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How can you ensure that your home is always clean and tidy? General cleaning every two weeks

Did you have the feeling that you came to visit and saw how the owners had everything clean and tidy, and what about you? Some kind of chaos... And yet people have enough time to clean, cook and work! It's actually simple.

1 secret to a clean house:

We need to get out!!! Just to clean, and not to pretend that you are doing it, as often happens: you come up, wipe the computer, you want to turn on music, suddenly you hang out on social media. networks, and then I want to watch a movie... and so on...

2 secrets of cleanliness in the house:

Cleaning in a circle. Cleaning clockwise or counterclockwise doesn’t make much difference, but after walking around the circle and reaching the end, you will suddenly find that the room has gotten rid of junk!!!

3 secrets to a clean house:

Don’t move everything from one place to another, but immediately put this thing where it belongs. Otherwise, it turns out that you seem to be cleaning, but after a couple of minutes you look back, and nothing has changed.

4 secrets to cleanliness in the house:

Distribute your work. In the end, you and I are not living in the Stone Age. Nowadays there are a lot of tools and equipment that make cleaning easier. For example: dishwashers, which can significantly save your time and effort when putting things in order in the kitchen. Or robotic vacuum cleaners that, without your help, will perfectly clean the floor even of animal hair.

5 secrets to a clean house:

Don't put things in bags hoping that you can rake them later!!!

6 secret of cleanliness:

Throw away an item rather than regret it if you haven’t used it for more than 3 years and are not yet sure that you will ever use it.

7 secret of cleanliness:

Do not spend more than 1.5 hours on cleaning. Otherwise, you will get tired of it, and you will resort to it quite rarely!!!

And of course, don't forget involve children in cleaning. Each child, depending on his age, should have his own responsibilities at home. Naturally, the child will often be lazy to do the task assigned to him. If there are no serious grounds for releasing the child from duty, there should be no concessions. Otherwise, the child will quickly figure out how to manipulate you. This is the only way you can raise a responsible, clean person.

We have selected several universal tips, following which you can maintain your home in good condition without any hassle. perfect condition every day and less often remember the need to do general cleaning.

1. Leave it to the professionals

Just a couple of years ago, finding a cleaner for your home was extremely difficult: only recommendations from friends or special cleaning services could help with this, which did not always work with individuals and most often did not offer the most comfortable, including financial, terms of cooperation .

Today, hundreds of private cleaning specialists are at your service, with whom you can negotiate directly through various online household services (for example, the Russian, and on terms that are favorable to you. This means that you can order a separate service (cleaning carpet or furniture, washing windows or a refrigerator), or a set of works needed specifically in your apartment (rather than taking a standard package, as is customary with cleaning services). Another plus is the ability to choose a cleaner based on price, examples of work, ratings and reviews of previous customers. The latter is especially important because, by letting in stranger into our home, we want to be confident in its reputation and integrity.

You can order either one-time or regular cleaning (for example, weekly). By spending only 2000-4000 rubles a month, you can forget about the need to spend your weekends “huddled” with rags and mops. In addition, a qualified cleaner always uses special household chemicals, which “work” much more efficiently than those we buy in supermarkets and do not harm our health. It's worth booking a professional spring cleaning at least once just to see your kitchen appliances, furniture and bathroom restored to their original condition.

2. Get rid of unnecessary clutter

We regularly buy clothes, equipment and household items, but, as a rule, we use only some of them. At the same time, it’s difficult for us to force ourselves to throw away this or that thing: there will always be excuses why this particular dress should be left in the wardrobe, and this broken chair will still come in handy around the house. Meanwhile, our closets are full, and the mere thought of putting them in order makes us shiver, and all this collects dust for years, taking away our energy (it’s not for nothing that Feng Shui experts advise getting rid of things that we don’t use for one year ).

Don't like throwing things away? No problem: sell them on Avito, there will always be a buyer there who just needs a hairdryer that is lying idle. Or use the "Dump" service. A team of movers will remove and sell all the junk you don’t need for free, and the service administration will give you a bonus. In addition, part of the proceeds from the sale of your items will go to a charitable foundation. What's not a plus for karma? And in your personal space there will be room for new things and energy.

3. Organize storage correctly

If your clothes regularly end up piled on the back of a chair instead of hanging on hangers in your closet, it's time to reconsider your storage system. Maybe traditional closets just aren't for you: sell yours and make room for a couple of clothes rails or modular storage systems like those found at IKEA. Cheap, convenient and multifunctional!

4. Find out how to clean your house once and for all

If you haven’t heard of the KonMari system yet, and clutter is a common state of your home, it’s time to read Marie Kondo’s acclaimed book “The Magic of Tidying Up” or at least. Marie is the world's most sought-after tidying consultant and the creator of a revolutionary method that will help you clean once and forget about it forever.

In addition, the author of the book promises that along with order in the house, you will also bring order in your head. Many of Marie’s clients radically changed their lives after her training: they quit their boring jobs, opened their own business and started doing exactly what they had dreamed of since childhood.

1. Control the number of things. Don't bring flyers into your home that end up in your mailbox, avoid duplicates (don't buy a third comb and tenth mug if you realize that the ones you already have are enough for you), don't buy containers until you know exactly what you will store them in them. Before you buy a new sofa, think about where you will put the old one.

2. Involve the whole family in the cleaning process, Don't put everything on your shoulders. Turn the routine into a game in which everyone in the household will participate. This could be a competition for speed, or for earning magical “points” that they can then spend on something nice. The only limitation here is your imagination.

3. Create kits: put everything that will help solve a specific problem in transparent boxes. Store all creams and sponges in the shoe care box, and pliers, screwdrivers, glue, etc. in the repair box. This will speed up the search for what you need and reduce clutter in your closets.

Each of us has friends whose homes are in perfect order. How do they do this?

How to keep your apartment clean

We don’t take into account those maniacs who are married to a mop and a vacuum cleaner and whose right arm biceps are flexed from washing windows every day. Let's talk about people who manage to maintain cleanliness easily and even naturally. How's that? What secret do these people know?

There are a few tricks and daily habits that keep your home clean almost all the time. They are quite simple and there are only five of them.

Secrets of a clean home


The number one secret to an organized space: less stuff. The best order is the absence of things that need to be organized. The first step you can take right now is to throw away all the receipts, receipts, and scraps of notes that you carry in your purse or pockets. Don’t flatter yourself, you won’t take them into account and manage your family budget. Don't store it like that.


The house can be perfectly dusted, but you won’t notice it if the toys are scattered on the floor, the dishes in the kitchen are, although clean, but out of order, and the clothes are scattered on the sofas.

The opposite is also true: when all things are in their place and lie neatly, you will not be bothered by the feeling of disorder. Even if there is a little dust hidden somewhere.


You don't have to wait until your house looks like a hippie camp after a concert. You don't need to gather your strength for spring cleaning. Just small daily habits, such as making your bed immediately in the morning, putting clothes away from the dryer in the chest of drawers, laying out pillows on the sofa or hanging clothes in the closet immediately upon arriving home, will transform your home. The same toilet that no one likes to wash can be doused with toilet duck once a week and run over it with a brush. Seat? Disposable alcohol wipes can help you.


How to keep your apartment clean and tidy? Wash the dishes immediately after eating, sweep the table, wipe the stove immediately after cooking, and the mirror in the bathroom after washing and, oops, there’s simply no room left for general cleaning. Should you wipe down the baseboard once a week? Is this really cleaning?


Paradoxical advice, isn't it? Not all things can be organized at once. Get yourself a box into which you will throw unnecessary things in order to sort through them later. And make this “later” a weekly thing. They checked it, laid it out, threw it away, washed it.

By completing just five of these steps, you will save yourself from the need to put off spring cleaning. It simply won't be needed.

If something has been sitting on a shelf untouched for a month/year/ten years and has never been used, throw it in the trash. If it seems to you that you have everything in order, impartially examine the mezzanine, balcony and area under the bed - you will definitely find the inkjet printer on which you printed your thesis, or a set of souvenir matches from your first foreign vacation. Throw them away and the next morning you won't even remember you had them. As for clothes, make it a rule when buying a new item to get rid of one old one - this way there will always be the same number of things in the closet, for example 50.

Apply the theory of small things

Place a vodka sprayer next to the toilet and wipe the seat according to your mood. Wash off any toothpaste foam as soon as it drips onto the edge of the sink. Wipe down the table immediately after breakfast. Clean up outerwear in the closet after coming home. Wash your shoes as soon as you enter the house after walking in the mud. Place and put things back in their place. Don't forget to unload washing machine after washing (or better yet, wash in small portions so that fussing with the laundry does not take more than 15 minutes). Dust large surfaces every couple of days. All this will save time during spring cleaning and leave more time for more enjoyable activities.

Change all rags to disposable ones and buy microfiber

Replace the ever-wet and stinking table rag, the rag you use to wipe dust, and the shoe clump that has lost all appearance with a pack of disposable penny rag napkins or - even better - paper towels. It's more hygienic, prettier, and ultimately more effective: you don't have to wash the rag before you use it to wipe anything. And leading the disposable squad should be a cool microfiber - it leaves no marks and is as versatile as possible.

Firstly, it’s convenient: you don’t have to fly around the whole apartment looking for some brush or lipstick. Secondly, it helps to assess at a glance how many things of the same type you have and, if necessary, get rid of unnecessary ones.

Learn to fold clothes

There are a million and one ways to stack things in piles and rolls. Many of them were not invented in vain: for example, they speed up the process, save space, and make it easier to find the right thing. Just spend 10 minutes studying the tutorials, and your life will never be the same.

Get rid of unnecessary surfaces

Take a critical look at your apartment: has any of the furniture turned into a trash bin? Left with school years a sofa, a former canary’s cage, a squeaky chair in need of repair with springs sticking out of it, you definitely don’t need it anymore, and if this thing has spontaneously created a warehouse of smaller things, that’s +100 points in favor of getting rid of it.

Use caustic food

The vodka left after guests leave is a multifunctional thing. Besides the obvious, it is an antiseptic and a budget alternative to window cleaners. And aqueous solution apple cider vinegar will also replace a pile of cleaning products. You can use it to remove grease from kitchen appliances, wash the hob and tiles in the bathroom. A bowl of this infernal solution, microwaved at maximum power for 30 seconds, will turn washing it from a task for half an hour into a five-minute waving of a rag. Vinegar will help remove lost cat hair - to do this, add a little to the water for washing the floor. Bonus tip: To remove limescale from your shower head, attach a bag filled with vinegar to it and let it soak thoroughly.

Use things for other purposes

You can remove the ubiquitous cat and dog hair from your carpet with a rubber glass scraper. The obvious disadvantage of this method is the need to almost crawl around the room on all fours. Activated carbon in the refrigerator will help get rid of unpleasant odors, and toy brooms for cats double as useful pipidastras (that is, tools for brushing off dust). Plus, a drop of antistatic applied to household appliances from the dustiest side will help repel all kinds of fine dirt that constantly sticks there.

Distance yourself from certain processes

There are things that do not require your participation. For example, washing the toilet: pouring cleaning agent into it and going about your business is not a sin, but an example of effective time management. The same applies to all processes that involve waiting. The hob can easily get wet without your participation, delicate clothes that you washed by hand can be rinsed under a strong stream of cold water, and a robot vacuum cleaner can run around the apartment while you work. Enjoy being idle while you can.

28.02.2015 | 2660

For cleanliness in your home to become the norm, all you need to do is change your habits a little.

Sometimes it seems that crystal cleanliness and perfect order in the apartment are unthinkable without the colossal efforts spent on cleaning. And it’s even better if someone else spends this effort: Mr. Proper or a housekeeper, for example. But it was not there! To ensure that your home is always clean and uninvited guests do not cause panic, it is enough to adopt these nine healthy habits.

1. They don't throw clothes around

Of course, returning home after a difficult working day and a fun evening, sometimes you just want to take off your clothes, throw them in the middle of the bedroom and fall into a deep sleep, cuddling up to your favorite pillow. This desire is understandable and familiar to many.

But people who are used to keeping the house clean force themselves to spend an extra minute throwing dirty clothes into the washing machine and hanging the rest back in the closet. And, imagine, in the morning they don’t have to get ready for work, stumbling over mountains of skirts, jeans, sweaters and tights, and their apartment doesn’t look like a second-hand sorting station.

2. They don't save in reserve.

I remember I saw one Khrushchev building, where an entire room was devoted to things bought in short supply. In reserve, of course. Perhaps the children will find it useful. But the children grew up and had children of their own, and the extra lacquered sideboard, sofa bed, twenty-two sets of aluminum forks and thirty-three tea sets were of no use to either of them. And the cart, or rather a heap of rubbish, is still there - it continues to occupy the whole room. An unaffordable luxury (especially considering that many of us live in one-room apartments).

If you are not inspired by Plyushkin’s example, train yourself not to buy things that you already have, and audit your existing inventory. Without hesitation, get rid of everything you no longer need: give it to family and friends, sell it, throw it away.

3. They don't collect waste paper.

Keeping all receipts for payment of utility bills and loans is a useful and commendable habit. But why store at home all the free newspapers that are thrown into your mailbox, and the advertising brochures that were handed to you in a subway crossing? Do not accumulate waste paper - leave only important receipts and documents. The rest is out!

4. They wipe the table after themselves.

Have you had breakfast? Be so kind as to immediately wipe the table after yourself, even if you just put a plate on it and didn’t make a mess at all. The same goes for any work surfaces touched by your dirty cup, spoon, cutting board or jam jar. Believe me, stubborn stains are not the best decoration for your home.

5. They don't turn your bed into storage.

Undoubtedly, a bed, tastefully decorated with beautiful pillows and blankets, is a pleasant accent in the bedroom interior. But let's not store several unread books, an unfinished cup of coffee, a tablet, a smartphone, a laptop and a dozen other cute little things there. It looks sloppy and clutters the room.

6. They remove shoes from the aisle.

The hallway is the first impression that guests receive from your home. Make it a rule to always remove shoes from the aisle and store them in a specially equipped place: on a rack, in a bedside table, etc.

7. They wash their own dishes

I don’t know about you, but to me a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink seems like the worst crime in front of kitchen No. 2. And No. 1 was a dead cockroach on an unwashed stove, which I once saw in a bachelor’s den.

An irrefutable fact: it is much easier to spend 5 minutes after each meal washing several plates and mugs than to spend half an evening trying to wash the entire home arsenal of dishes from dried grease.

8. They put things in their place

I know it sounds like the phrase your mother repeated to you throughout your childhood: “Put everything in its place!” But it works, doesn’t it? If every time you put a disc on the shelf with discs, a book in the cabinet, and sour cream in the refrigerator, you will never have to look for sour cream in the cabinet, discs in the refrigerator, and books among the discs.

9. They dust and vacuum regularly.

I'm not suggesting that you turn into a manic housewife who lives in sterile conditions. But dusting cabinets and vacuuming carpets once a week isn't that difficult. But what an instant result!

And most importantly, remember that a clean house is one where people do not litter, and not one where they are constantly cleaning.

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