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Which brand of hyaluronic acid is best for the face? Face cream with hyaluronic acid. The main qualities of good cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polymer molecule that consists of small compounds with a carbohydrate structure. The physical properties of the acid are unique - it can retain water molecules by forming a gel-like structure, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. At the pharmacy you can buy expensive and cheap creams/gels for beauty and youth. Many of them contain hyaluronic acid. Practice shows that it is this component that allows you to see the effect immediately after the first use. Pharmacy face creams with hyaluronic acid: Curiosin, Pectilift, Radevit, Heparin ointment. So, let's look at what is included in facial products, what are the features of use, and how to prepare the cream at home yourself?

Composition of creams containing hyaluronic acid

Pharmacy products with hyaluronic acid for the face provide a powerful moisturizing effect and promote skin rejuvenation. They must be used in accordance with the age indicated on the packaging of the cosmetic product. Creams and gels are produced based on various types of hyaluronic acid.

Low molecular weight acid is characterized by smaller particles that easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and help moisturize the skin from the inside. With a higher molecular weight of the component, the substance cannot penetrate so deeply, so it remains on the surface, as a result of which a film is formed. It prevents the evaporation of liquid from the surface layer of the skin and attracts it from the outside. Does not clog pores, while maximally moisturizing the epidermis. The medium molecular fraction of hyaluronic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes skin regeneration.

Worth knowing: day cream most often contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, stevia extract - it prevents wrinkles, smoothes existing ones, moisturizes the skin, spherical microparticles - eliminate skin unevenness, a solar radiation filter - protects against ultraviolet exposure, prevents aging skin.

In most cases, the cream around the eyes contains hyaluronic acid, an extract from old flowers, original matrikins - substances that stimulate the production of your own collagen, and spherical microparticles. Sources of hyaluronic acid: human umbilical cord, rooster combs, cattle eyeballs, bacterial cultures. In the cosmetic industry, acid obtained from bacterial cultures is most often used.

Cons of using hyaluronic acid

Pharmacy ointments with hyaluronic acid for the face help get rid of acne, wrinkles, and sagging skin. They give the skin a healthy appearance, maintain water balance, which prevents the formation of pathological elements - pimples, acne, etc. In most cases, the products have a positive effect on the skin, but they have certain disadvantages.

Using a cream or ointment based on hyaluronic acid in winter can cause cracking of the skin, since cosmetics only protect the top layer of skin. For a prolonged effect, one use is not enough - you need to use the cream for a long time.

Too frequent and prolonged use contributes to addiction, as a result of which the body cannot independently produce hyaluronic acid, as a result, the condition of the skin worsens.

Before purchasing an ointment with hyaluronic acid that can delay aging, you must carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product. Perhaps you are allergic to some component.

When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Study reviews from women who have already used the cream. This allows you to get an overall picture of the effectiveness/uselessness of the product;
  • Study contraindications, probable side effects, recommendations for use;
  • View the composition for the presence of hyaluronic acid. The composition should contain exactly this component, and not its derivatives. The packaging should say hyaluronic acid. If sodium hyaluronate is indicated, then it is better to refuse such a remedy;
  • Cream with hyaluronic acid should not have a strong odor. Any flavors and fragrances negatively affect the therapeutic properties;
  • The day cream must contain protection against ultraviolet exposure, and the night cream must contain retinol;
  • For better effect choose products that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and green tea extract;
  • Check the expiration date.

List of effective creams

There are many ointments with hyaluronic acid sold in pharmacies. Some recommend using the Fillerina line of products - a complex made in Switzerland, containing 6 types of hyaluronic acid. Others advise purchasing L’Oreal Paris RevitaLift or Radevit cream. But the names of the drugs alone don’t say anything, so let’s look at the most popular ones in more detail.

Gel Curiosin

The cosmetic product is sold in the form of a gel. The product is used to treat acne and inflammatory diseases of the skin. The active component is hyaluronic acid.

The principle of action of Curiosin against wrinkles:

  1. Hyaluronic acid binds to the liquid, fills the wrinkle from the inside.
  2. The product helps normalize metabolism, improves blood circulation in the skin, stimulates the production of its own collagen.
  3. Additional substances in the composition have anti-inflammatory and healing effects, ensure rapid restoration of the epidermis.

Expected effect from use: leveling of fine wrinkles, deep hydration of the skin, relief of the inflammatory process, narrowing of pores. The method of application is quite simple: apply the product to dry and cleansed skin. Frequency – 1-2 times a day.

Possible side effects:

  • Redness at the application sites (a side effect due to a rush of blood);
  • Excessive dry skin;
  • Allergic reaction (itching, burning, angioedema).

No overdose has been reported. Use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended, since clinical studies on the safety of the drug have not been conducted. The price is 8-9$.

Heparin ointment

The composition contains: heparin, benzocaine, soft paracin, glycerin, sterile water, stearic acid, sunflower oil. The active ingredient is heparin. This substance helps thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. It also relieves swelling as it improves the permeability of blood vessels. Heparin ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How does the ointment affect the condition of the skin? Many women, waking up in the morning, observe swelling of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, and puffiness of the face. In most paintings, this is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle - bad eating habits, non-compliance with the drinking regime. The swelling goes away by lunchtime, and wrinkles appear in their place.

Heparin fights precisely such wrinkles, relieves puffiness, eliminates bags under the eyes, and improves skin condition. The ointment is quickly absorbed, does not cause a sticky feeling, and works at the level of blood vessels. Can be applied to sensitive skin around the eyes. Cosmetologists note that heparin ointment helps well against spider veins, but only with prolonged use.

Worth knowing: Heparin ointment is recommended to be used only on days when swelling and dark circles appear under the eyes. Apply to clean skin, including the area around the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes, after which you can use a regular cosmetic cream. The ointment is used up to 3 times a week.

Heparin ointment against facial and deep wrinkles is an ineffective remedy; it does not help to cope with the problem; it is better to pay attention to other creams.

Ointment Radevit

A combined drug with regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. The product enhances the protective functions of the skin, helps normalize the processes of keratinization of the skin, moisturizes and softens the skin. The drug is used to treat many skin diseases; it does not contain hormonal substances, which allows use regardless of medical history.

The product helps get rid of wrinkles. To do this, you need to apply the cream 1-2 times a day. To achieve the desired effect, Radevit must be used for a long period of time - at least one month.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Excess retinol in the body.

There are no side effects. When using the cream against the background of an acute form of the inflammatory process, the following negative phenomena are possible: hyperemia of the skin, increased swelling, and development of pain. Reviews of Radevit ointment are positive and negative - some women praise the drug, others did not notice any results.

Gel Pectilift

This product is recommended for the care of mature skin. To get rid of wrinkles, the cream is applied to the skin of the face in a thin layer. Frequency of application – once a day. After 15 minutes, the product is washed off with running water, and a moisturizing gel is applied. Duration of use is two weeks, after which they take a break.

Effects of using Pectilift gel:

  • Evens out shallow wrinkles, improves the condition of the skin;
  • Tightens the facial contour, tones;
  • Strengthens the synthesis of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • Reduces the pathological activity of the sebaceous glands, narrows pores;
  • Accelerates the process of renewal of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • Accelerates the process of exfoliation of “dead” skin particles;
  • Stops the inflammatory process;
  • Protects skin from adverse environmental influences.

Please note: Pectilift gel is easy to apply and quickly absorbed; it contains no preservatives, flavors, fragrances, or hormonal substances. The drug does not lead to the development of negative effects, there are no contraindications.

Mostly there are favorable reviews. It is noted that the gel smooths out wrinkles, improves complexion, and makes the skin younger. The positive effect is observed after several applications and lasts for a fairly long period of time.

Making cream at home

To prepare the cream at home, you need to purchase hyaluronic acid in powder. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the fraction of the substance - there is low molecular weight and high molecular weight.

If this information is not indicated on the packaging, then it is a high molecular weight acid. It acts on the surface of the epidermis and provides quick results. Low molecular weight acid is able to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, has a less pronounced therapeutic effect, but has a prolonged effect.

The process of preparing homemade gel:

  1. It is better to use low molecular weight and high molecular weight acids in the same ratio.
  2. The proportion of hyaluronic acid is no more than 2%. Otherwise, the cream will not be absorbed into the skin.
  3. To obtain a 1.5% solution, you need to combine 1 g of powder and 65 ml of water.
  4. You need to pour water into a clean and dry container in which the homemade gel will be stored, then add the powder a little at a time. Mix with a plastic stick.
  5. During mixing, lumps will form - they must be thoroughly rubbed.
  6. Leave the cream on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day.

After 24 hours, the anti-aging product, prepared at home, is ready for use. Use the product 1-2 times a day. Apply to clean and dry skin, allow the cream to absorb for 20 minutes. Afterwards, you can apply moisturizer or use cosmetics. Course duration is 2-3 weeks.

It is not recommended to use homemade cream during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or against the background of inflammatory and dermatological diseases. Use with caution for autoimmune disorders and pathologies of the circulatory system.

Preserving youth and attractiveness is an understandable desire of any woman. Nature gives us resources for this, which, unfortunately, are not eternal. Hyaluronic acid is one of these resources. Our body produces it in sufficient quantities, but only until the age of 25. Then the amount of substance produced begins to decrease, which is why after 30 years the skin fades. Cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid come to the aid of women. Experts have invented many products containing hyaluronic acid. How to choose the right and effective cream?

Role and benefits for the skin

More than half of all hyaluronic acid, which is initially part of the body, is found in human skin. The acid fills the intercellular space in the form of an aqueous gel, creating, together with collagen and elastin fibers, a kind of springy “cushion”. That's why our skin is so elastic and elastic. It is in this gel that fibroblasts are located - skin cells that produce fibers that are so necessary for the elasticity of the skin.

How to replenish the stock?

If the body produces insufficient amounts of hyaluronic acid, it becomes necessary to replenish its reserves from the outside. Cosmetics containing this substance come to the rescue. Manufacturers of skin care products produce all kinds of creams, ointments, serums, mousses, sprays, masks and gels with this active substance. Each product acts differently, but they all have one task - to deliver the active substance to the skin, and therefore to moisturize and rejuvenate it.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are the best moisturizer for skin care

The action of hyaluronic acid in creams is based on two principles:

  1. Creating a light, breathable film on the surface of the skin that protects the skin from moisture loss and corrects the oval of the face.
  2. Delivery of acid molecules into the skin, which attract and retain water, improve microcirculation and create that same elastic “cushion”.

Cosmetics containing hyaluronate act in different ways. This is due to the size of the molecules that make up the serum or cream. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid can penetrate only into the epidermis. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates the dermis. Accordingly, high molecular weight moisturizes and increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and low molecular weight smoothes it. Professional modern luxury cosmetics contain three-level hyaluronic acid: high-, medium- and low-molecular. It is with the help of such means that a noticeable rejuvenating effect can be achieved.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid have a number of advantages over other care products:

  • improvement in skin condition after the first use;
  • absence of allergic and inflammatory reactions;
  • protecting the skin from external influences and simultaneously restoring internal water balance;
  • accelerated collagen production;
  • long-term hydration due to the formation of a water gel in the dermis.

After several weeks of using such cosmetics, the skin takes on a fresh, radiant appearance, unevenness is smoothed out, and the texture becomes soft and velvety.

The rejuvenation effect does not last forever. It is gradually lost if you stop using cosmetics with sodium hyaluronate.

How to choose cosmetics

First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition. In creams, gels and serums, hyaluronic acid can be contained in the form of a salt - sodium hyaluronate - and is listed under the name Sodium Hyaluronate. There are brands that produce cosmetics with hyaluronic acid (contains hyaluronic acid), it is considered more effective.

Before buying a product, study the composition

It is worth paying attention to the accompanying substances that are also contained in the cream. If the composition contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it is desirable that it be accompanied by water-retaining components such as lactic acid, polysaccharides, urea, citric acid and vitamins. They, unlike large molecules of hyaluronic acid, can penetrate deep into the dermis and absorb water from the environment, providing deep hydration. Hyaluronic cosmetics from reputable brands include a UV filter.

It matters where hyaluronic acid is on the list of ingredients. If it is at the beginning or in the middle of the list, it means that its concentration is sufficient to effectively affect the skin. If at the end, it means that its amount is negligible, and you are unlikely to see a noticeable result.

Avoid cosmetics that contain mineral oil. It creates a film on the skin that does not allow air and moisture to pass through.

Cosmetic preparations containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are expensive. If you buy such products at a low price, be prepared for the fact that they may not be as effective as the manufacturer claims.

How to use cosmetics with hyaluronic acid?

There are several nuances that should be taken into account when using cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid.

At what age should I start?

It is not advisable to use cosmetics of this kind before the age of 25. The fact is that by supplying hyaluronic acid from the outside, you “relax” your body. He stops producing his own. By doing this, you doom yourself to early skin aging and possible joint problems, since hyaluronic acid allows you to keep intra-articular cartilage tissue healthy.

The optimal age at which it is recommended to care for your skin using hyaluronic cosmetics is 30 years. At this time, barely noticeable wrinkles may appear on the face, which are easier to deal with at the initial stage and prolong the youth of the skin for many years.

Rules for using cosmetics

As with other skin care products, the skin should be cleansed first. The rest of the rules are simple:

  • morning application - no later than an hour before going outside, evening application - half an hour before bedtime;
  • the cream is applied along the massage lines, the serum is lightly beaten into the skin with your fingertips;
  • the skin should be moist;
  • Before applying the cream, warm it in your palm for better absorption.

It is not advisable for girls aged 25 to 30 to constantly use such cosmetics. Their body produces enough natural hyaluronic acid. Creams and serums are best used to instantly correct the condition of the skin.

After 30 years, you can constantly use the cream - day or night. If the skin tolerates the product well, it is better to apply it according to the “morning and evening” scheme. For sensitive skin, one-time use is more suitable - only in the morning or evening. Serum is usually used as an “ambulance” when it is necessary to obtain maximum results in a short period of time. It is applied to problem areas of the skin.

Pharmacy gels with hyaluronic acid (for example, Curiosin) are recommended to be used only in courses, as they are medicine. They should be used in combination with cosmetic care products no more than 2 times a year and no longer than 1 month.

Before using Curiosin, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications and possible harm

When used in creams, gels and serums, hyaluronic acid has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. It is better to choose more expensive products that contain hyaluronic acid of animal origin (organic). Cosmetologists believe that it is safe for the human body.

As for anti-aging injections, which are widely used today to combat wrinkles, they have quite strict contraindications. During their implementation, biosynthetic hyaluronic acid is used, as it gives a longer lasting result. For production, pathogenic microbes are used, which synthesize it under special conditions. The biosynthetic acid contains proteins, cells and toxins, the removal of which is a costly and time-consuming process. It is these impurities that enter the human body that can subsequently cause serious autoimmune diseases. For this reason, anti-aging injections should not be given during pregnancy and lactation. They are also contraindicated in the presence of autoimmune diseases and acute inflammatory processes in the body.

If you decide to undergo a rejuvenating course of injections with hyaluronic acid, inquire about the certificate for the cosmetic product, paying special attention to the degree of purification.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Modern cosmetology considers hyaluronic acid one of the best anti-aging drugs. It is widely used not only as an external remedy, but also in plastic surgery.

However, according to cosmetologists, products containing hyaluronic acid do not provide a pronounced rejuvenation effect. They are good for moisturizing and giving the skin firmness and elasticity. For a deeper effect, doctors recommend injections.

Cosmetics review

Today on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can find a lot of products that contain hyaluronic acid. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • For the youngest cosmetics users (from 25 years old), L’Oreal Derma creams and serums are suitable. The L'Oreal Derma Genesis line includes day and night creams, a product for the eyelids and skin around the eyes, as well as a concentrated serum. For dry and mature skin, the manufacturer produces products that also contain the Pro-Xylane component, which enhances the effect of the active substance and increases collagen production.
  • The domestic manufacturer of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, Laura, offers an inexpensive but effective serum. In addition, this line is represented by lotions, mousses, sprays and masks.
  • Another Russian brand, Librederm, is popular among middle-aged women. Libriderm serum is perfectly absorbed, has a tightening effect, and relieves inflammation.
  • Merz cream has a foamy consistency, so it is not suitable as a base for decorative cosmetics. But it does an excellent job of saturating cells with oxygen and restoring collagen production.
  • Cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the products of the Kosmoteros GROUP company, which produces creams and serums with organic hyaluronic acid.
  • The ELDAN Cosmetics company has released a new Premium Ialuron Treatment series, which includes an essence with high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, a fluid serum and a 24-hour cream. They use chamomile extract, saccharide isomerate, almond oil and panthenol as additional components.
  • For women over 50, a good choice would be the Japanese serum for wrinkles around the eyes “Shiseido”. In addition to hyaluronate, it also contains medicinal Japanese plants and algae.
  • Another domestic manufacturer is Natura Siberica. She produces products with hyaluronic acid for daytime care for aging skin.

Over the past few years, there has been a real boom in cosmetology associated with the use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetics. Initially, this substance is contained in the cells of the epidermis, but under the influence of ultraviolet rays of type B, not only its production decreases, but also its destruction.

Various forms of hyaluronic acid are used in cosmetic products. Low molecular weight ones are used in anti-aging drugs, since the molecules, due to their small size, can reach the dermis and affect the formation of new wrinkles. Products containing large molecular compounds have a calming and restorative effect. They have shown their effectiveness in restoring skin after traumatic procedures.

Cosmetics containing both forms of hyaluronic acid are truly universal products. They can slow down the appearance of wrinkles, moisturize the skin, soothe it and improve tone. It is thanks to this complex effect that creams based on hyaluronic acid are so popular.

We have compiled a list of the best hyaluronic face creams based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

  1. Librederm
  2. Secretkey
  3. Mizon

Expensive/Premium class

  1. La Roche-Posay
  2. Christina
Skin hydration For sensitive skin For dry skin For oily skin For combination skin For normal skin Whitening Improved complexion

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Hyaluronic face creams: Skin hydration

For oily skin / For combination skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / Skin hydration / Improved complexion

Main advantages
  • The product with a weightless texture is perfectly absorbed. It is designed for daily care of any skin type that needs intensive hydration.
  • The cream is equipped with a special vacuum dispenser. This will not only help prevent air from getting into the packaging and spoiling the product, but will also allow you to use the cream to the last drop.
  • Thanks to the content of highly concentrated pomegranate extract, the drug helps improve complexion and stimulate collagen synthesis. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and toned
  • Camelina oil in the product, due to its rich composition, has a complex effect on the skin. It helps soften and moisturize the skin, relieve irritation, and also improves intercellular metabolism, which helps slow down the aging process.
  • The product is specially designed for use not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Suitable for use on sensitive skin

Skin hydration / Improved complexion

Main advantages
  • The cream is designed for intensive care at night, so that the next morning your skin looks more hydrated, smooth and radiant.
  • Thanks to the combination of components such as argan oil, low molecular weight hyaluronic and glutamic acids, the product starts metabolic processes in the skin, helps maintain water balance, and has a prolonged effect
  • Shea butter in the composition helps maintain the necessary level of skin moisture and helps reduce wrinkles
  • The synergy of allantoin and panthenol gives the cream excellent regenerating properties. The skin is effectively restored at night after prolonged stress during the day.
  • Vitamin E helps fight free radicals and moisturizes, so the skin retains its youthful appearance longer.

Show all products in the category "Skin hydration"

Hyaluronic face creams: For sensitive skin

For oily skin / For combination skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / Skin hydration

Main advantages
  • The product is designed to solve problems such as dryness and dehydration of the skin, the appearance of the first signs of aging
  • Can be used to care for any skin type, including problem skin, as it does not contain comedogenic additives. It can be used as a base for makeup
  • Glucose and fructose in the product help not only effectively moisturize the skin, but also retain water in the cells
  • Vitamin A helps rejuvenate the dermis, protect it from UV radiation, and launches regeneration processes. Due to the content of this component, the cream should not be used by pregnant women.
  • Calendula officinalis extract helps soothe and moisturize the skin, has an anti-rosacea effect, relieves redness and strengthens capillary walls

For oily skin / For combination skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / Skin hydration

Main advantages
  • The product is designed to care for any skin type. Helps solve problems such as dryness and sensitivity
  • Ceramides in the cream help strengthen the stratum corneum and lipid mantle, retain moisture in the cells
  • Cucumber extract protects against UV radiation, rejuvenates and brightens the skin. It has anti-allergenic and cooling properties, which is especially important for sensitive skin
  • St. John's wort has a tonic effect. Helps make the skin more elastic, relieves inflammation and promotes healing of injured dermis
  • Panthenol not only moisturizes, but also has anti-inflammatory and anti-acne properties, so the cream can be safely used on problem skin

Show all products in the category "For sensitive skin"

Hyaluronic face creams: For dry skin

For normal skin/ For dry skin / Skin hydration

Main advantages
  • The cream with a light and quickly absorbing texture is designed specifically for the care of normal and dry skin types and has a pleasant green apple aroma.
  • The product is universal, suitable for use as both morning and evening skincare.
  • The combination of components such as vitamin E and urea helps nourish the skin and eliminate the first fine wrinkles
  • Sea salt not only helps to better retain moisture in the skin, but also has an antiseptic effect.
  • Glutamic acid helps make skin softer and fights free radical damage

For dry skin / Skin hydration

Main advantages
  • The product contains 30% low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which provides instant hydration. The effect of use lasts all day, there is no feeling of discomfort after using the product
  • A combination of substances such as water, glycerin and dimethicone helps not only make the skin soft and smooth, but also retain moisture in the cells for a long time
  • The combination of several amino acids gives the product anti-aging properties, increases skin elasticity and promotes collagen synthesis
  • Olive extract helps soften the skin, has regenerative properties, restoring damaged skin
  • Biosaccharide resin prolongs the effect of hyaluronic acid, the skin remains more nourished for a long time
Skin hydration / Improved complexion
Main advantages
  • The combination of licorice and blueberry extracts makes this cream an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. They help get rid of redness and blemishes
  • Tomato as part of a skin care product helps fight free radicals and ultraviolet radiation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, delaying the onset of old age.
  • Extracts of purslane, rice, lemon and ascorbic acid help not only maintain a certain level of skin hydration, but give it a healthy, smooth and radiant appearance
  • Collagen helps the skin maintain firmness and elasticity, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and fights old age-related changes
  • Aloe vera helps restore the skin after stress and traumatic procedures, the face begins to look healthier

Show all products in the category "Whitening"

From this article you will learn:

  • hyaluronic acid injections – reviews, price,
  • tableted hyaluronic acid for the face - reviews,
  • cream with hyaluronic acid - reviews, how consumers are deceived.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural structural component of the skin that retains water molecules in it. The human body contains approximately 15 grams of this acid, a third of which is decomposed and synthesized daily. The aging process is accompanied by a decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid, and by the age of 45 its content decreases by approximately 50%.

How a lack of hyaluronic acid leads to skin aging -

Almost all of the skin's hyaluronic acid is located in its dermal layer (Fig. 2) - exactly where the collagen and elastin fibers responsible for skin elasticity are located. Loss of moisture (dehydration) from this layer of skin leads to the following effects:

  • Slow collagen degeneration
    a decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid leads to a decrease in water content in the dermis, which leads to weak hydration of collagen and elastin fibers with water. Under these conditions, slow degeneration of collagen fibers occurs with a gradual decrease in its quantity. In addition, all other collagen loses the proper degree of plasticity (ability to shrink/decompress). And this affects the elasticity of the skin.
  • Reduced skin thickness
    dehydration of the dermal layer of the skin leads to a decrease in its thickness, accordingly, the skin becomes thinner and less elastic. Thin skin is more prone to the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • Decreased activity of fibroblasts and keratinocytes
    fibroblasts are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. When there is a lack of hyaluronic acid, their activity decreases, which affects their collagen production. The activity of keratinocytes, on which the thickness of the epidermal layer of the skin depends, also decreases. A decrease in the thickness of the epidermis leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the skin and to greater evaporation of water from its surface.

Hyaluronic acid for the face: reviews from cosmetologists...
Thus, the additional supply of hyaluronic acid (in conditions of decreasing its content in the dermis) ensures that the dermis is saturated with moisture and collagen remains sufficiently hydrated with water. Plus, the activity of fibroblasts and keratinocytes increases, stimulates angiogenesis, cell regeneration, and metabolic processes. All this keeps the skin well hydrated, elastic and, accordingly, prevents the development of wrinkles.

Why don’t all external products with hyaluronic acid work?

Hyaluronic acid belongs to the class of polysaccharides, or more precisely glycosaminoglycans. It consists of repeating fragments (Fig. 3), which are usually called disaccharide units. Normally, one hyaluronic acid molecule contains up to 25 thousand of these repeating fragments. As a result, the molecule is a ribbon (Fig. 4), which is rolled into a loose tangled ball.

Hyaluronic acid molecules are large in size and molecular weight, and therefore they normally do not penetrate the skin - deeper than the cracks between dead epidermal cells. Therefore, some manufacturers use low molecular weight hyaluronic acid in their creams and serums, which has been artificially reduced to a size that allows it to penetrate the skin well.

Therefore, the size of HA molecules in skin products is very important!
The size (mass) of hyaluronic acid molecules is measured in daltons (Da). A standard hyaluronic acid molecule has a mass of up to 25,000,000 Da. In some sources you may find mass notation in the form of kDa (kilo Dalton). So, for example, 25,000,000 Dalton = 25,000 kDa).

1. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid –

Low molecular weight molecules are considered to be hyaluronic acid molecules with a chain size of less than 130,000 Daltons. Such molecules penetrate the difficult skin barrier much more easily. Having penetrated the dermal layer of the skin, such molecules absorb water from the inside (which penetrates the dermis through the walls of blood vessels). By binding and holding it, they saturate the dermis with moisture.

But even low molecular weight HA is heterogeneous. Different size chains have completely different effects. Therefore, the best manufacturers use low molecular weight HA in their products not of one size, but of different sizes...

  • Chains weighing from 400 to 10,000 Daltons
    Most of all, they promote angiogenesis, i.e. the appearance of many microvessels in the dermis. This leads to better blood supply to the skin, which means better saturation of it with oxygen, nutrients, and activation of metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Chains weighing from 50,000 to 130,000 Daltons
    This size of molecules leads to good saturation of the dermis with moisture, but this size of chains especially stimulates cell proliferation and migration, increases the activity of fibroblasts + the production of new collagen. The activity of keratinocytes also increases, which helps to increase the thickness of the epidermis and increase its hydrophobic properties (i.e., the thicker the epidermis, the less moisture will evaporate from the surface of the skin).

Important: Studies have shown that HA chains weighing up to 1 million Daltons can pass through the skin. However, the same studies showed that HA chains weighing from 500,000 to 1,000,000 Daltons (they are already considered high molecular weight) partially cause the opposite effects. Although they saturate the dermis with moisture, they also suppress fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, and angiogenesis (site).

2. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid –

Molecules of hyaluronic acid with a chain size greater than 130,000 Daltons are considered high molecular weight. But that doesn't mean they don't work. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid forms a thin gel-like “polymer” film on the surface of the skin, which begins to very quickly absorb moisture from the air.

The formation of a gel-like film leads to the following effects –

  • an increase in water content in the epidermal layer of the skin,
  • an additional barrier appears for the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin,
  • The polymer film allows the biologically active components included in the cosmetic product to contact the skin longer and more closely, which increases their absorption.

Important : The greater the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid used (we remind you that its maximum weight = 25,000,000 Daltons), the higher the effectiveness and duration of action of such a gel-like film.

CONCLUSIONS on choosing skin products -

Thus, HA molecules of different masses work completely differently. This can influence the choice of skin care products, depending on what you expect from using such products.

  • Products with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid
    will work from the inside, penetrating the dermal layer of the skin, increasing its water content, which leads to an increase in the degree of hydration of collagen and elastin and an increase in their elasticity. They also activate the function of fibroblasts and keratinocytes, increase collagen production, increase metabolic processes in the skin, and stimulate angiogenesis.

    Studies have shown that products with HA molecules from 50,000 to 130,000 Daltons are better than others in helping to restore skin elasticity. Just keep in mind that HA molecules are destroyed in the body over time: from less than a day to 2 days. Therefore, these products must be used constantly, otherwise you will slip back to the original skin condition. Moreover, the smaller the size of HA molecules, the faster they are destroyed by macrophages.

  • Products with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid
    the size of HA molecules in such products should be at least 1,000,000 Daltons (and this is the worst option). In the best case, the molecules should have a maximum size, i.e. approaching 25,000,000 Daltons. Keep in mind that such products can, on the contrary, dry out your skin if the surrounding air is not sufficiently humidified, i.e. dry In this case, the gel-like film will tend to absorb water even from the surface layer of the skin.

    These products allow you to quickly moisturize and improve the condition of the most superficial layer of skin (epidermis). You shouldn’t count on an increase in moisture in the dermis and an increase in skin elasticity. The effectiveness of such products will be much higher if, in addition to HA, they contain ceramides (unsaturated fatty acids), which also prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetology –

Why is hyaluronic acid attractive in cosmetology, and what are its benefits? In addition to external agents, there are injection forms of administration, which can be aimed either at a general improvement in the condition of the skin or at smoothing out wrinkles.

1. Deep moisturizing of the skin of the face and neck –

The method of skin rejuvenation with injections of hyaluronic acid is called biorevitalization (from the words - renewal, revitalization). The hyaluronic acid solution is administered intradermally using multiple microinjections using a special automatic injector or syringe (Fig. 5-7). Solutions for biorevitalization can also contain all kinds of vitamins and amino acids.

Hyaluronic acid: reviews of biorevitalization techniques…
We have already written similarly about skin results. Today this technique is quite controversial. If an increase in the production of collagen and elastin after injections of hyaluronic acid occurred (only in one study), it was still only at the level of statistical error. But in general, patients noted that the skin looked more rested after the injections for about a month.

Original photos from a study on the effectiveness of biorevitalization, taken before and after (can you see the difference?)

What explains the slight increase in collagen levels? –
It must be said that this method is carried out using a series of numerous micro-injections, which lead to numerous small injuries to the skin with a needle. The skin instantly reacts to any damage by activating regenerative mechanisms, including collagen production, activation of angiogenesis and blood supply. In our opinion, the improvement in skin condition with this technique occurs precisely because of the punctures of the skin, and not due to the contents of the syringe.

By the way, this is also proven by the fact that in one of the studies ( read the study) an uneven increase in collagen was detected, specifically in places where the skin was punctured with a syringe needle. Considering that the hyaluronic acid solution spreads throughout the tissues upon injection, it is quite strange that the increase occurred only at the points where the needle was inserted into the skin.

By the way, look how the condition of the skin improves when exposed to darsonvalization (discharges leave pockets of micronecrosis in the skin, which stimulate skin regeneration). Or like after using badyagi, which injures the skin with microneedles - after 2 days, the skin tone becomes much healthier and more even. All this proves our point.

Undoubtedly, the contents of the syringe affect metabolic processes to some extent, but this effect is extremely small and short-lived. In addition to injections, there is also hyaluronic acid in tablets, creams with sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid (read about them below).

2. Smoothing wrinkles, adding volume to lips, cheekbones –

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is also used as a basis for fillers (dermal fillers), which are intended to correct wrinkles, or to increase the volume of lips or cheekbones. Hyaluronic acid fillers are a gel that is injected subcutaneously with a syringe. The gel has the property of not dissolving for a long time (up to 1 year), which achieves the lifting effect.

The principle of smoothing wrinkles with fillers with hyaluronic acid –

The effect of using fillers is visible immediately after the procedure. But you need to take into account that smoothing wrinkles or increasing the volume of cheekbones or lips will be temporary, because... The gel tends to slowly dissolve in the body. On average, the effect lasts for a period of 6-12 months (depending on the brand of filler chosen).

Hyaluronic acid preparations –

Today, cosmetology uses forms of hyaluronic acid in the form of a solution and gel for intradermal or subcutaneous administration, in the form of tablets (capsules), as well as in the form of numerous products for topical use in the form of creams, ointments, gels and serums. So, more details about each form...

1. SOLGAR hyaluronic acid tablets: reviews

In the Russian segment of the Internet, Solgar, hyaluronic acid in tablets, is gaining great popularity. The manufacturer claims that taking this drug improves the condition of the joints, penetrating into the interarticular fluid, and also improves the condition of the skin, moisturizes it, fights wrinkles, and so on.

The fact is that hyaluronic acid molecules are too large, and therefore, when taken in tablets, they are not able to be absorbed in the intestines and penetrate into the blood. Accordingly, hyaluronic acid does not penetrate either into the joints or into the skin... The effect can generally only come from either the injectable form or the form for topical use (creams, serums), but not from tablets.

However, some reviews insist that hyaluronic acid in capsules/tablets can be perfectly absorbed in the body and improve its general condition. This is an outright lie, left by paid commentators in forums and thematic blogs, not supported, banally, by either the laws of biochemistry or the laws of human physiology.

Solgar hyaluronic acid: expert reviews...
On the seller’s website page you will, of course, see only positive reviews. Everything about the quality of these reviews is already clear, given that hyaluronic acid is not absorbed at all in the intestines. However, Solgar hyaluronic acid capsules also contain a large dose of vitamin C (as much as 167% of the daily dose in one capsule), which is absorbed in the intestines.

Vitamin C is a good antioxidant and immunomodulator, and of course can improve the general condition of the body. It is clear that if a stimulating effect occurs, it is only due to the presence of this vitamin. For your information, Solgar hyaluronic acid price will range from 1200 to 2300 rubles (for 30 capsules). Isn't that a lot for just vitamin C?

Even if you try (even if you spend a year), you will not find a single clinical study that has been conducted on the effectiveness of oral administration of hyaluronic acid in tablets or capsules. Of course, it is absolutely harmless, but taking it in tablets is absolutely pointless.

2. Hyaluronic acid injections –

There are two types of hyaluronic acid injections for skin rejuvenation. In the first case, a solution of hyaluronic acid is used, which quickly dissolves when administered intradermally. In the second case, hyaluronic acid gel is used, which does not dissolve in tissues for a long time. These two forms of application have completely different properties and effects...

  • Using gels with hyaluronic acid (fillers)
    Such gels are excellent for dealing with deep wrinkles and folds, reducing their depth. This method is often called facial contouring, because... Hyaluronic acid gel injected intradermally not only smoothes out wrinkles, but also helps give additional volume to the cheekbones, chin, and enlarges the lips.

    The most popular fillers based on hyaluronic acid:
    → ,
    → (Fig. 19).

    The effect of using fillers is immediate and lasts about a year. Hyaluronic acid injections - reviews from all patients confirm the effectiveness and safety of this method of skin rejuvenation. The only downside can be the cost of the procedure, where the price is calculated depending on the volume of the injected gel. Fillers are the most popular anti-wrinkle treatment in the USA and Europe, along with Fillers, which are excellent for dealing with expression lines.

Hyaluronic acid injections: reviews, price

Hyaluronic acid injection - the price is calculated based on the amount of the drug in ml that is injected into the tissue. This also applies to hyaluronic acid solutions for biorevitalization and fillers for wrinkle correction (hyaluronic acid in gel form).

3. Cream with hyaluronic acid: reviews, how to choose

Many consumers know what an excellent moisturizing effect hyaluronic acid has, and therefore they look for this particular ingredient in creams. More and more brands are advertising hyaluronic acid in their creams, but if you read their ingredients on the label, it turns out that they are listed at the very bottom of the list. This means that the proportion of hyaluronic acid there is extremely small.

  • conventional skin care products 0.05-0.4%,
  • highly moisturizing products and anti-aging cosmetics – 0.5-1.5%.

Do not buy products with hyaluronic acid where the percentage of its content is not indicated! In addition, it must be indicated whether the product contains hyaluronic acid itself, or its salt – sodium hyaluronate.

Recommended sizes of HA molecules in skin products –
ideally, if the manufacturer indicates the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid molecules in the composition of their product. Some manufacturers simply write “low molecular weight” (without quantitative indicators), which does not inspire confidence. Serums should only be made from low molecular weight HA with a molecular size of up to 130,000 Daltons.

In cream products, the choice of HA molecular size will depend on what effects you are expecting -

  • If you are more interested in increasing skin elasticity, then in this case the size and mass of HA molecules should be from 50,000 to 130,000 Daltons.
  • If there is a rapid obvious improvement in the hydration and appearance of only the upper layer of the skin, then the mass of HA molecules should be as large as possible, but not less than 1,000,000 Daltons. We described in detail why this is so at the beginning of the article. And, by the way, such funds will be much cheaper than the first ones.
  • There are products that contain a combination of both low molecular weight and high molecular weight HA. This option will probably be preferable.

Attention to additional components
It is better to refrain from creams that contain: fragrances, alcohol, natural oil essences (they reduce the effect or destroy hyaluronic acid molecules). But vitamins C, E and B5, on the contrary, enhance its effect, and therefore it is very good if they are included in the cream. It is very good if the cream contains ceramides (unsaturated fatty acids), which also greatly moisturize the epidermis and prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin.

Is it possible to add a solution of hyaluronic acid from ampoules to a regular cream?

If you find an excellent moisturizer that suits your skin, but it does not contain hyaluronic acid, you can buy it at the pharmacy in the form of ampoules and simply add it to your cream. In this case, hyaluronic acid will have a large mass of molecules and will not penetrate the skin. But, as we have already said: working on the surface of the skin, it forms a gel-like polymer film.

This protective film remains on the skin for a long time; after application, it begins to absorb water from the air, which leads: firstly, to the saturation of the surface layer of the skin with moisture, and secondly, to protection against moisture evaporation from the surface of the skin. Those. as we see, creams with both high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid will work to moisturize the skin. They will just do it in different ways, and to different depths.

The mechanism of action of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is completely different. Penetrating into the dermis, they absorb water there (coming from blood vessels), which leads to an increase in the moisture content in the dermal layer of the skin, and also affects fibroblasts, collagen, etc. there.

Hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate in cream: which is better?

Sometimes you can read in the composition that the cream does not contain hyaluronic acid, but sodium hyaluronate. This may not be clear, so it requires a little clarification. Chemically, sodium hyaluronate is a salt derived from hyaluronic acid. It has a number of advantages over hyaluronic acid itself, although both of these components have good moisture-retaining properties.

The main difference between sodium hyaluronate is its molecular size. During the process of creating sodium hyaluronate, its molecular weight is reduced by removing lipids and nucleic acids, making the molecule much smaller than hyaluronic acid. This means that when applied topically, sodium hyaluronate molecules penetrate the skin more easily.

What is possible and what is impossible to achieve with creams -

There is a lot of deception on the Internet. Entire companies with paid commentators leave laudatory reviews every day about the products they promote, and at the same time scold their competitors. Some useful tips...

1. Creams with HA will never smooth out wrinkles

No cream with hyaluronic acid can cope with pronounced wrinkles, folds, sagging and other signs of skin aging, no matter how cream manufacturers promise it. For example, the manufacturer of “Gemene - DNC hyaluronic acid” promises that using its gel, wrinkles will be filled in and smoothed out. Unfortunately, this is simply impossible!

Also, do not be fooled by advertising articles that promise you a reduction in wrinkles, and by rave reviews from paid commentators on various forums and blogs (in fact, 99% of reviews on forums on the Internet are hidden advertising). All these creams can do is basically moisturize your skin and give it a more rested look, slightly reduce by 15-30% the depth of the smallest wrinkles (for example, around the eyes or on the upper lip).

If you constantly use high-quality products with low molecular weight HA, you can expect an increase in skin thickness and elasticity. But keep in mind that as soon as you stop using these products, you quickly return to your original skin condition.

2. Price matters –

The production of low molecular weight HA is a very expensive process. Effective, high-quality products with high concentrations of low molecular weight HA a priori cannot be sold for 500-1000 rubles. Usually their cost ranges from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles. If you want to buy a quality product, be prepared that it will be expensive (although a 30 ml serum with HA may last you 3-4 months of daily use).

This serum contains 0.5% low molecular weight HA, vitamin B5, as well as a moisturizing complex of pyroglutamic acid, urea, trehalose and polyquartenium-51. You can buy it in the company's Russian online store SkinCeuticals ®. Cost (30 ml) – about 4700 rubles. Designed more to prevent age-related changes.

  • SkinCeuticals ® “H.A. "Intensifier"(USA) –

    This serum contains 1.5% hyaluronic acid, 2% dipotassium cittirisate, 10% proxylane. Designed to correct age-related skin changes. Cost about 8,000 rubles (30 ml). You can buy it in the company's Russian online store SkinCeuticals ®.
  • Serum “Tete” (Switzerland)

    cost from 2200 rubles per package with three bottles of 10 ml each. The manufacturer does not disclose the concentration of HA, but the products of this company have always been of high quality (for example, it was Tete that developed the so-called liposomal cosmetics).
  • Creams with hyaluronic acid –

    As for creams with low molecular weight HA, very few of them are sold in Russia. Only a few brands can be called worthy of at least some trust. Firstly, this is the TETE ® liposomal lifting cream, which uses an innovative liposomal mechanism for transferring HA molecules into the skin. Firstly, these are cosmetic products from the French company La Roche-Posay ®, which are very widely represented in pharmacy chains.

    Important : The most effective option would still be to use not creams, but serums with HA. But keep in mind that immediately after applying and absorbing the serum, you must immediately apply a good cream on top (ideally if it contains ceramides).

    Hyaluronic acid: contraindications

    Hyaluronic acid is ABSOLUTELY SAFE both when applied to the skin and when injected. It is safe even when taken orally, because... It’s simply not absorbed in the intestines. Rarely, hyaluronic acid can cause allergic reactions. Special precautions include hyaluronic acid injections during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    There is not enough evidence and studies conducted to prove the complete safety of hyaluronic acid during pregnancy. Also, doctors do not know how it affects breast milk and the infant during feeding, so it is recommended not to take risks and refrain from using it. We hope that our article on the topic: Solgar hyaluronic acid buy in a pharmacy reviews was useful to you!

    The unpronounceable name is borrowed from the Greek language and means the word “glass”. This is a transparent jelly-like substance between the cells of a living organism. It retains water, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the elasticity of the fibers. Applied to the skin, it turns into a film; it interferes with evaporation, but does not interfere with gas exchange. As an ingredient in medicinal preparations, it stimulates wound healing.

    Over the years, the reserves of this substance in the body decrease, and the inability to retain moisture leads to loss of tone and the appearance of wrinkles. Synthetic analogue used in cosmetology

    • has the same uniqueness as natural hyaluron
    • behaves in relation to the body as a homogeneous substance
    • does not reject and does not provoke allergies.

    Anti-aging products have always been in demand, and there has never been a shortage of them. Pharmacists and cosmetologists began to create creams with hyaluronic acid relatively recently, but today almost all manufacturers produce such products. They differ in the presence of additional ingredients, properties, and cost, but the benefits of using creams with hyaluronic acid are common - rejuvenation.

    Names of creams with hyaluronic acid

    Names of creams with hyaluronic acid of domestic and foreign production:

    • Planter's Acido Hialuronico.
    • Cerave Moisturizing Lotion.
    • It's skin Hyaluronic Acid.
    • Eveline bio HYALURON 4D.
    • Vichy Liftactiv Retinol acid.
    • Loreal Derma Genesis.
    • La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche.
    • Derma Genesis from L'Oreal.
    • NeOVADIOL from Vichy.
    • Lefarm No. 23.
    • Cream-gel Bark Anti-Age.
    • Lift Fill 3D Eveline.
    • Liftactiv Retinol Vichy.
    • Eurecin Hyaluron Filler.
    • Laura.
    • Libriderm.
    • Renaissance.
    • D'Oliva Hydro Care.

    Cream with hyaluronic acid Libriderm

    Libriderm hyaluronic acid cream is used for hypersensitive skin. The product is produced by a Russian company.

    Cosmetics contain low molecular weight acid and other highly active ingredients.

    • The whey contains soy protein and enzyme filtrate.
    • The cream contains camelina oil (it softens, nourishes, saturates with healthy fats; relieves irritation, activates renewal).

    Libriderm cream is used for daily care. Valid throughout the day. Some consider the influence of comedogenic substances derived from petroleum products to be a disadvantage.

    Cream Laura with hyaluronic acid

    Laura cream with hyaluronic acid is an effective anti-aging product that makes problem skin velvety and soft.


    • vitamin complex;
    • extracts of wild yam and butcher's broom;
    • complex of fat-soluble esters, plant phospholipids;
    • soybean, castor oils;
    • additional ingredients.

    The formula provides protection, hydration, acid-base balance, effectively affects the structure and shade, and increases the amount of collagen.

    The manufacturer (Evalar) guarantees noticeable rejuvenation after three to four weeks of regular use. The effect is enhanced by parallel intake of capsules of the same substance.

    Bark cream with hyaluronic acid

    Bark cream with hyaluronic acid in the form of a mask moisturizes deeply and intensively. Applying the cream mask creates a feeling of comfort. A special feature is thermal water (France, Britain); the recipe includes:

    • algae – improves the condition of the epidermis, turgor and color;
    • lactic and succinic acids – smooth out fine wrinkles, stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells;
    • useful amino acids – actively participate in the production of proteins;
    • germs of oats, wheat, soybean oil - nourish, moisturize, tone.

    The mask is used three times a week, for several minutes. This is enough to achieve maximum effect. Before application, it is useful (but not necessary) to cleanse your face with a scrub or peeling.

    After the hyaluronic acid cream, the skin is washed and covered with a regular moisturizer. This application is beneficial for any skin. She breathes, wrinkles are evened out, color improves. The usefulness of the product under ultraviolet irradiation is emphasized.

    Cream Doliva with hyaluronic acid

    A cosmetics concern that produces natural products pays special attention to the composition of creams. Hyaluronic acid, panthenol, olive and shea butter, vitamin E, linalol, trace elements - these beneficial substances with a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect form the basis of the Doliva recipe. Suitable for any age.

    Doliva cream with hyaluronic acid is produced in Germany. It has rejuvenating properties - moisturizes, supports the skin, removes small wrinkles. The cream contains urea, olive and shea butter.

    • Urea creates a film with which it retains moisture and saturates the epidermis.
    • Natural oils provide nutrition, hydration, and enrichment with minerals, vitamins, and beneficial acids.
    • All together creates a rejuvenating effect.

    At the beginning of application, a feeling of tightness is felt, which quickly passes; then the skin softens, the complexion evens out.

    Doliva produces, in addition to creams with hyaluronic acid, a balm, a gel, and a complex for restoring the structure of the dermis.

    Creams with hyaluronic acid Doliva (there are day and night options) are suitable for all ages and types of problem skin. However, in case of increased oil content, a slight shine may remain.

    A small number of components is considered a good indicator, since variety in cosmetics is not beneficial to quality. There are also disadvantages of adding cream with hyaluronic acid:

    • consistency too thin;
    • It takes a long time to be absorbed, and therefore is used only at night (although the annotation notes good absorption).

    Merz cream with hyaluronic acid

    Merz cream with hyaluronic acid is available in the form of a delicate mousse, ideal for problematic and moody skin. Perfectly moisturizes, stimulates renewal and production of your own hyaluron thanks to:

    • hyaluronic acid (low molecular weight);
    • algae;
    • marine glucosamines.

    The low-molecular structure affects the deep layers, collagen formation, enhances blood circulation, and saturates with nutrients. At the same time, it protects the epidermis from unfavorable external factors.

    Algae are saturated with vitamins and minerals, glucosamines maintain a sufficient level of hyaluron formed in the skin.

    The airy mousse lies on the face, leaving a pleasant feeling from the bubbles that burst upon touching the skin. But it remains oily for some time, so the cream should be applied either in the evening or well before leaving home.

    Cream Evelyn with hyaluronic acid

    The Polish company Evelyn produces a range of cosmetics, including cream with hyaluronic acid. According to cosmetologists, it has more pronounced moisturizing properties than anti-aging ones. But the undoubted advantages are good quality at a low price.

    The natural Evelyn complex restores and stimulates cell growth. Deeply moisturizes and evens out the skin, having a double effect:

    • external - preventing loss of moisture using film;
    • internal - binding water molecules.

    The innovative formula of the cream with hyaluronic acid promotes an immediate effect: smoothes, intensely moisturizes, tightens the skin, increases elasticity, and reduces wrinkles.

    The cream is suitable for all skin types for women over 18 years of age. Apply until completely absorbed with gentle movements. The time of use is universal; if necessary, it is additionally used before bedtime.

    Evelyn cream with hyaluronic acid is used for all skin types, it is suitable for different age categories.

    • Over 30: stops the aging process, moisturizes, refreshes, maintains youthful appearance.
    • Over 40: the concentrated product protects against the adverse effects of external factors, renews, nourishes and refreshes the face.
    • Over 50: with the addition of calcium and kelp extract, which enhance the effect of the main ingredient; improves structure, turgor, prevents aging.
    • Over 60: night and day concentrated product with a lifting effect; innovative formula includes calcium, stem cells; The cream slows down aging, strengthens contours, deeply moisturizes and renews tissue.

    Vichy cream with hyaluronic acid

    The French, sophisticated and expensive brand produces a series of Vichy creams with hyaluronic acid: Liftaktiv Retinol for use as a day, night and eyelid product.

    The daily remedy combines low molecular weight acid and vitamin A. The first results are visible very quickly. Should be used with caution so as not to apply near the eyes.

    Night cream with hyaluronic acid contains antihyaluronidase; removes problematic phenomena around the eyes.

    Anti-aging eye cream produces a lifting effect. Quickly removes swelling and whitens bruises. Disadvantage: danger of allergies (after two weeks of use).

    The entire series is used no earlier than after 30 years.

    L'Oreal cream with hyaluronic acid

    L'Oreal produces a lot of cosmetics for skin rejuvenation, in particular a daytime anti-aging volume restorer.

    L’Oreal Paris experts have come up with an effective cream with hyaluronic acid that replaces its subcutaneous administration. Useful for intensive moisture enrichment, collagen fiber synthesis, and maintaining elasticity. Absorbs well and keeps the skin in excellent condition throughout the day. The face becomes younger, glows, wrinkles are smoothed out, the contour is corrected.

    L'Oreal cream with hyaluronic acid is applied with massage movements. Suitable for different skin types, after 45 years.

    Cream with hyaluronic acid Faberlic

    The Faberlic company has launched a series of products with Prolixir hyaluronic acid. Creams with hyaluronic acid;

    • intensive daytime;
    • restorative night;
    • active for eyelids;
    • serum – protection of youthful skin 35+ concentrated.

    Active ingredients of the Prolixir line:

    • peptide complex;
    • oxygen complex;
    • hyaluronic acid.

    The composition is designed to remove toxins during stress, protect the skin, retain moisture, deliver oxygen deep into the skin, and activate additional components.

    According to the expert, Faberlic creams with hyaluronic acid can be used from the age of 25, especially in dry climates. The serum is used for obvious signs of aging: the first wrinkles, high dryness of the skin.

    Lepharm cream with hyaluronic acid

    Lepharm produces a multi-component cream with hyaluronic acid. The uniqueness of the formulation allows the ingredients to have a powerful hydrating effect deep in the dermis. Contains beneficial amino acids:

    • arginine saturates cells with oxygen and improves blood supply to the upper layer;
    • serine is a natural moisturizer, increases elasticity;
    • linolenic acid is an ideal component for extreme dryness
    • Primrose oil restores water-fat balance, heals, restores cells;
    • vitamin E – antioxidant, regenerates skin, accelerates blood circulation;
    • Grape seed oil – combines antioxidant, softening, renewing, and vitaminizing properties.

    Lepharm cream with hyaluronic acid is used morning and evening.

    Eucerin Hyaluronic Acid Cream

    Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler, a concentrated cream with hyaluronic acid in ampoules, is designed to smooth out deep wrinkles. Actively fights aging, smoothes the skin, restores damaged cells.

    Apply twice a day on clean skin. One ampoule contains a serving for a week. Store hyaluronic acid cream in a cool place protected from the sun.

    The German company produces similar anti-aging cosmetics Eucerin for day and night use, separately for different skin types, against wrinkles around the eyes. You can buy cosmetics in pharmacies.

    Cream Evalar with hyaluronic acid

    Evelar cream contains a complex of natural substances useful for aging skin, called vitamins and sources of youth:

    • vitamins E, F, A;
    • wild yam extract;
    • butcher's broom extract;
    • stabilized ester complex;
    • phospholipids;
    • castor and soybean oils

    The price of this brand of cream with hyaluronic acid is relatively low.

    Shiseido cream with hyaluronic acid

    Shiseido cream with hyaluronic acid has a unique composition and structure that promote comprehensive facial skin care. The composition of the cream with hyaluronic acid includes a low-molecular version that affects deep folds. The cream evens out the contour, increases elasticity, and protects against the harmful effects of environmental factors.

    Shiseido were the first in the history of cosmetology to find a way to produce hyaluronic acid. The Japanese continue to be the main suppliers of this substance on the world market; their products are of high quality and properties.

    Shiseido also produces an anti-aging eye cream with hyaluronic acid. It is used day and evening, with this use the skin around the eyes becomes elastic and smooth.

    Cream with hyaluronic acid Mirra

    Myrrh is distinguished by the naturalness of its components. Cream with hyaluronic acid Mirra is a concentrate for intense hydration. Contains phytoestrogens, vitamin E, grape oil.

    Natural plant estrogens increase the elasticity of blood vessels, immunity, and the rate of regeneration. Cream with hyaluronic acid evens out skin texture and tone. Protects skin cells from loss of moisture, improves hydration, and reduces the rate of aging.

    Renaissance cream with hyaluronic acid

    The cosmetic series is created on a placental basis. Renaissance creams with hyaluronic acid are used in professional and home care - to nourish, restore, and support the skin. Useful for all skin types, women 25 – 40, after 40 years.

    They produce three variants of cosmetics: day, evening, and night creams with hyaluronic acid.

    • Day

    It has a long-lasting rejuvenation effect, tones, moisturizes, restores damaged cells, and eliminates swelling. Use morning and evening, as well as under makeup.

    • Evening

    Retains moisture, activates metabolism, eliminates fine wrinkles and swelling, relieves fatigue, promotes freshness. Apply before bed or under makeup.

    • Night for normal to dry skin

    An effective stimulant, slows down aging, restores the circuit, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, and removes the harmful effects of an unfavorable environment. Cream with hyaluronic acid is applied before bedtime and used for massage.

    Cream Uriage with hyaluronic acid

    Cream Uriage with hyaluronic acid Isofil designed to correct signs of aging of dry sensitive skin. Enriched with the bioactive complex ISO 3-R, thermal water from the Uriage spring, and the unique component antihyaluronidase. These ingredients:

    • enhance antioxidant effect;
    • enrich the cells of the epidermis and dermis with hyaluronic acid;
    • promote the production of collagen and elastin,

    due to which withering and age-related aging of the skin slows down, its signs disappear, the skin becomes silky and soft.

    Cream with hyaluronic acid Isofil does not provoke allergic reactions and does not contain comedogens. Apply to cleansed skin twice a day. According to the annotation, after a month of daily use, the face becomes fresher, the texture and color of the skin are evened out.

    Matis cream with hyaluronic acid

    Matis cream with hyaluronic acid, produced in France, is a universal anti-aging product for women over 30 with dry and normal skin.

    The innovative formula of French cream with hyaluronic acid is an inexpensive but effective remedy against sagging, aging, and unwanted facial changes.

    Hyaluron renews the skin, slowing down the aging process. The cream is evenly distributed on the neck and face and left to be absorbed.

    Cream Garnier with hyaluronic acid

    Garnier pays special attention to innovation and the use of natural ingredients in its recipes. The result of long-term research in the laboratory was a real scientific discovery - the active molecule Pro-Xylan, obtained from beech wood extract. This formed the basis of the formula of Garnier anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid.

    Pro-Xylan has a unique effect on the epidermis; with its help, hyaluron is retained on the cells and is especially effective in moisturizing both the dermis and epidermis. The active substance enhances skin density, collagen formation and renewal.

    Garnier offers creams with hyaluronic acid and Pro-xylan:

    • restorative daytime with immediate effect
    • roller lifting, combining care and massage.

    A two-week course significantly renews cells, as if “pushing out” wrinkles from the depths of the skin.

    Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid

    Evelyn Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer contains plant stem cells that promote rejuvenation. The company produces products for different age categories.

    Moisturizing cosmetics Topping up an improved formula(six times more hyaluronic acid) provides optimal hydration, renews hyaluron reserves, and maintains tone. Ingredients include urea and cold-pressed olive oil.

    Now Foodscream, which restores skin moisture, is used as a night cream. It melts on the face and makes the skin look and feel perfect. It is used sparingly and retains its effect for a long time even after stopping use. Evens out and mattifies the tone, without greasy marks.

    Cream with hyaluronic acid Pani Walewska 45+ Gives elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles. Grapeseed oil and allantoin nourish and soothe the skin. Recommended as a universal (day and night) treatment for dry skin.

    Cream mousse with hyaluronic acid

    The action of cream mousses with hyaluronic acid is based on several principles:

    • intense penetration;
    • revival;
    • softening;
    • invisibility.

    The cream fills the dermis with moisture, heals damage, evens out the water-lipid ratio, and smoothes out wrinkles.

    Merz hyaluronic acid cream contains algae (seaweed), aloe, and glucosamine. This combination has both quick and long-term results, as well as a lifting effect. The skin becomes more youthful, wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

    Light mousse texture allows for use on both dry and oily skin. The mousse is quickly absorbed. The improvement is noticeable after two weeks, with twice application (morning, evening). You can purchase the product in pharmacies.

    Anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid

    All anti-aging creams with hyaluronic acid, as well as masks and lotions, perform a common function: retain moisture. Hyaluron, penetrating along with other beneficial components,

    • maintains and strengthens their influence;
    • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, on which the condition of the skin depends;
    • performs a sun protection function (ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to the production of hyaluronic acid in the body).

    The anti-aging effect depends on the type of hyaluronic acid. High molecular weight retains moisture on the top layer, low molecular weight is able to penetrate much deeper.

    Almost all creams with hyaluronic acid have anti-aging properties. They are used depending on the age, type and degree of skin aging.

    Day cream with hyaluronic acid

    Moisturizing day cream with hyaluronic acid Derma E is intended for dry and normal skin. This is a natural, environmentally friendly product without animal ingredients and parabens, artificial colors and other harmful substances.

    The intensive moisturizing formula contains exclusively proven natural substances.

    Day cream with hyaluronic acid:

    • protects the face from drying out for the whole day;
    • retains moisture, softens and tones the skin;
    • green tea, aloe, vitamins protect against free radicals and unfavorable environments;
    • delicate texture gives volume to fabrics;
    • reduces age-related facial wrinkles.

    Apply to cleansed skin either in the morning or when needed to moisturize.

    Night cream with hyaluronic acid

    Restoring night cream with hyaluronic acid Faberlic presents innovative cosmetics. The series was created for young women who lead an active lifestyle and want to look the part.

    The texture of the product fits perfectly, softens and renews the skin at night. Indications for use of night cream:

    • age after 25;
    • the first symptoms of wilting (dullness, peeling, decreased turgor);
    • formation of facial wrinkles;
    • bruises around the eyes.

    Natural hyaluronic acid, with the help of a film, retains moisture, binds water and enriches the skin with beneficial substances. Hyaluronic acid cream contains other beneficial components.

    • The peptide complex slows down aging, relieves young skin from stress, increases moisture, and protects against UV rays.
    • The oxygen complex enriches cells with oxygen, activates microcirculation, renewal, and collagen synthesis.

    Foundation with hyaluronic acid

    Made in Spain, this foundation with hyaluronic acid (and vitamin E) combines the perfect make-up with your daily care routine. The cosmetic product is suitable for everyone over 18 years of age.

    The foundation's formulation contains innovative components that can restore and protect the skin.

    • Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, vitamin E has an antioxidant effect.
    • Special ingredients protect against sun damage and free radicals.
    • Caviar extract nourishes and saturates with proteins, microelements, vitamins, phospholipids.

    The cream perfectly performs anti-aging functions. It should be applied in portions to the cheeks, face, chin, rubbed with a sponge and fingers from the center to the periphery.

    Foundations with hyaluronic acid are produced by Vichy, L'Oreal, Evelyn, and many other brands.

    Cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

    This unique substance is a real find for cosmetologists; It is produced from a high-molecular form and is successfully used for various procedures, the production of anti-aging creams, masks, lotions.

    Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is especially beneficial for the skin as it acts both on the surface and in depth. Therefore, moisturizing creams with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are doubly effective. Due to its low molecular weight, hyaluron:

    • easily penetrates into deep layers;
    • stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin;
    • moisturizes and softens the skin.
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