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What to do in case of a stroke first. Providing first aid for a stroke. What is a stroke

Stroke is characterized by an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. In Russia, this disease is diagnosed in more than half a million people. A third of all patients cannot be saved. The outcome of the disease largely depends on how first aid is provided for a stroke.

If the patient is correctly, qualified and promptly delivered to a medical facility, the likelihood of a favorable outcome will increase by 2 times. But in life, an unexpected stroke can occur at any moment; people nearby who are not versed in medicine get scared and panic. What should you do first before the ambulance arrives? What is first aid?

The most important thing is not to waste time when an attack begins

First aid for a stroke - you don’t have to waste a minute of time. This is the main thing. During a stroke, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, causing brain cells to die. This process is fleeting. Therefore, how quickly an ambulance is provided to a person will depend on his life and how lost functions are restored after a stroke. It is believed that it should be provided within the first 3 hours from the moment the disease begins. Later, processes begin in the brain cells that can no longer be prevented. If blood supply is restored within 6 hours after the onset of the attack, some undead brain cells can still be preserved.

This is why first aid for stroke at home is so important, as soon as you recognize the symptoms of this dangerous disease. And for this you need to know what the first signs of a stroke are, not to get confused and without wasting time to call an ambulance. Only emergency assistance from specialists from a medical institution can help prevent the development of this disease and minimize all its consequences.

What everyone needs to know

How to provide first aid for a stroke? Firstly, recognize the onset of the disease as quickly as possible. The presence of at least one of the following signs may be the onset of a stroke, and you should urgently call an ambulance:

  1. Ask the patient to raise both arms up. If he raises them at different speeds, one arm is higher than the other, then this is one of the signs of a stroke.
  2. If a patient, with his eyes closed, stretches his arms in front of him with his palms up, does it as follows: either the right or left hand seems to go to the side or down, then this is also a symptom of a dangerous disease.
  3. When the tongue sticks out, it will turn to the side or curl.
  4. The functioning of the speech apparatus is disrupted. If you ask to say something and it is said slurred, with poor diction, or the patient cannot say anything at all, then this indicates the onset of a stroke.
  5. When you smile, it will look strange due to the fact that the corners of your lips will be directed upward on one side and downward on the other. This is a very characteristic sign of this disease.

But the condition preceding the stroke is dangerous. It is also necessary to know its signs, since if first aid is not provided in this case, it can lead to the same consequences as with a stroke.

The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • blood pressure has increased or decreased sharply;
  • dizzy;
  • the person has lost sensitivity;
  • he feels sick, vomits, he sweats profusely;
  • severe headache;
  • the patient breathes quickly and the heart begins to beat vigorously;
  • “floaters” appear in the eyes;
  • there is noise in the ears;
  • all objects acquire a reddish tint;
  • blood rushes to the face;
  • speech and vision are impaired.

Providing first aid for a stroke by a person far from medicine comes down to recognizing a stroke at home and calling an ambulance. And the faster this is done, the less consequences there will be.

What does stroke mean?

Stroke and emergency care for it includes the need to know what types of this disease exist. For whatever reason there was a disturbance in blood flow in the brain, stroke is divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic types. The symptoms and what to do first before the ambulance arrives depend on which of these types of stroke is determined. Providing first aid for a stroke largely depends on how the type of disease is correctly determined.

The development of ischemic stroke is associated with blockage of the artery that supplies the brain.

The presence of the following signs characterizes the development of this pathology in a patient:

  • speech is disrupted;
  • arms and legs begin to go numb;
  • dizzy;
  • nausea and vomiting appears;
  • vision problems occur;
  • Strong headache;
  • a convulsive state is observed;
  • a feeling of malaise on the right or left side of the body;
  • weakness;
  • misunderstanding people's speech.

With a hemorrhagic stroke, the artery supplying the brain ruptures. The reason for this is hypertension. First, a person has a severe headache, then nausea appears, and everything around becomes reddish. These are the very first signs of the development of this type of disease. In addition, the person experiences the following symptoms:

  • one side of the body is paralyzed;
  • salivation increases;
  • speech is distorted;
  • a person loses orientation in space;
  • there is a jump in blood pressure;
  • temperature rises;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • the patient may suddenly lose consciousness;
  • breathing becomes loud and hoarse;
  • sweat appears on the forehead;
  • the pulse becomes rare and tense, and in the neck area, on the contrary, strong;
  • movements of the arms and legs are involuntary;
  • eyes are averted to the affected side;
  • the patient feels slight deafness.

Treatment of patients is also different depending on the type of stroke.

Necessary measures for stroke

What to do in case of a stroke before doctors arrive? First aid for a stroke depends on what symptoms the patient has.

For the ischemic type, the following must be observed:

  • the person should lie on a flat surface, with a bolster or pillow under his head;
  • don't bother him;
  • make sure your breathing is even;
  • To prevent the tongue from sticking, place the patient’s head to one side;
  • other than glycine or piracetam, do not give any other drugs;
  • it is necessary to rub the patient’s arms and legs, preferably with a brush with soft bristles;

First aid for hemorrhagic type is as follows:

  • The patient is strictly prohibited from moving. Place him on the bed or, if the attack did not occur at home, directly on the ground, there should be something like a cushion under his head;
  • remove anything that interferes with the flow of oxygen. Loosen your tie, belt;
  • if the patient has dental prosthetics in his mouth, remove them;
  • put the patient's head to the side;
  • if vomiting begins, help get rid of it;
  • Place something cold on the opposite side of the affected side of the body. It is important to know that if you are not sure what type of disease it is, then do not perform this action. It can worsen a person's condition;
  • warm your limbs with a warm blanket to improve blood circulation;
  • in limbs with impaired motor activity, do rubbing before the doctors arrive. In this case, it is advisable to use a mixture of alcohol and oil in a ratio of 1:2, respectively.

The first step in helping with a stroke in both cases will be to call an ambulance.

If a patient's blood flow is disrupted within a few minutes, then his condition normalizes, only a feeling of drowsiness remains, irritability to bright lights and loud sounds, he begins to hear, see, speak poorly, a problem with blood pressure is revealed, and at the same time, when raising his hands, one rises higher than the other, then they talk about a microstroke or a small stroke.

If all the symptoms indicate that the patient has a minor stroke, then first aid for it will be as follows:

  • the initial action is to call a doctor;
  • put the patient down with a couple of pillows under his head;
  • until the ambulance arrives, do not give any medications, especially vasodilators;
  • do everything possible to keep your limbs warm;
  • open the windows to keep the air fresh;
  • help the patient get rid of vomit;
  • in case of loss of consciousness, try to bring him to his senses;
  • remove excess clothing from the patient so that he can breathe easier and nothing interferes with the blood flow;

What should a stroke patient do?

  • tell someone you feel unwell;
  • lie down, there must be either a bolster or a pillow under your head;
  • you cannot drink water or take medications;
  • As a rule, the patient finds himself in such a situation that he is sometimes unable to do anything himself. Therefore, before loss of speech occurs, try to report your illness.

Emergency care for a stroke is to call an ambulance, you can try to do it yourself.

In contact with

The success of stroke treatment depends on the timing of specialized care. Therefore, it is important to determine the possibility of its development at home using typical signs. The most important part of first aid is calling a doctor immediately.

According to statistics, a stroke occurs every two minutes in the world. It is one of the reasons for acquiring permanent disability. It has been proven that early initiation of treatment increases the chances of restoring lost functions and helps prevent the death of the patient. In order to make a diagnosis, a medical examination is required, but anyone can identify the first signs of the disease. To do this, you need to perform a few simple tests. The victim is asked:

  • smile;
  • raise both arms to a horizontal level with your eyes closed, and then above your head;
  • say your name, surname, date, answer the question;
  • stick out tongue.

If the patient’s smile turns out to be crooked, the arms do not rise at the same time, or are shifted to the side, then this may be one of the signs of cerebrovascular accident.

When a focus of ischemia appears in the substance of the brain, coordination of movements is disrupted, so a person cannot raise both hands up, or one is very late, the protruding tongue moves to the side. If the speech centers are affected, then the patient does not understand the speech addressed to him, cannot coherently construct a sentence, or pronounce a complex word.

Stroke on the left, normal on the right

It is important to detect at least one of these signs; the patient will not always have them in full. Also, the possibility of acute cerebral catastrophe is indicated by sudden sudden weakness and blurred vision. These symptoms are nonspecific, but they also confirm the onset of a stroke.

With extensive hemorrhage in the brain, from the first minutes the patient plunges into a comatose state and does not respond to external stimuli.

First aid at home before the ambulance arrives

The patient should be in a horizontal position with the head and shoulder girdle raised, the elevation angle does not exceed 30 degrees. To ensure air access, you need to open the windows completely, put them in for ventilation in cold weather, and cover the victim with a blanket. In case of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to turn the patient on his side and place a bag or basin next to him. All constricting clothing should be removed, the belt should be loosened, and the collar should be completely undone.

If the attack was accompanied by vomiting, then the oral cavity must be cleaned and the dentures removed. Often, increased pressure inside the skull leads to seizures. In this case, a spoon or similar flat object wrapped in cloth is placed between the teeth, and the patient is placed on his side. During convulsions, the head must be supported to prevent injury.

Medical therapy in the first minutes

If a person has not previously taken any pills, or there is no information about his illnesses, then it is strictly forbidden to take any medications, they can lead to irreparable consequences.

You can’t rely on the patient’s words; if the brain’s functioning is disrupted, he perceives his condition inadequately.

The only drug that can improve the prognosis for ischemic stroke is Glycine.

This amino acid in a dose of 1 g, which is 10 tablets, is absorbed or placed in crushed form behind the cheek. A dose taken in the first three hours can slow down the development of necrosis of brain tissue. It is also recommended to place an ice pack on the head or a frozen object on the side opposite the affected limbs.

What is prohibited during a stroke

This disease is characterized by a rapid increase in signs of destruction of brain tissue. The maximum effectiveness of medical care is found during a period called the therapeutic window. It lasts from 3 to 6 hours from the onset of a stroke, so even if the manifestations of circulatory disorders weaken, or the patient’s condition is stable, this does not mean that he does not need urgent hospitalization.

While the patient and the person providing assistance are waiting for the doctor to arrive, it is prohibited:

  • give food and nourishment to the sick;
  • use sedatives or heart medications, Nitroglycerin is especially dangerous;
  • attempt to restore consciousness using ammonia solution or similar means;
  • leaving the patient alone or delaying calling an ambulance;
  • help the patient get back on his feet.

It should be borne in mind that in some cases, the clinical manifestations of stroke are not clearly expressed in the first hours of the disease, and a delay in providing specialized care can lead to irreversible changes in the brain. Self-medication in this situation is life-threatening.

First aid for the development of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke is aimed at providing the patient with physical and mental peace and eliminating obstacles to breathing. The main rule when identifying signs of cerebrovascular accident is to call specialists as early as possible and hospitalize the victim in a hospital.

A stroke can be suspected by disturbances in facial expressions and speech, weakness in the limbs due to headache, or severe weakness. Taking medications without prior medical advice can be dangerous.

Useful video

Watch the video about first aid for a stroke:

Read also

The main precursors of a stroke are quite pronounced. They differ in ischemic and hemorrhagic brains. It is important to notice the first signs in women and men in order to get help sooner.

  • Ischemic stroke occurs due to various disorders, the reasons lie in an incorrect lifestyle. Symptoms depend on the type of lesion - left, right hemisphere, frontal lobe. There are several degrees, and there are also lacunar and extensive. A dangerous consequence is cerebral edema.
  • Ischemic stroke occurs quite often in the elderly. The consequences after 55 years are extremely severe, recovery is difficult and not always successful, and the prognosis is not so optimistic. Brain stroke becomes more complicated in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
  • A real threat to life is a brainstem stroke. It can be hemorrhagic or ischemic. The symptoms resemble a heart attack and are also similar to other diseases. Treatment for a long-term, complete recovery after a brain stem stroke is almost impossible.
  • A rather dangerous hemorrhagic stroke can develop even from heat stroke. The reasons for the extensive left hemisphere lie in stable arterial hypertension. Coma can happen instantly, with increasing symptoms. Treatment may not be effective.

  • A stroke is an acute disturbance of blood circulation in the brain. This is one of the serious diseases that can lead to death or disability. It is extremely rare for a person to feel great after a stroke. As a rule, it is customary to distinguish two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic, the treatment methods of which are different from each other.

    What causes a stroke and how to recognize it?

    A disease such as stroke is more common in older people and can be caused by various factors. The main reasons for its development are the following:

    How to identify the first symptoms of a stroke?

    Any person should know what to do when the first symptoms of a stroke appear, since different situations happen in life and sometimes help must be provided to a sick person immediately. But, first of all, you need to understand that the patient has a stroke, and not another disease, for this you need to perform the following steps:

    It is worth noting that the help of a doctor is especially important in the first 40-60 minutes after the first signs of a stroke appear.

    Therefore, you need to immediately call a doctor, and, if possible, take the patient to a specialized department of the hospital.

    In addition, the disease has special precursors, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish a pathology such as a stroke from a number of others. The first signs of the disease include the following conditions:

    What should you do and what shouldn't you do?

    Further treatment depends on what type of stroke a person has. Before starting first aid measures at home, you need to call a doctor and the dispatcher describe in as much detail as possible the patient’s condition and what is happening to him. If he gives any recommendations according to first aid, they must be followed.

    If we are talking about ischemic stroke, then you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    But, as mentioned above, there is a big difference between the two types of stroke, which concerns not only first aid methods, but also the manifestation of the disease itself.

    In order to alleviate the patient’s condition during a hemorrhagic stroke, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

    Often, with a disease such as a stroke, the patient refuses to provide first aid and see a doctor, because he believes that the disease will soon pass and his condition will improve. In this case, you cannot listen to him, since it is worth remembering that his brain function is impaired.

    If the patient's heart has stopped, it is necessary to perform artificial respiration or chest compressions.

    It is advisable not to move the person who has had an attack, but to leave him where everything happened, if nothing in this place threatens his life.

    So, if a person has a stroke on the road, of course, he needs to be moved to a safer place, without making it difficult for cars to pass.

    What to do before the ambulance arrives?

    It was described above what measures can be taken at home before the ambulance arrives if you know what type of stroke the patient has. But sometimes there are cases when it is not possible to identify what type of disease a person has, and therefore any wrong actions can only harm a person’s health. That is why doctors have developed a set of measures to provide first aid at home in the event that it is not clear what type of stroke we are talking about:

    It is necessary to measure blood pressure at home before the ambulance arrives and record the time at which the measurement was taken; this data must be reported to the arriving doctor. You also need to remember at what time the person had a stroke. Based on this data, the doctor will select treatment. After the ambulance arrives, a person who witnessed the stroke should go with the patient to the hospital.

    It also happens that when helping a person who has lost consciousness, the Chinese method is used. It consists of pricking each finger of the hand with a needle, thereby causing capillary bleeding and bringing the patient to consciousness. Before performing such actions, you need to thoroughly sterilize the needle and treat it under fire.

    The Chinese also use another method for stroke, which is effective for curvature of the mouth. You need to rub your earlobes until they turn red, and then prick them several times. Such manipulations will bring the patient to his senses and make the line of the mouth straight. It is worth noting that these methods are not highly valued by Russian medicine, as they can cause shock in the patient.

    What not to do?

    The person who will provide first aid must behave calmly and deliberately. Very often, people, due to their inexperience, trying to help the patient, only make things worse, aggravating his health condition. During a stroke, you should not do the following:

    The first thing to do if there are signs of a stroke is to call an ambulance and try to improve the patient’s condition before it arrives. If you yourself don’t know what to do, you can ask the doctor how you can help the patient when placing a call.

    It is worth remembering that first aid for a stroke is a necessary measure, provided that it is performed correctly. After all, thanks to timely assistance, the progression of an acute life-threatening condition can be stopped.

    Among all critical conditions, stroke occupies a special place. This disease, like myocardial infarction, often develops suddenly and in most cases requires emergency care. Today, step-by-step action algorithms have been developed that can maximize the patient’s chances of survival.

    Stroke is a lesion of brain tissue that is often described as a “brain attack.” Part of the brain tissue is deprived of the oxygen and blood supply it needs to perform its functions. The pathology occurs because the blood vessel delivering blood to a certain part of the brain is blocked by a thrombotic clot or other foreign formation.

    The definition of “stroke” (Latin insultus “pounce, attack, blow”) comes from the outdated name “apoplexy” (ancient Greek ἀποπληξία “paralysis”).
    According to

    The disease is generally very acute, and the longer the ischemia of brain tissue develops, the more pronounced the brain damage and the more severe the complications can be. But there is a step-by-step algorithm of actions, according to which first aid is provided to a stroke patient. Its proper implementation allows a person to get to the hospital on time to receive the necessary treatment.

    Video: Stroke || First aid for stroke

    3 steps to take if you have a stroke

    Anyone can be near a person who has had a stroke. In such cases, it is extremely important to react correctly and perform certain actions, which are actually first aid.

    1. You need to call an ambulance immediately

    If you happen to be near a person who is having a stroke, you need to act quickly and first call an ambulance. The most difficult thing is to correctly identify the symptoms of a stroke, which are given below.

    2. It is important to record the time when you first saw signs of a “brain attack”

    In some cases, this is extremely important because to effectively prevent the effects of a stroke, a blood thinner called tPA, or tissue plasminogen activator, must be administered within 4.5 hours of the first symptoms. The remedy can be provided to anyone experiencing a stroke. With its help, the course of the disease significantly changes, and in some cases, the manifestations of stroke are completely eliminated.

    Patients may be candidates for more advanced treatments such as endovascular treatment. This surgical method involves removing the clot that has blocked the vessel and caused the development of a stroke.

    If necessary, the aneurysm, which is a swollen blood vessel that ruptures and causes pressure in the brain, is secured. Endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, should be performed within 24 hours of onset. It is important to know that earlier treatment improves outcome, so time is of the essence.

    3. Perform CPR if necessary

    Most stroke patients do not require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). But if a person is unconscious, it is important to first check the pulse and breathing. If physiological parameters are not determined, you need to contact an ambulance and start doing CPR.

    People who are far from providing first aid can be helped in performing CPR by a dispatcher who will explain the basic algorithm of actions.

    3 things you shouldn't do if you have a stroke

    There are certain nuances of the course of the disease, according to which it is better not to perform a number of actions. This will improve the prognosis for the disease and prevent the development of undesirable consequences.

    If your neighbor has a stroke, you shouldn't let him fall asleep

    In such situations, patients often complain of a sudden feeling of drowsiness, especially when the stroke occurs for the first time.

    It happens that when symptoms appear, the patient, instead of going to an ambulance, goes to bed for several hours because he feels very tired. Only after such a “rest” do they come to the hospital. But with a stroke, every minute counts. The medication that doctors could give to a stroke survivor is strictly time dependent. Therefore, you should never go to bed to call your primary care doctor in a day or two. Instead, the patient, alone or with assistance, should immediately go to the nearest hospital.

    Patients suspected of having a stroke should not be given medications, food or drinks

    There are two types of strokes:

    1. A hemorrhagic stroke caused by a ruptured blood vessel.
    2. Ischemic stroke caused by blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot.

    80% of strokes are ischemic, but if the person is in the remaining 20% ​​and the stroke is due to a ruptured blood vessel in the head, do not offer any medications, including aspirin.

    Without an examination, it is impossible to say exactly what type of stroke a person has suffered. Therefore, it is necessary that he be taken to the emergency room where a CT scan of the brain will be performed.

    To avoid causing more time than benefit, do not give any medicine to a person who is suspected of having a stroke.

    Drive if you suspect you have a stroke

    In some cases, the ambulance team cannot arrive to the call. In such cases, if a stroke victim has his own car, it is better not to drive. It is imperative to find someone who can take you to the hospital. It is also desirable that when calling an ambulance, a special ambulance is provided, in which medical workers will be able to provide the victim with all the necessary medical care permissible at this stage of exposure.

    Main signs of stroke

    A clear definition of the symptoms of a “brainstroke” will allow you to react correctly and in a timely manner. Today, approved FAST control is in effect.

    Historical reference
    FAST was developed in the UK in 1998 by a group of stroke doctors, ambulance staff and emergency physicians. The development was an integral part of a training project for ambulance officers. FAST was created to accelerate intravenous administration of tissue plasminogen activator to patients within 3 hours of the onset of acute stroke.

    FAST is an acronym used as a mnemonic to help detect and improve response to the needs of a person suspected of having a stroke. The abbreviation means:

    • Face - “lowering of the face”
    • Arm - “weakness of the hand”
    • Speech - “speech difficulties”
    • Time - “time” for calling emergency services.

    Facial drooping is when an area of ​​the face, usually only on one side, is drooping and difficult to move. In some cases, this is very similar to a crooked smile.

    Arm weakness - the patient loses the ability to raise the arm completely.

    Speech problems - defined as inability or difficulty understanding speech or pronouncing words and small sentences.

    Time - if any of the above symptoms are more or less pronounced, the countdown of time begins. You need to contact emergency services or take the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible.

    Additional symptoms:

    • Blurred, unclear, or double vision in one or both eyes.
    • Difficulty speaking, interruption of speech and confusion.
    • Difficulty walking and balancing.
    • Sudden severe headache with vomiting or severe nausea.

    However, quite often the blows are painless, which may surprise the average person. If there is a risk of developing the disease, you need to know the principles of first aid for stroke, which were given above.

    Risk factors and prevention of stroke

    Many of the risk factors are related to poor lifestyle choices. Some of them include:

    • Obesity.
    • Stress.
    • Passive lifestyle.
    • Chronic alcoholism.
    • Use of drugs such as cocaine.
    • Uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterolemia.
    • Smoking, including passive smoking.
    • Sleep disturbance such as obstructive sleep apnea.
    • Cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia.

    Lifestyle changes can help prevent stroke. Depending on the number and severity of risk factors, your doctor or cardiologist may recommend medications to prevent stroke, if necessary.

    Depending on the area of ​​the brain affected, the severity, and the time interval between the stroke and emergency care, the disease can lead to temporary or permanent disability. Therefore, rehabilitation after stroke is required for optimal recovery. Programs in this area include the participation of specialists and rehabilitation therapists with an emphasis on:

    • Restoring strength.
    • Restoring functions such as speech, vision, balance, breathing, etc.

    It is very important to provide first aid to a person in case of a stroke. It is necessary to prevent the development of irreversible processes in the brain. To do this, first aid should be provided within the first 3 hours. In this case, there is a chance that the outcome of the current situation will be favorable. Below you will find instructions on what to do if you have a stroke.

    How to identify a stroke

    Under such a medical concept as a stroke, there is a violation of brain function that is fleeting in nature. The cause of this failure is a violation of the blood supply due to ischemia, blockage of blood vessels, or the presence of blood clots or atherosclerotic plaques. The result of a stroke is the death of brain cells. The affected area cannot function normally, so one side of the person's body may become paralyzed. Before providing first aid for a stroke, it is necessary to determine the type of this condition based on its characteristic signs.

    Pre-stroke condition

    Not only a stroke is dangerous, but also the condition that precedes it. The lack of first aid, even in this case, often entails consequences that lead to the same health problems. Signs of a pre-stroke condition are:

    • Strong headache;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • dizziness;
    • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
    • sensations of tinnitus;
    • blurred vision;
    • flickering “flies” in the eyes;
    • strong heartbeat and rapid breathing;
    • the appearance of a “crooked” smile;
    • strong rush of blood to the face;
    • speech disorder;
    • numbness in an arm or leg;
    • surrounding objects appear reddish.

    Symptoms of stroke in humans

    First aid for a stroke depends on its type. This disease may be:

    1. Ischemic. It is observed in 75% of cases and is also called cerebral infarction. The cause is an obstruction in the passage of blood through the arteries due to narrowing of the walls or blockage. After this stroke, paralysis is observed that is difficult to treat.
    2. Hemorrhagic. It is a cerebral hemorrhage. Occurs when a blood vessel ruptures. The cause is often physical or emotional fatigue.

    The symptoms indicating each of the 2 types of stroke are different. Signs of ischemic disease increase gradually and may even appear within a few days. At the same time, a person consistently begins to feel:

    • dizziness;
    • weakness and malaise on one side of the body;
    • attacks of headache;
    • blurred vision;
    • speech disorder;
    • convulsions;
    • gradual numbness of the limbs;
    • clouding of mind;
    • nausea and vomiting.

    Otherwise, a hemorrhagic stroke manifests itself. It appears suddenly due to rupture of the walls of the vessel under high pressure on them. Often the patient begins to feel a headache at the end of the day, which is accompanied by nausea. Then all surrounding objects begin to appear reddish. In addition to these very first symptoms of a stroke, a person may experience:

    • loss of orientation;
    • speech distortion;
    • rare and tense pulse;
    • increased salivation;
    • a sharp increase in temperature and pressure;
    • the appearance of sweat on the forehead;
    • state of slight stunned state;
    • sudden loss of consciousness;
    • loud breathing with wheezing;
    • vomit;
    • paralysis on one side of the body;
    • involuntary movement of healthy limbs;
    • strong pulse in the neck;
    • deviation of the eyes towards the affected side.

    First aid

    In areas of the brain where there is no blood flow, neurons die in just 10 minutes. If the blood supply is less than 30%, then this time increases to 1 hour. If the percentage is between 30 and 40%, then neurons can still be restored in 3-6 hours. For this reason, first aid for a stroke should be provided no later than 3 hours from the onset of this condition. Otherwise, irreversible changes in the brain cannot be avoided.

    Doctors still increase the so-called therapeutic window for first aid to 4.5 hours. This is the maximum period a person can go without thrombolytic therapy. Within 6 hours, there are still those cells among those killed by ischemia that can be restored, provided that normal blood supply is returned to them. Even under this condition, first aid for acute heart failure and stroke still requires provision no later than 3 hours.

    A separate and effective method of first aid in case of stroke is bloodletting. The procedure involves punctures on the fingers. When the patient has a curvature of the mouth, you can do the same on the earlobes, after first massaging them until they turn red. You can do this after basic first aid measures, especially if the victim does not regain consciousness. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • disinfect the needle with fire by holding it over the flame;
    • make 10 punctures at the tips of the pads around the victim’s fingernails;
    • squeeze your finger if blood has not yet flowed;
    • wait until blood flows from all fingers - the patient should wake up.

    What to do if you have a mini-stroke

    Officially, there is no such medical term as microstroke. This concept refers to a condition when cerebral circulation is disrupted. More often it appears for only a few minutes and goes away on its own during the day. In addition to dizziness, headache, nausea and general weakness, a microstroke manifests itself with other signs:

    • sensitivity to loud sound and bright light;
    • decreased visual acuity;
    • hearing or speech impairment;
    • blood pressure problems;
    • drowsiness.

    You can simply check a person for a minor stroke by asking him to raise his hands: one of them will be lower than the other. If you have such symptoms, be sure to call an ambulance and provide emergency assistance according to the following algorithm:

    1. Lay the person down on the bed with several pillows under their head.
    2. Keep your neck free of excess clothing or accessories to ensure normal breathing and circulation.
    3. Open windows for air flow.
    4. Do not give the person any medications, especially vasodilators.
    5. Keep the victim's feet warm with a heating pad and blanket.
    6. Constantly revive the person if he loses consciousness.
    7. If vomiting occurs, clean the oral cavity from the released masses.

    For ischemic stroke

    First of all, immediately call the neurological ambulance team, informing them that you suspect a stroke. Then focus completely on the victim, doing the following:

    1. Lay the patient down so that the head and shoulders are elevated. The angle should be about 30 degrees.
    2. Using cotton wool soaked in wine vinegar or ammonia, bring the patient to consciousness.
    3. Do not let the patient's tongue sink - constantly monitor breathing.
    4. Limit any medications other than glycine or piracetam.
    5. Spray the person's face and neck with cold water every half hour.
    6. Use a soft brush or towel to rub the victim's limbs and body.
    7. Keep the person's feet warm by applying a heating pad and covering them with a blanket.

    Hemorrhagic stroke

    First aid for a hemorrhagic stroke is carried out using almost the same technique as for an ischemic stroke, but it also has its own nuances. It is important to provide it very quickly, because this type of disease is characterized by rapid development, as a result of which there is a high risk of life-threatening consequences and even death. For this reason, first aid measures for stroke must be urgent. Do them in the following order:

    1. Place the patient on the bed, floor or ground with the shoulders and head elevated.
    2. Provide the victim with rest and complete immobilization.
    3. Remove or loosen all constrictive clothing so that breathing is not obstructed.
    4. If you have dentures in your mouth, remove them.
    5. Tilt your head slightly to one side.
    6. Clean vomit from your mouth using a natural cloth, such as gauze.
    7. Apply any cold product to the side of the head that is not numb.
    8. Keep the victim's feet warm.
    9. Rub your limbs with a mixture of 1 part alcohol and 2 parts oil.


    You should call an ambulance at the first sign of a stroke. Upon arrival, doctors carry out a set of measures aimed at restoring or maintaining respiratory and cardiac activity. Emergency care for a stroke is also provided with medications. Today, 1% Semax has become more often used in medical practice, which is included in the packing of the ambulance crew. In addition to this medicine in the form of drops, a stroke victim can be administered drugs intravenously, for example, Cerebrolysin and Nootropil. After this, the patient is hospitalized.

    Video: how to help with a stroke

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