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A wedding without a toastmaster. Everything is in your hands - simple and fun entertainment at a wedding for guests without a toastmaster How a toastmaster conducts weddings

A wedding at home is a great option! You are in a comfortable and cozy environment, the people closest to you are around you, and you are holding the hand of a person who is dearer to you than all the riches of the Earth.
For a wedding at home you will need funny scenario with competitions, taking into account the characteristics of the festive premises. If the apartment is quite large and has spacious rooms, then all the action will be concentrated in the main hall. If there are several small rooms, it doesn’t matter, choose a celebration format - a buffet. Place tables along the walls and prepare seating areas - sofas, armchairs for everyone. Use the rest of the area for dancing and entertainment.

When choosing a scenario, pay attention to the ratio of dance and table competitions: for a wedding at home, fun with the involvement of all guests, but preferably without leaving their seats, is better suited.
Connect the hands of the young people with a garland of flowers (Flowers can be made of paper)

Witnesses of the newlyweds were chosen as presenters in this wedding scenario at home. The apartment can be decorated with white bows, compositions of white flowers and sheaves of wheat.

Guests are waiting for the newlyweds at the entrance of the house with balloons and flowers. When the couple gets out of the car, someone shoots a confetti cracker over their head, and other guests can throw rice and coins. The groom carries his beloved in his arms across the threshold of the house. Parents meet a couple with a wheat loaf. The young people treat each other. Afterwards, according to tradition, for the strength of the marriage, the newlyweds are tied with a towel and escorted to the table with the words:

We knit tightly,
Fate will not untie you.
Step on the family path together, but smoothly,
To walk along it happily and well!

Everyone sits down at the tables.

The fanfares sound loudly,
In honor of the best couple on Earth,
Beautiful round dance of smiles,
We are not afraid to get drunk with love!
Good gentlemen, handsome guests,
Drink from the glass to the bottom,
So that our young people are good
We were side by side from now on and always!

Guests raise glasses of champagne. The newlyweds drink from glasses tied with white ribbon. The feast begins.

Praise and admire you
We would like it endlessly!
We wish you a life full of miracles!
In the pockets of a ringing chervonets!
The ceremonial moment has arrived!
For our entire modest and cozy hall
Announce the words that bind

Convince your guests of your firm intentions!

Oath of the bride and groom

Entering family life,
In front of parents, friends
In the presence of family and everyone
It is with seriousness that we declare:

I chose my wife myself,
I will treasure it like the apple of my eye.
Loyalty, tenderness and attention,
Understanding all the whims,
I want to promise
And I swear to fulfill my oath.
Taking the post of head of the family,
I will take care of food.
I will become a support and friend,
Your worthy husband!

I am getting married willingly and with joy
And I will address my husband with gentleness.
I will look after and please,
And the dinner is delicious to serve.
I will suggest smart thoughts,
I will not express my grievances
I promise to praise him
I accept the post of hostess!

Together: We swear! We swear! We swear!

To be inseparable
A friend without a friend is not complete.
So that the family lives in harmony,
So that naughty people are born.
Full wallet
Will brighten your every day!
About worries and concerns
Let it be unknown to you!
Let's not be embarrassed at all,
Let's shout "Bitter!" to our couple.

Table break


Let everyone be surprised
Your love will last!
Parental blessing
It will seal the union for time to come!
From all our guests we give a simple wish
And at the same time, both affectionate and lively:
Let time pass and you grow younger,
And warm the young family with warmth,
We send you all the best and health,
We raise a festive toast to you!

Congratulations from parents

Witness: Dear newlyweds, you probably also want to congratulate your parents!
Response from the bride and groom.

Lighting the hearth

Witness: (to a light lyrical melody) I ask all guests to form a large circle!

In the center there are parents with newlywed children, and there the witness places a small table on which there is a single candle decorated with ribbons. The parents of the newlyweds light their candles and approach the couple.

Mother-in-law: A custom traces its history back to the beginning of time,
Newlyweds are given the gift of carrying fire.
To ignite the immortal, symbolic
Hearth of family - open your heart of love!

Receive the hot flame from our hands,
And hide it carefully in your heart.
Let the fire of love burn tirelessly,
Like the light in the eyes, let it glow unquenchably.
Now forever and henceforth in your power
Light the family fire on a small flame.

Both come up and transfer the light from their candle to the small candles in the hands of the newlyweds. Parents extinguish their candles.

Witness: Our ancestors adhered to simple wisdom:
Protect the sacred hearth of the family,
Don't meet with trouble.

The bride and groom connect the flames of their candles over the wick of a single candle. After the wedding, it is recommended to store the candle for the time being, and then pass it on to your children.

Witness: The sun visited you and gave you a piece of its light, promising you its protection. Keep this valuable gift throughout your life as a symbol of your birth and the birth of your family. Let's raise our glasses to the warm warmth and constant light of the family hearth (surname of the newlyweds).

Table break.

A wedding dance

Gentle sounds are heard in the distance,
The rustle of a dress, joyful laughter.
I predict the moment is coming
A charming dance of love!
I invite a wonderful couple to the center of the hall!

The newlyweds come out to the music and begin the first wedding dance. At the end of the waltz, witnesses shower the newlyweds with white rose petals.

As the wise people say: “He who has grandparents does not know troubles!” I give the floor to dear grandparents!

Congratulations from the older generation. Aunts, uncles of respectable age, or other relatives can go with them or instead of them.

Witness: I propose a toast to wisdom!
After all, for a grandson, grandmother is the soul, and grandfather is the mind!
Another 100 years and cheerfulness to hearts
We sincerely wish you!
What's going on, look!
Everyone sits silently next to each other,
And they drink bitter wine!

You just need to shout it loud
What is actually “Bitter!”

The guests raise their glasses.

Table and dance break

Round dance around the young

The couple stands in the center of the hall; the guests form a ring around them. If there are many guests, form a double or triple ring, then the outer ring will move in a different direction from the inner one. The host begins, and the guests pick up the last phrase.

U (the newlyweds' surname) at the gate
The round dance winds and winds,
The round dance winds and winds,
People are gathering.

Spring is red with flowers,
And the young with golden crowns!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

The sun is rising in the sky,
Happiness comes to you as a gift!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

Love has transformed you,
Don't talk back to your husband!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

Dances, songs, wishes
Let there be no ending!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

Issuing comic documents to newlyweds

Worthy of all the highest blessings of the Earth
A union sealed by the Sun and Moon,
And they witnessed it
One hundred thousand good angels
Friends, girlfriends confirmed
The parents installed the seal.
I invite the newlyweds to accept a certificate of commendation and honor!

The presenter unrolls a scroll-letter (can be stylized and made of birch bark), tied with a ribbon.

This birch bark certificate is awarded to young people,
Good fellow, and beautiful maiden.
For devoted, heartfelt love
What will happen to you for all eternity,
Yes, for mutual and personal wisdom,
Your choice is perfect!
You can live well, but don’t grow old,
And let the work and affairs proceed smoothly,
Let the darling children bloom and grow
To the great joy of grandparents,
Let your hearts shine with goodness,
You will meet the bird of happiness along the way!
And every year life will certainly be more beautiful,
And let your union be called a full cup!

The great French writer once said: “For lasting family happiness, you need to look for and find outstanding qualities in each other, because love will not tolerate family squabbles.” Gold words! Friends, let’s raise our glasses so that our young people notice only the best sides in each other!

Table and musical break. Those who wish take to the dance floor.

Dance game "Dancing Hearts"

Witness: I invite the most beautiful and the smartest to the dance floor! The names of famous couples are written on these hearts, among them you will find Orpheus and Eurydice, Tristan and Isolde, Gray and Assol and many others. Your task is to find your soul mate, and then everyone dances! Whoever performs all the dances becomes an honorary winner! (After everyone finds each other, a medley of famous melodies is played: sirtaki, chardash, seven-forty, gypsy girl, rock and roll, dance of the little ducklings).

The Order of “Dancing Hearts” is solemnly awarded to the couple (names).

Parents' thanksgiving


Newlyweds, I invite you to say words of gratitude to the most important, most worthy people in your destiny - your parents!

Show video greetings to parents. Afterwards, the newlyweds give lush bouquets to their mother-in-law and mother-in-law and gifts.

Fortune telling with guests

Witness: I invite the groom to the center of the room! We need the lucky hand of the chosen one of Fate, who managed to make happiness for himself!

The groom is served a ritual plant “Money Tree”, the branches of which are decorated with small colored ribbons, and notes with predictions are tied to the ribbons.

Groom: Who is brave, come to us
I'll give you a sign for the future!
Only for seven guests
There's news in store here!

Seven volunteers come out.

Fortune cards:

  • Such a fate awaits you - You will now read a ditty in honor of the newlyweds!
  • For you, the answer is: Write a couple of poems!
  • It’s not in vain that you were prophesied to play a joke. Everyone knows you are a wonderful actor!
  • The answer comes to you from the branches, You will sing like a nightingale!
  • This is a prediction, listen. You must eat three slices of lemon!
  • Providence sends you advice - Today this guest will give us a toast!
  • Now you will find out your fate: You will tell us a riddle!

During the prank, the bride is kidnapped: she is quietly taken to another room.

Bride kidnapping

Now you will need the help of three guests. They are dressed up as the Serpent Gorynych: all three are dressed in a huge shirt, a cardboard tail is attached, a hat is put on one head, a smoking pipe is given to another, and sunglasses are given to the third.

Once the groom realizes that the bride is missing, the witness calls the kidnapper to come out and announce his terms.

Witness: Eh, Zmey Gorynych, what kind of mess have you created? It's such a holiday and fun! And you kidnapped the bride!

Dragon(the heads start talking and interrupt each other): I mean, I didn’t think of anything like that! I’m dying of boredom, you know, I’m bored! In my fairy tales, all the princesses are the same! Mortal boredom! Everyone will get tired of it! So I found myself a new beauty

Witness: Zmey Gorynych, if we make you laugh and have a good time, then maybe you’ll give us the beautiful maiden?

Dragon: Uh, you won’t succeed!

Witness: Well, we'll see about that now! Tell me what do you like? What will lift your spirits?

Head in a hat:
— I am a ballet connoisseur!
Head with glasses:
- What a ballet! Cool rap is what will dispel any boredom!
Head with tube: What kind of tastes do you have? There is nothing better than love poetry! This will make me happy!

Witness: What a mix of genres! How, the groom, is he ready to save his beloved? Let your friends support you!
For ballet, prepare in advance simple skirts made of white rigid mesh. The song “Dance of the Little Swans” is stylized as a rap song. For the groom - a cap with a wide nose and a text prepared in advance, or the groom composes a rap on the go. Friends dance, the groom raps expressively.

Dragon(dreamy): What a sight for sore eyes! Clear rap! Dance top class! I give in and capitulate! I'm giving away your bride!

For the daring groom,
Don't miss it for your friends
Three times “Hurray!”
Yes, a dashing glass for anyone!

The guests raise their glasses.

Guests, guests, gentlemen!
Well, it's time to stretch your sides!
Get out on the dance floor
Dance rock and roll!

Dance break

Throwing a bouquet

If desired, you can carry out classic version with throwing a bouquet to unmarried friends. This scenario offers an idea of ​​a different nature.

Witness: The beautiful bride is invited to the dance floor! And also all the girlfriends who dream about the prince-groom! Organize a girl's round dance!

The bride is given a crown and blindfolded. Friends dance in circles to the music. Suddenly the melody stops, the bride puts the crown on the head of her friend who is in front of her.

Cutting the wedding cake

Witness: Dear friends, in a few seconds a real culinary miracle will appear in front of you! Dear newlyweds, cut the first piece for yourself!

The newlyweds cut a piece together and serve it to each other from a spoon.

Witness: And now the sweet auction begins! Guests can exchange a gift for a treasured piece, and poetry, dances and songs are also included in the settlement currency! I ask the youngest guests of the evening to take part first!

A fun cake sale begins.

End of the celebration

Dear (names of the newlyweds)!
We call you husband and wife!
So on the latest tradition it's time!
We will quietly remove the veil from the bride,
And despite silent protests
We will cover our heads with a home scarf.
We give the veil to mom for safekeeping.

The bride's mother accepts the veil, and the mother-in-law ties a scarf on her head.

The candles on the table are quietly going out,
The evening ends with a run-up.
You will freely step on your path.
You have to walk on it foot to foot.

And we are both support and help for you,
We wish you never to lose heart!
To come down from heaven on you
Radiant Grace!

Witness: Always be close to each other
And in joy, and in happiness, and in trouble.

And to cement the union
Easily blow out the candles on the table!

Props for a wedding

  • Balloons, flowers, firecrackers;
  • Wedding loaf, towel;
  • 4 small candles and 1 large single candle;
  • A certificate of honor issued in the form of a scroll;
  • Competitions: paper hearts with couples' names, comic order"Dancing Hearts" decorated with "Money Tree" notes;
  • Video greetings and gifts to parents;
  • Snake Gorynych costume, ballet tutus, love rap text, crown.

Home wedding video

Of course, a wedding is a solemn moment for the newlyweds, and it would be unforgivable not to film the entire event.

Weddings can be very different, from luxurious and stunning celebrations in their scale, to modest family and discreet events. Wedding can be customized to suit any wishes and financial capabilities, but it must be taken into account that the significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. A wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Competitions and various plot twists are important precisely because they don't let guests get bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other during various games and relay races.

If the wedding is intended for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is not necessary.

Who should be entrusted with preparing the script? and carrying out ?

  • They will look most natural in the role of presenters witness and witness. They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to draw up a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then act it out at the wedding;
  • If the majority of people at the wedding will be adults and elderly people, you can entrust the organization of the event parents of a new family. Well, the script can be found on the Internet and adjusted to your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing the wedding, invite friend from outside. In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay money (payment can be organized by holding paid competitions, from which your host will take the money for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

You can have a beautiful wedding either in a restaurant or at home. But a home feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of the staff.

Wedding at home


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing White dress with a wine stain, mend unexpectedly torn pants of a witness and find props for the competition);
  • the ability to send “overeating” guests to sleep in the next room;
  • no need after the tedious but have a good day get ready to go home, taking with you numerous gifts.


  • “simplicity” and lack of entourage;
  • monotony of wedding photographs (the home environment is not conducive to luxurious photo sessions);
  • the likelihood that in the process of wild fun the interior of the apartment may be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

Wedding in a restaurant



  • serious spending;
  • limited action (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, using available means);
  • the need to return home with a “baggage” of gifts, alcoholic drinks etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However, a good wedding scenario without a toastmaster for those closest to you will compensate for any shortcomings and help people relax.


Before you write a script, choose the direction in which you will move. It could be:

The basis for creating your own script You can take a classic wedding plan.

  1. Bride and groom greeted with a loaf, and the mother-in-law sprinkles millet on the young couple. Then the newlyweds are seated at a specially designated place and the parents give a parting speech ( opening words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed on to the relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the guests have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been made, you can move on to the competition program. Active games are diluted with table games. Relay races are held in between meals and congratulatory words (if guests express a desire to voice a toast). The hosts of the event, focusing on the mood of the people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. First dance of the bride and groom It is announced when guests have drunk no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to properly lead the script to this touching moment. For example, before a dance a musical gift from parents, and close family friends can read beautiful poems.
  4. Towards the end of the festive evening it is announced disco and group games(eg boys vs girls). ALL guests must be involved in the final competitions. A home wedding scenario without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with karaoke singing or mini dance competitions.
  5. After wedding cake cutting or loaf. Parents conduct a ceremony for their children to say goodbye to their bachelor life. Mothers remove the bride’s veil and “hand over” the young wife into the reliable hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be the lighting of a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Suitable competitions, mobile and table

A wedding scenario without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be “seasoned” with the most bold and unusual competitions, which the guests, intoxicated with alcohol, will receive with a bang.

Kisses dear

Couples consisting of girls and boys (at least 6 couples) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are invited to kiss their partners, voicing places for kissing.

For example, “I will kiss Marina on the cheek.” You cannot repeat yourself, which complicates the task for subsequent applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

Heartfelt gift

Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their companion. And women, not knowing what they are going to give, tell how they will use the gift. This is quite a fun competition, because in the process girls can dress up for the holiday in a new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

Inflatable tango

Several people go to the center of the hall and randomly break into pairs. At the signal (when the music starts), the people in a pair must join in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balloons between their bellies. Those who burst the balloon the fastest while performing an original dance will win.

Walls have ears too

This competition can be held to raise money. The hosts prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. The one who makes a mistake pays a “tax.”

My beloved

You can take any number of people into the competition. Everyone is asked to name the most beautiful part of the body of the person standing next to them. When everyone in the circle voices their option for the neighbor on the left, the presenter announces that now the “place that catches your fancy” needs to be kissed.

Young mother

For the competition you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that fit onto bottles.

Sprite, cola or fanta can be used as complementary foods.

The winners will be those who drink the contents from the bottle more carefully and quickly.

Guessing game

Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the competition participants. She must find her betrothed by touching only the guys' noses.

Knot for good luck

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united boys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with their hands touching. Next, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneaker and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and “cleanly” cope with the task will win.

You can easily create cool wedding scenarios without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not limited to standard canons holding a celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant it will be for guests and newlyweds to remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready-made scripts

Option #1

Option No. 2

1. Meeting of the newlyweds.
Guests line up on both sides, holding ribbons. At the end of the corridor, parents are holding a cow and icons.
The presenter asks if the guests are ready for the newlyweds to meet. If they answer inactively, it is worth scaring them that they will send the newlyweds for another walk. Repeat the question.
The young people get out of the car, the guests raise the ribbons - the young people pass under the ribbons and are sprinkled with flower petals.

Dear newlyweds! By tradition, you are greeted here by your dearest people are parents! Mom is holding a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Young people, break off a piece of bread and salt it properly! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, add more salt... Now exchange pieces of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other! ...

Well, we found out who will be the breadwinner in the family
Now take this wine, it is a symbol of the sweetness of your family relations and drink to the last drop to your family.

Let them be like glasses together
Never inseparable
Bride and groom for life
There will be many years! (drink up)

And now the way for the couple!
Let only happiness await you in life!
Come on in, hurry up
The wedding feast calls everyone!

The newlyweds enter the hall, followed by witnesses, parents and other guests.
They are getting young in the hall.

Music sounds festive today!
We congratulate Ira and Kostya,
May it always remain in their memory
the joy of first meeting and love!
Dear guests, congratulate the newlyweds.

(Parents tie the young ones with a towel and lead them to the table)

Knit tighter so that the young go through family life amicably, happily to the delight of their parents and friends!

(The young people stop at the fork in three roads)

And now you are on the road. Your further goal is clear. There are a lot of roads in the world, But among them one is important. Go wherever you want, find out your destiny!
If you go to the right, you will find wealth!
If you go to the left, you will find happy friends!
If you go straight, you will find your happiness!
(The groom collects all three paths together so that the house has everything: friends, wealth, and, of course, family happiness)
Now we’ll see how you will walk along this path? Hand in hand or foot in foot?
But to walk along this road as one whole.

(The groom carries the bride in his arms)
(Guests are seated at tables)

First table.

Dear friends! Today we were brought to this beautiful hall by a joyful event that will take place before our eyes.
Dear newlyweds! You are getting married in family union love and friendship. The desired hour has come, and you have become family. You sealed your love, respect and affection for each other by marriage. From this day you begin to build your family. This work is creative, and therefore interesting, but also difficult at the same time. And may God grant you to cope with all difficulties with dignity and always be happy!
So that you can measure your path with love,
And see the joy of all life,
Know how to live, love and believe
Each other from the very first days.

Well, guests, stood up together,
They raised their glasses cheerfully.
Let's wish them great happiness,
And we will say three times together:

(Guests standing and chanting)

It's time for everyone to have a drink -
Friendly for newlyweds:
(guests pick up)- Hooray!

So that they have complete happiness,
Drain the glasses to the bottom!

Look what's happening!
Everyone has drunk and is silent,
But the wine is bitter,
It's just awkward to shout
But in fact it is BITTER!!!
(Pause 3-4 min.)

Lighting the hearth.
Dear guests!
– All peoples, at all times, have had a special relationship with fire. Fire is a symbol of life, fire is a symbol of the hearth, home. The keeper of the family hearth is a woman and its symbol is a candle... I will ask those who gave birth to these wonderful guys, their mothers, to light two candles as a symbol of a long life life together and pass on to the young the flame of family hearths of two related families.

At a noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship and kindness
Let's light it up together now
Star of hope and dreams.
Dear parents, pass the candles to the newlyweds and say parting words to the young family. (parents say) And you young people, light up your family hearth.

So let this bright light
You will have the light in life until the end,
So that endlessly, for many years
Two rings intertwined...
Dear bride and groom! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on your wedding day, the Sun gave you a piece of itself, and this piece is the family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of life for the family. Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

A toast to the grandmothers.
– Dear newlyweds, dear guests! Parental blessing on the wedding day is the key to future harmony and happiness in family life. But an even rarer and happier blessing is the blessing of grandparents. In the East they say: “The crown of an old man is the children of his children,” but we will go even further and say the following: “The old man himself is the crown for the children of his children.”
So let this crown adorn, protect and protect our newlyweds for many years to come. I propose to raise a glass to the health and longevity of the newlyweds' grandmothers!
And now, dear guests, let's drink so that the young, when they get to their feet, do not forget about the hands of those who raised them

Dear guests, and now I ask your attention at this table there are those who, having taken honorable care,
From now on I must for many years in a row
To follow with desire, with joy, with eagerness,
So that there is peace and harmony in the sponsored family,
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before their wedding, silver in the beginning,
Well, and then - golden before the wedding!
Our guests, as you noticed,
Our young witnesses are here!
And words of congratulation are provided to the witnesses.

(witness, toast to women)
The first marriage took place many years ago in Paradise. The roses bowed their flowers in a friendly and affectionate manner before the first couple, the jasmine sent them its fragrance, the lilac blossomed at their approach, and the nightingale delighted their ears with its sonorous trill. There is no doubt that women are the good geniuses of the corruptible world, who can make a paradise out of married life.
Therefore, I propose to raise a glass to all the women present here for many years!

They drank to the young people.
They drank to their parents
To become closer and dearer to us, let's drink to the guests.

Dear groom, dear bride! I want to raise this wine glass for everyone gathered in this room. For all the guests who came to share your joy with you, who from the heart said and will still tell you so many kind and good words. May the doors of your home always be hospitably open to people who love and respect you.
For dear guests!

Dating game.

Today everyone will sing more than ____.
____ will dance the most.
Everyone will shout “Bitterly!” the loudest. ____.
Today ____ will give ____one hundred hryvnia.
____ will happily give ____ his TV.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No recoil.
The most beautiful today is ____.
The most shy person today is ____.
After the wedding, ____ will leave on foot.
____ will leave by car.
____ invites everyone to his place tomorrow.
____ will arrive tomorrow with a box of beer.
____ undertakes to bring dried fish.
And ____ and ____ will be cooking fish soup from 5 am.
____ drinks to everyone's health.
I have already drunk ____ seven times for the health of the newlyweds and everyone.

Well, the guests who didn’t know each other got acquainted and now let’s each man get up and say in one word what kind of bride we have and for the most best compliment he will receive a prize.
(prize - bride's smile)
Let's drink to our bride.
“Let’s pour it into crystal glasses
Boiling moisture magic,
Let's celebrate the feminine principle
And his eternal secret!
Let's praise our young one!

And now our dear women will tell you what kind of groom we have.

I'm in the shape of an exact verse
I will warmly praise the groom,
And let my solemn verse -
The groom deserves it.
Come on, ....., without embarrassment
We'll have a drink with you, here's your hand,
To surprise everyone
Your love was strong.
So that you and your wife live together,
He was always friends with his wife's relatives.
And without worries and without worries
My wallet was always full.
And now let's shout to them BITTERLY
Bitterly! Bitter for the young!
Kiss newlyweds
Let those kisses be countless,
Otherwise, the poor invitees
It’s bitter to drink and bitter to eat!

And now a waltz for the newlyweds...Wedding Waltz! How hard it is to forget you! Years will pass and much will be forgotten. But this simple motif will forever remind you of the happiest day of your life - your wedding day.
Dear guests, let's stand in a circle
Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz is for you young people,
First dance for you two.

The young people go out in a circle and dance.

First dance department.
Waltz for the young.

Dances 1-2.
A shoe was stolen. The mafia asks for a ransom for the shoe.

Competitions for witnesses.

1. The witness and witness must dance with the ball. Raise it to your head without using your hands, kiss it and lower it back.
2. Hands-free. A bottle of vodka is clamped between the witness's legs. A glass is held by the seated witness. The witness must unscrew the bottle with her mouth, the witness must pour her a glass and then drink it.
3. Untie bows on each other while blindfolded.
4. The witness must kiss the toy in 15 places. Then kiss the witness there.
5. The witness dances a striptease.

Dance game "Dancing Hearts" (guests are given hearts with men's and female names famous couples, such as Odysseus and Penelope. Couples look for each other, and then dance to a medley: sirtaki, gypsy, tango, seven-forty, rock and roll). The winners are awarded the Order of Dancing Hearts.

The dance department continues.

Second table.

So family and friends!
A family is born!
Let's all stop dancing,
And again, congratulations to the young people!

While we were relaxing and dancing, important documents came to us.
Transfer acts. I'm reading.
I ask you to seal the acceptance of these documents with the seal of joined lips.
Today you can't be sad and gloomy
Today should be light and easy!
And if our _________ married __________
So he was the luckiest of all!
Let's drink to these documents.

On this joyful day
They called you wife and husband
Not for a day, not for a year, but for a lifetime.

Dear newlyweds! In life you will have to carry out many responsibilities for housekeeping, and may fate now distribute these responsibilities among you, help us magic balls. (They take out 10 balls, 2 pins.)
The bride and groom take turns choosing and popping balloons, and reading out the responsibilities that fall to them.
Groom: “My only one! For the sake of your smile, I am ready...”
Bride: “I love you so much that I agree...”

“Making money - I can do that”

“Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht-
I’m not averse to doing this.”

“Do sports in the morning-
This suits me, brothers."

“Play in the casino until night-
I love this work very much."

"Go shopping
I will, so be it"

“I will wash and wash,
And clean the apartment"

“Mushrooms, fishing and hunting-
This, friends, is my job."

“I will bake pies
Only on holidays"

“There is no more beautiful work -
Making compotes for the winter"

"I will take the children
To the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum"

“I’m speaking in front of everyone, friends,
I will take care of the children."

“Digging a vegetable garden at the dacha
I will, but how else?”

"Serve coffee in the morning
I'll be in your bed"

“To shower yourself in the bathhouse later -
This is wonderful work."

“Eating the harvest in the garden
I’ll be there, everything’s fine here.”

"Make your bed in the morning
I’m not lazy even every day.”

"Throw the trash out of the house -
This matter is familiar to me"

"Giving gifts and flowers
You will be in our house"

“Fix the bell or the door,
I can do it, believe me"

“Nail the shelf to the wall,
I can do this completely"

“Go on vacation at the seaside
I’ll be there, no need to argue.”

“Dress only according to fashion -
I can do this, it seems.

“Repairing a car in the garage—
I will, of course"

"Travel around the world-
I’ll be there, how sweet.”

"Renovate the apartment -
I will be wonderfully different"

So family responsibilities have been distributed, although I think that you will help each other in difficult family work.

As Honore de Balzac said: “Love tolerates domestic squabbles so poorly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.” So let’s drink to our newlyweds finding as many of these qualities in each other as possible!

Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations! You are starting a family. May there always be peace and bread in her. Peace - because only in peace and harmony can one find the right answers to all questions and get out of any situation, even a dead end. Bread - because it is the head of everything. He will give you and your children strength and help you overcome all the trials that will befall you. Bread is the source and basis of life, a symbol of well-being and prosperity!
Dear young people, family, friends! Let's cut the wedding loaf now!

(cut the loaf)
The first piece is given to the young people.

Two hearts merged together
And two hands intertwined into one.
Let the union be indestructible
For the rest of my life.
What could be more beautiful in life -
Her hand is in his hand
May the fire of love not go out
In your family hearth

Now let's start the show
Presentation of wedding gifts,
Dear guests, congratulations,
Friends and elders' guidance.
From under the green oak,
Where the periwinkle curls from the young and the young loaf is sent.

(loaf is awarded clockwise)
After the loaf.
A Swiss bank opened its branch
It is reliable and beautiful in my hands.
The Swiss bank sent us this safe,
So that young people can live happily.
We all opened an account for our spouses,
We give them ownership,

Well, our young family is growing up by the minute and I think they are ripe for making a joint decision. They made one as a bride and groom, and this decision was our wedding, but the second (two packages)

Well, this is the choice of our newlyweds, and now let’s all tell our fortunes - let’s play. Dear guests, I ask you to chip in for the sliders and at the same time find out who the young ones will start with, their son or daughter.

(witnesses with sliders go around the guests)
The husband certainly wants a son,
Tomboy boy
So that a man grows up in the house
By force of the article, all in the father.

And, of course, he dreams
My wife will raise my daughter,
Let him help around the house,
She will be affectionate and smart!
(witnesses count money)
There is already a basis -
So that the firstborn grows up healthy -
These deposits will be kept
For my daughter (son) just use it!

Children are flowers of life. It's always wonderful when another flower appears on the earth! And I want to wish our dear gardeners that in your old age you will have a large and beautiful bouquet in front of you!
(Cheerfulness, joy - the boundless sea,
Husband and wife we ​​wish you,
If happiness is the most tender,
First-born, if so, six kilograms!)

It's always fun when a family is born. Today, you young people have many relatives, both on one side and on the other.
But at this solemn moment I would like to address the parents of our young people. It's no secret what parents mean to each of us.
we turn to him in both joy and sorrow. Our pain is their pain, our joy is their joy. And how many gray hairs they had while they raised such beautiful children. They say that small children are small worries, big children are big worries. Dear and wonderful parents! Even now, when your children are entering independent life, your hearts are still beating anxiously. Dear, good, kind parents! I raise a toast to your good deeds, to your tender hearts, for raising such wonderful children. Low bow to you!

And the bride invites her father to a white dance!

Second dance. Department.

And now friends, I will ask you a question. Which family members are the most common heroes of jokes? (son-in-law with mother-in-law).
Well, what about without a mother-in-law? Without a mother-in-law and son-in-law, the feather bed will become skinny and harder.
Mother-in-law is like a bride herself
From the richest dough.
I’ll say it more clearly and easier for the newlywed and his mother-in-law to have luck.
Well, now let’s check how the son-in-law and mother-in-law will be mutual language find.

Contest. Husband cards - 2 pcs. wife - 2 pcs.
1. Who will clean the house.
2. Who will play with the children.
3. Who will bring breakfast in bed.
4. Who will spend the money.
The son-in-law and mother-in-law will get along well. Let them dance until they drop.

Competitions for guests.
Competition “Babies” (competition for the bride and groom and their parents). They need to gather the kids quickly (one of the guests) for a walk. Wear: a hat, vest, diaper, give a pacifier and a rattle. A baby who is ready for a walk should rattle the rattle.

Contest. Table game “Where to invest money?”
The host calls two pairs (each pair has a guy and a girl): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives the couples money-candy wrappers). Pockets, lapels, and all secluded places can serve as banks for your deposits. Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible and open as many banks as possible. Get ready, let’s start!”
The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task; after 1 minute, the facilitator sums up the results. Presenter: “How many bills do you have left? And you? Fabulous! All the money is invested in the business! Well done! Now I will ask the women to switch places and withdraw the entire amount from their accounts as quickly as possible. Open banks, withdraw money! Attention, let's start!” (Music plays, women look for money)

Contest. Best dancing couple. The ball is sandwiched between the dancers. Whoever dances to the end wins.

Contest. Pigtail. The bride's team and the groom's team are braiding their hair. Moms are watching.

Table game "Thorny Path".
The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent.

Favorite body part.
On a piece of paper they write down the part of the neighbor’s body that they like. Then they stand in a line and dance without letting go of their favorite part of the body.

Dance game "Keepers of Love". The host invites everyone to the dance floor married couples. Then, one by one, he asks married couples to leave the site:
– less than one day;
less than a year;
– less than 3 years;
– less than 5 years;
– less than 10 years, etc.
The couple who have been married the longest is awarded the Order of the Guardians of Love. They congratulate the newlyweds and give them parting words.

Throwing a bouquet, garter
So, friends, the time has come
Arrange for us one idea.
It's time for us to finally find out
Who should you send down the aisle?
Well, now it’s time to say goodbye to the symbols of girlhood. The bride’s bouquet is delicate flowers happiness. I want to invite here all the girls whose ring finger has not yet killed them wedding ring.
(the bride either throws the bouquet or dances in a circle with the bouquet, and then blindfolded gives it to the girl)

Now it's the bachelors' turn.
Say together: “I’m ready!”
Who will be the next groom?
We'll find out in a moment.
And for us to know this, the groom must remove the garter from the bride, and not just remove it, but without using his hands. (And no one said that the path to family happiness is easy.)
The groom throws the garter.

Removing the veil.

Dear _____ and ________!
Now you are together, you are one
And therefore it is necessary
Quietly remove the veil from the bride,
Say goodbye to girlhood.

Dear guests, let us light these candles so that they illuminate the beginning of a joint journey in the lives of our young people.

(the bride sits in the center of the circle, the groom takes off the veil. The song “The Veil is Removed” by Ruslan Mark is played. Guests walk in a circle)

The beautiful bride took off her veil,
And here applause will be appropriate!
Husband kiss his young wife
In a holy moment of unity.

The mother-in-law puts a scarf on the bride.

From the son's hand his mother
I knew little Khustochka,
I applied it to my face.
Before the face of the bride herself,
Shcho bulla sogodgn1 na ruts1 u sina.

And now, bride, go to your mother, bow to her from the waist and give her the veil so that your mother will keep it, as she kept and protected you.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house. There they will fix their eyes on you with judgment. And you are my fruit, you did not grow beyond the boundaries, And they will appreciate me by you. You merge with them, faithful friend, and devoted husband's wife

Mother (gives the bride bread) and you take your daughter to her husband and give her hand to her husband so that he can take care of her.
The groom brings the bride to his mother
The bride gives the bread to her mother-in-law.
- Accept your daughter-in-law as your own daughter.
Let your son have a faithful wife!
and now we are all one family, let's join hands, friends - one homeland.

Third table.

Happy birthday family
Happy birthday family ________

Our dear young husband and wife. Now please do your first job together. Take a knife and immediately cut the first piece for yourself. Now take spoons and feed each other cake. And promise to give from now on and forever each other only sweet moments.
And always remember
Love is not one
magical moment
not a fairy tale or even
love at first sight.
Love is just love."

And now, our young hostess and host, treat your guests to cake. Share the sweet life with them.

Don't separate lips from lips,
And the happiness of fidelity and love
Let it grow stronger over the years.
And may the pain of separation pass you by,
And friendship will not fade between you
Don't separate your clasped hands,
Don't separate lips from lips
We drink to your happiness, fidelity and love!

- Dear friends!

Today _____ and ______ heard from you many warm words, heartfelt congratulations, good wishes. But these were individual congratulations and wishes. And I would like to leave a collective congratulation from everyone present as a souvenir for the young people.

I honestly admit that I have already prepared the basis for such a general congratulation. But to bring this matter to completion, I need your help. The main text has already been written, but it is missing 20 adjectives. Well, you know what an adjective is. So, I ask you to name any adjectives that come to your mind. The more unusual they are, the more interesting. And I will write them right in a row here. Let's see what we can do. So, let's start...

Congratulations to Asya and Denis from the most... guests!
Today, on the day of... marriage, you are the most... people on earth, and we are the most... guests of you!
We would like to wish that... smiles bloom in your home,... laughter is heard,... kisses are heard.
For... happiness, it is necessary that the husband has... work, and the wife has... the mood, so that the husband gives his wife... gifts and gives... instructions, and the wife shows... care for her husband.
We wish you to have... relationships with your father-in-law, father-in-law and... relationships with your mother-in-law and mother-in-law.
Let ... news, ... joy always await you when you come home and not ... grief and ... troubles await you.

Seeing off.

And now, dear guests, let’s see off our newlyweds as beautifully as we met. (guests with sparklers stand in the corridor)

OK it's all over Now! There's not much left at all.
The candles on the large table go out.
And you will step on your path,
Leaving childhood somewhere far away.

It’s not much of a pity that you left the nest,
You will begin to shape your life now.
And that only very, very often,
Mothers will only come to visit you.

And we all wish you a lot of happiness,
Smiles and joy for many years to come.
Let it never go out in your soul,
Love is like a hot tear of fidelity.

Never part with each other
Neither in joy, nor in sorrow, nor in trouble.
As a sign of fidelity, beloved spouses,
Blow out the candles on your table!

Finally, the important words have been spoken, the cherished proposal has been received, and the ring shines cheerfully on your finger. Hooray! Congratulations on your new status. You are now a bride!

This is an endlessly exciting and special period from engagement to wedding, which will never be repeated and during which you need to do a lot, not forget, organize and implement.

We have selected for you a number of tips and tricks that will help you do everything ahead of time and save you from unnecessary hassle on the most important day in your life. After all, this is your holiday and the main task is to prepare everything so that when the wedding day comes, you can enjoy every minute, calmly do your makeup and hairstyle and enjoy every minute of this unforgettable event.

So, let's begin...

1. Wedding date

When choosing a wedding date, make sure, if possible, that the day is a weekend. Still, you need to think about the guests. In most registry offices, the date of the celebration is set after a certain number of days from the date of submission of the application. So it’s better to ask in advance exactly when you need to come in order to get the desired date of the month you need.

2. Wedding concept

The concept of a wedding can be varied. You can have a wedding in a folk style, mega-modern, classic, vintage, rocker, sports, oriental, etc. It all depends on your personal wishes and imagination. The main thing is that all the details are kept in the same style. That is, if you are having a wedding in a national style, then the invitations, the decoration of the hall and everything else should be in the same style. It’s good to choose a few basic “corporate” colors that will match all the details of the event. You can also indicate your wishes regarding the dress code in the invitations so that guests can be better prepared.

3. Wedding

If you are going to not only register your relationship in a civil manner, but also get married, you need to make sure that there are no fasts, major holidays or any other exceptions on this day. Typically, representatives of religious organizations do not hold a wedding without a marriage certificate. So it is better to set a wedding time after registration at the registry office. There may be exceptions when the church meets halfway and conducts the sacrament before the official procedure, but then you will have to commit to returning to the temple office with a marriage certificate, and only then will you be able to receive a document confirming the wedding procedure.

4. Special courses

In many religious institutions, those getting married are required to undergo special training courses to obtain a wedding permit. Make sure you have time to sign up for the nearest group. Typically, such courses last 4 weeks and include lectures by a family psychologist, clergy and family physician consultants on family planning. I highly recommend that you attend classes. The information will help you better understand how your views on the institution of marriage coincide with your fiance’s, life values and the birth of children, as well as make sure that the choice made and the decision made are correct. Also, such activities will bring you even closer to your chosen one and help relieve tension, as well as prevent the so-called “pre-wedding psychosis.” Yes, yes, it exists!

5. Selecting a location

When choosing a location, try to take into account not only the time of year and transport links, but also the surrounding area, opening hours, and the layout of the halls. Find out until what time you can hold the event, and whether the establishment has an additional fee for each out-of-hour opening hour. Find out if your wedding will be the only one on this day. Find out what audio equipment is available and whether you can use it.

6. Outdoor ceremony

Some restaurants have their own arches for outdoor ceremonies, which they provide either free of charge or at a very nominal price. Also pay attention to the number and decoration of toilet rooms. Guests should be comfortable visiting them.

7. Dance floor

Make sure that the banquet hall has enough space for dancing or that a dance floor can be placed just outside the banquet hall. See if there is a smoking area, parking, or a fireworks area. Ask the administration of the establishment if there are any restrictions on the import of equipment, the use of certain premises, etc. Once you have made your choice, be sure to receive written confirmation of your reservation and make a deposit.

8. Invitations

Paper, envelopes, design layout, text, map how to get there. Most companies selling designer cardboard and paper will help you select cardboard for invitations and paper for envelopes from a catalog. An experienced designer, who can be found simply on the Internet, will help you create a layout for the invitation and envelope. Ideas for invitations can be found on the Internet, and the colors can be used the same as in interior design and floristry. These will be your “corporate colors”. Very conceptual and stylish. If the location of the wedding is difficult to find, then you can put small maps of the route to the venue in the invitation envelopes.

9. Guest list

When compiling a list of guests, call everyone in advance and make sure that certain guests can a priori attend the celebration on the appointed date. This way, you can avoid errors when counting and determine the total number of guests and the size of the banquet room.

10. Seating

It is customary to seat friends and girlfriends of the bride and groom, as well as parents, at the table with the newlyweds. The remaining tables can be 6-10 people each. or stand in length like the letter P. This depends on the size and capabilities of the room, as well as your personal wishes. Make sure that all guests have a clear view of the center of the hall and the newlyweds’ table. To do this, tables can be arranged in a herringbone pattern.

Seating plan
Ask the administration of the establishment to send you a seating plan in in electronic format, so that you can determine the place for everyone based on the guest list. When seating guests, try to group them by age or family affiliation, dilute the groom's guests with the bride's guests so that everyone gets to know each other and fully feels part of the holiday.

11. Cards for guests

Select the design of cards for guests, boxes for cash gifts, seating list and table numbers according to the “corporate colors” of your wedding. Sign the cards manually or print them immediately with names in the verbal form that will be pleasant to the guests. For example, “Mommy Luda”, sister Katya Storozhenko, etc. You can use fruits, decorative elements and various design ideas as stands for cards. On this issue it is better to consult with a designer or wedding planner. You can also look for ideas on the Internet.

12. Box for cash gifts

Think in advance where it will be convenient for you to place the box with the monetary gifts you brought, as well as other gifts, so that it doesn’t end up with your mom or dad holding the wedding in vigil of your values. Ask someone you trust to take on this function or determine a room where you will close it all.

13. Gift giving procedure

Usually guests try to get rid of gifts and flowers as quickly as possible. Your host or wedding planner should warn everyone in advance about when it will be possible to congratulate the newlyweds. We recommend doing this after all official procedures and before seating at tables. It will be uncomfortable for guests to sit at a table with flowers and possibly big boxes.

14. Aperitif

Organize an aperitif portion before the banquet, during which guests can enjoy refreshing drinks and present gifts. The presenter can announce the procedure, and you, standing at a specially prepared table at the entrance to the hall, will accept congratulations and gifts. On the table there can be a loaf, a flower arrangement or a slide of champagne, from which guests can take a glass after presenting a gift. It will work out Nice picture for photo.

15. Mementos for guests

Guests will be pleased if they have something to remember your event. You can invite a special photographer who will make a photo magnet for each guest in a frame with your names and wedding date right during the event. You can prepare bonbonnieres - boxes or bags of wedding sweets and place them on guests' plates immediately before the banquet. You can prepare more serious gifts - figurines, CDs with a selection of music, Easter cakes, angels, etc. (the choice can be very wide) and ask the wedding planner to give gifts to guests on the way out. You can give gifts when congratulating the newlyweds when presenting gifts to the newlyweds.

16. Accommodation of guests

If you will have out-of-town guests or if the location of your holiday generally involves a remote point on the map, check in advance whether it is possible to easily get to the place from the cities where the guests will be staying and about overnight accommodation for them. Make arrangements with family and friends who can host guests.

17. Hotel for guests

Find out if there is a hotel nearby that can accommodate the required number of guests. Book the required number of places in advance, pay a deposit, which you can collect as soon as guests arrive and pay for their stay. Include information about the hotel reservations and the cost of accommodation in the text of the invitation so that guests know in advance where they can stay and understand what budget they need to have to pay for their stay.

18. Transfer to the place of accommodation of guests

If there are a lot of your out-of-town guests and they arrive by train or plane at approximately the same time, then you can take care of them by hiring a minibus or other transport that will meet them and take them to their accommodation. Information about the transfer can also be indicated in the invitation along with the time of delivery of the transport. And to make it easy for guests to find it in the windshield of the bus, you can put up a sign with your names. For example, “for the wedding of Anya and Victor.” And the necessary information is an additional positive emotion, and guests feel that they are taken care of.

19. Dress

First, decide whether you want to sew, buy ready-made or rent wedding dress. Sewing is simple. Find a model you like best and a good tailor. It is better to use proven recommendations to avoid disappointment. And here ready-made dresses need to look in showrooms. Find a salon on the Internet that you will like for its rich selection and pricing policy. You can have not one, but several. Allow 4-5 hours for each salon.

20. Time it

Call and arrange a time to visit. Take your mom or a friend you trust with you. The process of choosing a dress can be turned into entertainment. Most salons offer coffee, tea, and you can bring champagne with you. Try everything on to find the style that suits you best, then narrow your search to what you like best. Please note that a dress with a train will complicate movement and can get very dirty. Consider the time of year of the wedding. If it falls in winter, early spring or late autumn, take care of the cape.

21. Rent

There is such a thing in salons as “first rental”. This is when the dress is made for you, and you rent it for the first time. As a rule, you need to pay the full amount of the cost of the outfit at checkout, and after returning you will be refunded half the cost. The rental price is 50% of the price. The rental lasts no more than 5 days. Try to make sure that the dress is returned on time and in one piece. If there is damage, the dress may not be accepted and the deposit amount may not be returned. To reduce the likelihood of damage, be careful when wearing, dancing, etc. Having chosen the desired option, take a photo in it from different angles. Think for a while, talk to someone to make sure you choose exactly what you want.

22. Veil

Veils are not available for rent. It is sewn or bought personally for you. Select your veil in advance and according to the concept of the dress and hairstyle. A short veil is more convenient, but there are dress models that only require a long veil. Instead of a veil, you can consider the option of a hat, tiara or wreath made of fresh flowers.

23. Jewelry

They need to be selected in the overall concept of the image. If you have an engagement ring from white gold or platinum, then it is better to choose other jewelry in a steel-colored frame. If the ring is from yellow gold or pink, then the decorations must match. It is better to choose long earrings for dresses with an open top. To the stand-up collar - large or small clips. For the convenience of wearing a veil, you can purchase a festive comb and sew the veil to it. It is better not to wear rings at all - this way you will emphasize the beauty and exclusivity of the engagement ring.

24. Belief

Don't forget another superstition: the bride on her wedding day should wear something old (worn), something new, and something borrowed. It is the jewelry that can be either borrowed or previously worn.

25. Wedding shoes

Shoes, of course, need to be selected after purchasing a dress. Remember that you will have to spend at least 12 hours in these shoes and not just spend, but run, walk on lawns, cobbled streets, dance, etc. Therefore, either sacrifice beauty in favor of convenience, or immediately prepare replacement shoes for long walks or in case of fatigue. Replaceable shoes should also be festive. It’s just that one pair of shoes can be with heels, and the second pair can be in the “ballet” format. Fortunately, there is now a large selection of ballet shoes of any color and with any decor. Replacement shoes, as well as a cape in case of cold, can be assigned to one of the bridesmaids or the wedding planner.

Reminder! Remember also that the bride should not be significantly taller than the groom in shoes. Even if you both don’t attach any importance to this, then in the photographs this factor will not play in your favor.

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