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Magpie drawing for coloring. Magpie - pictures and photos for children, interesting facts. Pictures of cartoon magpies. Guess the cartoon from the picture

Now we will look at how to draw a magpie with a pencil step by step. The magpie belongs to the corvidae (raven) family and belongs to the order. When I was little, for some reason I couldn’t tell the difference between a crow and a magpie; for me they were the same. Now, of course, the difference between them is clear. Look what a magpie looks like in flight.

We will draw a magpie standing on the ground.

Draw a circle, locate the eye, then draw the head and beak. Click on the image to view the drawing to scale.

Next, sketch out the body of the bird, observing the proportions. Proportions can be measured with a pencil, holding it at a certain distance from the screen and measuring, for example, the length of the body, transferring it to paper, while the head, paws and tail should be measured in the same way.

Draw the body shape of a magpie.

Wings, tail and paw.

Draw the second paw, the upper border of the color separation, and feathers.

Make the underside of the bird fluffy by drawing individual straight lines, erasing the outline. Draw the feathers.

Now we need to shade it. The magpie's beak is dark, but it is slightly lighter than the feathers, and there is a highlight from the light that can be made with an eraser. The color of the magpie is black, the chest is white, also white, on the middle area of ​​​​the wings they have a blue sheen, but because... we draw with a pencil, it will be grayish, the light also falls on the tail near the wings.

Larisa Kudryavtseva

Dear Colleagues!

According to the ecological calendar, one of the oldest holidays is Bird Day. The holiday is celebrated on April 1st. A domestic organization called the Bird Conservation Union chooses an emblem every year - “Bird of the Year”. For example, in 1996 the bird of the year was the corncrake, in 1997 it was the skylark, in 1998 it was the gray crane, in 1999 the symbol of the year was the barn swallow, the next year - the tit, in 2001 the starling was awarded the honorary title, and in In 2002 - the kestrel, the symbol of 2003 - the curlew, in 2004 - the white stork, in 2005 - the owl, in 2006 - the seagull, 2007 - the year of the kingfisher, and 2008 - the bullfinch, 2009 - the swan, 2010 - the lapwing, 2011 - wagtails, 2012 - bluethroats, 2013 - white-tailed eagle, 2014 - black swift, 2015 - redstarts, hoopoe - symbol of 2016.

Maybe very soon the symbol of the year will be magpie. In this regard, I suggest you master- class on its production.

For this it is necessary:

Let's start production. For placing finished crafts (magpies) take a landscape tinted sheet and draw a twig on it.

Then we trace our template on cardboard and cut it out.

Coat the shape with glue and glue it onto the branch.

Now we need to make the breast. To do this, take a napkin, fold it so that it forms a square and fasten it in the center with a stapler. Then cut out the circle.

We make cuts in a circle. To prevent the child from cutting to the center, markings were made.

Glue the cut out breast onto the mold.

Now you need to “fluff” the breast.

Glue the wing into the middle of the breast.

Let's finish drawing the eyes. Our magpie is ready.

We've got a whole kingdom fourty.

I wish you all creative success.

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The magpie is a rather rare bird in our country, but even someone who has never seen a live magpie can easily recognize it even from just one description. No other bird of ours has such a long tail and contrasting black and white plumage.

How to draw a magpie?

However, we will first draw a coloring page for the magpie, and then we will color it and thus kill two birds with one stone. Or rather, two forty, and we won’t kill, but draw. We draw the sketch with a pencil.

Magpies are corvids. And the body shape resembles the same crow.

But magpies have a very long tail.

When folded it's not as impressive, but when fanned out, this black tail shimmers in metallic blue and green and looks chic. On the ground, magpies, like crows, either walk or skip.

The head is large, the neck is short and very thick due to the plumage. The beak is strong and slightly curved.

Magpie coloring page

We will color it like this: the head, neck, back and tail are black, the wings too, but with white spots on the shoulders. The belly is also white...

Not a panda, of course, but somewhat reminiscent of it.

And let’s consolidate what we have covered - draw a second magpie, turning it in the opposite direction. This is a good way to check how well the material has been learned: children learn to simply copy pictures quite quickly. But be able to draw an animal or bird based on the picture, but rotated 180 degrees.

Here is the second coloring page of the magpie.

Let's color it correctly!

Marina Novikova told you how to draw a magpie.

And now a little more about drawings and illustrations about forty.

Sorok loved to draw, a wonderful artist (I often give him as an example). He created many versions of illustrations for the nursery rhyme “The White-sided Magpie.”

Cooked porridge
She fed the children.
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
I gave it to this one.
But she didn’t give it to this:
You didn't carry water
I didn’t chop wood
I didn’t cook porridge -
I won't give you anything!

You know, comrades, although I admire the artist’s talent, really, the second picture is closer to me: it is more realistic. Images of birds grabbing something with their open wings... confuse me. An apron and a stove can somehow be imagined, but grabbing a ladle with feathers is too much for me. Although, that’s the only way he holds it.

I have my own memories associated with Vasnetsov’s illustrations.

In the children's clinic there were frescoes on the walls - very accurately copied pictures from the collection "The White-sided Magpie." Sitting in line to see the therapist, I spent a long time looking at a picture where the whole family was having dinner, and the little guy, who wasn’t helping, was sitting on the outskirts with a ruffled face. Unfortunately, I did not find this picture on the Internet, but as a child it made an indelible impression on me: after all, the nursery rhyme describes a pedagogical conflict. I always sympathized with the little magpie and thought: what would it be like to be punished in front of my brothers and sisters? The punishment is mild, but harsh and... time will tell how successful this educational decision of the magpie mother was.

And what do you think?

Marina Novikova told you how to draw a magpie realistically.

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Pictures for children with magpies are a reason to learn more about beautiful, intelligent and very useful birds. Kids will be surprised by interesting facts about white-sided moths. They will find out why colorful birds are called talkers and thieves. Children will also learn to draw magpie drawings with a pencil step by step and see how other artists do it. The repertoire of preschoolers will be replenished with interesting short poems and riddles.

Pictures of magpies for kids, photos and descriptions, interesting facts

The magpie is a bird that children are one of the first to get acquainted with, thanks to the well-known nursery rhyme “The Magpie is the Crow.” The bird lives everywhere in Europe, as well as in northern Africa. You can see the bird with your own eyes by going outside or looking out the window. A magpie does not allow a person to get as close to itself as pigeons do, for example. Therefore, pictures on a white background will help children take a closer look at it.

The description of the bird's appearance for children is very familiar: its plumage on the head, chest, back and neck is black, with a green or blue metallic tint. The magpie has white feathers on its belly and sides. The long tail gives the white-sided bird weightlessness and sets it apart from other urban birds.

The white-sided magpie is a large bird. Its body length can reach 50 cm, and its wingspan can reach 1 m.

Pictures of cartoon magpies. Guess the cartoon from the picture

The cartoon magpie, more often than not, is a secondary character. But, as in life, she is always attractive and charismatic. Cartoon birds are talkative, enterprising, and sometimes mean. But they evoke a lot of positive emotions in children. Watching scenes with birds in your favorite cartoon films (the child can guess their names or look at the answer under the photo), it’s hard not to laugh.

Cool and funny photos. White-sided magpie, magpie on a tree

Flocks of magpies flying from tree to tree can be observed in parks and near residential buildings. But white-sided birds do not live in dense forests. Birds feed on berries, plant seeds, and tree pests. He's also very helpful.

These birds are gregarious and monogamous. Within a small group - a flock - they are divided into persistent pairs. Birds communicate with each other by chirping. In case of danger, the magpie's voice spreads throughout the forest, warning not only the birds from the flock, but also other animals.

In March, these birds build new nests or repair last year's ones. The pictures will allow you to see what these nests look like. The child can also try to find them on a tree near the house. Note that the design of the nest is very complex: on top it has sharp branches that protect the eggs and chicks from predators.

The magpie's intelligence is higher than that of other birds. Within the flock, the bird communicates with its fellow tribesmen; it even knows how to express grief in the event of the loss of one of them. She also recognizes herself in the mirror and can imitate the voices of animals and humans.

The bird’s nickname “thief” is quite fair: white-sided birds are not indifferent to unusual and shiny objects. They play with them with pleasure and pull them into their nests. The picture shows how the enterprising bird became interested in the hair tie.

In a nest, a magpie incubates 4-8 eggs for 18 days, from which helpless chicks hatch. The babies, thanks to their mother’s care, grow very quickly and well, and within a month they are able to leave the nest.

It happens that people pick up and nurse a magpie chick that has fallen from the nest. It is no longer possible to let him out, because even after learning to fly, he will not join the flock and will die. You can leave him to live at home! At home, a bird can live 20 years.

Painted magpie. Magpie drawings in pencil

It would seem impossible to draw a black and white bird in an original way with a pencil, paint or on a computer. But the pictures show that many succeeded. The painted magpie is different everywhere! Children can see her almost life-like, or cartoon-like, dressed up in recently stolen shiny jewelry. Kids will definitely like funny pictures, and they will want to know how to draw a funny bird themselves.

How to draw a magpie with a pencil step by step: for children and beginners

If funny pictures of a white-sided bird have inspired a child to be creative, parents can show him a diagram of how to draw this funny bird step by step with a pencil. Drawing birds is not easy, but the instructions are intended specifically for children, they are very simple. The baby will definitely succeed.

Did the kid get a magpie when he drew it step by step according to the diagram? Then he will like the video that shows how to draw this bird.

Pictures and videos of magpies for kindergarten and primary school children

The kindergarten teacher probably told the kids that white-sided birds are one of those birds that stay for the winter. She can also supplement her story with a video of a magpie, and to consolidate her knowledge, learn short rhymes with them.

Short poems about magpies

Children love to solve riddles about birds and animals. Their motley color and love of trinkets will help little ones recognize them as magpies.

Do kids know that magpies are incredibly smart birds? It turns out that they know how to express emotions, communicate with each other, and even recognize themselves in the mirror. Small poems for kindergarten are dedicated to the intellectual abilities of birds and their benefits.

Video about forty for children

“Magpie – Crow” is a nursery rhyme whose words everyone knows from early childhood. In this video for children it is played out in an original way.

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