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What to buy for the maternity hospital list. Maternity hospital bag - a complete list of things. What documents are needed for admission?

It is very important to prepare a list of necessary things for a newborn in advance. After all, the lack of what your baby needs can seriously upset you.

Do not buy too many clothes for your baby, as in the first months of his life he grows very quickly, and after 1-2 months things will be too small for him

We will try to make the most accurate list of things for a newborn for the first time.

Preparing for childbirth brings a lot of worries and troubles to the expectant mother. To ensure that the onset of childbirth is not accompanied by panic and hasty packing, obstetricians recommend packing things for the maternity hospital starting from the 34th week of pregnancy.

Prepare two spacious bags for things. First, collect things that will be needed in the delivery room, and second, collect clothes and supplies for mother and baby that will be needed after childbirth.

So, in the maternity room you need to prepare the following things for the baby:

  • Sliders - 1 pc.
  • Vest – 1 pc.
  • Socks - 1 pair
  • Hat with ties – 1 pc.
  • Warm flannelette diaper – 1 pc.
  • Blanket – 1 pc.

a) cotton diaper – 1 pc.; b) diapers - 10 pcs.

The newborn will be dressed in these things immediately after birth. Also in the labor room you will need wet wipes and disposable diapers.

Things your baby will need after birth:

It is also important to think in advance about what you will wear when taking your baby home. The event is important and responsible, so prepare a separate bag with things for checkout.

It should contain:

  1. Warm diaper 1 pc. and a thin diaper 1 pc.
  2. Socks.
  3. Hat with ties.
  4. Blanket.
  5. Diaper.

6) Bodysuit (“man”) with clasps or romper and vest 7) ​​Envelope

List of things for a newborn in the spring

You will need something like this list of things for a newborn in the spring:

  1. Thin and lined hats with ties – 3-4 pcs.
  2. Bodysuits or “men” with comfortable fasteners in front, on the sides – 7-8 pcs.
  3. Half tunics – 10-12 pcs.
  4. Warm and thin socks – 4-6 pairs
  5. Warm blouses - 3 pcs.
  6. Thin blouses or vests - 4-5 pcs.
  7. Flannelette or flannel diapers - 7-8 pcs.
  8. Terry overalls - 1-2 pcs.
  9. Overalls with synthetic padding for walking outside - 1 pc.
  10. The blanket is thin and warm.
  11. Towel with hood.
  12. Lots of diapers.
  13. A stroller for walking, because babies born in spring are lucky to get a lot of walks fresh air and get sunbathing with vital vitamin D3.

This list will help you quickly collect the necessary things without forgetting anything.

List of things for a newborn in the summer

The list of things for a newborn in the summer is slightly different from the spring list.

The basis remains the same:

  • Lots of diapers.
  • Diapers are more calico than flannel or flannel.
  • You will also need bodysuits and T-shirts, with fasteners at the top - 4-5 pieces.
  • Thin blouses - 2 pcs.

a) sliders – 4-5 pcs.; b) thin socks – 3 pairs

  • Calico hats - 3 pcs.
  • A warm suit with pants and a blouse for cool weather would be a good idea.
  • The blanket is warm and thin.
  • Transformable stroller with portable cradle.

This is the most necessary thing you may need for the comfort of your baby and also yours.

About to give birth in winter time year, do not forget to prepare a list of things for a newborn in the maternity hospital in winter. In the cold season, you will need more warm clothes to take care of your baby's comfort.

The standard list of things for newborns for the first time remains in force:

  • Hats with ties with flannel lining – 3 pcs.
  • Sliders – 3 pcs.
  • Baby vests – 3 pcs.
  • Warm socks – 3 pairs.
  • Warm blouse and pants 1 pc.

a) a warm blanket; b) a towel, it is better to choose one with a hood

  • Calico diapers – 2 pcs. and flannelette – 10 pcs.
  • Thin plaid-type blanket.
  • Diapers – 10-15 pieces. Choose better small size, but don't buy a large package. The child will grow quickly and very soon you will have to choose a larger size. Also, do not rule out that the diapers may not fit sensitive skin newborn

Keep in mind that everything you need can be purchased at the pharmacy stall of the maternity hospital.

What will you need at home?

When preparing to bring a new resident into your home, do not forget to prepare the most comfortable conditions for him. We will try to create a complete list of things a newborn needs in the first month at home.

To begin with, the room in which the mother and newborn will live. It is advisable to carry out cosmetic repairs - update the wallpaper, paint the walls at least a month before the birth of the child. During this period, all harmful substances from paints and other products will disappear from your home. It is unacceptable to have pets, an aquarium, or indoor plants in a child’s room.

Children's furniture

From furniture you will need:

  • Dresser for things.

a) a crib; b) changing table

  • Don’t forget also about the “stuffing” of the crib - a mattress, an oilcloth mattress cover, diapers, soft sides to protect the child from drafts and bruises on the wooden sides of the crib, a blanket.
  • You will also need a wall-mounted night light so that when you wake up at night, you don’t have to turn on the overhead light.

Little things like this will help you and your baby feel much better.

For swimming

For hygienic baths you will definitely need:

  • Baby bath.
  • The lining is foam rubber, choose the size for your bath, “bathing circle”, put on the baby’s neck so that water does not get into the ears.

Do not forget that the first time bathing is best done with the baby wrapped in a light diaper. This is done to prevent the child from getting scared, because he will actively wave his arms.


Earlier in this article, we looked at a detailed list of things for newborns in spring, winter and summer. Therefore, prepare sets of things necessary for the first month based on the time of year when your baby was born and specific weather conditions.

Perhaps a first aid kit for a child is the most important attribute. It is necessary to have the necessary things at hand at any time.

You will definitely need:

  • Nasal aspirator
  • Saline solution, Aquamaris, Humer or any other saline solution for rinsing the spout.
  • Alcohol, brilliant green, peroxide, calendula infusion for treating the umbilical wound
  • Cream for diaper rash and cracked nipples for mothers - “Bepanten” or “Cicaplast balm”.
  • Drops like "Tobrax" for eye care in the first days.

a) “Bobotik”; b) "Bepanten"

  • Be sure to have a colic remedy. “Bobotik” or “Kolikid” is suitable for children from the first days of life.
  • Antipyretic with paracetamol (Efferalgan suppositories or Panadol syrup)
  • Antiviral nasal drops - “laferobion”, “nazoferon” - will not be superfluous and very useful; they are needed both for the prevention of diseases and for the treatment of the first symptoms of a cold.

Such a lightweight first aid kit should always be on hand to provide emergency assistance to your baby.


For a newborn, you can get by with a minimum of toys. You may need one or two rattles and a hanging mobile toy for the crib. As the child grows, the range of toys will need to be expanded.

Hygiene items

Items for a child's personal hygiene must be strictly his own. Sharing is not allowed even with mother.

The child needs:

  • Baby shampoo.
  • Baby soap.
  • Baby powder.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Comb or comb.
  • Children's scissors.
  • Special cotton swabs with limiters and ordinary cotton swabs, cotton pads.
  • Electronic thermometer for measuring body temperature.
  • Thermometer for measuring room temperature.
  • Diapers.

Personal hygiene is the key to health and beauty, both for baby and mommy.

What will you need for walking with your child?

Walking in the fresh air is one of the most important activities in the daily life of a newborn at all times of the year. Since it increases appetite, improves sleep, reduces the risk of getting respiratory viral infections, and it is also the main source of vitamin D3, which a child needs for normal growth and development.

The first and most necessary thing for walking is a stroller. The assortment and variety of options is simply dizzying.

It's difficult to choose, but follow some simple rules:

  • Choose a stroller that is convenient for you personally
  • Don't forget about the season. There are so-called “summer” and “winter” options. It is best to prepare a transformable stroller so that you can use it for a long time and at different times of the year.
  • Very convenient to use “portable cradles”
  • An important detail is the wheels. They must be durable, not wobble or fall off, and have a good shock-absorbing mechanism.

When choosing a stroller, take care of others important details for a successful walk with your baby. A large bag for mom will be essential.

It should contain:

The birth of a child is an incredibly exciting event for every family. To ensure everything goes smoothly, start preparing several months before your expected due date. This way you will save your energy and will not worry in vain about little things that should not distract from the main thing - the birth of a new person.

While expecting childbirth, expectant mothers think about what things will be useful for them and their baby in the maternity hospital. A detailed list of everything you need can be obtained from the hospital where you plan to give birth. But there are also general recommendations on fees.

There are no specific dates for when exactly you need to pack your things for the maternity hospital.

At this time, you can start looking for a crib and a stroller, as well as a minimum of clothes for the child. You can start preparing the apartment, disassemble and throw away unnecessary things, think about where the crib and stroller will be. It’s worth thinking about thick curtains or blinds for the windows in advance.

Which bag to put things in

In the maternity ward, it is better to check in advance whether it is possible to bring things in bags. Since most such institutions recommend using packages. If it is not possible to clarify this information, you need to prepare capacious packages. To avoid misunderstandings in the reception department.

Bag No. 1. For the maternity ward

List of documents required upon admission to the maternity hospital:

Also needed:

  • Rubber, washable shoes.
  • Napkins for intimate hygiene, disposable handkerchiefs.
  • Sterile diapers 90x90 (1 pack);
  • Soft toilet paper.
  • A bottle of non-carbonated drinking or mineral water.
  • Anti-varicose stockings.
  • Phone with charger.

You will also need towels (2 pieces are required), shower gel, shampoo, a teeth cleaning kit, and a comb. You need to bring 2 plates, a spoon and fork, and a cup.

Home clothes and sleepwear for the prenatal department are also necessary if you have to go to bed early. But in most cases, you will have to change clothes in the maternity ward. The shirt will be issued by medical personnel. You can take a snack with you - cookies, apples, bananas.

If future mom wears glasses or contact lenses, you should not forget about them and all the necessary accessories.

Bag No. 2. What you need after childbirth

The list of everything that will be needed after delivery can be divided into parts. Things for mom and what the baby will need. It is better to take them with you, unless you have to go to the maternity hospital in advance.

Childbirth can be rapid, and loved ones may not have time to bring everything they need. Some maternity hospitals have problems with baby diapers, and instead of postpartum pads they use sterile gauze.

The table shows a list of what the baby needs:

Mandatory May be required (relatives will inform you)
Baby liquid soap – 1 bottle Mix – 1 box
Diapers (smallest size for newborns) – 1 pack Bottle with nipple – 2 pieces
Diaper cream – 1 tube Pacifier – 2 pieces
Powder (alternative to cream) – 1 bottle Sliders – 3-4 pieces
Wet wipes – 1 large pack Baby vests – 3-4 pieces
Disposable diapers 60x60 – 1 pack Cap – 3 pieces

The list of necessities for a woman in labor can also be divided into what is definitely needed and what may be needed.

Things that may be useful:

In the same bag you can put decorative cosmetics, which will be useful for checkout. It is better if everything is at hand, since the maternity hospital staff may rush the discharge and there will be no time to make it beautiful.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

Prenatal and postnatal first aid kit

When going to the maternity hospital, you can pack a first aid kit with you. It is worth taking the medications that your mother will need.

It can be:

  • Aspirin or Paracetamol, in a situation where, due to the flow of milk, the temperature rises and the woman’s general condition worsens.
  • Levomikol is an ointment for treating perineal sutures or after cesarean section. This will speed up healing and prevent possible suppuration.
  • Visine-type drops may be useful to relieve redness in the eyes after pushing.
  • Packaging of Noshpa or Drotoverin.
  • Suppositories with glycerin for constipation. After childbirth or caesarean section, difficulties with bowel movements may occur.
  • If a woman suffers from hemorrhoids, it is better to take special creams or ointments with her to the maternity hospital. Since the disease can worsen after childbirth.
  • A package of antibacterial patches and a sterile bandage can be useful in the postpartum department.
  • Medicines that a woman takes regularly should be taken first.
  • It is better to take anti-colic medication for your baby

Bag No. 3. What things to take for discharge for a newborn baby

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby will vary slightly depending on the season.

These changes will affect, first of all, the “dowry” for the child.

Discharge in summer

You will need:

Discharge in winter

For winter, the discharge kit should consist of:

Discharge in autumn

If the baby is born in September:

  • Thick fleece envelope.
  • Warm woolen blanket (as an alternative to an envelope).
  • A light blouse, on top of which you can wear a thick knitted suit with long sleeves.
  • A thin cotton shirt, blouse and rompers made of dense natural material (can replace the option from the point above).
  • Thick knitted hat.
  • Thin cotton and thicker knitted caps are an alternative to a cap.
  • Cotton socks and thick cotton booties; if September is cold, then woolen ones.
  • Anti-scratch mittens made of dense natural material.
  • Beautiful ribbon bandage an envelope or blanket.

For October babies you will need:

In November, items from the winter list will be suitable.

Discharge in spring

For March babies you can put together the following kit:

  • A warm envelope on padding polyester or a woolen blanket or blanket.
  • A cotton shirt and a thick flannel suit.
  • Lightweight jumpsuit with fleece.
  • Thick cotton socks.
  • Wool booties.
  • Dense “anti-scratch” pads.
  • A thin cotton or linen cap, a thick fleece or woolen hat.

If the child was born in April, you will need:

For the May statement, a summer list of things is suitable. You need to navigate by the weather.

Although a woman has a supply of diapers and wet wipes in the maternity hospital, it is better for her family to grab a couple of diapers and a mini-pack of wipes in case of unexpected circumstances. After all, mom will have already packed her things, and urgently needed hygiene items may end up at the bottom of bulky bags.

Things for a newborn baby to be discharged from the hospital:

Bag No. 4. What should mom take for discharge?

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby cannot be complete without clothes for the woman to wear when she is discharged. Spouses need to discuss in advance what to take for their wife for discharge. It should be something she likes and fits well.

Summer release:

Winter discharge:

  • Comfortable outerwear for the season.
  • Convenient winter shoes.
  • Option 1 – jeans and a cozy jumper.
  • Option 2 – tights, tight dress.
  • Option 3 – leggings and a warm sweater.
  • Jewelry optional.

Release in autumn:

  • Outerwear if necessary, a warm cardigan will do in September.
  • Shoes for the season.
  • Option 1 – jeans and sweatshirt.
  • Option 2 – leggings and a long light sweater or thick tunic.
  • Option 3 – Tights and a loose dress.
  • Accessories upon request.

Spring release:

  • Weather-appropriate outerwear.
  • Beautiful and comfortable shoes.
  • Option – 1 jeans and a T-shirt and a light cardigan.
  • Option 2 – Pants, shirt or blouse.
  • Option 3 – Leggings and tunic dress.
  • Jewelry and accessories optional.

It is better to give cosmetics and a hair dryer with things that will be needed after childbirth.

What should dad take?

Partner births are not such a rarity now. Each medical institution has its own list of what the future father or other person who wants to take part in childbirth will need.

When preparing for a joint birth, a man needs to undergo a medical examination - have an X-ray of his lungs, take tests. Most likely, these will be AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis. You will need both a staphylococcus smear and a physician’s report on your general health.

Your partner needs to have:

  • Passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, physician’s report and laboratory data.
  • Disposable set of shoe covers, cap and robe.
  • If allowed, just replaceable comfortable clothes.
  • Light snack, water.

A camera should only be taken if agreed upon with your spouse. Childbirth is not an easy process, and she may not want to be filmed.

Planned caesarean section: what you need to take for childbirth

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby during a caesarean section is not much different from the usual.

It includes:

Otherwise, the list will not differ much from the usual one. It will also include:

After a caesarean section there are dietary restrictions. On the first day you can only drink still water. Liquid and soft foods are allowed. Relatives need to take this into account when collecting food parcels for the mother in labor.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

The following little things may be useful in the maternity hospital:

What should not be brought to the maternity hospital

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby has limitations. They depend on the specific maternity hospital. Somewhere laptops, tablets, and electric kettles are strictly prohibited, as recharging them increases the load on the power grid.

Usually in the maternity hospital there is a cooler with drinking hot and cold water, and a microwave oven. Somewhere you cannot bring your own clothes (robes, nightgowns, pajamas); women in labor are given hospital “nighties” and dressing gowns.

  • Even if it is forbidden to bring your own clothes to the maternity hospital, this does not apply to underwear. It should be made from natural fabrics, convenient model.
  • If you can bring your own dressing gowns and pajamas, then they should also be made of light natural fabrics, easy to take off and put on.
  • Flowers with a strong odor are prohibited. It is better if the bouquet presented is of gerberas, wildflowers or scentless roses, small in size.
  • You should not send products to the maternity hospital that cause allergies or increased gas formation in the baby.

A general list of things prohibited in the maternity hospital:

  • Synthetic underwear and clothing.
  • Flowers with a pungent odor and a large amount of pollen.
  • Confectionery with cream.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes.
  • Smoked, spicy, salty.
  • Dishes made from white cabbage cause increased gas formation in the newborn.
  • Chicken eggs and meat.
  • Milk, full-fat sour cream (it is better to replace it with fermented milk products - bifilife, kefir).
  • Sparkling water, sweet lemonades.
  • Cigarettes, alcoholic drinks.

When leaving the maternity hospital, it is important not to forget to take everything Required documents:

  • Card (exchange) of the woman in labor with all the necessary information about how the birth took place.
  • A special card of the child fully filled out with data about him.
  • The birth certificate is provided to the civil registry office.

Preparing for a trip to the maternity hospital, Mom should make a list in advance of everything necessary for herself and the baby, and sign the collected bags., inform relatives where they will stand.

It is better to warn your husband in advance about what things to take for discharge so that he does not confuse anything.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: list of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby

List of necessary things for the maternity hospital for mother and baby:

The first birth is the most indescribable feeling! Preparing for them is an exciting and touching event. Everyone has ever faced the difficulty of choosing - what does the baby, the mother need in the maternity hospital, for discharge?
What is necessary?

List of things for the maternity hospital.

Pack your things in advance - you may not have time to look for things. Contractions
may start unexpectedly, and you will not have enough time to even get ready, and this may
will only make you more nervous. Collect all your things in a bag and put it in specific place. Contact the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth. The list needs to be agreed upon. In different maternity hospitals different conditions and your own rules.

When you go to the ambulance with contractions, you will need (and you will be allowed to leave):

exchange card,
(from the 8th month of pregnancy you should always carry these above items with you wherever you go!) In some maternity hospitals, you cannot bring a phone or money into childbirth.
slippers (better washable),
warm socks (so that your feet don’t get cold; sometimes you get chills during childbirth). It’s also impossible or possible))).
You will be given a loose shirt (you don’t mind getting it stained with blood).
After giving birth, your loving relatives should bring you the following things:
phone charger,
money, incl. pocket money for tips for nannies, bribes for security,
possible gifts honey. staff,
notepad and pen,
pads (special postpartum, or night 6 drops with a soft (non-mesh) surface), or urological pads will save you.
a nightgown or loose T-shirt (with a large neckline or buttons in the front to make it easier to get the breast out for feeding) may only be allowed in the maternity hospital to be used by locals.
a robe (in principle, in the maternity hospital they can give you a government robe),
5 pairs of panties (inexpensive panties that you don’t mind getting dirty and throwing away, or special disposable ones), disposable ones suited me.
postpartum bandage, I chose a very tight one in advance for better tightening, but unfortunately I couldn’t put it on in the first 4 days because of the episiotomy.
nursing bra or seamless bra made of elastic fabric,
bra pads,
a bath towel,
face towel,
a bottle of water (Attention! After giving birth, you can’t drink a lot until your milk comes in; you need to limit liquids as much as possible, especially on the 3rd day, when milk comes in for most women - otherwise you can get hyperlactation!),
cream for sutures that relieves pain (for example, Traumeel), cream for cracked nipples (for example, Bepanten, Purelan, Solcoseryl, you can use your own breast milk lubricate),
laxative suppositories- glycerin is an ideal option,
books on breastfeeding and newborn care - if you have time :-D I DID NOT HAVE,
camera (camera),

hygiene and cosmetic products:
toilet paper (the softest you can find),
baby soap in a soap dish,
hygienic lipstick,
toothbrush (preferably in a case),
shampoo (preferably in disposable bags),
deodorant- without smell,
face cream (tonic, milk),
decorative cosmetics (for photographing on the day of discharge. Be sure to take Foundation– for dark circles under the eyes from the first sleepless nights);


Apples of green varieties (for example, Semirenko),
juices (green apples),
diet yoghurts,
low-fat cottage cheese,
cup, teaspoon, knife, plate,
for baby:
a pack of diapers for newborns 2-5 kg, wet wipes (just in case, although it is better to wash the baby’s bottom with plain water under the tap), baby soap, baby cream, cotton wool (to wash the child’s eyes), oilcloth. In our maternity hospital they gave us about 1 diaper per day. But you could always ask for more. That is, the diapers are NOT YOURS. But again, find out about your maternity hospital in advance.

For discharge from the maternity hospital:

for baby:
cotton bodysuit (or vest, although this is the last century),
cotton overalls (or blouse + rompers),
cotton hat (or bonnet),
a blanket with a duvet cover (or an envelope for discharge, or an envelope with a zipper that transforms into a blanket),
1 cold diaper (calico),
1 warm diaper (flannelette),
warm outdoor overalls (just in case),
car seat for a car (category 0+ from birth - to ensure the safety of transporting a baby in a car).

your clothes for leaving the maternity hospital:

Skirt (preferable than trousers, so as not to disturb the crotch),
a blouse or jacket (which can be unbuttoned in the car if the baby wants to eat on the way),
street shoes (don't forget).

Dowry. What to buy for a newborn?

You have read a lot of literature, visited all the children's stores. I want to buy, if not everything, then almost everything. Let's try to figure out what you really need... The list of things you can buy in advance includes a baby stroller, a crib, a crib mattress, a set of bed linen and bumpers. It is important to think about where you will change your baby’s clothes and store his things. These functions are successfully combined in a special chest of drawers.
Of course, any mother will decide for herself with a list of children's cosmetics.
Now let's decide on clothes. General words and recommendations.

The ratio of light to warm clothing will vary depending on the season. For home you will need 2-3 bodysuits, 3-4 pairs of light and insulated rompers, and blouses. Many mothers prefer overalls. Don't forget about 3-4 pairs of socks or booties. Bonnets, hats - their number is determined by the season. Most likely, a pair of lightweight and insulated ones will be enough. If desired, you can purchase anti-scratch gloves - I didn't need it.
For sleeping - a blanket, a blanket or an envelope. We choose the material according to the season.
For walks, you can buy overalls (according to the season), an envelope, or replace it with a blanket. A few general notes:
White, light-colored items are best to use. Bright red, pink things
fade when washed. All bright things (blue, red) cannot be washed together with
white, but it’s a shame to turn on the machine for one tiny colored item... I wash everything together and it doesn’t fade.
Buttons are preferable to buttons - buttons are more difficult and take longer to fasten, and the baby can accidentally tear them off and put them in his mouth unnoticed...
Underwear should be natural, made of cotton. Sweatshirts and overalls worn on top can be made with acrylic.

Minimum required list of clothes for a newborn:
Bodysuit 2 pieces of the same size,
Cotton underwear overalls (slips) 2 pieces of the same size,
Knitted hat,
Socks 1 pair thin,
Socks 1 pair of terry,
Diapers 2 thin, 2 thick. knitted - the-best!

Bodysuit is the most comfortable underwear for a baby. The best are bodysuits that wrap like a kimono (I liked the ones with buttons on the front). They are not put on over the head and therefore do not cause any disturbance to the baby. And if the diaper leaks, it is convenient to quickly remove them.
But most often there are bodysuits that fasten on the shoulder with a button. There are also bodysuits that simply wrap around the shoulder, this is not very comfortable, the neckline quickly stretches and a “neckline” is formed, which has to be sewn up or buttons added.
When buying a bodysuit, there is a possibility of buying a size smaller, since the diaper adds one size.

Bodysuits, cotton or knitted, fastened with buttons from bottom to top - the second wonderful thing. They are convenient to put on like sweaters - in the sleeves and then fasten the buttons at the front. Jumpsuits with legs (i.e. closed legs) are best. If the overalls are too big, wear socks on top.

The knitted cap fits well on the head and looks modern. By the way, in a room at a temperature of 20 degrees or more, the head of a newborn baby should always be open, without caps, since in newborns thermoregulation is carried out through the head, and wearing a hat disrupts it! A cap should be worn indoors only after swimming for a while.
When buying a hat, pay attention to where the seam is located; it should not somehow interfere with the child lying in the stroller, for example, for a 3-hour walk. I liked the hats with a string or ties better

The best socks are those that are difficult for a child to take off: high, but not too tight so as not to squeeze the foot - this is important for older children.

Enough diapers: 3 thin calico, 3 thick flannel. If you are not going to swaddle, they will be useful as sheets and bedding, for example, for examinations in the clinic.
If you are going to swaddle your baby, purchase 2 knitted swaddles. They stretch and wrap the baby very comfortably. I did not have. Maybe another time I would buy it...
For bare-butt walks, it is advisable to purchase a pack of disposable diapers. I would recommend 3-5 knitted ones and a couple of flannel ones. and disposable ones - for these very inspections, ventilation, etc.

Sleep and safety, storage and leisure

1. Bed (2 levels, lowering front wall, lock - so as not to
could be opened by a child, there is a cover to prevent the child from chewing on the railing)
2. Mattress for the crib (must exactly match the size of the crib,
There are orthopedic, coconut and foam rubber, a removable cover so you can
was washed). We have a coconut latex mattress.
3. Flannelette blanket – 1 pc.
4. Bed linen set – 2 pcs. (according to the size of the mattress
and blankets). Ideally, the sheets should have elastic.
5. Changing table / chest of drawers / changing pad for the crib
6. Bumper on the crib - choose soft ones, not too colorful
colors and pictures on the bumper (by the way, the same applies to bedding
linen). For the bed - everything is in pastels (excuse the pun): bright colors,
firstly, they will prevent the child from falling asleep, attracting his attention, secondly
(which is more significant) can cause bad visual deviations
(the child actually constantly “squints” at bright spots, as our
pediatrician). A canopy is a must if you want it to be above the child's face.
There was always a big dusty rag hanging there :-D
7. Baby monitor (video baby monitor) - at first glance, a whim and a waste of money. But
if possible, buy it or, even better, order it as
gifts (from colleagues, girlfriends, relatives, etc.). And you won't have to accept
shower with the door open, nervously listening to sounds coming from the room
rustling sounds, on the other hand, you can calmly listen to music, watch
TV, you can work in another room (in the kitchen) without fear
put the stroller with the child on the balcony or under the apple tree in the country, calmly
minding your own business while the baby is sleeping...
8. Mobile. You can use black and white toys, you can make your own, it’s better to have 2 of them, and a couple of light rattles to put in the handle. Both the mobile and rattles will be in demand at least a month after birth.

1. Stroller.
2. A sheepskin envelope the size of the stroller is a very useful thing, it is used
not only in cradles, but also later, in strollers (as a cavity -
to keep your feet warm). or down envelope - for winter
3. Rain cover for stroller
4. Anti-mosquito net for stroller - for summer
5. Car seat 0+ or ​​safety kit for the cradle (if you have a car and are planning a trip and not only).

Care items.

1. Oilcloth / waterproof sheet – 1-2 pcs. I had a waterproof sheet-thing!*THUMBS UP*
2. Bathing towel with a hood – 2 pcs. (but you can get by with regular
large flannel diapers - they are good for drying the baby’s body)
3. Bath + ladle - in my opinion, NOT needed if you have your own bath
and the shower is in normal sanitary condition:))) Do not deprive your baby
the joys of bathing and do not turn bathing into an adult wash with a huge
quantity cosmetics. In addition, mandatory daily
bathing lasting 20-25 minutes, with swimming, games, gymnastics,
ears in the water - this is a way to involve DAD in the process of caring for the child. One
it’s difficult to pull something like that (without straining your back), but with dad’s participation it’s very
It’s even fun, it’s such a family ritual :)
4. Air/water thermometer
5. Children's scissors 6. Comb-comb for combing out crusts (we were given two: World of Childhood -
terrible, I had to give it to my niece for dolls, Chicco - they combed everything in one
time, draw your own conclusions...)
7. Children's cosmetics - Choose something, if it suits, use it
Don't fool yourself that there is something better.
- protective diaper cream OR powder
- moisturizing milk - on the body (legs and arms often peel)
- wet wipes
- bathing gel (convenient - for body and hair at the same time, with dispenser).Do not pour into bathing water, but apply to the body after swimming, in the very
- baby soap
8. Breast pump
9. Bottles 125 ml - 2 pcs. Until you decide on feeding, that's enough, but
then buy more - just like a sterilizer, heater and other attributes
10. Pacifiers for newborns – 2 pcs.- we didn't need it at all. clothespin for pacifier – 1 pc.
11. Powder (or gel) for washing children's clothes + conditioner

CLOTH. Detailed list.

1. Warm diapers (flannel) – 5 pcs.,
2. Thin diapers – 5 pcs. (provided that you do not swaddle, diapers
will be useful for you to lay on the table, get wet after swimming or
washing, putting it on your shoulder if the baby spits up, etc.)
I had 7 thin ones and 10 flannel ones. I almost didn't swaddle. But! this number of diapers allowed me to wash them every 2 days.

3. Knitted bodysuit with long sleeves – 5 pcs. Of these: 2 pcs.
– size 56, 3 pcs. – 62 sizes. As you grow older, replace those who leave.
items of clothing for the same bigger size. By the way, the bodysuits have become too small
can be worn without fastening the bottom for air baths (ventilation of the butt).

4. Knitted pants without straps, with a wide, loose elastic band – 5 pcs. From
them: 2 pcs. – size 56, 3 pcs. – 62 sizes
Or (if you prefer)
3. Blouses with buttons – 5 pcs. (I didn’t like sweatshirts with a smell,
shirt type is better). Of these: 2 pcs. – size 56, 3 pcs. – 62 sizes.
4. Sliders on straps – 5 pcs. Of these: 2 pcs. – size 56, 3 pcs. – 62
Let me explain: rompers with straps are less practical, since the child is made of them.
grows faster (besides, patterns are often not designed for diapers), but with
They can be used to wear blouses that will ride up if worn together
with regular pants. Therefore, choose: either body + panties, or
blouse+romper with straps
5. Socks – 3-4 pairs. If the house is warm, a bodysuit + socks are a great pair!
The main thing is that they do not slip and are dense enough, but not tight.
(pay special attention to elastic bands). Girls can have 2 pairs, boys
The consumption of socks increases during air baths :)))
6. Cotton knitted overalls with buttons from top to bottom or with a fastener
at the back, “slips” - 3 pieces, of which 1 – 56 sizes, 2 – 62 sizes. I dressed in
their son after bathing for a night's sleep - free, comfortable, will not freeze if
will open up. Many people wear them during the day, but to me they are closer to pajamas - at least
because it is more convenient to change diapers in bodysuits (this happens more often during the day),
and wash your butt.
7. Cotton knitted cap – 2 pcs. Only after swimming, no more than
an hour, yes, for a walk in the summer (if it’s cool or in the evening).
8. Velor overalls for walking – 2 pcs. or velor (1 pc.) +
wool (1 pc.), size 62-68. No, the child is in velor (quality, 80% -
cotton, 20% - PA!) does not adhere, I answer potential critics. Put on
under a warm overall in the cold season and on its own in the cool season
weather in late spring/summer/early autumn.
9. Warm overalls for walking. Make adjustments for climate, month
birth, etc. For example, it is convenient for summer children to buy 1 good overalls
size 68 on thin synthetic padding or thin down, with a breathable top layer,
hood, two zippers and put it on as in the fall (covering the baby in
stroller with a blanket), and in winter (putting it in a fur envelope-bag according to
stroller size, with zippers on the sides). It will be useful for autumn and winter kids
actually in winter (with a fur envelope) and in spring (as a separate dish :))
10 Warm hat for walking – 1 pc.
11. Bibs, anti-scratches, booties and other small items. Maybe it will come in handy. But
It's equally likely not. :)
12. Thin cotton blanket, the size of a large diaper – 2 pcs. My alternative
swaddling, when the child cannot fall asleep (not sleep, namely fall asleep), interfering
with your own hands. I loosely wrapped my son in such a blanket before going to bed,
rocked him to sleep and laid him right in it, no longer covering him with a blanket - having fallen asleep, he
I freed my hands and slept spread out. Also used as:
bedding, blanket in the stroller, blanket in the crib, blanket in the car, etc.

Thus, the listed elements make up a pretty good WARDROBE
for a baby with a washing frequency of 1 time every 2-3 days (for newborns),
the same amount will be enough for an older child when washing once every 3-4 days.
How to dress?
cold (below 18 degrees): bodysuit + slip + booties
normal/warm (18-23 degrees): body + panties
warm/hot (above 23 degrees): body + socks
for the night: sleepsuit
summer (hot) – bodysuit with short sleeve+ socks, for a very small child -
light blanket
summer (warm/windy) long sleeve bodysuit
summer (cool/damp) – bodysuit+pants+velor jumpsuit, plaid
autumn/spring (you are already wearing a coat or still wearing a coat) – bodysuit+pants+velor
overalls+warm overalls, plaid
autumn/winter (frost!) - bodysuit+pants+velor jumpsuit+warm jumpsuit,
fur envelope.

The consumption of disposable diapers in the first days is high: on average every 2-3
hours. 8-10 pieces are used per day. But don't skimp on diapers (their
quantity and quality)! Diaper rash and irritation are the problem of many newborns


1. Less is more! no need to buy a lot of cheap chintz
(flannelette) vests, blouses, rompers, etc. You won’t recognize them after
wash in twisted rags that have shrunk three sizes and you will be doomed
for eternal ironing (and your time is worth more - nothing teaches you to value
time, like the first months of motherhood). High-quality cotton knitwear is the best
girl's friend :) And forget these horror stories about stitches, which are mandatory
should be outward, about multi-layered clothes a la white cabbage and
etc. Good knitwear does not require ironing and will outlast an infinite number of
washable, does not shrink, is easy to put on (take off) and has a lot of other
2. Buttons will save nerve cells - yours, your child's and your neighbors! And no
ties, buttons, zippers, etc. I don’t think there’s any need to explain.
3. Movement is life! But moving in a hundred clothes is problematic. And in the heat it's still
I don’t want to, and besides, overheating a baby is harmful. Therefore, when
temperature from 20 to 23 degrees (this is exactly the mode we usually maintain
in residential areas), one layer of clothing will be sufficient. If in
the room is warmer, then it is no longer warm, but hot, and something needs to be done - either
actively ventilate the room, or undress the child. And those released from
purchase of heaters and fan heaters, use resources to purchase
a good humidifier.
4. Everything in a child should be perfect. And the child has a sense of beauty
must be developed from early childhood. Some mothers, not without reason, believe that poisonous green sliders with pink speckles will cause irreparable damage
aesthetic sense not only of the mother, but also of the baby dressed as a clown.
Therefore, when choosing colors, imagine what and how you will combine. AND
it is not at all necessary to follow the dull Soviet tradition by stubbornly dressing up
the boy in blue, and the girl in pink. There are many other colors :)
5.. Respect the sizes, but remember that their manufacturers often do not
respected. From what I bought in Moscow, I trust the following scheme: 56 - from 0 to 1
months, 62 – 1-3 months, 68 – 3-6 months, 74 – 6-9 months. and next
manufacturers: Mothercare, Albimini, C&A (these are adult clothing stores, but
they have departments for children of all ages - by the way, European brands are
often practiced).
6. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth – you don’t want to remember this
folk wisdom, looking at the pile of things bought without your participation? If
you yourself will not put into practice the principles outlined above, following the absurd
medieval superstition prohibiting the expectant mother from collecting a dowry for
baby, you will watch with sadness from the maternity hospital window as they are accurately
on the contrary, your volunteer helpers (husband, mother, mother-in-law and

Collected from many forums and personal observation.

Before giving birth, a woman has many worries: she needs to prepare all the documents, collect her belongings, visit the doctor regularly, but we must not forget about the things that you and your newborn baby will need. So, the birth is approaching, what will the long-awaited family member need? We have prepared for you the most complete list of things.

List of necessary things for a newborn baby

Full list you can download and print the necessary things -

Things for the crib, for the stroller, and things necessary for the maternity hospital Everything you need from the first days of your baby's life

List of things to take to the hospital

Each maternity hospital has its own rules. These rules include a list for the newborn for the first time, and also relate to visits, permitted products, permitted and prohibited things.

1. In any case you will need:

  • Diapers, preferably disposable;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Baby soap;
  • Powder;
  • Discharge kit;
  • Cotton pads;

2. It is necessary to check with the maternity hospital, since in some it is customary to give mothers “official” sterilized baby clothes:

  • Diapers (5 pieces each of cotton and flannelette);
  • Socks;
  • Hats (2 pieces each, warm and thin);
  • Baby vests (light and warm) (5 pieces);
  • Cap (light, warm, lace)
  • Dummy (some doctors are categorically against);
  • According to your preferences, rompers or onesies.

Children's clothing must be washed and ironed before going to the maternity hospital.

VIDEO: what to take to the maternity hospital

What you will need at home

The fuss associated with the birth of a child absorbs parents so much that sometimes the most important things completely fly out of their heads. It's better to have a list in this situation. By consulting it, relatives will be able to check the availability of essential items before the baby is discharged from the hospital.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Basic things for the room

First aid kit list

Immediately after returning home with the baby, you will begin to carry out all hygiene measures for him yourself. The list of a first aid kit for a newborn will help you purchase everything you need to care for your baby, treat the umbilical cord and deal with the most common childhood problems.

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Zelenka (1%);
  • Sterile cotton wool;
  • Cotton swabs (for treating the umbilical wound);
  • Potassium permanganate or chamomile for bathing;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • Thermometer;
  • Aspirator (to remove mucus from the nose);
  • Gauze;
  • Sequence and collection of herbs No. 2;
  • Pipette and syringes.

Hygiene products

Caring for the baby requires special rules: daily washing, frequent washing, keeping the skin dry and clean. Newborn hygiene products will help with this. It is better to give preference to children's hypoallergenic brands of cosmetics.

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