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Project on traffic rules for children of the first junior group. Lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group “visiting a traffic light” Training in traffic rules in the 1st junior group why

Formation of basic knowledge about the rules in children 2-3 years old traffic

Traffic rules for children of primary preschool age

Author: Lyudmila Vladimirovna Naumova, teacher 1 junior group
Place of work: MDOU No. 133 “Forget-Me-Not”, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Methodological development "Formation of basic knowledge about traffic rules in children 2-3 years old

Description: This material will help the teacher organize work with children 2-3 years old and their parents to develop basic knowledge of road safety rules.
Didactic game “What light is lit”
Tasks: consolidate knowledge of traffic light colors.
Contents of the game.
Educator alternately inserts circles into the traffic light holes in the “Live Picture” different color and asks the children to name these colors and explain what they mean to pedestrians.

Didactic game “What does the traffic light say”
to form children’s basic ideas about the meaning of traffic light colors and traffic rules.
Equipment:“Live picture” - street, pictures: traffic lights, cars for various purposes; road markings, figures of people.
Contents of the game.
Educator prepares a model of the road with pedestrian crossing markings, creates various road situations using human figures, and invites children to show the correct behavior of pedestrians and drivers on the road.

Didactic game “What’s missing”
consolidate knowledge about car parts.
Equipment: pictures of cars, car parts.
Contents of the game.
Educator shows the car, clarifies what is missing, then offers to find a picture with the missing part.

Didactic game “Our Street”
to form children’s elementary ideas about the concepts: street, road, sidewalk, trees, houses; basic understanding of the rules of behavior on the road.
Equipment:“Live picture” - a street, a picture of a traffic light with holes, circles of red, yellow and green colors, figures of children, pictures of cars, road signs.
Contents of the game.
Educator shows the children a picture and tells them that when crossing the road, they should not rush, they must be careful, they cannot play near the road, cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, distinguish between traffic lights (green - you can go, red - no movement), road signs.

teach children to recognize and show vehicles by ear.
Equipment: pictures of vehicles.
Contents of the game.
Educator reads a poem to the children, then asks what it says and asks the child to find a picture of this vehicle.

The locomotive whistled
And he brought the trailers.
Chu-choo, choo-choo!
I'll take you far!
(T. Volgina)
No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.
(A. Barto)

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.
(A. Barto)
Helicopter, helicopter!
Take me on a flight!
And in flight it’s empty,
The cabbage has grown!
Sailor cap, rope in hand.
I'm taking a boat along a fast river
And the frogs jump on my heels,
And they ask me: “Ride, captain!”
(A. Barto)

Didactic game “What we drive”
teach children to recognize familiar vehicles and label them with words.
Equipment:“Live picture” - street, pictures of vehicles.
Contents of the game.
Educator alternately inserts pictures of vehicles into the holes on the “Live Picture” and asks what is drawn on it. Children answer on their own or with the help of a teacher. Then the teacher offers to look at the picture and notes what color the machine is, what it is needed for, and together with the children names its parts, etc.

Didactic game “Let me tell you what”
Fix the name of the vehicle, activate the dictionary.
Equipment: toys bus, truck, car, plane, boat.
Contents of the game.
Toys are on the table or carpet. The child is at a distance of 1-2 meters from the table. The teacher asks the child: “Bring a bus (plane, truck, etc.).” If the child finds it difficult, the teacher clarifies: “It is red, standing near the plane,” or simply points to the desired toy. Then he asks questions, specifying what the child brought, what color the bus is, its size; look at its parts.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”
Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic “Transport”.
Equipment: Toys: bus, truck, car, plane, boat, bag.
Contents of the game.
Educator One by one, he takes the cars out of the bag. Reviews and discusses them together with the child appearance(truck, bus, etc.), color, material, purpose. Specifies the name of the parts, their color and shape.

Artistic word on “Road Rules”

Don't play near the road - it's a dangerous game,
a car might jump out and run over you.

We didn’t play pranks near the road,
Look! The car is ahead.
Always be careful
So that trouble doesn't happen suddenly!
And if you see the transition -
Stripes across the road.
Look left, pedestrian,
Free? Let your feet walk.

Traffic light
We stood at the crossing,
There is a traffic light in front of us.
And with all the honest people
He looks at us point blank.

His red eye opened
So, he wants to say:
No matter how you rush,
You must stand now!

Here he blinks his yellow eye.
Get ready, he says!
How can I close this one - at once
The third eye will be open.

The third eye glows green,
All the cars stood in a row.
Can we go, Alena,
Mom and dad are talking.

Malyshkin traffic light(I. Gurina)
The traffic light is waiting for us to visit.
Illuminates the transition.

The red eye lit up:
He wants to detain us.
If it's red, there's no way.
Red light - you can't go.

Yellow light is not very strict:
Wait, we have no way yet.
The bright yellow eye burns:
All the movement is worth it!

Finally, green eye
Opens the way for us.
Striped transition
Waiting for young pedestrians!
Cross the road
You are always on the streets
And they will advise and help
Talking colors.

If the light turns red,
This means it’s dangerous to move!

Wait for the signal to move.

Green light says:
“The path is open for pedestrians!”

Where there is transport and road,
Everyone should know the order.
Strictly on the roadway
All games are prohibited!

Traffic light
Striped horse
Leads across the street -
We need to be very careful here
We need to make a transition.
Don't rush, but the main thing
Look left and right:
There are no cars - we walk boldly!
There are cars - stop and wait!
Stop quickly, clubfoot,
Have pity on your paws.
Don't play on the road
Follow the rules!
On the roadway, children,
Don't play these games.
You can run without looking back
In the yard and on the playground.
Around the city, down the street
They don’t just walk like that:
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.
Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

Traffic light
At any crossroads
We are greeted by a traffic light
And it starts very easily
Conversation with a pedestrian:

I am both polite and strict,
I am famous all over the world.
I'm on a wide street -
The most important commander.
I am a traffic light!
I am a traffic light!
I look formidable and serious,
Lanky traffic light!
The light is green - come on in.
Yellow - better wait.
If the light turns red -
This means it’s dangerous to move!

Pedestrian crossing sign
Everyone knows the stripes...
Children know, adults know:
A pedestrian crossing leads to the other side.
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!

Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited"
In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
“You are not allowed to go!”

Bus Stop Sign
There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.

Educational situations and conversations with children on traffic rules


Equipment:“Live picture” - a street, a picture of a traffic light with holes, circles of red, yellow and green colors, figures of children, pictures of cars.
Educator explains to the children:
- We cross the road at the pedestrian crossing carefully, do not rush or run. First you need to look to the left, if there are no cars, then you can walk to the middle of the road. In the middle, look to the right, if there are no cars coming, then cross the road.
Then the teacher inserts a red circle into the holes on the traffic light:
Educator:- The red light came on. What are the children doing?
Children:- They're standing.
Educator: The traffic light is yellow. What are the children doing?
Children:- They're standing.
Educator: The traffic light is green. What are the children doing?
Children:- They are crossing the street.
Educator: Right. When the signal turns green, children walk along the crossing, first looking left, then right.

"Getting to Know the Street"

Objectives: to form children’s elementary ideas about the street, roadway, sidewalk, trucks and cars, bus; give basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; clarify the concept of “passenger”.
Equipment:“Live picture” - street, pictures of a truck and car, bus, tram.
Educator with children, approach the manual “Live Picture” - Street and draw their attention to what they see in the picture.
Educator. Look how wide and beautiful the street is. Every street has a name. on her a large number of houses. There are many different cars driving along the road. What cars do you see? (The teacher alternately inserts a truck and a passenger car).
Children. Trucks, cars.
Educator. Right. What vehicles are called trucks?
Children. Which transport goods.
Educator. What kind of transport transports people? (The teacher alternately inserts the bus and the tram).
Children. Bus, tram.
Educator. What are the names of the people who travel in them?
Children. Passengers.
Educator. Where are the cars going?
If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher prompts them.
. Cars are driving along the road. The place where people walk is called a sidewalk. Who remembers the name of the place where people go?
Children. Sidewalk.
Educator. Now you and I know that cars drive on the road, people walk on the sidewalk.
Teacher invites children to look at the picture and tell what else they see on the street. The teacher draws the children's attention to individual objects (houses, trees, etc.).
Today we looked at the street, it is wide, beautiful, there are a lot of cars on it. They are driving along the road. People walk along the sidewalk. They walk without interfering with each other. There are different houses on the street: high and low.

"Traffic light"
to form basic ideas about traffic lights and rules for crossing the roadway.
Equipment: “Live picture” - a street, a picture of a traffic light with round holes, circles in red, yellow and green.
Educator with children approach the manual “Live Picture” - Street and draw their attention to the intersection with a traffic light.
Educator. To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
What is the poem talking about?
Children. About the traffic light.
Educator. Let's see how its lights regulate movement.
Educator alternately inserts red, yellow and green circles into the traffic light holes in the “Live Picture”.
When the traffic light is red
Educator. Children, do you think it’s okay to cross the street now? Why? What traffic lights are you allowed to follow?
The children answer.
When the traffic light is green
Educator. Look, people are calmly crossing the street (inserts figures of people into the pedestrian crossing). But the traffic light signal has changed. Which signal came on?
Children. Yellow.
Educator. That's right, yellow. It warns drivers and pedestrians that the signal is changing and they must be careful.
If the light turns red,
This means it’s dangerous to move!
Yellow light - warning,
Wait for the signal to move.
Green light says:
“The path is open for pedestrians!”

Consultation for parents

Parents for children are a model of behavior on the streets and roads. No training will be effective if the closest people, who enjoy special authority with the preschooler, do not follow the rules of the road. Violation of the rules by parents leads to the fact that children, imitating them, develop a behavior that is dangerous to life and health on the road, which can subsequently lead to irreparable disaster. Above all, parents are responsible for the safety of their children and the simplest thing they can do is be a good role model.
According to statistics, every fifth child injured in an accident subsequently becomes a patient of a psychoneurological dispensary, since first of all in accidents, the brain, which is responsible for the development of the child, is injured.
Analysis of road accidents shows that the main cause of road tragedies is children’s lack of safe behavior skills on the streets and roads and the ability to observe: inspect their path, notice a car, estimate its speed and direction of movement, anticipate the possibility of a car moving at high speed appearing from behind a stationary car. vehicles and other objects (bushes, fences, snowdrifts, kiosks, etc.) that block the view of the roadway.
Traveling with your child to kindergarten and back is an ideal way not only to give him knowledge, but also to develop his skills for safe behavior on the street. Unfortunately, many people have the misconception that it is necessary to teach children to behave correctly on the roads and streets of the city from about 5-6 years old, by the time they go to first grade. However, a child develops a whole range of habits, unconsciously and independently, from early childhood, and some of them, quite suitable for staying in and around the house, are deadly on the roadway. That is why, when driving with a baby on the street, starting literally from 1.5-2 years old, it is necessary to form a set of “transport” habits in him. To do this, parents must accompany their child on the street as often as possible, observing the following mandatory requirements:
leave the house early, so that the child is ready to walk down the street slowly;
before crossing the roadway be sure to stop; cross the road with measured steps without any rush, often children do not keep up with their parents, who walk at their own pace and run next to them; Make sure your child goes at his own pace;
teach children to cross the road only at pedestrian crossings and intersections;
never go out onto the roadway because of standing vehicles or other objects that block your view: vehicles standing at a stop cannot be passed either from behind or from the front; it is necessary to move away from it to the nearest intersection or pedestrian crossing and only cross the roadway there;
seeing a tram, a bus standing on the opposite side, don't rush and don't run; teach your child to do the same, explain that it is dangerous and it is better to wait for the next transport;
going out onto the roadway, stop outside conversations with child; he must get used to the fact that when crossing he does not need to be distracted, but must focus all his attention only on the road situation (an exception is made for several phrases that an adult uses to control the traffic situation);
cross the street strictly at right angles: this will allow you to better control the movement of cars and leave the roadway more quickly;
where there is a traffic light, cross the road only when the signal is green, Make sure the crossing is safe first; the child must get used to not crossing the road at red and yellow lights, even if there are no cars;
when crossing and at stops public transport hold your child's hand tightly, since he may unexpectedly run out onto the roadway;
from a bus, trolleybus, tram, car go out first, in front of the children; otherwise, the baby may fall, and an older child may run out of the parked vehicle onto the road at that moment; do not allow your child to cross or run across the road in front of you - this will teach him not to look around;
involve the child to participate in monitoring the situation on the road: show him those cars that you need to beware of, that are preparing to turn or are driving at high speed (you need to let them pass), that you noticed from afar; emphasize your movements when you are with your child: “I turn my head to look around the street; I watch the movement of cars; I look to see if the road is clear,” etc.;
show the safe way to kindergarten, school, store;
Then make sure that your child rides a bicycle only on a playground or sports ground and not near roads or on the roadway.
REMEMBER! Never violate the traffic rules in the presence of a child - a bad example is contagious, and the child learns the rules of safe behavior on the roadway primarily from your example.
There is a baby growing in your family. While he takes his first steps, his small warm palm lies trustingly in your reliable hand. He has a long road of life ahead of him and you must help him pass it without loss.
Your child should be introduced to traffic rules constantly, unobtrusively, using every opportune moment in the yard or on the street. At the same time, be attentive and careful when you are on the roadway with your child, follow the following rules:
- when transporting a child in a stroller or sled, cross the roadway only in designated places, making sure that the crossing is safe (at night, the driver may not notice that a child’s sled is driving at a distance of 1-1.5 m from an adult);
- when approaching the road, hold your baby’s hand tightly and cross the road at a calm pace;
- when crossing the road with a child in your arms, hold him so that he does not interfere with monitoring the situation on the road;
- when exiting public transport, take the child in your arms or get out in front of him.
REMEMBER! Don't be indifferent passers-by, help a little pedestrian who finds himself in a difficult situation on the road. Keep him from pranks and rash actions.

Larisa Bakhmanova

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 8 "Ayuna"

« Children are friends of traffic rules» .

Child safety on the road 1 junior group.

Made up: Bakhmanova L.V.

Educator 1 ml. groups"Firefly"

Scenario for a traffic rules lesson in the 1st junior group.

« Children are friends of traffic rules» .

Target: To form children’s ideas about traffic rules and road signs. Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior on the street. Teach them practically, apply familiar traffic rules in various situations. Develop thinking, visual attention, and the ability to navigate the world around us.


Continue to develop the skill of safe behavior on the roadway;

Expand children's knowledge about traffic lights and the meaning of their signals.

Form friendly, friendly relationships between children;

Help children feel the joy and pleasure of joint motor, play, and dance activities;

Create a desire to follow traffic rules

Activating the dictionary:

Reinforce in children's speech words: pedestrian, crossing, traffic light, names of traffic light colors.

Methods and techniques: game moment, literary word, conversation, task, explanation, consolidation.

Integration of educational regions: "Safety", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication".

Preliminary work:

- conversation "Traffic signals : red, yellow, green”, “About striped "zebra" and road sign "Crosswalk".

- didactic games: "What is a street", "Colored Cars"

Reading fiction literature: Ya. Pishumov "Cars", B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur", M. Plyatskovsky “Stop the car!”, S. Mikhalkov "If the light turns red", B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"

Looking at photos "Streets of our city", illustrations for works fiction.

Application "Traffic light",

design "The Wide and Narrow Path".

Progress of the lesson.

Traffic light: Hello my little friends! I'm glad to see everyone today. I'm a traffic light.

Educator: Traffic light, we invited you! Our guys already know who a traffic light is and why we all need it. Every morning we walk or drive to kindergarten and see you at the crossroads. And you are so lonely, you stand and stand, you work and work. And we decided to arrange your holiday. After all, you are our true friend.

Traffic light: thanks friends. What are my favorite colors?

Children with the help of the teacher they answer in unison: Red, yellow, green.

Traffic light: Oh yeah! My favorite color is red. Because when I turn on the red light, everyone stops and can rest for at least a minute, look into each other’s eyes and say: "I love you!", just like now - hold hands friends and loudly tell each other the most important words: "I love you".

Children answer in chorus: "I love you".

My favorite color is yellow - it's for everyone speaks: "Carefully! The road is not only interesting, but also dangerous! This color is for all of you speaks: “Be careful and take care of each other”.

My favorite color is green, because it is movement, it is life, it is health, and for this, drivers and pedestrians, all road users, together let's say: "Guys let's be friends!"

Traffic light: You can play. Ready? A game first"Colored balls". She will help me find out if all the guys know the most important colors on the road well.

A game "Colored balls". In a large basket there are plastic balls of 3 colors. Colored circles are placed in different places. Next to each flag is a certain color. On signal traffic light: “1,2,3 – start!” children Arrange the balls in circles by color.

Traffic light: Well done boys! How cleverly you handled the task. But do you know what kind of striped path this is and why it is needed? How should you cross the road? Who should skip whom?

A traffic light leads children to a simulated pedestrian crossing.

Traffic light: Pedestrian, pedestrian,

Remember about the transition!

Underground, above ground,


Know that it is only a transition,

It will save you from cars.

Music a game “You clap with us...”.

Traffic light: “Guys, thank you for the holiday. I am very glad that I have made so many new friends! But, it's time for me to return to work. Goodbye friends! See you again on the road!”

The traffic light goes away.

Layout guide for didactic game "Our town".

At any time of the year our children walk along the streets of their city and to help them, a manual was produced on which, like on a simulator, we practice traffic rules.

Along the way, teach them to follow the rules that they known:

All people need to know the traffic rules

To carry them out with precision and correctly!

So that the traffic rules in the city are not at all violate:

Pedestrians and drivers must respect each other!

Don't go to the red light, hurry to the green!

You, driver, slow down when people are on the way!

Pedestrian, walk along the zebra crossing and don’t run here and there,

Then the driver will have peace of mind when driving in the city!

You need to know the traffic rules and follow them honestly!

This is how my children and I play kindergarten, we study all the types of transport that are in our city, and on the model we practice what we have learned knowledge classes! In this way, we strive to develop safe behavior on the roads of our students, consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, develop speech, logical thinking, replenish children’s vocabulary on this topic, observe a culture of behavior on the streets of our city, cultivate honesty, decency, and respectful attitude towards people around them.

Consultation for parents.

Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

On easy at first glance. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems.

It's actually very difficult. After all, we, parents, violate these very notorious Rules every day before the eyes of our own child, and do not think that we are setting before our child an insoluble problem. task: which is correct? What do they say or what do they do?

If you are really interested in your child having the skills to behave safely on the road, then do not reduce the learning process to empty and useless phrase: "Be careful on the road". She does not explain to the child what exactly he should be afraid of on the road. Where might he be in danger?

The child must firmly know that the road can only be crossed in designated areas. places: at a pedestrian crossing and at an intersection. Therefore, before going out onto the road, stop with your child at a distance of 50 cm - 1 meter from the edge of the roadway, pay attention to the fact that you must look left and right with your head turned, and if there is no dangerous traffic on both sides, you can go out onto the road Part. You need to cross the road with a calm, measured step and under no circumstances run. At a controlled pedestrian crossing, explain to your child the meaning of the traffic light.




1. Expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers on the street.

2. Strengthen children’s understanding of traffic lights.

3. Teach children to distinguish road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational, intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: model of a street with houses, intersections, cars (toys, pedestrian dolls, driver dolls, traffic lights (toy, road signs, trees (layouts).

The game is played on a layout.

Progress of the game

First option(for pedestrians).

With the help of dolls children play out various traffic situations. So, at a controlled intersection, when the traffic light is green, the dolls cross the street, when the traffic light is yellow they stop and wait, and when the traffic light is red they continue to stand.

Then the dolls walk along the sidewalk or side of the road to a pedestrian crossing marked with an information sign "Crosswalk", and there they cross the roadway.

Second option (for drivers).

The presenter shows the road signs: "Traffic light regulation", « Children» , "Crosswalk" (warning); "No entry", "Sound signal prohibited" (prohibiting); "Moving Straight", "Move to the right" (prescriptive); "Bus Stop Location", "Crosswalk", "Underground crossing" (informational and indicative). Children explain, what each signal means, play out traffic situations.

Colored cars

Target: to train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, reinforce the rules of the road.

Material: colored steering wheels, signals (cardboard circles that match the color of the steering wheels.

Progress of the game: Children placed along the wall or along the edge of the site. They are cars. Each person is given a different color steering wheel. The leader stands facing the players with signals of the same color as the steering wheels. The presenter raises a signal of a certain color. Children, whose steering wheels of the same color run out. When the leader lowers the signal, children they stop and go to their garage. Children During the game they walk, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. The host then raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes.

The presenter can raise one, two or three signals at the same time, and then all the cars leave their garages. If children won't notice that the signal is omitted, the visual signal can be supplemented verbal: “Cars (names color, stopped.” The presenter can get by with just one verbal signal: "Blue cars are leaving", "Blue Cars Come Home".

Target: to form an idea of ​​traffic safety and correct behavior on the roadway.


  • Educational:
    • consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals;
    • clarify what its colors mean: red, yellow, green;
    • to form in children an idea of ​​the organization of pedestrian and vehicle traffic on the road.
  • Developmental:
    • develop speech and motor activity of children;
    • Exercise children in the ability to press circles from top to bottom.
  • Educating:
    • develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in everyday life;
    • encourage activity in working with plasticine.

Demo material: traffic light, signal colors of the traffic light, poster “A hare runs across the road at a red light”, steering wheels for each child.


Children enter the group one after another to the melody of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going.” The first child is a bus driver, he has the steering wheel in his hands. They stop near the chairs.

Educator: Guys, we have arrived in an unusual magical land. This is the country of "Traffic Lights".
– Say hello to our guests and take your seats. (Children say hello)
The teacher looks around and sees a traffic light.
-Who is this sad person standing at the gate? (Children's answers)
The traffic light comes forward.

- Hello guys!
(Children say hello)
Educator: Dear Traffic Light, what happened to you, why are you so sad?
Traffic light: I have Bad mood. And it seems to me that no one needs me.
Educator: How so? Who ruined your mood?
Traffic light: And this is the story that happened to me. I lived for myself, stood at my post. But I got tired of standing in one place and decided to walk a little, look at others and show myself. He walked and walked and wandered into the forest and did not see a single traffic light there. But I just came across Bunny. He asks me. Who are you? Why have I never met a 3-eyed beast in my forest? And I answered him:
“I have 3 eyes: red, yellow, green. He asks: “How to talk? Very simple:
If the eye turns red
This means that moving is dangerous.
If the yellow eye is on fire,
“Get ready,” he says.
The green eye says
– Drive on: the way is open.
But the hare answered me: “And why do we need you, we have no roads in the forest, only paths.”
Traffic light: It turns out I'm just standing on the road.
Educator: Guys, what do you think? Why do we need a traffic light? Or maybe it is not needed on the roads at all? (Children's answers)
Educator: That's right, guys, we can't get along on the roads without a traffic light. So that both people and the stomach
to prevent accidents on the roads, we definitely need a traffic light. And the traffic light always stands at its post.
Educator: Come on guys, let's play with the Traffic Light.
Traffic light: Yes, yes, of course, we'll play. And I will find out how well you know my signals, and we will check which of you is the most attentive.
(Children play the game “Chauffeur”. Each child holds a steering wheel. Children follow the traffic lights and drive in a group.)
Traffic light: Yes, you know my signals well, and you will be careful on the roads.
Educator: Look, guys, our Traffic Light is completely cheerful.
Traffic light: Yes, you made me laugh.
(The hum of cars sounds, the phone rings)
Traffic light picks up the phone and talks: "Hello. Are you kidding. Ay-ay, how is he? Okay, I'll tell the guys. Goodbye.
Traffic light: Guys, they just called me from the hospital and said that something bad happened to Bunny. He was in such a hurry to visit your kindergarten that, while crossing the street, he did not look at the traffic lights and got hit by a car. His leg is broken.
Educator: How is it that animals should also know what a traffic light is? And what do they mean
his signals
Traffic light: The animals in the forest don't know anything about me. I can’t leave my post, my place is on the road. What should I do? What should I do?
Educator: Traffic light, don’t worry, now the guys will make traffic lights for animals.
(Children sit at the tables and begin to work with plasticine. On the tables for each child there are prepared traffic light blanks and 3 pieces of plasticine: red, yellow and green)
Educator: And you, Traffic Light, help the guys. Check them to see if they are doing the right thing.
Educator: Guys, who did it, you can sit on the chairs, taking your traffic lights with you
– And you, Traffic Light, collect traffic lights and give them to the forest dwellers.
(The traffic light collects traffic lights and asks the children for which animal they made the traffic lights.)
(Bunny comes in)
Bunny: Hello guys!
(Children say hello)
Educator: Hello, Bunny! Guys, look, here is the same Bunny who had an accident.
- You see, Bunny, you crossed the road at a red light, and what a disaster happened to you. Be careful on the roads.
- Guys, let's give your traffic lights to the bunny.
(Traffic light gives traffic lights to Bunny).
Bunny: Great, I'll give them to my friends. And I’ll tell you about the rules that need to be followed on the road.
Educator: And so that you, Bunny, learn all these signals well, the guys will tell you poems.
1st child:
Our children are going to kindergarten,
Our guys are in a hurry.
Even though we have no patience -
Wait: red light.
2nd child:
Yellow light ahead
Get ready to hit the road.
Green light ahead
Now - move on.
Bunny: Thank you guys for your gifts and poems. And forgive me Traffic Light, I offended you.
- Goodbye friends! And be careful on the roads.
(Children say goodbye)
Traffic light: I won't be sad anymore because I have friends like you. And so that you always remember about me and my rules, I want to give you a book that will help you continue to get acquainted with the rules of the movement.
Educator: Thank you, Traffic Light. Well, it’s time for us guys to go back to kindergarten. Goodbye to both Svetofor and our guests.
(Children take the steering wheels in their hands and leave the group to the music “We are going, we are going, we are going”)

Lyudmila Makarova
Training in traffic rules in the first junior group

Traffic rules training.

Ability to move on the street, obey Traffic Laws must be educated from early childhood. Children from early childhood are attracted to the diversity of their surroundings peace: houses, streets, moving there are pedestrians and vehicles on them. Observing street life in itself does not provide formation correct understanding of traffic rules. Children find it difficult to learn the alphabet on their own traffic, understand the changing of traffic lights, understand their meaning. This makes it timely (from 2 years old) begin teaching children the rules of behavior on the street. Educational work carried out with children of this age is a prerequisite for a deeper acquaintance in the future with the world around them, the formation of children's orientation in it, the foundation is laid for familiarization with traffic rules. The work uses various methodological techniques and forms.

With children 2-3 years old targeted walks, during which children observe several types of transport (depending on conditions): cars, trucks, buses. Conversations are used, fiction is read and literary works are staged, poems are memorized, and illustrations are examined. In games, children learn to design cars, distinguish between cabins, doors, windows, etc., in story games like "Let's go by car", "Let's go to the party""Drivers" draws children's attention to movement in a given direction, by using outdoor games: "Train", "Find Your Light", "Tram" etc., children learn to move in one direction, find your place, distinguish spatial landmarks: forward, backward, sideways, back, etc.

Thus, children gradually accumulate certain experience traffic on the streets, vocabulary is enriched, and the level of spatial orientation increases.

To achieve it, you need to solve several tasks:

1. Teach children to distinguish between trucks and cars.

2. Introduce children to buses and trucks. Give an idea of ​​the purpose of the bus and the main parts of the truck.

3. Give to children initial ideas about traffic lights. Consolidate knowledge colors: yellow, red, green.

4. Introduce children to the profession of a driver. To form an interest in it, the desire to master its basics.

5. Give children basic knowledge about behavior on the street, road, sidewalk.

Toys play equipment: bus, train with railway Expensive, cars, cars, trucks (different sizes and colors, dolls, bicycles, strollers, wooden construction sets, various green and red objects (balls, spheres, cubes, circles, pyramid "Traffic light" from the constructor.

Multifunctional toys in group early age can be used to fix modes of transport, color and size; development of attentiveness and observation. Such toys can be a turtle, a boa constrictor, ladybug, decoration with multi-colored buttons in red and green. These toys have fabric circles and cars attached to them. (cars, trucks, buses, trams, trains) different sizes and colors to buttons of the same color. In addition to buttons, you can use red and green lacing.

Visual and didactic benefits: album with subject pictures depicting public transport: bus, tram, train, Cars with people, trucks with vegetables, sand; paintings with image roads, iron roads, two-color traffic light; pictures depicting machine parts; Pictures "Children are sledding".

Attributes for plot games: "Chauffeur" (steering wheel and masks); "Train" (hat for the driver, bag with tickets); "Birds and the Car" (bird masks, and a car drawn on cardboard); "Bunnies Run Across" (masks for bunnies); "Automobile"; "Traffic light" (balls red and green).

Didactic games: "Guess what you'll get lucky with", « Right wrong» , "Allowed - prohibited".

Rules for parents

The child begins to get acquainted with traffic rules long before entering kindergarten. First He gains knowledge and experience from observing his loved ones and parents. Therefore, it is very important that parents themselves not only know, but also adhere to in everyday life traffic rules. In kindergarten, active work is underway to study with children traffic rules. But only parents, by their personal example and assessment of behavior, will be able to translate these rules to normal child behavior. The recommendations below consider typical traffic situations, to which children must constantly pay attention.

Working with parents:

Consultation "Children on roads» , “Is it easy to teach a child behave correctly on the road»;

Folder – movement« Teaching children traffic rules» , “Formation of street behavior skills in children”;

Conversation “Start with yourself!”;

Making a city model;

Questionnaire for parents « Carefully: road,

Memo for parents "It all starts small";

Booklet for parents "IN younger preschool age the child must learn";

Recommendations “Formation of special skills in children”, « Teaching children rules safe behavior while walking movement, in the car." Booklet for parents "Children's car seats - questions and answers", "Children's car seats are a guarantee of safety".

Publications on the topic:

Teaching junior and senior preschoolers in kindergartens the rules of the road (traffic rules) and preventing child injuries on the roads.

Teaching preschoolers traffic rules and safe behavior on the road The task of adults (teachers and parents) is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for.

Tasks. Teach children the rules of the road, teach them how to use the rules of the road, introduce them to road signs.

Goal: formation of primary ideas about safe behavior on the roads, development of children's creative abilities. Tasks: - consolidate.

Work experience “Teaching traffic rules in a preschool setting” In the context of increasing traffic intensity, the problem of ensuring the safety of children in traffic is of particular importance.

Anastasia Eremina

Age group: 2 – 3 years.

Form of joint activity: integrated lesson.

Form of organization: collective, group, individual.

Educational and methodological kit: sample general education program preschool education“From birth to school,” edited by N. E. Veraksa.


Visual range: a toy - a bear, a truck, steering wheels, a road with a pedestrian crossing, a traffic light, an airplane, a boat, a train.

Handout: traffic light templates.

Preliminary work: p.i. : “Sparrows and the car”, “Colored cars”, “Traffic light”, d. and. “Assemble a traffic light”, games with street layouts, examination of different types of transport, conversation - “parts of the machine”.

Target: Achieving educational results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards and Education.



Consolidating knowledge about the road markings of pedestrian crossings - “zebra crossings”;

Consolidating knowledge about traffic lights;

Consolidating knowledge about types of transport and machine parts.


Activate words on the topic in children’s speech (pedestrian crossing, traffic light, sidewalk, road, pedestrian, cars, red, yellow, green).

Development of general and fine motor skills;

Development of cognitive interests.


Develop a conscious attitude towards the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: guys, today a bear cub will come to us. Guess the riddle and find out what he will arrive in.

Four wheels

rubber tires,

Engine and brakes...

How does is called?

The teacher turns on the recording of machine sounds. A truck rolls up and a bear cub sits in it.

Educator: let's say hello to the bear. What did the bear come in? Where is the cab of the truck? Where is the body? Where are the wheels?

Look guys, our bear is scared of something. Bear, what happened?

Bear: I was crossing the road in my car, and there... And there was a monster with three eyes. Cars go by, and he shines with either green, then red, or yellow eyes. Cars drive and stop. I got scared and came to your kindergarten.

Educator. Don't worry Mishka, we will help you. Guys, do you know what this is? (children's answers). Well done! We'll tell you what it is! (takes out a model of a traffic light and reads the riddle)

Explains to pedestrians

How to cross the road

He lights the signals

Helping them along the way.

Do you understand, Mishka? This is a traffic light. When crossing the street, pedestrians are assisted by a traffic light. It shows when you can cross the road for people or cars, and when you need to stand and wait. If the traffic light is red, you cannot cross the street! He says, “Stop and wait.” A yellow signal warns you to prepare for the crossing. When the light turns green, the path is open and you can go.

You see, Mishka, the traffic light is not scary at all, it helps us cross the street.

And to make it easier for you to remember, let’s leave your car and play the game “Traffic Light” with us.

Bear: I’ll be happy to play with you.

The game "Traffic Light" is played.

Educator: well, bear, did you remember which traffic light the cars go to, and which the pedestrians go to?

Bear: yes, I remember, when the signal is red, pedestrians stand, when the signal is green, they walk. Let's play with you now, I will drive along the road, and you will cross the road.

Educator: do you know where to cross the road?

Bear: anywhere.

Educator: Guys, it’s true, you can cross the road anywhere (no) But where should you cross it? What is this place called? (crosswalk)

The game “Cars and Pedestrians” is played.

Educator: Mishutka, did you like riding in your truck?

Mishutka: yes, the guys showed me that if you follow the rules, then driving on the road is not scary at all, but fun.

Educator: Do you know that you can move around not only by car. Guys, what else can you use to move very quickly? What types of transport do you know?

The teacher shows the plane.

What kind of transport is this? Sit down Mishutka, the guys will give you a ride.

The teacher collects railway and starts the clockwork train. What kind of transport is this? Hop on and take a train ride.

The teacher shows the boat on the water. What kind of transport is this? Shall we take Mishutka on a boat ride?

Educator: guys, so that the bear is never afraid of traffic lights, let's make small traffic lights with him. We already have templates. All we have to do is roll the balls (red, yellow, green) and press them onto the template.

The teacher shows how to roll the balls and press them onto the template.

Educator: the bear says thank you very much. He really enjoyed playing with you and making a traffic light. The bear will take one traffic light with him, show it to his friends and tell him what the colors of the traffic light mean. Bear, come to us again, we will study the rules of road safety together. Goodbye!

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