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Congratulations on the day of the railwayman. Congratulations on the day of the railwayman (cool) Words of congratulations from the head of the railway to the team

On the first Sunday of August, Russians celebrate one of the oldest holidays─ Railroad Day. It was established back in Tsarist Russia, at the end of the 19th century. The holiday was timed to coincide with the birthday of Nicholas I on June 25. Later, they forgot about the railway workers, reviving the holiday only after the October Revolution. For many years, the celebration was celebrated on July 30, and later moved to the first Sunday of August. On August 7, 2016, more than one million employees of Russian Railways will receive congratulations on the Day of the railway worker, colleagues will congratulate each other on professional holiday. If there are people in your family or among friends for whom the word "train" means something more than just transport on rails, congratulate them on the holiday date. It can be simple, artless congratulations in prose, and romantic poems, and cool SMS. Children can draw pictures depicting a mother as a conductor or a father as a driver of a large train.

Solemn and official congratulations of colleagues on the Railwayman's Day in prose

On August 7, 2016, all Russian Railways employees will be officially congratulated. At the highest level, colleagues will be congratulated by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and his deputies. On the ground, these will be the heads of the train, senior conductors. In honor of the solemn date, festive events and concerts will be held. On this day, the best and distinguished employees of Russian Railways will be awarded. Their rewards will be not only praises and certificates, but also bonuses, material rewards. Long-distance train workers will be given special recognition. Their hard work will be rewarded and celebrated.

Railwayman. The profession is very important. No one even imagines their life without a train, without the pleasant sound of “choo-choo”, without tea in a glass glass and without casual acquaintances. You, in your own way, provide all of us with our trips. Thanks to you, I visit my relatives and friends.

Your profession is simply necessary for all of us. Therefore, I wish you a good mood, so that it would be more pleasant to go to work, which no one and nothing can spoil, neither bad weather, nor the disgruntled faces of passengers. Happy Railroad Day!

Everyone has their own holiday in the year, someone even has two. So you, railroad workers, have your own professional day. Thank you and I want to wish that you always have a job that brings you money, good mood and pleasant memories, so that later you have something to tell your grandchildren while relaxing in retirement.

We have known each other forever, but I will never forget how proudly you told me on the day of our first meeting that you work on the railroad. For me, it was something from the category of mystery, that is, there was a person in front of me, thanks to whom the train moves along the rails, and I can get to any destination without any problems. And on this summer day, I want to wish you that you never leave the optimism that I saw in your eyes that day.

Funny congratulations for drivers, conductors, employees of railway stations on the Day of the railwayman

Conductors and machinists who have worked all their lives "on wheels" know a lot of comical and humorous situations that occurred during their work. Spending more time away from home and family, but among other people, they become more attentive and notice all the nuances in the behavior of passengers. It is often the conductors who are the first to notice the threat posed by people boarding the train. However, most often a lot of anecdotal situations and jokes are associated with trains. Going on rails to another city, especially if it is not a few days away on the express train, people stock up on both food and alcohol. Usually, within a few hours of a joint trip, passengers drink, get closer, share life stories with each other. The main witnesses of the events taking place in the cars are the conductors. Each of them remembers funny stories related to trains. The railroad workers also treat themselves with humor. On a holiday they send to colleagues cool congratulations, remind of the funny things that happened to them, have fun from the heart!

Congratulations for the railroad

Your whole life - under the sound of wheels,

May this day bring a surprise!

Today we want to congratulate you:

Carriages of happiness to deliver to you!

You should be at home more often

Less tired on the road.

We wish you a happy path

And congratulations on your holiday!

Cool congratulations to the locomotive driver

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers,

The train is running late

Our driver sits in it,

He is no longer a chimney sweep.

He is in a decent suit,

Pushes buttons personally

Educated and smart

For the road he was born!

Congratulations to the driver

We wish you happiness, joy

To make him the best

And he lived healthy for a long time!

Congratulations on the day of railway workers

On Railway Workers Day

We congratulate you!

Train of happiness and victories

We meet cheerfully.

There health and dreams

Let them come true

So accept from fate

These are all riches!

We wish you every day

Carry out with a smile

Have fun so that the soul -

Like the strings of a violin...

Sounded, but to the family

Brought gifts -

Joy and harmony

Life to become bright!

Short sincere SMS congratulations on the Railwayman's Day

Trains, probably, used each of us. Many people remember the aching feeling of the last minutes before the departure of the train and that unusual state of "sickness" after a long journey, when you go to "solid ground". Conductors and machinists spend most of their lives on the road. Many of them will meet the Railroad Day on the road. Don't be upset if you can't congratulate your loved ones in person: send them short and heartfelt SMS!

The trains are leaving

Taking away the worries

Only you always know

Subtleties of work.

On the day of your profession

I sincerely wish

Happy days ahead

Well, in the heart - May!

The whistle was once a locomotive

Woke up our dormant station,

Now electric locomotives

The line-up is dragging along!

Behind all that complicated organism

There is a reliable person -

Our Russian railwayman,

Be healthy and glorious forever!

By rail

The trains will run

Let sadness, anxiety,

Take away forever

Be happy in life

Thank you for your hard work!

May all over your homeland

Giving praise!

Wonderful congratulations on the Railwayman's Day in verse from relatives

Despite all the hardships of working on the railway and the difficulties with the work schedule, the hearts of Russian conductors, machinists, and all Russian Railways employees are with their families and loved ones. Even being at a distance of thousands of kilometers, you can congratulate your relatives and friends on the Railwayman's Day. Send them a wonderful verse with kind words. Say that you always love and look forward to their return. Today, most conductors use the mobile Internet. Send them a verse to their email address, congratulate them on social networks or send SMS.

My dear railwayman,

I congratulate you on this day!

May the roads be good

Happy our dawns.

Let the nights be together

And long, like rails.

I love you very, very much

Stronger every minute!

When the train arrives at the depot,

That is all our technical staff,

Doesn't go home at all

To give a way out in the morning!

Cordially all of you: engineers,

And masters, and locksmiths,

Everyone who manages our business in the depot,

On the holiday you stopar pour!

Let the path be bright, straight,

Our son, assistant

Let's raise a toast to you


Let the wagon of your fate

Trouble rushes past

And at the station of love

The conductor will wake up!

Pictures with original friendly congratulations on Railwayman's Day

Today, millions of compatriots use the railway services every year. The train is still considered the safest mode of transport. For many, the train has also become the most comfortable way to get to another city or even a country. If there is an employee of the Russian Railways in your family, congratulate him with an original postcard with a funny picture on the topic of trains and roads. Children can draw an unusual drawing and give it to mom or dad working on the railway.

The morning of August 7, 2016 will begin with the official solemn speeches of colleagues in honor of all Russian Railways employees. Join them and you: send short congratulations Happy Railroad Day to your friends and family. It can be SMS or a postcard with funny pictures, poetry or even a song.

Boss, congratulations
On a glorious holiday from the heart,
Let the semaphore blink for you
Sleepers will be fine.

Train of happiness let it arrive
On the platform of fate soon
Will bring in their wagons
Packs of thick rubles.

Excerpts to you, optimism,
It's a good thing to love
With understanding and charisma
We only lead.

Rails, sleepers, trains -
You are used to such worries!
We wish you always
Work brought only joy!

Health, strength and patience to you,
Let life be filled with goodness!
Let the mood be bright
And all dreams will come true!

Dear boss, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the railway worker. I wish you never to doubt your strengths and rightness, I wish you to constantly achieve true victories and significant success in your activities, I wish that your efforts and hard work never go unnoticed, I wish you to achieve your goals as quickly as if a high-speed train reaches its destination.

Your boss
Stern, reliable,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Railroad Day.

We wish the compositions
How the clock went
Arrow arrows,
To be translated.

To avoid downtime
catastrophes, accidents,
To give us awards
You - orders, medals.

Under the uniform sound of wheels
Accept congratulations!
Let the locomotive rush forward,
And the mood will be bright!

May joy always await you
In everything I wish you only success,
To nothing and never
Luckily, it didn't get in your way!

Congratulations our boss
The best, dear.
You are the railroad
They chose their path.

On your holiday, we wish you strength,
Do not be sad and do not grumble,
Only with joy on the rails
Walk towards the dream.

I wish you on this holiday
A lot of happiness, long years,
To this bright summer
The sun has warmed your way!

Let your salary grow
All dreams come true!
And let this date
Gives a lot of kindness!

Happy holiday! Railway
As the road of life - rushes forward,
There's still so much ahead
And the road beckons and calls.

glorify the railroad
On this holiday we want again,
You, boss, we want to congratulate
And wish you happy ways!

Happy Railway Worker's Day
Congratulations, our strict boss!
Well, not strict - just responsible
You have to take a post.

We wish you to keep in life
Important truths, always smile.
Wish respect from colleagues
And you will always be inspired!

Railway workers today celebrate
Big holiday. Because
Congratulations boss
And I sincerely want to wish you

So that all wishes come true
Problems that never happen.
Successfully completed so that the search
And happiness warmed so that always.

Congratulations on the railway day!
The team respects you.
May in all your affairs
Success follows you.

Take any height.
The one we're aiming for.
And great results
We want you to succeed.

Happiness and health to you!
And high achievements!
Big investments for us
Promising investments for us!

Railwayman, congratulations,
I wish you success, love and luck,
A car of positive, a cistern of good luck,
A container of health and joy to boot,
Let happiness flow into your soul like a river,
May everything in your life be easy!

Let the heart beat like wheels on the rails,
Not knowing fatigue, failures, wear and tear,
Let friendship be reliable and strong,
Like a coupling between train cars,

Let the path of life not wind the path,
And a clear route goes without a hitch,
Let fate give a lucky ticket
And many cloudless joyful years!

May the composition of your life be formed only from cars full of joy, may the path of your fate be easy and interesting, and whole echelons of happiness are constantly moving towards you! Happy Railroad Day!

I wish you happiness - so that not less than a ton!
And the joy of a big locomotive!
Let there be full wagons of money
And in life - relentless positive!

You are a railroad worker.
Today is your holiday. I wish you happiness
So that there are forces, nerves do not give up
And the rear, so that you have a family.

Let the excitement, enthusiasm do not leave,
May good luck always accompany
And every day steadily arrive
On your platform only the happiness of the train.

Let the happy wagon smoothly carry you along the shining rails of a delightful life. I wish you, railroad workers, that your relatives always remain for you good-natured escorts, impatient waiters and joyful greeters.

You have tied your fate with the railway,
May your life, like a ribbon rail, be long, ringing,
May your days be a great success, good luck fill,
Let eyes, smiles and hearts shine with joy!

railroad worker,
Today is your day
Let anxiety go away
I wish you health and strength.

Let the salary increase
Let honor await at work
And great luck in life
Will definitely find you!

Happy Railroad Day! Let the composition of happiness arrive on the platform of your destiny, and love, joy, prosperity and health come out of its cars, let success be the driver of this magical train, and humor and optimism be the conductors!

Happy Railroad Day to you!
We wish from the heart good, warmth,
Patience, good luck, prosperity,
So that there are lucky cases in life,
We wish you joy and strength
To bring smiles day after day!

Railroad workers!
Today I congratulate you!
Let it always be correct
All your trains will be!

Let passengers appreciate work
Your family loves you and is waiting for you!
At work, in life and on the go
We wish you happiness!

Happy Railroad Day! May the profession please you with success and achievements, high salaries and stability, a close-knit team and peace of mind, may life fulfill all your desires, and your heart be filled with inspiration and love!

Let them never leave the train route,
Let distant lands, villages, cities beckon.
Let there be an even canvas of strong rails and sleepers,
So that every new passenger in the car sleeps peacefully.

I wish your train to go
Always on a flat iron track.
Let the semaphore with its big green eye
Your fast train escorts you time after time.

I wish you clean and filled cars,
With flowers of joyful meeting platforms.
Even if the longest path leads to home,
And to a very close, dear person.

Dear railroad employees! Let the inspiring melody of happiness be heard in the clatter of wheels, the puzzle of life is made up of fragments of carefree joys and impressive victories, pleasant events and happy Holidays! Happy Railroad Day!

Alina Ogonyok
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