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How to make a man's breasts like a woman's. Your breasts are in His fantasies: what men dream of doing with them. Female breasts at home

And a size like mine, and even without a belly, can be seen with or without a bra. During pregnancy, my mother took hormonal medications and her parents were told that it would be a girl. They will help you choose what you need. I can no longer become a man, my butt, waist and breasts are very feminine, there is no hair on my body or face (at the insistence of my wife I did a full depilation). Thanks to her support, I learned to calmly endure my misfortune.

Those who laugh at us are simply narrow-minded people. I also had sad experiences in my past affairs. Dasha. 06/17/2015 23:04:02 My ex fed me hormones well, I noticed all this and went to the doctors in time as a result, I have a female figure with a working male tool. Yes, I have to wear compression vests, but I prefer (thanks to my wife) the bras that she selects for me. My husband puts on the bra
Cases of female breasts appearing in men have become more frequent.

He has such a problem due to the fault of the doctors, that is, as his mother told me, he was prescribed a bunch of drugs because he was very thin and weak and he was given hormonal and other medications when he was small. In my opinion, female breasts on a man, this is unacceptable. On the recommendation of my doctor and wife, I always wear a bust-r (where possible), and when I need to hide it, I wear a small sports top. As for clothes, everyone has the right to wear what they like, to dress in a way that makes them comfortable. But there is a family and loving woman, to whom I owe my support. I do not suffer from gynecomastia, although my breasts are slightly enlarged. Guest. 08/19/2012 21:30:02 My husband also has this problem. Guest.

04/29/2015 09:06:59 I started wearing busts all the time, then underwear, and eventually dresses. And on my birthday, my wife admitted that she constantly fed me female hormones and deliberately made me a woman in order to take revenge for the betrayal. Guest. 30.09.2014 03:24:22Guest. 03/01/2015 22:12:20They created a tragedy due to hormonal imbalance, the disease, whatever you want to call it. As a result, my husband has a woman’s body and his clothing sizes are almost the same. But according to doctors, this process is not dangerous - female breasts in boys develop only for a short period, and then male hormones usually take over.

I wear a 85E bra. In principle, what is a bra? This is a functional part of clothing, its task is to support the breasts if they require it.

The surgery does not improve my health, and the fact that I have breasts is, after all, not fatal. I put on the bra out of curiosity. Guest. 08/15/2010 19:06:08 The difficulty for me is that I have to use shapewear, otherwise my breasts will stick out. From beer, which has added female hormones, from fruits, vegetables and grains grown by GMOs. I’m not listing the problems - they exist. My wife and children don’t care what kind of breasts I have because they love me the way I am. There is nothing funny or strange about this, these are ordinary clothes, no fetish.

He spent his entire childhood as a normal, plump child. About appearance. - the shirt is 1.5-2 sizes larger and no problems. I love my husband and ***** what he looks like because I love him for his relationship with me, family, friends. This is the final point of our civilization, that’s it, there will be no further way.

You have to think, whose beer is worth drinking? When running, the same thing happens, and my nipples begin to become irritated from rubbing against clothing. But my wife was happy with everything. Doctors established the causes of the outbreak of gynecomastia - it turned out that all the boys used products that included lavender.

During sex, my girlfriend not only accepts my breasts normally, she caresses them. Imagine yourself in his place, and then talk about the piquancy of the situation. Guest. 11/19/2011 01:58:39 I’ve been living with this for thirty years, since school. There were all sorts of things: ridicule and bullying.

The only condition is to stop and start following a different path of development, otherwise it will be the collapse of humanity. Guest. 05/30/2011 09:43:22 With age, I began to get involved in sports, I lost weight, shortness of breath disappeared with a height of 177, weight 80, I do sambo, taekwondo. I read the comments and am amazed, grown men tell me what kind of bras they wear. 02/18/2008 14:01 In Denver, five boys began to grow female breasts at once. At work and at home everyone knows everything and nothing! It is visible under a T-shirt, but under a shirt for release, if the size is small, it is not.

My girlfriend and I have been living for 3 years, we are planning a wedding, we are expecting our first child. Elena. 07/20/2015 11:08:55 Yes, they don’t have this problem, but we understand women better..) I found a lot of sites on the Internet about gynecomastia and problems associated with it. The fact that recently there are more and more men with female forms - there is a problem for the whole society. and not an individual! Therefore, reproaching someone specifically for this is the same as scolding the sky for the clouds on it! So, men, be who you are, and you, women, accept men as they are! There is no third. Thanks to my small stature and feminine figure, few people distinguished me from a woman. Nothing funny - small, about 2 sizes, really piquant Cheap!

You continue to drink beer, idiots, not only will your breasts grow, but also your female butts! When did you guys become so degenerate, men? After all, there is a huge consumption of beer there, but no, they are not growing. I enjoy. Guest.

09/05/2012 16:28:47 And now I am alone, a woman with male documents and a small non-working appendage between my legs. Guest. 09/30/2013 19:41:14 I also don’t see anything wrong, since my school years. By the way, men with female breasts can get breast cancer. just like ordinary women. This is something that will continue to occur more and more often, and it will be almost impossible to cure. My chest is 85d and my husband’s is 85e, but we buy d. Guest.

02/12/2016 04:14:45 Now we have separated. Therefore, as my parents and doctors told me, sensitive skin without hair on the arms, legs, chest, the external structure of the body is female. Yes, I liked it too.

I don’t want to do the operation because I’m afraid and it’s expensive. I don’t want to blame it on the beer itself, it’s the brewers! If this is accepted as true, then all Germans and Czechs should wear bras. With breasts, this is no longer a man, based on my own experience. My breasts started growing at the age of 27. in a year and a half, I became the owner of very feminine size C breasts. Large areolas and nipples, which also become aroused (and always at the most inconvenient moment).

At first my wife watched my transformation with interest, then she even began to help. Some people go under the knife, while others prefer a bra. This is a terrible and dangerous disease, a disease of our time. A bra is much more comfortable, and relatively more beautiful. Nothing racy, it’s very a big problem for this person, everyone points at him and laughs. You better find friends, your soulmate and enjoy the moments of life. Lavender causes an excess of female hormones - estrogens - in the male body.

So let's play! Up to 2-3 rubles. I haven’t worn busts, since 2005 size 4-5r. female-male breast. For example, when you are driving a car or a bicycle, it can be very painful from the shaking. They suggested doing an operation; I’m afraid, so we’re working with doctors to select a course of treatment without surgery. Guest. 05/29/2010 05:56:48 This is closer to the truth!

But no one raises the question about this, everyone who might suspect something is shut up. My girlfriend and I are buying underwear together; at her 85c, I feel a lot of pressure in my shoulders and my spine hurts; as a result, I buy 90d and everything is fine. Nema Toki. 14.09.2012 20:31:44Alice. 10/14/2013 03:42:02 I also have gynecomastia, breasts between B and C, “almost girlish” shape :). Of course, it interferes. Compression vests are, of course, considered more suitable for men, but no vest can compare in convenience and comfort to a well-fitted bra.

And only when, at the age of 13, his chest began to grow, his waist and hips began to appear, only then did the doctors check what medications he was taking and noticed that they could all contribute to changes in the body. Guest. 10/21/2015 09:54:02 Women's magazine Yulia Bobrova Once there was a case when he shaved, all our friends and just passers-by mistook him for a girl. I have known him since childhood and I know that he will not betray; his family and friends come first; I love him for that.


p> By the age of 30, I was already constantly like a woman. It’s nothing funny, this is a terrible problem for young people! If he doesn’t go to the beach, he’ll be laughed at, on the street everyone points a finger at him, even if the poor fellow’s head is stuck in a noose, and complexes developed at a young age can remain forever. The only rule is “that the suit fits!” And it doesn’t matter whether these breasts are female or male! GuestVlada. 07/02/2010 02:49:00 Oddly enough, I really felt that it was more comfortable and cozy in it than without it! Unfortunately, my wife doesn’t like it, I have to take it into account, I rarely wear it.

All had clear signs of breast growth. They said that all these medications were to gain weight, to strengthen bones, etc. But they are growing here, why? Yes, because beer is brewed there without any additives or other ingredients!

It’s normal, but our specialists have become adept at inserting all sorts of genetic crap into it! So much for restructuring the body, replacing male hormones with female ones. Be sure to go for a consultation with a doctor, if necessary, do not order a bust from a prosthetic company, it is expensive, very ugly, a lot of time, which will greatly worsen your mood, but ask your women for help.

I already wanted to have surgery, but... The doctor and wife dissuaded me. I noticed that my figure became more feminine and my potency almost disappeared. Guest. 06.01.2016 06:33:52

Over the past few months, I have been very actively interested in bodybuilding, working out with a coach - a Spanish bodybuilding champion, reading articles and books by various specialists on building muscle mass. As always in the process of learning new topic, I come across unexpected and new things, for example, why women’s breasts grow in men. This topic is related to the functioning of our body and, of course, to nutrition, which stimulates muscle growth. Among other things, it turned out that the phenomenon of breast growth in men cannot be overcome by physical exercise alone.

The phenomenon called “female breasts on men” is very common in many countries of the Western world, its prevalence is directly proportional to the spread of the obesity epidemic. Products that cause men to develop female-like breasts pose a threat to human health, regardless of gender or age. These are processed or processed products, i.e. sold not in whole form, but industrially processed with the addition of sugar, various chemicals, trans fats, etc. These products also contain estrogen-like molecules that behave like real estrogens. Excessive consumption of processed foods creates too much a large number of this female hormone in the body of men (women and children too, but for now we are talking about a male problem). This is why men grow breasts.

It is impossible to get rid of the fatty tissue covering the pectoral muscles solely through exercise. The only way to reduce body fat, wherever it is, is to reduce or completely eliminate processed foods from your diet and eat only healthy, whole foods.

Estrogen and health problems

Estrogen is a hormone produced in the body of both men and women. The amount of estrogen a man needs for normal production of seminal fluid and maintenance of the skeletal system is very small. When estrogen levels rise, it creates conditions for the development of many diseases.

Estrogen-like compounds found in foods can cause serious health problems, including breast, uterine and ovarian, prostate and colon cancer. They are also responsible for low sex drive and weight gain in women and men, including the aforementioned man breasts.

Obviously, the problem not only affects the pride of the stronger sex, who only think about asking their fitness trainers about how to remove breasts from men, but also threatens the health of the entire family, while it is practically ignored by traditional medicine.

The obesity epidemic that is affecting millions of people in America and Europe is caused by more than just overeating and lack of exercise. If this were so, then the problem of obesity would have arisen several decades ago. Why are heart disease, cancer, obesity and other serious health problems so widespread in the Western world today? And why has this phenomenon emerged only recently? Today, most people in America, for example, eat almost nothing but processed food. This suggests that the problems listed are likely caused by major changes to .

How to remove breasts in men

In short, in order to stay beautiful and healthy, we need to completely eliminate processed foods from our diet, here is a list of some of them:

  1. Meat products. Processed meat products contain dyes, preservatives, flavors and other additives that have an “estrogenic” effect. For example, beef that comes from non-plant-fed animals will contain the hormone estrogen. Cattle most commonly receive these hormones through injection and implantation under the skin. Estrogen is found throughout the animal's body, and you and your family get the same hormones simply by consuming this type of beef.
  2. Foods containing omega-6 fatty acids. This is the fat that cheap vegetable oils are rich in: sunflower, corn, soybean, etc. It is these oils that are found in large quantities in processed foods, since they are much cheaper for manufacturers. , we need it to maintain health. But it is necessary to maintain the correct ratio between the consumption of omega-3 and omega-6. Clinical studies have shown that high levels of omega-6 fats in the diet increase estrogen levels.
  3. Products containing food additives. Food additives are chemicals used in food processing, such as preservatives, colors and artificial flavors. Many of them - so-called xenoestrogens - help increase estrogen levels in men, women and children and can mimic the effects of real estrogen in our bodies.
  4. Alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks in moderation are acceptable: this is one glass of wine for a woman and two glasses of wine or one serving strong drink for a man per day. The problem arises when, for example, beer becomes part of your daily diet. Yes, the reason for those man boobs you see on "serious beer drinkers" isn't just extra calories. The estrogenic effect of beer consumption is associated with the presence of hops in this drink, which gives it a bitter taste. What to do if men's breasts grow? Limit yourself in the amount you drink - otherwise you won’t see six-pack abs and a normal-looking chest.

Prolactin is a hormone that stimulates milk production in women. Pregnant or lactating women have this hormone in their blood - at least fill it up. But sometimes prolactin suddenly begins to flow through male veins and boobs begin to grow...

Prolactin cannot be called a purely female hormone. The male body constantly produces it for obscure male needs. By observing this hormone, scientists found that prolactin is involved in sperm maturation. But at the same time it suppresses the production of testosterone. Probably, Mother Nature’s idea is for a man to produce healthy seed in abundance, but at the same time not get into every fight and risk the precious seed. Prolactin regulates male aggression. For now this is just a hypothesis.

But doctors also noticed that men who complain about the rapid fading of their erections have a high level of prolactin in their blood. Where did he come from?

Where does prolactin come from?

Prolactin is produced in a small gland hidden in the depths of the brain - the pituitary gland. When the pituitary gland works normally, it produces a hormone all its life that no one pays attention to. But when the pituitary gland begins to swell, it “goes crazy.” And he floods the man with prolactin up to his balls. The man's chest grows and his penis falls off. And milk begins to be produced. This crap is called prolactinosis. And the tumor itself is called prolactinoma. Fortunately, she is being successfully treated.

Symptoms of prolactinoma

The most obvious symptom is that fluid begins to ooze from the nipples. From men's nipples! And the breast itself grows and swells. So this liquid is not particularly visible. But when they press you in the crowd, two wet spots remain on your shirt in the chest area.

But this symptom is still far away. Prolactinoma begins with “causeless” headaches, even nausea. The tumor is in the head. Hence the headache.

In addition, the tumor compresses the optic nerves. The man's field of vision narrows. Peripheral vision is almost completely turned off. In everyday life this does not cause any inconvenience. And driving is dangerous. You can’t see cars from the sides. “Unreasonable” car accidents are also symptoms of prolactinoma.

I have already said that excess prolactin suppresses testosterone production. Therefore, weak potency is also a symptom. Complete impotence will not occur. And during prolactinosis, erections occur more or less regularly. It can even please and satisfy a woman. But, it’s more difficult to satisfy a man. Because such an erection often falls before ejaculation.

Let's repeat the symptoms:



Narrowing field of view

Frequent car accidents

Short-lived erection

Fluid oozing from chest

Breasts are growing

Treatment of prolactinoma

Prolactinoma is treated. If the tumor is small, then it is observed and tablets are prescribed to compensate for the increased content of prolactin in the blood. Normal potency will return. Exactly. And the pituitary tumor itself can slowly resolve. The headaches will go away, normal vision and normal male breasts will return.

As a last resort, if the pills do not help, the tumor is excised. Surgeons get into the brain through the nose. Somewhere behind the nasal sinuses the tumor is located. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The probability of complete healing is about 100 percent. The main thing is to diagnose prolactinoma in time.

Diagnosis of prolactinoma

You already know the first symptoms. But, to make sure, you need to donate blood from a vein to test for prolactin levels. In men, the normal content of this hormone falls within the range of 3 ng/ml to 15 ng/ml. Blood is donated in the morning from a vein on an empty stomach. One hour before donating blood, you must not smoke. Within 24 hours before taking the test, you must follow the “prohibition law”, do not fuck, do not get nervous and do not steam in a bathhouse or sauna.

Since prolactinoma is a more than serious diagnosis, it is advisable to do a blood test in two different laboratories. Depending on the method of analysis and laboratory equipment, the results of blood tests may vary. To finally make sure, the doctor sends the patient for magnetic resonance imaging. She will show how to treat the patient: surgery, pills, or everything is fine.

Consequences of prolactinosis

If prolactinoma is not dealt with, then there is a slight chance that everything will go away on its own. But, most likely, the lazy patient will die from a brain tumor. Death will be painful and painful.

When prolactinoma is successfully cured, there will be several side effects that will have to be resolved.

Firstly, the normal field of vision will return and it will become really scary to drive on the road, because everything is visible. You'll have to learn it all over again.

Secondly, the blood still contains a large amount of the hormone prolactin, and until it is eliminated by the body, potency will falter. You will have to wait several weeks for a full recovery. Or you can take pills that reduce hormone levels, and everything will get better faster.

Prevention of prolactinoma

Doctors recommend healthy image life. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, play sports, rest, get enough sleep, don’t be nervous, take care of your head so that nothing heavy falls on it. General recommendations: Because tumors of internal organs arise due to an ugly lifestyle. Take care of your body and everything will be fine.

Other reasons for increased prolactin

Yes, everyone’s taste in sizes is different - some like it big, some like it small, some are delighted with the silicone airbags,” and for others, serve exclusively natural feminine charms.



Every man has a picture of how you will have foreplay in the shower, and he will be able to wash your breasts, massaging them with aromatic shower gel or regular soap.

The point is to have his hands slide over your breasts - it's very exciting. Massage oil outside the shower is also suitable, because the point is that the man can play with your breasts in a veiled manner. There is nothing bad here, just remember that wet skin becomes more sensitive to touch, and a man may not be able to calculate the strength, which is why you will be left with unsightly bruises.


Or they want to feel like a little boy, or they just want to know the taste of human milk. In general, decide for yourself whether to let your man taste the contents of your breasts or not.

By the way, if a man suckles for too long and often, the woman may start to produce milk (the presence of children does not affect this).

There is nothing to be afraid of here - this is a completely normal process, albeit a little strange.


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