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DIY crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten and school. How to make original crafts from napkins and colored paper for Mother's Day - master classes. DIY gift for Mother's Day. Step-by-step master classes on making good gifts for children

What beautiful, good and pleasant gifts for Mother's Day can be made with your own hands in kindergarten And primary school, will tell our simple master classes. All lessons are given detailed description process and attached step by step photos. Choose the option that you like more and create touching, tender and soulful holiday masterpieces for your loved ones.

What gifts to make on Mother's Day with your own hands

If you don't know what DIY Mother's Day gifts you can make at home, we'll give you a few fresh ideas and we will tell you how pleasant, joyfully and at no extra cost to please your loved one on the eve of the holiday.

  • Postcard– always up-to-date, effective and beautiful gift. You can make it from colored paper, cardboard, fabric and other improvised materials. There are no restrictions in the design and everyone can make a completely unique, original and inimitable work with their own hands. Then it remains to write pleasant holiday greetings on it, good wishes and hand over with a bouquet of flowers to the hero of the occasion.
  • Drawing- a very common presentation option. Moreover, it is not too important how well the author can draw. In any case, mom will be extremely pleased to receive her portrait or an image of a genre scene from family life. To give solidity, the work of art should be framed in a suitable size frame. This will give the parent the opportunity to hang the picture in a conspicuous place in the apartment so that all guests and friends can admire and admire the talents of her child.
  • Paper bouquet of flowers- an extremely original and attractive gift, which invariably delights both young mothers and quite respectable parents of mature age. This souvenir is made from ordinary table napkins, and then placed in a basket, vase or decorative pot. The beauty is that the bouquet never fades and pleases the eye with its attractive appearance for a very long time.
  • Photo frame- not only beautiful, but also a useful item. In order to make it with your own hands, you will need a wooden or plastic base, all kinds of decorative little things of different sizes (buttons, beads and semi-beads, shells, fabric fragments, pieces of wood, etc.) and high-quality glue. Everything else depends entirely on the imagination and artistic taste of the manufacturer. But the fact that the work will be exclusive is a 100% guarantee.

Do-it-yourself gift for Mother's Day in kindergarten - middle and senior group

A simple and affordable master class for children from middle and senior groups kindergarten will tell you how to create a gentle, touching and attractive gift for Mother's Day - a voluminous flower bed made of paper. The finished work will turn out bright, spectacular, beautiful and will definitely cheer up family and friends on the eve of a wonderful holiday. The moment is also very successful that the kids will quite calmly cope with making a gift themselves, and the teacher will need to connect only when cutting flowers out of paper.

Necessary Materials for Children's Mother's Day Gift

  • white thick paper
  • green double sided paper
  • colored paper set
  • PVA glue
  • flat wide brush
  • scissors
  • set of felt-tip pens
  • A4 sheet of white cardboard

Step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful gift in kindergarten with your own hands for Mother's Day

DIY gift for Mother's Day in elementary school - a master class with a photo

In elementary school, you can make a useful and beautiful, but at the same time a very simple gift for Mother's Day with the children. There is a place for such a cute flower pot in any home and, looking at it, the parent will always smile warmly and think with tenderness of her attentive and caring child.

Necessary materials for a gift for Mother's Day in elementary school

  • tall tin can
  • medium length nail
  • hammer
  • glue for decoupage
  • wide flat brush
  • colored tissue paper
  • plant mix for indoor plants
  • seedling

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a useful gift for Mother's Day with your own hands at school

DIY Mother's Day gift from napkins

A good and very beautiful gift for Mother's Day in elementary school and kindergarten can be created with your own hands from the most ordinary table napkins. How to do it right and what materials will be required for work, will tell detailed master class with step by step photos.

Necessary materials for a bouquet of napkins for Mother's Day

  • colored and white napkins
  • balloon
  • PVA glue
  • Super glue
  • basket
  • stapler
  • thread

Step by Step Instructions for Making a Mother's Day Gift from Napkins

A beautiful gift for every mother is the best sign of attention from a beloved child. And those gifts that he makes with his own hands are especially valuable. Such products are able to express love and respect, to tell how much the baby is attached to the mother. Craft original gift on Mother's Day can be in elementary school, kindergarten. At home, dad or grandmother can help with making crafts. Regardless of the chosen product, the materials from which it will be assembled, mom will certainly appreciate the time and effort spent. In the proposed master classes there are options for crafts for children of all ages. They are made from paper, fabric or napkins. In the given lessons with step-by-step photo and video tips, you can find really original and amazing options.

What gifts can be made on Mother's Day in kindergarten, elementary school?

A bright and memorable gift for Mother's Day with your own hands at school can be made from any materials. But for it to really be both pleasant and useful, it is important to think about what will please mom the most. For example, a beautiful jewelry box is a great Mother's Day gift for mom if she wears a lot of jewelry. A cardboard vase is well suited to decorate a dressing table or desk. It will help you find out what gifts you can make for Mother's Day and the following hint:

  • a bouquet of paper and sweets, a picture of paper;
  • brooch, beads;
  • figurine made of plasticine, polymer clay;
  • drawing or postcard;
  • bright and comfortable grip.

Each idea is good in its own way, but since all mothers are different, you need to choose the best option based on her preferences, hobbies. You can ask your dad, grandma or grandpa for advice. They will be able to suggest what kind of gift mom will like the most.

A good gift for Mother's Day with your own hands in kindergarten from paper: photo and video lessons

You can make a beautiful gift for mom with your own hands on Mother's Day from various materials: from ordinary napkins to cotton fabric. But children in the kindergarten can be offered a more interesting option - crepe paper. From such material, every kid can make a gift for Mother's Day with his own hands in kindergarten.

Materials for the master class "Flowers for Mom" ​​for kindergarten

  • crepe paper (white and pink);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instructions for the master class "Flowers for Mom" ​​for kindergarten

  1. From crepe paper cut into strips 4-5 cm wide. Put the pink one down, the white one on top.

  2. From the resulting tapes, start twisting from one of the edges.

  3. Gradually wrapping the flower, it is necessary to coat the lower part (bottom of the bud) with PVA glue.

  4. When the flower is ready, you need to well coat the twisted bottom with PVA glue, wait until it dries completely.

  5. Finished flowers can be glued on greeting card or mother's portrait.

The specified master class shows how easy it is to prepare buds for decorating postcards, crafts. But you can also make a real bouquet of flowers out of paper. The following video will tell you about what gift to give mom for Mother's Day, and how to make it:

An unusual gift for Mother's Day with your own hands in elementary school: a step-by-step photo lesson

A bright gift for Mother's Day with your own hands in elementary school can be made from fabric. Many children already know how to sew, but even if making a brooch is their first experience with thread and a needle, it's okay. The specified lesson with step-by-step photos is within the reach of any first grader.

Materials for the master class "Broch for Mother's Day" for elementary school:

  • satin ribbon 70 cm (width about 3-4 cm);
  • cotton waxed cord;
  • a piece of denim;
  • beads (50-70 pieces);
  • thread to match the color of the ribbon, needle, thimble;
  • medium safety pin.

Step-by-step instructions with a photo for the master class "Broch for Mother's Day" for elementary school

  1. The ribbon along one side is sewn with small stitches, pulled together into a small flower.

  2. The finished base is additionally stitched with threads so that the tape does not move.

  3. The lace is cut into pieces of 3.5 cm. Plastic beads are strung on it (7-10 pieces each).

  4. Each piece of lace is folded in half and stitched with a thread: this will fix the beads.

  5. All prepared pieces of cord are folded into a bundle and tied together.

  6. A bunch of stamens is inserted into the flower base. From the wrong side, the ends of the cord are sewn to the ribbon with threads. A circle of dense fabric is glued / sewn on the back side. A pin is attached to the denim.

Such a good gift for Mother's Day will surely please mommy and will become her favorite decoration. No less beautiful brooch can be made according to the following master class:

A simple gift for Mother's Day with your own hands from napkins - photo master class

You can make amazing and simple flowers from napkins without a pattern. They are perfect for creating a unique postcard. Both preschoolers and elementary school students can make a gift for Mother's Day with their own hands from napkins.

Materials for the master class "Postcard for Mom" ​​for schoolchildren and preschoolers

  • table napkins;
  • stapler;
  • plasticine;
  • PVA glue;
  • white thick paper A4.

A detailed master class on the topic "Postcard for Mom" ​​for schoolchildren and preschoolers

  1. Small circles are cut out of napkins (pink, yellow, white).

  2. A stack of circles breaks through the middle with a stapler.

  3. The edges of the circles rise and wrap: they make lush flowers.
  4. The prepared paper is folded in half. A wish is written on the inside, plasticine is glued on the outside.

  5. Flowers are glued to plasticine, the edges of the petals are covered with PVA.
  6. Thin twigs are twisted from light green napkins, leaves are cut out. Elements are glued to the postcard. A heart cut out of a pink napkin is glued in the upper part.

An original gift for Mother's Day from a photo is quite simple to make. But you can make more complex crafts from napkins. The attached video describes the process of creating a whole bouquet:

You can make a wonderful gift for Mother's Day from simple napkins, paper or fabric. Each product will be able to have its own zest, because it will be created for mom with sincere love. These video and photo master classes are best suited for elementary school, kindergarten. Do simple crafts every kid can do it with his own hands. Mom will definitely like the bouquet, the brooch, and the card, because her beloved child will make such a beauty for her.

On the eve of the holiday, thousands of boys and girls are wondering what crafts for Mother's Day they can make with their own hands without involving their parents in this amusing process. After all, I really want the gift to remain a surprise for my mother!

At this time, it is better to use simple original master classes on creating bright children's crafts from paper and napkins. These popular materials are in every home where kids live, so finding "raw materials" for inspiration will not be a problem. Another thing is crafts for Mother's Day to school and kindergarten. Here you can’t do without mom’s, dad’s or grandmother’s help. After all, a product for an exhibition or competition should be almost perfect. Well, then about everything in order!

DIY simple children's crafts for Mother's Day - a master class with step-by-step photos and videos

Applique and facing are the most popular techniques for simple children's DIY crafts. From ordinary pieces of bright paper and simple stationery glue, you can create real living characters. For example, a delightful rainbow fish. Children will definitely enjoy the process of its creation, and mothers will be delighted with such an unusual, but at the same time simple children's DIY craft for Mother's Day.

Necessary materials for a simple children's craft for Mother's Day

  • large sheet of white cardboard
  • sheet of red cardboard
  • bright tinted or colored paper
  • pencil
  • PVA glue
  • eraser

Instructions for making a simple children's craft for Mother's Day - step by step photos and videos

DIY napkin crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten - step by step photos and videos

What could be easier than making primitive crafts from napkins for Mother's Day in kindergarten? A radiant sunflower, created with your own hands in mixed media, will be the cutest gift for mom at a themed party, complement the colorful kindergarten exhibition of children's products and expand mom's collection of authentic creations of her baby. Take advantage of our master class and help your child cope with a solar craft for Mother's Day in kindergarten. Or leave the "creator" alone with his little masterpiece.

Necessary materials for crafts in the kindergarten in honor of Mother's Day

  • a sheet of white paper A4
  • green marker
  • PVA glue
  • yellow napkins
  • green napkins
  • burgundy napkins

Step-by-step instructions for crafts from napkins for Mother's Day for kindergarten - a master class with photos and videos

Original DIY crafts for Mother's Day to school (Grade 1) - step by step photos and videos

The owl is a symbol of wisdom for many peoples of the world. An original gift craft for Mother's Day in the form of this amazing character will not only please your beloved parent, but will also become an obvious confirmation of her deep mind, boundless wisdom and eternal tendency to compromise. An owl handbag, like a do-it-yourself craft for Mother's Day, is ideal. This is a delightful gift item and equally beautiful packaging for another smaller present.

Necessary materials for children's crafts to school for Mother's Day

  • thick cardboard of blue color
  • pieces of thick paper in yellow, red, green and beige
  • white stencil paper
  • Double-sided tape
  • scissors
  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • stationery knife
  • blue half beads
  • white silk ribbon

Instructions for the original crafts dedicated to Mother's Day in the 1st grade of the school - a step-by-step master class with photos and videos

DIY colored paper crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten or school: a step-by-step master class

A bright multi-colored chamomile with wishes is a wonderful holiday gift for mom. Created by the hands of a child, she will radiate invisible warmth and warm her beloved parent with childish diligence and diligence. Such a do-it-yourself craft made of colored paper will become the best present for Mother's Day and an excellent exhibit for a thematic exposition at school. Follow our tutorial and making a fun rainbow daisy will be a breeze.

DIY Materials Needed for Mom on Her Day

  • colored or tinted sheets office paper
  • utility knife or sharp scissors
  • red cardboard
  • red thin ribbon
  • double sided tape or super glue
  • half beads and rhinestones

Instructions for crafts from colored paper to kindergarten or school on Mother's Day - photo step by step and video

Every country celebrates Mother's Day with great joy, and ours is no exception. It is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of autumn. Among the huge number of holidays, this one is special. On such a day, attention is drawn to the women who gave us life, the dearest people to everyone - our mothers. Best of all, your love and appreciation will be expressed by words, well, and a gift will perfectly complement them. You can make it yourself.

Mother's Day Cards

If you don’t know what to give for Mother’s Day, make a card with your own hands. A postcard is a great way to congratulate a loved one, and when it is also created by oneself, it is doubly pleasant.

Chamomile card

You will need:

  • sheet of white paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • decorative paper with a pattern or a piece of wallpaper;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • colored paper.

Now you need to follow these steps.

  1. Draw a chamomile petal template. Then transfer it to paper and cut out about 32 petals and two circles for the core from white paper.
  2. Bend the petals slightly in the middle and use a pencil to twist their edges outward. Then glue half of them in a circle to one core, and the other half to the other. Thus, you should get two daisies.
  3. Glue two flowers together, and then glue a circle cut out of yellow paper in the center of the top one. Bend a sheet of yellow cardboard in half. Draw on any paper a flower that resembles a daisy in outline.
  4. Carefully cut it out so as not to damage the sheet. Now attach the template to the side of the cardboard that you marked with the front, and transfer the drawing to the center of it. Now carefully cut out the flower.
  5. From patterned paper or wallpaper, cut out a rectangle the size of a postcard page, and then paste it inside (if you have a color printer, you can print a template for the picture below).
  6. Cut out several thin stripes from green paper and curl them a little with scissors. Glue the strips in the upper right corner of the card, then attach a camomile next to them. Draw then cut ladybug and glue it on the flower.

Floral card

Postcards made using the quilling technique come out incredibly beautiful. This technique seems complicated only at first glance, in fact, even a child can make a gift for mom using it.

You will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • wooden skewer or toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Instructions for creating a postcard are presented below.

  1. Cut lengthwise into strips 5 mm wide green paper. Wind one of the strips onto a stick, remove it and let the paper unwind a little. Then glue the end of the strip to the base.
  2. Holding the circle on one side, squeeze it on the other, as a result, you should get a figure resembling a leaf. Make five of these sheets.
  3. Now let's start making large flowers. Cut out several strips of colored paper, 35 mm wide (cut the sheet of paper lengthwise). Fold the strip 4 times and cut it into thin strips on one side, not reaching the edge of about 5 mm.

  4. From orange or yellow paper, cut strips that are 5 mm wide. Twist one of them tightly and fix its end with glue - this will be the core of the flower. Now glue the lower end of the fringed strip to the core and twist it around.
  5. Glue the end of the fringed strip with glue and spread the petals outward with a toothpick. Make the required number of flowers. Small flowers are made in the same way as large ones. The only thing is that the strips for them should have a smaller width, approximately 25 mm.
  6. The middle can be made two-tone, for this use thin stripes different colors such as red and orange.
  7. Wind a small section of an orange strip, then glue a section of a red strip to it, make the required number of turns, then glue the orange strip again, wind it and fix it.

  8. To make a two-color flower, first make the base for the small flower. Without bending its petals, glue a fringed strip of a different color and larger size around the base of the workpiece.
  9. Now you need to make a few curls, for this, fold the green strip in half. From the bent end, twist it onto a stick, then let it straighten out.
  10. Glue a piece of paper with an inscription to the base of the postcard (a sheet of colored cardboard is suitable for it), then assemble the composition and fix it with glue.

Wall newspaper

In addition to postcards for beloved mothers, you can make a poster. A wall newspaper for Mother's Day can be made using completely different techniques. For example, drawing, appliqué, photo collage, you can use the same techniques as for making postcards.

Whatever you decide to make a wall newspaper, be sure to write to the dearest person at least a few kind words and good wishes.

Mother's Day Crafts

A wonderful surprise for all mothers will be children's crafts for Mother's Day. Older children will be able to make them on their own, but kids with the participation of adult sisters, brothers, dads, or even their caregivers.

Paper shoe

Heeled shoes are a purely feminine thing, so by the main day of all mothers, crafts in the form of them, and even filled with sweets, will come in handy.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • colored paper;
  • ribbons;
  • glue;
  • marmalade, dragees or colored caramels;
  • scissors.

Instructions for creating shoes are presented below.

  1. Print or draw a template for a shoe and decorations for it.
  2. Bend the pieces along the dotted lines and glue them together.

  3. After the shoe dries, decorate it with a flower, beads or any other decor. After that, wrap sweets in a piece of organza or any other transparent fabric and place them inside the craft.

Such DIY crafts for Mother's Day can be made from plain paper, but they will look much more interesting if they are made from paper with a pattern.

Basket with flowers

This is a simple, but at the same time very cute craft. She will certainly please many mothers.

You will need:

  • three wooden skewers;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • a couple of paper plates;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • glue.

Your actions:

  1. Cut one of the plates in half, for greater decorativeness, you can do this with curly scissors. Paint a half and a whole plate with ordinary or mother-of-pearl gouache, you can still use acrylic paints. After the paint has dried, glue the plates with the middle inside.
  2. Paint the skewers with green paint, they will play the role of stems. Next cut colored paper on the same strips and make loops out of them, gluing the ends.
  3. Cut out three circles from colored paper or cardboard and glue four petal loops to each of them.
  4. Glue the skewers to the back of the flower heads, then cut out three more circles and stick them on the ends of the skewers, thereby hiding the gluing point. From corrugated paper (you can also take plain paper), cut out the leaves and glue them to the stems.
  5. Insert the resulting flowers into a basket and decorate as you wish.

mother's day gifts

Every child dreams of giving their mother the best gift in the world. For a mother, no, even the most valuable thing, can be compared with what her child made with her own hands. A do-it-yourself gift for Mother's Day can be anything - vases, paintings, applications, photo frames, boxes, organizers, decor items, jewelry. Let's look at some interesting ideas.

Vase from a jar

Even a child can cope with the manufacture of such a vase. To make it, you only need a suitable jar, paint, double-sided and ordinary adhesive tape, a photo of a mother or child.

  1. Cut out a piece of cardboard equal to the size of the photo, its edges are better to make wavy. Using double-sided tape, glue the fragment to the center of the jar.
  2. After that, cover the jar with several layers of paint. When the paint dries, remove the cardboard fragment - you will have a window.
  3. Opposite the window from the inside of the jar, glue the selected photo with tape.
  4. If your bank has a convex inscription, you can make additional decor. To do this, simply scrape off the paint with a clerical knife from the bulges.

Photo frame for mom

A good gift for Mother's Day is a photo frame. You can put your favorite photo of your mother in it, this will make the gift even more beautiful and valuable. To make a photo frame, you can use different materials - buttons, shells, cereals, pencils, beads, artificial flowers, coffee beans and even pasta.

  1. To create a frame, you can use any ready-made base or make it yourself from cardboard. To do this, you will need cardboard from the box, scissors, a pencil, a ruler and glue.
  2. First you need to decide for a photo of what size you will make a frame. After that, add 8 cm to each side. For example, if the photo is 13 by 18, our frame will be 21 by 26 in size. Now draw, then cut out two rectangles equal to the size of the frame.
  3. In one of the rectangles, draw a rectangle the size of the photo, and then cut it a millimeter closer to the middle of the marked lines.

Mother's Day is celebrated all over the world. On this day, I want to say warm words to my mother, create a holiday and a good mood! But the most pleasant surprise for mom will be a handmade gift. If you fantasize a little, then ideas will fall on their own.

For example, you can make candles with the image of your family, for this you will need:

  • candles;
  • photo;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Another idea is to take a photo of the people you love beforehand, but so that they hold in their hands the photo frame that you will give mom.

You can decorate the plate. On the edge, through the stencil, apply a drawing with acrylic paints.

Dark linen napkins for the table can also be decorated. To do this, you need to take simple pencils with an eraser at the end, toothpicks and bleach or any liquid bleach. How to apply the drawing can be seen in the photo.

It looks interesting notebook, painted through a stencil with paint and decorated with decorative ribbons.

You can attach photos and wishes to your mother on a regular board.

The easiest way is to make a pendant for the chain. Seashells brought from the sea, quilling crafts, and various beads will do.

And if among the kitchen appliances there are wooden spoons and spatulas, then you can give them a "live" look by painting their handles.

A family photo album is a wonderful gift. For this craft you will need cardboard. Fold it in two layers with an accordion and cut out windows for the photo.

Volumetric postcards are not difficult to make. The main thing is to carefully cut out the pattern or letters with a paper knife.

Not intricate, but very touching gift in photo 11, easy to make.

A heart of carnations and threads will decorate the wall.

And you can put a photo of your loved ones in the pendant.

When the gift has already been bought, arrange it yourself.

Dip your palms in the paint and grab the cups, and then varnish to secure the drawing.

Collect ice cream sticks, they will be useful for crafts.

Do not rush to wash your hands after paint, make a bouquet out of them.

You can make a paper rose.

Refrigerator stickers.

Decorate your phone.

Make an applique on the pillow.

Make a table lamp with your own hands.

Turn on your imagination and you will succeed!

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