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Why men don't want to get married. Why men don’t want to get married - what causes the fear of marriage. Why men don't want to get married - psychology

Girls know from the time they played with dolls that when they grow up, they will definitely meet in their lives the one who will put it on their finger. wedding ring and call her his wife. Nobody dreams of being a live-in partner or sexual partner.

With age, girls' dreams change: some focus on a career, not caring about the status of a married woman; for others, spiritual unity with a partner is more important, regardless of the stamp in the passport. But there are also those who strive to make their childhood dream come true. However, life makes adjustments. She met the one and only one, they came together under one roof, but she didn’t invite her to marry. Why?

In the modern world, it becomes normal when people begin to live together without officially consolidating the union, testing their relationship for strength and everyday compatibility. And it seems that everything has worked out, and your family is not a make-believe family, but a real one, and you are waiting for one last step from your man - to get married. Why doesn't he want to?

What psychologists say

Psychology gives different answers to the question of why a man doesn’t want to get married, but it remains unclear what a girl should do if she wants to get married. Should I wait for him to propose or look for someone else? And what is the normal duration of these expectations?

Many psychologists believe that a year is the maximum period for a relationship without a stamp. But it happens that even after 10 years of a civil union, couples go to the registry office.

Yuri Burlan’s training “System Vector Psychology” gives an accurate answer to the question of why men don’t want to get married.

How things really are...

A man makes the decision to marry or not to marry depending on his character (internal properties) and condition.

So, a man with a skin vector does not think for a long time: if he fell in love, he got married. Its innate properties are quick switching from one task to another, saving time, energy, resources for oneself (and the whole society). For him, speed in everything is the norm.

So why, with all this, sometimes a man with a skin vector does not want to get married?

If the desire for change cannot be realized in society, in the profession, then he will switch from one partner to another, without the desire, and therefore the opportunity, to create lifelong relationships. The prospect of living with one woman all his life is tantamount to disaster for him.

This internal state is rationalized by reasoning about male polygamy, the habit of remaining single, and the reluctance to keep an account of delays at work. The real reason why a man with the skin vector does not want to get married is his inability to realize his qualities in society.

But all is not lost - perhaps your man is only having temporary difficulties, which, having solved, he will happily propose to you. And then it’s up to you to understand his inner state and help him make the necessary changes in his life. After all, it is loving woman can inspire a man to achieve accomplishments.

Someone thinks too long

A man with an anal vector has completely different reasons for not proposing to his beloved for a long time.

Measure it seven times - it's about him. Marriage is a serious matter, you need to think about it. The speed of decision-making for such a man also depends on his mental state. If your man has delayed life syndrome and puts everything off until later, is unable to make a decision on any matter, then you will have to wait a very long time.

You can sigh about your friends’ weddings, have heart-to-heart conversations, explain the prospects and delights of family life. He himself knows all this, he himself wants a family, because this is his value. But he cannot take a step towards marriage, just as he cannot start anything new in his life.

This is why it seems that a man with an anal vector does not want to get married - he just thinks for a long time.

In addition, he is afraid that he will make a mistake, because he is making a choice for life.

And sad experiences are also important

There is another important reason why a man with an anal vector does not want to get married.

The experience of previous relationships is important to him. If one was sad, for example, he was refused a marriage proposal, or the girl left him, then he will transfer this experience to all subsequent relationships. This means that he will not want to get married at all or will delay it as long as possible.

First home, then family

Certainly, a real man he wants his family not to need anything, which means that for this he must first ensure the future: a house, a car and everything that is generally needed for the well-being of his wife and children. That's why he delays and doesn't get married.

But is he taking concrete steps towards this or is he just speculating? After all, talking about how everything should be perfect and doing it is not always combined in one person. You can live for dozens of years waiting for the necessary household supplies and not wait at all. So it’s better to understand at the start of a relationship who is in front of you - a rationalizing dreamer or someone who is actually ready to move mountains for you.

If he already got everything

There is another very important reason why a man does not want to marry his partner. The answer is simple: he has already received everything. Ironed shirts, delicious dinner, stable sex. He already has all the rights, but he is not at all eager to take on responsibilities. It is convenient for him to live together.

After all, it’s much more fun to just relax together, go to clubs, and meet friends. Funny? Of course, and not burdensome.

Maybe it’s really not necessary to get married in this case?

In fact, a stamp in a passport really changes the thoughts, plans and aspirations in a man’s head. This is a responsibility to society, and not just to your significant other. So to create a real family, to ensure protection and security for your woman, it is simply necessary to get married.

Is it always the man who is the reason?

Of course, whether he wants to marry you or not largely depends on your man’s mental state. But no less depends on the woman.

Or rather, from her condition.

Why does a woman’s condition often become the reason for a man’s reluctance to marry her?

Women “smell” their emotional state. If a woman radiates anger, resentment, an always bad mood, depression, apathy, despondency, fears, then even if she tries her best to pretend to be fun, a man still won’t want to be with her for a long time.

On an unconscious level, he always senses this state of hers. And then he will rationalize, coming up with a variety of excuses: there is no money for the wedding yet or “will the wedding change our relationship?”

He may agree to a temporary relationship with such a woman and even live together with her, but he will not want to marry her.

If a man doesn't want to get married, what to do?

Want to know why your man doesn't want to get married? Take Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology.” Get to know your man from the inside, his state, thoughts, desires, this will help you find an approach to him. Perhaps the problem is you, and then the training will help change your emotional background, and you won’t have to ask yourself the question why your man doesn’t want to marry you. You will not need to sigh, waiting for natural and necessary actions from your man - an offer to become his wife.

“... It has become much easier for me to understand my loved one, and the most interesting thing is that every day I get to know him and understand him more and more. Just the other day I caught myself thinking that we are creating such complementary relationships that we no longer contradict each other and do not rest our foreheads against the wall like stubborn sheep, insisting on our own, as was sometimes the case before - we flow so easily and smoothly around any conflict.

I can catch his mood, and if he comes home tired, I know how and what exactly to do to make him relax, feel good and, if I need to, then start a conversation. I began to notice many things about myself that I had not noticed before, and which, in fact, led me to fiasco in all my previous relationships. We always believe that we are “the whitest and fluffiest”, and that it is the other person who is to blame for our misfortunes - “because of him I was angry, upset, etc.” - and we don’t want to understand or admit to ourselves that all our states, good and bad, are our responsibility...”

Among our friends and relatives, each of us has couples who have been dating for quite a long time, but are in no hurry to get married. From the outside it seems to us that they are happy, in love and even start talking about possible pregnancy. But they don’t say a word about marriage. The female half of the couple, of course, dreams of putting on a white dress and saying the cherished “Yes” at the altar, and the male half runs away from this conversation every time his beloved finishes off with hints. Why don't men want to get married? What is the reason for such infantilism and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out.

Eagles have the ability to perform sexual intercourse in the air without even landing.

Reasons why a man doesn't propose to a woman i

Women's feminism. The most common reason why men are in no hurry to take their beloved to the registry office is a mythical independence, invented by women themselves. The modern phenomenon called feminism has destroyed not a single couple. In their desire to become on the same level as men, women with my own hands, destroy and lead families to divorce. They blur the lines between the sexes, making men effeminate and women masculine and powerful. Many girls have forgotten that they belong to the weaker sex; they have stopped caring for the family hearth, preferring a successful career to it.

Quote of the Day

Being ashamed of your own genitals is just as stupid as being proud of their shapes and sizes; but pride is better than embarrassment.

Theodore Van Geren

Quote of the Day

She told herself: sleep with him, perhaps, but without familiarity.

Karl Kraus

Quote of the Day

No matter how badly men think about women, every woman thinks even worse about them.

Nicola de Chamfort

They refuse to have children, citing the fact that they will ruin their figure and lose a lucrative job. Eventually, women no longer rely on their partners; they tend to solve their problems on their own. A man, who has been taught by television since childhood that a woman is a separate independent unit capable of achieving everything on her own, simply does not see the need to legitimize his relationship with a stamp in his passport. After all, marriage is a union of people, female and male. If the family consists of two separate units with “eggs”, nothing good will come of it.

Bad parenting experience. If a woman’s chosen one grew up in a single-parent family, most likely he will not rush to create his own. Firstly, he had before his eyes the sad experience of relations between his parents. Constant screaming, scandals, division of property and court hearings are not the brightest prospects for creating a strong family. Secondly, such a man is too attached to his mother.

He is childish and incapable of making informed adult decisions. But you shouldn’t think that all men who grew up without a father are not capable of taking a woman to the registry office. A lot depends on his mother. If a hypothetical mother-in-law managed to arrange her personal life and become happy after the divorce, it is highly likely that her son is also positively disposed towards family life.

A man's desire to be independent. Many guys think that by getting married, they will immediately lose their freedom and independence. Such men are afraid even of the word “wedding.” They love their chosen one, perhaps even remain faithful to her, but do not imagine themselves as a husband and father. To some extent, women themselves provoked their partners to such fears. The weaker sex strives to gain total control over the thoughts and actions of their man. Constant phone calls, surveillance, looking at the phone - all this influenced the guys’ desire to remain single as long as possible.

No love. A couple who does not marry after 3 years of relationship will most likely separate. Everyone knows that love lasts 3 years, then comes a period of wave-like passion. That is, partners can completely cool off towards each other for a while, and after a month or two, wild passion flares up between them again. When people are married, when they value their relationships, they do not need to run to court after every quarrel and dissolve their legal union. It's another matter when a couple simply meets or cohabits. After three years, when the fire in the relationship temporarily goes out, the love passes, they easily decide to separate without ever getting married.

How to guide a man on the right path 2

Of course, every woman wants to become the legal wife of her beloved man. Some girls do extremely rash things. Some people blackmail by limiting sexual intimacy, others go to fortune tellers for a portion of a love potion. There are also those who do not disdain the most sacred things - they invent a non-existent pregnancy. All these methods are initially a failed family option. A man will never be happy himself and will not be able to make his beloved happy if he was forced to decide to get married.

There are more loyal and pleasant ways to persuade a man to get married:

  1. Show you care. Ask about your loved one’s well-being, take an interest in what’s going on at work. Surround him with love and affection. In other words, show off your most feminine features. The only limitation is don’t overdo it. Remember that a man can be “loved”!
  2. Maintain personal space. There is no need to spend all your free time together. Give each other a break. There is nothing wrong if your fiance spends the weekend with friends.
  3. Don't control a man. You don't need to call him every hour. It is enough to call in the morning to find out how he got to work. And in the evening - say good night.
  4. Less jealousy and checking. Men cannot stand jealous women. Yes, they love their girlfriend, but they don’t see her as their wife. Nobody wants to listen to jealous hysterics all day long. Under no circumstances check his phone. If a woman allows herself to do this, she should be prepared for the fact that very unpleasant information may emerge in correspondence. Question: is such truth necessary and what to do with it now?
  5. Don't be intrusive. The less we love a woman, the more she likes us - a well-known fact, but for some reason girls pretend that they have never heard of this.
  6. Let a man be a man. Try not to spend your money on yourself. Tell your man about your desires. Allow him to please you with gifts. And under no circumstances pay for yourself in a restaurant!
  7. Don't rush into getting married. In the first months of the relationship, you don’t need to tell your guy what tablecloths you want to see on the tables during the wedding feast. Enjoy relationships outside of marriage. A man should not be rushed; the time will come and he will propose to you.

If a woman still thinks that with further marriage, we advise you to first understand yourself. Why doesn't a man want to get married? Either she chose the wrong man, or she is too actively pursuing marriage. Don't put pressure on your loved ones, give them the opportunity to mature for marriage.

Reading time: 2 min

Why don't men want to get married? The reasons why representatives of the stronger half do not feel the desire to get married are growing and multiplying every day. If you do not try to explore the individual history of each individual person with his life experience and traumas received in relationships, but turn to the study of the history of all humanity, then there are certain differences in attitudes towards marriage between current and past generations. So, before it was very difficult to survive alone, people united into families, united by birth and lived a community-like life, which helped to survive. Now conditions have changed, and a person is quite capable of independently providing for his own existence, which removes the need for marriage as a vital need. Again, the laws of public morality have become much more flexible, and no one will reproach young man for living with a girl without a signature or considering single status as something not very attractive in a job description.

Gone are those terrible times when you had to have a family to travel abroad, when you could be summoned to a comradely trial for the transience of romances. The moral foundations of society and the material aspects of existence ceased to have any influence on the formation of a married couple. Even the conventional division of responsibilities based on gender is no longer relevant; men cook well and equip their home with the necessary household appliances.

So it turns out that the reasons for entering into or not entering into marriage at the moment may be mainly internal psychological characteristics, as well as feelings for a potential chosen one.

Why men don't want to get married - psychology

The psychological reasons why modern men do not want to get married can be due to both external objective reasons and internal unconscious components. The first thing that lays the foundation of family life is the example of the parental family. If a man has witnessed scandals, showdowns, fights, disrespectful attitudes since childhood, or if he lived only with his mother, who did not work through her own pain and disappointment and constantly spoke negatively about his father and all men in general, the idea is formed that marriage spoils relationships and lives of people. A man may unconsciously avoid formalizing the relationship, considering this to be the cause of all the negative experiences of his parents, and guided by a reluctance to repeat it.

The next reason why men don’t want to get married is they don’t want to remarry. It’s not difficult to guess why men don’t want to get married after a divorce, because this is your own experience, and not observation of others. Those. he already knows from the inside what awaits him after the registry office, and now he doesn’t picture anything good for him after the divorce.

If there is no traumatization received directly from the marital experience, and the man is not going to legitimize the relationship, then the matter may be in his personal comfort. He was used to a certain routine, a state of affairs, freedom and perhaps the fact that friends could visit him unannounced at three in the morning. Letting a woman into your home initially means changing your own habits, restricting freedom and restructuring your life. Not everyone is ready for this, even if it’s only about the girl moving in with him and not the wedding. Living in different living spaces is emotionally more comfortable, and if the work is stressful, then there may simply not be enough energy to establish something new and allocate a woman her shelf for creams.

It is worth considering that men feel responsibility differently, and the official registration of a relationship is immediately seen by them as the need to have their own housing, the ability to independently support themselves and several other people (after all, a wife on maternity leave, looking after a child, and women are paid less). A simple ceremony with a white dress looks like a mortgage in their eyes, sleepless nights and an increase in the burden of responsibility for several more people. This is terrifying, especially if your own life has not yet completely settled down.

This reason has similarities with the belief that you first need to achieve something and stand firmly on your feet. Perhaps he decided as a child that his family would not huddle in a dorm and eat empty porridge, as was his case. How logical and objective this is is for everyone to decide separately, because many couples are quite happy living in the same hostel. It happens that this motive is true, but it also happens that they beautifully cover up the lack of feelings for a woman until she meets the right one.

The close environment involuntarily influences the attitude towards marriage simply by the existing relationships of each member of a person’s mini-world. So, if all friends are free, the likelihood of wanting to register a relationship is low and is possible with great love or the influence of family overpowering the influence of friends.

Why don't men want to get married a second time?

Why men after a divorce do not want to get married or put forward this reason as a weighty one, but which is only a cover for their unwillingness to commit their lives to obligations, depends on the reasons and course of the divorce, as well as the emotional fallout after it. If a man, citing an unsuccessful relationship, constantly criticizes his current woman, pointing out to her that she is repeating the mistakes of his last wife, then most likely the reason for not wanting to repeat a negative experience is made up, and the man does not find the courage to voice sincere reasons. Even if you believe it, it turns out that it was he who chose a woman similar to his past wife, but at the same time he does not want a repetition. This is a sophisticated kind of masochism.

If, indeed, the last marriage was unsuccessful and caused wounds to the man’s heart, then he may be afraid to build a serious relationship again. After betrayal, it’s hard to start trusting, after constant reproaches - to start acting and offering, after humiliation - to believe in your need and beauty. The wound must heal, feelings, even negative ones, must subside, otherwise past relationships will be a dark shadow in your family. And here it is worth paying tribute and thanking the man who is in no hurry to sign until the past is finally over.

Men are more attached in relationships than women, therefore, having already experienced the collapse of a relationship once, it takes a lot of courage and restored internal resources to be able to try again. Now without rose-colored glasses and with full awareness, confirmed by heart “scars,” that this relationship may not last forever, that the negative experience that already happened once can be repeated there. While there are no such resources or the woman nearby is not patient and sensitive enough, the man will be on the defensive and act, guided by the restrictive but preserving principle that if no one is close, then no one will hurt.

Why don't men want to marry a woman with a child?

Not every man’s refusal to marry is motivated by the woman’s presence of children; if you look deeper into the situation, various details can become clear that radically change the perception of human behavior. If the man initially knew about the child and did not stop trying to get closer, then it is possible that the proposal life together will come a little later than the woman expects. It’s a different story if people are in the dating stage, and such news is always a surprise, shock and confusion - it doesn’t matter whether the woman told the news as early or late as possible, tried to choose the words and the moment, doing everything delicately, or dropped the information suddenly.

If a woman delays with such news, then the man’s refusal not only to marry, but in general from a relationship can be fully explained by his bewilderment and anger for hiding such important information. It is likely that he made plans for a joint future, his desires and joint dreams became more serious, but all this became irrelevant. Not because the man is an ardent opponent of children or hates this particular one, no. It’s just that now everything that he dreamed, planned and cherished will have to be changed or canceled - this is mental strength and disappointment. Trust immediately drops to zero, because if she hid her own child for a long time, she wonders what other surprises might come to light, and how she is going to build a family, what motivated her behavior. From this moment on, the most favorable development of a joint future may be starting a relationship from scratch, introducing the inclusion of a child. If a woman (due to her reluctance to lose her loved one, following other people’s advice, etc.) did not immediately imagine her maternal role, but the man remained, this indicates the seriousness and depth of his feelings for this woman. Perhaps he will get married later, as soon as he recovers from the shock.

If a woman immediately informs a man that she has a child, usually the man disappears immediately. The feelings have not yet had time to get stronger, there is no strong connection and there is no serious experience of the breakup. When a man decides to continue communication, then you should not compare the course of this relationship with those that existed before the presence of children. There, two free people could get married in a week, go on a trip, abandon everything, and surrender to emotions. Now there is a greater understanding of responsibility, attention goes not to how she dances and how he plays maracas, but to whether one can rely on a person, how he acts with others, how he lives. Now it’s not enough to run to the registry office; now the man needs to make friends with her child. The process of gaining trust in a fatherless child can be long and difficult. A person who respects himself and his companion will not marry before he has established a good connection with the child of the woman he loves. Just as a young girl’s marriage is blessed by her parents, so a mother’s marriage to a man should be blessed by her children.

But the reason for a man’s reluctance to marry may be related to the character of the woman herself, who during her independent life has learned to solve many problems, has become tougher and more calculating, relies on herself and does not trust the world. Of course, these qualities helped her survive, but the man wants to be a breadwinner, wants his opinion to be listened to and his help needed. When he is given orders from the section “buy milk while I finish this shelf,” a man becomes emotionally in a child’s position and experiences filial feelings for a woman, and they do not marry mothers.

Therefore, before deciding to explain everything in a simplified version, where the lack of desire to get married is due to the child, a woman should think about her influence on this attitude. Some will be helped by their friends to look at everything from the outside, some will be advised by the man himself, some will go deeper into the forums or go for a consultation with a psychologist. In order to be together, efforts must be made by both, and not hidden behind the child.

Yesterday you celebrated another anniversary of your acquaintance. There were flowers, and dinner, and all the gifts expected in honor of a significant event. But this time, disturbing notes slipped into the fun - your thoughts: why does time pass, but the man you love still doesn’t want to propose? Everywhere you look, everyone is getting married: mutual friends who met a year ago at your home sent an invitation to the wedding; childhood friend after three months of dating her boyfriend. And only nothing changes for you: the man is affectionate and gentle, but he is in no hurry to propose. It looks like you are no longer satisfied with this. But what to do, how to understand who or what is wrong, why a man doesn’t want to get married?

From this article you will learn:

  • Why today many men do not want to get married
  • What are the most common reasons for men's reluctance to get married?
  • Why men don't want to get married after divorce
  • Why rich men don't want to marry for love

Why in modern society many men do not want to get married

It must be said that not every man himself will immediately answer such a question - simply because he does not know the answer. In general, his consciousness is in some confusion. Genetic memory helpfully reminds us of those times when a man hunted mammoths and carried the prey home, where a powerless woman greeted him with admiration and respect. But today the role of women in society has become different. By earning on an equal basis with men and making a career in traditional “male” industries, a woman can afford to choose who she wants to build a family with.

The new status dictates completely different behavior: an independent woman can be both domineering and tough. Today a generation of men has grown up who were raised in similar families, whose masculinity was suppressed by a strict mother. It is these men who subsequently do not want to get married. After all, this means that you will have to shoulder the enormous responsibility of creating and maintaining your family.

At the same time, the masculine principle inherent in nature makes itself felt. And a contradiction is gradually brewing in a man: on the one hand, he is accustomed to obeying a dominant woman, on the other hand, the alpha male dormant within him periodically raises his head and begins to rebel. And this rebellion often manifests itself in a reluctance to get married - after all, this is what a woman wants.

10 most common reasons why men don't want to get married

It would be very simple if all the reasons explaining a man’s reluctance to marry lay on the surface. If a young forty-year-old bachelor cheerfully admits that he does not want a serious relationship, since he is not yet mature for a family and children, then one should only be glad that he had the conscience to admit this and not fool the girls’ heads. But there are also other specimens who start serious relationships, at the same time arrange their life quite well, but are in no hurry to get married, which upsets the women living with them. There may be different reasons here.

  1. Negative experiences of parents

Alas, a complete family does not always give a child a chance to grow up in normal conditions for development. Parental quarrels, scandals, or, even worse, fights firmly establish in the future boy a pattern of behavior in his own family or convince him that it is better not to get married - all problems are just beginning in marriage. The opposite situation is that a boy is brought up in a single-parent family, where his mother and grandmother overprotect him, feeding him with their unrequited love. Growing up in such an environment young man there is no need to get married - after all, he already has a family.

The woman you love has a chance only if she accepts the same model of relationships. It often happens that the mother, unable to cope with her upbringing, periodically reminds the boy of the “goat daddy,” whose traits he inherited. Years later, this approach bears fruit - he really grows up like that. So, if you want to know the reason for not wanting to get married, pay attention to the man’s family.

  1. Previous failed marriage

The reason why a man doesn't want to get married can be directly related to his past bad experience relationships. Not all representatives of the stronger sex get divorced easily and get married with the same ease. For many family life and the subsequent separation becomes such a difficult ordeal that they simply do not want to enter the same river again. However, sooner or later, nature takes its toll, and men still enter into new relationships. But the very thought of marriage terrifies them, and when a woman, for obvious reasons, begins to insist on filing an application with the registry office, such men often simply break off the relationship.

  1. The habit of being single

Some men honestly admit that being single is very convenient. Indeed, a free lifestyle, not particularly constrained by anyone or anything, is addictive. If a bachelor also has his own apartment, the chances of forcing him to marry if he doesn’t want it are slim. And the point is not even that there is a certain interest on the part of many women in such valuable personnel, especially residents of megacities. The main thing is that he feels like a master in his territory and can manage his time as he wants. The same applies to everyday life - an adult can wash, iron and clean himself; after all, your favorite socks will lie in the middle of the room for a week, nothing will happen to them!

  1. Desire for variety in relationships

You have to look at things realistically - the running of the biological clock usually makes only the woman nervous. Most men are much more careless in these matters and do not want to get married. Considering themselves a wonderful match at any age, they look for a relationship again and again, expecting each time that now everything will definitely be different. It can be interesting to spend time with such men, but you shouldn’t expect more from them, this is not their strong point. Moreover, today a woman is free in her choice: if you don’t want a ladies’ man flitting through life, look for a man who is normal for the family!

  1. Reluctance to take responsibility

Infantility and selfishness are another reason explaining why a man does not want to get married. And many modern men know everything about gender equality and the fact that a woman can earn today on an equal basis with them, or even more. That’s why they really don’t like hints about whether they are ready to support a family. Why is it necessary to get married if a weak woman is quite capable of feeding herself, and at the same time a man too? True, the threat of a maternity leave may well loom, and then, like it or not, there will be more sleepless nights. Just this thought immediately spoils the mood of selfish people, and they categorically refuse to get married. It’s also good if they warn you about this right away, and don’t drag it out until the last minute.

  1. Not strong enough feelings

Perhaps it is better to deal with this reason first by having an open conversation with your man. If you love a person and want to build your life with him, then you have every right to find out what he really wants from you, whether he plans to marry. Because we are all different, but a lot can be achieved in a relationship if there is love. But when a year or two passes, and the situation in your life does not want to change, think about why this is happening. Maybe, living with you, a man still hopes for a “better” option, and that’s why he’s in no hurry to get married? Then show respect for yourself - break up, don’t beg for love.

  1. Desire to create a foundation for marriage

Do you know in what conditions your man grew up? Maybe it was a communal apartment with all the “delights” of communicating with neighbors? Or an apartment without amenities in an old house? Then, perhaps, his reluctance to get married is understandable until he has created a reliable base in the form of his own home and financial stability. But it’s not enough to want; is your loved one doing anything to make what he wants come true? If everything is limited to daydreaming in front of the TV and assurances that he will marry you when everything gets better, then perhaps it’s time to take off your rose-colored glasses and remember points 5 and 6 from our article...

  1. Fear of paying child support

There are some male representatives who fear that women perceive them solely as sponsors. They don’t want to get married, because the marriage, of course, will quickly fall apart, and for many years the unfortunate victims will have to pay alimony to their child. An incomprehensible conceit allows such specimens to see women exclusively as predators who only want to force them to marry them, and then extract more money from the man for themselves and the child. It doesn’t matter at all where exactly this male fear came from, but in this case it’s better for you not to even try to understand why a man doesn’t want to get married, but just run away from him.

  1. "All the pleasures without a stamp"

Perhaps a man does not want to get married, because for him, in principle, everything is going well without the notorious cliche. He practically lives in an “all-inclusive” mode: you live together in the same territory, you don’t have a headache about breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there is also such a pleasure as regular sex. It’s you, maybe some kind of biological clock is ticking, and that’s why you want to get married, but everything is fine with him. If you also have a separate budget, then such a thoughtful friend will not rush to get married soon, especially since in marriage, they say, intimacy quickly fades away.

  1. Changing community standards

Of course, a lot depends on your immediate environment. When it suddenly turns out that all the friends from his youth and colleagues are already married, some even managed to have children, the man often moves in the right direction - towards the registry office. But if there are a lot of divorced or confirmed bachelors around, then there is a fear that he will not get ready to get married soon. For what?! After all, he has so many unsuccessful examples before his eyes! Unless you convince him that the same carefree and cheerful life awaits him with you.

Why divorced men don't want to get married

The soul of a man after a divorce is darkness. Do not rush to take at face value all his stories that it was his ex-wife who was to blame for their divorce and discouraged any desire to get married again. An even greater mistake would be to rush to prove to him with all your behavior that you certainly will not hurt his suffering soul. Perhaps behind the words there is a selfish manipulator who lives as he wants, but has no intention of getting married at all.
But it may be that the previous separation was indeed very difficult due to one reason or another - reproaches, scandals, betrayals. And it’s really hard for a man to remarry – what if it all happens again? And if he wants to openly build a relationship with you, talks openly with you about his fears, and at the same time listens to you and your expectations, perhaps it makes sense to listen to his desires too.

Being ready for a serious relationship again after a difficult divorce does not mean rushing headlong into a new love pool. This means gaining new experience that will help you live with new strength, with the understanding that even if a new attempt to get married is unsuccessful, you will still not break, you will remain yourself. And until the realization of his new experience has occurred, the man will not rush (read - get married). And here it is better for a woman to show sensitivity and understanding, otherwise she will deal with blind defense.

10 reasons why rich, successful men don't want to marry for love

Many girls wonder why rich men often choose not the smartest life partners? The answer is simple – that’s exactly what they’re looking for. Why, you ask?

  1. When they decide to "get married" they get married

A man who earns a lot of money thinks differently than the average citizen. If he says “I want to get married,” then, in fact, that’s what he does. Marriage in this case is a goal that a man achieves with the help of available means - spectacular courtship, expensive trips, jewelry seduction, and other alluring attributes of a beautiful life.

  1. This consumer approach saves time

Accustomed to always making profitable deals, the businessman will not go wrong here either. Everyone will get what they want: a small part of what he can give will be enough for the silly girl, and he will receive a young and beautiful body for undivided use.

  1. Efficiency instead of emotions

An effective manager cannot afford to waste time on feelings; he needs to act. Marriage is also an action-based decision. Unfortunately, wealthy men have no time for emotions.

  1. This frees up space for what they consider "more important matters"

When a person loves, he becomes more vulnerable. And a person with money and power cannot afford this. Besides, he has much more important things to do than be distracted by love.

  1. This does not limit external relations

When entering into marriage, a rich man does not want to veto pleasant meetings with other women. Is this possible when so many young beauties choose him as the object of their closest attention?! Wives most often know or guess about everything, but the deal has already been concluded, and on mutually beneficial terms.

  1. They have already given all their love to their work

A rich man gets real pleasure from battles at work - where stock exchange intrigues are woven, partners are baiting, competitors are pressing. This is passion, there is simply no room left in a woman’s heart!

  1. This allows you not to take on the burden of responsibility for your spouse’s emotions.

Optimization is the basis of a reasonable structure of the world. The stupider a woman is, the easier it is to control her and at the same time maintain her independence.

  1. They're looking for a helpful teammate, not a soulmate.

It happens that a successful man is looking for a partner for marriage and therefore wants to get married. True, for some reason he often assigns a woman a supporting role - she can show her “partnership” abilities only when he is a little tired. And since this happens infrequently, the partnership is rather a nominal value in such a marriage.

  1. Love is not the same as the last possible relationship

Rich men cannot risk all the material things they have for the sake of some ephemeral love. Moreover, when it ends, it is quite possible that they will have to say goodbye to some part of their assets.

  1. They don't even know what true love is

Most likely, it is this reason that allows them to so easily do those terrible things that we wrote about above. All that remains is to state that in pursuit of a career and success, these men may not have had time to simply live, feel, enjoy the feeling of closeness with their loved one.

How to understand why your man doesn't want to get married

If you live with a man for a long time, you will probably be able to note whether the following points are present or not in your life:

  • He categorically does not want to get married and speaks about it out loud and in front of witnesses.
  • Allows himself to speak condescendingly about married friends.
  • He doesn’t even want to hear hints about getting married - this makes him angry and irritable.
  • Intimating you to his plans for the future, he does not include a wedding in them.
  • He often criticizes you, including in public (perhaps unconsciously in this way he wants to cause a scandal and break off the relationship).

If any of the above is present in your life, this is a serious reason to think about whether you are on the right path with this person? Perhaps it makes sense to no longer wait for the coveted ring, but simply start looking for a more suitable man.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

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