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Congratulations to your husband on February 14th. Happy Valentine's Day wishes for husband. Funny and funny congratulations on Valentine's Day for your loved one in prose

My beloved husband, congratulations to you!
You know - I love you more and more!
Love has only grown stronger over the years,
You have become closer to me and dearer.

This is not the first year we have been together,
You're used to your bride
I became your wife
Day and night you are with me.
But it should be clear to everyone -
Our feeling has not faded!
My beloved man!
Happy Valentine's Day
I congratulate you
Like the first day of love!
I wish you love
Happiness, so as not to be carried away,
If I sometimes scold you,
Forgive me for that!
I give you congratulations,
I love you very much!

Dear husband, congratulations
Happy February day to you!
And I wish you endless happiness,
And so that you love me!

And let everything be as before
On Valentine's Day with us!
Let hope not pass away
At this festive hour!

Cupid with a red arrow
Everything is aimed at people of the heart.
And I share my love with you
I divide without edge, without end!

On such a wonderful February holiday
I want to say again:
“Dearer than you, my prankster,
You can’t find it in the whole world!”

Valentine's Day has come, congratulations,
And I tell you, dear,
I don't live with you, I fly
And I love you endlessly!

I'm happy, you're next to me,
We will be together until our gray hairs,
And love is given to us as a reward,
And what does Saint Valentine have to do with it?

It’s inappropriate to write a Valentine’s card to you:
You are my husband, I can say everything anyway -
I love, I adore cutting my own family,
It can’t be any other way, of course!

On this holiday I will send you congratulations,
I'll prepare dumplings and a piece of cheese -
I'll arrange a romantic dinner for you:
You are the only one who tolerates me on earth!

A simple piece of paper - read congratulations,
Today is your holiday,
I prepared a gift
With all my heart, loving all my life,
You are my protector, my fortress,
And the day of lovers has come,
And for me your reliability,
What is a pedestal for an athlete?
I wish you health
To love me, to be loved,
Don't frown your eyebrows too often
Just don’t bother with your dear one!

My beloved husband,
It's spring!
On this February day
Everything is in the radiance of light!
Sunny my congratulations
Take it, my hubby!
I love you very much
I'm happy with you!
Be healthy and happy, dear,
If only my heart doesn't get cold
Yours, always love me!
Your sweetheart wife.

A wonderful holiday in the middle of winter
I bring a gift to you, dear,
I have accumulated a variety of words
You are the best, you are mine!

And Valentine's Day
Just a reason to talk about love
You are my main reason
Connect my life with happiness!

After all, you, my dear
You remember everything, of course?
And the first kiss
And first glance
And your whisper in my ear
Let's reminisce

Everyone knows that Valentine's Day is a celebration for hearts in love. How to present congratulations on February 14th to your loved one? This question torments every girl and wife. And guys and husbands are concerned about the counter question: what congratulations on February 14th to come up with for your beloved? The most popular way to celebrate Valentine's Day is considered to be a dinner with romantic overtones, which can be prepared by both a man for his beloved and a woman for her beloved. But in addition to delicious dishes and romance, one should not forget about beautiful congratulations, which can be short in poetry or prose, and perhaps even funny.

Cool congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14th to your beloved guy in prose

You can come up with congratulations on February 14th to your beloved guy yourself. Can you "sneak" beautiful words on our website. One of the latest trends used by young people is cool congratulations Happy Valentine's Day February 14th to your loved one. They make you smile, while warming your soul with warmth, love and care.

Funny and funny congratulations on Valentine's Day for your loved one in prose

Every woman wants her man to be in high spirits, so we advise you to start Valentine’s Day by reading a cool Valentine’s Day greeting on February 14th for your loved one. You can do this right in bed, when he opens his eyes.

Good morning my beloved guy. Well, you don’t want to open your eyes. Look at me, do you see what a beautiful day it is outside the window? And this is all because spring will come very soon. And the cold winter days will become a thing of the past. Today I want to congratulate you on Valentine's Day. I considered this holiday stupid and unnecessary until the time I met you. That’s why I didn’t think so at all. I remember when we first met. Thinking back now, my legs give way from laughing. Then, on a dark evening, I was wearing a cap, and you mistook me for your friend. He came up, hugged me, and started telling me something. And when I took off my cap, you almost fell. That's basically how we met. And from that very moment I am very glad that I have you. Happy holiday to you, my most beloved person on this earth! I hope that you will always be by my side!

The bright sun is shining high in the sky. It sends its rays onto everything that has not yet had time to illuminate. I would really like the weather to continue like this. After all, you must admit that at the end of February such weather rarely happens. In fact, this day differs from others in many ways. Because today everyone is celebrating Valentine's Day. On this day you will see many walking couples on the streets. They will hug and kiss. I once considered this day stupid and unnecessary. But now that I have met my current boyfriend, I am happy. Because my boyfriend is really very good. To be honest, I was surprised when he asked me to date him. I am not particularly beautiful, but he is, on the contrary, very good. Tall brunette with broad shoulders. The guy that a lot of girls are pining for. But he liked me, and that's good. And now I want to congratulate him and kiss him on the cheek.

Hello my dear and the best person in the world. I think you know how much I love you. Today we will meet again and spend our free time together. After all, today all couples in love will celebrate Valentine's Day. I like this day for its special energy and atmosphere. Everything around is happy and blooming. On this day, a person seems to have a second wind. That’s why I especially enjoy walking the city streets on this day. You and I have been dating for quite a long time. But despite this, we are doing very well. For many couples, after such a long period of relationship, feelings subside and disappear. With you and me, it's the other way around. The more pain we meet, the more we like each other. And I really want them to always be together. Good luck to us in our relationship!

Congratulations on February 14th to your beloved guy - short SMS

On such a day, congratulations on February 14th to your beloved man can be in the form of a romantic dinner. But besides various goodies and romance, it’s nice to receive as a gift Congratulations on February 14th to your beloved guy from the lips of my beloved girl. For such an event, it is necessary to select exquisite romantic dishes, which should differ from the standard menu of other holidays. In other words, there is no need to bake the goose and cut Olivier. Dishes should be light, romantic with intimate overtones, after all, it’s Valentine’s Day. And most importantly, think over the words, poems or quatrains that you will give to your soulmate.

SMS congratulations on February 14th for your beloved boyfriend

Feeding is good, but in a word, you need to warm your soul. You can come up with and read congratulations on February 14 to your loved one in your own words, or you can read out the quatrains that we offer you.

Happy Valentine's Day,
My best man!
This day is full of love
My tender soul!
Happiness, joy, success,
Lots of genuine laughter!
I'm sending a Valentine's card:
My beloved, congratulations!

Delicate February snowflakes
They quietly whisper to us about love,
It's hard for me in a short valentine
Full of feelings to express yours,
Talk about happiness, about sadness
And that you are dearer to me than everyone else.
Just as the sea cannot be contained in a glass,
I cannot express all my love.

I need your lips and hands
For me you are the most precious thing
Without you, I'm sad in separation,
And with you, I’m not afraid of anything.
So accept my valentine
In it I make an oath to Cupid,
That your soulmate
I love you selflessly and tenderly

Delicious congratulations to your loved one in honor of February 14, video

Because it’s delicious to please Congratulations on February 14th to your beloved boyfriend Let's have a romantic dinner, then in order to prepare it as a gift, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greens;
  • seafood, including fish;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream.

Don't forget champagne or sparkling wine.

During dinner, turn on a video greeting for your loved one, it will certainly make him happy.

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14th to your beloved girl - funny poems and SMS

The male half of humanity also wants to please their chosen ones on this day. They buy flowers, sweets and Stuffed Toys. good Happy Valentine's Day February 14th for your beloved girlfriend, there will be a meal with lighted candles, which the chosen one will prepare himself. If when preparing treats for the powerful, you need to understand that the man needs to be fed, then with the weaker half everything is different. Fruits, chocolate and light foods are quite suitable alcoholic drinks. This will be enough to surprise the girl. And since women “love with their ears,” you should prepare your congratulations on February 14 to your beloved in advance, it doesn’t matter whether they are short or long, the main thing is to read them from the bottom of your heart.

Congratulations for your beloved girl in short verses on February 14

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day On February 14, you can recite for your beloved girl right during the feast. Let every poem told be a reason to sip champagne or wine.

Darling, you know that feelings are stronger,

Darling, you know that feelings are stronger,
Everything is higher, more beautiful day by day.
And on Valentine's Day I will say more boldly,
That you are the best for me!

Today with all my heart
Happy Valentine's Day!
How good are the days spent with you!
The look of your bottomless eyes
Beckons and burns...
Girls like this simply don’t exist!

Short SMS congratulations on February 14th for your beloved

If fate has turned out that it is not possible to spend the day of love with your other half, then send congratulations on February 14th to your loved one via SMS. It should be beautiful and romantic. Also, along with the SMS text, you can send congratulations on February 14th - pictures of flowers. This will please the girl and remind her of your feelings. See examples of SMS for your other half below.

I want to give you a sip
And your love
Give it to me.
And let our union
Fastened to the end
Two infinity rings.

I wish you
My beloved sunshine,
So that spiritual fire
The two of us felt the heat,
So that Valentin supports us
And he gave a helping hand!

Look at me and forget
That I was once lonely.
Let sadness not come to you,
What hovers high above the World.
I love you, you know that.
Cover yourself from the storm with me.

Beautiful congratulations on February 14 to your beloved husband and father

Valentine's Day is a solemn holiday not only for young people in love. It is also celebrated by people who have lived together for decades and have children and even grandchildren. It’s much more difficult to come up with congratulations on February 14th for your beloved husband, and also for your dad. Of course, a romantic dinner is still relevant, but in this case the presence of children is welcome. Warm words from your wife and children on this day will warm your soul and bring joy and a feeling of happiness.

Poems-congratulations on February 14 to husband and dad

We offer poems as congratulations on February 14 to our beloved husband and father. He will be quite pleased to hear warm words from his life partner and his children.

Amulet of my life and strength,
Wisdom hidden in the eyes.
Dad, you are the only man
For whom fear is unknown.
I'm trying to find the same one
But I'm afraid I can barely find it.
Congratulations on Valentine's Day.
I only love you!

Father, it’s always fun with you.
You are my protector and reliable friend.
My support, faith and joy,
In difficult times you will always give me your hand.
I thank you for your help
And I congratulate you with all my heart today.
And that I love you most of all,
You know, even without Valentine's Day!

Father, you are my teacher, guide,
There is no reason to be bored with you.
And I, as your assistant, student,
I will congratulate you on the 14th
You on a magical February evening.
I wish you to carry out all your plans,
Looking to the future with confidence,
Fight, enjoy and love!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 to your beloved wife in verse

Wife - how much is put into this word. This is a friend, housewife, lover, mother and, of course, on such a holiday as Valentine's Day, she deserves special attention, by her husband. good Happy Valentine's Day February 14th to my beloved wife will become "coming out". Giving her a romantic dinner at a restaurant is a great idea that she will certainly appreciate, because after the meal she will not need to wash the dishes. And adding a new invitation to a restaurant “for a date” beautiful dress, the husband will leave indelible impressions of the evening for many years.

Poems for congratulating your beloved wife on Valentine's Day

At the restaurant, give congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 to your beloved wife. These can be words coming from the soul or prose, poetry prepared in advance. You may find the options below useful.

My dear wife,
On Valentine's Day
I'll say that you're alone
Half in my heart!

May my love forever
Your heart warms!
You are my loved one!
It just doesn’t get any closer!

Happy Valentine's Day and loved ones,
Dear wife,
Days and years rush by,
You are my spring.

I love exactly this
How are you,
I don't suffer, I'm not jealous,
Happiness is here.

A million scarlet hearts
I give again.
Like in unprecedented fairy tales
I love.

On Valentine's Day there is anxiety in the heart,
And I only think about her
After all, my wife gave so much
Have amazing, joyful days!
Be as beautiful forever
Stay cheerful!
In an hour of sadness, in a moment of bad weather
I will give you warmth and peace

Short congratulations on February 14 to your loved one in verse and SMS

Sometimes it happens that on Valentine's Day your loved one is not around. But today, this is not a problem, since you can send an email or SMS all over the world. A short congratulations on February 14th to your loved one will definitely warm your soul and make you smile, remembering you, no matter where he is.

Examples of short congratulations on February 14th to your loved one

Short congratulations on February 14 to your loved one can be either in verse or in the form funny sms. In any case, it will please the person and will be relevant.

My beloved and most beloved,
Happy Valentine's Day to you.
Happy holiday of joy, happiness, warmth,
On this day I congratulate you.

Let Cupid protect our love,
Let wonderful feelings bloom.
I hasten to confess to you today,

Happy Valentine's Day
I want to congratulate you
Because I love you very much,
Let the whole world know about this.

You are the only one in the world,
The best of men.
Glad to be with you.
I only need you alone!

Let your heart rejoice
Let the soul rejoice,
I wish you on Valentine's Day
Lots of kisses for you.

Happy Valentine's Day,
Happy beautiful and bright day,
May all your wishes come true
And let your soul sing.

Congratulations on February 14 to your loved one in verse will always be relevant, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a boyfriend or a husband. Words spoken by your beloved girlfriend or wife will pour into your soul like a balm. And if you accompany your congratulations with a delicious romantic dinner and short funny “congratulations”, then the evening spent together will be remembered for a long time.

My beautiful hubby,
Happy Valentine's Day,
You don't even know
How much I love you!

And I swear to appreciate you
True, honest, endless,
Just store it carefully
My fragile heart!

On Valentine's Day,
I am to my beloved man,
I want to confess my feelings again:
I can't get enough of you!

Husband, I love you so much
And I want to tell you:
You are the meaning of my life,
There are no relatives in the whole world!

Follow you - even to the ends of the world!
There are no restrictions on our feelings!
Let our love live
And guides us through life!

On Valentine's Day I love you
My husband, congratulations,
Never let you and me
Love doesn't leave.

Saint Valentine once upon a time
He tied our destinies together,
Over the years, my dear
You have become even more valuable.

On Valentine's Day
I wish you happiness
Falling asleep and waking up
I want in your arms.

Husband, beloved, Happy Valentine's Day,
Don't be jealous of Valentin,
Know, to you from his suggestion
I send you a hot kiss.

I'm waiting for a response
Sincerely loving you.
Well, as a gift
You can give yourself.

Ask Saint Valentine
So that I love you
She fed me a hearty dinner,
Put me to bed!

To be slim, beautiful,
I washed the car in the morning,
Allowed me to drink beer
And I didn’t go for a walk!

Happy Valentine's Day to you, my love,
All the best words today.
You are more precious than everyone, more necessary,
You're making your head spin!

You are my husband, you are destined for me by fate,
We will be together for many bright years
Live in love, how else could it be?
So that without quarrels, without tears, without any troubles!

Happy Valentine's Day, my dearest one,
Let Valentin protect you.
Be fate and be protected by me,
You are my anchor, my strong magnet!

Is it difficult to confess your love?
Not at all...
The grievances are all old

And there is a passionate feeling in my heart
Let me in!
Love - it's beautiful -

Happy Valentine's Day, husband
My love!
We are together, as before,
We are with you!

And we are so sincere
Attentive, gentle,
It's great that we
We need each other so much!

Today is a holiday - the day of love,
I congratulate you
In my soul there are lights for you,
I don't know any better men!

I wish you to be the happiest
I'll try to do everything
So that you love more deeply over the years,
May you always be lucky!

Beloved, my dear husband,
I love you with all my soul,
The world around you is more beautiful,
You are the closest and dearest!

Let Valentine give us
Love, harmony in the hearts,
After all, you and I have only one path:
Always together until the end!

Valentine's Day is a holiday
Sweet, gentle, romantic,
And congratulations to my wife
With him, there is a great reason!

So what if you're married?
I'm so in love with you
I’ll say it again today,
How much I love you.

Let our marriage union bloom,
Let it grow stronger and not grow stale,
Let romance today
This holiday will inspire us!

What a wonderful holiday Valentine's Day is! How many beautiful and sincere words I want to say to my loved ones! In our life, especially family life, there is not always a place for sincere and desired confessions. After all, everyday life, minor troubles, and just money problems usually push feelings into the background. But even men want to hear this: that they are just as loved as before. Unusual holiday Valentine's Day provides such an opportunity. Every woman and wife should say the most sincere congratulations on Valentine’s Day to her husband on this day.

This holiday will allow the couple to renew their feelings, to feel the same as several years ago, when they were not yet married, and every day they confessed their love to each other. Over time, men become more restrained in their feelings and confessions. Would you like to hear it again? Do you want to know how strong your man's feelings are for you? Do you want to understand if he has lost interest in you? Start like wise woman, do on this day for your man with whom you live life together, declarations of love. Let your husband see how dear and indifferent he is to you. Congratulations to your husband on February 14 on this day sound so that he ascends, so that he would like to take some kind of reciprocal actions.

But where can you find words that could reflect the full range of your feelings, that would tell you how much you love him? But you don’t need to look, because the most beautiful, expressive and Right words, which sound like Happy Valentine's Day greetings to your husband, have already been selected on our website. Remember that any attitude towards you depends on how correctly you treat such congratulations and on how you yourself congratulate your loved one. Strive for the people you love, and you yourself will receive only positive emotions. On our website you just have to read them, you can remember them, you can send an SMS message, you can write them in a postcard.

    To emphasize the uniqueness of your beloved, you can choose a special gift: one that will be only for him, in a single copy. Of course, we are talking about making a gift for your husband on February 14th with your own hands. Now there are so many options and master classes for the most discerning people that you just need to understand what you want: a homemade frame with your favorite photo, a key holder, a wall mirror in a designer frame, a wall or table lamp with an original lampshade... Surely HE will remember and will pleasantly surprised.

    A fashionable and more than original gift for your husband on February 14th - an image on canvas. It will be an excellent accent in the interior and a pleasant reminder of your love. It’s up to you to decide what technique it will be used in: pop art, modern, stylization for computer games or superheroes.

    It is unlikely that you will argue that best gift- time spent together and positive emotions. So give it as a gift! This could be a joint photo shoot, some kind of extreme activity, gaining a new experience at a joint master class, swimming with dolphins, coffee tasting, or just an unforgettable spa weekend.

    A gift for February 14th to your beloved husband can be a kind of symbol. Perhaps together you are interested in the history of some ancient civilization or are interested in myths and folk tales. And if not, it’s all the more interesting to immerse yourself in something new. You can give him an amulet or amulet (they also come in pairs), which will have some special meaning for the two of you. These can be either special decorations or interior details. An important symbol can also be added to cufflinks or a tie pin.

    If mysticism and symbolism are not interesting to him, then science is probably interesting! Galileo's thermometer, a charming lava lamp, an unusual globe, a glowing map of constellations - these are quite interesting options for what to give your husband on February 14th.

    Gift ideas for your husband on February 14 can be taken from his hobbies and interests. If he does not spend all his free time with you, then let at least some part of you be with him during his favorite activities or work. What is this? You know better. Fashionable gadgets for a laptop/guitar/car or motorcycle. He will appreciate that you respect his hobbies. The main thing is to pack it to match the holiday - cute packages in a heart can make even the most brutal man touching when he sees how hard you tried.

    Since the way to a man’s heart, as we know, is through his stomach, a win-win option is to throw a festive dinner or simply give lovingly baked muffins, a cake or something according to your special recipe.

This concludes our list of what to give your husband on February 14, but you can continue it at your own discretion. The main thing is not the gift, but the attention and feeling with which you treat your loved one. And don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is just another reason to show your love, so a holiday for your loved one can and should be organized on any day, even the most non-holiday.

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