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What should I do and what should I do if I’m ugly? How to love your appearance if you're ugly They tell me I'm ugly

One of the most pressing questions in self-awareness is “what to do if I’m ugly.” Of course, in most cases, beauty seems to us something very distant, not because it is impossible to look at us because of ugliness, but because our self-esteem can be sharply lowered. For some reason, people forget the simple truth that says that until you love yourself, those around you will treat you like a homely ugly girl. Therefore, try to look at yourself from the outside; maybe the question “what to do if I’m ugly” will lose its relevance.

However, if you have firmly managed to convince yourself of your homeliness, then you need to urgently take action. Don't waste extra energy trying to figure it out for yourself. different problems. It’s better to find something better to do - a sport, a hobby, some kind of hobby group. If this does not help, and besides you about your appearance Those around you think so, then you should take action.

“What if I’m ugly?” This question worries many schoolgirls, students and even adult women. As for schoolgirls, this opinion is too often imposed on them by the surrounding teenagers, who are sometimes too cruel and do not know how to appreciate beauty. In this case, adults should point out to girls their strengths and talk about how sometimes children’s shortcomings turn into huge advantages in another, “adult” world. It is necessary to tell stories of acquaintances who, for example, surprised everyone at the graduation party 10 years after graduation by the fact that they had an excellent figure, and the rest had gained a lot of weight. And tell how as a child this woman was teased as fat.

During their student years, girls usually get rid of most of their complexes. Arriving at the university, you find yourself in a completely new world where you are surrounded by other people. And they don’t need to know how you were teased at school, for example, “mop” or “fat.” Well, if here you are mistaken for being ugly and ugly, then it’s time to put things in order in your appearance, and first of all, in your head. You need to look at your shortcomings as advantages.

Remember that no matter what appearance you have, if a person is ugly not on the outside, but on the inside, no means will help.

Unfortunately, many girls are too dependent on the standards imposed by the media. After looking at long-legged beauties with ideal facial features, well-groomed hair and long legs, your reflection in the mirror begins to seem unattractive and complexes arise. This interferes with building relationships and fulfillment in life. Psychologists advise starting to solve the problem with your own thoughts, while simultaneously working on your appearance.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

The Nature of Low Self-Esteem

Every person has the nature to consider himself the most attractive, his name the most beautiful, and his abilities the most extraordinary. If the opinion about yourself is the opposite, then there is a mental disorder such as complexes. Most often they originate in childhood and over the course of life they either develop or disappear.

The peak of low self-esteem coincides with the period of puberty and youth, when the first attempts are made to start relationships with members of the opposite sex. Most often it is based on the girl’s dissatisfaction with her appearance. Conclusions about one’s unattractiveness can be based on objective facts, when there is some kind of flaw, or on subjective ones, when the data does not correspond to a far-fetched ideal.

The main reasons for low self-esteem are considered to be systematic or random negative statements about a girl’s appearance by people whose opinion is considered authoritative. These could be the words of parents, relatives, teachers, friends and classmates. They are not always truthful, and are sometimes said with malicious intent, but a personality that has not had time to form takes them literally and painfully.

How to love yourself

In situations where you consider yourself ugly, stupid and uninteresting, psychologists recommend first determining whether this opinion is honest. Often quite attractive women and girls tend to talk about their shortcomings by flirting and asking for compliments. They know their strengths, but voice their shortcomings so that others will refute them. An example would be a situation where a thin woman in a company of friends calls herself fat, knowing that she will begin to convince her of the opposite.

It’s another matter if a person is closed and actually hates his reflection in the mirror, considers himself scary and is uncomfortable living with his external characteristics. Signs of the sincerity of such conceit:

  • the desire to be invisible in any society;
  • problems with communication - there are few existing friends and acquaintances, and it is extremely difficult to establish relationships with new ones, especially with the opposite sex;
  • a specific sense of humor - it is very difficult for such girls to fool around and laugh at themselves;
  • discomfort when discussing topics related to attractiveness, even among loved ones, which is expressed by redness of the skin, drooping of the eyes, difficulty in trying to formulate a judgment.

Experts recommend that all girls and boys who consider themselves ugly have a comprehensive approach to resolving the issue.

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Changing Mindset

First of all, you need to put things in order in your own thoughts. This will help professional psychologist, but if it is not possible to attend his sessions, you can try to cope on your own. A few tips to help you do this:

  1. 1. Realize that beauty is an extremely subjective concept. If you analyze and critically examine famous women who have reached heights in various fields of activity, it turns out that most of them have many disadvantages, which they managed to turn into advantages. Among the many recognized beauties there are tall and short, thin and with curvaceous, redheads and brunettes, dark-skinned and those with pale skin. Each has its own peculiarity that allows others to like it, and this is very rarely some part of their appearance.
  2. 2. Understand that if you wake up every day and think “no one likes me,” then so be it. And the reason is not at all in those traits that seem disgusting - it is in the negativity that comes from within. All girls who are in demand among guys have one thing in common - they are in love with themselves, knowing all their shortcomings. This allows them to feel confident, carry a special charm, be easy to communicate and correctly present their advantages and sexuality in any form: without makeup and with it, in evening dress and in pajamas.
  3. 3. Do the exercise: divide a sheet of paper into 2 parts, write your advantages in one, and disadvantages in the second. To be as frank as possible, especially with the second column - every person is beautiful in their own way and there will certainly be qualities that you can be proud of. Afterwards, you need to think about whether it is possible to accept and love the features from the second column and how to emphasize those included in the first. Some are inspired by examples of stars and top models with the same shortcomings; their stories are easy to find in any search engine.
  4. 4. Answer yourself honestly whether the reflection in the mirror will become better if you continue to hate yourself. Decide what you can do for yourself instead of suffering. Perhaps, except for the girl herself, no one considers her ugly.
  5. 5. Sincerely discuss the problem with your mother or another loved one. Surely they will have warm, inspiring words of support.
  6. 6. Praise yourself every day for any achievements.
  7. 7. Please yourself with pleasant things - trips to interesting places, shopping, shopping, delicious coffee.
  8. 8. Constantly improve both externally and personally. Only by investing time, money and effort into yourself can you begin to respect and love yourself.

Psychologists consider artistic photography done by a professional photographer with the help of stylists to be a good way to cope with your complexes regarding appearance. Photos will help you look at yourself from the outside and notice your strengths.

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The modern beauty industry is so developed that any person can be transformed into perfection in a matter of hours. Several recommendations on how to correct appearance flaws in accessible ways:

  1. 1. Problematic skin of the face and body. Care treatments with a properly selected complex will help cosmetics. It is advisable to visit a cosmetologist and dermatologist, and if necessary, undergo a medical examination to rule out health problems. The effect doesn't have to be immediate, but the skills to keep your skin healthy will last a lifetime. Birthmarks and freckles are a separate topic of conversation. People with normal self-esteem consider such “marks” to be their highlights, so it is recommended to eliminate this complex at the psychological level using the tips listed above.
  2. 2. Imperfect facial features - eyes too small, thin lips, large nose, irregularly shaped eyebrows and others. The problem is partially solved with the right makeup. It is recommended to take a general or individual course in makeup, which will teach you how to visually enlarge/decrease, emphasize the necessary parts of the face and hide problematic ones.
  3. 3. Hair. Everything is simple here - proper care, a complex of vitamins, individually selected hairstyles and hats can save any situation. Diversity fashionable haircuts and the color options are simply amazing, and everyone can find something to their liking.
  4. 4. Chest. This part of the body is in most cases located under clothing. Any shape and size can be adjusted with the right bra and clothing.
  5. 5. Growth. The height of a person is the same subjective concept as beauty. Girls who are too short can influence her with the help of shoes with heels and platforms; tall girls need to accept themselves and wear the shoes that they like. As many examples show, height never prevents a person from being happy in his personal life and in his professional activities.
  6. 6. Clothing style. It is highly recommended to highlight your individuality with the help of your wardrobe. You need to choose stylish things and accessories that make you most comfortable, without thinking about the opinions of others. They don’t have to be expensive and branded, the main thing is that the girl loves herself in them and enjoys wearing them.
  7. 7. Figure. Any genetic and acquired characteristics of the body are corrected using healthy eating and regular physical activity.
  8. 8. Other significant details. These include manicures and scents. You can take care of your nails without investing money, and a pleasant aroma does not necessarily mean an expensive perfume. It is important to maintain good personal hygiene and use antiperspirants.

“I constantly wonder why I’m ugly? I look at some girls and envy! All you have to do is beckon them with your finger, and the whole world lies at your feet! Guys, grades, friends, everything comes easy to them. I can’t look in the mirror without disgust - belly fat, thin lips, small eyes, crooked legs, . Is it possible to do something about this?

Every girl dreams of being beautiful. Not surprising at all. Beauty gives you a lot of benefits - confidence, recognition from others, admiration from guys, the opportunity to look good always and everywhere. But what if you are ugly? After all, whatever one may say, people are greeted by their clothes, not by their intelligence, and the first impression is indelible. There is only one way out - to change, especially if it interferes with life.

Is there a problem?

Very often girls exaggerate when they say “I’m ugly.” A nose that is too big or short is not a sign of ugliness. It is important to understand that everyone has shortcomings (if you can call it that). Only dolls in the store have ideal facial features and figures, and even then, some of them are not for everyone.

Thin lips, small breasts, narrow hips - this is your feature. It is important to learn how to present yourself correctly, then the problem of ugliness will disappear.

Look at the world's stars, find examples in history. Hundreds and thousands of imperfect women have become standards of beauty.

In fact, it’s not a matter of external shortcomings, but of uncertainty and complexes. To achieve admiration and enthusiastic glances, you need to demonstrate your strengths, and not wrap yourself in loose clothes and look at the floor.

But what if the face is really ugly, with acne or other signs of illness? Or does the person actually suffer from a genetic disease? In this case it is more difficult. The world is ruled by certain standards. But you shouldn't give up. Take, for example, the story of Madeleine Stewart with Down syndrome. This girl was able to become a model and now participates in shows in New York.

Practical task. Write down your strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper.

Raise your self-esteem

After realizing that everything is not hopeless, you can move on to the next point - raising self-esteem. Exist different techniques, but without accepting yourself, none of them will work. You are not ugly, but special. Why? For the simple reason that nature created all people (and animals, by the way, too) different. Diversity is the basis for the development of all living things.

So what to do if you're ugly? Try the following tasks:

Practical task. Pay attention to your strengths. Think about how you can highlight them to your advantage. .

Get rid of envy

Remember the moment when you started to think “why am I not so beautiful?” Most likely, these thoughts appeared after comparing yourself with others. This is a huge mistake that can drive any person into complexes. There will always be someone more beautiful, more successful, smarter. It is correct to compare yourself not with beautiful girls, but with yourself yesterday. If you are better today, that is already a success!

Think about the fact that when you are jealous, you waste a colossal amount of energy. What do you get? Depression, uncertainty, anger and resentment. Instead, you can spend your energy on self-improvement or other pleasant things.

Author's advice. When you become beautiful, you must be prepared for the other side of the coin - envy, gossip, talking behind your back. Some men will only see the outer shell, and employers will doubt the mind. Unfortunately, beauty does not solve all problems. It is enough to be simply attractive, but at the same time honest, kind, feminine, loved and healthy!

Taking care of inner beauty

They say that negative character traits are reflected on the face. Indeed, this is true. With age, angry people develop characteristic wrinkles, whiners have drooping corners of their lips, and envious people have yellow skin. Therefore, you need to change not only externally, but also internally.

What do I need to do? Pay more attention to your thoughts. This is where actions begin. , be more honest with others and with yourself. Help your family, be responsible. The list goes on and on.

Practical task. Write a list of positive and negative character traits.

Down with laziness!

Do you think “if I’m ugly, then nothing can be fixed”? In vain. Perhaps 100 years ago many agreed with you. But not today, not these days. Plastic surgery is at the level where a person with the most serious deformities can become quite attractive in appearance. Of course, such operations are expensive, but who promised instant results?

You have your whole life ahead, you need to strive for your goal. As you know, there is no limit to perfection. The sooner you start changing, the sooner you will see visible results. Do not be lazy:

Practical task. Think about what flaws in yourself you can correct. Develop a plan to change yourself and take action!

In conclusion, one more rule should be recalled. If you constantly say about yourself “I’m ugly, fat, stupid,” then very soon those around you will believe it. Remember - you are special, with a lot of advantages. And everyone has shortcomings. Love yourself and be happy!

Alina, Moscow

The appearance of a woman
whatever may be the strength and breadth of her mind,
whatever the importance of the objects,
which she does
will always be either a helper or an obstacle
in the story of her life.
Anne-Louise Germaine de Staël

Do you look at beautiful girls with envy? Own reflection Does the mirror disappoint you? Do you consider yourself ugly? Then this article is for you!

And from the very beginning I hasten to please you - you are not the only one. According to sociological research, 98% of girls and women consider themselves ugly.

And I would like to draw attention to the key word here - “consider themselves.” That is, in fact, they are not ugly. They just consider themselves ugly.

Feeling ugly is not a problem of appearance, it is a complex, insecurity and dislike for oneself.

Do not believe? Then look at famous models and actresses. Very few of them are truly beautiful (although this is a very controversial issue), that is, they have regular facial features and a beautiful figure.

But each of them was able to become a global star. How did they do it? They just accepted their appearance.

If it were only about appearance, I would never have become a model - after all, many people consider me ugly. But it was my signature “wolf look” that made me famous. In my youth, I looked this way because of painful shyness, and later - because this look began to bring me millions of dollars. Kate Moss

So, the first thing you need to do is accept and love yourself.

The following articles will help you with this:

By the way, being beautiful comes not only with benefits in the form of a sea of ​​admirers, but also with problems. Therefore, do not rush to envy the first beauties of your school or district. After all:

  • They are constantly afraid that someone more beautiful will be found, and a little later they suffer due to age and loss of their former appearance.
  • They are often not taken seriously and it is sometimes difficult for them to achieve career growth (we are talking about serious professions)
  • They are quite often unlucky in love. After all, people fall in love with their appearance, not their personality. Or they meet with them for status, popularity (Look, look what you grabbed).
  • Their boyfriends/husbands are very often jealous (and they can be understood).
  • They attract the gaze of others (especially men). And all this takes energy.

The obsession with the desire to be flawless on the outside very soon makes one ugly on the inside. Muhammad Okar

This list can go on and on. For example, they date beautiful girls and marry attractive and sincere ones with whom it is good to live.

It turns out that beauty has as many disadvantages as advantages. Have you thought about this?

My appearance brought me not only triumphs and the admiration of men, but also a lot of suffering. Michel Mercier

Therefore, stop envying beautiful girls and better spend your energy on yourself.

The second important step is to take care of your development. Both external and internal.

To interest a man, you need to apply a whole dozen efforts, because perfect appearance“will pass” on the first date, on the second and third you need to talk about something. Oleg Roy

Find something special in your appearance, learn to emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. And once again - love yourself and be confident in your attractiveness (beauty and attractiveness are two different things).

Is height or weight really important when there is something special, something attractive about a person? Oleg Roy

Find the advantages in your imperfect (in your opinion) appearance:

  • You can be sure that they love you not only for your pretty face
  • Guys may take you seriously
  • You have an incentive to develop.
  • Sometimes what you consider to be a flaw (freckles, big eyes) can please a guy and make you stand out from others.

Therefore, I emphasize once again - your “ugliness” is only in your head, and you yourself can make yourself an attractive and interesting girl.

You can immediately take into account for the future: the less a woman is obsessed with the complex of her own appearance, the more intelligent, balanced, tolerant and reliable she is. Vis Vitalis

When you don’t have such a trump card as a chic appearance, you are simply forced to develop other qualities in yourself and this very soon gives results.

If you are unattractive, that's only a plus. All beautiful girls, with whom I went to school and who went on all my dates, then spent their whole lives in fear of losing their beauty. They were always so beautiful that they never developed anything else about themselves. As they grew older, they only worked on how not to lose their youth. And if you are outwardly unattractive, you develop charm and wit, maybe some talent or unique trait. If you are ugly, you are more likely to become attractive. And if you are beautiful, often you are just beautiful and that’s all. Iris Apfel

So stop feeling sorry for yourself and suffering! Better take care of yourself: read a book, learn how to choose clothes and do your hair, pay attention to your body and be sure to smile! :). Make your appearance a helper, not an obstacle!

“Beauty will save the world! Where is my place in this world? Who will save me? What if I'm ugly?! Send me to the reservation so that I don’t poison this “beautiful world” with my presence?..” Cries of despair: “What if I’m ugly?!” - can often be found in in social networks. Whereas in the photographs attached to them there are cute, charming girls, most often teenagers. And yet another victim of low self-esteem looks at such pictures and thinks: “They haven’t seen me yet...”

Natural selection

To be liked by others is a normal desire for a sane person, especially for a woman. It’s not for nothing that women are called that: the beautiful half of humanity. It is believed that beauty automatically ensures people's favor, arouses interest in the individual, a pleasant impression, attention and respect. In this case, the conclusion naturally suggests itself that beautiful woman there is no end to candidates for her hand and heart, she is always happy and has an interesting time. Not just “ugly”. No wonder so many girls are worried about the question: “What if I’m ugly?”

And in fact…

A myriad of sophisticated beauties, highly educated smart women, wonderful housewives could have long ago created the most numerous female parties entitled: “What’s wrong with me?”, “What if I’m fat?” or “I have the worst hundred imperfections!” They are lonely, unhappy and look with envy at the ugly girls whom their husbands carry in their arms.

Did you know…

That a twenty-second glance at a fashion magazine can reduce a woman's self-esteem by 75%? Note, any woman, even the most beautiful one in your opinion. Have you ever seen a model without makeup? Do you know what she looks like in pictures taken with an ordinary point-and-shoot camera, without special lighting, professional makeup, hairstyle and in clothes chosen according to her own taste, and not by a stylist? Introduced? Are you horrified? Did you smile? And you still say: “What if I’m ugly?” Honor and praise to the famous ugly women for coping with this complex!

Get your brain in order

It turns out that it's not about beauty. Or, more accurately, not what you mean by the word “beauty.” Disgrace is in thoughts! Every person is a creation of God. Do you think that he is not professional enough and makes mistakes?

And yet - what should I do if I’m ugly, strange, not the way I should be?

Find yourself a worthy role model. An artist, singer, model, TV presenter, etc., who is more or less similar to you, your phenotype. Agree, among them, beautiful, happy and successful, there are also small, plump, and disproportionate... But they have charm, charisma, a look with a spark that can be easily adopted. And the way you dress and present yourself to those around you is shamelessly copied and made your own exclusive changes. As soon as you take this into account, you will notice admiring glances when they look after you for a long time, trying to understand what is so attractive, elusively mysterious about this woman, why you so want to solve her riddle?..

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