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Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a girl. Happy birthday greetings to a child in your own words Beautiful words to a little girl in your own words

Let your husband do at least a little for you - gives you gifts, feeds you, helps clean the apartment while you do your manicure, puts the children to bed while we chat on the phone, irons your dresses while you choose lipstick to match, buys you huge bouquets for... that you do everything for him - you give him your big, pure, sincere and bright love! rating: 36 ↓

I wish you Good work- in six days! A good salary - so that after shopping there is still a lot of money left! Nice guy– simple ideal! Girlfriends are the type who are always ready for adventure! Congratulations! 29 ↓

I wish you to enjoy every day you live, appreciate what you have and strive to achieve your most cherished goals! Let everything that is planned work out, let everything you dream about come true! All the magical roads of life are open to you, and I am sure that you will be able to choose the right one and walk it beautifully! 63 ↓ - Congratulations to the girl in your own words

Let your life be like a luxury yacht sailing on a beautiful river! Let the people around you be the coolest and happiest! I wish you to live happily and get only pleasure from life! 36 ↓

A girl definitely needs to be loved! I wish you the most sincere and exciting feelings that will reveal best qualities your wonderful personality. Be good at every moment of your life, don’t pay attention to the little things! Stay true to yourself, since you still can’t please everyone! I wish you great happiness! 37 ↓ - Congratulations in your own words

Congratulations! Look boldly forward, beat your competitors, charm everyone around you and take everything from life. Your merits are countless! Your happiness will always be with you! 44 ↓

Congratulations! Remain a cheerful, confident girl to the delight of your friends, acquaintances and family! I wish you to always remain on top! 28 ↓

Live an active life, get to know the world and yourself, and let everything be just wonderful, let everything be perfect! Don't forget that you are the coolest in the world! 41 ↓

I want everything in your life to turn out great! You deserve real happiness! Let every new day begin with your sincere smile! Go through life boldly, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles with dignity, remaining a good person! Be loved and respected by everyone. Let joy fill your soul, go through life easily, enjoying it! 39 ↓

A person like you is very difficult to find in our world! Stay as cheerful, laughing and captivating as you are! Win hearts and be happy! May everything work out in your life the best way! Prosper on the path to everything new and beautiful! 37 ↓

I adore you! I wish you all your life to remain as stunningly beautiful, brave, smart, daring and cheerful as you are now! And I also wish you to easily cope with all life’s difficulties and believe in your happiness! 49 ↓

On this wonderful day, may the most beautiful flowers bloom for you! Let the sun shine for you, let the trees turn green and the birds sing! Be always happy! Good luck to you, success, tenderness and the best meetings on your way! 49 ↓

Happy birthday greetings to a girl

You are the best today
I can hear your cheerful laughter.
You are beautiful and sweet
And obedient and kind.
Can you dance?
Sing songs and draw.
You have time everywhere
You help wash the dishes.
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations, my love!
May the Lord protect you
Protects from insults.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings for a girl

I wish you on your birthday,
So that your life goes without worries,
To have sunshine every morning
I greeted you with my light,
So that there is always joy in your soul,
So that love lives in your heart,
And so many nice gifts
Life gave you day after day!

Happy birthday greetings for a girl

Little Princess! You are one year older today! We wish you to grow up kind and sympathetic, beautiful and smart, gentle and cheerful! Let your eyes shine with happiness and the smile never leaves your childish face!

Happy Birthday wishes for a girl

On your birthday I want
Let me tell you just a little bit:
Let happiness not pass you by!
May you be loved by everyone!
May the paths be easy
What you have to go through!
Giving cloudless days,
May your Angel protect you!

Happy birthday greetings for a 10 year old girl

You are ten years old today
Beautiful princess!
And the Fairy sends her greetings to you
From the fairy forest!
Mermaid gives pearls
And river lilies,
And Leshy - wild flowers
The glades are painted!
Believe in a fairy tale, girl, always,
Not only on birthdays!
And may the magic star
Leads you to luck!

Happy Birthday to a girl

______________(Name)! Congratulations on your birthday! You are beautiful and charming, like a princess! I wish you to always remain so kind, sympathetic and gentle! Live for many, many years, make your mom and dad happy! Happy birthday!

Personalized birthday greetings for a girl

My beloved sun ________ (name!), happy birthday to you! I wish you to remain as beautiful and smart as you are! May all your wishes come true! Listen to mom and dad, grandparents! We love you!

Happy Birthday greetings to a 5 year old girl

Our daughter is 5 now
We want to wish her:
Be healthy, our joy,
Grow tenderly and kindly,
Fairytale luck bowl
Let what awaits you ahead!

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For these congratulations, we have selected the following gifts for you from our catalog:

A girl's birthday is a special holiday, and requires appropriate organization of the celebration. Everything is important here: outfits, food, and entertainment for countless friends, girlfriends, classmates and relatives. As a consequence of all this blooming diversity, it becomes a difficult task not to get lost with your modest (or not so) present, to be able to stand out and be remembered by the birthday girl, to contribute, so to speak, to the creation of a bright image of the holiday, which she will remember more than once in the future. In many ways, choosing an original, unlike any other happy birthday greetings for a girl, will greatly simplify the solution of the task. Bright, unforgettable and warm words will create a wonderful atmosphere for presenting a gift, or simply help you evoke a gentle, sincere childish smile from this fragile creature on a significant day for him. A huge selection of texts for happy birthday to a girl will allow you to choose the most suitable one in your particular case.

What do girls love most? Dress up, twirl in front of the mirror, receive compliments and gifts. And there is such a magical day of the year when a girl is allowed to do all this in unlimited quantities. It's a birthday, of course.

Whether the girl is 5 years old or 15, she will wait in her direction with trepidation beautiful congratulations, will accept a bunch of gifts with a beating heart. What surprises await the hero of the occasion on this day? It depends on her environment. It is up to parents and friends to turn a birthday into a sweet, unique holiday.

Why not fill the girl’s day with bright impressions from the very morning. For example, prepare in advance unusually tender, touching words addressed to her. Let the girl find the first note in a bouquet of modest, timid daisies at the head of the bed. The next note will be waiting on the dressing table, where the birthday girl will go to comb her curls. Another congratulation will suddenly appear under a cup of tea. And so on all day.

On our website it is easy to find a selection of the necessary texts. Moreover, they are all simple, not pretentious, light and warm. Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words in prose are exactly what can create an unusually joyful atmosphere of a family celebration.

No matter how old a girl gets, she will still be waiting for wonderful congratulations and sweet wishes for her birthday. Why not make her dream come true, which does not require any effort or investment. Just give the girl sincere congratulations coming from the heart.

Our dear beauty! You are like a tender bud. We wish you to grow and become sweeter and more beautiful every day, turning into a beautiful rose. May your life be like good fairy tale. May your outfits be the most beautiful, your treats the most delicious, your games the most interesting, your studies seem easy, your friends the best. Grow slim, pleasant, healthy, smart and successful. Happy birthday, honey!

Dear beautiful princess! It is your birthday today. And this means that the happiest day has come for your parents. We sincerely wish you to grow up smart, beautiful girl, which will only please her parents. You are a real fairy: sweet, gentle, kind. Always remain like this. We wish you fulfillment of all your dreams, excellent studies and a great mood. Be smart, baby!

Happy birthday to a beautiful and sweet girl! I wish you to grow and become prettier by leaps and bounds! To be smart and even wise, slim and athletic, hardworking, very kind to the people around you! May all your cherished dreams come true, may a smile illuminate your pretty face more often, may joy come unexpectedly and for a long time! Good and faithful friends to you, love from your family, respect at school! Good luck in your studies and other activities, good appetite and sweet sleep! Be loved and happy!

On your birthday, we want to wish you health, energy, childish pranks and carefree laughter. May loyal and devoted friends surround you. Let there be only A's in the diary, and first places in competitions. Grow up as an honest, brave, person. May the angels watch over you.

May this day open the world for you from a different, unknown side. May he give you happiness that no one has ever heard of before. Let him cover you with tenderness that no one has ever felt before. May he reward you with joy, which you will share with everyone who is involved in your journey. I wish you new sensations and bright impressions. Happy birthday!

Sweet, gentle, most beautiful, happy birthday to you, darling! I wish you a happy and happy life have a nice day, loyal and devoted friends, care and support of loved ones, respect from others, positive results in all endeavors. Illuminate everyone with your love and warmth, and receive double what you give. Let the path of life be covered with soft grass and colorful flowers.

Happy birthday to my sweet and gentle beauty! May this bright, sunny day bring you a sea of ​​positive smiles, warmth and a drop of embarrassment from enthusiastic compliments. May you be at the center of the universe today, surrounded only by the faithful loving people, give you their wishes and hugs. Live, dear, rejoice, enjoy, make plans for the future, and, God grant, that everything in your life turns out well.

It's quite easy to find on the website. Joyful congratulations from the heart will help you have a pleasant holiday. The usual rules will help you say congratulations. No need to select too much long congratulations it will not be interesting to others. Who is interested in waiting too long for the final congratulations? There is no need to choose a congratulatory speech that is too short. Such speech will not be able to fully reveal your feelings. Congratulations must be said at any holiday solemnly, sincerely and clearly. To the readers of the site, each and every one, we would like to wish that the birthday girl and guests will definitely like the wish you were looking for, namely, happy birthday greetings to the girl in your own words. Select your wishes in advance, prepare them, and delight those present and the birthday girl with bright festive greetings!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

Cheerful child
On this wonderful evening!
They brought you a gift
Such a small poem!
Always stay sweet!
Learn! Be smart and beautiful!
Love people and be loved!
Achieve everything and be happy!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

You are still very young, tender,
Like a flower that broke through the ice,
And the weather is all windy and snowy
Gives you strength to live.
Be the same as on this joyful day,
Don't be sad and don't shed tears.
May there always be happiness and sweets
In your home and in your life.

Congratulations to the girl in your own words

Happy birthday to my beloved cutie and beauty! I want you to have a lot of pleasant moments in your life! Let there be a place in life for adventures, gifts and surprises! And if there are troubles, they will only be pleasant ones!

You're a little older today

You've become a little older today. This is a very important event, because you have become a little more mature, I want to congratulate you on this! A lot of new things, pleasant discoveries, new people await you in life. At the beginning of your great journey in life, I wish that life gives you many bright and exciting moments, as well as health, happiness and love!

Wishes for a girl in your own words

When I went to see you for your birthday, I met a tiny fairy. She told me that she will fulfill any wish you make today! I wish you to choose the right desire!

For a 5 year old girl, in your own words

Our sun is clear! You've turned one more year old. I want to wish you to grow up to be a very kind and sympathetic person! May you always remain beautiful, cheerful and happy!

Our young, beautiful girl!

Our young, beautiful lady! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May your life always be sweeter than honey! May good luck and fortune always be with you!

My little flower, my dear, I congratulate you with all my heart. Today is my birthday best girl on the planet! Let no storms of life deflect the ship of your destiny from the right course. Let your surroundings support you and give you strength in difficult times of life. Nothing in the world can replace you for me. You are my life treasure, my ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Happy birthday to you, no matter what happens, know I’m nearby! After all, I have never met such sincere children before. May new adventures come into your life every day. Let miracles come to everything and bring with them a piece of happiness that will settle under your pillow. Happy birthday! The brightest day of my life was your birthday. I was pleased with your first steps, your first words, especially when you called me, the sparkles of happiness in your eyes still mean more to me than anything else in the world, I laugh with you and feel sad when you are sad. Congratulations to you, piece of my heart! I congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, Happy Birthday! May everything always be fine with you! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and longevity! Always please your parents and study well! A ray of sunlight broke through the horizon and fell to the ground, announcing the coming of a new day. An unusual, special day. After all, today you were born. Beautiful, charming, kind, warm-hearted. Real! Happy birthday to you! I wish that dreams always flutter in your soul like butterflies. So that these dreams lead you into bright and unknown distances. May you always be accompanied on this journey by success, patience, understanding of friends and love of loved ones! May your sweet face never be overshadowed by sadness, and may there be no place for sadness in your mischievous eyes! May your every moment, every hour, every day and every year be successful and happy! Love, dare, create! Happy holiday to you! Happy birthday!

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