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Educational games and toys for children (3 months). Burpee exercise Toys for children from 3 months

At 3-4 months of life a newborn is marked by an intensive increase in height and weight. The child eats and sleeps most of the day, meanwhile the body adapts to its new environment. Some parents feel that during this period their child does not need communication and development. This is not so, but the baby’s need for psychological, social and physical activity becomes noticeable only towards the end of 3 months of the baby’s life.

During this period, the baby begins to show active interest in its surroundings, bright or moving objects, people's speech, and ringing sounds. He noticeably reacts to adults addressing him and their interest, smiles consciously, recognizes significant adults, especially his only mother. At 3 months, the baby already becomes funny and playful, is able to recognize people close to him, and constantly requires attention. He is also ready to perceive new objects at the suggestion of mom and dad

Does this mean that a child of 3 months is capable of improving himself without the competent help of adults (see also:)? Being in a social environment, a child is able to develop independently to a certain level. During this period, he learns according to the principle “I do as you do.” He learns the stereotypes of adult behavior and ways of reacting emotionally, but if he does not devote time to play activities, this will have negative consequences in the future. Therefore, many caring parents are wondering how not to miss the moment for the development of this or that area and correlate their expectations with the baby’s capabilities.

Development of the motor sphere

The development of coordination skills at 3 months is just beginning:

  • The child learns to control his own body. The baby is moving somewhat more freely and smoothly. He stretches, stretches out his arms and legs, reaches for toys and grabs them, unclenches his hands.
  • Bright objects and toys that can be chewed and jingled begin to interest him.
  • He can lie on his tummy for quite a long time, raise his head and upper body, resting on his forearms.

From three months, the baby prepares to crawl and sit, makes attempts to roll over, some babies can already do this. During this period, your child is interested in his arms and legs. Can play with legs. Objects that can be reached are touched and inspected.

If parents have the financial opportunity, they buy expensive, complex toys for their 3-month-old babies, but there is no particular need for this. The child needs simple and bright things with the help of which the mother can successfully study with him.

Toys for a 3-month-old baby should be bright and eye-catching, as well as completely safe. He will be happy to touch them, taste them, pull his hand and reach for them.

Outdoor games for baby's body development

During wakefulness, the baby should be offered toys that are easy to grasp (for example, with rings):

  • If it's a rattle, you can shake the baby's hand with the toy clutched in it to show him how to rattle it.
  • If the baby grasps and holds the toy well, you can show how to transfer the toy from one hand to the other. Over time, he will understand which movements lead to the appearance of melodic sounds.
  • Toys (bells, noisemakers, objects of different shapes and structures) should also be hung above the crib. Children begin to distinguish the shape of an object and its individual details.

What to teach a baby at 3 months?

  1. To teach crawling, a favorite toy is placed in front of the baby, which he will enthusiastically reach for, the baby lies on his tummy, while the mother allows the baby to rest his legs on her hand.
  2. The following educational game helps in learning to roll over: the baby is placed on his back, and with the hand that the mother places under his shoulder, the baby is rocked and turned over (see also:).
  3. To train the muscles that a growing person will need to sit, they place him on his back, take him by the arms and bring him to a sitting position, then smoothly lower him onto his back, rocking him slightly. You can watch the video on how to do the exercises correctly, or ask your local nurse or doctor for help.
  4. At 3 months, the child may be prescribed a massage, which will be performed by a specialist. Such a massage will help eliminate hypertonicity and strengthen weakened muscles (if such a phenomenon is observed) (we recommend reading:). Read more about this in Dr. Komarovsky’s video school:

Development of the sensory sphere

Any sensors can develop only if they are involved. Having become accustomed to an environment that is more interesting than frightening, the baby, like any person, ceases to perceive familiar sounds as something worthy of attention. They turn into familiar noise for him.

Therefore, in order for the sensors and the brain centers that process their information to work, it is necessary to change sound stimuli from time to time, that is, change rattles, give toys with different melodies. This will help not only entertain and make the child laugh, but also exercise with the baby, developing his hearing.

A three-month-old baby perfectly isolates the voice of his mother and current adults from the general sound range; when addressed to him, he perks up and moves more actively. The basis for the development of the baby’s sensory sphere are:

  • conversation with the baby (description of the process of dressing or the external environment);
  • singing children's songs;
  • patting the surface to the beat of the music;
  • listening to children's songs;
  • use of noisy, whistling, squeaking objects in classes.

A conversation between a mother and her baby or singing lullabies is a significant component of a close relationship. Even if it seems that the child is not yet able to grasp the meaning, it is worth knowing: he is guided by intonation, by the feelings and energy that are put into words

Games for sensory development

At home, any activity for your baby can be turned into playful and educational activity. For children of this age it is very important to learn to perceive the world around them:

  • touch;
  • smell;
  • see;
  • hear.

At this age, the main way of understanding the world around us is the analysis of tactile sensations. That is why it is very important to offer not only bright toys, but also different in shape and material:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • the most varied fabric, from fur to calico;
  • live leaves, real vegetables, etc.

When working with your baby, you must comment on your actions. For example, you can say this: “This is a cube, it’s hard, yellow color, plastic”, it is also useful to show parts of the body and face of yourself and him, naming them, etc.

Baby crib mobiles are good for small children and busy mothers. The musical options are especially interesting. The movement of the figures attracts the baby's attention and can occupy him during the waking period, while the mother is doing important things, and soft melodies can even lull the baby to sleep.

Every game in which your child touches, touches and feels something is great for developing his brain activity and fine motor skills

Well forgotten old

  • Games that have deep historical roots are good for this age period, for example, “magpie-white-sided” - this is both “training” for the baby, and massage, and a way to stimulate certain areas of the brain.
  • “Ladushki” train attention, coordination functions and memory.
  • “Peek-a-boo” is often a great favorite among children; the game can not only entertain your child, but also train the cognitive functions of the brain. In the world modern technologies these simple but useful games are undeservedly forgotten.

One of the most exciting activities for a little person at three months old is the study of his limbs. He is able to devote quite a long period of time to looking at his hands or playing with his feet. In order to turn play activity In teaching, mom needs a little imagination. Colored socks with different animals or faces will be great helpers. They can be worn both on the feet and on the arms.

Some children enthusiastically look at colorful fabrics, some actively touch them, while others simply take them off, training coordination and developing precision of movements. However, spending useful and interesting activities, it is important not to overdo it. If the child is tired, wants to sleep, or is simply not in the mood for classes, reschedule them for another time.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Video Burpee technique for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Burpees are a series of exercises in one complex that involves up to 90% of the muscle groups of the body. In the classic version, the target muscles are the thighs, buttocks, calf muscles, erector spinae, chest, deltoids, triceps and many others. The abs work in static conditions, the forearms are loaded. And if you include other movements in burpees, this will allow you to shift the emphasis of the load anywhere, depending on your goals, while maintaining the main concept of the exercise and diversifying the workout.

Benefits of Burpee

The main advantage of the Burpee exercise is its versatility. It is suitable for athletes and beginners, for those losing weight and bodybuilders, for those who want to build strength and those who are working on endurance.

For beginners and ordinary people, this exercise will strengthen the muscles of the entire body in just a few short workouts per week.

Athletes can replace aerobic exercise with burpees, and this will have a positive effect on strengthening the heart and blood vessels. In addition, the exercise provides a strong stimulus to hypertrophy of the body along with the release of huge amounts of lactic acid.

Overweight people can significantly increase the body's metabolism by getting the blood pumping with burpees and burning off extra calories.

Burpees burn approximately 10 calories per minute. In 30 minutes you can work off 1 cake.

Burpee develops a person's strength and speed, as it involves the main vital muscle groups in training. In addition, flexibility, coordination and endurance improve.

The work of all joints and muscles keeps the blood moving, dilating blood vessels and improving the functioning of the heart and lungs.


How to do Burpees correctly?

Training program

Burpees are now part of CrossFit exercises, the Tabata protocol, and classical training.

Perform the exercise non-stop for 20 seconds with a rest of 10 seconds. 8 such trips.

The average standard for an athlete is 12-15 times in 30 seconds.

Beginners 4 times for 2 minutes with a 1 minute break between sets.

Advanced workouts: 6 sets of 2 minutes or 4 sets of 3 minutes, 1 minute rest.

Athletes do 6 times for 3 minutes at a minute interval.

Supermans I do 6 x 3 minutes with a 30 second rest.

Interesting fact In the Guinness Book of Records, the record for the number of burpees in 60 seconds is 47 times, performed by an Italian in 2016.

Burpee Research

In 2014, American scientists from DHES conducted an experiment on two groups to study the effects of exercise on strength and the amount of fat burned. People performed a variety of strength exercises. Burpee turned out to be one of the leaders in calorie consumption per workout, far ahead of squats and deadlifts in this indicator.

The journal Strength and Conditioning Research published another study looking at the fat-burning benefits of two exercises: interval cycling and burpees. From a scientific point of view, the results were approximately equal. So, you can safely replace your cardio workout with the Burpee complex.

Disadvantages of Burpees

For classic version The execution is characterized by a low load on the traction muscles, so diversify the Burpee complex by including elements such as pull-ups and various rows of dumbbells, barbells or blocks.

Who invented Burpee?

The founder of this exercise is considered to be the American physiologist Royal Burpee, who combined a complex of 4 movements and named it after himself. At first it was simple and quick way to maintain physical fitness, but after the use of the Burpee in the US Army to assess physical fitness, the exercise gained wild popularity.

The correct pronunciation of the exercise BURPEE [ˈbɜː.piː], in Russian is closest to Burpee, but not burpee.


Burpee is not recommended for many factors and diseases, as it requires a person to be in general healthy shape, because the load on the body will be enormous. Therefore, all people with problems with joints, muscles, blood pressure, blood circulation and other things can perform a set of exercises after a doctor’s permission.

There are so many options for performing Burpees that it is impossible to list them all, since absolutely any exercise can be varied in combination.

Implementation options

Video 25 variations of Burpee

Video 15 variations of Burpee

During the period of 3 months, when you talk to your baby, he not only hums in response, but also smiles at you, constantly waving his arms and legs to further attract attention to himself. This phenomenon is called the revitalization complex. It is the most important stage in a child’s development. In this way, the baby communicates that he is pleased or satisfied with the communication with him and expects the affection or play that he needs.

The child improves in the art of toothless smiles and begins to try them on all adults in sight. The child attracts the attention of adults with the help of boisterous and sincere laughter.

The child is awake for about 4-5 hours a day, now he can fix objects with his gaze for several minutes, he raises not only his head, but also his shoulders and lies leaning on his forearms. The child will try with all his might to roll over onto his stomach, and sometimes he manages to make a half turn - that is, turn from his back to his side. The baby tries to roll from one side of the crib to the other, moving his arms and legs at the same time, using all parts of the body. And these are, although the simplest, movement skills!

When you take the baby under the arms, he rests on his legs, bending them at the hip joints, springing them. And although he still cannot stand, but by resting, he strengthens his legs. And this is important for his development, since he will soon begin to crawl.

Even if the baby is lying on his back, he will not remain idle. He begins to swing his arms and legs rhythmically, this is how the child trains for upcoming hikes and races. The child’s hands are still living their own lives; he has already begun to pay attention to them. However, learning to manage them is not so easy. The baby is already trying not only to reach the hanging rattle with his hand, but also to touch it so that it makes a sound. However, now, before grabbing an object, the child looks at it for a long time, as if weighing whether the object is worth his effort.

The baby continues to walk enthusiastically, mastering new sounds, for example, “ay”, “hey”. Say a few kind words to the child, wait for his smile and be silent when the child “beeps” (you will have to be patient, usually the child needs a few minutes to “think about what he heard”), say something else and again patiently wait for an answer. Gradually, the child will learn to “carry on a conversation” - and the connection between you will become even stronger. Most likely, a few days will pass, and during the next conversation you will hear your child’s cheerful laughter.

Games and toys for a 3 month old baby

The baby needs the attention of parents and loved ones. He likes when mom and dad take him in their arms, talk and communicate with him, talk about what is happening around him, and read books.

Now, while awake, the baby not only contemplates, but studies the world around him, using his increased capabilities, which he is ready to happily implement in play.

It is now hardly possible to say exactly which of the games develops vision, which one develops hearing, etc. Games for children of this age are games for the complex development of the baby. And the more you play with him, the more varied your games are, the better your baby will develop.

Continue with the little ones, and add new ones to them.

  1. Regular air balloons contribute to the development of vision and coordination of movements. Tie the ball to the baby's hand so that, while moving the hand, the child observes its movement and over time can establish a relationship between the movement of the hand and the ball.
  2. Secure the mobile at a distance of 15–20 cm from the child’s eyes. Don’t hang a lot of toys on your mobile – 2-3 is enough. And don’t forget to change toys every 4-5 days, because the baby needs new “objects” of research.
  3. Hang a rattle over the crib (preferably at a distance of about 45 cm from the eyes), which the child can move with his hand, trying to grab, or accidentally touch. It is very important for the baby to understand that when he hits the rattle, he moves it, and this causes noise.
  4. The bells are hung from a mobile phone or above the child’s crib so that he can reach them with his hands. By the end of the 3rd month of life, the baby will understand that by touching a toy, he makes it sound.
  5. Place a bright rag bracelet with a bell on your child's wrist, fastened with Velcro. This toy promotes hand coordination and hearing development. Wear the bracelet alternately on your right and left hand.
  6. Take the baby in your arms and let him touch the spinning top. Then spin it and, after it starts to hum, say: “Listen to how the top sings!”
  7. When playing with a tumbler, show your baby how it swings. When you hear the melodic ringing, smile and say: “Did you hear?” Over time, the baby will be able to play independently.

Activities with a 3 month old baby

1. Affectionate touch

Your baby will love it if you rub a feather or piece of soft material along his tummy or back. Blow lightly on his face and tummy. Show your child colorful handkerchiefs - bright colors will instantly attract your little one's attention.

2. “Oh, what’s ringing?”

Hang a bell on your baby's hand and teach him to consciously ring it. Thanks to this game, the child gets to know his body and trains his hearing.

3. Hide and seek

Stand so that your baby can't see you and call him by name. The child will look for you. Make sure the baby finds you, and then hide again. But now don’t just call him, but sing songs or read children’s poems.

4. Puppet theater

At this age, you can already put finger puppets and little animals on the baby’s fingers, putting on various “shows” with him, explaining that this is a cat that “says” “meow, meow,” and this is a dog that “says” “woof, Bow-wow".

5. “Come on, take it away!”

Hang your child's favorite toy on a string and hold it up to him where he can grab it. As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, move it away from him. And so on several times until you give him the opportunity to grab this toy on his own. He should be given this opportunity to the baby before he shows signs of fatigue.

6. “Shall we ride the ball?!”

The baby will certainly enjoy “riding” on a large inflatable ball. Place the baby on his tummy on it, and then roll the ball with him: left and right, forward and backward. Support the child, because in order to maintain his balance, the baby must make a lot of effort and he simply cannot cope with this alone.

7. Observation point

When a child is sleeping, he does not need strangers, but when he is awake, he needs company. If your family is eating dinner at the table, place your child on the sofa where he can see you (but away from the edge). If you're cooking, roll up the baby stroller. If there are no drafts on the floor, then you can place the child on the floor; on a hard surface he will learn to roll over faster than on a soft bed.

8. Raise your head and look at the toy

Need to: bright, sounding rattle, bell, drum, etc.

You place the child on his stomach at a distance of 30-40 cm from the toy. By shaking the toy and making a sound, you encourage the child to listen, raise his head, and look in the direction of the sounding object. After the child raises his head 1-2 times, looking at the sounding toy, you need to turn him on his back and give him the opportunity to look at the sounding object. Then the game can be repeated. During subsequent lessons, you need to change toys.

9. First travels

Need to: a winding musical toy (a dancing bear, a bunny, beating a drum, etc.) or a simply sounding toy (a bright yellow “quack” duck, a ringing doll-doll).

You take the baby in your arms vertically (but do not sit him down), letting him lean on your shoulder, with the other hand you support him behind his back (option: press the baby’s back tightly to your stomach and hold him under your knees). Bring the baby to a shelf located at eye level, where there is 1 bright toy (a tumbler doll, or a bright yellow duck, or some kind of wind-up toy) of medium size (20-20 cm). Turn to the shelf so that the child can clearly see the toy, and give him the opportunity to find it with his own eyes. Then you arrange the child in a comfortable position (for example, on the sofa) and actively show him the toy, shaking it, wind it up (if it is winding), address the child with the words: “Look!”, “Listen!”, name the toy, highlighting the name voice, slightly slowing down his speech. Then, if the baby is not tired, you can repeat all the steps, removing and bringing the toy closer to him.

10. Squeeze and feel

Need to: hard, soft, springy balls and rollers, sheathed or wrapped in various fabrics (balls with a diameter of 2.5 cm - you can use ping-pong balls; rollers 7-8 cm long, section thickness 1.5 cm; thick pencils, felt-tip pens, pens ).

You place the ball in the middle of the palm of the child’s right, then left hand. The rollers are placed across the palm so that they can be grasped with four folded fingers ( thumb is given away). At the first moment, you hold the object in the child’s palm, encouraging a stronger reflexive grasping and holding with your hands (at 2 months - 2-3 seconds, at 3 months - up to 10 seconds). During one lesson, you can alternately place 3-5 objects in each hand so that the child can feel their properties (smoothness, roughness, hardness, softness, lightness, heaviness, etc.)

11. Strike with all your strength

Need to: rattle, soft toy or cardboard face, elastic band, woolen thread.

You stretch the elastic band across the crib and use a woolen thread to hang it on it. soft toy or a rattle so that the child can reach it with an outstretched arm. Show your baby, who is lying on his back, how to hit a toy with his fist several times and let him practice. If a movement or sound frightens your child, remove the toy. After a few seconds, try again.

Literature: 1. Elena Pervushina. A reference book for a young mother. Happy baby: from birth to 2 years. 2. Valeria Fadeeva. A reference book for a Russian mother.

Ah, this eternal task with a couple of hundred unknowns: how to buy a good, useful, educational gift for a child. What if the boy or girl is only three months old?! What are the best baby toys for 3 month old babies?

Any problem can be solved by clearly formulating and incorporating logic (while not forgetting about emotions).

So, given: small, tiny, endlessly loved and dear three-month-old baby.

Necessary: buy a wonderful gift for him.
Solution: choose educational toys from 3 months, based on the real needs and capabilities of a child of this age.

What can a baby do at three months, what skills should he be helped to form and develop? Don’t rush to answer that he or she doesn’t know how to do anything yet. How can he!

1. A three-month-old child begins to follow moving objects and fixate his gaze on an object that interests him.

So it's time to buy mobile "Butterfly Dreams" Fisher-Price. Funny bears with cute faces, wearing multi-colored overalls, slowly rotate on mobile arches. To the question “what do butterflies have to do with it?!” The answer is attached: the bears on their overalls have multi-colored wings. This one is absolutely charming, both for sleep (sings a quiet lullaby) and for active pastime (projects an image of flying butterflies onto the ceiling accompanied by music).

2. At three months, the baby reacts to sound and finds its source.

Who hasn’t played games with a child: “What is that ringing here (meows, sings, chirps)?” Honestly, who enjoys these games more is unknown. Chadushko so touchingly tries to catch with his gaze an interesting object that makes sounds! Perfect for cute games like this educational toy "Bunny-bell", Tiny Love. The bunny can also be hung in a cradle: it rings quietly, melodiously, and it also contains the “russling crystals” that are loved by all babies.

3. At this age, grasping reflexes begin to appear.

The baby begins to play with his hands and makes a great discovery: it turns out that he has little hands and fingers! And these fingers are trying to grab something. Of course, coordination is still poor and motor skills are weak. So, we’ll develop it: let’s put it into our hands Teether Rattle Ring Bright Starts– bright, comfortable, light and environmentally friendly. Rattles are the most ESSENTIAL toys for 3 month old babies.

4. The baby learns to roll over onto his tummy.

The more active and mobile the beloved child is, the faster he grows, develops, and pleases his parents. At about three months, the baby tries to roll over. These attempts should be encouraged. How? - Place an interesting, sounding and moving toy nearby. What, puzzled? A clockwork bear or a toy immediately comes to mind Railway, but these items are not for three months?! The answer is simple: Tumbler Bird. A funny chick hatched from an egg - colorful, smiling. If you touch it even a little, it begins to sway and make melodious sounds, like any self-respecting tumbler. Of course, you want to reach for something like this!

5. The child tries to raise his head while lying on his tummy.

At three months he does this hesitantly, no more than a minute or a minute and a half, leaning on his elbows. This is no longer possible - the muscles of the neck and back are still very weak. What to put in front of the baby so that he would be interested, so that he would want to perform such a feat that is still difficult for him?!
- Developmental cube, Taf Toys. All educational toys for children aged 3 months and older have special features: they are lightweight, promote the development of motor skills and coordination, and are comfortable to hold in a tiny hand. The Tuf Toys cube is just a sample, perfection, not a toy. It’s just called a “cube”, but in fact... it has fabric handles that you can grab and hold. There is a round rattle, a crescent-shaped rustle, multi-colored rings, and a safety mirror. And the last thing: the cube is universal - it can also be attached as a pendant to a cradle.

6. In conclusion - a toy for everything at once!

In this article we will look at what features and what toys a child from 0 to 3 months needs.

Features of child development aged 0-3 months

Second month

  • The baby smiles back.
  • Follows the object with his gaze.
  • Can turn head towards sound source.
  • Follows the parent with his eyes when he says something.
  • In response to addressing him, he demonstrates animation.
  • Can suck a finger, but not at will, but if it gets into the mouth by accident.

Third month

  • The child reaches out to bright toys and tries to grab them.
  • Can hold an object for a long time, then throw it away.
  • Tries to imitate sounds, enjoys singing.
  • If he grabs a toy, he pulls it into his mouth.
  • Turns his head in all directions.
  • Can straighten fingers.
  • Finds the source of sound, and the source that interests you visually.
  • Touches his face and body (less) with his hands.

Toys from 0 to 3 months

  • The earliest toy - (or above the place where the baby lies during the day. As mobile toys for the first month of life, it is better to use black and white contrasting toys. They do not have to be voluminous. These can simply be images of patterns, “polka dots” ", spiral, geometric shapes (black on white and vice versa) Can be used. black and white images of faces. Toys should be at a distance of 25-40 cm from the child’s face. Images need to be changed every 5-6 days. In terms of quantity, 2-3 (up to five) is better.
  • You can attach large images to the back and. The images described above are suitable: faces, figures, just spots of color (starting from the second month).
  • The second earliest toy is the well-known one. In the first month of life, the baby still does not take it, so you can simply “sound” the rattle, attracting his attention. From the second month, you can pick up a rattle that you can put in his hand (the fingers are still clenched in a fist, they need to be straightened). The very first rattles for a child (specifically for his hands) should be light, with a small (thin) comfortable handle, and make a pleasant sound. It is better that the handle is not smooth, but embossed. You will need several different rattles (with different sounds and different shapes). The larger ones make you “sound” yourself, but the smaller ones can be given to your child. Ring-shaped rattles work well.
  • Sounding bracelets for the baby (for arms and legs), maybe with small toys. Their advantage is that the baby cannot drop them. Don't forget to wear the bracelets alternately on your left and right arm and leg.
  • From the third month, all attention shifts to toys with different textures. These can be rattles, balls, and other geometric shapes. Try to “introduce” your baby to as many textures and materials by touch as possible.
  • You can hang small balloons on strings near your child so that he can touch them.
  • Toys with a large and clear face, balls, koloboks, tumblers.
  • Toys with a variety of sounds: rattles, rustles, squeaks, . The baby begins to distinguish the source of the sound and distinguish between different sounds, let him listen to different things.
  • Volumetric geometric shapes with a clear black and white pattern. They can be hung over the place where the baby lies. We must remember to change hanging toys every 5-6 days.
  • Any toys or objects that can be safely picked up and thrown. If they have different textures and different “sounds,” that’s absolutely fine. The child masters the manipulation of objects.
  • Toys such as tumblers, or others that return to their place when pushed. At first, the adult shows the baby how to push the toy, gradually the child will begin to do it independently.
  • , then they return to their place with a sound (for example, crackling or buzzing). Such toys can be hung close to the baby and shown to him how to pull.
  • It is very useful to have a set of small rings (about 1 cm diameter of the part to hold on to). These rings (from 5 to 7 cm in size) are convenient for the baby to hold. They can be in the form of stars, with rounded edges, or in the form of other geometric shapes. They can be made of different materials: rubber, plastic, wood. And they can have different surface textures. AND different color. There are such, you can already start buying them.
  • “Bridges” for the crib, with figures of different shapes and colors. Choose “pure” colors: blue: yellow, red, green (no “complex” composite colors for now). Or black and white figures. It should be taken into account that if a baby under one month old only looks at this toy, then a baby at the age of 3 months is already hitting it with all his hands, so the figures should make pleasant sounds and be durable. It’s good to have such a “constriction” with multi-colored balls and clear faces on them, children like it.
  • At the end of the third month it will be very handy, with replaceable sets of toys.
  • Among the toys/rattles hanging for play, you can hang a mirror (safe).
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