults to influence the cause of the problem, change their behavior, and wean themselves from thumb sucking, it will be impossible. If parents understand that they cannot cope on their own, the best solution would be to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

In addition to these reasons, there may be others:

  • boredom;
  • fears, phobias;
  • mental or emotional overload.

Lack of attention

When a child is constantly left to his own devices, he begins to occupy himself in his usual way - thumb sucking. Usually the problem solves itself when he gets the opportunity to create a play space with the help of adults, master role-playing games with them, communicate with peers, attend children's performances and holidays. If the child is already reaching his age, you can start taking him to some sports sections.


It is necessary to maintain the right balance: too strong constant impressions and overwork put increased stress on the nervous system, and this, in turn, aggravates the problem rather than solving it.

The same can apply to cases where the mother is passionate early development, giving mental stress that is not appropriate for age, and demanding high results.


At about 5 years old, children develop their first fears of the dark, otherworldly forces, witches, and death - especially if they are overly emotionally sensitive and vulnerable. At this time, a return to the old habit of thumb sucking may occur, as it relieves the phobia and gives confidence.

Usually, the correction of fears successfully occurs with the help of art therapy, which is carried out by psychologists or psychotherapists - individually or in a group. By working through, drawing, and creating frightening images, children learn to interact with them, which gradually leads to a weakening of the reaction and to the cessation of finger sucking.

How to cope with the problem at this age?

Ensure the right climate in the family

It is necessary to protect the child from severe nervous shocks and ensure that he does not witness quarrels between adults.

Pay attention to the child

Spending leisure time together with parents (reading books, conversations, outdoor and board games) is the best way to instill confidence in a child, give him emotional warmth, and eliminate boredom.

If he attends a kindergarten, try to find out in detail how the child spends his time there, whether conflict situations occur between children, and how teachers resolve them.

Diversify your leisure time

It is worth providing the child with a daily life filled with interesting activities: visiting playgrounds, a sports club, a theater, receiving guests at home.

Thumb sucking is germs!

Show your child what microbes look like. At this age, children already understand the explanations of adults and a story about terrible germs with bright pictures can help overcome the habit.

Suggest wearing bright protection

This innovation must appear on a voluntary basis. If the child is against it, then this can aggravate the problem. Therefore, choose comfortable and bright finger pads that he will like.

Maintain a daily routine

It is necessary to monitor the daily routine, giving regular physical rest and unloading of the brain, taking breaks emotional games; reduce mental load if there is too much of it.

Don't punish

A prerequisite is the exclusion of physical punishment. Even three-year-old children are able to respond to requests and explain the reasons for their actions - if they are taught this through regular speaking out loud.

Contact a psychologist

When thumb sucking does not go away after following all the recommendations, you need to consult a psychologist.

5–6 years and older: obsessive-compulsive disorder

Mom of Andrey, 7 years old: “I brought my son to see a psychotherapist - he has been sucking his fingers and biting his nails for two months now. Andrei said that he understands that this is not good, but he can’t do anything about it, it’s happening against his will. After a series of sessions and correction of my husband’s and my attitude towards our son, he stopped sucking his thumb.”

Why does a child suck his thumb at 5-6 years old or older?

Occasionally, thumb sucking may be part of the symptomatology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder). It can begin at 3 years of age or even earlier, but most often develops after 6 years of age. Doctors do not describe the exact causes of the disease, naming only possible ones. It can be:

  • biologically determined factors (insufficient levels of serotonin or increased dopamine in the brain, genetic changes);
  • deterioration of health after a serious illness;
  • severe or chronic stress.

How can you tell if thumb sucking is a sign of this disorder?

Usually, besides this, there are other habits:

  • wraps hair around finger or pulls it out;
  • bites nails or foreign objects (for example, a pencil);
  • combs, rubs the skin in certain places;
  • coughs obsessively.

Older children may demonstrate the presence of constantly recurring thoughts that they cannot get rid of, obsessive bedtime rituals, various phobias, increased anxiety, low mood, even depression.


In any case, in order to make or exclude a diagnosis, you need to consult a specialized doctor: a child psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The disorder is usually corrected through psychotherapy with medication support.

Game and art therapy, hypnosuggestive and cognitive behavioral therapy can be used. The latter is used for older children (schoolchildren), since its implementation requires awareness of one’s illness. Hypnosis can be used for children, but only by a specialist who has permission to perform it.

What can parents do in this situation?

  1. It is necessary to ensure a calm, comfortable environment at home.
  2. Avoid nervous and mental stress, as this aggravates the course of the disease.
  3. Do not focus on finger sucking or other compulsive movements.
  4. Monitor any changes in the child’s behavior and condition, notifying the doctor in a timely manner.
  5. If psychotherapeutic treatment is prescribed, be sure to attend all classes.

So, finger sucking is a phenomenon that often occurs in childhood. It does not always mean pathology: at an age when the sucking reflex is strong, this is a variant of the norm. The child should be provided with an alternative - a pacifier, a bottle, or the mother's breast. At an older age, this may indicate psychological problems, which must be decided by the parents. Less commonly, thumb sucking indicates a mental disorder that can be corrected by a psychotherapist.

Video on the topic

Irina Sizova
Bad habits or why do children suck their thumb at 3 years old?

Thumb sucking is one of the most common bad habits occurring in young children.

A small child requires constant attention and care; lack of parental care often leads to bad habits, such as biting lips, sucking fingers and fists.

At the age of 3 years and older, this is already a psychological factor and the main reason for this, most likely, is the lack of attention from relatives. In this way, the baby tries to calm down and make up for the lack of warmth and affection; most often in this situation the child sucks a large finger. Another reason may be fear or excessive excitability, for example, after active games before bed, sucking calms and relieves excess activity.

If the baby sucks finger for a long time, This leads to the destruction of the enamel of the nail plate, deformation of the phalanx of the finger and can cause curvature of the bite, as well as damage to the gums. In addition to the above-mentioned troubles, constant finger sucking contributes to the introduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes into the body, which causes all sorts of diseases.

Having noticed in your child thumb sucking habit, parents must take timely measures to eradicate such harmful manner.

How to stop thumb sucking

"Ingenuity" Some parents simply know no boundaries. They:

They smear their children’s fingers with mustard, aloe juice, and cover them with a special bitter varnish;

tied pens and bandage fingers;

Put on (and sometimes they are sewn to a shirt so that it cannot be removed) wool mittens.

These are quite cruel methods that cause a lot of suffering to the baby. And, most importantly, they stop working as soon as parents stop repressive measures. And everything returns to normal. Constant shouting is also useless "take it out finger out of mouth» - from some point on children they simply stop reacting to them, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to habit, which for one reason or another is important for the body. Moreover, threats and punishments are sometimes lead to the exact opposite result. After all, as we found out, a child often sucks finger for reassurance. So, in a stressful situation for yourself (namely to stress result in shouting and punishment) The baby will strive with redoubled force to somehow calm himself down - with the help of sucking.

How to wean off Thumb sucking habits at 3 years old?

Keep your child busy and take him for walks more often!

Make your sunshine's life calm. Often at this age, the baby begins to use his fingers for a kind of relaxation. Your task is to create the most peaceful atmosphere in the house. As soon as your child starts to feel anxious or nervous, try to change his mood from a minus sign to «+» . Play with him, offer him a walk outside, or just listen to pleasant music.

The child should always be in a good mood.

The child is already old enough to be a full-fledged interlocutor with an adult. You should explain to your child that this habit is harmful to teeth and outline its various consequences.

It’s easy to wean girls off by offering to give them an adult manicure, of course, with a special children’s varnish. Little fashionistas will not want to destroy the beautiful coating, especially if they promise to paint their nails constantly.

You can visit a dentist together, who, along with checking your teeth, will tell you about dangers of thumb sucking, usually the opinion is this authoritative person (which almost all children are afraid of) has a positive impact.

The emphasis on the age factor also greatly influences the child’s behavior. Tell him that big girls and boys don't suck fingers, and such behavior is acceptable only for the youngest, remind him of this in those moments when the baby claims that he is already an adult.

Such distracting maneuvers will have to be done for more than one day, so get ready for a long weaning from thumb sucking and do not scold your baby under any circumstances. Remember that the main reason for the appearance of any bad habits is a lack of your attention and affection. So, try to spend as much time as possible with your pet and often show him in word and deed how much you love him.

Publications on the topic:

Game activity “What does “bad habits” mean? Target audience: minors 7 – 13 years old. Form and methods of work: game, situation analysis, teacher's story, conversation, story reading.

Game activity “What does “bad habits” mean? Target audience: minors 3 – 6 years old. Form and methods of work: viewing illustrations, conversation, viewing a fragment of a cartoon.

Summary of the morning reception of children in the middle group “Let's live healthy! Useful and bad habits" Objectives: 1. Socialization, health, safety, cognition and Physical Culture: to educate children to take a responsible attitude towards their health.

Lesson summary “Bad habits” Target audience: minors 8 - 12 years old Goals: to create motivation to overcome unhealthy habits (biting nails,...

Round table with parents “Good and bad habits” Summary of the event with parents Topic: “Our faithful friends- useful habits" If you sow a habit, you reap a character. Folk wisdom.

Outline of the conversation “Good and bad habits” with children of the preparatory group for school Goal: Formation of ideas about useful and bad habits and their impact on human health. Progress of the conversation: Teacher: Hello.

Every baby tastes his fingers at least once in his life. After all, the sucking reflex is inherent in a person from birth. If a baby sucks his thumb instinctively, then why do some children grow out of diapers and do not change their old habit? If a child sucks his thumb, what measures should be taken to wean his baby from thumb sucking? The baby cannot answer these questions, leaving his parents thoughtful, who are seriously concerned about such behavior of their children.

Why does a child suck his thumb?

The baby, while still in the womb, becomes familiar with its own hands. Inextricably linked with his mother, this is how he reacts to her anxious state. When a baby sucks his thumb, he feels protected. This is based on the sucking instinct. When born, the baby instinctively continues to do its usual activities when hungry or feels discomfort - this calms the baby.


The baby is very attached to its mother. For him, the mother, first of all, is her breast. Having eaten enough, he can suckle even when the milk has run out. What should a baby do if he is bottle-fed, because quickly sucking milk from a bottle, the sucking reflex remains unsatisfied? The result is that the newborn sucks his thumb. In this case, you need to choose the right bottle, paying attention to the type of nipple, material, size and number of holes. The smaller the holes, the slower the access of food.

Many parents resort to a pacifier. Manufacturers produce pacifiers in accordance with the needs of different children's ages. The shape, holder, and material of the product vary. Each baby has his own preferences when choosing. The main criterion is safety: the nipple should not be destroyed or taken apart. To get used to a pacifier, you can wet it with breast milk or formula.

It is especially difficult for parents when the baby reaches the age of 5 months. Around this time, he not only sucks, but can also bite his fingers. The phenomenon when a child puts his hands in his mouth is a sign of the first teeth. Babies are cutting teeth. Everything that comes in your way is used: toys, clothes, furniture and your own fingers! You shouldn’t be scared, you need to take measures: provide the baby with special teethers and pacifiers.

At 2-3 years

The baby grows up and acquires new skills, but may remain faithful to habits, for example, the baby sucks his thumb. It is important for parents to understand the reasons why beloved child, is in no hurry to part with this skill. Perhaps the baby is tired of his toys, he doesn’t know what to do and instinctively puts his hands in his mouth. He may lack attention from his mother. At such moments, the little one becomes anxious, and he again slobbers on his fingers.

Another reason may be the baby’s pain, birth injuries, hypoxia, as a result of which the baby becomes quickly tired and restless. The situation is more complicated if there are family psychological problems: divorce, conflicts between parents, alcoholism of one or both family members. Since children are very emotional and sensitive, a bad habit can stick with them for many years.


If thumb sucking by children under 3 years of age does not result in big problems the baby’s body, then after 4 years, this action is fraught with consequences. The habit can affect speech development and cause dental problems. It may appear unexpectedly when a preschooler turns 6 years old and his baby teeth begin to fall out. Then the child has a desire to touch his loose tooth, he puts his hand in his mouth and then the well-known sucking reflex is triggered.

School age children

An advanced case, when a child puts his hands in his mouth for years at the slightest stress, requires the mandatory help of psychologists and neurologists. Such problems cannot be left unattended. Children school age Most often they suck one finger at a time. Sitting in class in a state of thought, a schoolchild, leaning on his elbows, unconsciously puts his thumb in his mouth, this can lead to the emergence of a new bad habit!

In this case, parents of schoolchildren need to urgently take action. Indeed, in addition to being unaesthetic, this phenomenon can be harmful to health. If at home you can make sure that your child washes his hands well, then at school he constantly touches dirty objects: pens, textbooks, desks. In addition, frequently putting your hands in your mouth leads to another bad habit - biting your nails, which is even more difficult to get rid of.

Consequences of thumb sucking

While the baby is an infant, no special problems arise. If an older child sucks his thumb or other fingers, you need to be prepared for the following problems:

  • Infectious diseases
  1. influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections
  2. salmonellosis
  3. cholera
  4. typhoid fever
  5. hepatitis A
  6. dysentery
  • Dental problems
  1. malocclusion
  2. deformation of the upper palate
  • Speech problems
  1. sigmatism
  2. incorrect pronunciation of letters s, ts, t, d
  3. tongue stretching when speaking
  • The child may experience psychological stress when interacting with peers

What to do if your child sucks his thumb

If a baby puts his hands in his mouth, there is no reason to panic. If a child is constantly doing this after 3-4 years of age, then you need to understand the reasons for this habit and try to eradicate it in order to prevent health problems. Parents of 5-6 year old preschoolers and schoolchildren should have great reasons for concern. Their children's habits may be based on deep psychological trauma. Here you may need to work together with a psychologist.

How to stop a child from sucking his thumb

You should not scold your child for a bad habit. You need to talk to children over 3 years old, explaining the consequences using clear examples. You can draw scary worms together, explaining how they get into the stomach, or come up with a reward system for the days when the child obeyed. Many people use old-fashioned methods - they smear their fingers with wormwood, mustard, etc. The method will work for a awake baby, but don’t be surprised when you see a sleeping child sucking a bitter finger. Home methods do not help - psychologists have therapy to combat bad habits.

While the baby is in infancy, weaning methods are as follows:

  • If the baby is breastfeeding, simply increase the feeding time; if you are bottle-fed, choose a bottle with a slow supply of milk.
  • Introduce the use of pacifiers and various teethers.
  • Try to keep your little ones busy so that interesting toys and books are always available.
  • Pay more attention to the baby so that he does not feel the lack of mother.


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