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What is better to wear? We are what we... put on! What you should never wear under any circumstances


If you formulate this for yourself once and for all, then, having a very modest wardrobe, in a few minutes you will choose an image that suits the occasion. After all, how often do we put on our best things for one occasion or another, but on the spot we feel out of place, because we either overdid it or didn’t complete the look. And it is for such cases that there are rules for several, but win-win things.

1. We are sure you have a little black dress in your wardrobe.. Is there a small blue, gray or green one? The choice of color depends on which one suits you best. But having a simple, well-fitting dress in a neutral shade is a worthwhile wardrobe investment. Let's say that in the evening your friends invited you to a restaurant. You don’t know exactly what format it is, and you only have an hour before release. You can, of course, wear that little black dress, but this is the most banal thing you can think of. And you will meet a lot of people there in this outfit. And if you wear something too colorful and formal, you risk looking as if this is your first trip to a restaurant in your life. In such cases they save simple outfits, without complex designs, bright colors, prints and decors. They are like a canvas on which you can paint whatever you want. Wear this simple dress and pair it with chic shoes.

Black dress

Black dress_1

Angela Harutyunyan

Fashion blogger

The main success of such a simple and appropriate dress for all occasions is that it should fit your figure flawlessly, emphasizing your strengths and hiding your flaws. Finding such an ideal dress is difficult, but if you find it, it will turn out to be the best that can be in your wardrobe.

2. Stylish jacket with an interesting cut or rich decor you also need it. He should attract all the attention in the image to himself. The jacket can be with rhinestones, with spikes and rivets, a complex style or a very bright shade. And with it you can just wear that little one black dress or a regular white shirt and black pants. Even jeans and a black top with an interesting jacket will look attractive. So this thing will save you once again when you don’t know what to wear for a special occasion.

7 3. Few women have a classic evening dress. For some reason, we remember it only when it turns out to be very necessary. For example, when there is a wedding with friends or acquaintances. Why look for and buy it in a hurry? It’s better if you have such a dress hanging in your closet and waiting to come out, than its absence will make you nervous at the right moment. The color can be completely different - from scarlet red to delicate beige. It is better if the style is flowing and the decor is not flashy. We’ll leave too many rhinestones, flounces and frills for brides and graduates. It’s important for us to look good evening dress elegant and feminine.


Dress1 4. BYou were invited to your new country house by friends. And if these are not your friends, but, let’s say, friends young man or my husband's colleagues. Then you won’t want to lose face at all, and at the same time, this case requires simple things and combinations. Therefore, about flashy jewelry, original shoes and we don’t even remember expensive handbags. Do you have a very feminine or even romantic dress with a delicate floral pattern? Put it on. It requires sandals, ballet flats or wedges. If you don't want a dress, wear a simple tank top and khaki pants. For the evening, take a warm cardigan in a classic color. The bag should be comfortable and roomy. If there is a straw one, then this is an ideal option. If not, then the main thing is that it is not a clutch, the rest will still do.

Dacha1 5. As for the daily struggles with choosing clothes, you need a basic wardrobe of 7 things. And as many accessories as you can afford. Jewelry, handbags, glasses, scarves, etc. - they will never be superfluous. Therefore, buy them constantly, many and varied. And those same 7 necessary things are black straight-cut skirt, black dress, black trousers, beige pumps, classic blue jeans, beige-brown cardigan and a strict white shirt. Basic things can also help when choosing an image for specific occasions.


A basic wardrobe must have a dress - better than a fashionable blue one...


Or rich green.


And, of course, at least one little black dress.


Jeans should be in any wardrobe, and preferably more than one...


White shirt It will look great with jeans and a skirt.


A jacket with sequins is a great option for the evening.


A lace jacket can be worn with a pencil skirt.


Be sure to buy yourself a cardigan in beige or pastel shades.


A gray dress is suitable for meetings with friends.


In such summer dress With floral print, you can go for a walk in the park.



A black jacket will go well with a gray top and jeans.


You can go to a wedding in such a sparkling evening dress.


Floor-length burgundy dress...


Emerald evening dress.

6. How important it is to look perfect at a business meeting or interview. And not so much in order to impress, but in order to feel confident. A white shirt and black trousers - there is nothing simpler and better. This combination will allow the interlocutor to focus on the conversation and appreciate your, albeit unpretentious, but correct image.

Office1 7. Business trips or business trips also happen in our lives. Some often, some less often. You should not wear velor for an airplane or train. sports suit. Save it for a family vacation. Now put on classic jeans, a gray or blue T-shirt, and a cardigan on top. Sneakers, ballet flats or moccasins - if you wear flat shoes. In other cases - wedges or square heels. And your luggage should be no less stylish. Therefore, a beautiful suitcase or travel bag is a must.

8. If you have breakfast with your friends on the weekend, then surprise them. Do you usually wear your most comfortable clothes for such gatherings, concentrating only on your own comfort? But even in this case, you have to decide which jeans or which T-shirt to wear. Sometimes you need to allow yourself not only comfort, but also elegance. And your task will become much easier. Remember one of the most famous scenes from Breakfast at Tiffany's. You understand what we're talking about. When heading out to breakfast with your girlfriends, wear a little black dress, a nice statement necklace, and big sunglasses. What could be more attractive and appropriate? Believe me, your choice will be appreciated.

5 Another tip: weigh all the above items separately in the closet. They are the basis of all your images. Choose from them the right thing, and then collect the rest of the clothes and details of the image from the rest of the wardrobe.

Clothing, like no other attribute, demonstrates to the world our worldview, belonging to a particular subculture or profession. With the help of clothes, you can express an open protest or declare yourself as part of society, or demonstrate your brightness, originality, and creativity.

But, be that as it may, ability to dress beautifully and appropriately- an important part of our inner world, harmony with ourselves and others. A stylish, beautiful, tastefully dressed person always attracts attention, forces others to imitate himself and will never go unnoticed. And you need to be mentally prepared for this!

A well-dressed man straightens his shoulders by himself, his back becomes straight, and his gait becomes slightly careless. And a woman dressed with taste will immediately attract the attention of the opposite sex, which will make her gait feminine, her smile alluring, and she will leave behind a trail of mystery and charm.

Have you ever noticed a change in behavior, an inner feeling of self-confidence when you put on classic suit or evening dress? But beautiful clothes are the easiest way to show the world what you want to be .

How to dress correctly?

We can study fashion websites for a long time and persistently, watch the shows of famous designers, but in order to look decent in everyday life, arouse admiration and feel comfortable, this is clearly not enough.

If you decide to change your life, bring something new into it, changing your wardrobe will be a kind of therapy and a significant step forward.

How to properly update your wardrobe without throwing money away?

First of all, you need to create basic wardrobe. Remember that classic is timeless. It captivates with its simplicity, restraint and versatility. The advantages of classic clothing include the fact that it can be perfectly combined with various wardrobe items.

Must have in stock a couple of bright things. Such clothes will lift your spirits, make you stand out from the crowd, and you can even combine them with a classic wardrobe.

When choosing a new item, always visually imagine what you can combine it with. Exactly combination things will allow you not to be boring, surprise and demonstrate taste.

Never forget that a thing, no matter how trendy, should suit your body type and highlight its advantages. For the sake of changing fashion, you shouldn’t flaunt something that would be nice to hide.

Selection clothes according to skin color:

  • Holders very light skin Cool tones, shades of gray, pale pink, as well as grass and dark blue colors are ideal.
  • If your skin medium-light shade , pay attention to pastel colors, cool blues and reds. Orange color is contraindicated in this case.
  • Co medium-dark skin tone Plum color and its tones, metallic shades, as well as bright blue, deep purple, and the color of red wine are perfectly combined.
  • dark skin saturated colors (dark green, deep blue, for example), warm red tone, pale yellow will perfectly set off.
  • With dark skin Bright orange, red, cobalt blue and bright burgundy combine perfectly.

How to combine things in your wardrobe correctly?

First of all, you need to pay attention to a color scheme in clothes. Act here a few rules.

  1. It is advisable to use in one set of clothes no more than three colors .
  2. Cool colors should be combined with cold ones, and warm colors should be combined with warm ones. . Black and white are universal colors and go well with any tones.

It is worth noting that different colors in clothing can also be used to visually change proportions. So, tall girls It is recommended to combine two colors in one set of clothes.

For short people, it is possible to correct height using proportions: a low waist will visually reduce height, and a high waist will increase it.

Another rule for combining individual wardrobe elements is using items of the same style in one set. Agree, classic trousers with a sports T-shirt are unlikely to make a positive impression.

Particular attention should be paid shoes. Of course, a lot here depends on the season of the year and individual preferences. But when choosing classic or casual shoes, give preference to classic colors (black, brown, white, beige), which go well with any style of clothing.

Following these simple rules, you can always look stylish, appropriate and admire others.

How to comply with the dress code without losing your own style?

Many employers impose requirements on their employees regarding their appearance. And some structures require strict adherence to a dress code. In one case, a uniform is required, in another - with their appearance, office workers represent not only themselves, but also the company as a whole.

What to do if the dress code is hateful, but you need to comply with it?

There is only one way out: if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Why don't we look at dress codes as a tool that can help us achieve our goals? Believe me, an employee who knows how to use any situation to his advantage will move up the career ladder much faster. And all because clothes, oddly enough, are capable of transmitting information about us. A girl in a mini and with a deep neckline is not perceived as a serious business partner.

Every person, especially from business circles, has spent years creating and practicing a stereotype of what a person who can be trusted can and should look like.

How to dress beautifully while following the rules?

Concerning men, then they were probably lucky to some extent. Because having no choice sometimes allows you to spend more time on things that matter. Pay attention to Mark Zuckerberg. His wardrobe is not particularly diverse. These are jeans, a black T-shirt and a sports jacket. And why all? Yes, because such people need to make hundreds of important decisions every day, and at least in choosing clothes they want everything to be simple.

A man's business image involves wearing a suit. That's all. There's really no room for disagreement here. But there are little things that cannot be ignored. The suit must fit perfectly and correspond to the season of the year. The right accessories are the key to creating the image of a successful business person. Don't forget about this and don't neglect them.

U women everything is much more complicated. Whether to wear a skirt or trousers, a blouse or a dress, a cardigan or a jacket, high-heeled or flat shoes - these questions plague millions of women around the world every day.

Extremes are dangerous. The image should not be flashy, it should not communicate a woman’s desire to arrange her personal life, nor should it make her a gray mouse.

Remember that a business dress code is not necessarily monochrome. The jacket may differ in color from the trousers or skirt. And this set will only get better.

In the summer, dilute the dark tones of the classic dress code with pastel, warm, light colors.

The laconic cut of things will show your restraint, but who said that you can’t complement them with appropriate accessories to emphasize your individuality?

Use jewelry in moderation, but never give up on it.

If black, white, gray colors are symbols of authority, leadership qualities and strong character, then a touch of femininity can be added to the ensemble with the help of bright shoes.

Be that as it may, it is not clothes that make a person. Develop spiritually, intellectually, physically. And the clothes will be your perfect complement.

Any woman should look good and dress stylishly, regardless of age and status. After thirty, you should no longer wear the clothes of a teenage girl, but you also don’t need to look like an older lady. Your wardrobe should be updated in accordance with your age-related changes.

How to Dress Stylishly at 30 and Look Great

What color should the clothes be?

It's time to think about the color scheme of your clothes. Save bright colors for special events. The rest of the time you need to stick to a calm palette. These are neutral shades, as well as muted tones of any color you love.

Another secret to a successful look after 30 is IdealShape shapewear. Many women noted that with this underwear, the stomach becomes flat, and the lines of the chest and waist are emphasized very favorably. You can buy shapewear at a good price.

Accessories and shoes

To dress stylishly after 30, you should choose both shoes and accessories in pastel and neutral colors. As for shoes, these can be ballet flats, pumps, ankle boots, again of a discreet style. And when choosing a bag, you need to pay attention to the geometry. Shapeless bags and backpacks will no longer look appropriate.

How to create a basic wardrobe for women in their 30s

A blouse, a tunic made of expensive fabrics - the brand and price matter. To dress stylishly at 30, you need to reconsider your approach to shopping. You need high-quality clothing, albeit not luxury, but at a premium level. Cheap consumer goods will not look elegant a priori. Although I don’t argue that there are exceptions. So, the basic wardrobe for women 30+ should consist of elegant branded items.

Coat, trench coat - only luxury tones. The color of clothing is no less important; it can be either dark deep shades or light pastels. Pure white should not be chosen; it is better to replace it with shades of champagne, ivory, and beige.

Jacket, blazer - elegant classics. Important elements of the basic women's wardrobe at 30 - jackets, jackets. After all, thirty is the age when a woman’s beauty is fully revealed, soul and body are in harmony, which means it’s time to add a bohemian note.

Fur vest, poncho. Dressing stylishly at 30 is easy and simple if you have a cape (poncho) made of angora or fur. Complete your basic wardrobe with these items; you will love creating stylish looks with them.

Pencil skirt and shirt. Stylists suggest sticking to neutral colors, knee-length skirts and below, as well as shirts with a slightly loose but elegant silhouette.

Sheath dress is another essential item basic wardrobe women over 30. There is no need to choose too tight-fitting styles; the silhouette should be enclosed in a sophisticated frame.

Pants in a neutral color or with a light print. If you use the printed version then wear them with a neutral top. Wear tight-fitting models exclusively with long blazers, sweaters, tunics, trench coats, and coats.

What women should not wear after 30

  • mini skirts and shorts;
  • low-rise jeans;
  • refrain from wearing bare-shoulder clothing;
  • tacky, graphic, leopard prints;
  • clothes with rhinestones, sequins and other decorative trinkets;
  • pink color;
  • oversized sunglasses;
  • hoop earrings;
  • fluffy fur boots;
  • tight tops;
  • short dresses;
  • denim overalls;
  • sneakers;
  • cheap underwear.

Dedicated to everyone who wants to dress stylishly and inexpensively..! And for those who have problems with shopping. And also for those who always have nothing to wear. Perhaps in just a couple of minutes, after reading our review, you will solve your problems forever. We offer you detailed instructions on smart shopping, consisting of life hacks and practical advice. They will definitely help you save thousands of rubles, freshen up your wardrobe and always look brilliant.

The best online stores

Sober shopping planning

Almost all girls face a problem when the purchased item seems to be pleasing to the eye, but they don’t dare to wear it with their favorite jeans. Doesn't match the skirt either. So many things in the closet spend time alone, waiting for their finest hour. Clearly the money was wasted. Why did it happen so?

  • Maybe, it's about the color. Yes, the style fits your figure brilliantly, but when you put on this “thing,” you instantly acquire an unhealthy complexion, or your skin becomes paler. In this case, you should decide on your color type and find your palette as soon as possible. Our automated test will help with this.

  • When buying something, be sure to think about what you will wear it with. Are there any worthy companions in your closet, and if not, be sure to pick up a pair for it with the same purchase. It's not just the style that matters. We would like to draw your attention to color combination of things. In ours you will find many stunning color schemes for your wardrobe.

Mango Blouse (RUB 2,999)

Edge Street Skirt (RUB 2,199 / RUB 1,530)

  • or maybe it's a matter of style. Plus a couple of kilograms or minus 10 centimeters from height? Yes, easily! A poorly chosen thing is not capable of such a thing. Therefore, we soberly assess our physique and select things in accordance with yours. We have a whole series of reviews on this topic for each type -, and.

Basic things and the perfect wardrobe

Whatever you do, whatever lifestyle you lead, you should definitely have them in your closet. basic things. Let us remind you that this is a selection of things that are universal in color, style and material, which can easily be adjusted to a variety of situations - casual, office and even evening. What does it include? These are, as a rule, jeans, classic trousers, shirts, blouses, wrap dresses or shirt dresses, sweaters and cardigans. And everything is in neutral colors. Bottom line - be sure to form your “base”. This way you don’t have to spend money on “standard” things - only for the office or exclusively for the evening. Versatility is the key to economy and good taste.

You can stage by stage create not only a “base”, but absolutely your entire wardrobe. For girls who work in the office five days a week, leave a couple of weekends for leisure activities and periodically devote themselves to parties and festive occasions, we have prepared.

Budget redistribution

Irreproachable stylish look- largely due to good and high-quality accessories. Straight to the point - we recommend refusing to buy expensive branded clothing in favor of the mass market. After all, even there you can easily find trendy things of excellent quality. We redirect the released funds to purchase quality handbags, shoes, scarves, and jewelry. Your main guideline is natural materials. Leather and suede, gold and silver, silk and cashmere. There shouldn’t be a lot of such accessories - these little things will take any set to the highest level.

French Connection Bag (RUB 7,724)

ASOS Shoes (RUB 3,903)

Mango Stole (RUB 5,499)

Once and for all

We invest only in high-quality and durable items. Choose complex and predominantly natural compositions (cotton, wool, silk, modal, cashmere, etc.), where each thread plays its role.

  • for example, a sweater made from mixed yarn. The wool in such a product will provide good appearance, breathable properties, and synthetic acrylic - affordable price. Quite a worthy combination.
  • or a sweatshirt made of cotton and elastane. Natural thread guarantees a neat appearance and breathability, elastane guarantees durability.

Products made from denim, leather, and medium-knit jersey will serve you for many seasons.

Baon Jumper (RUB 3,599)

ASOS Jacket (RUB 2,602)

Discounts, discounts and more discounts

Your Dress (799 RUR / 599 RUR)

La Bottine Souriante Ankle boots (RUB 4,399 / RUB 3,070)

  • Bonprix- another joy for the wallet. The store pleases with its budget and, at the same time, very high-quality offers. So, a stylish striped top with cotton and elastane lacing will cost you only 599 rubles. Very profitable!

Not all people know how to choose the right clothes for themselves, it is for this reason that they often look bad; clothes can not only improve a person’s appearance, but also significantly worsen it. Therefore, you need to learn correctly choose for yourself beautiful clothes, which will look really good. In general, you can learn how to choose clothes if you really want to, but first you need to sincerely want to look good.

How to learn to dress beautifully and fashionably:

1. Take a girlfriend or boyfriend with you

Asking a seller for advice is a completely useless exercise, since they will not offer clothes that will look good, but those that they need to sell first. In addition, not a single seller will honestly say how the clothes fit, that is, even if they look bad, the seller will still claim that the person looks great in these things. So it’s better to take an honest friend or girlfriend with you to the store, who will tell the real truth and advise you to try on a really good outfit. Thus, you will certainly be able to choose something suitable and stylish for yourself.

When choosing, you must try on clothes, and only then make a definite decision. You should definitely look at yourself in the mirror and try to notice all the details. If clothes show all the flaws of the figure, then it is not recommended to buy it, since things should hide all the flaws, and not show them all off. So if a person has any problems with his figure, he should never buy tight clothes. An overweight person should buy loose clothing; this is the only way he can hide certain flaws in his figure.

3. Always be in trend

Some people don't have much of a clue what kind of clothes are in fashion right now, which is why they just buy what they like and don't think about fashion. In fact, stylish and fashionable clothes can decorate a person’s appearance, so you should first find out what things are currently fashionable. You can find out this information using certain sites on the Internet, where you can even choose a certain beautiful image for yourself. If a person is new to the Internet, then he can simply buy himself a good fashion magazine, after viewing such a magazine, the person will be able to understand what kind of clothes he needs.

4. Don't combine different patterns

It is important to remember the rule that an outfit should only have one piece with a pattern. Don't try to combine different patterns in clothes, it almost always worsens your style. For example, if a girl is wearing a T-shirt with rectangles, she is unlikely to want to wear a striped skirt.

5. Confidence and comfort

Choose only those clothes in which you will feel comfortable and confident. Think about yourself first, not others.

  • Interesting article -


Many people justify their lack of taste in clothes by a lack of money, but in fact, you can dress beautifully in ordinary stores; you don’t have to buy clothes in expensive boutiques. If a person has good taste, then he will be able to choose a beautiful and fashionable clothes, both in the store and at the market. The main thing is to always spend a lot of time on clothes, because a person is unlikely to be able to quickly choose a suitable stylish outfit, so you should not waste your time on such an important process.

How to dress stylishly - video

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