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Ergo backpack for newborns: review, characteristics, description, instructions, types and reviews. An ergo backpack is the right approach to walking with a baby. How to put on a backpack and place the baby facing the mother.

Child in front (7-13 kg)

Snap the fastex fastener onto the back of the belt and tighten the free ends of the belt if necessary. Let the backpack hang freely in front of you.

Hold your child close to you and spread his legs (they should be on top of his waist).

Place the free part of the backpack over the child's back, and do not forget to hold the baby tightly.

Supporting your child with your right hand, place the left strap over your shoulder.

Switch hands, now support the child with your left hand, putting the right strap on your shoulder.

Using both hands, snap the fastex connecting sling onto the back of your neck. Tighten the loose ends of the sling for security if necessary.

Adjust the shoulder straps by pulling down on the loose ends of the straps if necessary.

Everything is ready to enjoy your walk with Boba!

Child on back on back (9-20 kg)

Place the straps over your shoulders so that the backpack is behind your back. Fasten the fastex at the front of the belt. Remove the right strap from your shoulder.

Place your baby on your right hip and, holding your baby tightly, place your left hand between the backpack and your back. Now grab your baby's left leg with this hand and pull it into the carrier.

At the same time, lean forward a little to transfer the baby's weight onto your back.

Remaining in the leaning forward position, hold the child with your left hand, while putting the right strap of the backpack on your shoulder.

Once both straps are on your shoulders, you can straighten up.

Now adjust the straps if necessary. Simply pull down the free ends of the lines.

Snap the fastex of the connecting sling and tighten it if necessary. The sling should be at the level of your armpits.

Now enjoy the Boba ergo backpack!

Style "Lucia"

If you don't like the backpack hanging down the front when your child is not in it, simply wrap both shoulder straps around your waist and snap the fastex connecting strap behind your back. Now tighten the free ends of the sling. Everything is ready, you can go!

(This idea was given to us by elegant mom Lucia)

Carrying a newborn (3.5-7 kg)

You can carry a newborn baby in a special position in the Boba backpack, provided that its weight is from 3.5 to 7 kg. If your baby weighs less than 3.5 kg, we recommend using Boba Wrap ( If your baby weighs 7 kg or more, please pay attention to the Baby Front section of these instructions.

To begin, find the two buttons that are located on either side of the warning patch. Fasten them to the corresponding buttons on the body of the carrier.

Disconnect both fastex from the belt. Turn them the other way and attach them back (this is necessary in order to avoid twisting of the belts while carrying a newborn). Check each fastex by passing it along the entire length of the braid (This needs to be done only twice: before the very first wearing of the newborn and after the last).

Place the belt in front of you at hip level (with the pocket facing you). Snap the fastex behind your back, tighten if necessary so that the belt fits comfortably directly above your pelvic bones.

Place both straps over your shoulders.

Using both hands, snap the fastex of the connecting sling onto the back of your neck.

Pull both straps up until you have a comfortable “bag” at the front that is the right size for your baby. The Boba backpack should almost blend with your body on both sides.

Take your baby with both hands and carefully place him in the backpack. The child should be facing you. NEVER place your baby facing forward.

The baby's legs should be in the "frog" position or in the "embryo" position. But they should always touch your body (do not place your child's feet in the part of the backpack that is fastened with snaps).

Adjust the straps so that your baby's body is properly supported by the carrier. Please make sure that you tighten the adjustment straps on all sides tightly, this will prevent the child from falling and provide good support to the child's back.

If necessary, adjust the strap that is responsible for supporting the newborn's head (it is located inside the pocket). The head should be on your chest, and the baby should be looking left or right. The baby's nose should always be at least parallel to the floor. When the child falls asleep, the nose should be raised even higher. Please read the Safe Use Instructions included with the backpack to ensure your child's safety.

Belt holders

Special strap holders can be used, for example, to prevent your bag from slipping off your shoulder, as well as for carrying keys or your baby’s favorite toy.

Boba pockets

The Boba baby carrier is equipped with three pockets. The pocket can hold your phone, keys, teethers, or small snacks.

How to use the hood

If your baby falls asleep, remove the hood from the carrier's pocket, take one of the two straps on the hood and pull it over your baby's head. Then attach the strap to the appropriate strap on your shoulder using the button.

Repeat the same with the second strap. Now everything is ready! If you feel that the hood is too small or, on the contrary, too large, adjust its size using the free ends of the straps. You will find them at the base of the hood.

WARNING: Make sure that the hood is not too tight and that your baby's head is not pressed too tightly against your body. Also make sure the hood does not cover your baby's nose and mouth. The baby's nose should always be at least parallel to the floor. When the baby falls asleep, his nose should be located even higher. If the hood is not needed, put it back in the carrying pocket.

The hood can be easily detached. Simply unfasten the three buttons at its base and the two buttons that secure the straps to the straps on your shoulders.

Roll up the hood and leave the straps hanging outside. Then you can easily remove the hood again if you carry your child on your back.

The hood can be used as a cover when you need to feed your baby discreetly.

It's very easy to pop in and check how your baby is feeling. Simply unfasten one of the hood straps from the strap on your shoulder.

The hood will help you protect your baby from direct sunlight or wind when you are carrying your baby on your front or on your back.

*The Boba Hood was created with the help of Nicole Constantin, a mom and baby carrier specialist.

Boba foot stirrups

The Boba backpack is equipped with special stirrups (the technology is in the process of being patented). These stirrups allow children's feet to be at a 90 degree angle, providing correct posture baby and excellent blood circulation. The child can begin using stirrups once his feet begin to hang below the waist of the backpack. Some children like the extra support for their feet, while others prefer to let their feet dangle freely. Observe your child and choose the option that suits him.

Here are a few simple steps, which will help you provide your baby with a comfortable trip in the Boba backpack.

Thread the stirrup through the movable plastic piece and attach it so that your child's thighs are at least parallel to the ground. However, keep in mind that to use the stirrups, you need to fasten at least two buttons.

Leg stirrups can be located not only in front, but also in the back. To do this, move the plastic part along the sling to the required distance.

Please note: at first it will be somewhat difficult to move the sliding part on the stirrup. If such difficulties arise, move this part with both hands until the design is slightly developed.

When you don't need the stirrups, they can be easily removed.


Attention: When using stirrups, the baby must wear shoes. Using stirrups in accordance with these instructions will ensure the safety and comfort of your child.

Security measures

Read all tips carefully before using the backpack.

Use common sense when carrying your baby in a backpack. Please note the “Fall Warning” patch located on the inside of the waistband.

Always make sure that the fastex fastener on the belt is securely fastened; a loud click should be heard when latching. To unfasten the fastex, press it on both sides at the same time.

The Boba Backpack is not a safe device for carrying children in a car. Please use specially designed child carriers when traveling in a car.

Do not use electrical appliances when carrying a child in a backpack, do not cook food, or drink HOT drinks.


This Boba backpack is designed to be worn only by children facing the parent, front or back.

This backpack should not be used by people who have any problems with the muscular or skeletal system, with the back, with the legs, or by people with any other disabilities if these problems or deviations could interfere with the safe use of the backpack.

Do not use this backpack if you are under the influence of alcohol or medications.

The Boba Backpack is not intended for use during sports or other vigorous activities where there is a high risk of impacts or falls.

Please read the Safe Use Instructions included with the backpack. It will give you additional information on how to safely carry your baby in a backpack.

Tips for using Boba safely and comfortably

Have someone help you the first few times you use the backpack.

Practice in front of a mirror.

Try shaking your baby gently to encourage him to get into the backpack.

Sometimes you may need to pull the top of the backpack up to completely cover your baby's back with the fabric of the backpack, or to allow your baby's bottom to slide completely into the bottom of the backpack.

Before using the Boba backpack for the first time, make sure your baby is not hungry and alert enough. Then everything will go fine. However, remember that this is still a new experience!

Make sure the shoulder straps fit snugly on your shoulders so that both you and your baby are comfortable. The baby should be pressed tightly against your body, but so that you can still stand normally.

There's a baby in the family! Now the baby will travel a lot with his mother - for a walk, to the doctor, and to visit his grandmother. If walking in the park with a baby in a stroller is comfortable and familiar, then in a clinic, for example, problems may arise: ramps at the entrance can be inconvenient, or even completely absent; The stroller needs to be placed somewhere, left for someone.

Baby carriers that have become popular will help you cope with the extra hassle. There are many of them: cradles with handles, slings, and kangaroos. Let's consider options in which the mother carries the baby on her chest, on her back or even on her hip. They are worth paying attention to Special attention, and not only because in some cases they are more convenient than a traditional stroller.

Reasons to change the stroller

One of the most important reasons is the condition of the mother’s spine after childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth are a difficult test for the female body in general and for the spine in particular. The load on it is redistributed, the center of gravity in the body shifts expectant mother, the functioning of ligaments and joints changes. Back pain after childbirth is not uncommon. Coping with pain and returning to your former posture, except proper nutrition and gymnastics, carrying equipment will also help. They do not overload the back, and distribute the load onto the shoulders.

Another reason is that carrying a child in your arms is beneficial, and research conducted by scientists has proven this. The baby just needs to feel her mother’s warmth next to her, smell her body, hear her heartbeat. All this calms babies, and older children really like to look at the world from the height of human growth.

There are many types of baby carriers:

  • kangaroo backpack - in it the child can lie, sit with his face or back to his mother, and even behind her;
  • sling - a special sling, a large piece of fabric, sometimes with rings, straps and pockets, sometimes tube slings;
  • devices for carrying a child on the hip - “hipsits”.

Appeared and the new kind carrying equipment – ​​ergo-backpack. Let’s dwell on it and how to choose it in more detail.

What is an ergo backpack

To begin with, let’s define the term: ergo-, “ergonomic” means designed to create optimal conditions and comfort. In our case, an ergo-backpack is good for health and comfortable backpack for carrying a baby. The ergo-backpack combines the convenience of a traditional kangaroo and the physiology of a sling. It is sometimes called a “sling backpack”.

In the ergo-backpack, the baby is in the anatomically correct position: the knees are spread in both directions, the pelvis is below the level of the legs. In addition, the backpack perfectly adapts to the anatomical features of a particular baby: unlike a “kangaroo”, this type of carrier does not have a rigid back, but it fits snugly to the body and provides uniform support. The miracle carrier even allows you to breastfeed your baby without taking it out of the backpack: just loosen the straps and lower the baby. And the wide straps of the hip belt provide reliable protection: even if the fastenings suddenly come loose, the baby will not fall out of the backpack.

How to choose an ergo-backpack for a specific child

Important: never buy an ergo-backpack without first trying it on with your baby. Carrying should be comfortable for both of you. Pay attention to the child's back: it should maintain the shape of a gentle arch in the lumbar region. The baby should not sit in the splits.

How to measure your child correctly before buying an ergo-backpack

Sit the baby on your haunches, holding your hands, spread your legs wider and apply the tape from knee to knee - along the back of the hips and butt. Measure your baby in a diaper.

The width of the bottom of the backpack should be no less than what was measured. Otherwise, the support area will be insufficient, and the pressure on the child’s legs will be higher. The edges of the carrier should support the child strictly under the knees, and the back should not wrinkle anywhere.

How to carry a child in a backpack in winter? A babywearing jacket will help!

As an addition to an ergo-backpack in cold weather, a baby sling jacket is very useful. It can be used with other types of carriers. As a rule, this is a jacket to which an additional insert with a neck for the baby is attached. It is desirable that the insert has an adjustable volume. Such a jacket should be very warm, there should be no air from below. The neck should be comfortable, but make sure that the throats of both mother and baby are closed. It's good if there are slots for baby's arms. If an ergo-backpack is not used, there must be a device that supports the head of a sleeping child.

So, the choice is made! There are a few important points to note:

  • The baby's stay in the ergo-backpack is practically unlimited in time. wear it all day, but take it out every 1.5-2 hours and let the baby warm up for 15-30 minutes.
  • Be sure to fasten all fasteners, even if you only need to carry your child to the car.
  • If the baby does not want to sit in the backpack, try breastfeeding, giving him a pacifier or a toy. When the backpack begins to be associated with something pleasant, the baby will willingly “ride” in it.
  • After a walk, inspect your son or daughter’s legs: there is no redness or traces of cut tissue. If they are, then you need to adjust the backpack so that it does not crash, and if this is not possible, then you should look for another model.

"EasyPolezno" wishes you pleasant walks!

Detailed video instructions from Nina Zaichenko to the Lux series sling backpack from TeddySling. A complete description of the ergo backpack, how to put on the ergo backpack, the design nuances of this carrier, as well as important points that parents should consider when carrying a child in this carrier.

Another detailed video from Nina Zaichenko to the budget sling backpack of the Comfort series. This backpack was designed for carrying children from 6 months to 2 - 2.5 years. It has a shorter wearing period than the ergo-backpack of the Lux series, but it is just as comfortable and made of high-quality materials. This carrying takes less time to complete and is easier to sew due to its design, so this inexpensive ergo backpack. It is not inferior in comfort for mother and baby famous brands ergo-backpacks.

This video instruction was prepared by sling consultant Irina Suprunova. Backpacks TM TeddySling are made with different shoulder straps. Irina will tell you in detail and show you how to carry a baby on your hip in carrying with each type of backpack straps separately. Our ergo backpacks are made with anatomical straps, straight universal and wide.

Inserts for newborns The ergo-backpack creates an incorrect position for the baby, and it is also very hot in them for both mother and baby. If you wrap your baby in a pillow and hold him close to you, something similar will happen. Therefore, our company came up with a sling roller, which only improves the child’s position and adds another way to fasten the straps to the backpack. Sling consultant Irina Suprunova will tell and show you the most basic advantages of this device.

A backpack for carrying a baby should be adjustable in size and grow with the child. This is the main factor of the TeddySling brand. We don't want parents to constantly buy new baby carrier sizes and worried about the baby’s growth. Now every second manufacturer has also begun to write about their ergo-backpacks, that they grow with the baby, etc. We ask you to be careful when choosing a carrier and not to simply believe what is written. Watch video reviews of slings, read real reviews, ask the seller to show and tell you how the carrier is adjusted. Mom blogger will show by her example how you can position the baby correctly at 4 months and at 3 years.

Director of a large Sling Life store Oksana Shtol gives tips and recommendations for choosing an ergonomic backpack. This store is located in Togliatti and has been our official representative for some time now. Oksana has extensive experience in babywearing and consultations, and she also conducts babywearing meetings and organizes events in her city.

Video instructions for the backpack from TM TeddySling.

Nina Zaichenko will introduce you a hybrid of a sling and an ergo backpack, which was developed by TM TeddySling. Backpack-may, it is also called ergo-may, has an original design and has become the favorite sling of many slingomas. On some shelves it has replaced the sling scarf, which tells us about the right approach to design development. This carrier has a patent. Copyright belongs to TeddySling.

How to put on a sling with rings video.

We have prepared a video instruction for you for the ring sling. This video will show how to easily and simply wrap the SSC with the baby on the stomach, on the hip and in the cradle position. The sling consultant shows the main nuances for comfortable wearing in a sling. This sling is suitable for babies from birth.

I will write about slings, ergo backpacks and baby carriers.

There are children who do not sit in a stroller, there are parents who are not comfortable in a stroller, and there are situations when it is more convenient without a stroller (for example, in the forest, in a city with paving stones or when there are an abundance of stairs and no ramps, etc.). In general, sometimes carrying a child on yourself is more convenient than moving with him in a stroller. And today I will talk about the medical aspects of babywearing, baby carriers and ergo backpacks.

You know everything perfectly well psychological aspects of carrying a baby in my arms, but I’ll remind you. Carrying a baby on yourself:

  • gives mom freedom of movement when mom needs hands or using a stroller is inconvenient and mom feels comfortable
  • forms the child’s attachment and basic trust in the world, calms the child; the child hears his mother’s voice and her heart, feels her smell and skin
  • reduces the incidence of postpartum depression
  • is improving breast-feeding and promotes lactation

I'll write briefly about medical aspects of wearing child on yourself.

  • A sling or ergo-backpack with a wide spread of the legs is an alternative to wide swaddling; it is useful for the development of the hip joints, for the prevention of dysplasia in case of underdevelopment of the hip joints, or in case of immaturity of the ossification nuclei, fixing the exit of the femoral head from the acetabulum (prevention, however, cannot in any way replace treatment necessary for (since hip dysplasia requires round-the-clock wearing of an orthopedic splint (“spacers”)). In addition, for many children in an orthopedic splint, babywearing is one of the most affordable and convenient ways of movement (since they , as a rule, do not fit in a stroller) (all of the above does not apply to wearing a sling in a horizontal position). However, with hip dysplasia, the mother must obtain permission for babywearing from the attending physician
  • The legs should form the letter “M” together, but without spreading the feet too wide (M-position: legs close to the pelvis, knees high (above the butt), butt below, feet below.
  • Wearing devices in which the legs hang down freely (like a kangaroo) do not provide the above-described position and do not prevent hip dysplasia


  • Carrying a baby in your arms develops vestibular apparatus child.
  • Slings or ergo backpacks can not to impact on internal genitalia girls

Safety when carrying a child on yourself.

Five golden safety rules when carrying a child in a sling or ergo backpack:

  1. The tummy should have tightly pressed to mom and contact with mom (without additional tissue between baby and mom)
  2. The child's face is always in mom's line of sight; the nose should not stick to the mother; if the child is under clothes, then he should be treated Fresh air; the child’s chin should not touch the child’s chest, this makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the child (cases of deaths of children due to this reason have been recorded); The child's head should not be tilted back.
  3. The baby's head is always supported and is so close that the mother can kiss baby's head.
  4. The baby's chin is never pressed to the chest child (at least 1 finger distance between the child’s head and chest)
  5. Sling tight fits the baby's back, and the spine follows a natural C-shaped curve. If the child's back is not properly wound or is not firmly secured, the vertical load on the spine increases.


  • An unfixed head can shake and lead to “shaken baby” syndrome.
    • Always secure the head of a child who cannot yet hold his head and be sure to use the sling fabric or the hood of an ergo backpack in the event that a child who can hold his head falls asleep in an ergo backpack or sling.
    • Always support your baby's head if you bend over or move actively;
    • Don't shake your baby when you're trying to calm him down, don't jump in the sling, try to move smoothly or talk calmly
  • Do not carry hot things in your hands if you are carrying a child, do not drink hot drinks or eat hot food, and do not go near the stove.
  • Do not let the child out of your arms until you are sure that the child is secured in the sling or ergo backpack
  • A sling that is too tight can lead to compression of the tissues and impair blood circulation in them.
  • Do not carry your baby in a sling all the time; every 40-60 minutes, take the baby out of the sling and let him change position and “warm up”; It is necessary to regularly lay the child on the surface so that he develops: learns to hold his head while lying on his stomach, learns to roll over, crawl, and so on.
  • It is preferable to carry the child in a symmetrical position. When carrying a baby asymmetrically (in a sling with rings), it is necessary to regularly change the position of the baby for symmetrical development of the baby's muscles and symmetrical load on your shoulders and spine; in a sling with rings, the child should not be on his back, but on his side
  • Do not put extra diapers, fabrics or toys in the sling, especially with ropes.
  • Carrying a child for a long time creates a load on the mother's spine and can be harmful for varicose veins of the lower extremities, intervertebral hernias, scoliosis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To protect your (mother’s) ligaments, intervertebral discs and joints, limit babywearing if you experience back or joint pain, wear comfortable shoes without high heels on non-slip soles, undergo regular examinations if pain occurs
  • Sleeping while moving is not beneficial from a somnological point of view and creates bad habit sleep, which may in the future learn to fall asleep on its own and may disrupt the child’s healthy, sound sleep
  • Babywearing (or wearing in an ergo backpack) is closely connected with breastfeeding, this improves lactation and psycho-emotional connection with the mother, especially in the first months of life; however, this does not contribute to the establishment of a regimen, which can lead to both sleep disturbance and decreased appetite at the stage of introducing complementary foods; when feeding in a sling, it is necessary to release its head, neck and shoulders and hold the baby's head with your hand
  • Monitor the baby's body temperature: it can be hot in the sling; make sure that the baby in the sling does not overheat; a child in a sling should be dressed lighter than a child in a stroller
  • Carrying a baby forward-facing can lead to overstimulation, emotional overload and sleep disturbances
  • Carrying a child on yourself increases the risk of injury to the child in a public place or crowded places; you should not carry a child on you in icy conditions or on other slippery surfaces; Walk carefully into doorways and other tight spaces and wear flat shoes with non-slip soles
  • You cannot carry a child in a car in a sling, carrier or kangaroo, this is extremely dangerous. A child in a car should only travel in a car seat. Do not carry your child on a bicycle in a sling; V public transport try not to stand with the baby in a sling so that during sudden braking you do not harm the baby.
  • When you need to lower yourself with a child in your arms, you need to sit down and not lean forward:

Wear sling beads - this will keep the baby in the sling occupied, distract him from the desire to touch his mother’s breasts and allow the baby to chew on the beads ():

And a few words about carrying a child in neonatal period:

  • can be used: a sling-scarf, a sling with rings or an ergo backpack with an insert for a newborn
  • preference is given to a sling scarf and a sling with rings, since the ergo backpack, even with inserts, does not have as many possibilities for adjustment to the size of your child and the back is too wide, which can lead to excessive spreading of the legs in low-weight children.
  • you can use slings both knitted and diagonally woven; preference is given to jacquard and double diagonal weave fabrics as they stretch less and provide more dense support for the spine
  • with the correct tight winding, they evenly support the child’s back like a mother’s arms and there is no excessive vertical load on the child’s spine;
  • do not use sling bags, cradles, boards, baby slings (where the chin is pressed against the chest - this makes it difficult for the baby to breathe), and baby carriers (this creates excess stress on the spine).

I will briefly describe the devices for carrying a child on yourself. Today there are several devices for carrying a child on yourself: a sling, an ergo backpack, a kangaroo, a hipsit and various other carriers ()

Slings several types, the main ones being scarf sling, ring sling and may sling:

  1. Sling scarf
    1. The most versatile type of sling
    2. In it, the baby can be either in an upright position or on a half-side (which is a little less comfortable), and can be worn as a backpack on the back
    3. Worn on 2 shoulders, which is easier on mom's back
    4. Good spinal support in children from birth to 6 months, reducing the risk of spinal compression load
    5. In hot weather, it can be hot for both mother and child
    6. Knitted slings are softer and fit the body better, are recommended from birth to 8-9 months and are quite hot; fabric ones can withstand more weight (up to 15 kg), are less hot and are recommended from 4-5 months.
  2. Ring sling
    1. Both vertical and horizontal positions are possible
    2. can be used from birth
    3. It is necessary to support the baby's head
    4. worn on 1 shoulder, which creates a load on the mother’s spine
    5. convenient to use from birth until 6-9 months, as long as the child is not very heavy (up to 7-10kg)
    6. not very comfortable under clothes in winter
  3. May-sling
    1. this is a rectangle of fabric with 4 straps, a lightweight version of a sling-scarf,
    2. it is less hot because it covers less area of ​​the body,
    3. usually designed to carry a child vertically;
    4. allowed in children no earlier than 3-4 months

Ergo backpack(ergonomic backpack):

  • Wide (and sometimes cross-shaped) straps on the back and a belt on the hips help reduce the load on the mother’s spine, transferring part of the child’s weight to the hips and evenly distributing the load on the mother’s shoulders, spine and hips;
  • The ergo backpack has a soft back, it tightly hugs and supports the child’s back
  • The width of the back of the ergo backpack is fixed, which can lead to excessive spreading of the legs, and the back is not adjustable and in small children is not pressed tightly, so it is not recommended for use under the age of 3-4 months. After 4 months, carrying a child in an ergo backpack is safe for his spine and hip joints
  • The legs are in the correct position, “M-position”, with sufficient separation (knees higher than the butt), which is useful as a prevention of hip dysplasia;
  • The ergo backpack has a hood that secures the child's head while sleeping
  • Give preference to a backpack with X-shaped straps on the back, so the load on the mother’s spine is less
  • Up to 3-4 months, you can carry a baby in an ergo backpack with a special insert for newborns, which allows you to carry the baby horizontally facing the mother or vertically, but snuggled tightly to the mother:
  • Not comfortable from the point of view of the load on the mother’s back (thin straps dig into the shoulders and the back quickly gets tired), there is no weight distribution on the mother’s hips, the mother is forced to bend in the lower back
  • Positioning the baby facing away from the mother can lead to the baby receiving excessive information and overstimulation.
  • The rigid back of the kangaroo does not fit tightly around the child's back
  • The child’s legs hang down, the main load falls on the perineum and lower parts of the spine,
  • An older baby's legs may interfere with mom's ability to walk.
  • However, after 6 months it is not as dangerous as before 6 months, so after 6 months the use of a kangaroo is acceptable, although not advisable

Mothers of active, but very tame children can use hipsit:

  • This is a belt on the mother's hips with a seat for the child.
  • Promotes the correct (not curved) position of the mother’s spine, reduces the load from the back, shoulders and arms to the hips
  • Can be used in children older than 6 months (who can already sit independently) and up to 4 years
  • It's not hot for the baby
  • It is quite compact and easy to put on
  • But one hand is still occupied and holds the child
  • In addition to the seat, you can buy a belt that supports the child’s back and attaches the child to the mother

In addition, there are these kinds of carriers, sling bags, where there is excessive bending of the head and this is not safe for the child, it can lead to respiratory arrest and impaired cerebral circulation.

And lastly, this is my personal experience.

  • None of my children wanted to sit in a ring sling. In addition, my shoulder on which the sling hung was very tired and I could not wear it there for a long time. And both of my children were large and heavy.
  • In the first months of my life, a sling scarf helped me a lot with my daughter, since she was born in the summer and my son was always nearby, which required me to constantly “switch on” and actively move in space. My son was born in the fall, so I used the scarf literally a couple of times; it was inconvenient to wrap it in the winter, the long ends always ended up on the ground, and he was the first child, so I could easily adapt to his rhythm and leave him sleeping in the crib. Personally, my back didn’t get tired in the scarf sling, it’s easy to wrap it, you look at the instructions a couple of times, then everything is remembered.
  • I took the kangaroo several times from friends and it was just terrible, my back got tired literally after ten minutes and I urgently wanted to take it off
  • My first child was very tame and the ergo backpack literally saved me in many periods of my life, we traveled a lot and he often sat in the backpack - on the beach, while walking around the ancient city, in the forest, etc. My daughter is much less tame, very independent, the ergo backpack irritates her and she doesn’t want to sit there for a long time, she still tries to walk on her own. But she (unlike her son, who hated strollers) loves to sit in a stroller, climbs into it herself and demands to be taken for a ride.
  • In general, my heart is given to the ergo backpack due to the ease of putting it on, aesthetics and convenience (I have the simplest and unbranded one, bought on Avito), however, it is not recommended at an early age.

The sling does not replace a crib or stroller. It complements both. Follow all the rules of babywearing and enjoy natural motherhood.

Pediatrician and neonatologist, candidate of sciences and mother, Levadnaya Anna.

Attention! The post was written for those interested in proper wearing in ergos and slings! Moms who think that all this has no right to exist, don’t bother with empty comments, they will be deleted!

Look at the photo below

In all these photographs, children are positioned incorrectly in ergonomic backpacks; there is NO physiological position THERE.

Why? Maybe the backpacks are bad, of poor quality? No, backpacks are quite normal. Of course, some of them are more successful, some less so, but in all of these backpacks you CAN place the child in a safe and physiologically correct position.

So why do we see such a picture? Because you and I, parents, place the child in an ergonomic backpack. And this can very well be done incorrectly.

I constantly hear a similar phrase: “Take an ergo-backpack, everything is so simple, just fasten the fastex and go.”

It is not true. You have to KNOW how to use a backpack, you have to LEARN how to use a backpack. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will end up wearing it like in the photos above. I am sure that many will not even see where the mistakes are, but they are glaring and potentially affecting the health of babies carried in this way.

Video instructions:

Another miracle phrase from the “advisers”: “When you are 4 months old, you can wear it in an ergo.”

It is not true. So, you, mothers, let’s say at 25 years old, all of the same height, size, weight and physical fitness? No. Why then should we imply that all our children, as soon as they turn 4 months old, become the same size, suitable for any ergo, and all together on the same day become one step in their development? WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. AND BABIES ARE ALL DIFFERENT TOO. And this is good! Therefore, focus not on ephemeral age limits, but on skills and development his child.

What does the Slingoliga Unified Instruction say about this?

I quote: “It is allowed to be carried in an ergonomic backpack from the age when the child confidently holds his head and, when lying on his stomach, can rise with support on his forearms. As a rule, this is 4 months of age. At this age, belly-to-belly carrying is acceptable.”

I decipher: If your child already has the skills described above and you We selected an ergo-backpack that fits him perfectly in size, and for some personal reasons you do not want or cannot carry your child in options that are more suitable for his age - a sling with rings, a sling-scarf, a May-sling, you may well start using an ergonomic backpack. Again. IF YOU HAVE CHOOSE A BACKPACK THAT IS SUITABLE FOR YOUR CHILD'S SIZE. In the case of backpacks with a back that is not adjustable in width and height - read on, try it on, because... if it is not regulated, then you will not be able to determine this moment in absentia.

Understand - you can carry in an ergonomic backpack even from birth. Only such a backpack should then be sewn according to the individual measurements of your newborn, taking into account his current measurements. You can order such a backpack and the child will be in a wonderful and safe position. In about a month, this backpack will be too small for the child.

Think about it: the manufacturer indicates the age range for its backpacks - 4 months - 2 years. At the same time, the backrest is NOT ADJUSTABLE in width or height. Here's how, by what miracle, this backpack will equally fit your child at 4, 6 months, or a year? Yes, in some one or two months from this time period (we can’t know which one, because all children are different), this backpack will be just right for your baby, that’s for sure. What about the rest of the time?

Why such restrictions? Because the ergo-backpack, of all the physiologically safe types of carriers, is the least adaptable to the child. When your child already knows how to sit, his spine is developed and strengthened so much that by choosing a backpack that is not particularly suitable in size and somehow stuffing the child into it, you will not be able to do much harm.

An ergonomic backpack is a wonderful carry. Convenient, easy to learn, load-bearing. But she ALSO NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO USE A SLING. Be able to sag your butt, round your back, spread your legs to a comfortable angle, and not “widely, so that the child hugs you with his legs.” Select a backpack that is suitable for the child in size, preferably with an adjustable back, if the back is not adjustable, it is VERY ADVISIBLE to measure before buying.

Remember that the seller who writes that this non-adjustable backpack can be worn from exactly 4 months does not bear any responsibility for the health of your child, he just wants to sell more of his backpacks. If you place your child in a backpack incorrectly, again, no one except you is responsible for possible problems in future.

Some of you reading this will probably say or think, “But I wore mine like this, and nothing happened, healthy child" I'm glad you're lucky. This does not happen for everyone; there are cases when children had problems, for example with the hip joint, due to a negligent attitude to this issue.

To do something right, you need to learn. To wear it correctly in an ergo, you need to learn. Learning to wear it will take a very small part of your precious time and most likely will not cost you anything. I think you'll agree that your own child is worth this little effort.

And finally, a photo of what it should look like, good luck everyone, I'm off to bed

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