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Spa facial treatments in the salon. The best and most effective spa treatments. Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Body treatments for skin tone and weight loss

From this article you will learn:

    What are body care procedures used for?

    What effect do they have?

    What procedures are most popular?

    What procedures can a beauty salon offer to combat cellulite?

Most women sacrifice all their strength, time and money to preserve the beauty and youth of their faces, but many of them forget that the body also needs care. The skin on the body, less than on the face, is susceptible to the harmful effects of the external environment due to the protection of clothing. But still, if you do not take proper care, it will quickly lose its tone, beauty and become flabby. Nowadays various body care procedures are actively used to help maintain youthful and healthy skin. Let's look at the main ones.

SPA body care treatments – a necessity or a luxury?

Carrying out body care procedures is simply necessary to maintain excellent health, good health and youth. And these are not empty words! Most surgeries help relieve fatigue and tension, energize and invigorate you for the whole day.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of body care services, each of which has its own purpose:

    Preparatory preparations help improve blood flow in the microvasculature, reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat and reduce cellulite.

    Lymphatic drainage helps remove excess fluid, which accumulates toxic substances.

    Lipolytics accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits.

    Corrective ones tone muscles and improve the structure of the skin.

The course of necessary body care procedures is prescribed only after a complete diagnosis of the skin condition, during which specialists select the most effective methods of treating existing defects.

After professional care the skin becomes more elastic and toned. Many spa treatments can work real miracles, which is why they are gaining immense popularity among the population. This should not be surprising, because in beauty salons clients are immersed in a calm and comfortable atmosphere.

The most popular facial and body care procedures

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits that spa body care treatments provide: detox, rejuvenation, anti-cellulite massage and wraps, accelerating metabolism, eliminating skin inflammation, etc.

Which ones are the most popular? Let's figure it out.


This is the removal of keratinized skin scales from the surface of the face and body using various methods.

This procedure is often used in situations where it is possible to eliminate defects in the skin without surgical intervention. Peeling is also a preparation before carrying out a whole range of spa procedures.

Peeling has a number of varieties, which are distinguished by two main criteria: the type of exposure and the materials used.

Types of procedure according to the first criterion:

    Mechanical peeling. Removal of keratinized scales occurs under the influence of abrasive particles.

    Chemical peeling. Removal of the top layer of the epidermis is carried out using fruit acids and other substances.

    Hardware peeling. In this case, the dead layer of skin is affected by ultrasound, vacuum or laser.

Based on the materials used, there are several types of this body care procedure:

    using seaweed;

    peeling with essential oils;

    using mineral sea or iodized salt;

    coffee peeling;

    using citrus extracts;

    fish peeling

After removing the stratum corneum, the skin becomes noticeably smoother and velvety. This body care procedure is often prescribed before a massage. In the process of peeling of any type, the skin pores open, through them impurities are removed and beneficial components are absorbed from cosmetics(moisturizing, nourishing, etc.).


For wraps, as well as for peeling, a wide variety of natural ingredients are used. For this body care procedure, therapeutic muds, various herbs, cosmetic clay, chocolate, coffee, honey, seaweed, etc.

The effect depends on the component used: reducing “lemon peel”, getting rid of stretch marks and fat deposits, removing toxins, rejuvenating and toning the skin.

Depending on the mechanism of action, the procedure is divided into several types:

  • Hot wraps.

To carry out this body care procedure, masks are used, consisting of components that warm the body. These include mustard, hot pepper and a number of others. Also, the mask itself is heated, but not more than +37...+38 °C. The cosmetic product is evenly distributed over problem areas, wrapped in plastic wrap, and then the client is covered with a warm blanket for 1.5–2 hours. The duration of the procedure depends mainly on the problem that needs to be solved (sagging skin, fat deposits, stretch marks).

Hot wrap perfectly copes with fat, “lemon” peel and effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins. The only contraindication to the procedure is varicose veins.

  • Cold wraps.

In principle, this body care procedure is very similar to the previous one. The only difference between a cold wrap and a hot one is that the applied mixture is not heated during the process and no warming ingredients are used. Instead, the mask includes seaweed, clay, chocolate, honey and other components. Cooling agents such as mint or menthol can also be used.

This wrap is used for individual problem areas.


This is a body care procedure during which the entire body is heated to remove waste and toxins from it, relax muscles, eliminate depression and improve sleep quality. Steaming is carried out in special places: saunas, baths, cedar barrels, hammams. Yes, yes, you heard right, visiting a bathhouse with oak brooms is a real spa treatment!


Massage is prescribed to improve blood flow in certain parts of the body, accelerate metabolic processes, relieve muscle tension and activate the body's immune forces. In addition to these effects, this body care procedure also has additional effects, the manifestation of which may vary depending on the means used and the type of rubbing.

Main types of massage:

    using hot stones;

    with essential oils (this body care procedure relaxes, improves immunity, relieves depression, etc.);

    four-hand massage;

    massage using Balinese technique;

    anti-cellulite procedure.

Basic body care procedures in a beauty salon for weight loss

So, what body care procedures do modern beauty salons offer? Here are the main ones:

    Manual(from Latin manualis - manual) anti-cellulite massage. Carrying out this body care procedure, the specialist pays the greatest attention to problem areas. At the same time, he manually selects the degree of intensity of the load. Manual massage is not recommended for pregnant women.

    Massage with LPG machine. This body care procedure combines a mechanized roller and vacuum massages. As a result, the structure of the skin is noticeably improved, fat deposits and cellulite are reduced. This massage can be done by pregnant women, while avoiding the abdominal area.

    Vacuum massage. A vacuum is applied to problem areas on the body using specialized plastic jars. As a result of this procedure, fibrous tissue is softened, the “lemon” peel is smoothed and excess fluid is removed from the body.

The procedure does not cause pain, but bruising may appear after it. This massage can be done for pregnant women, excluding the impact on the stomach.

  1. Stone therapy. This is a body massage using heated jadeite stones, which contain more than sixty known chemical elements. It is believed that this body care procedure has a beneficial effect on all organs and tissues of the human body.

The stones come in different sizes, so they can be used on all parts of the body, including the face. A contraindication for this procedure is pregnancy.

  1. Electrolipolysis. To carry out this body care procedure, plates and thin needles are applied to the skin, through which an electric current discharge that is safe for life and health is carried out.

Under pulsed influence, metabolic processes are activated, enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of lipids are synthesized in cells, lymphatic drainage and the permeability of cell membranes are improved, due to which the cells are more actively freed from fat droplets. The rhythmic effect of current on connective tissue cells increases the elasticity of the skin. The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and menstruation due to electrical effects.

  1. Computer pressotherapy. To carry out this body care procedure, individual data of each patient is entered into a special program (his height, body weight, gender, age, pulse rate, blood pressure level, presence or absence of varicose veins).

The program analyzes the entered data, as a result of which the course of procedures for a specific client is determined. During pressotherapy, wave-like mechanical pressure is applied to the body tissue, provided by a specialized suit filled with air. This body care procedure stimulates lymph flow, destroys fat deposits, and smoothes out the “lemon” peel. During pregnancy, pressotherapy is contraindicated.

  1. Body restorative therapy (mesotherapy). This procedure is carried out using a specialized device. The medicinal mixture is injected into the areas of the body affected by lemon peel using microinjection.

During the procedure, large fat molecules are broken down into smaller ones, and then completely broken down and removed from the cell. Mesotherapy is effective method to reduce body volume, reduce swelling and remove toxins from the body. This procedure also optimizes the functioning of the excretory system.

  1. Ozone therapy. This skin care procedure involves the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into problem parts of the body through injections.

This mixture catalyzes metabolic processes, stimulates the breakdown of fatty deposits and fibrous tissue. As a result, the collagen fibers located around the fat cell lose their mesh structure and become cellular, which changes the skin texture. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure during pregnancy.

  1. Myostimulation. Passive exercise for muscles. Special plates are placed on them, through which an alternating electric current is passed, acting through the nerve endings on the muscle tissue.

As a result, muscle contraction that occurs during various physical activity. This body care procedure improves blood circulation and lymph outflow, tones the muscles. And all this without exhausting training! During myostimulation, you may experience discomfort that goes away after the procedure is completed.

  1. Thalassotherapy. Combines wrapping using professional cosmetics and peeling using sea minerals.

It is based on the contrasting effects of high and low temperatures. Thalassotherapy may also include seaweed and paraffin wraps.

The first stage of this body care procedure is called hot. A special product is evenly applied to problem areas of the skin, then wrapped in film and left in place for an hour. After this, the client is covered with a thermal blanket, which gives the effect of a sauna and helps to activate metabolic processes in the treated parts of the body.

At the second, cold, stage of thalassotherapy, menthol is added to the wrapping agent, which causes a feeling of the influence of low temperature. Cold inhibits metabolic processes and provokes spasm of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Alternate warming and cooling tone the skin, make it more elastic, improve blood and lymph circulation through the vessels, and smooth out the “lemon peel”.

  1. Paraffin therapy. This body care procedure is another type of wrap using hot paraffin.

Paraffin therapy works like this: as it cools, the paraffin hardens and wraps the problem parts of the body into a tight capsule. Because of this, the access of air to the skin is stopped, and its temperature becomes higher. The body, trying to return normal body temperature, stimulates the sweat and sebaceous glands, as a result of which a huge amount of waste and toxic substances are released from the skin, and the beneficial components of cosmetic products are more easily absorbed. During pregnancy, this body care procedure is contraindicated.

You can undergo these and other procedures at the Veronica Herba beauty and health center. Our specialists will help you give your face and body attractiveness, and give you self-confidence in the shortest possible time.

At the Center, highly qualified professionals are at your service, ready to talk about any body care procedure. They will also help you create an algorithm for an individual course of combating fat deposits.

There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Relieve stress and nervous tension with spa treatments and professional massage

How to relieve stress and nervous tension? Millions of people all over the planet are looking for an answer to this question. This is not surprising, since many diseases develop from an unstable psycho-emotional state. It has been known since ancient times that music has a healing effect on the body. Many years ago, many prestigious clinics began using musical accompaniment for psychotherapy sessions. Melodies were specially selected to have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state and speed up the process of getting rid of received psychological trauma.

The cost of the certificate is 1 person. / 2 people

5000/10000 rub.

Irisha, Moscow

I was at the spa on the street. 1905 to gift certificate. At my first impression of the establishment, I didn’t expect anything special, everything was simple, no frills. But as soon as my master Sultan appeared and felt his professionalism, there was no time for interiors. I want to thank him once again, super massage therapist! Everything is high quality and at a very decent level😍💪💘 it seemed to me that instead of the 50 minutes allotted to me for the massage, it lasted half an hour longer. I took the golden lotus program, fruit and salt peeling with a magical aroma and I’m as good as new! Thank you Sultan!!! 💙💚💛

Correction of scars

Scar correction– a procedure that will help the skin become even and smooth. The cosmetologist will select the best correction option, depending on the age of the scar, its size and the general health of the patient.

If the scar is minor, then its correction is possible with the help of deep chemical peeling. In more complex cases of scar correction, it is preferable laser resurfacing, which provides microperforation of tissues to the entire depth of their damage. Subsequently, the old tissue is renewed, and the scar becomes less noticeable or disappears completely.

Facial chiromassage

Chiromassage of the face− massage technique, including techniques classic massage and oriental: kinesiology, chiropractic, etc. In the list of tasks that facial chiromassage solves, first of all, of course, removing swelling, modeling the contour of the face, tightening it, getting rid of rosacea (“stars”), restoring a healthy complexion.

In addition to a noticeable rejuvenating effect, facial chiromassage affects the processes occurring in muscle tissue and deep layers of the skin and promotes cell regeneration.


The very concept of “pharmacopuncture” consists of two words. The first half is of Greek origin "φάρμακον" - "medicine", the second half of the word is of Latin origin "pungere" - "to prick". That is, it turns out that this technique makes it possible to introduce a variety of medications into the human body using injections. But these drugs are not simply introduced into the body, as is done with simple injections. During pharmacopuncture, injections are made only into biologically active points of a person. We can say that this procedure is somewhat similar to acupuncture.

Acupuncture itself, which is part of reflexology, has been known to the world since ancient times. But only with the advent of syringes it became clear that this method could not only be improved, but also much improved. In addition, people always wanted to get the maximum effect from the treatment, and acupuncture was replaced by pharmacopuncture, which in a short time became incredibly popular.

Duration of the procedure
is 120 minutes

Cost of the procedure

Long before the word spa and the opening of fashionable salons and resorts, women knew how to take care of their faces. They had no idea about any exotic plants, but used what was around them: milk from their cows, wild plants that were collected in fields and meadows, fruits and vegetables that grew in the farmstead, clay taken from village Tested for centuries, the recipes were passed from mothers to daughters. Many of them are used today in spa treatments. Combining traditional methods and modern, you can perfectly carry out spa treatments based on your conditions. There are a great many such recipes, they are quite simple and cheap. If you don't have extra money to visit a spa, this doesn't mean your path to beauty is closed. Try the recipes we offer and see for yourself.

The main stages of a spa treatment:

facial steaming(it is imperative to prepare your face for manipulation - hold it over hot water with herbs or flavored oils to open the skin pores);

- scrub cleansing(the goal is to remove dead skin particles, deeply cleanse it of dirt);

- massage(necessary to relax facial muscles, stimulate blood circulation);

mask(direct effect on the skin of nutrients, saturating it with vitamins and minerals, whitening, improving structure);

- applying cream(the final stage is moisturizing after the procedure)

Spa Facials

  1. Steam bath. Add a handful of chamomile and mint mixture to a container of boiling water. Cool to a tolerable temperature and, covering your head with a towel, lean over the hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Peeling(scrubbing). You can use a ready-made scrub cream, but if you don’t have it at the moment, it’s also not a problem. Make it yourself from soap and salt. Beat the soap into a thick foam with a shaving brush, add a pinch of fine table salt and massage your face with light movements for several minutes with this mixture. Wash your face with warm water. Not a single black dot will remain in the pores of the skin.
  3. Mask. You can choose it for your skin in the store. But a homemade mask works just as well. It may consist of several ingredients or one. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the skin so as not to cause harm. Here are some of them .

From cucumber. Suitable for any skin. Grind the cucumber on a fine grater and mix with egg white.

From carrots. Mix grated carrots with a teaspoon of olive oil or milk and add a little starch. Suitable for oily skin covered with acne.

From berries. Make a paste from the berries you have on hand (strawberries, raspberries, red currants), add honey, cream or egg white. During this procedure, it is advisable not to run around the apartment with your face smeared, but not because you will scare your household with your appearance, but because relaxed skin absorbs nutrients better. Lie quietly for 20 minutes.

  1. Massage. It can be made with sliced ​​tomato, cucumber, and melon pulp. Massage your face with gentle circular movements for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Apply Apply the moisturizer you usually use to your face.

Spa treatments include eye care . This:

- washing the eyes with an infusion of strong tea;

- linden blossom and chamomile lotions;

- compresses from sage infusion;

- masks made from grated raw potatoes or parsley leaves.

Of course, spa treatments require time. But when you feel that you are irritated for no reason, everything is falling out of your hands and life has become black and white, put aside what you are doing and pay attention to yourself. After a spa treatment, you will see your well-groomed, beautiful face and feel a new surge of strength.


Cosmetology spa facial services are provided in salons, however, some of them can be done at home.

In this case it is necessary follow a certain algorithm of actions.

The approximate sequence of the procedure is as follows:

Before performing any procedures on the face, first skin needs to be cleaned.

First comes remove all makeup using special means and water. Then a deep cleansing is carried out.

Steam from water helps open pores, but to enhance the effect, you can drop a few drops of essential oil into the water ( Rosemary or lavender are most recommended).

On steamed skin apply scrub, helping to remove dead epidermal cells.

In addition to peeling creams, it is advisable use homemade cleansers.

In particular, a mild exfoliating effect is exerted by table salt, ground coffee and crushed grape seeds, mixed with honey, heavy cream or sour cream.

Also effectively cleanses the skin masks made from clay.


Before a massage, experts advise Apply avocado pulp to your face or a mixture of essential and vegetable oils.

Facial massage must be performed carefully, making circular movements. It is useful to massage the décolleté area.

At the end of the massage, you should rest a little while you apply the composition will be absorbed into relaxed skin.

After 7 minutes the face is needed wash with warm water.

Hydration and nutrition

Final stage- applying a moisturizing or nourishing spa mask to the face that matches your skin type.

Can " feed» epidermis by applying grated fresh cucumber or strawberry.

The mask should be kept on for 20 minutes, then rinse, and when rinsing, you need to alternate cold and warm water, and the whole procedure is completed by applying moisturizer to the décolleté and face.


Consistently performing facial spa treatments brings great benefits appearance and delivers a lot of positive impressions, since almost all sessions aimed at improving skin health.

The above procedures ensure:

  • improving metabolism and blood supply, so that the skin receives enough oxygen;
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • effective cleansing of skin pores from sebaceous deposits;
  • reduction of skin swelling, removal of circles and dark spots under the eyes (a common problem for office staff and young mothers);
  • increasing skin smoothness and elasticity;
  • tightening the face shape;
  • elimination of wrinkles and bruises;
  • reduction of pigmentation in certain areas of the body, evening out complexion.

What is the highlight of spa treatments?

Facial spa treatments are a cosmetological complex that includes actions aimed at protecting facial skin from external harmful factors and bad habits. Everyone knows that smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition immediately affect the condition of the skin. Spa treatments will help restore elasticity and freshness to your face. Their big advantage is their versatility, since they have virtually no contraindications. Only if you have a problem with acne or other inflammatory processes should you avoid using the spa.

  1. What is the highlight of spa treatments?
  2. Baths for oily skin
  3. Face massage
  4. Moisturizing face masks
  5. Toning face mask
  6. Modeling face mask
  7. Collagen face masks

Facial beauty treatments

Spa treatments always include 3 main stages: deep cleansing of the skin, peeling and moisturizing.

Facial search can be different: vacuum, ultrasonic, gas-liquid and mechanical. An experienced cosmetologist will select the ideal option for each client. The most popular is the combined method, which includes both mechanical and less traumatic methods. All this is explained by the fact that the skin on the face very often has more than one type. In most cases, there are different zones on the face that are characteristic of oily or, conversely, dry skin. Deep cleansing of the face is done to make the skin more receptive to spa treatments.

In order to steam and cleanse your facial skin as much as possible, it is absolutely not necessary to go to specialized salons. You can do this without leaving your home. Steam baths for the face are considered the best cleanser. They deeply cleanse the skin, accelerate blood circulation, and stimulate better metabolism. Under the influence of hot steam, the pores expand and the skin softens. Sweating increases, due to which unnecessary metabolic products are removed from the body.

Baths should be done once a week depending on your skin type. Up to 30 years of age, skin is considered normal, oily, etc. After 35 years, in the absence of obvious signs of a particular skin type (excessive oiliness or dryness), care should be directed to aging skin. Before taking steam baths, you need to remove all makeup. The face must be perfectly clean. After this procedure, you can apply a cream or mask to your face.

You should avoid baths if you have problematic skin, acne, pimples. If you are sick bronchial asthma, then this procedure may worsen the situation. Also, if your blood pressure is unstable, it is better to use another method deep cleansing faces. Steam baths are especially useful in the summer, when there is such a large amount of dust in the air that the sebaceous and sweat glands work more intensely. This procedure will relieve tension and remove any dirt from the face.

In order to do this procedure at home, you need to prepare the following things: 2 towels, a basin, essential oils, herbal decoctions, masks and creams for further care. It is best to take baths in loose clothing, with your hair pinned up, or best hidden in a special cap. Any jewelry from the neck and head should be removed, pour hot water or herbal decoction into a container, bow your head and cover yourself from above terry towel. You should not lean too close to the container, as you can burn the mucous membrane of your eyes. After the procedure, pat your face dry with a linen towel, but do not rub it. After steam bath It’s good to lie on your back for 15 minutes. Then you can start peeling, masks and other procedures.

To achieve the best results, it is recommended to use steam baths depending on your facial skin type. All of them are based on herbal infusions. The only difference is in the ingredients themselves. We bring to your attention several options for herbal decoctions for dry skin:

Option #1

Add 15 g of bay leaf, chamomile, and dandelion to 700 ml of water. Mix well and boil for 20 minutes. Take this bath for 5 minutes.

Option No. 2

Add 60 g of rose petals to 800 ml of water. The decoction should sit for 10 minutes, after which you can take a bath for 5 minutes.

Option No. 3

Prepare 800 ml of water, 10 g each of dill, mint and linden. The mixture must be boiled for 20 minutes and the bath taken for 5 minutes.

Baths for oily skin

This procedure is most useful for this type of skin. Its duration is from 20 to 25 minutes. Then you need to rinse your face with cool water and lemon juice (a couple of drops per 1 liter of water). Rest after the procedure is 25 minutes. Then you can start using face masks.

Option #1

You will need 900 ml of water, 10 g each of lemon balm, lemon zest, rosemary, rose and verbena. Boil the herbal infusion for 25 minutes. Then take a bath for 20 minutes.

Option No. 2

Add 10 g of sage, coltsfoot and horsetail to 900 ml of water. The boiling time is 15 minutes, and the procedure itself is 20 minutes.

Steam baths for normal skin

For this type of skin, the procedure is applied once every 2 weeks for 10-15 minutes.

Option #1

You will need 800 ml of water, 10 g each of cloves, lavender, chamomile, geranium. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure time is 10 minutes.

Option No. 2

Pour 20 g of hop cones into 900 ml of water, put on fire and wait until it boils. Then apply the bath for 15 minutes.

Steam baths for aging skin

It is enough to do this procedure once a month for 3-5 minutes.

Option #1

Add 10 g of bay leaf, mint, nettle, ginger and fennel to 800 ml of water. Boil for 20 minutes, take a bath for 5 minutes.

Option No. 2

You will need 10 g each of cinnamon, fennel, ginger, cloves, eucalyptus and 800 ml of water. Boiling time – 20 minutes, procedure – 5 minutes.

Face massage

Before this procedure, professionals recommend applying the mixture to your face. essential oils or avocado pulp. It is recommended to do facial massage very carefully with light circular movements, as the skin is very delicate. For greater relaxation, you can massage your décolleté and shoulders. After the procedure, you should rest a little so that the beneficial enzymes of the oils are better absorbed into the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Moisturizing face masks

Masks, like herbal decoction for baths, are selected depending on skin type.

Product for oily skin

Prepare 2 tbsp. strawberries, 1 tbsp. black currants, 4 tbsp. oatmeal. Mix all ingredients and apply evenly on face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water. Use nourishing cream after the procedure.

Dry skin product

Take 1 tbsp. cream, 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Mix all ingredients with a blender and apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes. After this time, wash with warm water and apply your favorite cream.

Product for normal skin

You will need 1 chicken egg and 50 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice. Beat all the ingredients with a mixer and apply the mixture evenly to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Product for combination skin

Prepare 1 yolk, 30 ml olive oil, 40 ml lemon juice, 50 g carrots. Mix all ingredients using a blender until smooth. Apply the cream to your face. Time to use the mask is 20 minutes.

Toning face mask

You will need 20 ml lemon juice, 50 g potatoes, 1 tsp. table salt, 1 yolk. Using a blender, mix all ingredients well. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes. Toning masks will be a salvation after a hard day at work, when the skin is tired and has lost its freshness.

The following masks are exclusively applied in beauty salons and spas.

Modeling face mask

This type of mask is used to nourish the skin, tighten the face, and achieve a matte color. The consistency of the mask resembles powder. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off using cotton pads. 3 times a week is the ideal frequency of using a modeling mask.

Collagen face masks

They are used to speed up metabolism, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate. Collagen makes the skin firmer and more elastic. You can make such masks only after 20 years. Since natural collagen is used, the cost of such masks is quite high. Do not overuse this mask. Once a month is enough.

After the first well-executed spa treatments, you will see results. The face will regain lost freshness and elasticity. After several procedures, the skin will smooth out well, will be velvety and beautiful.

Spa treatments

This is a whole complex - from simple courtship to complex hardware methods. Basic spa treatments include:

  • Oxygen cosmetics. This includes compresses, masks, wraps with oxygen preparations, which significantly soften the skin and make the complexion magnificent.
  • Scrubs. They increase blood flow, deeply cleanse, smooth the skin, and reduce pigmentation. Made from sea salt and plant oils.
  • Clay. Clay masks saturate the skin with beneficial substances, have an exfoliating effect, and tighten pores.
  • Aromatherapy. It is based on the use of essential oils in pure form or as part of masks and creams. As a result, the skin is softened and saturated with nutrients.
  • Vitaminization. Ascorbic acid perfectly tightens the skin and improves its light.
  • Massages. Tones the skin, giving it more fresh look, smooth out small wrinkles.

For those who don't know where to start with skin care, many salons offer a free trial procedure or consultation with a cosmetologist.

Hardware facial procedures

As a rule, facial cosmetic procedures are aimed at long-term results, so the course has to be repeated every month, or even every week. Therefore, modern cosmetology offers more effective facial skin care procedures using special devices:

  • chemical peeling;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • ultrasonic cleaning method;
  • laser procedures.

Facial salon procedures after 35 years

The most popular and effective facial procedures in the salon after 35 years are ultrasound rejuvenation, microcurrents, radiolifting, elos and photorejuvenation. These methods rejuvenate the face using various rays - laser, warm or radio frequency.

Ultrasonic rejuvenation method or altera-lifting

The most popular among all known hardware procedures. This is explained by its careful attitude towards the skin, because its main effect is on the subcutaneous muscles. Thanks to ultrasonic waves, you can tighten the skin around the lips and eyes and make the oval of your face clearer.

Facial rejuvenation through microcurrent therapy

Allows you not only to restore the natural tone of the skin, but also to saturate it with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the active influence of electrical impulses, muscle fibers contract, and enzymes and proteins responsible for cell regeneration processes are produced. In addition, microcurrents cope well with skin problems such as:

  • age-related changes;
  • pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • consequences of acne;
  • swelling;
  • decreased tone.

Radio lifting

It is carried out thanks to radio frequency waves that penetrate the collagen layer and release part of the thermal energy to it. Cells exposed to heat shock cause the collagen layer to contract, forming new connective tissue fibers. This explains the velvety texture of the skin and the tone of the oval of the face after a radiolifting session. The procedure is painless and, as a rule, has no side effects.


It represents exposure to powerful streams of high-frequency rays. Due to this, the production of collagen and elastin increases, pigment spots and vascular networks disappear, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure is painless and usually well tolerated, so it is recommended for anyone who wants to maintain the beauty of their facial skin after 30 or to combat external skin defects.

Laser rejuvenation

The best methods for caring for facial skin after 35 today, according to cosmetologists, are laser ones.

Typically, the salon performs the following laser facial procedures:

  • peeling;
  • removal of hair and age spots;
  • lifting;
  • perforation;
  • biorevitalization.

Lasers can solve a number of skin care problems.

Laser facial skin peeling is a deep cleansing using various auxiliary products. Depending on the attachments used and additional cosmetics, there are several types of skin cleansing:

  • carbon (through a special carbon mask);
  • fractional (thermal effect on individual areas);
  • carboxylic (impact on the deep subcutaneous layer);
  • erbium (superficial effect on the skin);
  • hot (warming the top layer of skin).

Each of these types differs in impact, end result and apparatus with which the session is performed. The most effective and expensive peeling procedure is carried out using a carboxide laser.

Laser biorevitalization is a non-injection rejuvenation procedure. A special gel with hyaluronic acid is applied to problem areas and, under the influence of laser radiation, acid particles penetrate the cells and begin their restoration.

Laser facial skin lifting is carried out with a special device, the rays of which are aimed at removing old epithelium and restoring damaged cells. The effect of this procedure is noticeable after 3 sessions performed with a month's break.

Laser facial perforation involves using a special laser attachment that turns one beam into thousands of small beams. Under the influence of such radiation, mechanisms of regeneration and cell renewal are launched in the skin, blood flow increases, and collagen is produced. As a result, after one session, the result is noticeable: defects disappear, wrinkles are removed, spots and scars disappear.

All types of laser skin care are the most effective and are aimed at eliminating a whole list of problems:

  • enlarged pores;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark circles;
  • dark spots;
  • unclear oval face;
  • vascular network;
  • scars, cicatrices.

However, laser facial treatments are not for everyone. Before going to the salon, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for laser cosmetology sessions:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • wounds on the skin;
  • blood diseases;
  • neoplasms.

Other facial rejuvenation methods

In addition to the listed facial skin care methods, more radical salon techniques are very popular, most effective after 35 years.

For these purposes, invasive methods of rejuvenation using injections and facelifts are most often used.

Hyaluronic acid, Botox, as well as various vitamin and oxygen cocktails, and procedures with nitrogen are used as injection drugs in the salon.

A facelift, or facelift, is performed when there are deep wrinkles or significant loss of skin tone. The meaning of a facelift is:

  • eliminating visible defects;
  • formation of a new contour;
  • strengthening facial muscles.

Despite the stunning results, injections and lifts are considered extreme measures and have greatest number contraindications and side effects, therefore used only as indicated.

All presented salon techniques for caring for facial skin after 30-35 years work well for the body. The main thing is not to overdo it and follow the recommendations and deadlines established by the cosmetologist. We should also not forget about healthy life. Quitting smoking, alcohol, coffee and sweets will help keep your face young and fresh for a long time.

Types of procedures that can rejuvenate the face

Facial rejuvenation procedures offered by modern cosmetology can be very different. They need to be selected taking into account the woman’s skin type and the defects that are on it and which the client wants to get rid of. Therefore, first, all this huge number of services offered should be divided into several large groups. Depending on how these procedures will affect a woman’s face, the following groups can be distinguished: hardware, mechanical and manual.

The first type of procedures includes radio-lifting, photorejuvenation, laser, ultrasound or vacuum therapy, as well as local and local darsonvalization. Experts include mesotherapy, Botox injection, biorevitalization and many others as the second type. The third type of procedures based on facial rejuvenation can also be called spa procedures, because they include mud, collagen, alginate masks, as well as salt peelings and aromatherapy.

Such procedures are carried out exclusively in beauty salons. It is also worth considering that the procedure should be performed by an experienced specialist, because a non-professional can only harm your face and skin. Before starting the procedure, he must talk about it. Clarify what stages are present in the procedure, what the rehabilitation period will be and how the person should be cared for after performing this procedure.

  1. Radio lifting. The whole point of the procedure is that certain problem areas of the face will be affected by current pulses. Thanks to this procedure, you can relatively quickly and effectively solve the problems of premature aging of facial skin, as well as tighten the skin and its tissues, stimulate the natural production of collagen by skin cells. This way you will get clearer facial contours and the absence of too deep wrinkles on your face.
  2. Laser, ultrasound therapy. The skin is exposed to laser or ultrasound and thus the top layer of cells that have already become keratinized is removed. With this procedure you can very easily eliminate small wrinkles and get rid of small pigment spots. This procedure also helps to very thoroughly and deeply cleanse the face of various types of impurities and even out not only the complexion, but also its texture.
  3. Vacuum therapy. This procedure can only help with minor signs of aging or fading of the facial skin. It can also be a preventative against aging. When the skin is sucked by a vacuum, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, which are very important for maintaining youth and freshness of the face. This procedure, many women note, is very effective if there is only a slight sagging of the tissues, because it allows you to return them to their original place and model the contours of the face.
  4. Photorejuvenation. A laser can be used to carry out this procedure, but you will get no less good results when using infrared radiation devices. Thanks to photorejuvenation, you can forget about age spots on the face, reduce deep ones and get rid of facial wrinkles, as well as stimulate the production of collagen and elastin so necessary for the skin.
  5. Darsonvalization. During the procedure, current is applied to the skin. In this way, you can stimulate the facial muscles, which then begin to contract, tighten and relax on their own. In this way, you can very well improve blood circulation and activate the production of all those substances that help maintain youthful skin and its beauty for a long time.

Each of the above procedures also has a number of positive qualities, but we should not forget about the contraindications that each method of skin rejuvenation has. Therefore, before you begin any facial rejuvenation procedure, you need to learn in great detail about all sorts of contraindications and complications that may arise at different stages of skin care in this way. This will help not only avoid unwanted consequences, but also get the truly desired result.

Mechanical procedures for effective facial skin rejuvenation

These procedures are considered to be the most popular and in demand. All experts advise carrying out procedures of this nature for women who are just beginning to show the first signs of aging on their face. Some of the procedures are possible as very effective prevention of facial skin aging.

  1. Mesotherapy. During this procedure, an injection is made under the skin. hyaluronic acid. This rejuvenation method differs from biorevitalization in that the drugs used by specialists can penetrate exclusively into the middle layers of the skin. With biorevitalization, deeper and more effective penetration of drugs occurs. However, you should not refuse mesotherapy, because it has shown excellent results in eliminating shallow expression wrinkles on the face.
  2. Biorevitalization. During this procedure, an injection of hyaluronic acid is also injected under the skin. Preparations based on this acid help to very gently and effectively stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, and also help retain moisture in the skin, because a sufficient amount of moisture is very important for aging skin.
  3. Botox injections. This procedure is very popular among women, because it helps smooth out minor wrinkles and remove folds near the nose and lips. But it is worth remembering that such injections are powerless in stimulating collagen production, which is the most significant disadvantage of this type of facial skin rejuvenation.

Facial rejuvenation with spa treatments

Most women know what the face masks we mentioned above actually mean. Moreover, they also know that it is quite possible to cook some of them on their own. Of course, the beauty of the procedures in the salon is that you don’t have to prepare anything or calculate anything in order to get exactly the mask with the proportions that you need. When a woman comes to the salon for a spa procedure, she can relax there, enjoy the process itself and at the same time leave the room younger and more beautiful.

It is also worth remembering that before any spa procedure you will need to do several more very important manipulations with your facial skin.

  • Superficial cleansing of the skin from possible contaminants;
  • Steaming the skin so that beneficial substances have the opportunity to penetrate much deeper inside;
  • Application of a product or peeling is necessary depending on the type of procedure itself;
  • Calms the skin after the procedure and tones it.

Facial spa treatments are a cosmetological complex aimed at protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment and eliminating the influence of adverse factors associated with bad habits(poor nutrition, alcohol, smoking, etc.) Being exposed to negative impacts, the skin gradually thins, becomes dry and dull. Spa facials help eliminate cosmetic defects, restore skin elasticity, and restore good color.

Spa facial treatments at home

Typically, cosmetology services are provided in salons, but some facial spa treatments can be done at home. In this case, a certain sequence of actions must be followed. An approximate procedure algorithm is as follows:

  1. Deep cleansing.
  2. Massage.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Spa facial cleansing

Before any facial procedures, the skin must be cleansed. First, remove all cosmetics using appropriate products and water. Next is a deep cleansing. Water steam helps open the pores, but for greater effect, you can drop a few drops of essential oil into the water (cosmetologists recommend lavender or rosemary). A scrub is applied to the steamed skin to help remove dead epidermal cells. In addition to peeling creams, you can use homemade cleansers. Ground coffee, table salt and crushed grape seeds mixed with honey, sour cream or heavy cream have a mild exfoliating effect. Clay-based masks perfectly cleanse the skin.


Before performing the massage part of the procedure, experts recommend applying avocado pulp or a mixture of vegetable and essential oils to the skin. Facial massage should be done carefully, in circular movements. It's great if you massage your décolleté area.

After the massage, you need to rest a little so that the applied composition is absorbed into the relaxed skin. After 7 – 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Hydration and nutrition

The last step is to apply a nourishing or moisturizing facial spa mask appropriate to your skin type. You can “feed” the epidermis by applying a paste of fresh cucumber, strawberries or fruit. The mask should be kept for 15 - 20 minutes, rinsed off, alternating warm and cold water, and completed the procedure by applying moisturizer to the face and décolleté.

After the first procedure performed according to all the rules, your face will gain the desired freshness, and after several procedures, the skin will noticeably smooth out, and your beauty will be brighter and more expressive.

What are SPA procedures and why are they needed?

In the modern understanding, SPA is a useful set of physiotherapeutic procedures using water (fresh or sea), algae, salts and therapeutic mud. SPA procedures help significantly improve the health of the entire body. They activate metabolic processes, increase blood supply and remove harmful substances from the body. As a result, overall well-being improves, the skin becomes soft and elastic.

What are the procedures for youth and beauty?

  • Peels and scrubs based on coffee– one of the most powerful products for the beauty of our skin. You can purchase a special composition in professional stores or salons, or you can prepare it yourself. To prepare, you will need finely ground coffee and moisturizing shower gel as a base. The composition should be applied to problem areas of the body, massaging vigorously using a special mitten. The effect after application is magnificent - smooth and elastic skin. It is recommended to use the coffee composition after physical exercise or during water procedures.
  • Chocolate wraps– anti-cellulite procedures to make the skin more even. You need to mix 200 grams of cocoa and 0.5 liters of warm water. Before using the solution, you need to wait until it cools down to body temperature. Then apply the required amount of the composition to problem areas and cover the body with a thin layer of cellophane film.
  • Seaweed wraps very useful and effective for body shaping and improving skin tone. There are hot and cold methods (depending on the water temperature). The hot method dilates blood vessels, activating blood circulation in the body. In this case, active breakdown of fatty tissue occurs. Cold wraps relieve swelling, improve lymph flow and reduce fatigue.
  • Compositions with essential oils widely used in the fight against cellulite. Citrus oils are especially effective - orange, grapefruit, lemon and tangerine. You can take any cosmetic or olive oil, diluting it with 5-6 drops of essential oil. This mixture is applied to the thighs, buttocks and a light massage.

Taking care of your body requires daily attention and self-care. With careful and thorough skin care, you can preserve its beauty and youth for a long time.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


A woman just needs to relax sometimes. Salons and spa treatments will help with this, which include massage and body wraps, which will normalize your hair and skin. A spa specialist will help you choose the right service. However, the main thing here is to choose a good salon. High-quality physiotherapeutic methods do not always come at a high cost; it is better to contact institutions that have been recommended by someone you know.

What are spa treatments

The letters SPA are an abbreviation from English “sanitas per aqua”, which means “health through water”. However, there is another version of what spa is. This method of care appeared in one Belgian city of Spa, which has healing thermal waters. Spa treatments are a complex effect on a person: cosmetic, psychologically relaxing.

What is a spa? This concept includes such little things as music, interior details, staff attitude, herbal teas, medicinal cocktails, light snacks, fragrant candles. Only by observing all these points does a beauty salon turn into a spa, where you can get complete relaxation. It’s pleasant to be in it, you can forget about home problems, troubles, stress and have fun.

Spa for women

This type of care is beneficial for women because it allows them to relax and improve their health. They can feel their body better and love themselves. If a woman enjoys her beauty, then everyone around her will love her. After cosmetic spa treatments, the skin becomes soft, wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is evened out, and the hair acquires shine and luster. And the mood becomes much better.

Salon services have beautiful, bright names, for example: “Orange Pleasure”; "Secrets of Cleopatra"; “Heavenly pleasure”, “Perfection”, “Chocolate madness”, “Milk tenderness”, “Golden tangerine” and other similar phrases. Spa salons provide various types of services:

  • programs with massage;
  • rejuvenation programs;
  • for rest in order to recuperate;
  • for figure correction.

For men in Moscow

It is a big misconception that only women do spa treatments. This will be very useful for men. It's nice to relax and unwind after a working day. It is much better to visit a cozy, comfortable place where experienced people will look after you than to drink beer. In the first case, you can get relaxation, rejuvenation, health benefits, and vigor. In the second case, there will only be harm to the body and a headache in the morning.

The range of services for men is extensive. It includes both simple activities like hand massage and complex ones: body peeling, masks, solarium, reflexology, tropical shower. All activities are necessarily accompanied by delicious herbal tea, pleasant music and atmosphere. This contributes to a dramatic improvement in well-being and mood. A set of activities may include, for example: hammam, foot washing, bath milk, peeling, salt body scrub, sports massage.

Spa programs for two

This will be a wonderful gift for a young couple; it is especially good to give such a vacation for a wedding, then no resort will be required. The newlyweds will be able to enjoy each other in wonderful conditions and surroundings. You can give such a vacation to your significant other for a birthday or just as a pleasant surprise. The set of methods may be different; each salon draws up a program independently, comes up with names and unique opportunities. Anyone can choose a service for themselves.

To visualize what complexes there may be, here are several options:

  • Romantic bath with rose petals, champagne, candles, fruits, aroma massage, firming mask, acupressure of the feet and face, warming oil compresses, kneading the collar area.
  • Romantic bath with rose petals, champagne, fruits, aromatherapy with your chosen scent, massage of your choice, body wrap, hot stone massage. During a spa treatment, you can order different drinks: champagne, tea, juices, etc.

What spa services do the salons provide?

We looked at what procedures are generally possible. It’s worth describing each of them a little, so that those who want to seek such care for the first time in a specialized salon can decide in advance what they would like. All spa treatments in the hydrotherapy salon are divided into zones: body, face, arms and legs, hair. Based on the zones, a set of activities is selected, which can be supplemented or reduced.

Body treatments

The main zone is the human body. Massage ranks first among spa treatments. There are many different technologies and techniques, we will describe some of them:

  • with hot stones;
  • with aromatic bags;
  • With butter;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • relaxing;
  • four hands;
  • Thai;
  • Balinese, etc.

In addition to massage, the main types of services are:

  1. Steaming the body (can be carried out in a hammam, sauna, bathhouse, cedar barrel).
  2. Body wrapping using various means: medicinal mud, seaweed, herbs, honey, etc.
  3. Peeling cleanses the skin of dead cells, it can be different: with sea ​​salt, algae, mineral, with essential oils or coffee.
  4. Ozone therapy – problem areas are pinched and ozone is introduced. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in cells are improved and normalized. hormonal background, the fat layer decreases.

For face

Spa treatments help get rid of signs of lack of sleep and fatigue. In addition, special care can rejuvenate facial skin, smooth out wrinkles, and improve color. The salons offer massages, peelings, scrubs, vitamin and clay masks. Hardware procedures are possible. After care, it is good to use special creams and lotions based on sea minerals.

For arms and legs

Hand care includes a high-quality manicure with complete cosmetic care. Clients are offered relaxing baths, rejuvenating masks, and massages with oils. In recent years, paraffin therapy has enjoyed great success. Foot baths are given. There are decongestant and anti-varicose procedures to choose from. Mud, chocolate, etc. wraps save you from ugly stars. You can do regular or hydromassage.

Spa hair care

Hair care occupies a special place. In general, hair is of great importance to a woman, so she always tries to give it a well-groomed look. Many salons offer services such as hot body wraps. It gives hair strength, elasticity, restores dyed hair well, dull hair. Complexes of procedures have been designed that restore, nourish, and moisturize hair. This includes peeling, skin cleansing, and hair growth stimulation.

Complex of spa treatments

This is the most complete treatment, it includes several areas at once: for hair, for face, etc. It costs more than if you order separate services, but the effect of the procedures will be much more noticeable. There are complexes of a general orientation: romantic, for a bachelorette party, Thai. Such programs imply a specific direction:

  • anti-aging;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • for weight loss;
  • to cleanse the body.

What do they do at the spa?

One of the main directions of such salons is to improve the mood of clients. All procedures in the spa salon are aimed at this, eliminating painful sensations, and the result causes a storm of positive emotions. The environment of the room also has a good effect on the well-being of clients: interior, music, decor, various details. In a good salon, the staff must be polite and attentive, offer drinks and light snacks, and seek an individual approach. And in some salons you can buy cosmetics.

Figure correction

One of the services that spas offer is body shaping. There are programs aimed at losing weight, eliminating cellulite, and reducing body volume. There are also techniques that restore skin tone and elasticity. Such figure correction systems involve various massages, peelings, and wraps. Often, the body is steamed to relax before the main procedures.


This procedure involves targeted flows of water in a bath at a comfortable temperature. Thanks to an underwater massage, blood circulation is restored and relaxation occurs. Hydrotherapy can offer several types of treatments. Firstly, it is a full body massage that is carried out by water while you sit and enjoy a bath, a glass of wine or juice. Secondly, a swimming pool with a strong countercurrent. There is no time to relax here, but you need to exercise.


Doctors in any clinic will confirm that the benefits of aromatherapy cannot be overestimated. It creates a positive mood, promotes relaxation, and can serve as a preventive measure for certain diseases or even treat them. The last point is due to the fact that aroma therapy is carried out on the basis of essential oils, which are made mainly from beneficial plants. Aromatherapy can be carried out in the form of burning candles or spraying scents in the room. However, there are more accentuated ways:

  • aroma massage;
  • aromatic sauna;
  • aroma baths.


Even with the abundance of new effective procedures that are available in the practice of modern hydrotherapy salons, massage remains the main and main way of body care. However, a large number of different types of massage have appeared, here are the main ones:

  1. Classic Russian massage. It can be used to treat any diseases, such as cellulite.
  2. Anti-cellulite. Now the most popular among women.
  3. Spanish. All hand movements are made flexibly, using the entire surface.
  4. French (lymphatic drainage). The effect occurs on the lymph nodes, as a result, cellulite is reduced, varicose veins are prevented and the immune system is strengthened.
  5. Honey. All hand movements occur using honey.
  6. Shiatsu - acupressure. It is carried out by pressing the fingers.
  7. Thai yoga massage. This is a combination of massage and elements of the yoga system.
  8. Thai with herbal bags. Thai herbs are used as a filler, which have a healing effect.

Spa treatments in Moscow

Many spa salons in Moscow provide individual and complex services. Prices vary, so customers have plenty to choose from. This also applies to the abundance of different types of procedures. Some salons provide additional drinks, others offer fruit, and others select music according to the client’s wishes. Everyone tries to make their vacation as convenient and comfortable as possible.

The best salons include the following:

  1. Harmony SPA;
  2. Spa by Algotherm;
  3. Ego Spa;
  4. Spa Cocktail (SPA Cocktail);
  5. Asia Beauty SPA (Asia Beauty Spa);
  6. Pokrovka Royal SPA;
  7. Bourgeois SPA;
  8. Wai Thai;
  9. Thai Spa;
  10. Seng Tai;
  11. First Spa;
  12. Thai Club;
  13. Crown Thai Spa;
  14. Mahash;
  15. China SPA;
  16. VIP SPA;
  17. Palaestra;
  18. Siam Sea;
  19. Le Grand Spa;
  20. Viva SPA;
  21. Arena Spa;
  22. Phyto SPA;
  23. 7 Colors;
  24. Spa Tibet;
  25. Sunny Spa.

How to choose a salon

Now there are many different salons and even large health centers. The main points that you should pay attention to when choosing “your” spa salon:

  1. Is comprehensive care possible in the salon?
  2. Do the employees of the establishment have appropriate education?
  3. Are the conditions for the procedures sterile?
  4. How much do spa treatments cost: how much? affordable prices and quality of services.
  5. Distance to home. After the procedures you will relax, the location of the salon becomes important.

Cost of spa treatments

How much does a spa treatment cost? Here are a few examples from Moscow:


Price, rubles

Harmony SPA

Thai massage



Spa by Algotherm

Thai massage

General massage

Care for the eye area

"Hydra-Read" - correction of age-related changes

Water programs for women

The magic of fragrances

Deep cleansing program

Chocolate scrub

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