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Mini project New Year's holidays. Mini-project “Soon, New Year is coming!” project on the surrounding world on the topic. Project implementation stages

Municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 30”, Perm

Social project

« New Year knocks on school"

Project developers:

Shabunina E.A.

Perm, 2014

Relevance of the project

2015 is just around the corner - the year of the wooden Goat, in accordance with the elements and the blue-green hue, which is associated with clear skies and blue calm seas. The smell of tangerine, colorful tinsel and confetti Christmas decorations, chimes, snowmen, Father Frost with the Snow Maiden and, of course, Christmas tree- These are integral symbols of the New Year.

New Year is the most mysterious holiday that opens the world to us good fairy tales and magic. Gullible kids, busy teenagers, serious adults and superstitious grandmothers - everyone is counting the minutes until the holiday. Fussy Japanese, reserved English, hot Finns and loving French - everyone celebrates the New Year. Everyone is waiting for Santa Claus, making wishes and giving gifts.

The project “New Year is knocking on school” was developed as part of extracurricular activities at school. By participating in the project, schoolchildren realize their creative potential. They and their parents (legal representatives) are invited to plunge into the festive atmosphere - to come up with and carry out events themselves, or to become active participants in events organized at the school. KTD, quizzes, competitions, and games are aimed at developing students’ interest in history, observing family and school traditions, uniting and uniting the children’s team, and developing students’ communication skills.

Goal and objectives of the project:

    Involving students in joint cognitive, creative and socially significant activities that unite the class team and stimulate active action;

    Support and development of socially useful, socially significant activities of schoolchildren;

    Development of independence, creative initiative, responsibility, cognitive abilities of the individual as conditions for his self-actualization,

    Combining the efforts of teachers, students and parents (legal representatives) in preserving and changing the socio-cultural and educational environment;

    Introduction of innovative technologies, new forms and methods of education;

    Improving abilities for self-education and self-development;

    Creating conditions for personal growth of students; teaching schoolchildren self-reflection;

    Realization of the potential of all project participants.

Forms and methods used in the implementation of the project:

Quiz, competition, game, meetings, Classroom hour, promotion, line, KTD, etc.

Project implementation mechanism

Coordination of activities for the implementation of the Project is carried out by the project implementation group: School Asset (hereinafter referred to as Asset), deputy director for VR, social teacher, teacher-organizers.

The group determines the content of specific activities for the implementation of the Project, organizes their implementation, and discusses proposals aimed at increasing efficiency in work. The main implementers of the Project activities are teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives).

Project participants and project organizers:

Students and parents (legal representatives) of students of MAOU "Secondary School No. 30";

Administration and teachers of MAOU "Secondary School No. 30";

Schools of the Vyshka II microdistrict;

Representatives of the House of Culture "Electron"

Representatives of the public from the Vyshka II microdistrict.

Project implementation stages.

Stage 1: Information and preparatory.

At this stage of the project implementation it is necessary:

    develop an action plan for the implementation of the project “New Year is knocking on school”;

    determine the chronological framework of the project;

    determine the expected results of the project;

    develop rules for competitions and games of the project and familiarize participants with them;

    develop examples of reporting documents.

Stage 2: Basic.

At this stage, events are being held to coincide with the celebration of the “New Year”, aimed at developing the aesthetic taste and creative abilities of schoolchildren.

Stage 3: Final.

At this stage of project implementation, the results of the project are summed up, shortcomings are identified, actual results obtained are compared with previously planned desired results, and experience is summarized. The collection and analysis of reporting documents of project participants is carried out.

Activities for the implementation of the Project.





Competition for the best office design “The holiday is coming to us”

Technology teachers, teacher-organizers

New Year's decoration competition "Outfit for the Christmas tree"


Sports competition in volleyball

9-11 grades, teachers

physical education teachers

Snowman competition " New Year's snowman 2015"

district school teams

Tower II

teacher-organizers, social teacher

Family photo competition “Hello 2015”

1-11 grades, teachers

social teacher

New Year's greetings competition "Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness"

philologists, teacher-organizers,

New Year's chronicle “New Year from year to year...”

head library, social teacher

« New Year's adventures thirty in Yekaterinburg"

3-11 grades, teachers

deputy Director of VR, social teacher

Events from classes participating in the project

class teachers

Expected results

The result of the implementation of this project should be high social activity of students and parents (legal representatives), high spirituality of an individual with positive values ​​and qualities, capable of demonstrating them in the creative process in the interests of the school and the neighborhood. The implementation of the project will also allow:

increase the level of social activity of students;

highlight the implementation of the project “New Year is knocking on school” on the website of the educational institution, in school newspaper;

highlight the activities of project participants in the media;

strengthen social partnership between schools in the Vyshka II microdistrict.

Regulations on

school competition for the best office design

"The holiday comes to us"

1. General Provisions.

The competition for the best office design for the New Year “The holiday is coming to us” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held within the school in accordance with the plan for the implementation of the project “The New Year is knocking on school.”

2. The purpose and objectives of the competition.

2.1. Creating a festive atmosphere inside the school;

2.2. Intensifying the activities of students, parents (legal representatives) and teachers in decorating classrooms for the New Year;

2.3. Creating conditions for the active participation of parents in the life of the class;

2.4. Organization of leisure time for students.

3. Procedure and participants of the competition.

3.1. Cool teams from grades 1-11 take part in the competition. If one office is assigned to several classes, then the classes can decorate together, or one of the classes can decorate the school’s recreation areas, teachers’ room, dining room, etc., by prior agreement with the organizers of the Competition.

4. Conditions of the competition and requirements for registration.

4.1. The jury evaluates the design of the office at the time of its meeting; additions to the decoration of the office after the jury meeting are not assessed.

4.2. The design of the office should be complete picture(decoration of walls, windows, doorways, ceilings, furniture). Partial registration (lack of registration of one or more components) is not accepted. The decoration should be easy to remove, mobile and not cause damage to school property.

4.3. The design of the office must necessarily combine both ready-made decorations and those made by the children’s own hands with the help of parents and teachers.

4.4. The teacher, children, and parents can take part in the design of the classroom.

4.5. Having a Christmas tree in the office is not mandatory, but is encouraged.

4.6. The design of the office must comply with the requirements of SanPiN.

5. Evaluation criteria.

The evaluation is carried out by the competition jury according to the following criteria:

1. Design (from 1 to 5 points);

2. Individuality (from 1 to 5 points);

3. Creative finds in execution (from 1 to 5 points);

5 Compliance with the New Year's theme (from 1 to 5 points);

6. The presence of symbols of the year (2015 is the year of the Sheep) (from 1 to 5 points);

7. Availability of Happy New Year greetings from the class team (from 1 to 5 points);

8. Aesthetics of jewelry (from 1 to 5 points);

9. Uniform distribution of decorations over the area and perimeter of the office (from 1 to 5 points).

Competition jury:

Guryeva E.V. - social teacher

Representative of the School Asset

Based on the results of the competition, winners in age groups are determined:

1-2 grades

3-4 grades

5-6 grades

7-8 grades

9-11 grades

The jury reserves the right to determine the Grand Prix “Best Design Concept” and special diplomas among the participants who presented the most interesting design solution.

The results of the competition and photos of the best projects will be posted on the official website of the educational institution.

Regulations on

school Christmas decoration competition

"Outfit for the Christmas tree"

1. General Provisions.

These Regulations define the goals and objectives of the creative competition for New Year’s decorations “Outfit for the Christmas Tree” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. Purpose of the Competition

1.3. Objectives of the Competition:

Development of artistic taste and creative imagination of children;

1.4. Organizers of the competition

2. Participants of the Competition:

2.1. Students of grades 1–4 of MAOU “Secondary School No. 30” can participate in the Competition.

3.1. The competition is held from December 10, 2014 to December 18, 2014.

3.2. Competitive works are accepted until 18.00 on December 18, 2014

3.3. The results of the Competition will be announced on the line.

3.4. The results of the Competition will be posted on the official website of MAOU “Secondary School No. 30” and in the school newspaper.

3.5.Works that will be submitted after 12/18. do not take part in the competition!!!

4 Work requirements

4.1. Competition entries must be made in volume: a height of at least 10 cm, a length of at least 15 cm, a width of at least 3 cm, using any technique and from any material, and must be aesthetically pleasing. Originality and creativity in composition and color schemes are encouraged New Year's decoration. Each work is accompanied by written information about the author (authors) - last name, first name, class.

5. Evaluation criteria:

5.1. Originality of the idea.

5.2. Accuracy of execution.

5.4. Safe to use.

6. Competition Jury

Pestova N.V. – Deputy Director for VR

Semkova S.I., Chelpanova N.A., Berezin E.A. – technology teachers

Blinova L.V. – art teacher

Representative of the School Asset

Regulations on

New Year's greetings competition

"Happy New Year with a new happiness"

1. General Provisions.

These Regulations define the goals and objectives of the creative competition of New Year’s greetings “Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

The competition is held within the school in accordance with the plan for the implementation of the project “New Year is knocking on school.”

1.2. Purpose of the Competition– creating conditions for creative self-realization of students.

1.3. Objectives of the Competition:

Identification and support of talented children;

Increasing the social significance of children's artistic creativity;

Creating a festive atmosphere and involving children in the creative process.

1.4. Organizers of the competition are the School Asset (hereinafter referred to as Asset), deputy director for VR, social teacher, teacher-organizers.

2. Participants of the Competition:

2.1. Students of grades 5 - 11 of MAOU "Secondary School No. 30" can become participants in the Competition.

2.2. Work can be performed individually or by a group of several people.

3. Dates and place of the Competition

3.1. The competition is held from December 10, 2014 to December 22, 2014.

3.2. Competitive works are accepted until 18.00 on December 22, 2014

3.4. Works that will be submitted after 22.12. do not take part in the competition!!!

4 Work requirements

4.1. Poems of your own composition, wall newspapers, banners, and New Year-themed leaflets are allowed for the Competition. Each work is accompanied by written information about the author (authors) - last name, first name, class.

5. Evaluation criteria:

5.1. Originality of the idea.

5.2. Accuracy of execution.

5.3. Compliance of the work performed with the topic of the Competition.

5.4. Creativity.

6. Competition Jury

Pestova N.V. – Deputy Director for VR

Bakirova L.M. – teacher-organizer

Malginova I.B. – teacher of Russian language and literature

Blinova L.V. – art teacher

Mezentseva Yu.S. - music teacher

Representative of the School Asset


about the family photo competition

"Hello, 2015"

1. General Provisions.

These Regulations define the goals and objectives of the creative competition for New Year’s family photographs “Hello, 2015” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

The competition is held within the school in accordance with the plan for the implementation of the project “New Year is knocking on school.”

1.2. Purpose of the Competition– creating conditions for creative self-realization of students.

1.3. Objectives of the Competition:

Promote interaction between family and school;

Strengthening school and family traditions;

Development of children's creative imagination;

Creating a festive atmosphere and involving children in the creative process.

1.4. Organizers of the competition are the School Asset (hereinafter referred to as Asset), deputy director for VR, social teacher, teacher-organizers.

2. Participants of the Competition:

2.1. Students of grades 1 - 11 of MAOU "Secondary School No. 30" can become participants in the Competition.

3. Dates and place of the Competition

3.1. Competitive works are accepted until 18.00 on January 14, 2015

3.3. The results of the Competition will be posted on the official website of MAOU “Secondary School No. 30” and in the school newspaper.

3.4. Works that will be submitted after 01/14/2015. do not take part in the competition!!!

4. Work requirements

4.1. Participants of the competition complete the task independently.

    1. Only one photograph of 15x20 format is accepted from each participant (Works must be submitted in printed form!)

      The photo must be a family one, the photo was taken on New Year's Eve or new year holidays!

      The originality of the photo is assessed!!! You cannot use Photoshop, photo editor, etc. programs.

      Photos submitted to the Competition will not be returned and can be used by the organizers during events, for publication in the school newspaper and on the school website.

6. Competition Jury

Pestova N.V. – Deputy Director for VR

Shabunina E.A. – teacher-organizer

Gorchakov Yu.V. – school photographer

Metelskaya P.S. - designer

Representative of the School Asset

MKDOU "Kindergarten "Solnyshko"


« Soon, soon New Year"

Gvozdeva S. B.

If you ask a child what is your favorite holiday after your birthday, he will probably answer: New Year. This is a holiday when they are not forced to go to bed early, but are seated at the table with adults. This is a holiday when you look forward to the end of the chiming clock so you can throw yourself under the tree and see what surprise Santa Claus has prepared for you.

New Year is the most favorite holiday in our country. Both adults and children love him. New Year is a holiday with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell of fir branches, the sparkle of multi-colored toys and tinsel, fireworks, gifts, as well as with a dressed-up Santa Claus and the beautiful Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character from East Slavic folklore. In Slavic mythology - the personification of winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water. On New Year's Day, Father Frost comes and gives children gifts, which he brings in a sack behind his back. Often depicted in a blue, silver or red fur coat embroidered with patterns, in a hat, with a long white beard and a staff in his hand, wearing felt boots. He rides three horses, skis or walks.

The Snow Maiden is a New Year's character, the granddaughter of Father Frost, his constant companion and assistant. During the holidays he acts as an intermediary between children and Santa Claus.

Project name: Soon, soon New Year.

Project type: Creative

Implementation deadlines: Short

List of participants: children junior group, their parents and educators.

Relevance: An important place in this project is occupied by the study and preservation of the traditions of celebrating the New Year, which helps satisfy children’s cognitive interest in this holiday. The project is aimed at younger children preschool age and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year holiday.

Target: Introducing children of the younger group to the traditions of New Year celebrations.


- To form children’s understanding of the New Year holiday, to introduce them to the traditions of celebrating the New Year, the customs of celebrating the New Year holiday, its attributes, and characters.

Unleash children's capabilities and creativity through a variety of activities.

Promote the development of children's imagination, attention, memory and speech.

Stimulate the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities.

Strengthen connections between preschool and family. Encourage parents to engage in joint creative activities with their children.

Create a positive mood ahead of the New Year holiday.

This project will allow:

Introduce the traditions of New Year celebrations;

Invite children to actively participate in various ways in preparing for the holiday and its implementation.

As part of the project, children, under the guidance of a teacher, will gain knowledge about what the New Year is, how it is celebrated, as well as an acquaintance with New Year's characters: the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. Making crafts for the exhibition together with parents children's creativity will evoke positive emotions in children.

Expected results: In the process of conversations, looking at illustrations, reading poems and watching fairy tales, expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the New Year holiday, the customs of celebrating the New Year holiday, its attributes, and characters.

Unleash children's capabilities and creativity through a variety of activities.

Parents are actively involved in joint cognitive and creative activities with their children, and family ties are strengthened.

Project passport:

Implementation activities:

    Forms of working with children:

Looking at illustrations.

Conversations: “What is New Year? ", "The New Year has come!"

Didactic games: “Where is the snowflake”, “We are celebrating the holiday, we are decorating the Christmas tree”, “Let’s go sledding”, “Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles, counting sticks), “The third wheel”, “Find the tallest Christmas tree”, “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree” (stringing various wooden figures on a cord.

Outdoor games: “The snow is spinning” based on the poem by A. Barto, “On the Christmas tree”, “Snowflakes are flying”, “Snowballs”,“I’ll freeze”, “Winter-winter will bewitch the boys, will bewitch the girls”, “Come on, light up the Christmas tree!”, “Santa Claus”, “On the snowy bridge”, “Snowflakes - little fluffs”.

Breathing games: “Blow on the snowball”, “Blow on the snowflake”, “Snowfall”.

Reading and memorizing the poem “Our Christmas Tree” by E. Ilyin.

Listening to songs: “Christmas tree”, “Little Christmas tree”, “Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree”.

Use of fiction: “Snow fell, snow fell, and then I got tired...” by A. Gorbunova, “Christmas tree” by A. Prokofiev, “Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree” by V. Petrov, “ New Year's greetings snowman" A. Usachev, "Snow Everywhere" A. Brodsky, "The Christmas tree is dressing up" Y. Akim, "Dad chose a Christmas tree" A. Usachev, "Christmas ball" V. Berestov, "Mom decorated the Christmas tree" V. Petrova, "Who came "E. Blaginina, "Paper Santa Claus" by S. Pshenichnykh, "Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree", conversation based on the text by K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree"; "The Snow Maiden and the Fox" Russian folk tale, “It’s snowing” by L. Voronkov

Exhibition of children's creativity together with parents "New Year's toys".

    Forms of work with parents

Involving parents in preparation for an exhibition of children's creativity.

Information in the parent's corner: Consultations for parents “Children's safety during the New Year holidays.”

Project outcome

New Year's holiday "Happy New Year!"


Forms of work.

Physical Culture.


Outdoor games:

“The snow is spinning” based on the poem by A. Barto,

"Snowflakes are flying"


"I'll freeze it"

“Winter-winter will bewitch boys, will bewitch girls,”

“Come on, light up the Christmas tree!”

"Father Frost",

"On the snow bridge"

“Snowflakes - fluffs”,

Low mobility games:

“Magic snowflake freeze”

"Round Dance of Snowflakes"

“Find the Snow Maiden!”

Breathing games:

"Blow on the snow"

"Blow on a snowflake"


Physical exercises:

"Hares were running in the forest"

"The wind blows in our faces"

“There is a pine tree in the yard”

“I’m not afraid of frost”


Imaginative simulation games:

"We're spinning like snowflakes"

“How different animals go to the Christmas tree holiday”

Role-playing games:

"We welcome guests"

"Visiting Santa Claus"

Didactic games:

"Where is the snowflake"

“We celebrate the holiday, decorate the Christmas tree,”

"Let's go sledding"

“Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles, counting sticks),

"Third wheel",

"Find the tallest tree"

“Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree” (stringing various wooden figures on a cord

Artistic creativity

Coloring pages for kids on a New Year theme.


“The Christmas tree is decorated, festively decorated,”

"Gift for a friend for the holiday"



“What is New Year? ",

“The New Year has come!”

Games - improvisation:

based on the poem “Snow” by A. Barto

"Snowflake visiting the guys"

"Visiting the Snowman"

Situations, communication:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",

“How a cone lost its seed”

“How the little bunny made friends with the Christmas tree,”

"To the Christmas tree on Birthday»,

"Conversation between Santa Claus and the Christmas tree"

"Letter from Santa Claus"

“Who does the tree look like?”

"New Year for Animals"

"Like animals decorated the Christmas tree»,

"Journey of the Snowman"

"New Year's Adventures of the Snow Maiden"

Examination of illustrations, books, plot paintings about the New Year holiday.


Application “We brought the Christmas tree home from the forest”


Organized educational activities:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",

"Our friend is Santa Claus"

“The Christmas tree grew.”


Listening: “Christmas tree”, “Little Christmas tree”, “Beads shine on the Christmas tree”.


Game “Give me a word” based on the poem by K. Chukovsky “Elka”


“Snow fell, snow fell, and then I got tired...” A. Gorbunova,

“Christmas tree” by A. Prokofiev,

“Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree” by V. Petrov,

“New Year’s greetings from a snowman” A. Usachev,

“Snow Everywhere” A. Brodsky,

“The Christmas tree is dressing up” Y. Akim,

“Dad chose a Christmas tree” A. Usachev,

“Christmas ball” in Berestov,

“Mom decorated the Christmas tree” by V. Petrov,

“Who Came” by E. Blaginin,

“Paper Santa Claus” by S. Pshenichnykh,

“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree”, conversation based on the text by K. Chukovsky “Christmas tree”;

"The Snow Maiden and the Fox" Russian folk tale,

“It’s snowing” by L. Voronkov.

Memorization “Our Christmas tree” by E. Ilyin.


The content of the work

Involving parents in preparing the group for the New Year holiday.

Consultation for parents: “New Year for children: How to celebrate the holiday with your child.”

Consultation for parents "Children's safety during the New Year holidays."

Mini-project “Soon, New Year is coming!”

Implementation period: informational and creative, short-term (December 7 – December 29, 2015).

Project participants: children of the “Kapelka” junior group, parents, music worker.

Problem area of ​​the project:

New Year is the most favorite holiday of children. This is the New Year's bustle, letters to Santa Claus, decorating the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under it. When preparing for the New Year celebration, children often had questions: why do they decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts?


An important place in this project is occupied by the study and preservation of the traditions of celebrating the New Year, which helps satisfy children’s cognitive interest in this holiday. The diversity, richness, and spiritual wisdom of the lives of our ancestors occupy a special place in raising a child. The project is aimed at children of primary preschool age and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year holiday.

Project goal: to introduce children and parents to folk culture and environmental perception of the New Year holiday.



Introduce children and parents to the history of the New Year holiday and the New Year tree;

Unleash the capabilities and creativity of children through a variety of activities;

Encourage interest in the proposed activity


Promote the development of children's imagination, attention, memory and speech;

Stimulate the natural processes of motor development

Abilities and qualities


Strengthen connections between preschool and family;

Encourage parents to engage in joint creative activities with their children;

Create a positive mood ahead of the New Year holiday

Project stages:

Preparatory stage

1. Preparation of visual illustrative material

2. Selection of educational literature, cartoons, New Year’s video stories, slides

3. Methodological development of activities with children

4. Preparation of information material for parents

Main stage

1. Conversations with children: The history of the children's New Year's song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

2. Integrated activities, game-situations, entertainment (OO “Cognition”, PO “Socialization”, PO “Communication”, “Artistic Creativity”, PO “Music”)

“A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (ecology)

“In the winter forest” (ecology, mathematics)

“The Christmas tree is decorated, festively dressed up” (drawing)

"Alarm in the forest!" (ecology, manual labor)

"Father Frost! Did you bring us gifts?” (modeling)

“The Christmas tree grew” (speech development)

“On a visit to the Christmas tree” (a festive New Year’s tale)

3. Health saving (NGO “Physical Culture”, NGO “Health”

Morning exercises “Christmas tree”

Physical education sessions, rhythmic breaks, games with speech accompaniment, outdoor games

Breathing games “Blow on a snowball”, “Blow on a snowflake”, “Snowfall”

Finger game “Snowman”, “Snowball”

4. Game activities (OO “Socialization”, OO “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, OO “Music”)

Outdoor games: “One, two, three, run to the Christmas tree”, “We walked through the forest and found trees”

Educational games: “Find the similarities and differences”, “Guess which tree?”, “Which branch are the children from?”

Didactic games: “Assemble a Christmas tree” (geometric shapes), “The third odd one”, “Find the tallest Christmas tree”, “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree” (stringing beads on a cord), “Draw a Christmas tree” (drawing on cereals scattered on a tray)

5. Reading poems, stories, fairy tales and asking riddles about the Christmas tree (NGO “Socialization”, NGO “Communication”, NGO “Reading Fiction”)

Fairy tales: “The Christmas tree in the forest”, “The Tale of the little Christmas tree”

Stories: “Christmas tree” (M. Zoshchenko), “Christmas tree”, “Fairytale story. Christmas tree, live!”

Poems: “What a Christmas tree, it’s just marvelous...”, “Before the holiday winter...”, “Song about the Christmas tree”, “The Christmas tree is lit with lights”, “Christmas tree”, “Near the Christmas tree”, “Our Christmas tree”, etc.

6. Labor activity (PO “Labor”, PA “Socialization”, PA “Communication”)

Decorating the Christmas tree for the holiday in a group kindergarten"Father Frost's Workshop"

7. Free activity of children (NGO “Socialization”, NGO “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, NGO “Music”)

New Year themed coloring pages for little ones

Looking at illustrations

Watching New Year's cartoons and fairy tales

Listening to audio recordings with New Year's songs “Song about the Christmas tree”, “Umka’s song”, “The Christmas tree is a prickly needle...”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “Round dance around the Christmas tree”

8. Interaction with family.

Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the project - announcement.

Learning songs and poems with children.

Information in the reception: “What is New Year”, “New Year for children: how to organize a holiday”, “We look forward to it”, “One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire.”

Doing homework by parents together with children (making crafts, photographing children, while preparing for the holiday at home).

Participation in the exhibition New Year's crafts“What a holiday New Year is.”

Consultation for parents “Where did the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree come from?”

Folder “Children’s safety during the New Year holidays”

Sewing New Year's costumes(girls are snowflakes, boys are gnomes)

Environmental action “Let’s stand up for the Christmas tree!” (making Christmas trees from various materials)

The final stage

1. Exhibition of alternative Christmas trees made by children and parents

2. Reading poems about the Christmas tree by heart

3. Children's creative exhibition "New Year's picture"

3. New Year's holiday “Magical Adventures”

Expected result:

Children will learn about the Christmas tree as a symbol of the New Year;

Learn to make Christmas decorations from various materials, which will contribute to the development of aesthetic taste in children;

They will enjoy the results of their work;

Creation of a mini-museum " New Year's decoration with your own hands."

Project Implementation Plan

Days of the week

Forms of work



2. OD “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

3.Reading poems about the Christmas tree

Learn to distinguish the characteristic features of objects using various analyzers (eyes, nose, hands, etc.); develop tactile memory; consolidate the comparison of objects, the ability to isolate parts from the whole, analyze, draw conclusions; develop observation and curiosity



1 . Listening to the songs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “Little Christmas tree”

3. Decorate the Christmas tree

To develop the ability to listen to a piece of music to the end and understand the nature of the music

Preserve and strengthen the health of children; form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Foster a desire to participate in work activities;



1. Rhythmic movements “Round dance around the Christmas tree”

2. OD “The Christmas tree is decorated, festively dressed”

Strengthen knowledge about color, the ability to depict round objects; learn to draw a Christmas tree, correctly position the drawing on a sheet of paper; develop the ability to draw with a pencil, the desire to use a variety of colors in drawing



1. Ecological game with elements of FEMP “In the winter forest”

2. Reading the fairy tale “Christmas tree in the forest”

Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the life of wild animals; encourage you to express your thoughts and opinions; fix the names of the colors, geometric shapes, the concepts “one”, “many”; continue to teach how to put together images of animals from geometric shapes according to a pattern, selecting details according to shape and color

Develop the ability to listen to new things New Year's tales about the Christmas tree; develop interest in books


1. Looking at illustrations

2 . Watching New Year's cartoons

Encourage children to aesthetic perception upcoming New Year's holiday, develop memory, thinking

Develop perseverance, attention, memory; encourage interest in New Year celebration traditions



1. New Year's fairy tale “Visiting the Christmas tree”

2. Breathing exercise “Blow on a snowball”

Introduce preschoolers to holiday culture; promote the creation of a joyful environment and good mood

Encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle; teach proper breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)



2. Reading the story “Yolka” by M. Zoshchenko



1. P/n “One, two, three, run to the Christmas tree”

2. D/i “Assemble a Christmas tree” (geometric shapes)

Develop children's activity in motor activities

Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes, mental counting skills from 1 to 3, colors; develop thinking and imagination; answer the question correctly



1. Morning exercises “Christmas tree”

2. OD “Santa Claus! Did you bring us gifts?”

To form in pupils the needs for physical activity and physical improvement

To cultivate responsiveness and kindness in children; evoke pleasant memories associated with the New Year holiday;


1. Compilation of a descriptive story “The Christmas tree grew”

2. Reading the fairy tale “The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree”

3. Finger gymnastics “Snowman”

Write a descriptive story; practice agreeing nouns, adjectives, pronouns in gender, number and case; consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [u], pronounce it for a long time, in one breath

Develop the ability to listen to new New Year's tales about the Christmas tree; develop interest in books

Develop fine motor skills, speech and memory



2. Making a Christmas tree from tinsel and sweets (manual labor)

Be able to coordinate speech with movements, develop motor skills and coordination

Develop a caring attitude towards nature; cultivate a desire to care for nature; develop the ability to use a brush and glue, stick candies and tinsel onto a cone-shaped blank



1. D/i “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree” (stringing beads on a thread)

2. P/n “We walked through the forest and found trees”

Develop tactile-muscular sensations

Encourage children to participate in play and physical activities together



1. Game with speech accompaniment “The bunny is sitting under the Christmas tree”

2. Reading the story “Yolka”

Practice the ability to coordinate movements with speech

Develop the ability to listen to new New Year's stories about the Christmas tree; develop interest in books



1. Morning exercises “Christmas tree”

2. Reading fairy tale story about the Christmas tree “Christmas tree, live!”
1. Watching a New Year's fairy tale

2. Listening to New Year's songs

4.New Year's holiday

To form in pupils the needs for physical activity and physical improvement

Develop the ability to listen to new New Year's stories about the Christmas tree; develop interest in books

Develop children's cognitive abilities using information and computer technologies

Show emotional responsiveness to musical works

Involve parents in creating joint parent-child projects



1. Rhythmic movements to New Year's songs

2. Exhibition of alternative Christmas trees

Be able to coordinate speech with movements, develop motor skills and coordination

Involve parents in creating joint parent-child projects



1. New Year-themed coloring pages

2. Breathing exercise “Blow on a snowflake”

Develop children's creative abilities; introduce to fine arts

Set children up for healthy image life

Project effectiveness

An educational, educational, exciting holiday, which can be traced according to parents’ reviews from the review notebook

And on the productive activities of children;

Can be traced in all types of educational activities,

Exhibition of children's creativity "New Year's picture";

Decor methodological developments according to the project;

Exhibition of alternative Christmas trees;

Exhibition "Symbol of the Year"

Relevance of the topic:

Everyone knows that one of the favorite holidays for children and adults is New Year. Children believe in miracles that happen on this day. They know how this holiday is celebrated in our country, they know their favorite characters, and they love receiving gifts on New Year's Eve. During the learning process, students get acquainted with other countries, with ancient history, and they want to learn new information about how this holiday arose, about the traditions of other peoples. Children are ready to learn new knowledge and perceive it with pleasure.

Project goals:

  • To acquaint children with the ancient names of the winter months, with the New Year traditions of different nations, to broaden the horizons of students, to develop creative abilities and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.
  • Teach children to independently search for information using different sources, draw conclusions on a topic, and contribute to the formation of a communicative culture.

Type of project: collective.

Project participants: 4th grade students, parents, teachers.

Interdisciplinary (speech development, ICT, art activities, music, etiquette, manual labor, history.)

By nature of activity: creative.

Long-term (1 year)

Equipment: interactive whiteboard with projector and speakers, piano, Christmas paper toys, papier-mâché animal masks, paraphernalia for carols.

Stages of work on the project.

Stage 1. Development of design specifications.

The tasks of this stage are to define the topic, clarify goals, select working groups and distribute roles in them, identify sources of information, and set tasks.

The class is divided into 4 groups that receive tasks:

group 1 - collect theoretical material about the etymology of the names of the winter months, choose riddles about them.

Group 2 – collect proverbs and sayings related to winter.

Group 3 – select theoretical material about the history of New Year celebrations in ancient times.

Group 4 – learn New Year’s traditions of different nations and draw pictures.

Stage 2. Project development.

The objectives of this stage are to collect and clarify information.

Students independently work with information individually and in groups, analyze the material.

The teacher and speech therapist observe and advise.

Stage 3. Presentation of mini-projects.

Objectives of the stage: students present to the class the collected material on the topic during the lesson - presentation.

Stage 4. Making visual material.

Tasks of the stage: collecting visual material (drawings, Christmas tree decorations made of paper, masks made of papier-mâché), selection of pictures, music, performances.

Stage 5. Evaluation of results.

Objectives of the stage: analysis of the implementation of project tasks.

Students participate in preparing for the presentation of material in class - presentation.

Stage 6. Project protection.

Objectives of the stage: collective defense of the project.

Project protection.

Student: Today we will go on a fabulous journey. We will visit different countries of the world and learn the history of New Year's things, get acquainted with the customs different nations, learn how to make the holiday fun and joyful.

The student reads: “It’s light in the clearing, as if from the sun. In the middle of the clearing a large fire is burning, almost reaching to the sky. And people are sitting around the fire - some are closer to the fire, some are further away. They sit and talk quietly.

The girl looks at them and thinks: who are they? They don’t seem to look like hunters, or even less like woodcutters: look how smart they are - some in silver, some in gold, some in green velvet.

Which fairy tale did you hear the excerpt from?

(On the screen is a picture from S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Twelve Months”)

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year. ( December)

Student: Title December cognate with the word decimeter. A decimeter is a tenth of a meter, and December was the tenth month for the Romans. The name was retained, although the month became the twelfth.

In Rus', December was called “jelly”. This month winter came, and it became chilly and cold. Cold, freeze, freeze and the ancient name “ jelly” - words with the same root.

People say about it that December is the tail of the year.

Student: the proverb says: In December the sun turns to summer and winter to frost.

December has siblings. Listen to the riddle and guess what month I'm talking about?

Not even a bird can fly.
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me? ( January)

Student: It has many popular names: January - the spout of the year, the firstborn of the year. In Rus', January was called “section”, since it cuts and divides winter into two halves. The ancient Romans named it January in honor of Janus, the god of the sun and light. They portrayed Janus as a man with two faces. One face is old and looks to the past, and the other is young and looks to the future. The number 300 was inscribed on the fingers of the right hand, and 65 on the fingers of the left. 365 is the number of days in a year. (picture)

Student: The proverb says: January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.

But the third brother, although he has a capricious character, is kinder and gentler than his brothers.

The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this? (February)

Student: February in ancient Rome ended the year, and the Romans held a big holiday at which they made sacrifices to the patron god of herds, Februs. Hence the name of the month – February.

The Old Russian name for February is “fierce”. In February there is a lot of snow and there are severe frosts.

Student: February closes the winter - it shows the way to spring, people say.

Student: Let's play a game: “Guess where the proverb is, where the sign is” (slide 8)

  • Severe frosts in February occur only in the mornings.
  • December ends the year and begins winter.
  • In January there will be snow and bread will arrive.
  • The flies woke up in the middle of winter - to a long thaw.
  • If the New Year's sky is starry, there will be berries.

Student: Let's continue our journey. At all times, among all peoples, the New Year was considered a holiday, but it was not always and everywhere celebrated on January 1.

Student: B Ancient Egypt New Year was celebrated at the beginning of summer, during the Nile flood.

In Ancient Greece, the beginning of the year fell on the longest day of the year - June 22. And the Greeks based their chronology on the Olympic Games, which were held in honor of the famous mythological hero Hercules.

Student: In Rus', the New Year began on March 1, with the onset of spring. Then they began to celebrate September 1st. On this day, the Tsar’s ceremonial exit took place in the Kremlin.

In 1700, Tsar Peter 1, by his decree, ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1, as in Europe. Each house had to be decorated with pine, spruce and juniper branches. For the first time in Moscow, fireworks were displayed. Fireworks, called “fire fun” in the time of Peter I, became an integral part of public holidays.

Student: Holidays are an integral part of our lives. And where there are holidays, there are songs, dances, games, and certain traditions. Folk games are typical for the Christmas holidays. The noisiest and happy holiday In Rus', after the Nativity fast, there were Christmastide.

What is this – Christmastide?
Haven't you heard, guys?
So what do you have to tell?
And, of course, show it.

Christmastide is a two-week New Year's celebration that our ancestors have long celebrated.

Disciple: The New Year at all times and for all peoples has meant the renewal of the world. This is a time of mutual treats, fun, joy.

In Rus' they said: On Christmas Day it arrived on a chicken leg.

Winter is for the frosts, and the man is for the holidays.

Student: The most fun thing at Christmas time was caroling. And they began on Christmas Eve, that is, on the night of December 24th to 25th. Children and adults dressed up in masks and animal skins, went from house to house, sang congratulatory carols, danced, sprinkled grain on the floor, wishing for a rich harvest and receiving treats from the owners. The girls caroled separately from the boys. They had with them ringing, knocking ancient musical instruments - mallets, bells, bells, rattles. They dressed up one person funny - a carol - Mekhonosh. You better watch it all.

Carols “Avsen” (children walk in a circle and sing carols)

Avsen, Avsen, walked around everyone,
Along the back streets, alleys.
He searched, searched, searched,
He was looking for Maryin's yard.
He found, found, found,
He found Maryin's yard.
You, Maryushka,
Red sun,
Your children are bright stars!

(The hostess put the treat in Mekhonoshi’s bag.

If the hostess was greedy, then they sang different songs)

Who won't give me the pie?
We are on his side.
Who will not give bread -
Let's take it off my grandfather's stove.
Who won't give a paw -
Let's take the grandma off the stove.
Who won't give you a donut -
Togo by the ankle.

Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know:
Father Frost,
Gray-haired grandfather with a beard
He is our dear guest.
He will light the Christmas tree for us,
He will sing songs with us.
Of course - Santa Claus.

Student: Do you know that Frost there is a wife and her name is Blizzard. They have different children and different habits.

Sons: Cold, Ice, Snow and Snowdrift, Frost.

Cold is the eldest. Stern and unyielding. He listens to one father. (slide 19)

Ice is a cheerful guy, you can see right through him. (slide 20)

Snow and Snowdrift are twin brothers. (slide 21)

Frost is an eternal youth. Artist. Frost's paintings are priceless, but they cannot be preserved, except perhaps copied. This is what earthling artists do. (slide 22)

The eldest daughters of Frost and Snowstorm: Cold, Blizzard, Purga. (slide 23)

U Cold harsh character. WITH Cold they are two boots of a pair.

Blizzard and Purga are twin sisters. IN Blizzard born. They love to walk in the field with the wind.

Younger daughters: Thaw and Kapel. (slide 25)

Has not been sitting at home since childhood Thaw, although her parents don’t like her to run away from home.

Ringing Drops– thin, pale, thin. The singer is no longer winter, but not yet spring. (slide 26)

Student: Santa Claus has a wonderful family. But he is very old. Santa Claus was born more than 2000 years ago. Since ancient times, on New Year's Day he comes to visit people and brings gifts, but each country has its own New Year traditions and a different name for Santa Claus.

  • In Russia - Father Frost.
  • In Italy - Babbo Natale.
  • In the Czech Republic - Mikulas.
  • In Cyprus - Saint Basil.
  • In Australia - Saint Sylvester.
  • In Finland - Jolopukki.
  • In America - Santa Claus.

Russian Father Frost wears a long fur coat, felt boots and a staff. His constant companion is Snegurochka. He plays the game “I’ll Freeze!” with the children. and hides gifts under the tree on New Year's Eve.

Student: In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6th. All children are waiting for the good fairy Befana, who flies at night on a magic broom and fills children's stockings and shoes with gifts. She leaves a pinch of ash or coal for someone who did not study well or was naughty. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw everything unnecessary into the street. Italian Santa Claus - Babbo Natale places wooden or clay figures near the Christmas tree.

In France, Père Noel (that’s the name of Santa Claus) comes on New Year’s Eve and leaves gifts in children’s shoes, and whoever gets the bean baked into the New Year’s pie receives the title “bean king” and on the festive night everyone must obey his orders.

In Holland, Santa Claus arrives on a ship. He organizes pranks and gives children marzipan fruits, toys, and candy flowers.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the cheerful little man Mikulas comes to children. He dresses in a shaggy fur coat and a tall lambskin hat. Gives gifts to those children who have studied well.

In Belgium, many villages still maintain the custom of wishing domestic animals a Happy New Year so that they can reproduce well. Animals are decorated with bright ribbons and treated to their favorite delicacies.

In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed in a white dress, and a crown with lit candles is placed on her head. She brings gifts for children and treats for pets.

The English Father Frost is called Santa Claus. On New Year's days, theaters stage performances based on fairy tales. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay in their shoes for Santa Claus' donkey.

Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san - Mr. New Year. In Japan, on New Year's Eve, children hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which 7 fairy-tale wizards are sailing. It is customary to celebrate the holiday in new clothes, because it is believed that this will bring good luck and health. 108 strikes of the bell herald the coming of the New Year. The festive table always includes koloboks, flat cakes, and rolls made from rice flour. It is customary to fly a kite. The doors of houses are decorated with branches of bamboo, plum, and pine.

Famous in the area
Green beauty:
A sundress is like a bell,
On the ground, and by dragging,
Hat - with edge,
With a sharp tip.

Student: The custom of celebrating New Year and Christmas with a Christmas tree came to us from Germany. Since ancient times, a legend has been passed down about trees that bloom magnificently in the middle of winter. In honor of this legend, Germany began to organize a holiday in winter. Green trees were believed to bring health and happiness to the home. But since only the spruce trees did not lose their green decoration in winter, this particular tree was chosen. The branches of the Christmas tree were decorated with lanterns, toys, and sparkles, so that everyone would think that it had actually blossomed. A star was attached to the top - a symbol Star of Bethlehem under which he was born Jesus Christ.

In other countries where there are no Christmas trees, the New Year is celebrated with another tree. In Australia - with Metrosiders, in Cuba - with a palm tree. In Nicaragua - with branches of a coffee tree, in Vietnam – with branches of a blossoming peach.

Student: The New Year gives every person hope for happiness. (slide 39)

And we want to give you handmade toys for happiness. (slide 40)

Project type: informational and creative.

Participants: children middle group, educators, parents, music director.

Relevance: the project aims to introduce children to national holidays, their characteristics of implementation. Children know little about the history of the origin of Russian holidays, their traditions and customs. Parents do not involve their children in making gifts, but rather give them everything ready-made. How can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how to behave on a holiday, how one holiday differs from another? Our project will help children and parents become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year and fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year storm of emotions and impressions.

The goal of the project: to formulate the concept of “holiday”, its characteristic features and meaning in people’s lives using the example of the New Year.

Project objectives:

  1. Analyze the concept of a holiday - New Year, highlight its characteristic features: attributes, attitude and mood of people, rules of behavior, traditions.
  2. Create a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating the group, making manuals, crafts, photo newspapers about the New Year).
  3. Involve parents in preparing for the New Year holiday.

Expected result:

Enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday;

Children’s awareness of the kind, caring attitude and mood of people towards each other during the holiday;

Active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year.

Project product:

Project organization:

I. Preparatory stage

Selection and development of necessary materials. (Calendar and thematic planning, classes, conversations, selection of fiction, illustrations about the New Year holiday.)

II. Main stage

Cognitive development:

"New Year holiday. Decorated Christmas tree";

"New Year";

“What is New Year?”;

“Why do Santa Claus and Snow Maiden need fur coats?” (cognition - research activity).

Speech development:

"We are preparing for the new year";

“What’s in Santa Claus’s bag?”;

Learning poems for the New Year holiday;

Making a “Holiday Expectation Calendar” - completing tasks from the Snowman.

“There will be a holiday soon”;

“Rules of behavior at a matinee”;

Life safety “Fire safety rules during the holiday”;

“Rules of behavior on the street in icy conditions”;

Artistic and aesthetic development:



“Ornate Christmas tree”;

"Fir branch."

“Herringbone” (making an invitation card);

"New Year gifts";

Modeling from salted dough “gingerbread”;



"New Year's greeting card";

Construction (from paper):

"New Year's toys";



Collective work for the exhibition.

Didactic games “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “Find out what has changed”, “When does this happen?”, “Sort out the Christmas tree decorations”.

Familiarization with fiction: stories, fairy tales and riddles about winter and the New Year holiday “What is New Year”, “Snow Maiden”, Snow Maiden and the Fox”, “Winter quarters of animals”, “How the Christmas tree was decorated”.

Outdoor games “I’ll freeze”, “Pass the mitten”, “Two frosts”, “Wolf and hares”.

Social and communicative development: role-playing games “Family”, “Beauty Salon”, “Shop”, “chauffeurs”.

Watching cartoons on a winter theme: “Santa Claus and Summer”, “Winter's Tale”. "Snowman Postal Man"

Group decoration.

Interaction with family:

Consultation “Getting ready for the New Year”:

Folder “What to give a child for the New Year”:

Competition "New Year's Toy":

Album "Santa Claus's Workshop".

III. Final stage

New Year's holiday "Housewarming at the Snowman's".

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