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Congratulations on the day of road transport workers. Official congratulations on the Day of the Road Transport Worker Motorist Day in the year congratulations cards

In the series of autumn holidays, in addition to , there are also bright professional ones. So, everyone who works as a driver professionally and also has a driver’s license celebrates Motorist Day. Therefore, the editors of I WANT have traditionally prepared congratulations on Motorist Day, which will make this holiday even brighter.

October 28 is Motorist Day 2018. Motorist Day in Ukraine received the official status of a national public holiday in 1993. Then the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk signed a corresponding decree. Therefore, to congratulate those involved in the holiday, In our selection, look for funny congratulations on Driver's Day.

Let us note that Motorist Day is a professional holiday not only for drivers, but also for repair workers, engineering and technical workers, managers of motor transport enterprises and everyone who works fulfilling their professional duty. It would also not be superfluous to congratulate those who have a license, driving skills and cars. Next, write down cool congratulations on Driver’s Day in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Congratulations on Driver's Day 2018

We bring to your attention congratulations on Driver's Day to the man. We are sure that your man will appreciate the most touching and tender words on his professional holiday.

Congratulations to motorists -
Everyone who is on the road and steering wheel.
And we wish the route easy, clean
And good luck, good luck in fate!

Let the traffic lights burn green,
Let no holes block the path.
And let the road lead to home,
So as not to get lost, do not turn around.

Follow the traffic rules
Respect everyone on your journey.
Let endurance and an angel help
Avoid traffic accidents in life!

The road is smooth - without bends,
The weather is clear - no rain.
So that the traffic police do not slow down.
And faithful, devoted friends!

So that you can look forward to it at home,
So that there are no traffic jams around,
To be in a great mood
You were driving, my friend!

For those who spend their lives on the road,
May it always be easy.
Let it burn in the sky
Their guiding star.

Let the fogs pass over them,
Drifts, downpours and rains,
Let them not encounter holes,
There will be no traffic jams on the way.

Let the journey continue to the sounds of songs,
And not under the grinding of brakes.
Let the route be interesting.
Without rods, without nails, pillars!

Steering wheel, four wheels,
Mirrors and headlights eyes,
The hum of the engine, two pedals,
We just saw you
Being a driver is great
Both useful and pleasant,
Be the master
Smell like she does, gasoline
Congratulations to everyone who is in the subject,
motor transport system,
Let the green light burn
Zhezlov, there are no holes in the road,
Drive slow and fast
Happy motorist day, friends!

I wish you neither rod nor nail,
No potholes, no accidents.
Let "green" always shine for you,
Let there always be a place for parking.

Let Schumacher turn gray with envy,
On the road the sky will be clear and clear,
Only a fresh wind blows in your face,
Especially on Motorist Day!

Congratulations on Motorist Day in prose

You can also congratulate the professional holiday Driver’s Day in prose. Read congratulations on Motorist Day in prose to say a beautiful toast at the festive table or congratulate in your own words in a postcard.

Our dear and beloved, respected and beloved driver! Congratulations on your professional holiday - Motorist Day! We wish you a smooth and clean route, excellent health, great mood on the road, the purest gasoline and not a single inspector on the way! Good weather and clear days, pleasant travel companions and prosperity!

Driver's Day: pictures and cards

Also see our selection, where there are pictures for Driver’s Day 2017 in any color. They can be sent on social networks and thus congratulated on the professional holiday Driver’s Day.

Congratulations on the Day of Road Transport WorkersOctober 25, 2014

Dear road transport workers!

Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Road transport today is a connecting link between many industries and regions; the economic potential of the entire country depends on its condition. Therefore, the issues of developing the road network and ensuring traffic safety are of particular relevance and require coordinated work of all levels of government.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without road transport. But we don’t even think about how hard the work is for professional drivers, those who deliver cargo, who ensure the smooth operation of enterprises, and who work on passenger transport. Well-functioning operation of motor transport is one of the components of the smooth functioning of the entire national economy of the country.

Road Transport Workers Day is a holiday of drivers, workers, engineers and employees, managers of motor transport and passenger automobile enterprises, industrial scientists and teachers of educational institutions. In solving all the problems facing the industry, the experience of veterans of automobile and passenger transport who have given the best years of their lives to their favorite profession is invaluable. Head of the Lensky District Municipal District Sergei VYSOKIKH.

Dear workers of motor transport enterprises, dear motorists!

On behalf of the District Council of Deputies and myself personally, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Road Transport Workers Day.

Motorist Day is a professional holiday for road transport workers, which is celebrated annually in the Russian Federation. This is a holiday not only for drivers, but also for all those who, due to their activities, are somehow connected with cars - repairmen, engineers, managers of motor transport enterprises. Modern life cannot be imagined without cars. Without them, the transportation of passengers and cargo, the development of all spheres of life and our Lensky district is impossible.

Thanks to road transport, humanity has a lot of opportunities. Each of us is well aware of how significant the role of road transport is in modern life, and especially in living conditions in our northern region, when a car is sometimes the only means of transportation through difficult forest routes. Our special gratitude and recognition goes to those who are on duty behind the wheel every day, having chosen the profession of driver as their life’s work.

Motor transport is the most important link in the economy - it ensures the activities of any developed society. Today, road transport workers face a number of important tasks: further improving road transport, ensuring their safety, expanding the range and improving the quality of transport services provided.

The driver's profession has been and remains one of the most widespread. On the eve of this professional holiday, I would like to thank all representatives of this industry for their dedication to their work, high professionalism, and responsible attitude to work. Special thanks go to veterans for their years of fruitful work and their enormous contribution to the development of the transport system of our region.

Thank you for your loyalty to the profession, for your endurance and patience! With all our hearts we wish you accident-free traffic on the roads, safe roads, mutual courtesy, reliable cars and green traffic lights! Health and prosperity to everyone! Chairman of the District Council of Deputies of the Lensky District Municipal District Marina BALAGUROVA.

Dear Lena residents – veterans and road transport workers!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Motorist Day!

For us, Lena residents, this holiday has long become one of the city’s favorite holidays. In Lensk, every family has both professional drivers and car enthusiasts.

Delivery of cargo to the northern regions of our republic is the main task of professional Lensk drivers. It is difficult to overestimate the work of our motorists for the development of the economy and social sphere of our city, region and the republic as a whole.

Road transport is a constant movement, but the car is always driven by a person. Every day Lena drivers deliver hundreds of tons of cargo to the right addresses, solve the problem of passenger transportation, ensure the operation of enterprises, road construction, trade and construction organizations, medical, educational, fire departments and many other institutions.

This year, the oldest enterprise in Lensk, LATP-2 PU Almazdortrans, is celebrating its anniversary. I express special gratitude to all employees and veterans of this enterprise for their responsibility and professionalism in their work!

I think that work Lena driver worthy of perpetuation. Therefore, soon, as part of the improvement of Lensk, a sculptural composition dedicated to the drivers of our city will appear in the city.

Dear road transport workers!

Your attitude to work, patience and dedication to your work are an important guarantee of the safety and quality of life of people not only in our city.
Thank you for understanding the importance of your business and for your conscientious work. I wish you health and prosperity, success in any endeavors, peace and goodness to you and your loved ones!
And about .g of lava municipal municipality "City of Lensk" Oleg BRYANSKY.

Dear workers and veterans of road transport!

We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday!

On the last Sunday of October, Russia traditionally celebrates Road Transport Workers Day. The car has long become an integral part of our daily life. Every day, hundreds of cars take to the roads of our city, carry cargo, deliver them to work and on business. Road transport is a constant movement, but the car is always driven by a person.

Hundreds of our fellow countrymen work in this area: drivers, repair workers. Their work is complex and responsible, requiring high professionalism and organization. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of motor transport for the economy and social sphere of our Lensky district. In many settlements it is still the only means of communication, providing the population with transportation needs.

A motorist is a special profession, with its own romance, its own traditions, character and way of life. This is very intense and honorable work, requiring high physical and emotional dedication and professionalism. Motorists successfully solve the problem of freight and passenger transportation, ensuring the livelihoods of the entire diamond region.

Veterans of the motor transport industry, whose best traditions are passed on from generation to generation, deserve deep gratitude.

We are confident that road transport workers, enhancing glorious traditions, will successfully solve the problems facing them, making their worthy contribution to strengthening the economy of our city, AK ALROSA and the entire Western Yakutia.

On this holiday, we wish you, dear employees and veterans of road transport, success in your work, good health and family well-being, trouble-free work and good mood! May good luck always accompany you on your journey! Director of PU "Almazdortrans" - Coordinator of the company's enterprises in the Lensky district Andrey BUKHAROV. Chairman of the trade union committee of the Almazdortrans PU Valery SOLOVIOV.

The administration and trade union committee of the Lensky motor transport enterprise No. 1 PU "Almazdortrans" sincerely congratulates employees and veterans, former workers on well-deserved rest, on the Day of Road Transport Workers!

In our city and at our enterprise, the work of a driver has always been and remains held in high esteem. You often have to work in difficult and even extreme conditions, but you never lose heart, and loyalty to your work and such sacred concepts as mutual assistance, a sense of comradeship, and professional pride help you in this.

Warmest congratulations to the veterans who devoted the best years of their lives to their native enterprise. Your work has established the glorious traditions of motorists. Today, these traditions are preserved and passed on to the younger generation along with experience and knowledge.

On the day of road fans, we congratulate you with all our hearts

All those who were chosen by the gods to rule the route and destiny.

May a bright angel protect you day and night on your journey,

So that you can always reach your cherished goal.

Good luck and health to everyone, kind words, warmth in the family,

So that huge Russia can travel happily!

Dear employees and veterans of the motor transport enterprise, colleagues!

Driver's Day is a holiday for all transport workers, without exception. The core values ​​of any transport enterprise remain the people who work in it. This year Lensky Motor Transport Enterprise No. 2 turns 50 years old. Looking at the past and present, we can say with confidence that every driver and employee of the department is a high professional. Drivers who travel thousands of kilometers delivering the necessary cargo for the needs of the joint-stock company ALROSA and the residents of Lensk, as well as all those who ensure the smooth operation of drivers - all, as one, are irreplaceable links in one powerful chain of the half-century-old Lensk Motor Transport Enterprise No. 2 .

I wish people working in the transport sector and the team of Lensky ATP-2 further coordinated work, new production achievements and, most importantly, smooth and accident-free roads! Alexey ERYOMIN, head of LATP No. 2 of the Almazdortrans PU.

Headlights, and you're on the road again,
The car is like a second home.
Relatives have vague anxiety,
May you arrive home safe...

May it be on Driver's Day, and not only
Your angel is protecting you!
Don't get tired on the way,
May you always be lucky!

Once again the road winds like a ribbon,
It's getting cold outside.
Only the driver laughs in response
On a personal holiday in October.

Let the road be easy
An interesting passenger.
We wish you a lot of happiness,
How much does the world hold within itself!

Dear motorists - professionals and amateurs, we sincerely congratulate you on Driver's Day! We wish you trouble-free roads, easy and pleasant trips. May luck always be with you both on the highways and on the path of life, and may your dearest people wait at home! Take care of your health, remain optimistic and always enjoy the road. Happy holiday!

Today is the day of those who drive cars,
May your tires never blow out.
The generator always provides charging,
And the carburetor will not clog along the way.

Let the track lie flat under the tires,
And on your long journey, may you not sleep.
Long love, like a straight road,
And drive without accidents in winter.

May it be a bright holiday, driver's day
All car enthusiasts are walking,
And their fighting friends,
Congratulating each other joyfully!

We wish that on the roads
All worries disappeared at once
For safety and coverage,
And so that all events take place

And adventures are only happy ones,
The traffic police are fair!
Let your fellow travelers smile
And the sun's rays warm!

To everyone who has a driver's license, loves speed, the road, the noise of the engine and the “flying” landscape outside the window - happy motorist day! May your faithful car friend never let you down, may you have enough strength to overcome any distance! We wish you good health, a keen eye, quick reactions, unquenchable energy and positive emotions!

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