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What to take your baby to the maternity hospital in the fall. What to take with you to the maternity hospital, things for mother and baby. What to take to the maternity hospital for a baby - list of things for a newborn

By the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, labor can begin at any time. In order not to experience discomfort, not to pack things for the maternity hospital at the last moment, risking forgetting the necessary items, responsible expectant mothers pack their bags in advance.

What does the list of things for the maternity hospital include? Ask the reception department what you need to take with you and what things you don’t need. Each maternity hospital has its own rules and lists, which may change depending on the time of year.

Things for a child in the maternity hospital

It's better to take more than you need

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital consists of essential items for mother and child. You need to take only the essentials that you need all the time, otherwise you risk bringing a couple of extra suitcases with you. Therefore, when collecting things for an important event, be guided by the principle: only what you cannot do without. What are these things?

All the things you need should be divided into three parts:

  • mother during the period before and during childbirth;
  • mother, which are necessary during the postpartum period;
  • newborn.

Some items, such as dishes, will be necessary for a woman throughout her stay in the maternity hospital. But it’s still better to pack yourself two separate bags. The first one should be unpacked immediately after admission to the maternity hospital (items that will be needed before the birth). Leave the second one for later. This will avoid unnecessary hassle and confusion.

One more thing: if you are planning a joint birth, collect a separate package for your husband.

When packing, be guided by the following principles:

  • Pack the documents into a separate file or folder;
  • Place all items strictly in plastic bags. Sanitary and epidemiological standards in maternity hospitals prohibit bringing leather or fabric bags from home;
  • divide the list into 3 parts: to the delivery room, postpartum ward, discharge (and also to the husband, if the birth is joint). Prepare transparent bags and label them;
  • You can leave the discharge package at home. Later his relatives will bring him.

What to take to the maternity hospital for your baby?

What things does a baby need in the maternity hospital? The most necessary things are:

  • 4 diapers – 2 flannelette and 2 calico;
  • vests and bodysuits – 2 pcs.;
  • anti-scratch pads on the hands of a newborn (babies are born with long nails and may injure themselves);
  • hat and cap;
  • jumpsuit and romper – 2 pcs.;
  • big terry towel or blanket;
  • packaging of diapers (size 0-1);
  • packaging of disposable diapers;
  • baby diaper cream for newborns (usually the doctor advises the woman which one is best to use);
  • baby powder. Better than ordinary Soviet without aromatic additives;
  • a pack of wet wipes for newborns;
  • cotton swabs with a limiter for cleaning the nose and ears;
  • safety scissors for newborns to trim nails;
  • formula feeding bottle. Useful in case of absence breast milk. Be sure to boil it at home;
  • liquid soap for children.

Packing a bag with things

This full list things for the maternity hospital for the baby and mother. Coordinate it with your doctor, since some maternity hospitals prohibit taking cloth diapers and gowns with you, but give them to women in labor on the spot, just like disposable diapers.

When choosing clothes for a newborn, follow the rules:

  1. Buy clothes for your baby only from natural fabrics. The newborn has a vulnerable and thin skin susceptible to allergies. The threads used to sew clothes must be cotton.
  2. At first, until the baby gets used to the clothes, seams, fasteners, and seals will interfere with him. With this in mind, buy items that have ties and the seams facing out.
  3. The rompers should have wide knitted rubber that will not damage the umbilical wound.
    Depending on the time of year, the list of clothes you need to bring with you may change.

in winter

In late autumn, winter, spring, take:

  • a pair of warm bodysuits;
  • warm socks or booties – 3-4 pairs;
  • a warm wadded blanket so that the baby does not get cold while sleeping;
  • warm hat – 2-3 pcs;
  • A warm envelope will be useful for discharge in winter; you should buy it in a specialized store.

In summer

In summer or late spring, refuse a warm blanket and replace it with a blanket or terry towel. Replace all insulated items: bodysuits, overalls, socks, hats with lighter ones.

What to discharge your child in in the summer and spring, be guided by the weather. A demi-season or summer set is perfect. If it's cool, wrap your baby in an extra thin blanket or flannel diaper.

A set of things for the maternity hospital for mom

Medicines from home

What things will the mother need in the maternity hospital? Take with you:

  • a cotton robe and a loose shirt. You can purchase the kit immediately;
  • 2 pairs of warm socks, not wool ones. During and after childbirth, women often suffer from chills;
  • rubber slippers that can be easily washed in the shower;
  • drinking still water - at least 2 bottles of 0.5 liters each. Light food that does not spoil, a thermos with tea will come in handy;
  • a small terry towel for wiping your face with cold water during childbirth;
  • hygienic lipstick, which will prevent the appearance of cracks on the lips (during childbirth, lips become very dry);
  • elastic bandages or stockings for women who have varicose veins veins;
  • hair clip or elastic band;
  • disposable toilet seat covers.

The baby in the delivery room will need:

  • pilch;
  • socks and anti-scratch pads;
  • diaper;
  • thin hat with ties;
  • flannelette blanket.

These items are needed directly in the delivery room, so prepare them in advance, wash and iron them on both sides.

If you are planning a partner birth, take your husband:

  • results of fluorography and other studies. Find out in advance at the maternity hospital what tests your partner needs to undergo in order to be allowed to give birth;
  • clean clothes (T-shirt with light pants or surgical suit);
  • disposable cap and mask, shoe covers.

Some maternity hospitals allow you to take a camera with you to take photos and videos.

Necessary documents for the maternity hospital

We take everything

When entering the maternity ward, a woman must have the following documents with her:

  • ID card (passport and photocopy);
  • individual exchange card for a pregnant woman (issued in antenatal clinic). The card contains the results of examinations of the woman throughout the entire pregnancy;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • referral from a gynecologist (issued at the antenatal clinic);
  • birth certificate;
  • birth contract (if available).

Don't forget about money. Take a small amount of cash and a plastic card. This will help you save money; if necessary, you can withdraw money from an ATM (they are installed in all modern maternity hospitals).

Hygiene items before childbirth

What mom will need

Before giving birth, a woman will need the following hygiene and care items:

  • 2 towels – for hands and shower;
  • a pack of disposable diapers 90x60 (necessary for examinations and childbirth);
  • underwear – bras and panties;
  • wet and dry wipes;
  • enema. The intestines are cleaned at the beginning of contractions, but sometimes there is a need for a repeat procedure;
  • bags for dirty laundry and garbage.

Postpartum period in hospital

After giving birth, a woman will need the following things:

  • bras. Include a special nursing bra in your shopping list. Before purchasing, keep in mind that with the appearance of milk, your breasts will increase by at least 1 size;
  • a shirt that fastens in the front and has straps to make feeding the baby convenient;
  • disposable panties. After giving birth, your underwear will have to be changed frequently, but there will be no opportunity to wash it;
  • slippers;
  • mug, tablespoon and teaspoon, plate;
  • personal care products: comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo;
  • sanitary pads with maximum absorbency - especially for women in labor.

It won’t hurt to take with you a bag of dried goods, a pack of cookies, apples, and tea bags. Labor may end late at night, and the woman needs a snack. After childbirth, appetite increases, and canteens are closed at night.

For personal hygiene and recovery

You should also take with you:

  • cream for cracked nipples. When the baby starts sucking the breast, the nipples will be injured. A special cream (Bepanten) will speed up the healing of cracks, and an ice cube will relieve pain. Prepare ice in advance and keep it in the refrigerator (assuming there is a freezer in the delivery room);
  • postpartum bandage. It supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the skin from sagging after childbirth;
  • glycerin suppositories. They will be useful if the birth was complicated and stitches were applied to the tears. In this case, you cannot push, but candles will help you go to the toilet without any problems;
  • Magnesia. Useful for compresses in case of lactostasis;
  • breast pump It will come in handy if for some reason you cannot feed your baby. It is difficult to express breasts with your hands, especially for beginners. A breast pump will ensure the preservation of milk and breastfeeding in this situation;
  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of a newborn.

When leaving the maternity hospital, ask relatives to bring the child’s belongings:

  • envelope for discharge. Focus on the weather. If it’s winter outside, buy a winter envelope, on sheepskin, if it’s summer, buy a thin one. In the off-season, an envelope with padding polyester is suitable;
  • suit or overalls;
  • cap;
  • beautiful bow.

Things for mom to check out:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • hair styling products;
  • elastic bands, hairpins;
  • beautiful clothes and shoes.

Make arrangements in advance to transport your baby home. Buy a bassinet or Baby chair for auto.

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, you should be given the following documents:

  1. Child's birth certificate. It is required for registration with the Civil Registry Office.
  2. Discharge summary of the development of the newborn. It should be given to the local pediatrician.
  3. Extract from the birth history. Necessary for a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic.

These things will definitely come in handy

According to the rules, a woman in labor spends 3 days in the maternity hospital after giving birth. During this time, doctors examine the child and mother so as not to miss the development of complications. The following will help you brighten up your leisure time and keep yourself busy during this period:

  • pen and paper for notes;
  • player and headphones;
  • books. Books about childbirth, caring for a newborn, and developmental features are useful.

If you forgot something, don’t worry. Every maternity hospital has a pharmacy where you can buy everything for mother and baby: powder, baby cream, diapers, pads, etc.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Waiting for a baby is always accompanied by pleasant chores and preparations to meet him. Since the fall, pregnant girls who are going to give birth in the winter months have been thinking about what they need to buy for a newborn, making a list of things to take to the maternity hospital for the baby in the winter. In order not to forget anything, “Popular about health” will help new mothers prepare for this important event.

Hygiene items

Hygiene items are the first thing you need to take to the maternity hospital in winter. The baby needs the following things on the list:

1. Diapers.
2. Wet wipes.
3. Pacifier.
4. Bottle.
5. Soap (preferably liquid).
6. Sterile cotton wool or cotton pads.

Caring for the baby begins from birth. Already in the maternity hospital you will need to wash your child, wipe his body with napkins, wash and change diapers. He may need a pacifier and a bottle (in case the milk doesn't come in).

Clothes, linen

What to take for your baby in winter? What should I dress my baby in? Usually maternity hospitals provide a list of permitted things. It includes:

1. Two flannelette diapers.
2. Two cotton diapers.
3. Waterproof diaper.
4. A pair of vests.
5. Scratches.
6. Sliders - a pair.
7. Hat.
8. Cotton bodysuit.
9. Thin blanket or blanket.
10. Socks – two pairs.

Please note that all things for the child need to be natural - made of cotton, chintz, including a hat. Choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off, especially if you are a first-time mother and have no experience with a newborn. Doctors recommend taking baby undershirts to the maternity hospital just to make mothers’ work easier. They are much easier to put on a baby than a blouse without fasteners. A baby blanket or blanket may be needed if the maternity hospital is not warm enough. Everyone knows what kind of windows are in hospitals - most often they are old wooden structures with many cracks. To keep your baby from freezing, it is better to have something warm with you.

What to take for discharge to the maternity hospital in winter?

Discharge is a happy event for all parents, but you also need to prepare for it in advance. What do babies usually wear when leaving the hospital? In winter, the above list will have to be supplemented with the following things:

1. Diaper.
2. Cotton hat.
3. Cotton bodysuit.
4. Socks.
5. Plush or fleece overalls.
6. Scratches.
7. An elegant diaper with embroidery.
8. Winter hat.
9. Thermal or fur winter overalls.
10. Envelope (used in severe frost and wind).
11. Ribbon of the appropriate color.

Sometimes it happens that in winter the weather suddenly changes and the thermometer rises above zero degrees. In this case, you need to dress your child according to the weather. You can remove the fleece overalls, leaving only the cotton underwear, put on a winter overalls with fur, and leave a warm hat. The envelope should not be used in such weather, otherwise the baby will overheat.

How to prepare a child's things for the maternity hospital?

If you have already made a list for your baby to go to the maternity hospital, take care of their cleanliness. All clothes and diapers need to be washed, even if they are new and packaged in cellophane. For washing you will need a powder designed specifically for children, it is less allergenic. You can find household chemicals for newborns on sale, they are marked “0-3”. Such powders and detergents are considered safer.

Wash absolutely all the items prepared according to the list for the maternity hospital, and after drying, be sure to iron them. Then carefully fold the clothes and diapers. All this should be done shortly before the expected date of birth. It is unacceptable to prepare things 2-3 months in advance, as they will become covered with a layer of dust and will no longer be clean.

What else to take to the maternity hospital?

The expectant mother should carefully consider what she will need in the maternity ward. When packing, rely on the list given to you by the hospital, but it does not include most of the items you will need. For example, it does not contain such important things as a phone charger, chapstick, toothbrush and toothpaste. It is important for you not to forget to take all this and much more with you.

Think about what you will do when the baby is sleeping. Perhaps you could read or do embroidery during this time, if that's what you like to do. Such activities are useful and can brighten up everyday life in the maternity hospital. It would be useful to take a couple of bottles of purified drinking water and some biscuits with you to snack on. Don't forget your hygiene items - soap, washcloth, shower cap and rubber slippers. Ask your friends what else might be useful in the maternity hospital. The stay there, although not long, is still associated with discomfort, since at a certain moment the much-needed item will not be available.

So, what should you take with you to the maternity hospital for your baby in winter? These are personal hygiene items, linen, clothing, a warm blanket, as well as elegant items for discharge. Be careful when making your list, try not to forget anything. If something is out of stock, there is still time to buy it. As winter approaches, prepare all your items by washing and ironing them.

Childbirth is a responsible, exciting event in the life of every woman in labor. You need to be prepared for them in advance, so that at the “cherished hour”, without wasting precious time, you quickly get ready for the maternity hospital - throw your bags in the trunk, jump into the car and give all your attention to the process of the birth of a new life. You don’t have to run from corner to corner, rack your brains over where one thing is, where to get another, and whether you need anything else.

We are going to the maternity hospital in advance - one and a half to two months before the expected date of birth (in case it starts earlier). Let's think slowly and consider the complete list of necessary things for a mother and a newborn baby. Remember, not all maternity hospitals have the same conditions and requirements; some things from the full list may not be needed. But, it’s better to shell out the “extra” than to then experience the discomfort of not having what you really needed.

What should you take with you? Let's make a complete list of things you need in advance. expectant mother and a newborn in 2020!

What to take with you to the maternity hospital - how best to pack, what to take

In order to make it easy for the expectant mother to navigate and not get confused when packing the necessary things for childbirth, we will divide the list into four groups. Therefore, you collect not one bag, but four, numbered:

  1. The bag with which you will go to the maternity hospital is No. 1.
  2. The bag that will be brought to you after childbirth is No. 2.
  3. Bag with things for discharge for a newborn baby – No. 3.
  4. Bag with things to be checked out to you - No. 4.

For something that you use every day, may get wrinkled and cannot be pre-packaged - write it down on a piece of paper and attach it to the bag with the selected number. Then at the “cherished” time, when you are in a hurry, you will not forget anything!

For example, bag-1: “Add documents, comb, cell phone, bottle of drinking water.” Bag-4: “To complete – suit (dress), boots, jacket.”

When you have lists, bags, things - everything is ready, show and explain to your husband. Then have You have a historical chance and the fact that in your absence he will not forget or confuse anything.

Bag, list No. 1. We are going to the maternity ward

You will need the contents of this bag before entering the maternity ward.

  1. Documentation: passport; compulsory health insurance policy; pregnant woman exchange card; birth certificate with coupon No. 2(if a woman has not registered with the antenatal clinic, she will be given this certificate directly at the maternity hospital).
  2. Robe(comfortable and lightweight sports suit or pajamas).
  3. Slippers. The rules of maternity hospitals require washable ones. This is justified - they are more convenient and easier to keep clean.
  4. Nightgown. It should be comfortable natural fabric.
  5. Socks(2 pairs of cotton ones).
  6. Lingerie. In case you have to go to the maternity hospital early, you need to take a couple of changes of underwear.
  7. Towels: one for the face, one for the body. By the way, disposable paper towels (roll) are quite convenient.
  8. Hygiene items: soap in a soap dish; Toothbrush in a case; toothpaste; comb; mirror; disposable Shaver .
  9. For toilet: toilet paper(choose the softest); disposable toilet seat covers. These are special paper napkins, which are placed on the toilet (literally with one hand), and after using the toilet they spontaneously slide inside, carried away by the drain water. They do not clog the sewer, as they are easily soluble, are suitable for toilet bowls of any shape, and make visiting the toilet convenient and hygienic.
  10. Cosmetical tools: chapstick; hand and face creams that you use every day.
  11. Deodorant(preferably roll-on, with a weak, mild odor or without it at all).
  12. Nail scissors. Among other things, they are also useful for household needs (opening a package, cutting a bandage, etc.).
  13. Cellular telephone. Do not forget Charger and a top-up card (if used).
  14. Watch– wrist or small desktop (preferably with a second hand or digital). Although there is a watch in a cell phone.
  15. Electric kettle(boiler). In addition to its main purpose, this device will provide you with boiling water, which may later be useful for sterilizing the pacifier.
  16. Garbage bags. There will be no problems where to put food packaging, used tampons, etc. It is convenient to pack dirty laundry in bags.
  17. For entertainment: magazine or book; player or radio.

Bag, list No. 2. What you need after childbirth

After giving birth, this bag will be brought to you. Since there are now two of you, the bag will consist of two “compartments”.

For Mom

  1. Robe.
  2. Nightgown. It should be comfortable for feeding. If you couldn't buy a special shirt for nursing mothers, then a regular one with a deep neckline and buttons will be just what you need.
  3. Panties– the simplest cotton ones (at least 2 pairs) or disposable postpartum ones (sold in packs of 4-6 pieces). These are special mesh panties that make it easy to secure a diaper or pads.
  4. Hygienic gaskets. There are special ones for postpartum discharge. But ordinary ones will also do, only the largest and most absorbent ones.
  5. Bra for feeding. Two pieces per change. Add to this disposable bra pads. Postpartum bandage. The sooner you “grab” your stomach, the faster it will return to normal.
  6. Socks. Feet should be warm. Pen + notepad. Record your observations. This process, although difficult, is exciting: it will help you organize your day, and then you will enjoy re-reading your notes.

A pregnant woman carries with her a lot of documents: passport, exchange card, insurance policy, directions for tests and their results, prescriptions, memos. Documents may become dirty, wrinkled, or lost. To save them, buy an office envelope folder with a button. Thanks to transparent material, from which it is made, your documents will always be visible and safe.

For a newborn baby

  1. Baby soap in a soapbox. To avoid confusion, let it be a different color than your soap.
  2. Towel– very soft so as not to injure delicate baby skin.
  3. cotton wool. Buy sterile cotton in a small package. You will need it to wipe your baby's eyes and make flagella to clean his nose and ears. Cotton balls will also work.
  4. Comb or brush. Let your baby be neat and beautiful from the first days. Give him pleasure by stroking his head with a soft brush.
  5. Children's nail clippers. If a baby was born with “claws,” he may scratch himself. Therefore, you need to cut them off or temporarily put them on your hands scratch mittens.
  6. Baby cream. Buy small packages (bottles or tubes), because first you need to try whether these are suitable cosmetical tools your baby, and they will take up less space (remember, you are not home yet).
  7. Wet wipes.
  8. Diaper cream.
  9. Powder. It will be more convenient to use it if you buy a special powder compact with a powder puff (this does not apply to liquid talc). Do not use cream (oil) and powder at the same time!
  10. Disposable diapers. A small package will be enough. Choose the smallest and most breathable ones.
  11. Diapers. There are “state-owned” ones in the maternity hospital, and usually there is no shortage of them. But if you want to use your own, turn on this item. The main thing is that clean diapers are regularly brought to you for change. It is unacceptable to arrange “washing” in the maternity hospital.
  12. Blouses, bodysuit. One or two thin ones and one flannel one will be enough.
  13. Sliders, overalls.
  14. Cap, cap– one light and one flannel.
  15. Bottle with nipple. You probably won't have to use it, but just in case, have it there. Of course, after giving birth it will not be easy to take care of your health and become involved in maternal care. And yet, do not relax, take care of yourself, be neat and tidy - yourself beautiful mother in the world!

What should dad take?

Take care of dad! If your husband is going to “give birth” with you, then you also need to prepare for him “ bag to the maternity hospital“. To be present at the birth, the future father must have the following documents in his hands:

  1. Test results (specify exactly what tests will be required in your maternity hospital and when it is advisable to take them).
  2. Passport or other identification document.
  3. Cook for your husband light clothes and a change of shoes. It would be better if these were washable slippers or disposable shoe covers. He should be provided with a robe, cap, and mask in the maternity hospital. If you decide to make a film about the birth of a child, keep your video camera ready to go - with charged batteries, with an empty flash memory or cassette. If the husband remains in the maternity hospital after childbirth to stay with his wife and child, then he will need personal hygiene items, a towel, shaving accessories, a change of clothes and underwear.
  4. If mom and baby are without dad, but in a separate room, for their subsequent visits it would be a good idea for the father of the family to stock up on: medical disposable shoe covers; medical masks.

Regardless of whether your husband is a supporter of joint birth or not, he should know how to contact the maternity hospital and your doctor. Therefore, provide him with appropriate phone numbers.

Bag, list No. 3. What things to take for discharge for a newborn baby

Place your baby's discharge items here. Decide for yourself what your child will wear and prepare everything according to the time of year. Among winter and summer things, it is better to put both light and warmer clothes and blankets. It’s better to have something left over than not have enough.

A special “discharge” kit will greatly facilitate the preparation of a newborn baby.

  1. IN kit may be included envelope, blanket, corner diaper, cap, vest. All these things, made in the same style, are very elegant and beautiful, just to match your festive mood.
  2. Underwear: blouse, bodysuit, romper, jumpsuit.
  3. Diaper(put two so that the “childish surprise” while dressing does not come as a surprise to you).
  4. Suit.
  5. Diapers– thin and flannel (if the baby will be swaddled).
  6. Outerwear : overalls, envelope, blanket in duvet cover, ribbon.
  7. cap for the street.

When going home, please note that, according to the new (introduced from 01/01/2006) rules traffic, you can only transport a child in a car using special restraints. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a car seat or car seat in advance.

Required documents

Be sure to check the correctness of the data entered in these documents:

  1. Birth certificate. Based on this certificate, your baby will be registered with the registry office and receive a birth certificate.
  2. “Children’s” part of the exchange card. This will indicate the physical parameters of the baby at birth, features of the course of labor, a conclusion about the state of the child’s health after birth and at the time of discharge, data on vaccinations performed, doctor’s recommendations, etc. You will give this certificate to the clinic where your baby will be observed . It will be the beginning of his developmental history and outpatient chart.
  3. Certificate of preventive vaccinations. This will include information about the preventive vaccinations given to the baby. The certificate will be kept by you; do not forget to present it later to enter new data.
  4. “Mother” part of the exchange card. Information about the birth and its characteristics, medications used and procedures performed (if any) will be provided here. You will give this certificate to your doctor at the antenatal clinic.
  5. Others documents (if any): part birth certificate, remaining with the woman; her copy voluntary health insurance policy, concluded contract(agreement) for obstetric care, etc. These documents confirm the fact of provision to you medical care and services and may be useful in the future if complications arise.

Bag, list for maternity hospital No. 4. What should mother take for discharge?

When planning what clothes you will wear when leaving the maternity hospital, keep in mind that your stomach and hips will not yet be in their original form if you have gained a lot of extra pounds during pregnancy. Give preference to loose (stretchable) clothing that is adjustable in width (wraparound, elastic).

  1. Lingerie. Add here tights.
  2. Cloth. What it will be: a tracksuit, jeans or a smart dress, trouser (skirt) suit - it’s up to you to decide.
  3. Outerwear: jacket, raincoat, jacket, coat, fur coat (depending on the season).
  4. Shoes. Flat shoes are definitely comfortable. But during pregnancy, she usually gets tired of it - especially for those who love “stiletto heels”. If this is just you, and you don’t have any medical contraindications, treat yourself to heels! After all, you won’t have to walk on them much, and dad will carry the baby.
  5. Cosmetics, hairspray, jewelry.

Make your loved ones happy good mood and blooming appearance! Light makeup, styled hair, favorite jewelry - today you are the center of attention. Keep in mind that this is exactly how you will remain in photographs and videos, which your child will then enjoy watching.

The day of discharge is both long-awaited and exciting. When going home, check that you have packed all your things. Don’t forget about the documents that the maternity hospital will prepare for you.

Thoughts about the upcoming exciting moment, the hassle of collecting everything you need for yourself and the child, the desire to ensure that everything turns out as it should and even better is a great way not to think about the bad and make your dream come true. With a positive attitude, with calm confidence that you have everything ready, that you have provided for and taken into account everything, you can safely go to the maternity hospital, an easy birth is guaranteed for you and your baby!

Now you know how to get ready for the maternity hospital and a complete list of necessary things to take with you!


Maternity hospital bag in 2020, what things you can take with you to childbirth

Video channel “SMS to Mom”. In this video there are three bags for the maternity hospital: for childbirth, for mother and child, things for discharge. What you need to take with you. Suggest ideas for new videos in the comments.

10 things to take to the maternity hospital - Tutta Larsen

Video channel "TUTTA.TV". Are you making a list of things you need in the maternity hospital? Three times mother Tutta Larsen shares with you her experience and a list of the 10 most necessary things in the maternity hospital! Documents, hygiene items... What else is on the list of 10 things for the maternity hospital?

On the video channel “Mother days”. One of the most important questions for me was: “What to take with you to the maternity hospital.” Having collected various information from all my friends, doctors and the Internet, I ended up with 3 packages. In this video I will tell you exactly what things I collected, and at the end I will add what I needed and what I didn’t.

The most complete list of things to take to the maternity hospital

On the video channel "PaPaMaMa". List of things to take to the maternity hospital for mother and baby. In this video we show what we take to the maternity hospital ourselves. In addition to everything, we will also tell you about some tools that will be very useful to you. In general, we expected that the list of things for the maternity hospital would be smaller, but this was not the case. As a result, you need to take a lot of things with you. We hope that you like our review and can quickly make your list of things for the maternity hospital. We wish you good luck in childbirth.

Bags to the maternity hospital for childbirth, after childbirth and for discharge - important points

On the video channel “Mariya Bezhko”. Important! What to add to your bags? From the video you will learn:

  1. If you're going to use a breast pump, get one!
  2. Bra pads!
  3. A mug with a spoon!
  4. If the maternity hospital allows it, then a hat and socks for the baby immediately after birth! (not possible everywhere).
  5. Much more.

Maternity hospital bag, what should you take with you to the maternity hospital?

On the video channel “Encyclopedia of Beauty”. A prepared bag for the maternity hospital instills confidence not only in the expectant mother, but also eliminates the need for other household members to panic. In this video we will tell you what you need to put in your bag at the maternity hospital, and how to make a list of things correctly.

Every pregnant woman eagerly awaits the birth of her baby. With the onset of the ninth month of pregnancy, labor can occur at any time. To avoid having to pack your bag to the maternity hospital in a hurry during contractions, you need to fold it in advance. In this article we have collected lists necessary documents, things and products that a woman will need in the maternity hospital and upon discharge home.

What does a mother need in the maternity hospital - a list of everything needed for childbirth and after childbirth

List of clothes for a newborn - in the maternity hospital

Maternity hospitals have their own individual rules that allow the bringing of certain items and products. However, there is a certain list of what a woman will definitely need in the maternity hospital during childbirth and after.

When entering the maternity ward, you must have the following documents with you:

  • passport of the mother in labor with a photocopy;
  • from the antenatal clinic an individual exchange card for a pregnant woman;
  • maternity insurance medical policy;
  • SNILS;
  • referral from a residential complex from a gynecologist;
  • birth certificate;
  • birth contract (if there is one).

The following items and products will be needed in the prenatal ward:

  • slippers (washable);
  • towel;
  • loose-fitting shirt;
  • toilet paper;
  • sanitary napkins;
  • a small bottle of water (still) to quench your thirst.

What documents does the future father need to provide to the maternity hospital?

If you are planning a joint birth, you must provide it to the maternity hospital passport and health certificate for the future dad .

A woman in the ward after childbirth will need the following things:

  • robe (preferably cotton);
  • spacious nightgown;
  • nursing bra;
  • disposable panties;
  • socks;
  • telephone set with charger;
  • high-quality postpartum bandage;
  • toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, small mirror;
  • several towels (for body and hands);
  • sanitary pads with a high volume of absorption (for women in labor);
  • special cream for cracked nipples;
  • absorbent breast pads;
  • hygienic lipstick;
  • spoon, plate and mug for food in the dining room, where food is prepared directly for women in labor.

You should take into account the fact that in almost all maternity institutions the use of cloth bags is prohibited, so all things and products should be collected in plastic bags.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a baby - list of things for a newborn

The baby in the maternity hospital will need the following things:

  • diapers (a pair of flannelette, two calico);
  • 2 cotton vests/2 bodysuits;
  • special anti-scratches;
  • cap/thin cap;
  • two pairs of socks;
  • 2 rompers/2 overalls;
  • disposable diapers;
  • terry towel (large)/blanket;
  • compact packaging of diapers size 0-1;
  • cream for newborns under a diaper or talc for children;
  • special wet wipes for newborns;
  • , which must first be boiled (used when there is a shortage of milk);
  • liquid baby soap.

What things should you prepare for mother and baby when leaving the maternity hospital?

A few days after the birth, if everything is fine with the mother and the newborn, they are prepared for discharge. In this case you will need:

  • For discharge for mom : loose dress, tights (if it’s cold), comfortable shoes, clean linen. All this can be brought by the husband or relatives on the day of discharge. Mom also definitely needs cosmetics, because discharge is a festive moment for the whole family, so you should look your best.
  • Baby on the day of discharge you will need a special kit: an envelope for discharge, a cap, undershirts (1 light and 1 warm), overalls, socks, a diaper and, of course, a pink ribbon for a girl, a blue bow for a boy. When selecting for discharge, you should focus on the time of year in order to prevent the child from overheating in the warm season, and during cold weather - the baby is hypothermic. So in summer a thin cap, a vest and a light blanket will do. In spring and autumn, you can use demi-season envelopes, but in late autumn and early spring it is better to use its winter version. For winter, you need to purchase a warm cap and a winter envelope, as well as warm vests and rompers or diapers.
  • Relatives should also take care of a photo or video camera , because this moment should be captured forever.

The nine most exciting and happiest months in a woman’s life are coming to an end, new reason For excitement - what should you buy for the maternity hospital? What things should you take with you to make your stay in the postpartum ward comfortable for both the young mother and her newborn baby? Do you need diapers, and if so, how many? What things are more convenient and better for the first days of a child’s life?

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital?

Most of the expectant mother's list is occupied by personal hygiene items. Don't forget to bring a comb, toothpaste and brush, and some comfortable home clothes (or nightgowns). Each woman has her own list.

An experienced mother will tell you that you need to take with you everything that you use every day at home and that you cannot do without in the maternity hospital. But there are some things that everyone needs to take:

  • Gaskets (special thick, with a breathable or cotton surface);
  • Soap, towel, toilet paper and shampoo (small samples are very convenient);
  • Home clothes;
  • “Nursing” bra and inserts for it, panties. How to choose , ;
  • Slippers that can be washed;
  • Roll of paper towels;
  • Utensils (cup, plate, spoon);
  • Postpartum bandage (especially if you have a cesarean section);
  • Mobile phone and charger;
  • Documents (passport, exchange card, your medical policy, etc.).

Diapers for a newborn baby

Already in the postpartum department, the young mother will have to independently care for her child. The medical staff will advise you to change your baby into clean clothes every day, and they should also be changed if your newborn baby burps on them. And small children spit up often! Therefore, it is better to calculate in advance how many sets of clean change of clothes you need to take with you.

Also decide on this: will you use diapers? Although now swaddling is considered a relic of the past, diapers are very useful in the postpartum ward! You can cover your baby's crib with them, as well as put them on your bed so that the baby doesn't burp on your bed. It is convenient to cover the baby with diapers, dry him after washing, place a diaper folded several times under the newborn’s head (this trick will help you a lot if the baby burps frequently and profusely).

Another tip: if you are going to the maternity hospital in the summer, then simple thin diapers can replace your baby’s clothes; they are very convenient for swaddling a newborn without being too tight. And a diaper will always come to the rescue if there are no clean clothes left at hand, and the baby needs to be changed. Experienced mothers advise taking more diapers with you to the maternity hospital.

  • In the warm season, it is better to use thin diapers. You can wrap a baby in them, and then he definitely won’t feel hot;
  • Thick flannel diapers are comfortable in winter, and they also absorb moisture better. Take them with you to place under your baby’s head;
  • For every day you will need an average of 2-4 diapers, and if the newborn spits up profusely, this figure will increase to 5-6 diapers per day.

Even if you don't plan to use diapers at all, be sure to take at least a few with you for the crib in the postpartum ward!

What clothes are best for a child in summer and winter?

It depends on the time of year and on your own preferences. Experienced mothers say that the most comfortable clothes for newborns - these are rompers (or pants) and vests (or blouses). If the child burps or stains some part of the clothes, then he does not have to change the whole thing, it is enough to change only the top or bottom.

In the cold season, children's "men" are convenient. This is a one-piece jumpsuit, thanks to which all parts of the baby’s body are securely covered, and the legs or arms will remain warm, even if the baby opens up in the crib at night. But usually there is no need to wrap up the child, because in the maternity hospital the heating is very good in winter, and the wards are hot even in a snowstorm and severe frost.

Important: consider all options! Take with you both warm clothes and very light ones so that your baby will be comfortable if it suddenly gets very hot or cold in the postpartum ward!

But you shouldn’t take all your children’s things with you at once; your relatives or husband can bring you everything you need later. Pack what you need for your baby in a separate bag and leave it in a visible place when you get ready to go to the maternity hospital. For the first time after giving birth, a couple of diapers, several baby suits (or “men”) and a small package of diapers will be enough for you.

Don't buy too many clothes in the same size!

If you are not sure which clothes are best to choose for your baby, then we recommend buying both romper suits and onesies. But don't buy too many clothes in the same size! In just a few weeks all this will not be enough for the child.

It’s better to buy 6-8 replacement sets and regularly give your soiled clothes home for washing to your husband or mother, so that clean clothes will be delivered to you the next day. If your relatives do not have the opportunity to visit you every day, then only in this case is there any reason to stock up on a large amount of children's clothing.

So, for a comfortable stay with your baby in the maternity hospital you will need:

  1. 1-2 clean sets of children's clothing for every day.
  2. Diapers and a small towel for the baby.
  3. Hygiene items (liquid baby soap, wet wipes, diaper cream).
  4. Disposable diapers small size(at the rate of 6-8 pieces per day).

To care for a child in the maternity hospital, you don’t need much, but young mothers often take with them a long list of things that they end up not even using.

Each maternity hospital has its own rules and list of necessary things, so it is better to focus on this. Often, the maternity hospital supplies the mother and her baby with everything they need, and the mother in labor can only take with her personal hygiene items, clothes for herself and her baby, and bed linen.

List of things to leave the maternity hospital

In winter, it is better to dress a newborn baby in layers. Keep this in mind when planning to buy baby items for discharge from the hospital. Envelopes are considered the most universal - a kind of blanket corner that can be decorated with lace, ribbons or embroidery. In the future, the envelope is used instead of a blanket in the stroller during walks, so choose it responsibly. In severe frost, under the envelope, you should first put on the baby a warm suit or “man”, and then a winter overall.

Important: in the cold season, it is better to buy envelopes insulated with down, padding polyester or fur. In summer, buy an envelope made of light and natural fabric that will not create a greenhouse effect inside.

In winter, it is better to dress a newborn baby in layers.

Take moisturizing baby milk with you to the maternity hospital. It is suitable for caring for dry skin of a newborn, and for your face and hands!

Additional information about the list of things for a newborn baby in the video:

It is better for a young mother to choose clothes that will be comfortable and will not restrict movement. Immediately after birth female body is far from ideal, so it is better to use a special bandage that will support the stretched abdominal wall, tighten and hide the stomach. Many mothers prefer to be discharged from the maternity hospital wearing loose-fitting dresses and tunics, which visually hide extra pounds.

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