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How to properly raise a boy for a father: advice from a psychologist. How to raise a modern boy as a real man tips Raising a child 3 4 years old boy

This period age development is very important. It is now that the foundations of the character of the baby are being laid. Therefore, proper upbringing has its own characteristics, which should not be neglected. It is very important to find the right approach to the child. The psychology of raising a boy at the age of 4 recommends not sending him to kindergarten, not looking for a nanny for him. Parents themselves should take care of a child at this age.

How to raise boys 4 years old?

Correctly raising a child at 4 years old should shift the balance towards mental activity. Jumping, running is no longer interesting, I want to do something more calm. At this age, children are attracted to drawing, making crafts from various natural material. Such interest should be encouraged. Such activities develop perseverance.

Mugs. In terms of physical education, the time has come when you can send your baby to the sports section. Daily walks are also required. They contribute to the development of gross motor skills, strengthening immunity.

Reading. Show your child the letters, teach him to read. Do it better in the form of a game. Toys can be used to develop simple mathematical operations. Develop a love of books, reading fairy tales is useful for developing imagination. It is recommended to organize a mini theater: paper or rag puppets from socks are a great solution.

Knowledge. The upbringing of a boy at the age of 4-5 marks the awakening of curiosity. There are endless whys. Adults must not lose patience. It is necessary to calmly answer all questions, explain the incomprehensible. Extra details, however, can be omitted.

Kindergarten. If the boy has problems with adaptation in the children's team, help. Find the causes first, then carefully eliminate them. Teach your son how to communicate with children.

Emotions. Raising a boy of 4-5 years is difficult due to the emergence of new emotions. The kid begins to be offended, annoyed, feel shame, sadness. He does not always know how to deal with new feelings. Doesn't know how to behave. Explain to the child that in such situations it is better to use words rather than actions.

Praise, scold, punish. The kid needs approval of his actions. He will show even more efforts if he sees that his parents are happy for him. Swear only on business. Make comments in a way understandable to the crumbs. Tell your baby that you love, even when his behavior leaves much to be desired.

Education games

When the son turns 4, mom and dad think about the choice of toys. They must develop curiosity, personal preferences are formed.

You can raise a 4 year old boy by resorting to role-playing games.

Teach your son to play “construction site”, “fireman”. This will give him base view what men do. It is their role that he will play in the games.

At this age, it is important to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills:

  • come up with games with pencils, plasticine, scissors;
  • tell the kid a fairy tale where you need to arrange the grains on plates. Let the child fulfill this role;
  • you can arrange a competition between family members. This will contribute to the development of leadership inclinations in the baby.

In the summer, go out to play in the sandbox more often. Build castles. The boy will develop fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking. Make figurines with him, endow them with names, different qualities, come up with stories together with their participation.

It is necessary to educate a 4-year-old boy, forming his logical thinking. Use for these purposes children's dominoes, different puzzles. In any store in the department of children's toys today there is enough material.

The main participant in the game should be the baby. He is obliged to make a decision, to think, to look for a way out of the current situation.

Choice of toys for boys

Whatever the kid plays, the toy will still occupy a leading position. The question is the correctness of her choice.

As a rule, parents believe that it is necessary to raise a four-year-old boy by buying him pistols, planes, cars. Moms and dads brush aside any idea of ​​dolls. When they noticed that the son was playing with the doll, there was a dumb shock. Such fear is completely unfounded.

At this age, the baby develops an interest in other children, he learns to communicate with them. A living example of this is the doll. At first it can be a roly-poly, then a fireman, a pilot, a driver, a policeman. The doll cannot interfere with the development of masculinity, courage. Rather the opposite. Remember robots loved by all generations of children. Their exploits delighted the kids, developed courage and courage.

When the toy exhausts its interest, the boy puts it on the shelf. He goes further in his development. Various constructors appear in his life. An inquisitive mind is looking for something new.

Properly raising a boy of 4 years means:

  • do not arrange unreasonable prohibitions for him;
  • participate with him in the choice of toys;
  • imperceptibly suggest, without imposing your opinion.

The main task of parents in raising a four-year-old son is to expand his horizons. Do not interfere with learning new things. Teach communication with children, gratitude for help, gifts.

Help develop artistic abilities. Kids at this age are happy to sing songs, dance, read poetry to the public. The upbringing of a 4-year-old boy implies greater participation of the father in this process, however, the mother does not need to withdraw herself.

Psychologists note at this age an increase in the desire to know everything. Children's imagination expands, communication becomes more active. The development of the baby occurs quickly, and the task of the parents is to give him the right direction.

  1. develop your child as a person. Explain to him what is good and bad, right and wrong, possible and impossible;
  2. encourage the manifestation of emotions, explain how to express them correctly;
  3. have patience and indulgence for noisy deeds. You should not restrain the child's behavior (within the limits of reason), but also teach to be restrained;
  4. raising a child at 4 years of age involves teaching him empathy. The kid must understand the feelings of other children, respond to them correctly;
  5. follow the sequence. When told "no", stick to this prohibition, do not quickly change it to consent. Otherwise, you will fall under the influence of the baby;
  6. repeat the instructions several times. Children at this age are not attentive. They can hear, immediately forget. In such cases, multiple repetitions are needed;
  7. You can't limit your imagination. The kid comes up with different stories, fantasizes. Sometimes his inventions seem silly. You can make your own adjustments, but do not kill the awakening imagination;
  8. laugh together more often. Read funny stories, fairy tales to your baby;
  9. teach your child to be social. Introduce him to peers. Organize their joint games. During the game, they satisfy the thirst for knowledge, their communication skills grow;
  10. do not insist on doing anything for a long time. The child does not have great perseverance at this age.

Tantrums. Show the right reaction to the tantrum of the baby. Raising a boy of 4 years is difficult, he begins to experiment on his parents, throwing false tantrums. The kid watches the reaction of adults. Wait until he calms down, then talk to him.

For every loving parent, the appearance of a child in the family is a great joy and boundless happiness. Every year the child grows, develops, learns new things, he develops a character, other age-related changes occur. However, the joy of parents is sometimes replaced by bewilderment and even confusion that they experience during the inevitable conflicts of generations. It will not be possible to avoid them, but to smooth it out is quite real. Special attention psychologists and educators urge to pay 3-4 years of life to the upbringing and development of the child.

A question that dozens of experts are working on

The formation of personality and the maturation of character occurs from the very moment a person is born. Every day, the baby learns the world around him, forms relationships with others, realizes his meaning and place, and in parallel with this, he has quite natural desires and needs. This development does not go smoothly, and critical situations and conflicts occur with a certain frequency and have similar moments at each age. This is what allowed psychologists to form such a concept as age crises. Not only for young parents, but also for grandparents who consider themselves experienced, it will not hurt to find out what the upbringing of a child (3-4 years old) is all about. Psychology, expert advice and recommendations from those who have experienced these tips will help smooth out the clashes of the crumbs with representatives of the adult world.

Testing parents for strength

At the age of three and four years, a little man is no longer an object doing everything at the behest of adults, but a fully formed separate person, with his own emotions and desires. Sometimes these desires do not at all coincide with the established adult rules, and, trying to achieve his goal, the child begins to show character, or, as adults say, to be capricious. There can be any reason: the wrong spoon for food, the wrong juice that you wanted a minute ago, an unpurchased toy, and so on. For parents, these reasons seem insignificant, and the only way they see is to overcome the desire of the crumbs, to force him to do as they want and are used to doing. Raising children 3-4 years old sometimes requires simply incredible patience of others.

Is your child three years old? Stock up on patience

Awareness of oneself as part of the world does not go smoothly for the child, and this is quite normal. Realizing that he is also a person, the kid is trying to understand what he can do in this world and how he should act in each individual case. And these tests begin with a test for the strength of the parents. After all, if they say what needs to be done, why shouldn't he, the most important person in the family, give orders? And then they listen! He begins to change, his worldview and habits change. At this time, parents notice that their baby is not only listening and crying, but is already commanding them, demanding this or that object. This period is called the crisis of three years. What to do? How to cope with the most beloved little man and not offend him? Features of raising children 3-4 years old directly depend on development.

Causes of conflicts, or how to smooth out the crisis

At present, adults pay little attention to their children: a busy work schedule, everyday life, problems, loans, important matters do not leave the opportunity to just play. Therefore, the child tries to attract attention. After several attempts to talk to mom or dad, he goes unnoticed and, therefore, starts to play around, scream, throw tantrums. After all, the child does not know how to build a dialogue correctly, and begins to behave in the way that he knows how, so that they would quickly pay attention to him. It is in understanding the needs of the crumbs that the upbringing of a child (3-4 years) largely lies. Psychology, advice and recommendations of specialists will help to understand and, accordingly, solve problems associated with a lack of attention.

Just like an adult

Often, parents, unwittingly, cause negative emotions in the child: they force them to sleep when they want to play, eat “not very tasty” soup, put away their favorite toys, and go home from a walk. Thus, the baby has a desire to harm adults and express his protest. children 3-4 years old should take place with a constant positive example from adults.

Patience is the key to success

During this period, parents realize that their child has already matured, but still remains small and cannot cope with all the tasks on his own. And when the baby strives to be independent, the parents now and then correct him, pull him up, teach him. Of course, he takes criticism with hostility and protests with everyone. possible ways. Mom and dad need to be patient and be as gentle as possible in relation to the child. Raising children of 3-4 years old lays the foundation for relationships between kids and others for life. It depends on the parents what these relationships will be.

Raising children 3-4 years old

The psychology of behavior is a whole science, but in relation to children it is necessary to study at least its basic principles.

  1. The child imitates the behavior of the adults around him. Naturally, first of all, he takes an example from his parents. We can say that at this age, the baby absorbs everything like a sponge. He has not yet formed his own concepts of good and bad. It's good the way parents behave. If everyone in the family communicates without shouting and scandals, the child also chooses a calm tone for his behavior and tries to copy his parents. Find mutual language with children of 3 and 4 years old it is necessary in a soft manner, unobtrusively, without raised tones.
  2. As often as possible, you need to show your love for the child, because children are very sensitive and vulnerable creatures. Their whims, misdeeds, bad behavior should not affect the degree of love of parents - just love and do not demand anything in return. a child of 3-4 years old is only a reminder for parents, the experience of predecessors. You need to feel your child with your heart, and not bring up the way it is written in the book.
  3. Do not compare your child's behavior with the behavior of other children, and even more so do not say that he is worse than someone else. With this approach, self-doubt, complexes and isolation can develop.
  4. The child is trying to be independent, more and more often you can hear the phrase “I myself” from him, at the same time he is waiting for support from adults and praise. Consequently, parents need to approve of children's independence (praise for the removed toys, for putting on clothes, etc.), but in no case follow the child's lead and determine the boundaries of what is permitted in time.
  5. During the formation of the character and the maturation of the child, it is important for parents themselves to follow certain rules, the daily routine. Moms and dads, together with grandparents, need to agree on the same methods of education and not deviate from such tactics. As a result, the child will understand that not everything is possible for him - you need to obey general rules. The main children of 3-4 years old are determined by their parents, only you need to remember the importance of this age period.
  6. Talk to a small person on an equal footing and behave the way you behave with adults. Do not infringe on his rights, listen to his interests. If the child is guilty, condemn his offense, not the child himself.
  7. Hug your children as often as possible. With or without reason - so they will feel safe, grow up confident in themselves. The child will know that mom and dad love him no matter what.

Get ready to experiment

Parents should understand that raising a child (3-4 years old), psychology, advice and recommendations from specialists are all very important, but you should also determine for yourself those facets that will be allowed for the baby. At the age of 3-4 years, a little researcher is interested in everything: he can turn on the TV or a gas stove himself, taste the earth from a flower pot, climb onto the table. This list can be continued for a very long time, three-year-olds and four-year-olds are quite curious, and this is absolutely normal. On the contrary, it is worth alerting when the child does not show such interest in the environment. However, it is necessary to determine what the child can experience for himself, and what will be a categorical ban.

Do you want to ban something? Do it right

Children should be informed about these prohibitions correctly, without unnecessary trauma for them. The child must understand when he crosses the boundaries of what is permitted, what he can and cannot do, how to behave with peers and in society. It is impossible not to set prohibitions, as a sweet child will grow up selfish and uncontrollable. But everything should be in moderation, a huge number of prohibitions on everything can lead to indecision and isolation. It is necessary to try not to provoke conflict situations, if the baby sees sweets, he, of course, wants to try them. Conclusion - put them further in the locker. Or he wants to take it in the same way - hide it. For a certain time, remove the objects especially desired by the child, and he will eventually forget about them. A lot of strength and patience requires during this period the upbringing of a child (3-4 years).

All parental prohibitions must be justified, the child must clearly understand why it is impossible to do one way or another.

We can say that after overcoming the crisis of three years, children experience noticeable positive changes in their character. They become more independent, focused on details, active, have their own point of view. Also, relations are moving to a new level, they become more meaningful, interest in cognitive and objective activity is shown.

Replenish your stocks of knowledge

The questions that the baby asks are sometimes capable of confusing even an adult who is confident in his education. However, this baby should not be shown in any case. Even the most “uncomfortable” questions should be taken for granted and be ready to explain everything that interests him in a form that is accessible to the child.

Raising a child is an important and main task of parents, you need to be able to notice changes in the character and behavior of the baby in time and respond to them correctly. Love your children, take the time to answer all their "whys" and "what for", show care, and then they will listen to you. After all, his entire adult life depends on the upbringing of a child at this age. And remember: it is impossible to pass a practical exam on the topic “Psychology of raising children 3-4 years old” without mistakes, but it is up to you to reduce them to a minimum.

3 years tend to be mobile and curious. To ensure the timely development of the baby, he needs to competently organize leisure. Focus on games that develop fine motor skills fingers, as this is directly related to the formation of the brain of children. These can be simple devices from the designer, folding pictures from cubes, mosaics or puzzles, games to perform simple movements in response to the words of an adult, learning poems, making crafts together with a parent, drawing, role-playing games in mothers, doctors, etc. . Set aside time each day for general physical development child. These are outdoor games, exercises, hiking, roller skating and cycling under the supervision of an adult. A child of 3 years old needs the company of peers. At this age, it is useful to arrange a kindergarten. If this is not possible, try to get the child to learn to communicate with peers on a walk, arrange children's holidays.

The development of a child of 3 years proceeds correctly if he has certain skills and abilities. Parents do not need to perform for him those actions that he can do on his own. Especially when it comes to self-service: dressing, undressing, eating, hygiene procedures, toilet. Make the most of young children's ability to imitate. It is unreasonable to teach a child to clean up toys after himself if dad has not learned how to put his clothes in the closet, and mom leaves dirty dishes on the table after eating. A 3-year-old kid is happy to help his parents with household chores. Naturally, he is not doing well yet. It is important not to reject childish desire work. Therefore, in no case should one scold for the inept performance of a task, otherwise labor will turn into punishment.

Take care of the safety of the child before he goes to kindergarten. He must know his last name, first name, patronymic and his parents, as well as his address. Encourage him to talk about his life: what he ate, what he did, who he played with. Teach him what to go to strangers you can’t even eat they offer sweets, toys and more. Teach them how to wash their hands before eating, how to behave at the table, how to use a handkerchief, how to say hello and goodbye. Keep in mind that a child also learns cultural behavior in society from his parents. It is important that the child learns in advance to share his toys, play by the rules, stand up for himself. Babies before the age of 3 are recommended to be accustomed to the word “No”. That is, the child must clearly know that everything that is dangerous is not allowed: turn on electrical appliances, go out alone from the house, take matches, etc.

A child at about the age of 2.5 - 3.5 years has a crisis. This is manifested in the desire for independence: the desire to achieve one's own, to do the opposite; disobedience to adults. Parents need to understand that this period is necessary for children to develop will and pride. Important to keep with your child a good relationship. To mitigate the crisis of 3 years in children, it is necessary to accustom the baby to the daily routine in advance. This will lessen the child's struggle to complete normal tasks: dressing, eating, going to bed, etc. Use the child's ability at this age to quickly switch from one activity to another. That is, instead of confronting the baby, you can divert his attention to something interesting and pleasant. Behave with the baby as an equal to yourself: try to consult with him, let him do a lot on his own. But in no case should you allow the baby anything, guided by the harmful principle: "Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry." The crisis of 3 years usually passes within 1 year.

Raising a boy up to three years

It would seem how to raise a boy from a year old, if he is still learning to walk, knows the world as matter, and does not seem to understand adults.

Until the age of three, a child unconsciously copies his parents: a boy - his father, a girl - his mother. The boy, on a subconscious level, learns the habits of his father, and especially those that the father carries out easily and naturally, those habits that bring him joy.

The child feels the emotional satisfaction of the father and remembers what this positive state brings him. Therefore, dear daddies, try to get satisfaction from the right things: wife, child, books, knowledge, work, family. Because if the pleasure consists in a bottle of beer and a TV, you lower the spiritual and intellectual level of the child to a lower level of starting into the future. And, instead of enjoying positive things, you have a problem in the form of his desire to stop at alcohol and inactivity.

Never, dear daddies, do not shift the upbringing of your son to your wife. From the earliest years of a baby, you must remember that a woman will not make a man out of him. She can only support you in your upbringing, help, organize your life and opportunities for this upbringing. Here the secret is that, the qualities of the person with whom the child communicates more, he absorbs.

At one and a half to two years (for girls earlier than for boys), an active period of the formation of speech begins. The stock of words up to a year is about thirty. Questions "Where?", "How?" perform specific functions of organization and self-regulation of behavior. The first words are action words with the aim of changing the situation (“Give!”). Although in form the first words in most cases are nouns, in fact they are verbs.

Do not rush to drive the baby away from you. He needs to know the world, to remember. Now he is undergoing adjustment (adaptation) in it.

Now, after, he is a full member of the genus. And he needs to understand this world in a very short period of time. Moreover, learn so many words and concepts! So help him. He is especially inspired by communication with his father, because this is trust in him, knowing him, studying male energy. All this is extremely necessary for a little man on the first steps of his conscious life.

While teaching speech with a child, you need to speak clearly, expressively in order to convey to him the skills of correct pronunciation, show and name objects, and tell fairy tales. The process of assimilation of speech is more successful when the child is helped in this by parents.

Until the age of three, there is a separation of the mental development of boys and girls. They are peculiar different types main activity. Boys develop visual activity, which includes manipulation with objects of human production, the makings of design, as a result of which direct, logical, abstract thinking is better developed in men.

The gender difference in the behavior of children is due not so much to biological and physiological reasons as to the nature of their social communication. The orientation of boys and girls to various types of activity is set by society itself as a result of the assimilation of cultural patterns. Therefore, starting from the age of three, it is important that the father takes part in the upbringing and knowledge of the boy. It is important that the child is consciously prepared for sexual self-determination.

So up to three years, children have the makings of self-awareness, self-esteem. The child works out 90% of the work of mastering speech. In three years, a person goes half the way of his mental development. The first self-image occurs in a baby up to a year. This is an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe parts of your body, but the baby still cannot generalize them. With directed training by adults, a child up to one and a half years old can recognize himself in the mirror, learns self-determination of the reflection of his appearance.

Up to three years is a new stage of self-identification. With the help of a mirror, the child gets the opportunity to form his own image of himself today. The child is interested in all ways of confirming his Self. Spiritualizing individual parts of the body, in the game he learns power over himself.

A three-year-old child is interested in everything connected with him, for example, in the shadow. Begins to use the pronoun "I", learns his name, gender. Identification with one's own name is expressed in a special interest in people who bear the same name.

Until the age of three, the child is already aware of whether he is a boy or a girl. Children draw similar knowledge from observations of the behavior of parents, older brothers and sisters. This allows the child to understand what forms of behavior in accordance with his gender are expected from him by those around him. Clarification by the child of belonging to a certain sex occurs in the first two or three years, and the presence of the father is extremely important. For boys, the loss of a father after the age of four has little effect on the assimilation of social roles. Because the time of assimilation of oneself as a man lasts exactly up to three years.

And therefore, we remind you once again, dear fathers, that you lay the example of a man in your son right now, and not later. Therefore, do not be lazy, put aside all your affairs and learn to relax with your son, talking with him, playing games, telling tales about courageous warriors, about worthy male deeds. It doesn’t matter if the baby understands or not, but the necessary images will be “loaded” into his mind automatically.

Until the age of three, the child shows the beginning of self-awareness. He develops a desire to achieve recognition from adults. By positively evaluating certain actions, adults make them attractive in the eyes of the child, awaken in children the desire to earn praise and recognition.

The vocabulary of children at the age of one and a half years usually contains about ten words, at 1.8 years - 50 words, at two years - about two hundred. Up to three years, the vocabulary is already 900-1,000 words. Modern psychologists have established a direct relationship between the quantity and quality of communication in the family circle and the quality of the development of a child's speech at the age of three.

The critical period in the development of children's speech is the age of ten months to one and a half years. It is during this period that calm developing games are needed and stress is undesirable.

When mastering speech, children of all nations go through the stages of monosyllabic, disyllabic and polysyllabic words. In all languages ​​that exist on Earth, there are rules of grammar, syntax, semantics. At first, children completely generalize or ignore these rules. The main stimulus for the improvement of mental activity in "walking" children is their bodily-motor activity. Children of one or two years old are in the first (sensory-motor) period of mental development, which consists of several sections.

1 - 1.5 years - experimenting with objects. The main goal of the activity is in the experiments themselves. Toddlers love to observe how objects behave in new situations. Subconscious-instinctive behavior is being replaced by real mental activity, the child is looking for new ways to interact with previously unknown objects.

1.5 - 2 years - the emergence of symbolic thinking. During this period, the child acquires the ability to display mental images (symbols of objects) in the brain and perceive them at one time or another. That is, now the child can interact not only with explicit objects, but also with imaginary, presented objects. He can already solve simple problems in his head without resorting to the method of trying. In addition, physical actions also favorably affect the successful work of thinking.

For the perception of the outside world at this stage of mental development, it is characteristic egocentrism . A child of one and a half to two years is already aware of his isolation, he is separated from other people and objects, he also understands that some events can occur regardless of his desires. But he continues to believe that everyone sees the world the same way he does. The formula for the perception of the baby: “I am the center of the Universe!”, “The whole world revolves around me!”.

Children between the ages of one and three have many more fears than infants. This is explained by the fact that with the development of their abilities of perception, as well as mental abilities, the scope of life experience expands, from which more and more new information is drawn. Noticing that some objects may disappear from their field of vision, children are afraid that they themselves may disappear. They may be afraid of the water pipes in the bathroom and toilet, thinking that the water can carry them along. Masks, wigs, new glasses, a doll without an arm, a balloon that is slowly deflating - all this can cause fear. Some children may have a fear of moving animals or machines. Therefore, many children are afraid to sleep alone.

These fears eventually disappear on their own as the child learns more deep ways thinking. Excessive irritability, impatience, anger of parents can only increase children's fears and contribute to the child's feeling of deprivation. Excessive parental care also does not relieve the child of fear. the best way is the gradual accustoming to communicate with objects that cause fear, as well as your own good example of communicating with them.

Therefore, when a boy is afraid of something, do not rush to treat him harshly, because he is a man. First of all, the child needs to be explained so that an understanding of the essence of things and actions that he is afraid of arises in his mind. Help him overcome his fear, go together into a dark room that he is afraid of, pick up the thing that scares your son. But do not poke it under his nose, wait, let him master his fear and reach out with his hands to touch. That's where the victory over his fear. Forcibly forcing him to stroke a cat or dog, you introduce him into a state of passion, which will not do anything good. On the contrary, it will penetrate deep into the subconscious, and will be manifested by fear of certain animals and distrust of the father until the end of his life.

Teach him to cope with fears, and when it turned out well - he himself picked up a terrible thing or entered the room - rejoice with him, showing vivid emotions on your face and in your eyes. This will inspire him to overcome his fears again. And the result he will always expect is a glorious victory.

But remember, there are things that a child cannot handle on his own. Therefore, you must convey to his mind that there is something that needs to be done only with parents. This will help him rationally share the danger and not rush senselessly into action.

Children between the ages of one and three are still dependent on their parents. They constantly want to feel the physical closeness of father and mother. At this time, both mother's communication and mother's love are also very important for the boy. Mom teaches her son to receive a woman's love. Often men say that it is impossible to undead son. But let them think for themselves how much female love and attention requires an adult man. Intimate love is also tenderness and a manifestation of a woman's feelings, not to mention affectionate words, hugs, etc.

Every night a grown man gets feminine warmth touching your beloved body. So is the boy-child. He really needs maternal love and affection. She seems to fill him with strength and self-confidence, as well as emotional maturity for new achievements. Now that the child is filled with love, the father can teach him and train him for courage. Only this communication should be one on one, without the participation of the mother, so that the child does not feel that there is someone who can regret and where he can relax.

When your communication is over, and you have achieved the desired results, you can praise your son and leave him alone. Let him play or rest on his own. You can’t immediately give it to your mother, especially if it was very difficult for him and he showed negative emotions.

The child, using the example of his father, should see how to respond to fear, pain, how to show his emotions. Therefore, it is the father who must calm him down and help him cross the emotional barrier. Otherwise, as soon as difficulties arise, he will run to a woman so that she solves problems for him and takes pity on him. The mother shows love when the child wakes up, when she feeds him, when he teaches him, when he puts him to bed. But when a father brings up, she should not interfere with male education.

Of course, dear fathers, one should not cross the line in education. It often happens that a father did not bring up his son constantly, systematically, but once a week, when he got in the mood, he took up the upbringing. As a rule, he will not succeed in such communication as he would like. As a result, paternal aggression pours out on the child and mother, that his son is a woman, that his wife ruined the whole upbringing. It all ends with the fact that the father moves away from the son in general. Remember: parenting is a long process. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, the child needs to be accustomed to lessons with his father gradually, to conduct them systematically and with good mood. Then both you and your child will be fine.

The whole world takes part in the upbringing of a child. In addition to mom and dad, there are grandparents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, such a dangerous TV and the natural world. Parents should realize that everything around them is aimed at raising their child. Therefore, you need to make full use of these opportunities.

A mother teaches her son to love, accept and show love. She cares about the comfort of the child (eat, sleep, be clean, etc.)

A man-father teaches his son courage, to accept, analyze and give knowledge. All the masculine qualities you invest in him, our dear father.

And which of the parents does not work out, those qualities will be weakly manifested in the child. Therefore, when you see that a boy does not behave like a man, it means that his father made a mistake in his upbringing. It also means that he copies his father. It’s just hard for yourself to admit that you are behaving “like a woman,” and it’s easy for a child to throw this word in a state of aggression.

If your son does not show masculine qualities in himself, this means that you do not have these qualities either. Because when he was from one to three years old, he did not have the object of copying masculine qualities. Yes, you can object: “I am like this, like this ... I have achieved this and that!”. But do not forget that your child is not yet the same age as you, and he has his own life tasks.

So, dear daddy, sit down and consider how you present yourself in the world. Do people see you the way you see your son? Ask your wife. But ask so that she is not afraid of your aggression or displeasure from an honest answer.

A woman always feels how much her husband is a man. If she is not afraid of your disappointment and this does not affect your relationship, then she will always help you see the truth about yourself. But you should never lose heart. It so happened that these traits you need so much, your father did not put in you. But you can work on yourself. And this is already a lot. After all, there is something for. If you improve, your son will become a real man!

Remember: it's never too late. We know many cases when a mother and father, by working on themselves, changed the character and behavior of their sons, who are already well over fifteen. So we need to work now.

Let's get back to our three-year-old baby. There are critical points in his development that need to be addressed in order for the upbringing to be enjoyable and stress-free. So, during this period, the child may show:

- negativism. This is a reaction not to the content of the adults' sentences, but to the fact that it comes from adults. The desire to do the opposite, even against their own will.

- stubbornness. The child insists on something, not because he wants to, but because he wanted it, he is bound by his primary decision.

- skittishness. It is impersonal, directed against the norms of upbringing, the way of life that has developed up to three years.

- willfulness. Strives to do everything himself.

- protest riot. The child is at war with others.

- symptom of depreciation. It manifests itself in the fact that the child begins to swear, annoy and call names to parents.

- despotism. The child forces the parents to do whatever he requires. In relation to younger sisters and brothers, despotism manifests itself as jealousy.

Such behavior proceeds as a crisis of social relations and is associated with the formation of the child's self-awareness. The position appears: "I myself!". The child learns the difference between "need" and "want".

If the crisis proceeds sluggishly, this indicates a delay in the development of the affective and volitional sides of the personality. Children begin to develop will, independence, self-sufficiency. Children stop needing care from adults and tend to make their own choices. Feelings of shame and insecurity instead of independence arise when parents limit the child's independence, punish or ridicule any attempt at independence.

The child's zone of proximal development is to receive "I can". He must learn to correlate his “I want” with “necessary” and “impossible” and on this basis determine his “I can”. The crisis drags on if the adult stands in the position of “I want” (permissiveness) or “impossible” (prohibition). It is necessary to give the child a sphere of activity where he could show independence.

This area of ​​activity is in the game. The game, with its special rules and norms that reflect social ties, serves as a safe island for the child, where he can develop and test his independence and independence.

Parents want to raise their sons to be real men, strong and courageous. However, the psychology of raising a 5-year-old boy is a real art. Age is ideal for absorbing important, useful things for life. The boys are already developing their own stereotype of behavior, parents will have to make a lot of efforts.

How to raise a 5 year old boy?

Parents need to remember that raising a 5-year-old boy is a constant, continuous work. By this age, the child already understands a lot, distinguishes clothes, intonation of voice, demeanor. He has his own opinion, often not coinciding with the opinion of the parent.

How to raise a 5 year old boy? Start building a close, trusting relationship. Its presence will help to understand the child, his desires, fears and thoughts. Parents - become friends of a growing child, gradually building the right relationship. Teach your son good manners. He already goes to kindergarten, teach him to help girls, teachers, the elderly.

Responsibility and communication. The ability to behave in society, to help people, will help in future adult life. Trust your sons with household chores. Let there be one simple task, for example, watering flowers, but it is regular and mandatory. This is how we instill responsibility.

Punishments. Minimize punishments, if possible, eliminate them altogether. At this age, children protest, and they can negatively affect behavior. Talk, explain why it is impossible to do certain things.

Mugs. A wonderful age to send your son to the section. Ask what he wants to do, offer your options. Physical exercise, creativity should accompany the upbringing of a child of 5 years old constantly.

Practical tips for raising a 5 year old boy:

  • surround with care. Dad first of all pays attention to his son at this age. So, he will grow up self-confident, sociable, kind;
  • buy toys suitable for male professions. It's time for a set of tools, fire trucks, planes. In a playful way, tell about the importance of professions;
  • develop masculine qualities, kindness, responsiveness. From an early age, prepare for an adult, family life. If the child has fears, try to help get rid of them;
  • Watch out for aggression. Play calm joint games, often aggression is caused by a lack of attention from parents.

In fact, it is not difficult to raise a 5 year old boy. The main thing is not to forget to pay enough attention to him, to show your love. Basically, the upbringing of a son for 5 years falls on the shoulders of the mother, but the father must definitely participate and take care. It is enough for dad to allocate a couple of hours for games and communication with his son alone.

Dad needs to actively participate in the upbringing of the boy so that the child grows up sociable and self-confident. At this age, it is recommended to start getting acquainted with working equipment: a screwdriver, a hammer, pliers. The child will begin to help dad with interest, feeling like an adult man.

Remember about puppets. The boys are curious to change clothes, bathe, put the doll to bed. As a result, the boys develop an affectionate and caring attitude towards young children, the ability to be attentive fathers is formed.

Sex education for a 5 year old boy

There comes a time when children become independent. Sexual education of a 5-year-old boy plays an important role in his development as a person. At this time, children are aware of the differences between boys and girls according to gender. Sons want to be like their dad and are waiting for the moment of growing up.

The question of where the kids come from excites children, they are interested in it. It is difficult for parents to find the right words and instructions. Prepare to answer questions, stock up on knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Do not be embarrassed, the baby can feel it in his voice.

At the moment, correctly answer all the questions that are of interest to the child. To facilitate the task, purchase books for children and parents in which answers to tricky questions are written in simple language. Teach your son to hygienic daily procedures. The child will learn to wash himself, get acquainted with the naked body, and will not be shy when growing up.

About the appearance of children, tell about the love between a man and a woman, and then about the birth of a baby. The more fabulous and less realistic the story, the better. The answers are simple and clear. Do not read medical books to children, they will not understand them. Sexual education of the boy falls entirely on the father. On a subconscious level, dad and son understand each other, and this also contributes to the development of trusting relationships. In the future, the boy will share his thoughts and problems.

During the stories, avoid topics about violence. Be warned about this, but don't be intimidated. It's too early to talk about sex at this age. Enough stories that men are the protectors of girls. A warm, friendly atmosphere in the family will help to grow a real man. Children are guided by the relationship between their parents, often copying their behavior in the future.

Education is not restrictions and prohibitions. First of all, it is a manifestation of love, trust. Parents should not forget that the boy will have his own opinion even at that age. It needs to be set to Right way giving advice.

It should be taught to treat girls gallantly. Boys need to understand that they are the protectors of girls, help them, take care of them. Such an attitude must be demonstrated to dad in communication with mom, grandmother and other representatives of the weaker sex.

Psychologist's advice on raising a boy 5 years old

At the age of 4-5 years, children develop rapidly. Their perception of the world, their imagination becomes more complicated, their attention and intellect improve, their behavior changes. At this stage, when the boy has already grown up and does not require such care as at the age of one or two years, some parents begin to devote less time to education.

However, if you want the child to develop harmoniously, learn the correct norms of behavior and later be successful at school, this should by no means be done.

It is necessary to educate a five-year-old boy, first of all, by helping him to learn the main moral values, to acquire the necessary life abilities and skills.

To do this, you need to constantly communicate with your son: pay attention to different situations that are happening before your eyes. For example, when you see a fight between boys in the yard, you need to draw your son's attention to it and express your attitude to this action. You can explain to the child that a fight is not a way to resolve differences, everything can be settled peacefully.

There is another option: ask your son what he would do if he was in such a situation. This develops in the child the ability to think and analyze and allows you to get the first life experience.

All advice on raising boys of five years can be reduced to the following:

  • help your child explore the world and develop, talk to him, answer his questions, teach the norms of communication in society;
  • start educating in your son male character: let him communicate more with dad, watch him, help in various household chores;
  • play various educational games together, start preparing for school: learn to read and count;
  • develop activity and endurance in your child: take a walk with your son, let him run on the street (on the playground), communicate with peers - this will help direct his energy into games, and not pampering;
  • maintain the desire to contact girls;
  • to form skills and abilities, performance that will be useful to the boy at school. To instill a love of knowledge so that the child looks forward to going to school.

It is also important not to forget to surround the child with love and care, but the main thing is not to overdo it with custody. Follow the recommendations given in the article, and a real well-mannered man will grow out of a little boy.

The psychology of boys at the age of five implies the formation of their main character traits that they will carry throughout their lives. Therefore, it is important at this time to begin to cultivate masculine qualities in the son: courage, endurance, self-confidence.

The upbringing of a five-year-old boy includes active games, communication with peers on the playground and in kindergarten. It is recommended to buy games for boys for your son: pistols, cars, constructors; tell him about different male professions: policeman, fireman.

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