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How to make your own shampoo. What recipes for natural hair shampoos do you know? Share your recipes in the comments below! What can you add to shampoo?

Organic shampoos are good for hair, they are of much better quality, but at the same time they are more expensive. Such compositions are not stored for a long time, because they are completely free of preservatives. There are two main types of such shampoos: dry and liquid.

Dry organic shampoos

Dry shampoos prepared are very convenient in extraordinary situations when normal hygienic conditions are not available. This could be a long trip with accommodation in uncomfortable accommodation, or a hike. In such cases, dry shampoos are indispensable, since they do not need to be rinsed off with water; just comb them out with a fine-toothed comb. An excellent option for dry shampoo for oily hair is oatmeal-almond. Oatmeal and dry almonds can be ground into flour yourself, but you can buy oatmeal in the store, and almond - in the pharmacy. Take equal parts of each and mix.

Violet shampoo is good; all you need is carefully crushed violet root. Clay shampoo is also good and easy to make. Potato starch is dried in the oven and then added to white clay in a 1:1 ratio. Such shampoos are used extremely simply, the composition is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. After this, it is thoroughly combed with a comb. Such shampoos absorb sebum and cleanse the hair of various impurities. And they are stored for quite a long time.

DIY liquid shampoo

To prepare organic shampoo at home, you need to purchase a base for it at the pharmacy. Cleansing surfactants are already included, and there are no harmful parabens or sodium sulfates. The mixing algorithm is not complicated: the base is placed in a water bath and heated to about 30 degrees.

Selected essential oils are added dropwise to the base while stirring slowly. After this, herbal decoctions are added in teaspoons, their composition depends on the purpose of the shampoo. Everything is thoroughly mixed and cooled, after which the mixture can be poured into a container convenient for storage and use. The same organic shampoo is used as regular store-bought shampoo.

You can prepare an anti-dandruff shampoo; it will require two egg yolks; if your hair is short, one will be enough. Medical alcohol 72% 5 ml, a couple of drops of essential rose oil, 5 to 10 drops of sage oil. Dissolve essential oils in alcohol, beat egg yolks and mix with a mixture of alcohol and essential oils. Distribute shampoo over damp hair, gently massage head, rinse thoroughly with water.

Every woman dreams of having healthy and beautiful hair, but not everyone finds the time to care for them. But our hair needs the same care as nails and skin. Agree, hair looks much more beautiful and lively if it has a healthy appearance and shine instead of dullness and split ends.

Modern hair products contain chemicals and harmful substances. Natural cosmetic It is expensive, but even it cannot guarantee a 100% natural composition.

Then what should you wash your hair with and how to take care of your hair?

Do-it-yourself natural shampoo will help make your curls beautiful, manageable and healthy. It consists entirely of natural ingredients that cleanse and carefully care for curls.

In addition, natural ingredients contain many vitamins, minerals, beneficial elements, they have a beneficial effect on the roots and hair structure. You can make this product yourself at home; it’s not difficult.

All recipes are easy and quick to prepare.

DIY Shampoo Recipes

  1. Soap based. Collect nettles, basil and dandelion in equal proportions, chop well and mix. Take 1/3 cup of raw material, add a glass of boiling water, let it sit for 20 minutes. Next, strain and select all the herbs. Grate 60 g of soap for children and melt it in a water bath, gradually adding herbal infusion. Stir the resulting mixture, strain, add 50 drops of essential oil and a small spoon of olive oil. Can be stored for no more than a week. If you add a spoonful of vodka, the shelf life will be 3 weeks.
  2. Mustard. The product strengthens the roots and activates blood supply. You need to mix a tablespoon of dry mustard powder with kefir or natural yogurt. You should get thick sour cream. Add the yolk and a spoonful of olive oil.

Apply to damp curls, massage the skin with your fingers, put on a cap, wrap with a warm scarf and walk around the house for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. If the strands are oily, then the powder is diluted in warm water (2 l). Rinse with water and citric acid.

When the time is up, pour the infusion into an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over heat, and then boil for another 15 minutes.

Add herbs that suit your hair type to the decoction and leave for another 20 minutes. Then strain and leave in the refrigerator for a week. To keep the product for 3 weeks, you need to add alcohol or the preservative potassium sorbate. Then pour into bottles. Before washing your hair, shake well and heat in a water bath. By the way, this homemade shampoo is good for hair growth. It strengthens the roots, gives the hair shine and softness.

  1. Beer with herbs. Collect hop cones, calendula flowers, birch leaves, and burdock root in equal proportions. Grind all ingredients. Add a glass of hot beer to two tablespoons of raw materials. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, then remove all the herbs. Before washing, the product must be warmed up a little.
  1. Gelatinous. You need a spoon of liquid soap, an yolk and a spoon of powdered gelatin. Stir the mixture, it is important that there are no lumps. Wet the strands and apply the mixture, spreading over the entire length. Massage the skin with your fingers, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Instead of liquid soap, you can use another egg yolk.

Egg shampoo

Homemade barley shampoo makes your curls soft, strong, thick, and gives them shine.

The yolk is rich vitamins A, B, E, D and useful substances - protein, amino acids. The roots become stronger, growth is noted, and the curls are protected from external adverse factors. Quail eggs contain phosphorus, potassium, and iron, so they are much more effective than chicken eggs. For hair growth, the yolk is simply irreplaceable.

There are many recipes for such a cleanser. Here is one of the universal options; it can be used for any hair type.

You only need to use an egg slightly diluted with water.

Beat it until foamy and add two tablespoons of boiled water. Apply to the roots, lather and hold for a couple of minutes. Rinse with cool water, do not dry with a hairdryer. You can use only yolks; they can also be diluted with water and kept for a couple of minutes.

You don’t need to use the egg wash every day; a few times a week is enough. You should wash your hair only with freshly prepared yolk. By the way, the egg can leave an unpleasant odor after use. To get rid of it, you need to rinse your hair with a strong infusion of chamomile or drop a couple of drops of oil into the mixture. You can also drop it onto your comb while combing.

Dry hair washes

You can also make your own dry shampoo. Dry hair washes do not contain chemicals, do not cause skin allergies, and clean and soften curls well. This is a great option for business trips and travel, when it is not possible to wash your hair in the usual way.

The basis of the product is extracts of grain crops: rice, oats, corn. They absorb dirt and fat deposits. This method is more suitable for oily curls, because they have to be washed much more often.

Effective recipes

Apply the product to dirty strands, massage the scalp and rub the mixture into the roots.

It is combed out using a fine-toothed comb.

  1. The main ingredients are salt and flour. For medium length you need to take a spoonful of wholemeal flour and a small spoonful of salt;
  2. A small spoon of corn flour is mixed with the same portion of ground almonds and orris root powder. The mixture is rubbed into the roots;
  3. Two spoons of bran and a spoon of mustard powder. The ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the roots;
  4. Mix two spoons of oatmeal (cereals) with a spoon of soda;
  5. Mix three tablespoons of crushed wheat bran with a spoon of calamus root powder and a small spoon of dry string.

Homemade wash for different hair types

You can make a home remedy for every hair type. For example, you can prepare shampoo for oily hair with your own hands in the following way: mix 30 ml of water, 15 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of cognac and yolk. Apply to the roots and spread over the entire length, massage with your fingers, hold for a few minutes and rinse. Rinse with water and lemon juice.

Shampoo is an indispensable product for washing your hair. There are a huge number of shampoos for all hair types on store shelves, and choosing the right product for yourself will not be difficult.

However, modern industrial shampoos and shower products contain various preservatives, fragrances and fragrances that are not the most in the best possible way affect the condition of our hair and scalp. This is especially true for a substance such as sodium lauryl sulfate, which can disrupt the structure of the proteins that make up the hair.

If you want your hair to always be healthy and strong and glow with a bright natural shine at any age, then listen to our advice and use shampoos prepared at home. Fortunately, it exists a large number of recipes, many of which were known to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Benefits of homemade shampoos

All the advantages of this choice are obvious.

Firstly You will be absolutely sure of the quality of the prepared product: after all, it is made independently with soul and exclusively from natural ingredients.

Secondly You will save money because homemade ingredients are cheap, while name brand shampoos tend to be expensive.

Third, you will always have a fresh product at your disposal, since homemade shampoos have a short shelf life and are mainly prepared immediately before use. The procedure for preparing such shampoos is very simple and will not take much of your time.

How to make shampoo at home? Here are the most common recipes depending on hair type.

Homemade shampoos for dry hair

1. Egg shampoo . Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add 50 g of water and 5-6 drops of vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and distribute over hair and scalp. Massage with your fingertips and after 40-50 minutes wash your hair with warm water.

2. Mix 2 egg yolks, 50 ml of water, 100 ml of vodka and 5 ml of ammonia thoroughly and rub the resulting mass into the hair with gentle massaging movements. After 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can simplify the recipe somewhat by using the yolk of 1 egg, 50 ml of water and 50 ml of vodka and performing the steps in the same sequence.

3. Beat the yolk of 1 egg thoroughly with 2 tsp. castor oil. Rub into hair and scalp, massage well and rinse with warm water after 5-7 minutes.

  • Egg shampoo at home: popular recipes

4. 1 tbsp. gelatin pour water at room temperature. Let it swell for 30-40 minutes, then add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 2 drops each of sage or rosemary essential oils. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and rub into your hair and scalp. After 10 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.

5. Homemade shampoo with bread. Pour some boiling water into a bowl and mash a piece of stale black bread in it. Let the bread swell a little, then add 1 egg yolk to it and mix well. Apply to hair, massage and rinse. If after using this shampoo an unpleasant odor remains on your hair, it can be eliminated by rinsing with water and adding a small amount of mustard.

Homemade shampoos for oily hair

1. Homemade shampoo with mustard. Dilute 50 g of dry mustard powder with the same amount mineral water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Rub the resulting mixture into your hair and scalp, massage thoroughly, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your hair with a herbal decoction of nettle, coltsfoot or chamomile.

2. Mash a piece of black rye bread without crust in a small amount of warm water until it becomes a paste. Pass the resulting mixture through a sieve and apply to your hair. Leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse with warm water.

3. Grind 100 g of dry peas into flour using a coffee grinder. Add some warm water and leave overnight in a warm place. Apply the resulting shampoo-mask evenly to the hair and massage. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. Excellently removes grease and dirt from the surface of the hair.

4. Mix 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. water and 50 g of cognac. Rub into hair and scalp with gentle massaging movements. After 5 minutes, wash off.

Homemade shampoos for normal and combination hair types

1. Rub the pulp of 1 medium-sized banana through a fine sieve, add 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Mix everything well and apply to hair. Massage for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This shampoo can be used daily. After it, the hair becomes soft, shiny and manageable.

2. 1 tbsp. gelatin pour 3 tbsp. water and let soak for 40 minutes. Then put it in a water bath, let it dissolve and add 2 egg yolks to the resulting mass. Rub into hair, massage and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. After using this shampoo, the hair becomes more voluminous because it contains a lot of proteins.

3. Pour 2-3 thin slices of rye bread with a small amount of kefir and leave to brew in a warm place for 3 hours. For dry hair, kefir with a high percentage of fat content is used and you need to take a little less of it than bread. For oily hair, on the contrary, low-fat kefir and more than bread. Then mix the resulting mass thoroughly and apply to hair and scalp. After washing, rinse your hair with the mixture at the rate of 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

4. Grind 3-5 strawberries, or the pulp of 1 kiwi, orange or lemon (optional) to a smooth puree. Add 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp. honey Mix well and rub into hair. After 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

DIY soap grass root shampoos

Excellent homemade shampoos are made from the root of the soap herb (soapwort), which can be purchased in pharmacies. Olive or glycerin soap is also used as a base for homemade shampoo. Soapwort-based shampoos are equally suitable for all hair types. They are prepared as follows: for 50 ml of base, take 1 glass of water, 1 tsp. base oil (if you have oily hair, you don’t need to use it), 2 tbsp. herbal decoction and 20-25 drops of essential oil. If desired, add honey, egg yolk, apple juice or aloe juice in an amount not exceeding 2 tablespoons. Everything is thoroughly mixed and shaken.

Preparing the base

To prepare the base for shampoo, you need to pour 15 g of crushed soapwort root with a glass of water, place in a water bath, bring to a boil and hold for at least 10 minutes. Allow the resulting liquid to cool, strain and pour into a shampoo bottle.

Healthy Supplements

Base oil, essential oils and herbs for the decoction should be chosen based on your hair type:

1) For dry hair: oil - jojoba or grape seed; essential oils - tea tree, lavender, ylang-ylang or rose; grass - coltsfoot;

2) For oily hair: oil - grape seeds or almonds; essential oils of bergamot, rosemary, cedar, mint, lemon; herb - mint or thyme;

3) For normal hair: oil – grape seeds or almonds; essential oils – orange, geranium, neroli, pine; herb - sage.

You can store this shampoo for at least a week. If you add 1 tsp to it. vodka, the shelf life can be increased to 3-4 weeks.

DIY solid shampoo

Solid shampoos have a number of advantages. They do not contain water, so they can be stored for a long time (up to 1 year), do not take up space, and are easy to take with you on the road. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary bar of soap. To make solid shampoo at home, you should buy soap base (sodium coco sulfate) and several types of essential oils at a cosmetic store.

Homemade shampoo for sensitive skin

And finally, for such a very common problem as increased sensitivity of the scalp, when the use of traditional shampoos is contraindicated, we recommend preparing homemade shampoo with the following composition: 2 tbsp. strained chamomile flower decoction, take 50 ml of liquid glycerin soap, 1 tsp. castor oil and 2 drops each of cedar, rosemary, tea tree and sage essential oils. Mix the ingredients and rub the resulting mass into your hair and scalp with gentle movements, massage, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, and to achieve a therapeutic effect it must be used once every 2 days.

Hair as an element female beauty need constant care. Using natural ingredients in the form of shampoos will make your hair healthier and more beautiful. Shampoo made at home with your own hands will give them a well-groomed appearance.

The main advantage of homemade shampoo is its naturalness. Such shampoos do not contain parabens, silicone, preservatives, formaldehyde and surfactants. In addition to the main function - cleansing, these shampoos, due to the presence of useful, natural ingredients in them, nourish the scalp and hair.

Benefits of natural shampoos:

But when using them, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Due to the lack of preservatives, the maximum shelf life can be no more than a week, some only a few days. Preferably prepare before use.
  2. It is important to maintain storage temperature. The optimal temperature is 2-5 degrees.
  3. Before use, you must do an allergy test. Apply a small amount to the back of your hand or elbow. Here the skin is more tender, and the reaction will appear in a quarter of an hour. If there is no itching or redness, the composition is suitable for use.
  4. The components must be suitable for the hair.
  5. If the hair is poorly washed, the result of use is not visible, change the product.

Yeast shampoo

It is known to use yeast as masks. Yeast is widely used in homemade shampoo. Doing it yourself will not be difficult, because yeast is available in any household. This component dissolves fat and has a beneficial effect.

For preparation you need: 25 g of yeast, eggs (2 pcs.), honey.

  1. Mix the yeast and honey, add the eggs as the dough rises.
  2. Apply to your head and leave for a quarter of an hour. If possible, put a plastic bag over your head. This will allow you to achieve a positive result as efficiently as possible.
  3. After use, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Anti-dandruff shampoo with alcohol

Shampoo is prepared according to the following principle. You need to steam several pieces of black bread pulp with water and wait until it swells. Instead of water, you can use herbal decoctions: oak decoction, chamomile, burdock root.

After cooling, add 10 ml of alcohol. You can use herbal tinctures with alcohol: birch tincture, calendula or nettle tincture. Rub the resulting mixture onto your hair and head. Leave for half an hour.

Coffee shampoo

The recipe for making coffee shampoo is quite simple. Mix coffee, egg, cognac (oak bark tincture is allowed). Apply to hair and massage the head, wrap in a plastic bag. Leave for half an hour and rinse. Not recommended for light hair, it will change the color and give a dark tint. To soften, it is advisable to rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Shampoo with henna

Colorless henna, for those who do not want to change their hair color. It visually adds volume. It is necessary to dilute henna with kefir or herbal decoction of your choice. Apply the composition to the head and hair. Application up to half an hour is allowed. This shampoo is suitable for oily hair that tends to dry out.

Homemade soap-based shampoo

For shampoo, you need to take natural soap, baby soap, glycerin soap, or pharmacy soap mixtures. Add herbal infusions and/or oils to the soap. Steam the herb and let it brew. To prepare the base, you need to grate the soap and add oil to the shavings.

Mix the infusion and soap shavings and let sit until the soap shavings dissolve. After using this shampoo, it is advisable to rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water. Usage period is about a week.

Shampoo with white clay

How to make your own shampoo at home from white clay. You will need half a glass of clay and the same amount of warm water, mixing until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. This is the basis. Herbal infusions of chamomile, birch, and jasmine petals can be used as a liquid to dilute the clay.

It is allowed to add aromatic or essential oils. Massage the resulting mixture onto the scalp. Leave for a while and wash. Soften by rinsing with lemon or vinegar water.

Soda based composition

Due to its alkaline properties, baking soda will perfectly and effectively wash your hair, removing greasy film and accumulated dirt. For medium hair, it is enough to dissolve a quarter glass in water. The soda solution should be about a glass. To dilute soda powder, the use of herbal infusions is allowed.

In combination with oak infusion, burdock root infusion, and chamomile decoction, this remedy, in addition to cleansing, will perform a nutritional function. Apply to damp hair, massaging the roots to remove oiliness. Rinse off. It is advisable to rinse with lemon water after use.

Shampoo with mustard for hair growth

Shampoo with mustard can be used as a hair mask to stimulate growth. This product is suitable for oily hair. Dilute a third of a glass of mustard powder in half a liter of liquid. To dilute the powder, you can use herbal decoctions of birch leaves or buds, burdock root, chamomile, and sage.

Add aloe juice (optional). Massage the solution into the skin and hair and wash. The fact of burning indicates an improvement in blood circulation to the hair roots, and accordingly, growth is stimulated. Can be diluted to the consistency of sour cream and used as a solution. After use, rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water.

Gelatin composition

This shampoo has no restrictions on hair type. Required: 2 tbsp. l. quickly dissolving gelatin, herbs for infusion, honey, aloe juice (optional), oils, soap base or baby shampoo.
Steam the herb, strain, add gelatin until it swells. Heat a little until it dissolves. Add soap, honey and oils to the mixture. After use, rinse with lemon water.

Shampoo with yolk

Mix the yolk with liquid (1:1), lubricate hair, lather and wash. The liquid can be replaced with herbal infusions, but take into account the type of hair.

Tansy shampoo

To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of tansy. Take one spoon of flowers, steam (1 glass), leave for about 3 hours. Brew effectively in a thermos.
The infusion will prepare faster and will be richer. Strain and use preferably after two days.

Nettle shampoo

Similarly with other herbal shampoos, you first need to prepare a decoction: steam 30 g of dry herb with ½ liter of liquid. Infuse, strain and pour in 100 ml of vinegar. Ready to use.

Banana shampoo

To get banana shampoo you need to: peel the banana, add the egg and lemon juice and bring until smooth. Add drops if desired cosmetic oils, oil vitamins.
Apply the resulting composition, grind, and leave for about half an hour. Wash and rinse with chamomile or nettle infusion, depending on hair color.

Kefir shampoo

Dilute kefir, with any percentage of fat content, with water and wash your hair with this liquid. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water. It is allowed to add dark bread to kefir. Cooking will take about an hour. Mix the bread pulp with kefir and leave until the bread swells. Beat the mixture until smooth. Store for about a day, as the bread in kefir will ferment.

Rye shampoo

Soak a piece of rye crumb in liquid. Leave until it swells. It will turn out to be a mush, it is better to strain it, the crumbs are difficult to wash out. Apply the mixture to your hair and rub. Leave for 10 minutes, wash. This is a way to get rid of dandruff.

Cooking with rye flour will take about half an hour. Pour warm milk or a water solution of herbs. Let it swell. Strain the resulting mass. Let's get the so-called rye milk (infusion). They are used in this form, but additional components can be added: honey, lemon juice, aloe juice, oil vitamins.

Apply to damp hair. Ideally, put on a plastic bag and leave for up to half an hour, the hair will absorb the beneficial substances. The composition washes off perfectly. After use, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Jasmine shampoo with honey

Main property: moisturizes and nourishes hair. It is prepared with soap. Grate soap (baby soap or pharmacy soap composition), add a decoction of jasmine petals and honey. Stir until the soap shavings dissolve. Apply to damp hair, massage and wash. Storage for up to a week.

Composition with castor oil

Castor oil shampoo is designed to nourish dry hair. Prepared on a soap base.
Dissolve the grated soap in a decoction of herbs of your choice, add oil and egg. Apply to damp hair, rub and wash.

Cognac shampoo

Cognac shampoo is suitable for oily hair; it eliminates unaesthetic shine. You need to mix cognac and egg. Bring the ingredients until smooth, apply to a damp head, rub in and wash.

Composition with oak bark

Oak bark, with constant use, will help eliminate dandruff. Pour liquid over the crushed bark, boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour. You can add aromatic oils to the decoction if desired.

Use the product for 2 months. It is worth considering that blonde hair This shampoo will give dark shades.

Sour milk as shampoo

Kefir is not the only fermented milk component of shampoo that you can make yourself at home. Like kefir, there is always sour milk or yogurt on the farm.

Lactic acids provide a protective film from the negative influence of the external environment. Apply milk to hair, rub into scalp, cover with a plastic bag. Leave for half an hour, wash and rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Soapwort decoction as shampoo

Soapwort is a herbaceous plant.
Due to the huge content of substances called saponins in the root, it has the ability to foam.

You can prepare several types of shampoo:

Dry shampoo with cornstarch

Dry shampoo is a godsend for those who don’t have time to wash their hair. Starch-based dry shampoo can easily cope with this task. It is necessary to sprinkle the hair with dry starch, beat and shake it, shake out the starch, and, if necessary, remove the residue with a dry towel. Comb your hair with a thick comb.

Shampoo with healthy oils

Depending on the result, hair will be suitable for: burdock, castor, sage, rose, jojoba, etc. It is necessary to mix the yolks, alcohol (vodka), an oil solution of sage and roses into a homogeneous mass.
The composition eliminates peeling and itchy skin. Rub in, massage thoroughly and rinse. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Beer shampoo

The secret of this remedy is simple. Wet your hair with beer and rinse after a few minutes. The components contained in beer will nourish the skin.

Salt shampoo for deep cleansing

An effective and inexpensive method of deep cleaning is ordinary salt. On average, you need 30 g. Dilute the salt in liquid or kefir. To dilute salt, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, and birch. Wet the hair with the resulting solution and massage the skin. Rinse off with water, reuse is recommended after half a month.

Birch shampoo

There are several options for making birch shampoo with your own hands at home. The base component is birch leaves or birch buds. Prepare the infusion according to the standard procedure and use every three days.

Pomegranate shampoo

The product is suitable for oily hair, since pomegranate peels have an astringent, tanning effect. You will need: pour liquid (1 liter) of pomegranate peel (20 g), boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. You can brew pomegranate peels in a thermos and leave overnight. Cool and apply every three days.

How and in what way to make your hair attractive will depend on the shampoo you make at home with your own hands. The main thing is that the selected components are suitable for the hair type and provide them with health and a spectacular appearance.

Video on how to make your own shampoo at home

How to make shampoo at home:

Making your own shampoo:

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 7 minutes


When summer comes, many girls' hair becomes brittle, dry, and split ends. Almost everyone knows that modern shampoos are very harmful to hair, as they contain sulfate.

This problem can be solved with homemade shampoos. , which are not only harmless, but also restore the hair structure and also help to significantly accelerate hair growth.

So, how to make shampoo at home from natural ingredients?

  • Gelatin shampoo. Mix 2 yolks with 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Whisk this solution slowly so that no lumps remain. Apply the mixture to damp hair and gently massage into the scalp and hair itself until a foam forms. Next, leave the mixture on your hair for 7 minutes. Afterwards, rinse it off with warm water to cleanse your hair. This shampoo will make your hair beautiful, shiny and very voluminous. Soon you will notice that your hair has completely stopped falling out and has become very strong.

  • Tansy shampoo. 1 tablespoon of dried tansy (can be bought at any pharmacy) should be brewed in two glasses of hot water. Leave the mixture for two hours, and then strain through cheesecloth. Rinse your hair with the resulting infusion. If you have greasy hair, then they will stop getting dirty so quickly, and dry hair will become stronger and more voluminous. This shampoo will also help get rid of dandruff.

  • Mustard shampoo. Dilute 1 tablespoon of mustard (dry) in 2 liters of water, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar. Rinse your hair with this shampoo. Mustard will eliminate unpleasant oily shine, add volume and help hair grow faster.

  • Starch shampoo. This recipe will help those who do not have time to wash their hair and need to remove oil from their hair. Sprinkle dry potato starch into your hair and then shake it as if you were washing it. After 5 minutes, wipe your hair with a dry towel to remove any remaining starch. Comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb or wooden comb.

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