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How to be feminine for a man. How to be feminine. Appearance and manner of dressing - creating a charming image

Many representatives of the fair half of society are sure that men choose women based on qualities such as beauty, intelligence and financial status. In fact, this is not at all important for them, since you can often see a not so attractive girl surrounded by men. All this because such girls can be soft, gentle and feminine. It is not at all necessary to have a beautiful appearance and a subtle mind to defeat men on the spot. In fact, it's enough to act like true woman who is self-confident and knows what she wants from life.

So, it's all about femininity. But how to be feminine, if such science is not taught at school? It is worth understanding for yourself that it is never too late to learn femininity. Before you start to become ideal woman, you should determine for yourself the goals that are most important at the moment. Someone may want to, another woman wants to improve relationships in her family, and others simply dream of being a softer and more caring mother. Once the goal is determined, you should move in its direction, developing only the necessary aspects of femininity.

What can you learn on the path to femininity?

When a girl decides to become feminine and begins to take steps in the right direction, she can reveal many of the possibilities of her nature that she had not previously suspected. The first discovery will be the emergence of communication skills. First of all, femininity is associated with charm, thanks to which it is easy to find mutual language with anyone. This quality is very important for anyone modern woman. It will not only help you learn to communicate with strangers and make friends, but also provide career opportunities.

On the path to femininity, a girl will undoubtedly discover the wisdom of the feminine principle. A kind of piggy bank of the wisdom of millions of women will open before the young lady. Everything that every woman needs to know and observe, from appearance to behavior, will be accessible and understandable to her. Femininity is not a momentary quality, but daily work. Nature has given all women a unique appearance, and her well-groomed appearance and beauty depend only on her.

In addition to communication skills and discovering the secrets of beauty, a girl will be able to learn how to control her body. This is a very important moment in acquiring femininity, since a beautiful gait, straight back and smooth movements are the pride of every girl. Such techniques can be learned by doing yoga, ballet, oriental or Latin American dancing, and it is also useful. Not only the face, but also the body should speak about femininity, since it is the only one that cannot lie.

When a girl strives for femininity, she will have to learn how to present herself correctly. To do this, a lot of work needs to be done. First, a girl should determine what type of femininity suits her. It can be a modest, relaxed or graceful nature. When the type is determined, you can begin to build a certain image, which will be made up of clothes, shoes, accessories and makeup. Also, do not forget about certain behavior in society and communication that suits the chosen nature.

How to become feminine for the man you love? Be softer!

If a girl wants to become feminine in order to be more desirable and loved by her man, then she should acquire one important quality - softness. For every man, a woman is the personification of warmth, kindness and care. All this is because they saw this quality in their mothers, so they look for it in their chosen ones. All men like softness in everything, from gestures and voices to actions and looks. You can start striving for softness very simply, for example, wearing clothes made of very soft and pleasant to the touch fabrics.

On the path to gentleness, it is very important to listen to yourself, what is being said and in what voice. If a young lady hears notes of resentment, anger or stress in her voice, then they should be replaced with softer and more pleasant notes. You need to try to control yourself in conversations not only with your beloved man, but also with friends and relatives. You should speak moderately quietly, measuredly and calmly. When talking with your significant other, you can use kind words, but you also need to pronounce them kindly.

Gentleness is very evident in the look and face. Of course, it can be extremely difficult to maintain this gentleness when fatigue and irritation weigh on a girl. But if you train and force yourself to smile every day, be affectionate and try to maintain a soft look. This practice will not just go away, but will leave pleasant and gentle features on your face.

A woman's appearance can also show her softness. Men prefer women with curved silhouettes as they are softer rather than angular. You should not wear strict haircuts and sharp shoulders, especially since they are not in fashion now. You only need to walk with a straight back, making your gait more airy, light and leisurely. This way, not only those around you, but also the young lady herself will feel more confident, attractive and will feel very at ease.

Frequent meetings with well-groomed friends are the key to femininity.

If a girl is still concerned about the question of how to become more feminine, then she probably doesn’t meet her friends often. Of course, friends should be an example for any woman, otherwise there will be nowhere to strive. You should choose friends who have feminine qualities. All men follow the example of their friends, adopting different habits, ways of thinking and behavior. Therefore, girls also need to spend more time in each other’s company and adopt useful qualities.

Femininity is a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

In addition to emotional and psychological aspects, it is very important not to forget about the outer shell. The desire to be well-groomed is distinguishing feature women. It should not be said that there is absolutely no time for self-care. You should definitely allocate enough time and money for this process, since care requires some costs.

If possible, you should regularly visit beauty salons, where professionals will take care of your body, face, hair and nails. You can take care of yourself at home without spending large sums. Also, do not forget to wear skirts and dresses, as they make your appearance more feminine. By applying all the above tips, every girl will certainly become more feminine and will be able to win men’s hearts and be confident. It is then that the question of how to become tender and feminine will sink into oblivion!

In our modern world many girls strive for career growth and independence. At the same time, they completely forget about what a woman should be like, how she attracts attention and arouses sympathy. Because of this, men see many girls simply as a colleague or a friend, feeling like they are equal to them. Although the main goal of the fair sex is family and female happiness. Every girl should always be loved. After all, a beloved woman is a happy lady.

How to be? How to become feminine? After all, it is this quality that distinguishes girls from men. From childhood, every girl has femininity, but, unfortunately, not everyone develops it in the future.

It happens that an already formed girl does not have this quality. And in this case, sooner or later she will ask the following question: Now we will figure it out. I would like to immediately note that you can achieve your goal at any time. In this case, age has absolutely no meaning.

First rule

So, how to become feminine and desirable? To turn into such a lady, you You should develop confidence in your attractiveness. You should not completely trust the opinions of the people around you, because all their assessments are subjective and may depend on various negative emotions. Someone who wants to please you will flatter you by showering you with compliments. If they envy you, then critical remarks may be made with the aim of developing complexes in you and destroying your self-confidence.

Who can you rely on then? Of course, only for yourself. So, how to become feminine and confident?

Go to the mirror and tell me how beautiful, graceful, sweet and irresistible you are. Then evaluate your pros and cons, convince yourself that there are much more of the former than the latter. Then move on to turning disadvantages into advantages. To do this, you need to highlight your best sides.

After the ideal image is created, you will tell yourself that this is a feminine and desirable woman. Now all that remains is a small matter: you just need to remember this and not stop feeling as beautiful as you are. Don’t try to imitate anyone, because this is the wrong path that will not lead to anything good. Create your own individual look, which will reflect your character traits, emotions and reveal your nature as a whole.

Second rule

Femininity is expressed not only in costume and appearance, but also in gait, behavior and the ability to present oneself. If a girl’s manners do not correspond to the stereotypes of a real lady, then even the most sophisticated outfit will look stupid on her. The inability to carry on a conversation and communicate in general will lead to a loss of interest on the part of men.

So, how to become a woman who can safely be called a lady? Be sure to watch your gait. It should be soaring and graceful. The movements of the hips should simply fascinate the stronger sex. A slouched and tense girl is unlikely to arouse the interest of men. Your gait needs to be honed every day, keeping your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. The head, of course, should be held high.

A real lady's movements are always smooth, soft and graceful. Therefore, give up haste and fuss. Do everything gracefully and slowly, avoid rudeness and, of course, cruelty. Train yourself to be feminine in any situation.

Always follow the rules of etiquette, adhere to certain boundaries, both at home and at work, expand your horizons, be interested in different topics, so that you can always carry on a conversation, becoming a good conversationalist in any society. Develop your natural femininity.

Third rule

How to become feminine and desirable? Organize your wardrobe correctly. If most of your closet is dominated by sports-style clothes and shoes, then you need to urgently go to the store for things that will highlight your femininity. Remember that the ideal outfit for these purposes is a dress. The style, cut and material can be any. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

Your wardrobe should also include skirts that will flatter your figure. A good option is a pencil skirt. This model narrows the waist and highlights the hips, and it also helps to develop a graceful gait. Remember, of course, about the neckline. It will definitely give you confidence. I would also like to touch on the topic of shoes. You must have heeled shoes. They will make your legs slimmer and longer.

Fourth rule

What does a desirable woman look like? Her image is thought out to the smallest detail. That's why don't forget about underwear. Of course, others are unlikely to be able to find out what is under your suit or dress, but in openwork lingerie a girl feels sexier, and therefore more confident. If you often wear tights, then change them to stockings. Gray things should also be forgotten; it is better to choose a dress in calm tones without ornaments. In a beautiful outfit and stockings, you will feel how your self-esteem will significantly increase in a matter of minutes. Make sure that this feeling of femininity never leaves you anywhere and ever.

Fifth rule

How to become a feminine and well-groomed woman? Always be sophisticated, no matter where you are. Swap your stretched robe for a beautiful one elegant dress made of soft material. Swap your worn slippers for shoes. You should also not walk around the house with masks on your face and curlers - such paraphernalia is only appropriate in the bathroom.

Sixth rule

How to become feminine and desirable? You need to make yourself weak and defenseless. In our modern world, girls are independent and independent. But don’t be afraid to appear weak in front of a man by asking him for help. This way you make him feel strong and needed, which will make your partner more confident. Women make the mistake of taking on all the responsibilities and leaving nothing for men. Soon, representatives of the stronger half of humanity will simply get used to this state of affairs. And even when a girl really needs a man’s help, the guy will think that she, in principle, can handle it herself. Therefore, the man should be the head of the family; he retains the right to make important decisions. By freeing yourself from unnecessary responsibilities, you will move one step closer to femininity, since there will be someone to take care of you. And you can spend your free time on self-care or self-development.

Now you know how to become a feminine and well-groomed woman. Following our simple tips, you can become gentle and truly happy.

Well, if these rules are not enough for you, catch as many as 70 more ways to become more feminine, choose:

1. Massage. According to the Vedas, female body just needs touching. Our body needs to be moved and stretched. Otherwise, the energy stagnates. Presses on the body from the inside. And it causes illness.

2.Visit to the hairdresser. Pretty haircut– this is not just a way to cheer yourself up. Hair for a woman and for a woman is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hairstyle.

3. Manicurebeautiful hands I want to kiss! That's what men say. I tried this item myself and several of my friends. After a manicure with red polish, the attention of husbands, loved ones and just men increased.

4.Communication with other women– mutual exchange of energy greatly strengthens women. A man needs silence to become aware of himself. A woman understands her experiences better when communicating with her friends.

5. Long conversations and conversations- on the same phone - this is not a waste of time. This is the very burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will probably splash them out on a man. And this is not the best way.

6.Walks. A woman simply needs to go outside at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!

7. Music. You need to listen to music every day. Meditative, classical. Make it a habit to play music, for example, while drinking a cup of tea.

8. Refuse difficult topics to think about and negotiate. Yes, it is good for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of a “girl” gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them into the house.

9. Bath with rose petals and oils- this is not pampering, but a necessity! By giving such a little to your body, to yourself, you will be surprised at your own radiance and excellent mood.

10. Meditations, like any relaxing practices, raise the level of feminine power. You need to meditate at least once a day before going to bed. Meditation in nature is very useful.

11.Take vocal lessons– singing cleanses the throat chakra. And we no longer want to swear or reproach men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words “she is like a song.”

12. Visiting shops – shopping- not just a way to look for new things. Learn to go shopping even if you have no money. Try things on. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - feminine energy is so strong that sometimes it’s enough to see or touch a thing for it to soon migrate into your wardrobe. And the money for it comes out of nowhere.

13. Visit to a psychologist- but definitely Women. A wise, experienced woman can help you look at the situation differently. And understand her. Wisdom is passed down from older women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother and great-grandmother.

14. Dancing- in any form - this is an excellent thing for enhancing female strength and sexuality. Arabic and Latin dances are especially good.

16. Regular get-togethers with friends– by going out into a public place together you create a strong background feminine power. And exchange with each other the missing qualities.

17.Care for flowers– a small garden at home and digging in the vegetable garden is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. Flowering, growth - it's all a reflection feminine energy.

18. Communicating with married friends is very important for those who want to get married.

19. Help- to help someone or ask for help. All this strengthens a woman. Learn to give up the “I myself” principle. Because this is a typical principle for a man.

20. Visit a bookstore- Surprisingly, walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to devote at least a couple of hours a week to this activity. A woman is a keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge.

21. Ask a man for help– any manifestation of care makes us more feminine. Try an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry your bag. The mood will rise 100%!

22. Reading– read a good book that you bought a long time ago and put on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. By studying fate, you understand yourself better.

23.Share household chores with someone– the thought that without you everything will be “overgrown with mold” is a way to reduce your feminine energy. Feel free to entrust some matters to your loved ones. And give yourself the free time!

24. Cooking– everything related to cooking significantly raises the level of feminine energy. A woman is a housewife who knows how to feed and drink. If you don't know how to cook, learn. If you know how, improve your skills. Master the cuisine of a certain country.

25. House– this is not just an apartment in which we live. A woman has a powerful energetic connection with her home. This is why we are so annoyed by a squeaky door or a leaking faucet. For a woman, these are not just shortcomings. Feminine energy flows through such holes. But it is precisely in such little things that sometimes it is important not to disturb a man. Why? The man thinks big: “When all the tiles in the bathroom become unusable, then we’ll make a new one. Why grease the walls ten times!” Sometimes it’s easier to hire someone to fix minor issues. Just remember to tell your husband that you did this, understanding that he is very busy. And not because his hands grow from the wrong place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.

26. Planning- any incompleteness and doubt destroys a woman. Having a clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan little things, then move on to planning for several months and even years of your life. What will you be doing tomorrow evening?

27. Gala lunch or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and delicious dishes. It turns out that we do all this even more for ourselves, although we want to raise the tone of our loved one. Bring such magical moments to life. Make yourself and your loved ones happy.

28.Education, raising children– By communicating with children, a woman can raise her energy level. For this reason, sometimes you shouldn’t give up playing with your children. And it’s even better to teach children what you know: drawing, singing, dancing...

30. Have a picnic in nature- Definitely in the company of friends. Several things come together here that raise the level of feminine energy: unification, being in nature, cooking.

31. Makeup and personal care are not a way to please a man, but to bring joy to yourself. Therefore, while at home, it is important to do your hair, wear clothes and look good.

32. Give yourself flowers- one of the most simple ways increase energy levels. Flowers not only decorate a woman, but also instantly remove negativity, taking it upon themselves. Therefore, if you are sad, do not rush to cry into your pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.

33. Wear skirts, dresses– such clothing restores connection with the energy of the family line through the female line. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates. In case you want to really charm a man. It has been established that constantly wearing trousers has a negative effect on the female organs.

34. Young mothers club- if you have Small child, be sure to communicate with the same mothers. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also an exchange of energy. Motherhood is personified by the Moon. And lunar energy is feminine energy.

35. Child care– do not refuse to help your married friend play with the child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is the path to Strength. The main thing is not to treat a man as a child.

36. Feed the needy – mercy- This is a quality that enhances lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. Surely there is someone you can easily please nice little thing. Buy fruit for your lonely neighbor. Don't refuse a cup of tea to a guest who drops by.

37. Communication– it is difficult for a woman to do without contact with other people. We gain energy from conversations. It is only important to ensure that the information you convey is not gossip or other negative things.

38. Romantic cinema– make an agreement with a friend and watch a melodrama together. Any film about love is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do this in the company of other women.

39.Learning a new culture– contributes to the expansion of the worldview and allows a woman not to be confined to the inner world. Feminine energy strives to expand. There is no need to narrow it artificially.

40. Sources of water – relaxation on the river, lake, by the sea This is a great way to boost your energy levels. Water is the basis of a woman’s sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adapting to circumstances or, conversely, stormy. In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses were necessarily taught to swim and communicate with the water element.

– if you feel a loss of strength, start mastering the new kind sports. This can be not only a new type of fitness, but also just a morning jog. Dancing is very useful! A great way to recover if you are exhausted after breaking up with your partner.

42. Outfits. Nice dress is one way to raise your energy level. By the way, in order to dress up, you don’t have to go somewhere. Wear beautiful clothes in a home environment.

43.Clear the rubble– old things, garbage and rubbish weaken a woman’s energy. If a difficult period has come in your life, it’s time to sort out the rubble.

44. Healthy image life– needless to say, bad habits negatively affect female energy and beauty. A bad habit can be not only smoking, but also the habit of going to bed late, slandering or being lazy.

45. Poetry – poetry reading helps to reveal the romantic side of your “I”. Feel free to write your own poems. The energy splashed out on paper will relieve you of worries. A beautiful syllable teaches you to speak beautifully and think correctly.

46. Feed the birds and animals is a very simple way to raise your energy levels. Build a bird feeder under the window. Get canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.

47. Visit a museum or exhibition– everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.

48. Communication with the Teacher – go to a lecture by your favorite author, attend a training. Books give knowledge. This is undeniable. But when we meet the Teacher, we are recharged with energy from the person.

49. Keep a diary – write down your thoughts, desires, goals every day. You can paste pictures into your diary or draw them yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to write them down. Accumulating the energy of emotions in herself, a woman will then be forced to throw it out on a man. Which in itself is not very good. In addition, writing down thoughts helps to analyze them.

50. Make an album of your beautiful photos- stick your favorite ones in it best photos. And don't be shy to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!

51. Decide on your desires– formulate your desires, what you really want. Especially in relationships. And forget about “I can.” I can - this is the prerogative of a Man. The man says: “I can win her, I can take her as my wife (or I can’t).” When a woman begins to think a lot in the style of “I can,” she becomes a “man.” Compare: “I want to look good. I want him to like me. I want to get married” and “I can look good, he can like me, I can get married.”

52. Affectionate speeches – learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from a couple of gentle words spoken by you. Swearing and obscene words reduce feminine energy to nothing.

53. Obedience – arguing, competition and other aspects of active behavior reduce energy levels. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, conquering a man is very draining on a woman. And a man doesn’t want a woman who is so proactive towards him. With her behavior she reminds him of a man.

54. Selectivity in sexual relations– if a woman has several sex partners, she is doomed to devastation. Only have sexual relations with the person you love. Be faithful to your husband. Try to delay the first sex after meeting. In order to interest a man, you need a lot of energy. Don't lose her prematurely in sex.

55. Cleanliness – keep your home, your body and your mind clean. Clean your home on time. Don't accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to boost your energy is to get in the shower. Purity will bring Strength.

56. NATURATE YOURSELF WITH LOVE– one of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And can give nothing to a man. Even worse, she will begin to vampirize his energy. Hence the decline of men, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver, she must be FULL of love.

57. Arts and crafts - knitting, embroidery, modeling - whatever you can create with your own hands raises your feminine energy level.

58. Give compliments– for yourself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If you find it difficult to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can cause difficulties in relationships with mother, mother-in-law, and daughter.

59. Express love– in any form, at any time. Hug and kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, people, your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even your sadness, for it is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Arranging bouquets– working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge of renewal and flowering.

61. Proper nutrition – use products that are less processed and closer to nature. Remember what power an apple you pick in the garden gives? And some kind of hamburger. The sensations are strikingly different.

62. Affection – gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And to know. Caress your body. Even if you don’t have a man, don’t deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, and legs. Kiss your hands yourself, and others will adore them.

63. Being alone with yourself– don’t be afraid of those moments when you are left completely alone. Don't run away to get married just because you're lonely. Use this time to take care of yourself. Nature has laid down a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself. This is the period of menstruation.

64. Soft toy– don’t scold yourself for still sleeping cuddled with a teddy bear. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.

65. Learn to work with energy Moons - stand outside in the moonlight, charge the water with moon rays. And then add it to the bath. Turn to the Moon for help with women's ailments. To do this, you need to imagine in meditation how you are bathing in moonlight. You and the Moon are one.

66. Send someone a postcard, a smiley face- for any reason. By showing someone a sign of attention, you will fill yourself. Remember: a woman is a giver. By giving, you are filled.

67. Charity– this is in pure form expression of feminine energy. If you can help a person with something, do it.

68. Change your hair color - if there is a long pause in your life, go to the stylist.

69. Fragrances– an aura of pleasant aroma should always emanate from you.

70. Always stay tuned for new beauty news.

A feminine girl is one who exudes femininity without sacrificing her personality and inner strength. She watches her behavior, speech and appearance, but she is not self-centered, not rude, she always remains herself. She is the one other girls look up to, the one they want to be friends with. Being feminine is a personal choice for everyone, and no one has the right to force you to behave in a way that you don’t like. If you strive to become feminine, all you need to do is instill in yourself new habits regarding behavior and appearance.


Take care of yourself

    Take a shower every day. Feminine girls always take care of personal hygiene. Take a shower every day and wash thoroughly with soap. If you want to be super feminine, you can buy scented shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

    Use moisturizer or moisturizing body lotion. Soft skin is an integral part of the concept of “femininity”. Use moisturizer or lotion every day and apply it to your face and body. If you have oily skin, a moisturizer will help inhibit the secretion of sebum. You can choose any cream, but be sure to read on the packaging whether this cream is suitable for your skin type.

    • You can be a feminine girl even if you have acne! Start drinking more water and rubbing benzoyl peroxide on problem areas. Even if you couldn't get rid of acne, don't worry, many people have acne!
  1. Take care of your nails. Of course, this doesn't mean you need to coat your nails with new polish every day. However, nails should always be clean and well-groomed. Trim and file your nails to keep them neat and smooth. Clean them every day (especially under your nails) and check for any peeling polish.

    • If you like to change up your nail polish color, try matching your nail polish color with your outfit.
    • If you don't want to paint your nails all the time, you can apply a clear polish. This polish looks very neat and feminine, and you don’t have to worry about its condition.
  2. Comb and style your hair every day. Hair should always be combed and styled. There should be no knots or tangled strands in the hair, it should be clean. Find a hairstyle or cut that suits you and try to style your hair every day.

    • You may need to wash your hair every day (depending on your hair type). If your hair looks greasy by the end of the day, you will have to wash your hair every day.
    • A hairstyle doesn't have to be complicated or special! You can stick to the simplest style: for example, make a parting, pull your hair to one side and pin it up with a hair clip. In addition, you can try braiding your hair, making a ponytail, or twisting your hair into a bun.
    • If you really don't know what hairstyle to do, ask a friend for advice or go to a salon or hairdresser.
  3. Use deodorant and perfume. A good smell is an integral part of a feminine girl! Deodorant should be used every day. In addition, you can use perfume or eau de toilette– many women have a favorite perfume scent that they use every day. If you're not very good at choosing perfume, try a light floral or fruity scent first.

    • Under no circumstances should perfume become a substitute for soul! Otherwise, others will notice it.
    • Perfume or eau de toilette should be used in small quantities, apply it to the pulse points: on the wrists and neck behind the ears (you can only on the neck, especially if you are wearing something with long sleeves that cover the wrists). Perfume should have a subtle aroma that will only be noticeable when a person comes very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air for everyone around to feel it.
  4. Take care of your oral hygiene! Feminine girls always keep their teeth clean. Brush, floss, and use mouthwash every day to keep your breath fresh. Carry dental floss with you so you can use it after every meal or snack.

    • It's okay if your teeth aren't quite straight, or if you wear braces! Just make sure they are clean.
  5. Wear light makeup. Try to wear a little makeup to become a more feminine girl. It is light makeup that makes the face and overall image more feminine; besides, light makeup is much easier to learn than full evening makeup. Practice until you can apply “natural” light makeup.

    • To start, try using only lip gloss and mascara.
    • Choose eyeshadow and blush in light, neutral colors, such as light pink or beige.
    • If you want to apply Foundation or foundation, first find a shade that suits your skin tone.
    • Brighter makeup looks great too! But first, practice applying “natural” makeup every day.

Dress more feminine

  1. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. Feminine girls never wear dirty, wrinkled clothes. Wash your clothes on time washing machine and do not wear stained clothes, even if they have already been washed. Before putting things on, don't forget to iron them.

    • Be careful, read the labels on things. Some items need to be ironed at a low temperature, while some items should not be ironed at all.
    • If you don't want to iron your clothes, try hanging them up immediately after washing. Or try setting the drying mode to a gentle mode (slow rotation mode of the centrifuge).
    • If you notice a stain that cannot be removed, do not throw away the item! Leave it on and wear it at home or when doing housework when you hate to wear regular clothes.
  2. Buy clothes that fit you well. Avoid buying clothes that are too tight or too baggy. None of your items should be too tight or tight, they should not expose your underwear, and they should be easy to take on and off. Things should not hang too loosely on you, and they should be of such quality and size that they do not have to be constantly tidied up throughout the day. Try on your favorite clothes to see if they really suit you. If not, don't wear it anymore.

    Buy feminine clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you only need to wear pink dresses to appear feminine. But try to wear something feminine every time you go somewhere. Dresses and skirts are the most popular choices, but don't forget about trousers, capris, shorts and overalls. Instead of T-shirts, try wearing blouses and button-downs.

    • Pink, purple and pastel shades are classic feminine colors. But if you don't like them, you can choose any other color. The main thing is to combine it with the style that suits you.
    • No need to constantly monitor fashion trends or wear those things that are popular among most women. The main thing is to dress neatly and femininely.
  3. Wear women's shoes. Instead of sneakers and flip-flops, opt for pumps if you want to look more feminine. Heels and platforms are a great way to look feminine, but if you don't want to wear heels, you can wear flats. Make sure your shoes are always clean and tidy, without scuffs!

    • If you want to wear heels but don't know how to walk in them, try stepping on the heel first and then the toe. Practice walking in heels at home before you wear them outside!
  4. Carry a small handbag. Feminine girls constantly carry a lot of necessary little things with them. If you haven't carried a purse before, now is the time to start! It doesn't have to be an expensive designer bag. Just choose any bag you like (any color and style), it should be the right shape and fit all your stuff.

    • It's best to choose a neutral colored bag like black or brown - it will go with most of your outfits!

Create an atmosphere of femininity

  1. Choose soft, bright colors to decorate your room. The bedroom, closet, table and any other item of personal space should express femininity. Choose bright, soft colors such as pink, lilac, blue or yellow. You can buy new furniture, paint the walls, or simply decorate them with ribbons, posters, stickers - all this will help make your personal space more “feminine”.

    Be neat and organized. Feminine girls do not scatter pieces of paper around instead of writing down all the information in a notebook. They don't leave food packaging and empty dishes everywhere. Develop the habit of cleaning your home every day and putting all things in their places. Keep your school supplies organized.

    • By the way, this is a great opportunity to buy girly things for organizing things - different boxes, paper clips, covers and pencil cases. This is a great way to express your femininity.
  2. Buy a dressing table or mirror. You need a place where you can apply makeup, get new hairstyles, and try on clothes. Buy a large mirror for your room, and also don’t forget about a small pocket mirror to carry with you in your purse. If you want, you can even buy a dressing table!

    Show off the creative side of your personality! Feminine girls are not afraid to be feminine. Decorate your personal space with cute designs, cards from friends, and homemade decorations. Buy multi-colored pens and draw a few pictures or posters, do some sewing or embroidery, and decorate the room with your works.

Act like a woman

    Learn to walk gracefully. Feminine girls don't run around and "plop" into place. Learn to walk gracefully and sit gracefully. When you walk, walk carefully and softly, in small steps, with your chin raised. When you sit, straighten your back and place your hands on your knees. You shouldn't cross your legs or ankles, although in some cases this makes the pose more feminine.

  1. Be friendly and polite to other people. Be kind to those you interact with. Look people in the eye and introduce yourself if you haven't already met. Then address the person by name. Ask what he does, if you can help him in any way, offer your help!

    • This doesn't mean you should allow people to treat you badly. If you need to be alone, don't be afraid to say so.
    • Stop swearing and eliminate rude words from your speech. They sound ugly, and it is very difficult to remain feminine when using such words in your speech.
  2. Show interest in romance. Feminine girls are usually interested in romantic relationships, but this does not mean that you urgently need to make new acquaintances and start doing things that you don’t like. Just try to start reading romantic books, watching romantic movies on TV and talking to your friends about relationships.

    • Some girls like to leaf through wedding-themed magazines, even if they are not planning to get married yet. This is quite an interesting way to show your romantic nature and keep up with fashion!

If a woman does not believe that she can be loved for nothing, if she thinks that love must be earned, then how will she believe that a man can take care of her and take responsibility for her?

Naturally, we don’t give ourselves the opportunity to relax and just be. We drive ourselves into constant action and activity. You need to be strong, you need to do everything yourself, be responsible. Then we reproach men for being childish, we get angry with them, we scold them.

A woman cannot live without support and care; she cannot do everything herself. “Pay the mortgage, help parents and treat children.” Such a woman becomes very aggressive, angry and sick.

Women sometimes ask: If I do everything in life myself, does that mean I’m living wrong? So what, now I can’t pay the mortgage and live in a rented apartment, not carry everything on myself and vegetate in poverty?!

I will say, perhaps not very popular things, but a woman who does everything in her life herself is living wrong. Because she doesn’t live like a woman, she lives like a man.

“A man’s self-confidence is expressed in the fact that he knows for sure that he is capable of achieving his goals. A woman’s self-confidence is the confidence that there will always be a man nearby who will take care of her.” Ruslan Narushevich.

I can imagine the resistance these words might cause in some women. Take care? And where can I find someone who will take care of him? You will believe, you will trust, then you will perish for nothing.

If there is no trust in men, no respect, no love for men, then there is no love for yourself! A woman who does everything herself does not love herself, and most importantly, loses her feminine dignity.

It turns out to be a vicious circle. A woman who does not trust and respect men is not able to let them into her life. There is no man, again you need to rely on yourself, do everything yourself and rely on your own strength.

How to love yourself, how to love men, these questions are not at all idle and require very careful consideration. And often a woman is not able to cope with them on her own. All lessons are imbued with knowledge and understanding of how to regain self-love and revive love for men in your heart.

“Learning to love men is the highest manifestation of self-love!” And Nekrasov.

Naturally, a woman who needs to prove something all the time and bear responsibility experiences eternal anxiety. This feeling of anxiety becomes like a pulse, like physiology, it is no longer noticed. But at the same time, anxiety and tension destroy the mind, body and soul of a woman. A woman is not created for responsibility.

Femininity– this is a state of trust in people, in life, in men. Opportunity and ability to count on others. And then the woman begins to feel protected and relaxed.

But how do you learn to trust? How to allow yourself to receive male support and help?

And again we return to self-love, awareness of our value and uniqueness and, as a result, respect and trust in men. Not only to the man you love, but to all men.

Even if you are alone now, there are a lot of men around who will gladly help and take care of you if you allow yourself and them to do so. It is very natural for a woman to be the one a man wants to take care of, help and support. If you allow yourself to accept this help and support. Acceptance is also a feminine state. An entire lesson at the Women's School is dedicated to this.

A woman should not perceive this world as hostile; there is no need to prepare fortifications and build defenses. You need to open up, and sometimes you need to ask for help!

On the same train that I told you about above, I decided to change the SIM card in my phone. I remove the battery and realize that I don’t understand anything. My husband bought the phone, he inserted the SIM card, I didn’t even look inside. I feel panic emerging, I even begin to reproach myself for not tracking, monitoring and preparing. But then I look up, and the man simply offers his help, he sensed that I couldn’t cope. Men are always ready to help, you just have to be the one who needs help.

The world is not cruel and life is not difficult and men are not at all childish. You just need to stop defending yourself, being offended by men and relying only on yourself. And it is important to learn to ask for help correctly, from a female state. So that the request is natural for you, and acceptance is comfortable.

We women, lacking knowledge and skills feminine behavior, caught like a virus male models and patterns that destroy us and make us unhappy.

And we must develop and improve women's skills: how to ask for help and how to accept, how to trust and how to respect. And we must also know with all our body and soul what this state of femininity is.

I suggest doing one exercise from the lessons that will help you feel the true feminine state of calm, security, trust and your uniqueness. If you manage to grasp this state even a little, then this is already very good. You just need to strengthen and train this feeling. And if you don't want to do this alone, come to Women's School, let's do this together!

All the details of studying at the Women's School

Tatiana Dzutseva.

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In our modern world it is very difficult to remain a woman. Lovely ladies began to occupy previously masculine positions, clothes also became more masculine, and boyish haircuts became fashionable. Girls rarely began to wear makeup, wear high heels and much more. Girls have become stronger in character, they began to make a career, forgetting about family, no one is in a hurry to get married anymore. It’s not bad when a woman tries to achieve great heights in her life and build her career. A woman is beautiful when she has a strong character and will. But, under these affairs, the woman, unnoticed by herself, hid her femininity. After all, a woman is grace, beauty and tenderness. But these qualities began to appear less and less often in girls.

How to become feminine? Let's look at some good tips.

  1. Femininity begins with appearance. Look through your wardrobe, what dominates it? If jeans, sweaters, shirts and baggy dresses, then you need to urgently run to the store. At the first meeting, a man pays attention to a girl’s outfit, and the girl will quickly interest him if she is in a beautiful tight dress and beautiful shoes. Of course, no one forbids you to wear sneakers or sportswear, but sometimes, in order to attract a man’s attention, you need to show yourself in all your glory.
  2. Accessories and decorations will also add femininity to your look. Small bracelets or earrings will decorate your outfit, add shine and sophistication. If you are short, it is best to choose shoes that are tall high heels, shoes will make a girl slimmer.
  3. Play sports or dance. It's just a must, don't even think about it. Firstly, it is good for your health, people who run in the morning and do exercises live much longer. Take up dancing, it will make you graceful, flexible and relaxed. With all this, you will have a wonderful toned figure.
  4. Hairstyle- this is also the main attribute of a girl. You simply must take care of your hair, moisturize it periodically, do hair masks, and monitor the condition of your ends. If you have dyed hair, then under no circumstances let the roots grow. Do simple hairstyles periodically. Men really like it when a girl has beautiful and voluminous hair.
  5. Makeup on a girl should be. At least sometimes, but it has to. Firstly, it will highlight your eyes, remove imperfections on your skin, and enlarge your lips. Makeup will give you a feminine touch.
  6. Don't forget about your gait. If you want to be beautiful and feminine, your gait should be smooth, with a straight back and head held high. You must walk like a queen.
  7. Also, think about what you say, if in a conversation you use obscene and rude words, then your femininity will fly away and will not return.
  8. And of course, femininity must come from within. You have to be a woman and you have to act like a woman. Be sweet, kind and fragile. If you are a powerful person, then try to leave your power and strength at work, and be gentle with your man.
It's wonderful to be a woman. A woman gives warmth, smile and tenderness. A man will submit to a woman’s charms and will do whatever you want for her, the main thing is to be open and sincere. Make your man happy beautiful outfits, sexy lingerie and graceful behavior. Men love with their eyes, don't forget about it. You will see, as soon as you become a little weak, a little sweet and calm, people will be drawn to you, a lot of people will hang around you good men. A woman has a huge gift - the gift of making the world more beautiful and romantic. So, do not lose this gift, but use it wisely.
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