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New Year's packaging in the form of a Christmas tree with your own hands. How to pack sweets beautifully? How to make a bow for gift wrapping

Beautiful decoration of a New Year's gift is no less important than the gift itself. In stores, there is now no shortage of gift packages for the New Year. But we advise you to take the time to make your own New Year's packaging. Original, exclusive packing will make your gift special and unique. The person to whom you present your present will be doubly pleased, because by devoting time to preparing a gift for him, you thereby show a special attitude towards him.

In this article, we will tell you how to make original New Year's packaging for small gifts and sweets, how to make a New Year's cardboard box yourself. You will also learn how to pack larger gifts, learn how to make New Year's wrapping paper yourself.

Packaging for small gifts and sweets

1. DIY Christmas packaging (option 1)

Templates for miniature Christmas boxes for gifts can be downloaded from these links:

Print them out on thick paper and cut them out. Make additional cuts along the dotted lines. Bend and fold the boxes. You don't need to glue them.

Another original solution for small gifts is do-it-yourself New Year's packaging from a matchbox. Paste Matchbox colored paper or scrapbooking paper, make a New Year's applique on it.

2. New Year's gift wrapping (option 2)

Kids will love the idea of ​​making Christmas wrapping for small gifts in the shape of a candy.

A beautiful congratulatory inscription can be made on New Year's packaging if you cut out each letter from some old magazine or brochure. Letters should be of different sizes, colors, styles.

Templates for New Year's packaging in the form of sweets with name plates can be downloaded on this site.

If you are going to give someone a New Year chocolate bar, then do not be too lazy to spend 15-20 minutes turning it into a perky snowman. To do this, you just need to wrap a chocolate bar in a white sheet of paper and draw a snowman's face or make an application from colored paper. A hat can be made from felt or an unnecessary glove.

You can download a ready-made snowman wrapper template for chocolates at the link:

For a video instruction on how to make a Santa Claus wrap, see. Note: at the beginning of the video you will have to wait a bit: advertising.

3. How to make gift wrapping with your own hands (option 3)

A surprise balloon is a very original and inexpensive way to make a gift for a child for the holiday. Such balls can be presented to all children who came to your child for a birthday or for some other reason. It is even better not to give, but to hide them in the apartment, and whoever finds which ball will receive it. It is not difficult to make a ball with a surprise, it is more difficult to choose a useful "stuffing" for it. "Stuffing" can be any small interesting gizmos, toys, high-quality sweets, for example: children's jewelry, wrist watch, hairpins, small cars or dolls, stickers, shells, beautiful stones, balloons, a mirror, a notebook, magnets, animal figurines, cookies, sweets and much, much more. To make one ball, it will be enough to prepare 3-4 gizmos.

Surprises prepared in advance will need to be wrapped with ribbons of corrugated paper, so that in the end you get a cocoon in the shape of a ball with hidden gifts inside. It is better to put the most valuable thing in the center of the ball. The process of making a ball with a surprise resembles an episode from the movie "Brilliant Hand", in which smugglers hid jewelry in plaster.

The finished ball can be decorated if desired.

4. How to make New Year's packaging (option 4)

Christmas packaging for sweets, etc. pleasant trifle can be made from kraft paper. Like this:

If there is no kraft paper, you can try to flash on sewing machine any other thick enough paper. Or fasten the package with a stapler. Just be sure to leave room for tearing the package.

New Year's gift wrappings for medium and large sizes

1. Original gift packaging. How to make a gift box with your own hands (option 1)

Ready-made templates for New Year's gift wrapping are also offered by the site

And another cute one christmas box with a snowflake. Assembly instructions at the link >>>> The template can be downloaded

2. How to pack new year gift(option 2)

Another option to pack a gift for the New Year is to wrap it in craft wrapping paper, and then decorate it in an original way. For instructions on how to wrap a gift in paper, see.

How to decorate a New Year's gift, see below.

Using a hole punch, make confetti from colored paper, and then glue it over a New Year's gift wrapped in paper.

Cut thin ribbons from colored corrugated paper to make decorations for packaging.

You can decorate a New Year's gift with homemade or purchased pompoms.

paper flags

paper snowflakes (Note: how to cut beautiful snowflakes from paper, see the link >>>>)


cones, spruce branches

small Christmas decorations

garland of buttons

New Year's application

You can wrap a New Year's gift in an ordinary newspaper or a spread of a magazine, and then decorate it with such original weaving from strips of colored paper.

Or make such a bow from strips of paper. Making such a decoration for New Year's packaging is very simple. See instructions or .

An interesting solution is to wrap a New Year's gift first in wrapping paper of one color, then another. After that, draw one half of some New Year's picture on the top layer. Cut along the contour and fold. Simple and tasteful!

3. How to pack a gift for the New Year. How to pack a gift in paper (option 3)

You can also make wrapping paper out of any paper using purchased or home-made stamps.

original ideas production of children's stamps can be found at the links:

link - 1 (plasticine stamps) >>>>
link- 2
link- 3 >>>>
link - 4 (stamps made of foam plastic patches) >>>>
link- 5 (raw potato stamps) >>>>
link-6 (self-made roller stamp) >>>>

4. New Year's packing. New Year's gifts (option 4)

You can wrap a New Year's gift not only in wrapping paper, but also, for example, in a beautiful fabric

or a sleeve from an old, unnecessary sweater. Get a warm, sincere gift.

5. Do-it-yourself Christmas packaging. Boxes with embroidery (option 5)

    The New Year is already very close and each person begins to think about what to give as a gift and how beautifully it should be packaged. I plan to use gift paper and ready-made bows. Since sweets and sweets are happiness, you can buy a beautiful jar and write on it like that. You can use emendems, which everyone loves.

    I also really liked the idea with a box in the form of a heart - it turns out very beautifully.

    Already now, in various supermarkets, a lot of sweet gifts have appeared on the shelves, and there are such gifts for every taste and price.

    The assortment is simply amazing, children's gifts are especially pleasing, many gift bags are decorated in the form of various characters and objects (Santa Claus, cars, Christmas tree, and so on).

    Of course, you can make a sweet gift no worse at home.

    To do this, I usually buy the most inexpensive New Year's gift, and I myself choose what to put there: delicious chocolates, tangerines, kinder eggs, chocolate.

    For my mother, I usually buy a box of Raffaello, she just loves them and decorates them with rain and draws Santa Claus, it turns out quite nice.

    There can be many answers to this question. New Year is a holiday when coming to friends or relatives and be sure to bring gifts to all residents of the house, and especially children. Therefore, gifts are often sweet, the main thing is to pack or present it beautifully. For the very lazy, New Year's sweet gifts appear in stores on New Year's Eve, and this year a rooster will be depicted on them. For those who are a little lazy, there are many places where you can buy a beautiful package with the Fire Rooster and put good candy in it.

    Well, for needleworkers and people with imagination, there are other gift options:

    Such a gift can be made by yourself and it will not take much time. And a bottle of champagne and sweets, what else is needed for a gift on this wonderful night.

    Children can make original sledges from chocolates and bars or from bright dragees and pack it all in a glass jar.

    Sweet gift for the New Year can be easily done by hand. The main thing is to think about what exactly you want.

    For example, you can do Christmas decorations with sweets, bouquets with flowers and chocolates in bright wrappers. New Year's cupcakes and pancakes look very nice. If you bake them yourself, then you can make different fillings - dried apricots will do, raisins, sweets, marmalade. You can also fantasize with cream and icing. You can pack them in transparent paper by installing a cardboard bottom.

    A luxurious gift will be a cornucopia, created in just an hour with your own hands. The horn itself can be made from any auxiliary material - foil, colored, wrapping paper, and so on.

    Sweet topiary looks very nice.

    If it’s hard for you to come up with something, then you can pack sweets, chocolate beautifully in a home-made box.

    By the way, from long chocolates amazing New Year's sleds are obtained). They will become the packaging - you can put sweets, chocolate on these sleds.

    For a sweet gift, you can buy something tasty, unusually designed, for example, a set of chocolates in the form of coins.

    Very handy for the New Year. Fire Rooster there will be a lollipop - a cockerel on a stick.

    So try, fantasize.

    In a few days, we will close the previous pages, and the New Year holiday will come to visit us.

    Gifts, fun, the aroma of the Christmas tree, all this gives a good mood.

    In addition to New Year's gifts, we are also looking for decorations for the home and for Christmas trees, as well as beautiful gift wrappings.

    To make a sweet gift look beautiful, we also come up with various beautiful decorations to make it pleasant and unusual.

    The easiest way to pack a sweet gift for the New Year 2017 is to buy beautiful wrapping paper and use it to pack a gift, tie a beautiful ribbon at the top.

    If you want to come up with something yourself for decoration, then you can take plastic bottle make it not a flower, carefully decorate it, put sweets and pack it in beautiful paper.

    A beautiful box can serve as a package for sweets.

    It will look very beautiful and unusual if you make a fir tree out of large sweets. To do this, you should take champagne, stick each candy with adhesive tape, and decorate the top with a beautiful bow.

    Candies can be tied together, the top of the candy can be decorated with a New Year's toy or a Santa Claus toy.

    Sweets can be put in a basket and wrapped in transparent paper.

    It will look original to pack sweets in homemade Santa Claus pants.

    Make a sweet gift different ways. You can put a lot of sweets under the spruce, such as cake, sweets, rolls, cookies, it all depends on what children and adults like.

    A sweet gift can be packed in the form of a toy, a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree, a snowman, New Year's toys on a Christmas tree, a vehicle (sleigh, cars). Small sweets can be folded into a jar, which can then be decorated in the form of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, just wrap it with New Year-themed wrapping paper.

    It will be original to put all the sweets in a wicker basket, which is then decorated with New Year's tinsel.

    I think that it is more appropriate than ever for the New Year to pack a sweet gift in the form of a Christmas tree - a symbol of this holiday. It looks beautiful and festive, and you can make it yourself if you buy colored cardboard or whatman paper. These are usually sold in gift shops.

    And if you need to present several gifts at once, then there is a similar offer, only in the form of a colored cake.

    A very relevant question on the eve of the New Year holidays. Many (if not all) want to please their loved ones with original and interesting gifts. And I especially want to please my kids.

    A sweet New Year's gift is one of those that is always relevant.

    Of course, you can buy something interesting in the store, but you want something unusual.

    And here your imagination or tips that the authors have kindly provided here will play an important role.

    For a child, the main thing is that it is tastier and more unusual. For this we need store-bought sweets. But of them, you can already make something).

    For example, here is a chocolate box.

    Or Kinder Cake).

    You can also use this original idea)

    There are so many worries before the New Year that there is practically no time left for gift wrapping. It seems to me that if you spend a lot of time wrapping a gift and make some unusual design, then the person to whom this gift is intended will feel embarrassed, since its packaging may not be so impressive. Therefore, I propose to observe traditions and put sweets in Santa Claus's New Year's sock. Festive, elegant, relevant and does not oblige to anything. A gift in such a design always cheers up everyone: not only children, but also adults. Since we, adults, are also all from childhood ... It is appropriate to put such a sock under the arm. As an option, when there are a lot of sweets, you can put them in Santa Claus's bag. I wish you to successfully cope with pleasant New Year's worries!

    Now in every supermarket and any other store you can buy a beautiful gift to your taste.

    But in order to please loved ones with something original, extraordinary, you need to spend a little time on it and make a box or other packaging for a gift yourself.

    Such a gift, and even beautifully presented, is the dream of many, and children will definitely be delighted.

    And you can make boxes or other packaging from things available in any home: newspapers, cardboard, old wallpaper, lace, bows, etc. The main thing is to turn on the imagination and connect the fantasy.

    Here is a package in the form of a Christmas tree looks beautiful, agree.

    Or such a New Year's bag.

    The smallest kids can pack sweets and fruits in original boxes, jars, cups.

    The main thing is that they are bright.

They say the truth, the real miracle of the holiday is its expectation. When in the house one feels that very presentiment of something magical, kind, bright. I want to convey this feeling especially in a New Year's gift. Therefore, an important stage in preparing for the holidays is not only the purchase itself, but also the packaging of sweets and long-awaited surprises under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus knows a lot about gift wrapping, doesn't he?

From the heart

Once upon a time, our mothers and grandmothers kept and passed “from hand to hand” fashionable at that time plastic bags with beautiful New Year's photos, flowers, heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.Now there are a lot of packaging options.

It happens that you receive a gift, and it's a pity to unpack it, the cover is so beautiful and original.Of course, you can wrap a gift immediately after purchase in specialized departments of supermarkets or put it in a ready-made paper bag. But it is much more pleasant to arrange a surprise yourself, showing diligence and imagination.

Sea of ​​ideas
We offer you an overview interesting ideas using various techniques and materials.

Most often, boxes wrapped in kraft paper or special wrapping paper in rolls with thematic pictures are used for packaging.This inexpensive option still needs to be improved.

As a rule, the package is wrapped with a ribbon, decorative tape, decorated with a bow or decorative elements.

We can glue a snowflake made of white, multi-colored or shiny paper, bright pompoms to the bag.

A beautiful composition will turn out from natural materials: twigs, cones.

Decorative elements in the form of balls, Christmas trees, mittens and stars can not be glued, but put on a wrapping tape, twine.
Let's draw a Christmas tree on paper, cut out half with a breadboard knife, bend it a little so that the bottom layer of a different color or box becomes visible. Glue cotton or foam balls or a small snowman, snowmen from cotton pads - in any case, the packaging will become unique!

And if we want, we will place Santa on a colored cardboard bag or make a cockerel out of the package by gluing a red comb, a beard and a yellow beak. Photo

Children will be happy to receive gifts decorated in the form of funny bear cubs, hares, deer.

For a small gift, we will make a funny box according to a simple pattern, and wrap the chocolate bar in a snowman package.

And how do you like the idea to decorate packages with Christmas balls?

We will replace traditional bags with handmade ones made of knitwear and burlap, decorate them with cones, lace napkins and Christmas trees. We put on funny hats or glue eyes on craft bags - we get wonderful owls! Let's turn the envelopes into deer, the top hat into a big candy. And for several gifts we will make a festive stylish set.
And here is an excellent video for you, which will be an excellent master class for preparing the most beautiful gifts.

Miracles happen on New Year's Eve, and we created them ourselves, with our own hands - here they are, under the Christmas tree!

On new year holidays we buy sweets for children, specially packed in bright boxes of different shapes and colors. What kind of candy do they have? How long ago were they made? In addition, I know from my own experience that not all children eat all the candies from the purchased New Year's gift. Someone does not eat a certain variety, someone does not eat caramels or jellies, and someone cannot eat chocolate treats. I have always thought that the best option is to purchase chocolates that a child can eat or will eat, and package them beautifully myself. If the baby cannot eat store-bought sweets, then you can put home-made gingerbread or sweets or even fruits as a New Year's gift. We figured out the content, now it’s worth paying attention to the design. How to pack sweets beautifully? There are quite a few options.

How to pack sweets for the New Year and other holidays?

1. The most popular option for decorating a candy gift for the New Year is, perhaps, a candy tree. It’s not at all difficult to make such a gift, children are always happy to receive such a sweet Christmas tree, and it’s very convenient to remove sweets from it gradually. Sweets are eaten, but the Christmas tree remains. Detailed instructions for its manufacture.

2. It looks very nice in the form of a large candy or cracker. With its manufacture, too, there should be no problems.

You will need the following materials:

– cardboard (depending on the required package size);
- packaging or colored paper;
- ribbons, beads, buttons, twigs, etc. For decoration;
- glue or double-sided tape;
- scissors.

We offer you several ideas, and you choose, embody, fantasize.

3.DIY packaging box, cut according to the template, will also be an excellent option for decorating sweets for a gift. For the New Year, a box in the shape of a Christmas tree is best suited.

It can be cut out of colored cardboard and dressed up with pebbles, beads, and so on. Or use white cardboard, and then glue it with bright wrapping paper. Such a Christmas tree-box is also suitable for packing another small New Year's gift.

4. Here is another option, how to pack candy beautifully for the New Year holidays.

How to make such a box is shown step by step in the photo. Download the template and act with your imagination.

You can download templates of different packaging boxes on our website, print the selected option on cardboard, cut it out and decorate it according to your taste and preferences.

All these boxes are suitable for small sweets, caramels, sweets self made, candied nuts and other small gifts.

5. The original packaging for sweets for any holiday will be a gift cake. You will find detailed instructions for its manufacture and instructions.

6. If the sweets were bought in a box, then the design option in two layers will look original wrapping paper contrasting colors. On the top layer, carefully using a clerical knife, cut out half of the New Year's figurine, turn it away, we get a very original effect. You will find more options for gift wrapping in boxes.

Imagine, use the materials that you have at hand, make packing boxes with your own hands, decorate them. We hope you find a suitable idea for yourself, and you will no longer have a problem, how to pack sweets beautifully for the new year or any other holiday.

Merry holidays and nice gifts to you! May your dreams come true!

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