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Anniversary scenario with competitions. Comic medals and coronations on a woman’s anniversary Presentation of the crown to the hero of the day

The best holiday for any woman is the one where she feels like a prom queen, and if it’s her own birthday or anniversary, even more so! Therefore, the most pleasant surprise for the hero of the day is to bathe her in attention and compliments that will make her feel like herself. There are a lot of options for such surprises, they can be of a solemn and lyrical nature or comic and playful; friends and family know best what the hero of the occasion will like best.

Here are some examples comic anniversary medals and coronations on a woman’s anniversary, who may help you organize your ceremony or

1. Comic anniversary medals and titles for women:

1. You raised excellent children,

She dressed and fed them.

You are ready to give everything to them!

We award you the title - MOTHER!

2. You take care of the family hearth,

And you live well with your husband.

You are for him at all times

An exemplary WIFE in everything!

3. You are a faithful wife to your husband.

But we know for sure that you are still a great FRIEND!

4. The house is orderly, comfortable, clean

You don’t wear the title MISTRESS in vain.

5. You know how to sew, knit and embroider not out of boredom.

We must give the title again - GOLDEN HANDS!

6. Nephews are your joy,

I should give you the title AUNT.

7. Around the city......rumor is spreading,

That you are an excellent GARDENER!

8. If you have a sweet granddaughter,

We present you with the title GRANDMOTHER!

9. You respect your elders and look after your younger ones.

Patient and kind, you are called the middle SISTER!

10. Generous and rich, like spring,

She will give us a hundred smiles.

Meeting her will turn out to be good luck for us,

And a WOMAN - such a miracle is called!

11. Let everyone remember it forever

………..- GOOD MAN!


2. Awarding the title “Queen of the Holiday” and coronation of the hero of the day.

(Such a “coronation” can be made as a separate congratulatory number, or it can be combined with the original meeting of the hero of the day at the very beginning of the holiday)

Today you are truly the queen of the holiday! And the queen deserves a crown!

Today, here and at this very hour

We'll take out the crown for you!

May the queen rule with justice

And our holiday will be beautiful -

Brilliant Royal Ball

Today I gathered all my friends!

To a friendly ovation

Let's start with the coronation!

The crown is brought into the hall.

Let's bathe the Queen in applause and clinking glasses in honor of Her Majesty! And to your applause, I hasten to decorate another candle with the flame of your beautiful hearts. And our next toast will be to the Queen.


3. Anniversary ceremony "Queen's Suite"

This ceremony can be a spectacular continuation of the coronation of the hero of the day. To do this, the “Queen” needs to be seated on the “throne” in the center of the hall.

Leading: Dear guests, we just need to hold one more anniversary ceremony, since, according to experts, after it is held, all ailments and sorrows disappear for the hero of the occasion, and an irreversible process of rejuvenation begins. Everyone knows the expression that “the queen is made by her retinue,” I ask those who want to be favorites and ladies-in-waiting of our queen to come to me (those who wish come out - the leader explains the rules to them).

Leading: In order for our ritual to be impeccable, like at the best royal receptions, the retinue must show attentiveness and courtesy: do everything strictly according to etiquette. Whenever the word “Ladies” is heard in the text, the girls from the retinue make a beautiful curtsey; when the word “Gnights” is heard, the entire male half of the retinue races, with a graceful bow, kisses the queen’s hand and quickly leaves again.

Text (read by presenter)

Like in one wonderful kingdom,
IN something like this state (depending on the location)
Today the holiday has been announced,
The working day is over!
Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
Sages from the sovereign
Dressed up, combed your hair,
The retinue gathered together
And they finally rushed
To this fairytale palace.
To maintain solemnity,
Please bring the throne here! (throne-chair)

The hero of the day passes and sits on the “throne”

Well, the beauty is a maiden,
This evening you are the queen!
We ask you to be our queen,
And we present a symbol of power!
After all, you are truly worthy of the throne.
So, the crown is awarded! (crown)

To consolidate the triumph of the moment,
All attributes of power should be handed over!
Sons-in-law, relatives, godfathers,
Well, in general, the whole huge family!
Help me dress the queen,

Quickly bring in the robe! (mantle)

To your beloved devoted friends,
With whom do you share joy and misfortune in half,
Who is easier to be with in this life?
It is entrusted to hand over this scepter! (bottle of cognac (wine)

Who (name of the hero of the day) closest, dearest in the world?
Like rays of light - beloved children.
You must live to see your great-grandchildren's wedding!
And drink a cup of wine at that wedding!
Give the queen a glass of sovereignty!
And let the audience applaud! (glass of wine)

And so that in this life forever
I only remembered the good moments,
Today, here and only for you
This is the thunderous applause! (guests applaud)

Start the feast by royal decree,
Command your guests to have fun.

Selection posted for your information

Try to celebrate your 30th anniversary beautifully, Scenario for women's anniversary Alina is 30 years old, contains a lot of games in its actions, I especially want to mention “Tax Inspectorate”, an interesting write-off of unnecessary time from the hero of the day’s account.

Scenario for Alina's 30th birthday - the beginning of the celebration

Host: Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart,
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one whose birthday it is.

(Fanfares sound and the hero of the day comes out.)

We are from heaven for the anniversary
We got a miracle from miracles.
Happy anniversary.
We promise you a lot of happiness.

We'll make a starfall
Catch all the stars.
How many of them can you catch here?
You will know so many joys

The sweet, charming owner of the most beautiful and unique eyes, the owner of the most slender and graceful figure is invited to the Jubilee Throne (decorated with tinsel).

A woman with all her merits, a unique national treasure of Russia, today celebrates her anniversary of elegance, the age of majority!

Dear guests, make yourself comfortable and choose a more cheerful neighbor.

Dear Alina, today is your anniversary.

May this bright birthday become for you a holiday not only of memories, gratitude and mutual love, but also a starting point for new plans, dreams and hopes!

(Happy Birthday music plays)
The birthday girl is in place, and her soul is singing,
Because together with you
The first toast is already waiting.

Don't put off the toast
We drink to the hero of the day while standing!
Dance and smoking break.

There are many guests at our banquet. Our hall is beautifully decorated today. But our anniversary will be even more beautiful if we add the sparkle of diamonds in a real royal crown.

If we were musicians, we would play a beautiful melody for this amazing girl, if we were poets, we would write a poem in your honor, if we were artists, we would draw your portrait.

But we are not artists, not poets, not musicians - we are just your friends. And on behalf of my friends, I want to wish you to maintain your family harmony, your tenderness, charm and beauty - all those qualities that are worthy of the queen herself.

Today you are truly the queen of the holiday! And the queen deserves a crown!

(Fanfare sounds, the crown is brought in)
Today here and at this very hour,
We'll take out the crown for you!
May the queen rule with justice

And our holiday will be beautiful -
Brilliant Royal Ball
Today I gathered all my friends!
To a friendly ovation
Let's start with the coronation!

We greet Her Majesty Queen Alina Svet Ilyasovna.
Well, what is a queen without a king?

We greet His Majesty King Vadim the light of Vladimirovich.
My dears, hold hands, look into each other’s eyes, it’s so wonderful to meet and love each other.

I ask our king and queen to come to the center of the hall; this gift sounds to you from all of us.
(Song plays).

Dance and smoking break.
The floor is given to the closest and dearest person - the husband of the birthday girl.
(The phonogram of Suleiman’s song sounds. Suleiman comes out, singing.)

I have a bunch of ordinary balls in my hands, now I’ll make them magical. When the balls are in your hands, make your deepest wish and write it down on a piece of paper.
(we tie the leaf to the bundle.)

Now let's go outside and let these go magic balls into the sky and then your deepest desire will certainly come true.

Suleiman: Oh, star of my eyes! You captivated me at first sight...
Dance and smoking break.
“Georgians” (Lesha, Sasha, Serega)

Presenter: Horsemen rode to us from sunny Georgia for three days and three nights. They drove three horses, sabers and an apartment in Moscow and came to us on foot.
(Georgians enter to the sounds of lezginka)

First Georgian: As the eldest of the Georgians, I want to give you an orange. (Takes out an orange and presents it to the birthday boy.) So that you are just as juicy and sweet and so that everyone wants you.

Second Georgian: Every woman has her own zest and men try to find it, sometimes it takes too much time. Dzhigits (addresses the men present), I give you these raisins (takes out a bag of raisins), don’t waste your time.

Third Georgian: Like real Georgians, we cannot leave without a toast (Glass of wine is brought to guests). Once upon a time, there lived a wizard, he collected the most beautiful women, turned them into pearls.

From these pearls he collected a necklace, put it on, turned into an eagle and flew under the clouds. One day the wind blew, tore off the necklace and scattered the pearls. Today the most beautiful pearls, led by the royal one, have gathered at this table.

Let's drain our glasses for them!

The Vasilyevs Alena and Sergey give a gift of pearls.
(Music sounds, guests leave.)
Dance and smoking break.

Tax inspectors (Nastya and Sasha)

Tax Inspectorate. Hello. We received an anonymous message that time units are scheduled to be written off here.....Bah, what people! (addressing the hero of the day) Alina Ilyasovna, just listen to what you wrote.

Write-off act.
We, the undersigned, have drawn up this act as follows.
In honor of the golden anniversary of Kovalenko A.I. debit from her personal account:

Years - anxious, troublesome, in the amount of 30 pieces.
The months are extravagant, numbering 360.

Option 12

Scenario for a man's anniversary No. 6

Presenter 1: This day brought us together and united us.
The birthday boy in the place of honor outshone everyone.
It’s not for nothing that he was rewarded by fate today
This date is what we popularly call golden.
Presenter 2: It’s no secret that the years lived by the hero of the day are real wealth, which is calculated not in money, but in good deeds. Therefore, looking at the hero of the occasion, we can safely say that before us is the Golden Man, and we all love and respect him.
Presenter 1: Let it be the beginning of the century outside,
We will not change traditions.
For a dear person
Let's sip a glass of wine now.
I invite all guests to fill their glasses!
(Guests fill their glasses.)

Dear hero of the day! Congratulations on your golden anniversary! May the gold be preserved for all the subsequent years of your life, which means that your house will be a full golden cup, success in your work will be the largest nuggets, your health will be as strong as a bar of gold! Let's drink to the hero of the day and his current birthday!

Presenter 2: Dear...!
You were born in late autumn,
When the golden leaf has long since fallen,
White snow surrounded everything in the yard...
From under the snow we give you a leaf.
Let this golden leaf
Will keep you warm
Soul and fill life
Pleasant memories.

Let us wish, dear guests, so much for our hero of the day happy days, how many colorful leaves cover the earth in golden autumn, and let’s fill our glasses for it.
(Toasts are drunk, and the hero of the day is given a maple leaf, decorated with gold gift wrapping, in the center of which is a photo of the family of the hero of the day.)

Game "Kind Words"

Presenter 1: Dear guests! Today we would really like the hero of the day to feel like a king on the throne. Therefore, we are happy to present him with a golden crown (they wear it on the hero of the day) and offer to listen to those close to him. After all, for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is an occasion to come to the person, his friends and say what is in our hearts. So, in all honesty, find kind words addressed to our hero of the day by deciphering the card you have chosen.

1. Ministry of Internal Affairs
2. Air Force
3. Housing and communal services
4. Preschool educational institution
6. CPU
7. PMK
8. UPI
10. NTV
11. RTR
12. VAZ
13. ZIL
14. OKA
15. DRSU

For example: OVD - we adore Valera for a long time.
(The phonogram of a song performed by S. Rotaru sounds, guests choose cards attached to a soft toy in the shape of a heart, decipher the abbreviation and name what they got.)

Prize drawing for guests "Golden Keys"

Presenter 2: Friends! It seems to me that the birthday boy is very touched by your words and compliments. I think his heart is always open to you. And so that you can be sure of this, I suggest that the hero of the day give each of you the golden keys to his heart, which are in this box.
(The hero of the day distributes toffee to all guests. Each candy is numbered according to the number of guests.)
Presenter 1: The point here is not so much in the open door,
How much is in the golden human heart.
This is exactly the heart of our hero of the day.
(Awarded to the hero of the day soft toy in the shape of a heart made of brocade.)
Presenter 2: Dear guests! Please remember all the numbers associated with the date of birth of our birthday boy.
(The guests call.)
Presenter 1: Pay attention to your golden keys. Those who have the named number on their candies receive memorable prizes. (The presenter shows the card on November 28, 1957) Accordingly, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 are lucky numbers.
(Prize presentation.)

Presenter 2: Today’s holiday is not easy to conceive.
We ask guests to prepare for a toast.
(Fill glasses.)

We propose a toast to the host of our party, for his hospitality! And for his heart made of pure gold of the highest standard!
(The guests drink.)

Congratulation "Golden scattering of gifts"

Presenter 1: Dear hero of the day!
It’s a pity that the gold of the parks is not visible in late autumn,
But we give you a golden scattering of gifts.

1. So that your youth is preserved for a long time,
Drink tea in the morning. (They hand over tea.)
2. So that you have a happy face,
Get this golden egg as a gift! ("They present a surprise kindr.)
3. So that your home avoids troubles,
Please accept gold coins from us. (Chocolate coins in gold foil are presented.)
4. In order not to put an end to congratulations,
Print it out for everyone today. (Beer is handed over.)

Presenter 2: I hope we will continue to congratulate you,
I think everyone is ready to make a toast.
(The presenter gives the guests the floor to congratulate and present gifts.)

Presenter 1: Today, on this anniversary day, the mother of the hero of the day will say golden words about her son...
(Congratulations to the mother.)

Presenter 2: My wife and son congratulate my dear and beloved person on his birthday.
(Congratulations to the family.)

Congratulations from the Dwarves

Presenter 1: Dear hero of the day! Accept congratulations from your closest relatives.
(Seven relatives dress up in gnome costumes. To a light melody, they perform dance movements and perform for the guests in age order. He himself has in his hands a drawn large chocolate wrapper, covered with gold gift wrapping.)
7th gnome: In the thicket of the forest
Kamyshlovsky pine forest
The gnomes lived as a family,
They dug everything indiscriminately.
1st dwarf: They have long been known to everyone.
There are exactly seven of them.
2nd gnome (represents the first):
The eldest is the wisest gnome,
He cares about
To have tools
The brothers at the right moments.
3rd gnome (represents the second):
The smaller brother is a serious gnome,
Busy and funny.
4th Dwarf (represents the third):
The third gnome is the merry fellow,
He'll make you laugh anyway.
5th Dwarf (represents the fourth):
And the fourth is that dreamer,
A finder of various treasures.
6th Dwarf (represents the fifth):
The fifth gnome is interesting,
Attractive, pompous.
7th Dwarf (represents the sixth):
The sixth gnome is a kind hard worker,
Looking for gold here and there.
1st Dwarf (represents the seventh):
So that the seventh without delay
I could count every gram.
5th gnome: We received your telegram yesterday,
We dug 50 deep mines in a day.
7th gnome: How much gold was found?
They brought everything with them.
(They show a gift the size of half a sheet of Whatman paper in gift wrapping.)
7th gnome: There is a mystery here for the hero of the day.
What's there?.. - It's chocolate!
(Removing gift wrapping, and there is a large chocolate wrapper drawn on whatman paper.)
5th gnome: her name,
Our hands are the efforts.
7th gnome: The hero of the day, look,
There are exactly three fillings here.
(They turn the wrapper over, and on the other side there are three types of chocolate of the same name - envelopes from three families with money.)
5th gnome: Eat with nuts, eat with raisins,
There is also just chocolate.
We hope this
You will be glad to receive it.
1st family: We hold milk chocolate in our hands,
He will help you achieve success in business.
(They hand over an envelope.)
2nd family: We are happy to give you chocolate with raisins,
So that you can always be known for your zest.
(They hand over an envelope.)
3rd family: Here's a glazed nut for you,
May you always be strong
And then your nature,
The years will not matter!
(They hand over an envelope.)
5th gnome: We invite everyone to pour,
To wash the gifts.
(Guests fill the glass and join them.)

Presenter 2: Colleagues congratulate the birthday boy on his 50th birthday.
(Congratulations to colleagues.)

Presenter 1: Dear birthday boy! Please accept heartfelt wishes from your close friends. (Wishes from friends.)

Game "Questions and answers"

Presenter 2: Dear guests! There is such an aphorism: Let's try to verify the truth of this statement.
(The hero of the day and his wife are given envelopes with cards. One of them contains questions, the other contains answers. The wife asks her husband questions using cards, the husband answers her in the same way.)

Examples of questions:
1. Golden, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?
2. Darling, will you someday be able to believe that
3. Darling, would you like to become a gold miner in the future?
4. When buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first person you meet?

Example answers:
1. I secretly dream about this.
2. Without a bottle, let’s figure it out!
3. This can only happen in a dream.
4. Easy! But then blame yourself...

Presenter 1: Thank you! May God grant that in your family there will always be answers to all questions, and that gold will not be a stumbling block.

Game "Goldfish"

Presenter 2: Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching goldfish so that she fulfills three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner has the right to voice his three wishes, choose them from among the cards offered by the presenter. But before that, he names anyone among the guests.)

Examples of wishes:
1. I want a toast to be made now in honor of the hero of the day, which would contain three words.
2. I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
3. I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children’s poem in chorus.
4. I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.
5. I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

(Rewarding wishes.)

For all the golden words,
which were heard today,
They are the soul of each of us
They were full of themselves.
Let's drink to that too
That the hero of the day brought us together.
During the period of life that we call
We are the golden mean.
(The guests drink.)

Leading: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! It’s very, very cold outside, but in our hall there is a warm, spiritual atmosphere. So, dear guests, make yourself comfortable, because an anniversary is a long affair. Choose a more cheerful neighbor and a prettier neighbor. Men are closer to the snack, women are closer to the drink. Every third person is the commander of the anniversary unit, whose duties include pouring, adding, not depriving everyone of their neighbors and not forgetting themselves. And while you're at it, I'll check the list of announced guests. So, the hero of the occasion is dressed up like the Queen of England; beautiful like Angelina Jolie; sexy like Pamella Andersen; smart like Einstein; hardworking, like Cinderella; economical, like Mr. Muscle - our beloved Tatiana, the most golden hero of the day, at the head of the table - available! Guests are as dear as Chelsea Football Club; cheerful, like government regulations; perky, like Zhirinovsky; generous, like sheikhs - in huge numbers - all on the spot! The table is beautiful, festive, filled with a variety of dishes, decorated with flowers - in place! We can begin.

Dear Tatyana Vladimirovna!
Among your family, relatives, colleagues, friends,
Let me begin your glorious anniversary.
And to cheer you up
We will all exclaim together: “Happy Anniversary!”

And, so that our start is correct, let's fill the glasses first (wait)


Well, guests, I ask everyone to stand up,
Raise your glasses full.
We congratulate you on your anniversary Tatyana!
We wish you health, happiness and joy.
Let's drink a hearty toast to the dregs,
And three times for the Anniversary….Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Leading: Tatyana Vladimirovna, today you are the sun for us. Don’t forget to warm us up with your smile throughout the evening, and we, in turn, will try to do everything to ensure that the entire festive evening is a real rainbow of positive emotions for you.

Today there is a holiday in this hall!
We walk together, the whole crowd.
We are so happy for Tatyana today,
That we'll all go on a drinking binge for a week!

But! That's later! And now... Let's spend this day so that next time:

  1. The liver was waiting and worried...
  2. The stomach was getting ready...
  3. Nose itched...
  4. Legs and tongue knew that they would tangle...
  5. Ass - afraid of adventure...
  6. And only one brain rejoiced - “I’ll finally rest!”

And remember that friends are made through food. And, if you are afraid of breaking your diet today, drink 50 grams... they will definitely dull the feeling of fear.

Now please tell me
Is our hero of the day very sweet?
Will you drink a lot of wine today?
And very harmful?
Strong character and a well-aimed fist?
Loves to tinker in the kitchen. It is so?
Does she like digging in the garden?
And be sure to fight on holidays?
In company, likes to sing songs?
Does she know how to burn at work?
Do you like it when glasses clink and congratulations sound loud?
And the guests unanimously “Congratulations!” are they screaming?
So why is everyone silent now? T
oh the same. Well, as they say: “between the first and second………” - there is no break at all.

Leading: That's how fun we move on to the second toast.
Once upon a time, the king of beasts, also a lion, gathered his subjects in a clearing, they say:
-Smart ones to the right, beautiful ones to the left...
When everyone went to their places, one monkey remained in the middle.
- Why are you standing? - Should I burst apart?!
So let's drink to the birthday girl! Sitting at the head of the table right in the middle, but unlike the monkey, deservedly so. Song or short break

So, our next toast is extremely simple.
We should drink because women are like that,
How expensive are diamonds?
But here's the problem: one misfortune,
That a diamond can be stolen...
And so that the diamonds are not stolen
They always hired security.
When there is a person next to us,
Who appreciates, loves, understands
And together, having walked many years,
Love lives without knowing fatigue.
It is so important for a woman to have in her life
Support and encouragement in difficult times.
Svetlana was not mistaken, no
Alexander once chose you as his husband.
Behind him she is behind the stone wall
Literally, as well as figuratively.
He is the only one for her, dear,
Their views, feelings, thoughts coincide.
He is smart, kind, affectionate and...
Well, you need to give the floor to your husband.

Toast from my husband

Leading: Dear friends, everyone knows that kissing prolongs life, scientists have found that kissing on the lips prolongs life by 10 minutes, on the cheek by 15 minutes, and on all other parts of the body by 20 minutes.

Like any other woman, our birthday girl loves to receive kisses. So, let’s wish Tatyana long life and good health. And let's all try to kiss her together. To do this, we divide into the right and left sides of the table and, at my command, give a kiss to the hero of the day, naturally with Best wishes. (guests on the team must give a choke and a kiss to the hero of the day - 2 teams)

One woman was once asked what her job was.
- I am a soloist! – the lady answered proudly.
- Yes? And where do you sing?
- I don’t sing, but I salt cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes! ...
I propose to drink to our birthday girl, who is not just an excellent soloist, but an excellent hostess!

Song or short break

The apt French have golden words
“If youth knew? If old age could..."
But there is a section in the middle of the road,
When experience and strength can go hand in hand!
This age is happy to combine
Two pretty words: “More!” " and already! »
So living at this time is easy and pleasant!
Everything else is available to you! Everything is already clear to you!
And if life offers you a series of difficult puzzles,
Then solve them boldly - you are already 50!
If youth calls out, stand in a row with it,
Stand up, don’t be afraid – you are still 50!!!

Presentation of the medal “For taking the 50th anniversary”!”, to your thunderous applause, the hero of the day is awarded commemorative medal.
Fanfare for the presentation of the medal
Wait a minute, the medal comes with instructions, let me read them out:

Instructions for wearing the medal “For the Capture of the 50th Anniversary”!”
Wear a medal on holidays,
Wash your neck before getting dressed.
Wipe the medal with alcohol
Drink the remaining alcohol.
To the theater, to visit and to the cinema,
Wear a medal over your coat.
Don't let your friends wear it,
Even though they will ask a lot.
In the dining room hide it under a plate,
So as not to pour borscht on the craft.
Keep, protect from the evil eye,
So that the infection does not stick to her.
Under New Year hang on the tree,
To your delight and to amuse your loved ones!

I propose to wash the well-deserved reward.

Leading: But that’s not all, for so many beautifully lived years, our hero of the day rightfully deserves the title of queen. And the queen deserves a crown! Coronation Today, here and at this very hour, we will bring out the Crown for you!

Fanfare for the removal of the crown

So, the crown is awarded!
After all, you truly deserve the throne.
To a friendly ovation
Let's start the coronation!

You are a beautiful girl,
and today you will be a queen!
We ask you to be our queen,
and we present a symbol of power! (put on the crown) Let the queen rule justly,
And our holiday will be beautiful!

- Let's bathe the Queen in applause and clinking glasses in honor of Her Majesty! And let the champagne flow like a river, Like water flowing from high mountains. The Empress raises her glass to you, gentlemen! Friends, look, the queen gets up and raises the cup - this is important! Yes, our queen is going on a “campaign”, To clink glasses, as they say with everyone!!!

Song Game "Embarrassed Birthday Boy"

Dear friends, I want to ask you what the hero of the day should be like on his birthday - happy, cheerful, and at the same time he should be a little more what?... Whoever names the most definitions will receive a prize from the hero of the day! (A guest ticket and a chocolate bar are guaranteed as a prize)

Block 2 - congratulatory

Leading: Before continuing our evening, I want to make sure that all the reflexes of your body are still in order, therefore: I ask everyone to raise their right hand. Higher, higher! Fingers fan out wider! Even wider. Now, without lowering your right, raise your left! And do the same. Well done! This is exactly how many times you should drink today to the health of our hero of the day. And now, the hero of the day greets the guests with a simple hand gesture (waving) Then - only with the little finger, and now only with the thumb, and now with both the thumb and little finger. Here it is, a SYMBOL OF REAL FUN, in Ukraine, this gesture is called POUR-KA, and it encourages all guests to fill their glasses with the best drinks and congratulate Tatyana on her anniversary.

So, dear friends, the most long-awaited and desired moment for some is coming. Guests are looking forward to being free of gifts. The time has come for congratulations and wishes. Know that only today and only now can you congratulate the hero of the day in person, in cash or non-cash.

Congratulations to guests Drawing of guests

“Now lift the tablecloth and look under the table” (naturally, everyone crawled under the table on the first impulse) Look, no one there hid from receiving a gift? No? Well, great, then we'll continue.

After all the congratulations
For all the golden words,
Which were voiced today!
They are the soul of each of us
They were full of themselves.
Let's drink to that too
That the hero of the day brought us together.
During the period of life that we call
We are the golden mean.

Let's drink a glass to the brim for you, for Tatyana, for love! I invite all guests to fill their glasses and drink to the bottom for all those sincere words, wishes and congratulations that were addressed to our hero of the day Tatyana Vladimirovna.

Dear guests, raise your right hand up, and now put it on the knee of the neighbor on the right, smile and look into the eyes and say: “Let's go, let's dance!”

3 game block

If you are looking for gifts,
Throws all my friends into a fever,
This means that it is very close,
Glorious holiday... ANNIVERSARY!
If everything is ready,
And the cafe is full of guests,
This means he has arrived,
The best holiday... ANNIVERSARY!
If more often congratulations,
The word asks "pour"
So what's going on here?
Let's celebrate....anniversary!
So what should you do, brothers?
Hero of the Day, answer!
Well, why doubt it?
It's clear... pour it in!

So everyone had a bite, now look at the hero of the day

A string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's take an honest look:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, whatever you need -
A joy for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those sparkling eyes will drive anyone crazy!

Who did Tatiana drive crazy?Several men are called, turn their backs to the hero of the day and answer the host’s questions. Let’s check how closely the men looked at the birthday girl!!

  1. What color are the eyes of the hero of the day?
  2. What color is the suit?
  3. How many buttons does it (the suit or dress) have?
  4. Do you have a watch on your hand?
  5. How long is the dress?
  6. What decorations does the hero of the day wear?
  7. What is she wearing? etc.

Participants are given letters and the task is to guess the word and arrange the letters into a word.

You planted a tree
There's even a vegetable garden
Daughter and son deservedly
Continue the birth!

We wish you in the house
May there be harmony and peace
Now let's continue
Our merry Feast!

Let the house be a full cup,
Guests arrive right from the morning.
It will be black, it will be red
There is CAVIAR on the table!

Eat and drink on the couch
So the cleaning is waiting,
I had too much at the anniversary
There will be a spanking waiting for you!

The guests say toasts
They raise their glasses,
And also on the anniversary
They give you GIFTS!


I ask all guests to come to the table
Let's continue the anniversary!
Returning to the tables -
We continue the holiday.

From distant school life,
Back then in the USSR,
We remember the bright moments
With the beautiful title “Pioneer”!
Tie, drum, chants -
They repeated everything non-stop.
Remember? Then -
Hear my calls
Support all impulses
Answer in unison
All with pioneering enthusiasm!

That's it, friends, together today
They will say a lot of kind words
Happy birthday congratulations...
Get ready to sing songs loudly
Sparing no votes,
And walk as long as possible
Everyone - Be ready! Always ready!
Everyone drinks to Tolya
Immediately in one gulp, without sips
A toast to say to everyone today
Be ready! Always ready!

How do you think our hero of the day likes to relax? (answer). How do guests like to relax in their free time? (answers). It is clear who is active and who is passive in front of the TV. We admit that everyone sins with this from time to time. It just so happened that in the year of the birth of our hero of the day, such popular and beloved films as “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, “Carnival” with Lyudmila Gurchenko and many other good films were released on the screens. The year 1956 was generally rich in films. In addition, many probably know that 2016 has been declared the year of Russian cinema. Therefore, I suggest testing your knowledge of films. In all the phrases that I will pronounce, instead of the desired word there are the words Jubilee or Anniversary. You need to guess which movie this phrase is from and replace the words with the original sounding in the movie itself.

Game Cinema Quiz

  • Everyone who doesn’t have an Jubilee dreams of buying one; and everyone who has an Anniversary dreams of selling it. And he doesn’t do this only because, having sold, you will be left without an Anniversary (car).
  • Maybe I should give you another key to the apartment where the hero of the day is lying? (money) TWELVE CHAIRS
  • And this strange phrase: “A dog is a man’s friend” is strange, to say the least... Maybe in some places a dog is a man’s friend, but in our country the hero of the day is a man’s friend! (house manager) DIAMOND HAND
  • And a toast without an Anniversary is the same as a wedding night without a bride... (wine) CAUCASIAN PRISONER
  • The hero of the day! Customs gives the go-ahead! (Abdullah) WHITE SUN OF THE DESERT
  • Money in the morning - Anniversary in the evening. Or money in the evening - in the morning Anniversary (chairs)... TWELVE CHAIRS
  • This is what the life-giving Jubilee does! (cross) IVAN VASILIEVICH CHANGES PROFESSION
  • And here, you know, we keep indulging in the hero of the day... (goodies) CARLSON, WHO LIVES ON THE ROOFTOP
  • Long live our Jubilee - the most humane Jubilee in the world! (court) CAUCASIAN PRISONER
  • Don’t get confused: Ice cream for the children, Anniversary for the woman! (flowers) DIAMOND HAND
  • The hero of the day, open your face, will you? (Gyulchatay) WHITE SUN OF THE DESERT

Taking out the cake

The lights in the room go out. The anniversary candles are lit.

Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let it be in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...
Let me wish you on holiday
Let happiness be only a help.
We wish you dachas, ardor, heat,
We wish you health again,
And again we will tell the hero of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!
So that luck awaits you along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we’ll also ask you in addition
- Blow out these candles!

Read 22812 once

The best holiday for any woman is the one where she feels like a prom queen, and if it’s her own birthday or anniversary, even more so! Therefore, the most pleasant surprise for the hero of the day is to bathe her in attention and compliments that will make her feel like herself. There are a lot of options for such surprises, they can be of a solemn and lyrical nature or comic and playful; friends and family know best what the hero of the occasion will like best.

Here are some examples comic anniversary medals and coronations on a woman’s anniversary, which may help you organize your ceremony or original congratulations.

1. Comic anniversary medals and titles for women:

1. You raised excellent children,

She dressed and fed them.

You are ready to give everything to them!

We award you the title - MOTHER!

2. You take care of the family hearth,

And you live well with your husband.

You are for him at all times

An exemplary WIFE in everything!

3. You are a faithful wife to your husband.

But we know for sure that you are still a great FRIEND!

4. The house is orderly, comfortable, clean

You don’t wear the title MISTRESS in vain.

5. You know how to sew, knit and embroider not out of boredom.

We must give the title again - GOLDEN HANDS!

6. Nephews are your joy,

I should give you the title AUNT.

7. Around the city......rumor is spreading,

That you are an excellent GARDENER!

8. If you have a sweet granddaughter,

We present you with the title GRANDMOTHER!

9. You respect your elders and look after your younger ones.

Patient and kind, you are called the middle SISTER!

10. Generous and rich, like spring,

She will give us a hundred smiles.

Meeting her will turn out to be good luck for us,

And a WOMAN - such a miracle is called!

11. Let everyone remember it forever

………..- GOOD MAN!


2. Awarding the title “Queen of the Holiday” and coronation of the hero of the day.

(Such a “coronation” can be made as a separate congratulatory number, or it can be combined with the original meeting of the hero of the day at the very beginning of the holiday)

Today you are truly the queen of the holiday! And the queen deserves a crown!

Today, here and at this very hour

We'll take out the crown for you!

May the queen rule with justice

And our holiday will be beautiful -

Brilliant Royal Ball

Today I gathered all my friends!

To a friendly ovation

Let's start with the coronation!

The crown is brought into the hall.

Let's bathe the Queen in applause and clinking glasses in honor of Her Majesty! And to your applause, I hasten to decorate another candle with the flame of your beautiful hearts. And our next toast will be to the Queen.


3. Anniversary ceremony "Queen's Suite"

This ceremony can be a spectacular continuation of the coronation of the hero of the day. To do this, the “Queen” needs to be seated on the “throne” in the center of the hall.

Leading: Dear guests, we simply need to hold another anniversary ceremony, since, according to experts, after it is held, all ailments and sorrows disappear for the hero of the occasion, and an irreversible process of rejuvenation begins. Everyone knows the expression that “the queen is made by her retinue,” I ask those who want to be favorites and ladies-in-waiting of our queen to come to me (those who wish come out - the leader explains the rules to them).

Leading: In order for our ritual to be impeccable, like at the best royal receptions, the retinue must show attentiveness and courtesy: do everything strictly according to etiquette. Whenever the word “Ladies” is heard in the text, the girls from the retinue make a beautiful curtsey; when the word “Gnights” is heard, the entire male half of the retinue races, with a graceful bow, kisses the queen’s hand and quickly leaves again.

Text (read by presenter)

LADIES and GROSS came to the Queen's Jubilee. The LADIES are wearing beautiful beads and earrings. CAVALIERS smell of expensive perfume and captivate with their impeccably shaved faces. LADIES are good, energetic, charming. CAVALIERS are courageous, smart, cheerful. LADIES and GRANDS are ready to say a thousand words of congratulations and wishes to their queen. LADIES delight with fun, GAVALERS delight with the article and readiness to fulfill her every desire. And, in general, LADIES are like LADIES, GEAVALIERS are like GAVALERS. Both LADIES and GRANDS are good, they congratulate the hero of the day from the bottom of their hearts.


4. Presentation of the tiara and title “Lady – 20...”

Autumn (summer)! Today, (Name), you

Nature herself congratulates.

Gold leaves at your feet

Birch and aspen trees are being abandoned.

And they bow to you

Like slaves, rowan trees.

Childhood and youth are not bad,

Youth and maturity are already behind you.

Now comes another era

The era of maturity is young.

Name - ...., age - 50!

Now listen to what they say about you.

According to a survey among men

You are “Lady 20...” for a number of reasons.

Count and be proud

After all, this is a ticket to a new life.

Kind (because there is no time to be angry)

Cheerful (but there is time to have fun)

Smart (school and technical college behind you)

Honest (with absolutely everything, especially with me)

Beautiful (no need to explain this)

Generous (her motto: let's live together)

Darling (after all, she’s a woman)

Modest (but not shy either)

Strong (both in soul and body)

Economic (proved by deeds)

Sexy (this is already clear)

Tender (the sign “Virgo” is not in vain)

Mysterious (“everyone has their own zest”)

Decent (obviously well-mannered)

Interesting (not only for men)

Responsible (there are a hundred reasons for this)

Caring (this is by nature)

Young (is that really years?)

Faithful (family comes first)

Reliable (has its own “code of honor”)

Slender (the figure is what you need)

Charming (eye-catching)

Affectionate (will melt the ice with your heart)

Necessary (with her life is sweet as honey)

Bright (like the sun is burning)

Responsive (like Dr. Aibolit)

The only one (after all, there is no second one the same)

Loving (we love you too)

Energetic (movement is life)

Hardworking (if you want to live a cool life, work hard)

Darling (as priceless as the planet)

Amazing (eighth wonder of the world)

Talented (manifests itself in everything)

Dear (we live in your soul)

Charming (you are nowhere more beautiful)

Yes, what else can I say? You are simply OURS!

Did you count? It is not enough,

I haven't said everything yet.

Are these words

Would we be done with you?

I have words for everyone

There wouldn't be enough sheets!

And all these qualities

Not eccentricities at all.

For these reasons

Men like you.

And that's why I'm glad

Here to present you with an award:

Tiara for the winner

Competition "Lady - 20...",

That is, the very best.

5. Comic medalsfor the woman's golden jubilee.

This glorious autumn (summer, etc.) sometimes
It's your golden anniversary.
Believe me, you have become golden,
Let's be honest, handing out medals.

1. Let's start with the hands, they really are golden!
On the table - what results!
These little hands carry bags,
They pet, cook, caress the children...
They put things in order everywhere,
They rule in this house!

(we present the “golden hands” medal)

2. And a golden head!
The work there is not easy.
Natural intelligence plus experience over the years
Gave weight of respect to the lady!

(medal "golden head")

(medal "golden heart")

4. This is how you go through life,
And your soul is golden!
Broad and kind and rebellious,
And she is priceless and diligent in her work.

(medal "golden soul")

5. Let's say about character: simple,
But, of course, it is also golden.
It is both durable and lasting forever.
You are a positive person!

(medal "golden character")

6 And so are you, Natasha, dear,
Golden all around, golden!
Do you know that everything is gold?
Always remain young!

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends,
Let me take the floor today.
We gathered for the anniversary
A person dear to us.

So we wish you many years to come,
Love, health and good luck,
Fate that will take you away from troubles,
And ours will solve the problems.

Let all your dreams come true,
Believe me, they are achievable!
And as a source of kindness -
Give warmth to your loved ones!

May the days, intertwined in a round dance,
They always bring happiness to your home.
And every year that comes
Will add more tender passion!

6. “All-Russian Association of Family Welfare”

This Certificate, which reads: “This Certificate was issued to _________________________ (full name of the birthday girl) on the occasion that this lady actually lived N years in a happy marriage with _______________________ (full name of her husband), who warmed and will warm your missus with your love, warmth and light. From this day, which is nominated for the title “The Greatest Day of the 21st Century,” the birthday girl must fulfill the following requirements:

live the same number of years three times in complete sanity;

to be happy, regardless of any troubles;

to always be young, no matter what age;

to love and to be loved;

always smile, even if your mood is not the best;

always be beautiful, because beauty is the key to health;

never need anything and never deny yourself anything.

The certificate cannot be faked or distributed! Any illegal copying or attempt to sell will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This Certificate is accompanied by a gold medal.

(During the presentation of the medal and certificate, a tone sounds.)

7. Before delivery anniversary medal- "Portfolio of the hero of the day"

Charisma is present.
Creativity is flowing.
The figure is appetizing (model).
The character is Nordic.
The potential is endless.
The direction of the vector is only forward!
Temperament is off the charts.
The mood is in good shape.
With friends - open.
Irreconcilable with enemies.
The tongue is sharp.
I am friendly with finances.
With the authorities - on equal terms after 18:00.
Relatives love you.
Friends are in touch.
Colleagues respect me.
Summary: you can go into reconnaissance

8. Coronation of the hero of the day in a fairy tale style.

(For greater effectiveness, the ceremony in a fairytale style can be done in the form of a costume coronation)

Like in one wonderful kingdom,
IN like this state (depending on the location)
Today the holiday has been announced,
The working day is over!
Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
Sages from the sovereign
Dressed up, combed your hair,
The retinue gathered together
And they finally rushed
To this fairytale palace.
To maintain solemnity,
Please bring the throne here! (throne-chair)

The hero of the day passes and sits on the “throne”

Well, the beauty is a maiden,
This evening you are the queen!
We ask you to be our queen,
And we present a symbol of power!
After all, you are truly worthy of the throne.
So, the crown is awarded! (crown)

To consolidate the triumph of the moment,
All attributes of power should be handed over!
Sons-in-law, relatives, godfathers,
Well, in general, the whole huge family!
Help me dress the queen,
Quickly bring in the robe! (mantle)

To your beloved devoted friends,
With whom do you share joy and misfortune in half,
Who is easier to be with in this life?
It is entrusted to hand over this scepter! (bottle of cognac (wine)

Who (name of the hero of the day) closest, dearest in the world?
Like rays of light - beloved children.
You must live to see your great-grandchildren's wedding!
And drink a cup of wine at that wedding!
Give the queen a glass of sovereignty!
And let the audience applaud! (glass of wine)

And so that in this life forever
I only remembered the good moments,
Today, here and only for you
This is the thunderous applause! (guests applaud)

Start the feast by royal decree,
Command your guests to have fun.

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