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Does hyaluronic acid help restore youth? Hyaluronic acid - properties and use in cosmetology Is hyaluronic acid addictive?

There is no ideal method of rejuvenation; each has its own pros and cons. Not every method is suitable for a particular woman. There are contraindications for hyaluronic acid, although this substance is produced in the human body and is not foreign to it. Therefore, you should carefully choose the procedure and the drug for it. The final result depends on this.

What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid?

This compound is part of the intercellular fluid. Its amount depends on the person’s age and skin condition. How older woman, the less hyaluronic acid her body produces. For this reason, the face becomes dull, peeling and wrinkles appear.

Modern technologies make it possible to synthesize hyaluronic acid, which will repeat the properties of natural one. At the same time, due to its artificial origin, it practically does not cause allergic reactions. The effect of this substance can be described in several points:

  • increases the turgor of the dermis;
  • deeply moisturizes at the cellular level;
  • reduces the number and severity of wrinkles;
  • improves the secretion of sebum (sebum);
  • tightens facial contours;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • helps eliminate inflammation;
  • smoothes scars, making them less noticeable;
  • lightens hyperpigmentation;
  • allows you to make areas of the face or its individual parts (nose, lips, eyes) symmetrical;
  • gives the face clearer features by introducing the substance into the cheekbones;
  • corrects the shape and volume of lips when filling them;
  • fills nasolabial folds;
  • allows you to remove signs of aging from your hands;
  • restores joint mobility when damaged;
  • helps restore skin after burns and major surgical interventions.

Not everyone can pay for services at a cosmetology salon. But there is a way to use hyaluronic acid at home. The effectiveness of the procedures will be noticeably lower, but will still have a beneficial effect. This method of administration will help:

  • enhance collagen production;
  • launch regenerative processes;
  • deeply moisturize the skin;
  • even out facial tone;
  • smooth out small wrinkles.

For home use, you need to take a solution or powder of sodium hyaluronate, which is sold in ampoules. To 2 g of the drug you need to add 30 ml of purified water (boiled or distilled). Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, allowing it to swell. If after using the mask there is still a large number of product, it can be frozen for subsequent procedures. You can also introduce acid using a mesoscooter. This is an effective alternative to salon care.

After the procedure, it is better to consolidate the result with a rejuvenating serum and then cream. This will strengthen beneficial features drug and achieve better results. But exposure at home is not carried out in the eye area, so this method is impossible or hyperpigmentation in this area.

Can hyaluronic acid cause harm?

When using hyaluronic acid in people prone to allergies, unwanted reactions may occur. This substance, when administered correctly, is not capable of harming other people. But, if safety precautions are not followed and procedures are repeated too often, negative consequences may occur.

These include a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by the body itself. Such people have to inject the drug constantly, because without it the skin looks flabby and tired. To avoid this, you must follow your doctor's recommendations on the frequency of injections.

Contraindications for use

There are several situations in which the use of hyaluronic acid for any purpose is not recommended. These conditions include:

  • period breastfeeding and pregnancy (due to the lack of reliable data supported by scientific research on safety when used in women in this condition);
  • the presence of autoimmune pathologies;
  • iron deficiency in the blood;
  • allergy to hyaluronic acid or other components of the products;
  • diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders;
  • presence of oncology of any localization;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • peptic ulcer or gastritis are taken into account when prescribing drugs in tablet form (an acidic environment will increase the susceptibility of organs to inflammation);
  • any manifestations of dermatological pathologies;
  • the presence of an infectious process in the body, including colds.

If a person has recently undergone a course of deep peeling, laser treatment of the skin or hardware rejuvenation techniques, then it is better to postpone procedures with hyaluronic acid. Almost all bans on the use of these drugs last for a certain period of time, after which the drugs are allowed to be used.

Risks of intradermal administration

The use of hyaluronic acid intradermally is accompanied by certain risks. Therefore, it has a number of limitations:

  • age under 25 years (use too early is not recommended due to the possibility of reducing the natural synthesis of the substance in cells);
  • the presence of pustular and other inflammatory skin diseases (possible spread of infection throughout the body due to injury);
  • tendency to form keloid scars (increase the risk of visible complications from the procedure).

The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin is carried out using mesotherapy techniques. These include biorevitalization, which is less traumatic, but its effect wears off faster. You can use anti-aging products in this way only for aging skin. For younger people, less deep non-invasive options are suitable.

Pros and cons of oral administration

The use of tablets and capsules with hyaluronic acid has both benefits and harm. Side effects are especially pronounced when drinking small amounts of water. Therefore, it is necessary to drink 1.5 liters or more in order to prevent skin dehydration and the appearance of peeling.

Negative effects from oral administration also occur due to additional components in the tablets. For this reason, preference should be given to proven products from well-known manufacturers. The use of hyaluronic acid internally is especially important for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (bones and joints).

External use

External use of hyaluronic acid is possible only when the compound is decomposed into small molecules. This makes it available for penetration into the skin. In this way, it is possible to restore the epidermis after burns and wounds. It is also used to remove residual changes after dermatitis and other diseases that can leave scars.

In some cases, gel with hyaluronic acid is used to treat joint pathologies. It should be smeared on the affected area at least 3 times a day. However, external use is permitted during pregnancy, since the drugs do not penetrate into the blood. Feeding a newborn baby is also not dangerous if you do not apply the product to the breast.

External application is not used in the presence of skin lesions or neoplasms, since hyaluronic acid capable of triggering the synthesis of new cells. Due to this, the cancer process will accelerate. Therefore, you should check the nature of all moles in the area affected by the drug before use.

Risk of addiction

Intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid can be addictive. This is due to the fact that the cells that produce it (fibroblasts) stop producing their own substance, since it comes from outside in an amount sufficient to maintain the normal state of the body. Therefore, its use on young skin is highly not recommended.

To avoid the development of side effects, doctors advise administering the drug no more than once a year. If there are pronounced age-related changes, you can alternate procedures with the introduction of Botox. This will reduce the risk of side effects from both drugs.

Negative consequences

If the drug is used or administered incorrectly, complications may occur. They occur especially often with injections of hyaluronic acid, and external application is safest. Common side effects may include:

  • edema;
  • bruises at the injection site;
  • redness.

Hematomas occur more often in smokers due to increased blood clotting. The face can become swollen from using certain brands of medications. This is due to the presence of a stabilizer in their composition. And thin skin with close capillaries is prone to redness.

These phenomena are not considered dangerous. They go away on their own 2-4 days after the procedure. You can apply ointments with leech extract to bruises to make them go away faster. Cool compresses help with swelling, but you should keep them for no more than 5 minutes.

If the drug is administered unsuccessfully, a dangerous side effect may occur - tissue fibrosis. It forms at the injection site through which the filler was injected. Its presence can be determined by touch or examination: compaction and swelling appear.

Fibrous changes in tissues are subject to surgical removal. The reason for their appearance is individual reactions to the drug, the use of a bad filler or its improper administration, when the product gets into the upper layers of the skin and clumps in them, becoming overgrown with connective fiber and continuing to swell. If you suspect this pathology, you should contact the doctor who performed the procedure or a surgeon.

Side effects are not always the fault of the cosmetologist. Often the cause is failure to follow doctor's recommendations. Such situations include:

  • frequent or prolonged exposure to the sun without protective cream and a brimmed hat, especially in summer;
  • concealing restrictions on the use of hyaluronic acid from the doctor (lack of warning about cancer or an infectious process in the body);
  • use of abrasive skin care products after the procedure, as well as acid peels;
  • usage decorative cosmetics until the damaged areas of the epidermis are completely healed;
  • visiting public bathing places in the first 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • exposure to heat on the treated area of ​​skin (in a bathhouse, sauna, hammam, etc.).

If you follow your doctor's recommendations and use hyaluronic acid only as indicated, unpleasant consequences from injections will not occur even after several years. The use of the drugs does not affect the ability to get pregnant, and is also not harmful to the hair. It does not enter the brain, therefore it does not cause pain in the head, even during a course of injections in the forehead to reduce wrinkles. Expressiveness side effects does not depend on gender and age - they can occur in both women and men.

Expert opinions

Oksana, professional experience 7 years:

Everyone can look good these days. Any woman over 25 years old can appreciate the benefits of hyaluronic acid. Over the years of work, I have noted several advantages of this rejuvenation method: the absence of long-term side effects, the effect is sufficient long term and a minimum number of contraindications. This is the safest way to stop aging that has ever existed.

Maria, professional experience 10 years:

I work not as a cosmetologist, but as a surgeon, but I also use hyaluronic acid in clinical practice for my patients. We often prescribe intra-articular injection to increase the rate of tissue regeneration in patients. This is especially true for damage to the hip joint in older patients. Such injuries usually take a long time to heal, and thanks to our procedures, recovery is much easier and faster.

Olga, professional experience 12 years:

The synthesis of hyaluronic acid is of great importance for cosmetology. Due to its high density, many people have used fillers from it. plastic surgery. This helps to avoid many unpleasant symptoms that occur after surgery. That’s why there are so many rave reviews about it, including from my colleagues.

Answers on questions

How often can hyaluronic acid injections be given to the face?

How many injections to give depends on what type of drug is used. There are products that last a year or more, and some only 6-8 months. Therefore, when to start repeating the course is determined individually for each person by his cosmetologist.

Why can’t you use drugs with hyaluronic acid during antibiotic treatment?

The compatibility of hyaluronic acid with antibiotics is impossible due to obvious contradictions. Antibacterial agents are prescribed if there are signs of infection. And this condition is a contraindication to the introduction of hyaluronic acid. You can use drugs based on it only after stopping the disease.

Why is hyaluronic acid not used for cancer?

This substance stimulates the synthesis of new cells. But it affects all structures, including cancerous ones. This can lead to early metastasis and increased symptoms. The patient's condition will worsen, and the risk of death will increase markedly.

What are the dangers of using it for autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases occur when the body reacts to its own organs. Antibodies produced by the person himself seek to destroy his cells. If a foreign substance is introduced at the same time, it will worsen the patient’s condition and new unexpected reactions will arise. Later effects include progression of the underlying pathology with further development allergic reaction of the body to other organs and tissues.

Why can’t you inject hyaluronic acid during lactation?

During lactation hormonal background the body changes significantly, which may be the cause of unexpected reactions to the administration of any drugs. No studies have been conducted on the effect of hyaluronic acid on women during breastfeeding, as this is prohibited by law. Therefore, scientists cannot be responsible for the fact that drug components do not enter the milk ducts with the bloodstream. Because of this, the use of medications and other drugs during this period is sharply limited.

Let's sum it up

The introduction of hyaluronic acid has obvious benefits, although it can also harm the body under certain conditions, including if contraindications for use are not observed.

If you have undergone a course of treatments using this substance or use home remedies, share with us your results and impressions of these drugs.

Yes. But with age, the volume of hyaluronic acid produced by the body decreases. You can fill the deficiency with the help of creams, lotions and serums, subcutaneous injections, procedures using laser, ultrasound and microcurrent.

Hyaluronic acid makes the skin more elastic and firm, reduces wrinkles, gives additional volume to the lips and other parts of the body, and can even heal dermatitis.

German dermatologists were the first to identify Efficacy of cream-based novel formulations of hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in anti-wrinkle treatment these magical properties hyaluronan, a little later they conducted their research Efficacy and safety of a low-molecular weight hyaluronic Acid topical gel in the treatment of facial seborrheic dermatitis cosmetologists from the USA.

Where does the acid found in creams and injections come from?

At first, hyaluronic acid was obtained only from animal raw materials: cockscombs or animal umbilical cords. Over time, science came to the artificial production of hyaluronan in the laboratory. The second acids are purer in composition and more similar to human ones in properties.

They say that hyaluronic acid in creams is useless: its molecules are too large to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. This is true?

Hyaluronan molecules are actually several times larger than the distance between skin cells. However, the acid does not have to penetrate too deeply to moisturize. It is enough to remain on the surface of the skin for some time to exert its water-retaining effect. In addition, for creams, lotions and serums, the molecules are specially broken down Hyaluronic acid - the key to retaining youthful moisture into small fractions.

Why do injections then?

Because their effect is more noticeable and lasts longer. The use of professional gels and creams with acid guarantees smooth skin within just 10–20 days. The effect of injections lasts on average 6–12 months (depending on the type of drug).

In the case of injections, hyaluronic acid acts as a filler. The substance seems to swell the skin from the inside, thereby smoothing out wrinkles and breasts or other areas of the body (but more often acid is still used for facial plastic surgery). That is why injections should only be done in specialized salons by an experienced specialist. If you inject too much of the drug, instead of a doll-like face and sensual lips, you risk getting cheek pillows and cushions instead of a mouth.

There are other dangers too. Sometimes drugs cause allergies, and during an injection you can introduce an infection into the body. Therefore, doctors do not recommend injections if you have an inflammatory disease, are pregnant or breastfeeding. After chemical or laser peeling, it is also better to postpone the procedure: the dermis needs time to recover.

Does hyaluronic acid cause acne?

The use of hyaluronan is included in complex therapy against. The acid normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates inflammation and helps regular renewal of skin cells.

Rashes that appear after injections due to improper care can be mistaken for acne. A puncture breaks the integrity of the skin and allows bacteria to easily enter the body. If you do not follow the rules of disinfection and care, small white pimples may appear at the puncture sites.

Is it addictive?

Only psychological. After hyaluronan stops stimulating hydration, the skin gradually returns to its original state. And the stimulation ends for completely natural reasons: the hyaluronic acid that has entered the body is included in the metabolic process and is gradually absorbed.

And the patient goes to another injection session or buys another jar of cream. But the condition of his skin did not worsen - it simply became the same as it was before the hyaluronan.

Does hyaluronic acid stop the aging process?

Hyaluronan deeply moisturizes the skin, restores its tone, smoothes out wrinkles. But skin aging is such a complex process that it cannot be reduced to dehydration alone. Using hyaluronic acid in creams or subcutaneous injections can visually rejuvenate you, but does not stop the natural progression of things.

Hyaluronic acid is not a cure for old age. This simply doesn't exist.

Our skin acts as a shield for the entire body, so maintaining its beauty and health is an extremely important task. Permanent and mandatory proper care taking care of the skin certainly includes ensuring proper hydration. Many procedures and techniques are aimed at solving this problem. Among them, the leading position is occupied by hyaluronic acid injections, which are ideal for the skin. Cosmetologists use preparations containing acid identical to that which the body independently produces.

Skin condition worsens after stopping hyaluronic acid injections

Perhaps this myth accompanies not only hyaluronic acid injections, but also many other cosmetic products. The basis of this misconception about hyaluronic injections is the misconception that hyaluronic acid (HA) draws water from the deeper layers of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid does not deprive the skin of moisture, but rather moisturizes it.

In reality this is not the case. Hyaluronic acid not only does not draw water out of the skin, but also promotes its production. Moreover, research shows that this substance significantly improves skin quality in the long term.

  • Does hyaluronic acid cause acne?
  • will the skin crack if you use creams with HA in cold weather;
  • how long does the HA last?
  • Are HA injections addictive?

Can hyaluronic acid injections cause acne?

No, they can't. Hyaluronic acid injections do not cause acne. On the contrary, these types of drugs are used in the treatment of excessive sebum production, which is one of the causes of acne.

It is worth knowing that the appearance of rashes (but not acne) on the skin after the procedure is possible. However, the reason for this phenomenon is not the effect of hyaluronic acid, but improper post-procedure skin care.

When acid is injected, the integrity of the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin is disrupted, so failure to follow the rules of caring for the treated area after the procedure results in the appearance of tiny white pimples around the skin puncture site. Their appearance is caused by microbes.

Does the skin crack if you use HA cream in cold weather?

This statement is partly true. However, the reason lies not in the use of hyaluronic acid, but in the application of a moisturizer before going out into the cold. It is important to understand that hyaluronic acid does not dry, but moisturizes the skin. But applying the cream in the winter (frost) period should be done at least half an hour before going outside. Otherwise, even the most expensive and effective cream can lead to consequences undesirable for the skin. Proper use of any product is the key to beauty and safety.

Is it true that hyaluronic acid injections do not last long?

How long hyaluronic acid injections retain their effect directly depends on the form of release and the type of product used. So, hyaluronic acid is:

  • unstabilized (low or high molecular weight);
  • stabilized.

It is the chosen type and degree of purification of the administered drug that influences the duration of action. A significant factor is the use of acid as part of a mask (cocktail) or independent use. The most effective is stabilized acid - it has excellent penetration into the skin and long-lasting action.

The duration of the effect of hyaluronic acid depends on its type, degree of purification and method of application.

Are hyaluronic acid injections addictive?

The hyaluronic acid preparation itself, of course, is not addictive. However, injections of hyaluronic acid can be psychologically addictive due to a significant improvement in skin quality. After stopping the procedures, the patient may experience discomfort associated with the gradual return of the skin to its original appearance. Therefore, there is a need to repeat the procedure.

Of course, we have provided answers only to the most common questions regarding hyaluronic acid injections. The editors of the site hope that we were able to cover the topic that interests you. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments and share your experience. We will be happy to help you find out everything you need about the procedures you are interested in.

You can find out how procedures using hyaluronic acid are carried out from this video:

Neck contouring

Cheek contouring

Lip filling and nose ridge correction

“We all came out of the water and must return there,” the General argued in the widely known film “Peculiarities of National Fishing.” If we rethink this phrase a little, it turns out that it is in water that we should look for the salvation of our beauty. , which today is offered in creams and injections, is a universal skin moisturizer, identical to our own hyaluronic acid, and does not cause allergic reactions, cosmetologists say. But consumers still continue to worry...

Yulia Dyachenko, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, head of the dermatology department of the MC “Clinic 31”, scientific director of the UMC “Vallex M”.

Myth 1. Hyaluronic acid injections cause acne

I can’t agree with this - hyaluronic acid does not affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands,” explains Yulia Dyachenko. - On the contrary, it is used in complex acne therapy, creating good conditions for cellular metabolism and moisturizing skin overdried by alcohol solutions. Most likely, patients mistake for acne a rash that can occur at skin puncture points due to non-compliance with antiseptic rules. The puncture violates the integrity of the skin, damaging the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin, which protects it not only from drying out, but also from microbes. If the patient does not follow the rules of post-procedure care, small white pimples may appear at the puncture points.

Myth 2. Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid in the “chilly winter” causes skin cracking

We must clearly understand: products for external use only affect the top layer of the skin. Smoothing the scales of the stratum corneum, they are not able to penetrate into the deepest layers and actively affect the functioning of the cells located there. However, if you apply moisturizer to your face three minutes before going out into the cold, you can indeed encounter negative consequences. Therefore in winter period We suggest using a hyaluronic acid moisturizer at night or applying it 30-40 minutes before going outside. Winter, like summer, is a very difficult period for the skin. Temperature changes, air conditioners, heaters, and lack of vitamins lead to dry skin. And products with hyaluronic acid are a reliable assistant here.

Myth 3. Hyaluronic acid injections do not last long.

The duration of action of hyaluronic acid directly depends on the form of its release. There are three types of hyaluronic acid: unstabilized with low molecular weight, unstabilized with high molecular weight and stabilized. Each of them has its own duration of effect. Important factors are also the degree of its purification, whether it is part of another drug, or is used independently. The most effective are preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid, which remain in the skin for a long time and improve the functioning of the body’s own cells. At the same time, we must not forget: the doctor must select the drug, taking into account the age, health and condition of the patient’s skin, warns Yulia Dyachenko. – Competent diagnosis is the basis for the safety and longevity of the effect.

Myth 4. Due to their large molecular weight, hyaluronic acid molecules are not able to penetrate deep into the skin.

According to current legislation, all cosmetical tools work in the upper layers of the epidermis. And our main cells, which are responsible for youth and beauty, are located in the dermis. However, today there are cosmeceutical preparations that do not exclude this possibility. Scientists have learned to “split” hyaluronic acid molecules - to obtain its low-molecular forms. But even they, according to Yulia Dyachenko, are not able to penetrate deeper than the lower layers of the epidermis.

Myth 5. Using hyaluronic acid injections is addictive

This is an absolute lie,” Yulia Dyachenko categorically states. – Indeed, many patients today are afraid of getting hooked on the needle. But by introducing drugs from the outside, we only stimulate the cells, create favorable conditions for their work, and do not interfere with internal processes. When the patient gets the effect of using these drugs, he begins to get used to the fact that he looks good. It is worth abandoning injections with hyaluronic acid - the skin gradually returns to its original state. The same as it was before the procedures. And then chronological aging continues on its own. Therefore, a person “gets on the needle”, wanting to improve his appearance and slow down the aging process, not because his skin is no longer able to function.

Myth 6. Hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin injections are the same thing

The most absurd delusion! These drugs are completely different in their mechanism of action. Hyaluronic acid helps moisturize the skin, stimulates its internal processes, and toxin injections, blocking neuromuscular transmission, limit the movement of facial muscles. Smoothing out creases and expression wrinkles, they have a very indirect effect on the condition of the skin. Moreover, these injections are perfectly combined: botulinum toxin injections and the revitalization procedure give an excellent effect.

Myth 7. Hyaluronic acid injections increase intraocular pressure

Hyaluronic acid is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in urology, rheumatology, proctology, cell therapy and other areas of medicine. This is a pharmacological drug that has undergone a huge number of safety tests. The drugs that are used for contouring are indifferent to tissues and play the role of a filler. In principle, they cannot have any effect on intraocular pressure. Perhaps some consumers like to actively rub their eyes and press on the eyeball. But even for this to increase intraocular pressure, there must initially be a pressure-related problem.

Myth 8. Creams with hyaluronic acid draw water from deep layers. Because of this, after stopping use of the drug, the skin condition worsens

Cream with hyaluronic acid does not have the ability to draw water from deep layers. On the contrary, if the skin is dehydrated, it will act as a donor and “give” moisture to its dehydrated areas. Moreover, stabilized hyaluronic acid preparations give elasticity to the skin and improve its biomechanical properties.

The use of creams with hyaluronic acid, primarily injections of hyaluronic acid, says Yulia Dyachenko, is not due to age. - Everything is very individual. Today, every woman who is at least a little over 30 is concerned about maintaining the natural youth of her face. But sometimes such concern goes beyond all boundaries, and then “natural youth” ceases to be so natural. Of course, prevention is better than cure. However, it is very important to remain prudent here.

Hyaluronic acid began to be used in cosmetology relatively recently. However, due to a lack of information, properties and qualities that it does not possess are often attributed to it. What are myths and what is truth about hyaluronic acid?

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is a natural and universal moisturizer for the skin. It is included in many lotions, creams and even lipsticks. As for cosmetic surgery, haluronic acid is the basis of drugs that are intended for gentle tissue augmentation, as well as filling wrinkles, including in the form of intradermal injections.

Myth 1. Hyaluronic acid protects against ultraviolet radiation

Hyaluronic acid for the face really reduces the harmful effects of sun rays, which dry out the skin. However, it cannot reflect UV rays the way UV protection products do. But it should be noted that sunscreen does not block the action of free radicals that are caused by ultraviolet rays. Hyaluronic acid, on the contrary, helps solve this problem. This means that to maintain healthy and youthful skin, you need to combine sunscreen and hyaluronic acid.

Myth 2. Hyaluronic acid promotes skin rejuvenation

This statement is true. The revitalization procedure, that is, saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid, really helps make facial skin younger. This is explained by the fact that hyaluronic acid is a binder between elastin and collagen molecules, thanks to which the skin does not fade or wrinkle. That is, we can say with confidence that hyaluronic acid is an excellent weapon against skin aging.

In pursuit of youth, many women use hyauronic acid not only to revitalize the face, but also saturate the skin in the décolleté, arms or abdomen with it. This is not without meaning, because, for example, the skin of the hands wears out very much under the influence of household chemicals, wind and other natural factors. To prevent it from betraying your age, you can use hyaluronic acid, which will make your hands smooth and well-groomed.

Myth 3. Since the body produces hyaluronic acid itself, there is no need to administer it additionally.

This is wrong. Of course, fibroblast cells produce hyaluronic acid, but with age the amount of this substance in the body decreases. As a result, the skin loses its tone, becomes more sensitive, thin and flabby, and wrinkles appear on the face. That is why the introduction of hyaluron into the skin is important for women who care about their appearance.

Myth 4. Revitalization is performed only with the help of injections

No, this is a fallacy. Indeed, classic biorevitalization is the injection of hyaluronic acid directly into the dermis. However, there are other, needle-free methods.

For example, OXY therapy, during which hyaluronic acid enters the skin due to a stream of oxygen under high pressure. Moreover, after the session there are no visible traces of the impact. In addition to hyaluron, the oxygen therapy serum contains important anti-aging components. We can say that OXY therapy combines biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy.

Also, technology such as plasma lifting is gaining popularity. The serum used for it contains moisturizing hyaluronic acid. In addition, platelets activate the natural mechanisms of hyaluron production in the body. But you need to keep in mind that this is an injection procedure that requires 1-2 days of recovery.

Myth 5. In summer, the skin especially needs hyaluronic acid

Everything is correct. Probably, many have heard about the effect of a “baked apple” or “dried peach”, that is, when thin skin Many small wrinkles form. After a week of sunbathing at sea, it is quite possible to receive such a “gift”. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend undergoing revitalization in advance, and after rest, repeat the procedure again. This way your skin will receive reliable protection.

Due to its unique moisturizing properties, hyaluronic acid is actively used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation. Many women have already experienced the benefits of revitalization with hyaluronic acid. Before deciding how useful this procedure is, carefully study the information about it so as not to be fooled by myths.

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