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Heartfelt congratulations to my sister on her birthday. Touching. Happy birthday greetings to sister in verse

Everyone loves birthdays. But children have a special attitude towards this holiday. Yes, it’s understandable, on this day everything is different - gifts, guests, a birthday cake with candles and the expectation of some miracle, a fairy tale. The child is looking forward to his birthday, counting the days until this event. With age, the attitude towards birthdays may change, but at heart we still remain children. It is believed that a birthday is a certain stage in our life. On this day, if you really want to, you can change your destiny, which is why it is customary to celebrate birthdays. Birthdays are different - this is the birthday of a child or relative, boss or company. And every birthday requires appropriate congratulations.

The site "" collects for you beautiful, touching and cheerful congratulations, which will help turn your event into a real Holiday, so that it is joyful and fun. In this section you can choose Happy Birthday greetings for family and friends, friends and colleagues.


Beautiful and sincere birthday greetings to your sister

"Beautiful congratulations to my sister"

When you dreamed of a daughter,
The family lived in hope
You, sister, dear,
Fortunately, my mother gave birth!

Flowers, toys, congratulations
They are flying to you for your holiday,
And a lot of joyful excitement,
We congratulate the whole family!

Happy birthday, sister, congratulations
And I wish you joy and warmth!
Be happier than you ever dreamed
And more beautiful than you could imagine!

Good luck in any of your endeavors,
May the results please you all,
And let fate always spoil you,
Protecting you as an angel, loving!

"Congratulations to sister on birthday"

I wish my sister joy and happiness,
I wish my sister to be worthy,
Good luck to her, big and real,
And truly love your family.

May your dream come true
May you be lucky in all your affairs,
After all, not a single moment will be repeated!
May your life go wonderfully into the future!

Like an unsolved mystery
Holy beauty breathes in her.
We look with good anticipation
To the quiet light of her eyes.
Is there an earthly charm in her,
Or unearthly grace?
Her soul opened up to her confession,
And the heart is eager to adore...

"Cool birthday wishes for sister"

Happy Birthday
Beloved sister,
I'm burning with impatience
Like a match in the wind

May this birthday
Now and Forever
Good luck will come to you
Be happy, sister!

Today I am my little sister
I hasten to congratulate her on her birthday.
I wish you to always be in order,
May accompany you in business with luck.

Beautiful, patient and wise
Be like a woman. Let everything be in the Lord's power,
Let them say: “The time for everything will come!”
You know how to fight for your happiness!

"Heartfelt congratulations to my sister on her birthday"

Sister, we have been together for many years
Your birthday was celebrated.
And again I will bring a bouquet -
We are not tired of each other.

I love you like I did when I was a child,
And on your holiday so beautiful
I pray to God for one thing,
May you always be happy.

Sister, congratulations on your anniversary!
May your dreams come true
And let the mood be good,
Among all this boring bustle.

May every day bring only joy,
Take on something new, be brave!
Then you will feel the sweetness of life,
And it will become more fun in a boring world.

Touching birthday greetings and anniversary to sister

You are the most close person,
And there is no one more precious to you in the world,
We grew up with you, sister,
In one family, in one apartment,
Happy anniversary to you
Congratulations, dear sister,
Let life go on, let the years go by,
You remain bright, clear,
Be happy and young
Let there be tears, but from happiness,
I will always help you
I will take part in your destiny!

Touching wishes for your sister on her anniversary

Congratulations on your anniversary
I am my beloved sister.
And, of course, I wish her
Get a star from the sky.
So that everything turns out great,
To make you happy.
And I laughed often, often,
She didn’t lose her beauty.
So that a wonderful salary
It always just crawled up.
And of course, sister,
May you be happy!

Touching congratulations on your anniversary to your sister

May everything you have in mind come true,
May there always be a lot of strength,
Let luck be with you,
Happy birthday to you, sister!

I wish you more smiles
Love, albeit one, but forever...
Thank you for being like me -
A close, dear person to me!

Touching congratulations on your sister's anniversary to tears

I wish you to get sick more often -
To be sick with optimism and wild luck,
I wish, sister, to cry more often,
But no one will cry with happiness.

I wish to explode into a thousand pieces -
Let the energy of joy burst,
Let you catch fire from violent passions,
And let the money cover you like a wave.

I wish I could be a little meaner today -
But only at me, such a joker,
After all, there are so many emotions on your anniversary
No one will spend it, dear sister.

Touching congratulations on your sister’s anniversary in verse

Sister, on your birthday
You are like a beautiful flower.
And everyone is in a hurry
Congratulate with warm words.

Be such a flower every day,
Give your friends charm
In love and joy, moreover
An ever-living creature.

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Sister to Tears

My dear sister,
On this day I wish you
Stay happy yourself
And smile all the time!

I truly love you
And I want to wish you
So that you don't know despondency,
And I just found happiness!

Touchingly congratulate your sister on her anniversary

Little sister, dear little sister,
How much I love you
You were small, like a bird
How often do I pray to God,

About making you happy
So that fate takes care of you,
My sister, be loved
I and the whole family wish.

And at forty-five - you are just a miracle,
Smart and pretty.
Always let people believe you
May luck be with you.

Touching congratulations on your anniversary to your beloved sister

On my sister's birthday dear
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish her
Stay as beautiful
And never know doubt

So that your eyes shine brightly,
May you always be beautiful,
So that people respect you
May you live brightly and honestly!

Touching congratulations on your anniversary to your sister

Fifty to my beloved sister,
Congratulations, my angel.
You are a support, a faithful friend
She was with me for years.

Be happy darling
Feminine, you are my standard.
Be a queen in life
May your throne be strong.

Beautiful touching congratulations on your sister’s anniversary

There is not a drop of despondency and laziness!
Anniversary for my beloved sister!
And from the joy of warm moments
Fires are burning in the heart!
Stay as beautiful as you are
Forget about your grievances!
Your life will be very happy
Full of light, kindness and love!

Congratulations on your anniversary to your sister in verse

Let your eyes be like in childhood
Shine with happiness on this day.
Let the birds next door sing,
Lilacs will bloom in your soul.

Let there be only good luck in life,
Let the time of victory come.
Believe me, it can't be otherwise
My favourite sister!

For many of us, a sister is perhaps the closest person in the world. She will provide support in difficult situations, like a true friend, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with her, like a true friend, you can cry on her shoulder, like a mother... You probably don’t tell your sister very often how much you love her. And a birthday is a great occasion for this. In our article you will find the most sincere birthday greetings to your sister.

Happy birthday greetings to sister in verse

Congratulations to you, sister,
I wish you to be the happiest of all.
I don’t know what to wish for you,
After all, you are already a complete success.
Let it be fun, like in childhood,
When we were playing in the yard.
And only cash
They'll pour into your pockets!
May everyone love you immensely,
Men fall to their feet.
Let your life be like a miracle!
I'll give a lot for this!

I want on your birthday
Have a glass of wine with your sister!
For all your dreams and dreams,
So that tears do not fall
Your beautiful eyes
And if a tear falls,
Then let that tear be of happiness,
And let sorrow and bad weather
Do not darken your life
I love you, sister,
I wish you only joy,
So that, like a flock of wild ducks,
Your soul flew up,
Keeping love and youth!

Sister, dear, dear!
Today is your birthday,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
May you have fun!
Sister, dear, dear,
You are entering the dawn of life,
You are blooming young for me,
You don't care about age.
Let nature continue to please you
You with the bloom of feminine beauty,
Let there be only good weather in the house
And cherished dreams come true!

Hello, little sister, my dear sister!
Here, happy birthday, I brought you a gift!
Well, let's pour this song into glasses!
Your lips will be brighter than the roses given to you!
Let luck and love open the doors,
Let the clear rays of the sun wake you up in the morning!
May everything you sincerely believe in turn out
Let life be even brighter than a candle flame!

My dear, dear sister!

Birthday starts with a smile
Sonorous songs and the sound of a violin in the soul!
The birthday begins with a poem.
This is a holiday that comes to the house!
And you can’t escape from happiness, as if from captivity.
Birthday - both ways and changes!
You fulfill all my desires:
Be happy, be loved and love!
Be rich and always be yourself.
Live in joy, be content with your fate!
Birthday is the key to happiness.
This is a holiday, a bright ray of sunshine!
This is the joy of the present moment.
The heart beats and the soul flies for some reason.
Birthday starts in the morning!
Congratulations, dear sister!

You're the only one I have
There is no other like it in the world!
Always cheerful, simple,
You will always give the right advice.

May you grow a little older
But, as before, you are slim.
And there is no one more beautiful in the world than you -
That's my sister!

Today everyone is shining with happiness,
After all, it's your birthday.
Everyone is having fun, congratulating
And they smile lovingly.

And I want to congratulate you,
My dear girl,
It's hard for me to imagine my life
If you weren't in it.

I respect you very much
I listen to you, I appreciate you.
I imitate you a little
And I love you the most.

So let it be in your tender heart
There's always a corner
For serene meetings with me.
And happy holiday to you, my friend.

The most beautiful girl
Celebrating his birthday today!
I am for you, beloved sister,
I wish you joy and good luck.

Let the sun shine in the clear sky,
Illuminating your life with love,
The mood will be wonderful
May there be good luck and health.

May you always be young and beautiful,
Let the inspiration never leave you.
Become the happiest person in the world!
Happy holiday, sister! Happy Birthday!

My dear sister, sister,
It's time to congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you success always and in everything,
So that everything would be super, life would be in full swing.
May you always be happy and loved.
Health and beauty may not be spoiled by the years.
Like a ray of sunshine, you shine forever.
Go without encountering trouble along the way.
More finances, good luck with everything!
Let everything work out, let everything be okay!

My favorite sister,
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let it be multifaceted and beautiful,
Your life will be like in a fairy tale.

I wish you great health -
There is nothing more valuable than him.
Great love, reliable friends
And many, many bright days.

Fate has not deprived you
Neither beauty nor kindness.
Always stay like this:
Cheerful, sweet, mischievous!

Being first is always hard
And it’s even harder for the older one!
But I'm lucky to have you -
Who could be dearer than sisters?
Everything about childhood is connected with you.
And our girlish secrets.
I inherit from you
I'm talking about adult life advice!
And today I congratulate you
And I wish you great happiness!
So that you love happiness, save...
And shared with others in bad weather!
And, of course, thanks to mom,
That I gave birth to you as my friend.
Everything is ahead of us! And always with you
The hands of the younger sister and the keeper of the hand!

My dear, dear sister,
I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
And wish you great love and goodness,
And leave your gifts.
You and I are forever intertwined by fate,
Our souls walk together.
Congratulations on your birthday
Without melancholy, without embellishment, without flattery.
I wish unearthly sensations in love,
Conquer these mountains, volcanoes of passions.
Our life is impossible without tears and doubts,
So meet them boldly, wait for good news.

I don't know how to write masterpieces,
I can't speak loud words.
But love and warmth I dare
Give it to you on your birthday.
You are my sister, you are the ray of dawn.
Let your dreams come to life.
I wish that every summer
Flowers bloomed in your honor.
I wish you happiness, like a visit,
Came to see you every day
So that there is no room for anger
Not for a moment in your bright destiny.

Today I congratulate my sister
Happy long-awaited and joyful day.
On your birthday I wish you love,
So that the heart burns with fire.
May the years be like beautiful birds
Leave pleasant dreams
I wish to love and have fun throughout life
And in winter preserve the echoes of spring.
May luck accompany you everywhere
And sorrows will pass by.
I promise, dear, that I will
I am always and everywhere with you.

I hasten to congratulate you, my beloved,
Dear sister, on your birthday I.
I wish to become a companion in your destiny, love,
So that they walk side by side with faith and hope.
I wish you, my dear, my good one,
So that everything is smooth: work and family.
Let friends be faithful, who will always
They offered their shoulder so that I could stand!
Good luck and fortune to walk next to you,
You would never have known a bad mood in your life!

Sister, dear, dear.
Today is your joyful day.
I wish you, my love,
Bloom like a lush lilac.
Destiny to always be loved.
Don't grieve, don't be sad.
Minutes of hasty life,
Don't waste your time on stupid things.
May your every day be bright.
The path lies smooth.
You are my dearest person.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart: “Be happy!”
Do not know sadness, do not be sad from boredom.
Let a faithful person be nearby.
Friends are reliable, loyal girlfriends,
The century is cloudless and long-lived.
May God not harm you with your health,
Gives you angelic heavenly beauty.
Let your star shine ever brighter.
Be happy and young at heart.

Funny birthday greetings to sister

It's my beloved sister's birthday today. May her life be literally drenched in chocolate, may she always have expensive lipstick on her lips, and may she always have only the most elite and delicious food in her stomach. Be the same sweet candy in a beautiful wrapper. Happy holiday!

I want to say a few words to my beloved, gentle, dear and beautiful sister. Happy holiday to you, dear! Continue to smell the same fragrance every day, let only original ideas, and in every case, without exception, you are lucky. May your friends give you even more positive emotions and warm emotions, and may you always have money in your wallet (but remember that money is not the main achievement in life). I love you very much, happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to sister in prose

On this day, I want to congratulate my dear sister with all my heart. I want there to be only good and bright things in your life. So that all your life's roads lead to your intended goals. Let there be more honest people next to you and open people. Stay so beautiful and in love every day of your life. And may luck not leave you, and may troubles and illnesses pass you by. Happy birthday!

My sister is the sweetest, charming, kind, gentle and beautiful in the world. On this holiday, I wish her that any trouble in life will literally shy away from her and bypass her. Attract only joy, smiles and kindness! And please us more often with your radiant smile. You are persistent and purposeful, and this is your strength. You will definitely find your happiness. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday greetings to your sister in your own words

Sunny, we've been waiting for this day. I am not without delight watching how you change over the years. Changes occur in your appearance, in your character, in your heart... Today you are even more intelligent, beautiful and confident. And even though I rarely talk about this, you must remember that I love you very much. You are one of the few people in my life whom I can completely trust. And I want to be more and more charged with your incredible energy. Congratulations!

I never cease to thank the higher powers for giving me such a sister. I have no one in my life closer and dearer than you. You will always advise, help, come at the right moment and find the right word. It's priceless. It’s priceless when just one of your carefree smiles makes your heart feel lighter. Happy birthday, my beauty! Let everything work out for you exactly the way you want it.

Sister, my beloved, kind, sweet, unique! Millions of adjectives cannot describe all your charm. On your birthday, I want to wish you not only health, happiness and love, but also the ability to overcome pain and difficulties. Unfortunately, life is not always sweet, and only those who can overcome obstacles with their heads held high are happy. Let them be in your life faithful friends and unforgettable trips. Congratulations!

Happy birthday greetings to older sister

My golden big sister! I want to confess to you my boundless love. Be always happy, inspired, lucky. May your heart not know what cold is and may it always be warmed by the smiles and warmth of friends and relatives. Happy Birthday to You!

My darling elder sister! You never cease to be an example for me in everything: in appearance, behavior, character. Everything about you is impeccable: intelligence, beauty, habits. You always come to my aid, your care is akin to a mother’s, and I am very grateful to you for that. And I’m also glad that we never quarrel, but always find mutual language. Be happy, don't get sick and never be sad. And I will still come to you for advice. Congratulations!

My dear sister, on this day all the warmest words are addressed only to you. I rarely talk about my feelings, but today is the day when I need to confess a lot. You are the eldest, and since childhood you have been a constant example for me, no matter how banal it may sound. I'm glad that I learned a lot from you. I love you endlessly and every day I thank our parents for having each other. Just know that I am ready to share all the bitter moments of life with you. Happy Birthday dear!

Happy birthday greetings to your younger sister

Today is my little sister's holiday. Darling, today I will not lament or teach you, I will not make comments and in no case will I scold you, no matter what you do. Although it’s starting to seem to me that I no longer have any right to this, because you are such an adult! You are the queen of tonight, you have grown into an incredible beauty. It’s hard to imagine our house without your boisterous laughter and ringing voice. I want you to encounter only good and bright things in your future along the path of life. Never know pain and human evil. And for my part, I will try to protect you from everything bad. Happy birthday, my love!

I'm extremely lucky to have you, baby. Even though you are younger, sometimes you seem smarter and wiser than me! May this holiday give you so much strength and positive energy that it will be enough for you. whole year. I will never forget the day when your parents announced that you were born. I literally jumped around the apartment with happiness! And this happiness does not end yet. So be healthy, happy and beautiful, and everything else will definitely follow. Happy birthday to you, little one!

Do you know beautiful congratulations Happy birthday to your sister? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google
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