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Pensions for working pensioners on July 1. Will indexation of pensions be returned to working pensioners? Cancellation of indexing upon re-employment

Working pensioners will have their pensions indexed from July 1, 2018. Bill No. 362896-7 with amendments to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” was submitted to the State Duma for consideration by the country’s liberal democrat Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his associates.

How much will pensions for working pensioners be increased?

Pensions for working pensioners will be indexed from January 1, 2018, taking into account the cost of one pension coefficient in the amount of 81.49 rubles. and a fixed payment to the insurance pension in the amount of 4982.9 rubles. That is, the increase in the average size of the insurance pension of working pensioners from July 1, 2018 will be 1,608.66 rubles.

If the bill is not adopted, the annual recalculation of pensions of working pensioners will occur only from August 1, 2018. However, the maximum increase will be three pension points. The cost of one pension point will be 81.49 rubles. Accordingly, pensioners who continue to officially work will receive pensions worth 245 rubles. more.

Why do deputies propose to return indexation?

Deputies propose to invalidate Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ, which establishes a ban on indexation for working pensioners.

In their opinion, the abolition of indexation has a negative impact on the financial situation of pensioners and leads to a significant decrease in the purchasing power of citizens. To receive an increased pension, pensioners work “illegally” (without paperwork, using someone else’s documents, at half the rate). This leads to a decrease in the receipt of insurance premiums.

Vladimir Putin expressed dissatisfaction with this aspect back in March of this year and called on his ministers to actively return to discussing this issue.

A bill on indexing “working” pensions is currently under consideration in the State Duma.

If the law is adopted, then from July 1 of this year, pension accruals for working pensioners will be indexed. True, not all past indexations that have taken place since 2016 will be done. But only, in fact, “January” indexing by 3.7%.

But in the future, all indexations that will be for non-working citizens of retirement age will also affect those who are engaged in working activities.

The adoption of an increase in “working” pensions from July 1, 2018 should not affect the planned indexation of pensions of working citizens, scheduled for August 1. Thus, for the first time in several years, working pensioners may have two pension indexations.

Restoring indexation of pensions for working pensioners will create a favorable atmosphere for citizens to seek employment. Many retirees will want to push back their retirement so they can earn even more later. And the difference is quite big. True, local competition may increase greatly.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners may be resumed after July 1, 2018. This initiative was put forward by a group of State Duma deputies.

Indexation of pensions of working pensioners, perhaps they will resume after July 1, 2018 This initiative was put forward by a group of State Duma deputies. If the law is adopted, there will be a need to adjust the reporting of the Pension Fund, for example, in the SZV-M form.

According to the project, indexation will be carried out not in the amount that the pensioner should have received starting in 2016, but by 3.7%. In the future, pension payments will be increased in the same way as for non-working pensioners.

Experts believe that with the adoption of this law, the number of reporting forms that employers are required to provide will decrease. So the SZV-M form will most likely be cancelled, because it was introduced to account for those who receive a pension but continue to work.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners was canceled after January 1, 2016. The authors of the initiative emphasize that this had a negative impact on the financial situation of working pensioners. The response to the abolition of indexation was a decrease in the share of this category of workers. According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 15,259,000 working pensioners, and the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on budget execution notes that by the end of the first quarter of the same year, the number of such citizens had decreased to 9.6 million people.

It is important to understand that only a part of working pensioners actually stopped working; most of them switched to a “gray” salary. Accordingly, there were no real budget savings. Moreover, the Pension Fund had to allocate an additional interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance in the amount of 40.6 billion rubles.

Pensions for working pensioners in 2018: latest news from the State Duma

Putin instructed the government to consider the issue of returning indexation of pensions to working pensioners. The draft law is already ready. What are the conditions for indexing?

Pension for working pensioners: return to the system of indexation of pensions for working pensioners from July 2018

Problem indexation of pensions for working pensioners will be considered at the highest level. Putin instructed the Government to study the issue of indexation of pensions working pensioners. This became known following a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions Mikhail Shmakov.

“We discussed problems in the labor market and problems associated with non-indexation of pensions for working pensioners. The President instructed the Government to once again carefully consider the problem of the lack of indexation of pensions for working pensioners,” Shmakov said, RIA Novosti reports.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018: latest news

Let us recall that earlier Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, answering questions from deputies after the report in the State Duma, said that the question of returning indexation of pensions to working pensioners not closed. Indexation of the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension and adjustment of the size of the insurance pension for working pensioners was canceled from January 1, 2016.

As Dmitry Medvedev recalled, due to the crisis, the government “had to make a not very popular and difficult decision to change the indexation procedure.” The fact is that pensions should increase annually by the inflation rate of the previous year. However, the difficult economic situation forced officials to abandon full indexation of payments: in 2016 it amounted to only 4%, with inflation of 12.9% a year earlier. Moreover, this measure affected only non-working pensioners. Those who decided to continue working were left without even 4% indexation.

True, later the government decided to sweeten the pill for the elderly - the second indexation was replaced with a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which was given to people in January 2017. Moreover, both working and non-working pensioners received these funds.

However, in 2017 the authorities returned to indexation of pensions in law. In February, payments increased by the 2016 inflation rate - 5.4%. The government has allocated 706 billion rubles for this. Thus, the average pension for non-working Russians was 13,855 rubles. But working pensioners were again left with nothing.

The question of returning indexation of payments to them was raised by deputies on April 11 during Dmitry Medvedev’s speech in the State Duma. As noted by the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Education, Oleg Smolin, due to the abolition of indexation, older working Russians were forced to quit their jobs, which had a negative impact on the social well-being of millions of families.

Answering a question from a parliamentarian, the prime minister admitted that “the situation remains not the simplest” and promised to return to this topic. Literally two days later, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev confirmed Medvedev’s words. “It’s being worked on. Everything is simple there, you need to calculate how much budget funds will be required, and the government will decide,” the official said on the sidelines of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.

Increasing pensions for pensioners in 2018: the latest news

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018: latest news. The draft law is already ready!

Previously, he submitted to the State Duma a draft law on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners from July 1, 2018:

The project will include July 1, 2018.
Moreover, not all lost interest since 2016 will be indexed. But only on 3,7%.
And then the annual indexation will take place in the same way as for non-working pensioners.
In the explanatory note to the draft law, deputies remind that from January 1, 2016, indexation of pensions for working pensioners. As the developers of the law note, the application of this measure had an extremely negative impact on the financial situation of pensioners. As a response from citizens, there was a sharp reduction in the number of working pensioners.

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According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 15,259,000 working pensioners in Russia. However, the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on budget execution provides information about a sharp reduction in the number of working pensioners in the first quarter of 2016 from 15 million to 9.6 million people. It is important to note that only a part of pensioners actually terminated their employment relationship, while the majority switched to receiving a “gray salary,” deputies say.

Therefore, the authorities failed to achieve real savings by abandoning indexation of pensions for working pensioners Moreover, it was necessary to additionally allocate another 40.6 billion rubles for the interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance.

Indexation of pensions of working pensioners in 2018. Pension amounts from August 1

The question of whether pensions for working pensioners will be indexed has already been resolved - indexation is not provided for, however, there will still be an increase in pensions for working pensioners in 2017.

Question will there bepensions for working pensioners are indexed has already been decided - indexing is not provided, however pension increase for working pensioners in 2018 it will be anyway. August 1, 2017 all working pensioners will have their pension increased in accordance with the contributions paid by employers, but no more, than three points (RUB 222.81).

Let us recall that indexation is one of the ways to protect the population and consumers from inflation, which consists in the fact that the state and other entities paying income increase the cash income and savings of citizens in accordance with rising prices. In 2017, inflation was 5.8% - it is by this amount that pensions will be increased (indexed).

However, for this category of citizens, recalculation is carried out annually. This takes into account pension points, accrued during the year. Increase amount depends on the insurance premiums paid by the employer. Usually the adjustment is made in August and does not require the provision of documents or an application.

If a pensioner resigns, his pension will increase taking into account all missed indexations. Information that the pensioner is unemployed will be sent to the Pension Fund, after which a recalculation will be made. This process takes several months until the necessary information reaches the authorized services. That's why working pensioners' pensions will be increased only taking into account social insurance contributions made.

If a pensioner gets a job again some time after dismissal, the indexation of his pension will be suspended. In this case, payments will not be reduced, but will remain at the same level.

Will the pensions of working pensioners increase in 2017 and subsequent years?

Yes, the pensions of working pensioners will increase annually from August 1. So In 2018, pension increases are envisaged for working pensionersAugust 1.

Working pensioners are still subject to the law on the non-declaration recalculation of insurance pensions in accordance with the contributions paid by employers, but no more than than three points (RUB 222.81).

Will a pensioner be compensated for missed indexations after he leaves work?

Yes. After the pensioner’s working activity is terminated, the size of his pension will be increased by all the indexes of those years that he missed while working.

If a pensioner is an entrepreneur, lawyer, or notary, does indexation apply to him?

No. Such a pensioner will be considered working if he is registered with the Pension Fund as an insurer as of December 31, 2015. Therefore, we recommend that pensioners who have registered a business, but no longer actually carry out this activity, deregister with the tax service and the Pension Fund in a timely manner.

Payment of insurance pensions to working pensioners in 2018

In accordance with changes in pension legislation, since 2016, working pensioners receive an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it without taking into account planned indexations. This provision of the law applies only to recipients of insurance pensions and does not apply to recipients of state pensions, including social pensions.

Upon termination of employment, the insurance pension is paid taking into account planned indexations that took place during the period of work. If the pensioner then gets a job again, the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

After termination of employment, the pensioner does not need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. The fact is that since the second quarter of 2016, monthly simplified reporting has been introduced for employers, and the fact of a pensioner’s work will be determined automatically by the Pension Fund.

In this reporting, the employer indicates the insured persons employed by him and those who left in the reporting month. Reporting is submitted by the employer by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. The pension fund, after processing and recording the information in the month following the month of reporting, makes an appropriate decision on the payment of pension amounts, taking into account (without taking into account) indexation from the month following the month of the decision.

However, a citizen has the right to independently submit a statement about the fact of carrying out (terminating) work and (or) other activities.

What documents and where to submit?

A citizen has the right to submit a statement about the fact of carrying out (terminating) work and (or) other activities. Applications are accepted by all territorial bodies of the Pension Fund and MFC, which accept applications for the assignment and delivery of pensions. The application can be submitted in person or through a representative, or sent by mail or through the citizen’s Personal Account.

Statement on the fact of implementation (termination) of work and (or) other activities

IMPORTANT! A statement about the fact of carrying out (terminating) work and (or) other activities will be taken into account no earlier than the receipt of reports from the policyholder.


A group of deputies submitted a draft law to the State Duma.
According to the project, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners will be carried out on July 1, 2018. Moreover, not all lost interest since 2016 will be indexed. But only by 3.7%. And then the annual indexation will take place in the same way as for non-working pensioners.
In the explanatory note to the draft law, deputies remind that from January 1, 2016, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners was cancelled. As the developers of the law note, the application of this measure had an extremely negative impact on the financial situation of pensioners. As a response from citizens, there was a sharp reduction in the number of working pensioners.
According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 15,259,000 working pensioners in Russia. However, the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on budget execution provides information about a sharp reduction in the number of working pensioners in the first quarter of 2016 from 15 million to 9.6 million people. It is important to note that only a part of pensioners actually terminated their employment relationship, while the majority switched to receiving a “gray salary,” deputies say. Therefore, the authorities failed to achieve real savings by refusing to index payments to working pensioners; moreover, they had to additionally allocate another 40.6 billion rubles for the interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance.


LDPR deputies Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Yaroslav Nilov introduced a bill to the State Duma, which proposes to revise the amount of the insurance pension from July 1, 2018. The corresponding document was published in the electronic database of the lower house of parliament.

“From July 1, 2018, to review the amount of the insurance pension, the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account the increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), established as of June 30, 2018, for citizens engaged in work and (or) other activities , during which they are subject to compulsory pension insurance,” the document says.

At the same time, according to the bill, the cost of one pension coefficient in the amount of 81 rubles is taken into account. 49 kopecks, and the amount of a fixed payment to the insurance pension in the amount of 4 thousand 982 rubles. 90 kopecks

“The authors consider it necessary to return to normal indexation of pensions in 2018 for working pensioners and restore order so that the state’s problems do not affect older people,” the explanatory note says.

Along with a pension, employed elderly citizens receive a salary. Monthly cash payments are a natural additional income. WITH 2016 To stabilize the economy in the state, it was necessary to cancel the indexation of pension payments. The latest decree of President Vladimir Putin on the size of pensions for Russians continuing to work suggests that this category of cash payments will differ from the usual one in that it will have a fixed minimum amount, since it is inappropriate to continue to restrain indexation for people who have retired rest. Before 2016 accruals were carried out on a general basis, but later the increase in payments for this category of citizens was cancelled. The demise of the older generation was planned before 2020. However, the government does not rule out the possibility of its resumption, since annual indexation is one of the ways to maintain the well-being of elderly Russians. The cancellation of these accruals does not mean that the pension will not increase.

Latest news about pension increases for working pensioners from July 1

But the latest news from the State Duma is disappointing. With July 1, 2018 not provided. Also a similar surcharge not planned, including on 2019-2020. Therefore, if during this period a person who is on a well-deserved rest is employed, he should not expect an increase in his pension.

Recalculation of pensions from August 1, 2018

Recalculation conditions

The allowance is individual. Its value will be influenced by salary level and age. Also, the ability to receive a bonus is influenced by the fact whether the citizen receives an official salary and whether the employer paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for the past year. If a citizen works, then accordingly his length of service continues to grow, and his points increase. Increasing pensions for working pensioners in 2018 will not exceed three points. Each costs a little more than 81 rubles. At the Ministry of Russia, the question of whether there would be an increase and additional payment was decided as follows: the increase in the pension of working pensioners will be 245 rubles. This is nothing more than a recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. There is no talk of any indexing.

Will there be an additional pension supplement for working pensioners?

Changes in the pension system

Annual recalculation does not bring a significant increase, which makes employment unprofitable. Radical changes to 2018 is not planned, apart from a forced increase in the retirement age. The question of whether pensions for working pensioners will be canceled in 2018, is not on the agenda. The annual surcharge, according to the government, is designed to stimulate an increase in the period of employment among citizens of retirement age. But people of the older generation who decide to continue working lose a little by refusing to retire on time.

An important point is that only a part of pensioners actually stopped working - the rest were forced to switch to a “gray” salary. Accordingly, there was no real saving of budget funds and the Pension Fund had to allocate an additional interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance in the amount of 40.6 billion rubles.

Currently, there are about 14 million people living in Russia who, having reached the age threshold for receiving a pension, do not stop actively working. The issue of payments remains relevant: will pension payments be canceled for them this year? And will there be an increase and additional pay?

Latest news from the State Duma

The government initially expected that this restriction would remain in place until 2020. But the current situation required a revision of plans, and indexation of pensions for working pensioners from July 1, 2018 may again become relevant. This fact is confirmed by the latest news from the State Duma. A team of deputies submitted a draft law to the State Duma, after the adoption of which the Russian government will be forced to cancel reporting to the Pension Fund. Accordingly, they will index not by all lost interest starting from 2016, but by 3.7%. In the future, regular indexation, which is paid every year, will be calculated in the same way as for pensioners who do not work.

If a person decides to leave his job, will there be a recalculation? Will dismissal be disadvantageous for him?

The calculation will certainly be carried out, and the entire difference in monetary terms will be transferred as a result. This will take into account all increases from the government that took place during the moratorium. People will be paid all the indexations carried out, the size of these payments will reach the amount of the pension payment of those pensioners who did not go to work (plus there will be an increase - the cash equivalent that the person earned while he was working, already in pensioner status). As a result, two groups of pensioners: working and non-working will be equalized - at a minimum, at a maximum - the first group will receive a bonus to pension payments.

Differs from non-working ones: since 2016 they are not indexed until while citizens continue to work. On a general basis, taking into account missed indexations, pensions are paid to them only after dismissal. The Russian Government does not intend to correct this approach either in 2019 or in the coming years. Therefore, the only way to increase pensions for this category of pensioners is.

The recalculation from August 1, 2019 is determined by the total amount of insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund for the previous year (in this case, for 2018). They can count on such an increase only working pensioners. The amount of payments will be recalculated automatically, apply to the Pension Fund for this no need.

For non-working pensioners, their income comes only from the pension itself, so they do not make any contributions to the Pension Fund, and accordingly, no increases in August 2019. For them, increases in payments are carried out in the form of traditional annual indexations, which are usually carried out from February 1 and April 1(it should be noted that it will be held on different dates - from January 1 and April 1). Thus, there will be no additional payments for non-working pensioners until the end of 2019 no longer planned- the next pension increase for them will be carried out only in 2020.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

As noted earlier, pensions for working citizens have not been indexed since 2016. This decision was enshrined in Art. 7 of Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015 and was adopted for the purpose of budget savings.

Legislators regularly return to the issue of restoring indexation for working pensioners - bills have even been repeatedly introduced into the State Duma providing for cancellation of the current “freeze”. For example, in January 2018, deputies from the LDPR faction submitted to the State Duma draft law No. 362896-7, which proposed the restoration of the usual procedure for indexing pension benefits for citizens who continue to work, starting from 07/01/2018 However, this bill is draft was never considered(postponed indefinitely).

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov recently brought clarity to this issue. In his speech at a meeting of the Federation Council on June 27, 2018, he said that the Government believes it is inappropriate to change the current approach to increase pensions for working pensioners. He justified this decision with the following reasons:

  1. The Government’s task is to ensure high rates income growth.
  2. Working pensioners receive wages, and according to official data, wages in Russia are growing at a high rate (according to Rosstat, since the beginning of 2018 they grew by 9%- which is higher than inflation and higher than the rate at which pensions of non-working pensioners are indexed).
  3. All missed indexings after the retiree's dismissal(that is, in the final calculation of his pension benefits after completion of his working career).

Thus, the Government does not plan to return to the issue of abolishing the “frozen” indexation for working pensioners, since, according to the official position, this approach has grounds for this growth of real incomes of the population.

For reference

A few words about how they are generally carried out indexation of pensions. Pension legislation establishes that pensions of Russians are indexed according to a standard schedule Twice a year:

  1. From February 1 Depending on the established inflation level for the past year, indexation is carried out:
    • for non-working pensioners - due to indexation of the size and (IPC);
    • social payments of the Pension Fund paid to federal beneficiaries - first of all, and.
  2. Happy April, 1 Pensions for state pension provision are indexed (including those paid to disabled citizens, and). This increase is carried out in accordance with changes in the pensioner’s subsistence level.

In 2019, the usual payment increase schedule has been adjusted:

  • The first indexation was carried out on January 1, as a result of which insurance pensions will be increased by 7.05%(above inflation, which for 2018 is approximately 4.3%).
  • From February 1 by 4.3% Social payments from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have increased - such as the EDV and NSU (that is, in the usual manner, by the level of actual inflation over the past year).
  • Increased from April 1 by 2.0% social and state pensions.

All these indexations, which were carried out in 2019, affected only non-working pensioners(with the exception of the increase in social payments from the Pension Fund of Russia from February 1).

For citizens who continue to work, pension indexation has not been carried out since January 1, 2016, and the Government does not plan to change this approach. For working pensioners in 2019, they will be increased only as a result recalculation on August 1.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners from August 1, 2019

The increase in pensions from August 1 is related to taking into account insurance premiums, paid to the Pension Fund for the past year. Contributions paid during this year are recorded on an individual personal account () in the compulsory pension insurance system and are converted into pension points. Taking into account the accumulated points not taken into account in the amount of the pensioner’s pension, an annual recalculation is made from August 1.

To determine amount of pension increase After recalculation, you can use the following formula:

SP per = IPC × S IPC

  • IPC - the number of unaccounted ones that were accumulated before January 1 of the current year (in this case, before 01/01/2019);
  • With the IPC - on the day on which the recalculation is made (the calculation takes into account the value of the IPC on the basis of which the current amount of payments is determined for a working pensioner - most often this is the cost of the point at the time of pension).

Recalculation from August 1 produced automatically, that is, to receive an increase you will not need to personally contact and submit an application to the Pension Fund (since all data on contributions paid is transmitted by the employer and is already available in the Pension Fund).

It is worth keeping in mind that when determining the amount of surcharge there is several restrictions:

  1. The maximum number of points taken into account is 3. This means that the pension in cash equivalent can be increased no more than 3 points for pensioners.
  2. Amount of surcharge can be reduced, if contributions for the previous year were already partially taken into account when assigning an insurance pension (for example, if an employee became a pensioner in 2017, then only those pension points that were received after retirement will be taken into account in the recalculation).

Pension point cost, used when recalculating working pensioners from August 1, 2019, depends on the date of retirement (see table):

Retirement dateIPC cost used in recalculation (RUB)Maximum increase as a result of recalculation from 08/01/2018 (RUB)
until 02/01/201671,41 214,23
from 01.02.201674,27 222,81
from 02/01/201778,28 234,84
from 01.04.201778,58 235,74
from 01/01/201881,49 244,47

Will there be an increase in pensions in August 2019 for non-working pensioners?

As noted earlier, recalculation from August 1, 2019 is carried out for those pensioners for whom payments were made deductions of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the past year (that is, in relation to the current moment - in 2018).

Since non-working pensioners do not make such contributions, their pensions are increased only as a result of indexations (which, since 2016, are not available to working pensioners).

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