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Original happy birthday greetings in prose. Happy birthday greetings in thieves' jargon Congratulations from an authoritative person

Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov celebrated his seventieth birthday. He received and continues to receive numerous greetings, congratulatory letters and telegrams. Among them: from Russian President V.V. Putin, Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, chairmen of both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Matvienko and S.E. Naryshkin, leaders of deputy factions in the State Duma V.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Zhirinovsky and S.M. Mironov.

Through the pages of the newspaper "Pravda"
2014-07-03 10:32

Among those who sent their congratulations are the heads of ministries and departments of Russia, deputies of various levels, heads of executive and legislative authorities of the country's regions.

Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov received greetings from the leaders of many states, heads of diplomatic missions working in Russia, and foreign friends of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Numerous warm congratulations came from representatives of labor collectives, trade unions, youth, women's and other public organizations, scientists and cultural figures, and individual citizens of Russia. A solid place in the G.A. mail. Zyuganov these days is occupied by greeting telegrams from comrades in the international communist movement, friends and comrades in the Union of Communist Parties, communists of the country, who came from all corners of our vast Motherland, from abroad.

The editorial staff and readers of Pravda join in all congratulations and good wishes. With the kind permission of the hero of the day, we are publishing a small part of the telegrams that came to him.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept congratulations on your 70th birthday.

You are known as an authoritative public figure, a principled and energetic person. For many years, you have been the permanent leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one of the oldest political parties in the country, making a significant contribution to the development of civil society, Russian parliamentarism, and the improvement of legislation.

It is important that when discussing key priority problems, you and your party colleagues invariably demonstrate a constructive, balanced approach and propose specific solutions.

I wish you success, good health and all the best.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my congratulations on your 70th birthday.

A well-known political figure, you have done a lot for the development of Russian parliamentarism and constructive interaction between all branches of government. Largely thanks to your efforts, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation represents a significant part of our society and enjoys the support of voters.

I am confident that your extensive professional experience and high business qualities will continue to help you in your work for the benefit of our country.

I wish you health and all the best.


Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my congratulations on your 70th birthday.

Extensive experience in political activity, high business and moral qualities, personal authority and the trust of voters rightfully allow you today to represent their interests in the State Duma and confidently lead one of the leading political parties in Russia.

Your tireless energy, integrity and competence, great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and the development of parliamentarism in our country have rightfully earned you well-deserved authority among your fellow citizens.

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. And success in serving the Fatherland.

Sincerely, S. IVANOV.

Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 70th birthday.

You are one of those political figures who were formed and became in demand in the era of fundamental changes in Russia. You are distinguished by great efficiency, constant professionalism, and the ability to make constructive decisions.

As a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of six convocations, you made a significant contribution to the development of modern Russian legislation and parliamentarism in our country. Under your leadership, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is achieving stable results in the elections to the State Duma and is forming its own representative faction. Many initiatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction have acquired the status of laws, which indicates its effective and well-coordinated work.

Your fruitful state and public activities have rightfully been awarded high awards.

I appreciate your personal and business qualities and look forward to further cooperation.

I wish you good health, prosperity and success.

S.E. NARYSHKIN. Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your 70th anniversary.

Your life path is clear evidence of honest service to the Fatherland. It is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the development of modern Russian parliamentarism and the formation of domestic civil society. Your multifaceted, fruitful work has earned you well-deserved authority and respect in our country.

Today, your rich experience as a politician and statesman, your inherent wisdom, energy and determination are in demand in creating conditions for further dynamic development and comprehensive modernization of Russia, improving the well-being of our citizens.

We are ready to continue constructive interaction with you, including in promoting interparliamentary contacts with foreign partners, in the interests of the effective implementation of the country’s foreign policy and strengthening Russia’s position in the international arena.

I wish you good health, prosperity, new successes in your work for the benefit of the Motherland.


Dear Gennady Andreevich!

From the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and from me personally, please accept my warmest congratulations on your anniversary!

You are rightfully one of the most authoritative public and government figures in Russia. An experienced politician, scientist, philosopher, you made a significant contribution to the formation and development of Russian statehood and gained national recognition for your desire to defend the interests of the Motherland in the most difficult political conditions.

You direct your extraordinary organizational talent, strong will, enormous capacity for work and a keen sense of justice to serve the Fatherland, invariably demonstrating exceptional competence and sincere attention to people.

With all my heart I wish you, Gennady Andreevich, good health and energy for many years to come, the implementation of all life plans, new successes and achievements for the benefit of Russia.

A.I. BASTRYKIN. Colonel General of Justice, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and on my own behalf, I warmly and cordially congratulate you on your anniversary!

We highly appreciate your activities in strengthening the authority and influence of the international communist and labor movement.

We would like to express special gratitude to you for your courage and integrity in resolving the issue of reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation.

You are rightfully an example of what a person with extraordinary ability and hard work can achieve. All your successes and achievements are the result of enormous work, knowledge and inexhaustible vital energy.

On this wonderful day, we would like to wish that luck accompanies you in everything, and that your soul remains young for many, many years to come!

Let life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights and victories.

May all your plans—the plans of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation—be successfully implemented, and may all the good things in your life multiply.

Peace and goodness to you and your home!

S. AKSYONOV. And about. Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the board of JSC Russian railways“And on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your anniversary!

Your broad outlook, responsibility, subtle understanding of problems and unconditional service to the interests of Russia have earned you well-deserved authority and respect.

I sincerely wish you further success in your legislative activities!

I am confident that your characteristic energy, determination and perseverance will continue to be directed towards the benefit of Russia.

Goodness and peace to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, V.I. YAKUNIN.

President of JSC Russian Railways.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary, your 70th birthday. You have been working in the State Duma for many years and have made a significant contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood, the development of parliamentarism in Russia, and the establishment of democracy. Your party is a large political association that expresses the interests of a significant part of our society.

I wish you, dear Gennady Andreevich, successful and fruitful work, health, prosperity and all the best to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, I.I. SECHIN.

President, Chairman of the Board

OJSC NK "Rosneft".

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your anniversary. Your deep knowledge, high professionalism and competence have earned you the well-deserved respect of your colleagues and everyone who had the opportunity to work and communicate with you. I am convinced that all your efforts will continue to be aimed at the development and prosperity of our Fatherland; I always remember our joint activities in the State Duma of Russia, from the bottom of my heart I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness, prosperity, and success in serving the Motherland.


Member of the Federation Council.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary.

Your rich experience, extensive knowledge, excellent business qualities, and talent as an organizer have earned you well-deserved authority and respect.

With all my heart I wish you new creative successes for the benefit of Russia, for the sake of its stable development and prosperity. Let fruitful work and new ideas allow you to implement your plans, and let what you achieve become a solid foundation for the future. Good health, happiness, only good changes in life!

Sincerely, I.K. RODNINA.

State Duma deputy.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your 70th birthday. As a federal-level politician, a patriot and a statesman, you have made a huge contribution to the development of domestic parliamentarism and the modern political system. Oryol residents are proud of you - one of their outstanding fellow countrymen.

I wish you good health, peace and goodness, comfort and warmth in your home, love and kindness of your family. May every day of your life be filled with joyful moments and pride in what you have accomplished.

I am confident that your energy and determination will allow you to continue to achieve success for the benefit of a strong and prosperous Russia.

Sincerely, V.V. POTOMSKY.


Governor of the Oryol region.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. May every day bring you the joy of communicating with interesting people, satisfaction with how the work is going.

Let your family and friends always surround you with their care, and let your colleagues and friends be your true support in all your endeavors, in your profession and in life. I am confident that the key to the success and effectiveness of your activities will continue to be your knowledge, experience, highest professionalism and determination.

I wish you good health, optimism, good spirits and prosperity!

Anatoly ELBOW.

Mayor of Novosibirsk.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 70th anniversary and on your awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

For many years you have been actively involved in the political and social life of the country. Your activities are aimed at protecting the ideas of social justice and democracy.

The award that you were awarded by decree of the President of the Russian Federation is high recognition, a well-deserved assessment of your contribution to the socio-economic development of the country, the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, and active legislative activity. I am confident that you will continue to do everything possible to strengthen the development of our federal state and improve the well-being of its citizens. Rich life experience, professionalism, and competence will undoubtedly help you with this.

May all your plans come true, may good luck accompany you in all your endeavors.

Good health, good mood, optimism to you.


Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of labor collective Kirov Plant congratulates you on your significant anniversary - the 70th anniversary of your birth.

The plant knows and respects you as a prominent statesman and public figure, who is not indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland and has a keen sense of civic responsibility and social justice, a person who is always and in everything true to his convictions, consistent in words and deeds.

Having been the leader of the Communists for many years, you have done a lot to ensure that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation continues to remain a real political force at the present historical stage, capable of representing and protecting the socio-economic rights and interests of working people.

The contribution that you, as the head of the parliamentary faction, makes to support domestic industry and domestic producers, ensure food security of the state, and reduce the import dependence of the Russian economy is especially significant for us. We highly appreciate the attention that you pay to the Kirov plant, and we are especially grateful for the support of our enterprise in the difficult February 1999 for us and in today’s difficult days for the entire Russian industry.

Health, goodness and prosperity to you and your loved ones, political longevity, fortitude, optimism and good luck!


Chairman of the trade union committee

employees of OJSC Kirov Plant.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I cordially congratulate you, a prominent Russian politician and statesman, on your significant anniversary! Your knowledge, experience, bright organizational skills, enriched by extensive professional and life experience, are successfully implemented as the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction, and have rightfully gained authority and respect among like-minded colleagues, politicians, representatives of the business community, and the public. On this significant day, I would like to wish you good health, strength, energy and success in all areas of your active political activity, as well as the implementation of all your tasks!


General Director of the Mosfilm film concern.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

We sincerely, with all our hearts, congratulate you on your significant 70th anniversary.

Your life is an example of honest and selfless service to our people, our great Motherland.

We, former minor prisoners of fascist concentration camps, feel your concern, nobility and humanity when difficult issues appear on the agenda that require a fair solution within the walls of the State Duma. You are always on the side of historical truth and are not indifferent to our fate. Thank you for that!

We wish you good health, long life, success in your important political and social activities for the benefit of Russia.


Dear Gennady Andreevich!

We congratulate you on the round date, on your birthday. At all stages of our lives, you selflessly, courageously and steadfastly defended the interests of the Russian and other peoples of our country. Those who work in factories, mines, and scientific laboratories.

We are especially grateful to you for your constant and attentive activity in the work of the World Russian People's Council, in upholding the spiritual traditional values ​​of the peoples of Russia.

Your services in the struggle are invaluable, namely in the struggle so that our culture and literature are not a culture of depravity, emerging greed and cynicism, but are connected with the deep history of images of classical literature of Russia with all its folk roots.

Perhaps there is no public figure today who, like you, the people trusted, who waited for your intimate, sincere word, assessment of what is happening.

We wish you good health, historical fortitude and audacity, and reliable comrades. Goodness and happiness to your family and friends, to all your associates!

With deep respect, writers V. GANICHEV, V. RASPUTIN, V. KRUPIN, M. NOZHKIN, S. KOTKALO, Y. LOSHITS, S. KUNYAEV, N. DOROSHENKO, N. IVANOV, L. BARANOVA, I. YANIN, B. ORLOV (St. Petersburg), E. KUZMINA (Arkhangelsk), V. MOLCHANOV (Belgorod) and the entire seven-thousandth Writers' Union of Russia.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept the most heartfelt congratulations on the anniversary from the oldest theater in Russia. We are sincerely grateful to you for your kind attitude towards Russian classical art and, in particular, towards the Maly Theater. Observing the stages of your path in politics, we highly appreciate the attention you pay to cultural issues. In public life, as in creativity, the preservation of traditions and continuity are necessary, and your activity is a clear confirmation of this. We sincerely wish you good health, victories and achievements.

Sincerely, Yuri SOLOMIN.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the leadership of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and on my own behalf, I express my respect and send my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your anniversary. High professionalism, dedication, erudition and devotion to the interests of his state, combined with organizational talents, are a worthy example of selfless service to the Russian Federation. Today, thanks to your inherent political wisdom and active civic position, you are working, devoting all your strength, extensive knowledge, rich life and professional experience for the benefit of the Russian people, skillfully implementing your plans.

Taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity, I express the assurances of my deepest respect. I sincerely hope that Russian-Pridnestrovian constructive interaction will acquire a high degree of stability and dynamism. On this holiday, I send you, dear Gennady Andreevich, heartfelt wishes for good health, prosperity and long life happy life. Inexhaustible energy and good spirits. Continued good luck and new successes in your noble work for the benefit of the Russian Federation and its people. Peace and goodness. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, E.V. SHEVCHUK.

President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my warmest, heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary.

You were born in the very heart of Russia - on the land of the glorious Oryol region, which has more than once been the shield of the Russian and Soviet states, a land that has given the world outstanding scientists, designers, and cultural figures.

This land is reflected in your soul and your heart, giving you cordiality and friendliness, kindness and hard work, and a generous nature. From the depths of people's life, you have inherited a love for your native country, its history, culture and traditions.

Your parents instilled in you a strong character and the ability to work with people, and this was very useful to you in Komsomol and party work.

As a true communist, you had a hard time with the collapse of a great country - the USSR. During the most difficult period, you decisively took up the task of rebuilding the organization of communists in the Russian Federation and have been standing at the helm of the Communist Party for more than 20 years.

In our homeland you are known and respected as a great friend of the Bulgarian people. I remember your meetings in different cities, your books in Bulgarian, your love for our history and the friendship of the two Slavic fraternal peoples.

We are confident that political wisdom and the ability to work with full dedication will continue to contribute to your responsible and successful government activities.

We wish you happiness, good health, prosperity and the implementation of your plans.

Sincerely, Beads KIROV.

Goodwill Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Anyone who knows You, Your energy, Your conviction and steadfastness will never believe that You are already turning 70 years old. I also want to join that huge army of those congratulating You, both in Russia and abroad.

According to Russian custom, I hug you and wish you with all my heart further success as the leader of the Russian communists, personal well-being and especially the famous good Siberian health!

I am glad to be in the same ranks with You. With a comrade who, after the defeat of the USSR, in the most difficult times, restored the honor and dignity of Russian communists and continues the traditions of the Leninist party.

We met thanks to my friend Evgeniy Mikhailovich. And I will never forget the solidarity of Russian communists and your personal support at that difficult moment for me, when I was imprisoned due to my political activities in the GDR.

Thank you again for your solidarity and support!

Mentally I am with You.

Sincerely your comrade Egon KRENZ.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

We congratulate you and salute you on the occasion of your 70th anniversary. This is, of course, an important personal milestone - “a serious age,” as someone put it.

Your anniversary commemorates your leadership and great service over 23 years in revitalizing the Communist Party, whose alternative vision and ideas, primarily focused on issues of social justice, are sought after by your people. We also admire your commitment to the democratic opposition, electoral democracy and your party's electoral victories over the years, despite conditions that were anything but "free and fair." Without you and your party, there would be much less democracy in Russia today, and not only in the Duma.

As you know, we are not communists. As American patriots, we have our own political views and our own policies. But over the many years of our acquaintance, which included many conversations, you have always respected and encouraged our views, which are different from yours. For us it was a truly democratic relationship, we admire it and thank you for it.

Russia will need you in the future, just as it needs you today. Therefore, we wish you many years of health and energy necessary for the future struggle.

Stephen COHEN.

Katrina Vanden HEUWEL.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on

70th anniversary.

You belong to a galaxy of extraordinary, strong-willed people who have written bright pages in the political history of Russia. Your vast experience, extensive knowledge and creativity are in demand today more than ever. Your inherent dedication, breadth of thinking, and high professionalism allow you to solve the complex problems facing the Communist Party. Thanks to you, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation continues to remain an influential force fighting for justice and opposing corruption and lawlessness.

To a person of your stature, who bears enormous responsibility for the assigned work and defends the interests of ordinary Russians, I would like to wish you health, success and new achievements on your birthday.


General Director of FSUE TsAGI.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept our warmest birthday greetings. Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights.

May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, may all the good things in your life be preserved, and may your moments of joy, love and optimism increase. We wish you good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life.

Perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems!


State farm "Zvenigovsky".

Mari El Republic.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

The team of the Moscow open joint-stock company "Bolshevichka" warmly and cordially congratulates you on your anniversary.

On this wonderful day, we wish you good health, fruitful activity and long life.

We wish you to continue to confidently move towards achieving our common goals, remaining for many years a recognized international authority and a permanent leader in the fight for the well-being of labor production teams.


General Director of MOJSC "Bolshevichka".

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

The Vladimir Vinokur Foundation for the Support of Culture and Art congratulates you on your anniversary. On this significant date, we wish you prosperity and well-being, success in all your endeavors, good health, happiness, joy and longevity.

May luck go hand in hand with you, and may every new day be full of brilliant opportunities. I wish you successful implementation of all projects, implementation of all planned plans. Inexhaustible energy, excellent mood, interesting ideas.

May your path in life be illuminated by rays of goodness and luck. May your family and friends be healthy and happy.

Political victories, successful scientific research, harmony in the family!

Sincerely, V.N. DISTILLER.

Director of the fund, People's Artist of Russia.

Happy birthday!!! I wish you great achievements in your work, which will help you get your favorite car as soon as possible! And let this car fly no faster than your Guardian Angel.

Lots of smiles and pleasantries!

Today you will be told a lot beautiful words, addressed a lot of smiles and pleasantries! I wish that throughout your new year you will not forget how much everyone loves you! And remember that this age will not return again and let it be a great year! Happy birthday!!

Congratulations on the Day!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Let there be no place for unpleasant surprises, grief and poverty in your happy life! And may all problems be resolved quickly and smoothly! Happy birthday!!!

Congratulations on the Day!

The richest man is the one who has many influential friends! So, this year I wish you to gain another good and respected friend! And be healthy, good, love, grow! Congratulations on the Day!

The most important day

On your most important day, I wish you: flowers, gifts, love, kindness, smiles, pleasant sincere words, comfort and harmony in your soul, as well as inspiration and the implementation of everything planned for this year! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!

A good person's birthday lasts more than one day!! Let this holiday be bright, cheerful and inspiring! And in this important year of yours, I wish you self-realization, achievements and, of course, satisfaction from life! Happy Birthday!!!

Congratulations on your birthday!

Congratulations on your birthday!!! All the best, kind and magical! Life victories, happiness, even more love, prosperity and positive emotions from exciting travels!

You are a strong woman with a kind heart. Happy Birthday, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Birthday, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! You are a strong woman with a kind heart, everyone knows that you will not disappear anywhere and will emerge victorious even from the most difficult life situations. But I really, really wish you to be weak, so much so that you don’t have to carry everything and everyone on yourself. So much so that she could not think about serious things, but go and buy herself a new dress! I want to be myself happy woman on this planet! Congratulations*

Not every person can be congratulated with light, simple words filled with warmth and sparkling humor. There are many cases when it is necessary official congratulations Happy birthday. A congratulation to a stranger, official or business partner should be written in this style. And these are not all possible options.

The official style will be appropriate for congratulating persons working in regulatory or governing bodies, credit institutions, hospitals, departments and other similar institutions. You can also use such congratulations to send them to complete strangers in order to attract attention to your organization, etc.

Of course, if you have a fairly close relationship or have known each other for many years, the text can be composed in a fairly free form. And if not, it is better to avoid familiarity and, in order to avoid sensitive situations, congratulate in full accordance with business etiquette.

Accept congratulations on this day, it is only yours,
We wish, without a doubt, that there would be courage in life,
Let everything always work out, but there are a lot of plans,
What is planned comes true, we wish you good luck, just that!
Let there be steel in the mood, let the family make you happy,
And the smile is like that in the morning!.. In general, a mountain of joy!

Official birthday greetings in verse

Always both sad and pleasant
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by forever,
Just have time to count them.
But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold you back.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness,
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy and not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove,
More laughter, less sadness...
And never lose heart.

Congratulating you on your birthday,
Today we wish you with all our hearts
Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
And reaching high peaks.
So that always, both at work and at home
Things were in perfect order!
Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
A stable life in full abundance.

Official birthday greetings in prose

We cordially congratulate you on your upcoming birthday!
May success accompany you in all your endeavors! May they always be with you faithful friends and reliable partners! On this beautiful day, your closest people will gather around you and give you the most sincere wishes!
Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

Please accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday from our entire team!
We believe that under your leadership our company is able to withstand any crisis!
We sincerely wish you well-being and good health. May you always have reliable friends next to you, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your activities.
May good luck, love and happiness always accompany you!

Official birthday greetings to a woman

Someone like you - cheerful, smart, energetic,
It's nice to admire and admire!
Let everything be great
Always, not only on this bright holiday!
Let life become even more beautiful and brighter,
Surprises surprise more often,
Let wonderful gifts please you
And everything that helps to be happy!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Let your most cherished dreams come true, and let your work bring only pleasure. Let there be enough time for relaxation and family, and an ideal balance be maintained between all areas of life!
Let luck knock on your life, open the doors to it, and it will stay with you forever! Open the doors to health, success, and sincere smiles!

When your birthday comes,
Everyone remembers - relatives, friends.
Colleagues in a bustle of excitement,
We are a family in this profession!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts!
May happiness flutter like a butterfly,
It flies into your palm in silence!

Official birthday greetings to a man

A special day for you - birth,
We solemnly congratulate him!
How old you are is not a secret at all,
We want to continue to look like this!
You are attractive, you are wise,
And the ladies cast languid glances after me,
You were born for success and glory,
And everyone respects you for this!

Dear ____________________!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you success and prosperity, the implementation of your most daring plans, the implementation of all your endeavors. Let your business qualities, leadership talent, trust and support of colleagues, partners, and loyalty of friends become a reliable basis for new achievements.
Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, inexhaustible love of life, and prosperity.

It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... do not spare money.
To be slim, elegant and... careless.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
We wish you... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!

Official congratulations on the Anniversary

You can’t escape Anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.

We want to wish you now
Good health and good luck,
Joy and loyal friends,
Let the work progress to boot.

Dear ____________________!
We warmly and cordially congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary!
Your sensitive and conscientious attitude to work, coupled with your high efficiency, created your reputation as a competent worker, and your rare personal qualities, responsiveness, warmth, and at the same time exactingness and integrity in solving problems and assigned tasks, earned you respect from management and our entire team.
May luck accompany every day of your life, and may your soul remain young for many, many years!
Peace and goodness to you and your home!

Your Anniversary is just a little bit,
But the years were not lived in vain.
It's been a long road,
Great things have been done.
Let life always be like this:
So that the years go by and you don’t count them,
Never grew old at heart
And they would never sigh bitterly.

Official SMS Happy Birthday greetings

Long years and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
May it always be - not only on your birthday
Cherished dreams come true.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Success, health, reliable friends,
Always be loved and happy,
And may the years never age you!

We wish you success in your chosen business, love and warmth in your family, and a wonderful mood! On your day, your closest people will gather around you and give you their most sincere wishes! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you!
May life smile on you with positivity,
And what saddens you in the end
Let it suddenly turn into profit and joy!

He will always come to the rescue when humorous poems or ambiguous congratulatory phrases look ridiculous, and warm words and sincere expressions cannot find a response.


On our website you will find more than 10,000 original author's congratulations. More than 300 authors work especially for you, new ones appear daily, in poetry, prose and sms.

We have already covered many reasons:

  • birthdays;
  • weddings;
  • anniversaries;
  • professions;
  • names;
and we continue to expand our database so that you can choose the best, most interesting and suitable congratulations for yourself.

Congratulations are not just about saying words.

This is a parting word, a blessing, and just a wish. It is important to make sure that your energy message, attitude towards happiness, health, well-being reaches the addressee exactly. After all, congratulations can reflect the slightest nuances of your attitude towards a person. How accurately and appropriately it is chosen will determine its perception both by the hero of the occasion and by those around him.

Poems are more romantic in nature, and prose is more businesslike. You can choose any congratulations from funny and comic to quite official and serious. Kind words to mothers, grandmothers, bosses and children - everyone you want to congratulate from the bottom of your heart can be found in the relevant sections of our portal.

Remember that you can give not only a thing, but also good mood, self-confidence, and we, in turn, will help you choose the best text for your speech.

May God grant you warmth and happiness,
Let bad weather pass by,
May there be joy and success,
And in the house there is only happy laughter.
Let your life shine with diamonds,
And nothing overshadows your feelings.
Let nothing disturb the harmony of the soul,
And let the ardent heat of the heart destroy all the walls.
I want to wish you good luck,
So that your life is fuller, richer.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved boyfriend

My beloved person, dear and irreplaceable. It's your birthday today. Congratulations. Today there will be a lot of warm and sincere words to you: wishes of health, success, love, happiness and wealth. And I won’t say anything like that, I’ll just say that you are my life, you are the sun to which I reach out, like the first snowdrop that reaches out to the first rays after winter. You are the air without which it is simply impossible to live. I love you!

Birthday congratulations

A long time ago a statement was born,
What happens when you come into this world?
In the dead of night or on a birthday
A star appears in the sky.
So let your star shine bright
Both day and night, illuminating the way.
And let every day please you with a gift
A happy life is its essence.
May your path be easy
May all your bright dreams come true
May there be many joyful days,
After all, you deserve it.

Interesting birthday greetings to your loved one

My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing you and me together and for the fact that we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you a positive attitude, constant expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life. May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs, may everything work out for you with ease and joy. So that your life is filled with harmony and that you always achieve your goals. And I will give you a reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, dear!

Cool happy birthday poem

So that everything is in a bundle
A house full of happiness at once,
So as not to scold the director
And the tax inspector,
So that a treasure is found nearby
Exceeding salary.
So that everyone loves you immensely,
They came to visit together
Not for eating
And shed balm on the soul.
Beauty and inspiration...
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl

You are the best today
I can hear your cheerful laughter.
You are beautiful and sweet
And obedient and kind.
Can you dance?
Sing songs and draw.
You have time everywhere
You help wash the dishes.
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations, my love!
May the Lord protect you
Protects from insults.

Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague

Always attentive to everyone, friendly, sweet,
Beautiful, charming, kind and cheerful.
She is obligatory in her work, strict with herself,
Responsible, diligent and at work all day.
And in the evening she goes home tired,
May you be rested and get back to work tomorrow.
She is a specialist to cope with any task,
And in the team he is famous for his example of excellence.
Let your eyes shine with happiness on the path of life,
And, if something doesn’t go well, then you have us.
Continue to be cordial; both body and soul
Beautiful, carefree and forever young!

SMS happy birthday greetings to a friend

Today is your special day,
Today everyone congratulates you,
And I'm in a hurry to send a text message,
Which you may not have expected.
And I want to wish you good luck,
And new hobbies and victories,
And let a huge armful of flowers
A loved one will give it to you.

Happy Birthday SMS

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you with all my heart the greatest happiness, festive mood and all the best, brightest and most beautiful!

Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings in prose

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish you great happiness, good health, pleasant emotions and interesting events. Let life spoil you, let your loved ones appreciate, understand and love you. I wish you harmony in your heart and warmth in your soul.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved boyfriend

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
The best and most beautiful
The smartest, most positive,
In life - strong and active!
Congratulations! Be happy!
Don't forget our feelings,
Moods, good luck,
A lot of money, big change,
And everything you want -
Life, light, warmth!

Happy Birthday wishes for a girl

On your birthday I want
Let me tell you just a little bit:
Let happiness not pass you by!
May you be loved by everyone!
May the paths be easy
What you have to go through!
Giving cloudless days,
May your Angel protect you!

Beautiful poems happy birthday

Birthday? Congratulations
I love you with all my heart!
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
Don't rush to grow old.
Take good luck as your friend
To build a dacha by the sea.
So that flowers would bloom on it.
May all your dreams come true!
And let the sun shine
Disperses the clouds of life.
I'm giving you advice.
More happiness, less troubles.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in verse

Happy birthday
And with all my heart I wish:
Don't get sick and don't grow old,
Become younger in soul and body.
Smile at the sun and people,
Never be upset
Be rich and happy
And always, always loved.

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in poetry

Be nice and cheerful
And you are surrounded by affection!
Live and have fun boldly,
And use life skillfully!
May surprises await you on your birthday,
And fulfill all the whims -
Your fans, friends,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

To a friend on her birthday

My dear, beloved ***! Congratulating you on your birthday, I’m not just telling you banal words, I’m not just sticking to tradition - no! I give you a program for the whole next year, which you will follow relentlessly: blossom, blossom, prettier, smarter, richer, mature and not regret anything! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday greetings to your beloved with all my heart

I wish I could find my path
Among life's many roads!
Love will melt even a piece of ice,
And know that you are not alone!
I love you, I believe in you,
Even though I get angry sometimes!
But the doors are open for you,
And I know that you are my destiny!
I wish you happiness in a long life,
I wish you joy and victories!
Let your mood be cheerful,
And success always awaits you!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend, sister in verses from a brother

I want my wishes to come true
You were always cheerful
Every day was filled with luck!
And lots of happiness!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings for a girl

I wish you on your birthday,
So that your life goes without worries,
To have sunshine every morning
I greeted you with my light,
So that there is always joy in your soul,
So that love lives in your heart,
And so many nice gifts
Life gave you day after day!

Cool Happy Birthday greetings to brother, friend

Bright emotions, many friends!
Fabulous colors and burning passions!
Great thirst for unearthly love!
May whatever you want happen to you!
Lots of wealth, great career,
Sweet life, like in a night fairy tale,
Happiness, good luck, success in business,
Let everything be as in your wildest dreams!

Poetic birthday greetings to Larisa

Larisa is beauty and pride,
Like proud wings flying away.
No wonder, in Latin, you are a seagull,
Calling for a bold flight!
Happy birthday to you today,
Dear, we want to congratulate you!
Good luck and happiness to you!
And new, high peaks!

Touching birthday greetings to a man

Let everything in life be as it should be:
Love, confidence and friendship,
Striving for the goal and always luck,
Let your heart be warm!
May the star always shine
Which lights your way!
And may it never happen
Desires to turn away from that path.

Happy Birthday to Sergei

Happy Birthday, Sergey!
Live beautifully.
May there be no sad days
Be always happy!
And not once, not twice,
And then two hundred times
Happy Birthday to You
We will congratulate you together!

Funny birthday greetings to a colleague

You have charisma
You radiate positivity!
Contagious with optimism
Our entire friendly team!
Merry fellow and ringleader,
He's simply an ace in his field.
You have both intelligence and strength,
Good both in profile and in front!
On your birthday, colleague,
We wish that you always
There was a lot of laughter in life,
Well, never be sad!
Let in the family, and in the career
Great success awaits you!
Take on barriers with ease
Always be the happiest!

Gentle birthday greetings for your loved one

My only one in the world!
Listen to these words.
A miracle happened on this day -
A shadow has bent over you,
The one who you
Loving me very dearly,
I waited nine months...
And she brought me into the white light.
I firmly believe that then
And lucky star
Rising above the sky.
Do you hear, with every wind moan,
Happy Birthday Greetings
Sends everything around!
I, my priceless friend,
I will wrap it in words of love.
They say: “It can’t be!”
What you can't love more
The mother who gave birth.
Well, I could do it for you.

Happy birthday greetings to the chief accountant

Who always uses the prefix "chief"?
The most needed person?
This is our nice accountant,
Tactician and strategist in money!
Happy birthday
And we wish with all our hearts:
Whatever we wish will come true,
The profits are always big!
So that the balance is always in positive territory,
Debit and credit were friends,
Our accountant knows everything
The world of finance has conquered!

Comic birthday greetings to a man from friends

May your life be delicious -
Cabbage crunches in your wallet.
Lamborghini in the garage
There is a lady in a negligee in bed.
May your life be sweet -
May you always be clean shaven.
Eat caviar with spoons -
Let your gut relax!
Let's drink some cognac today
Here's to a cool guy!
You won't find a flaw in it!
Happy Birthday Buddy!

Happy birthday greetings to mom in prose

My dear mom! In the midst of a series of everyday life with all the problems, worries and bustle, I don’t have time to tell you how much I love you. Know that I think of you when I do good things, in the hope that you would be proud of me. I think about you when I have to blush for myself in front of someone, feeling guilty in front of you too. I think about you when I'm scared or hurt and when I feel good. Even if I don’t call you every day, know that everything that happens to me, I share it with you just as you once shared this world with me. As long as you're around, I can do anything! I want you to be healthy and happy! Happy birthday to you, my beloved mom!

Happy birthday greetings for a girl

Little Princess! You are one year older today! We wish you to grow up kind and sympathetic, beautiful and smart, gentle and cheerful! Let your eyes shine with happiness and the smile never leaves your childish face!

Happy Birthday to a girl

______________(Name)! Congratulations on your birthday! You are beautiful and charming, like a princess! I wish you to always remain so kind, sympathetic and gentle! Live for many, many years, make your mom and dad happy! Happy birthday!

Wise birthday greetings

Birthday is a holiday of great miracles,
Warm words, kisses and secret desires.
So let the magic stars from heaven
Beautiful dreams will come true!
Congratulations to the beautiful big round dance
Let it bring good feelings and thoughts.
Happy Birthday! You are a year older today
That means you are exactly one year wiser today!

Beautiful poems for happy birthday

Birthday is a beautiful date,
This date cannot be compared with anything,
And it was not in vain that it once happened,
On this holiday, give gifts,
So that joy radiates from the heart,
So that your eyes glow with affection,
So that the soul is warmed with happiness,
And your dream has come true!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings for husband

When you are with me, I feel warm, comfortable and calm. I know, no matter what surprises life brings, you will always be there: you will understand and support - this is the little secret of great happiness. Thank you, my beloved! I wish you to be successful, healthy and confident in your abilities, so that no doubts torment you and all troubles are avoided. I want every day for you to be filled with the joy of victories and accomplishments! I'm proud to have you next to me!

Happy birthday to a man

All the guests are already gathered,
The table is bursting with food,
Happy Birthday
We love you with all our hearts.
Be healthy, honest, smart,
Solve all problems instantly
Don't make crazy decisions
You are our Russian man.
Be thrifty and brave
Be dexterous and be skillful,
Always have your own opinion
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Nephew

Nephew, beloved!
Happy birthday to you
We hasten to congratulate you today!
Live in abundance
God preserved
Reach your desired heights.
Always stay
Just as good
With an open and kind soul!
Sorrows you
Let them not disturb
Experience great love!
Let everything be to you
And it always succeeds
And there will be friends nearby!
Just let you
Life is great
We love you very much!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend poem

No one can
So listen
and support me
In any bad weather
my friend is next to me!
You will listen and console,
And, if necessary, you’ll make me laugh,
or a little - you'll be ashamed!
And I tell you - thank you,
I wish you only the best!
Health, joy, good luck,
Full of prosperity!

Happy birthday greetings to a male friend

Happy birthday!
What can you wish for a friend?
We've known each other for a long time
There seems to be nothing to say
Everything is banal, everything is boring,
Everything is formal, etc.
But let us take courage,
We wish you again
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Because that's how you are -
Fighting, dashing, hot,
Fair, groovy,
Businesslike, principled,
Don't waste your words.
Well, let it be that everything is banal.
Happy Birthday! Be healthy!

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother in verse

There is no more wonderful grandmother
It's good to be together with you.
And laugh and play,
Read a bedtime story.
Maybe you're from a fairy tale yourself?
You give peace, warmth and affection.
Be always - always cheerful. And happy and healthy!
Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Wishes to Your Beloved

Beloved, sweet and desired,
I love you, my long-awaited one,
Like the light in a window at dawn
I'll quietly sneak up on you!
I will hug you tenderly
How much I love you!
I wish you today
Always be like this with me
And happy birthday,
I will say that I believe in you!

Congratulations to parents on their daughter's birthday

Getting better every day
And she shines with her outfits,
Your daughter is adored
All neighbors and friends
Well, of course, me too!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Happy birthday to your daughter!
May it always grow in love,
And it will be successful!

Poem - Happy Birthday to my son

Be cheerful, smiling and loved by everyone,
God will protect you from troubles and adversity!
Lucky, reliable in love and business,
Let any dream come true!

Heartfelt Happy Birthday Greetings

I wish you on the road of life,
Do not lose the warmth and beauty of your soul.
Let worries bypass the house.
Let happiness fill the spirit in silence.
Let your heart beat with inspiration,
And never and for nothing!
Nowhere in the Universe
It will not darken your brow!
Not the pain of insults, not the pain of separation,
Don't lie, treacherous shadow.
Let only a ray of sunshine and joyful sounds
You are accompanied every day.

Happy Birthday to Alexander

Our mood has risen this morning,
Alexander is celebrating his birthday today.
We hasten to congratulate him and wish him much happiness,
Never lose heart in this incomprehensible life.
We wish you, Sasha, an easy path in life,
Avoid all troubles and sorrows.
Let your guiding star guide you through life,
Be healthy, be cheerful and lucky always.

Congratulations and birthday wishes to a colleague poems

Happy birthday
From the bottom of our hearts we wish everything
Happiness, joy, love
And a little fuss!
Enjoy life for a long time,
Happy to love!
Be in a great mood
And laugh in a friendly way!
May you always be respected
They remember and do not forget!

Happy birthday greetings to your younger sister in prose

Sister, you are the closest, dearest person. Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you excellent health, great personal happiness, mutual understanding and love. May your life be bright and interesting, may all your plans come true, may all your wishes come true. I so want to always see you happy and joyful, successful and prosperous. Happy birthday, my dear!

Poem congratulations on the chief accountant's birthday

You are the most important accountant,
You have no equal in your profession!
You count each number,
And there is great accounting in everything!
Your partners respect you
And my colleagues love it!
You are talented, smart,
Everyone needs it at work!
Happy birthday,
And, of course, from the heart!
We wish you happiness,
Lots of joy and love!

Birthday greetings to a lonely friend

My dear friend! Congratulations on your birthday. I wish that you hear good and kind words and receive flowers not only on this day, so that your guiding star burns brightly, brightly, illuminating your path in life. I also want to wish that this year you meet your soul mate, that she finally finds you - walks along the same sidewalk with you, or rides in the same minibus with you, and an unearthly love arises in you. Be happy!

Birthday greetings to a friend

My dear friend! Congratulations on your birthday. Behind the dryness of these words it is not easy to understand what you mean to me! How long you and I have lived, how much we have experienced! In good and bright moments, in difficult moments, you were always with me. No matter how many times we see each other, even if you are on the edge of the Earth, I know that you are near, even if hundreds of roads separate us and you are far from me. I don’t have a truer or more reliable person. Thank you for being here. Live happily ever after. May your destiny protect you. I love you!

Congratulation best friend for a birthday

You understand me perfectly,
I will trust you with any secret,
Always ready to help and listen,
And I don't have a better friend...
You are sincere, kind and sweet,
and on your birthday I wish, lovingly:
Always be joyful and happy,
May everything be wonderful for you!

Funny birthday greetings to a man

Be rich like Rockefeller
Be as fast as a cheetah!
Let the propeller of love spin,
Let there be excitement in your work!
Let everything in life be great!
You shovel money.
Don't waste your nerves in vain,
Take care of your health!
You won’t know defeat in anything,
Take any milestone!
Happy Birthday,
We wish you a happy life!

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