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What is the best way to ask a girl to date in real life? How to hint to a girl about a relationship or suggest dating? For those who want to confess their love to her


If you want to ask the girl you like to meet, in whatever form you do it, try to choose the right time and place. You should not make such an offer if the girl is seeing you for the second or third time in her life. She knows nothing about you, and therefore is unlikely to consider your candidacy seriously. And if she agrees to a close relationship from the first meeting, then you should think about the reliability and seriousness of the girl herself. Choose a place for an important conversation that is as secluded as possible, so that you are not disturbed, and so that the girl feels comfortable and relaxed.

Romantic people will not remain indifferent to a proposal made in a cozy, inviting atmosphere of a cafe or restaurant. Invite your friend there one evening. A separate booth where you can talk, a candlelit dinner, champagne, the enchanting sounds of lyrical melodies, a bouquet of excellent flowers in a vase - all this will help achieve the desired result. The proposal can be made during a slow dance. Agree in advance with the musicians about a song with the desired subtext.

Send your girlfriend home a luxurious bouquet of her favorite flowers, including a proposal letter you wrote. The text can be composed in, written in a romantic style or with a sense of humor.

Find out from your friends what the girl is interested in and do something nice for her. If she collects something, give her a corresponding item and play up your offer in this regard. If she loves animals, such as horses, invite her to go to a place where she can ride and feed them. After that, organize a small picnic outdoors in her honor. During the meeting, find a suitable moment to express your feelings.

Invite the girl on some interesting trip (which in itself is a kind of proposal). For example, to Lake Baikal, take a boat ride on the Volga, look at the valley of edelweiss trees, blooming magnolias, etc. Beautiful landscapes, walks under the moon, the calming splash of water will be a wonderful backdrop for your confessions.

If you are an advanced computer user and can’t live a day without the Internet, realistically, but with the help of virtual space – it’s just for you. Make a short video with your confessions, post it on Youtube and send the link to your beloved. Find funny, interesting ones that demonstrate what you want to say, sign them and send them to the girl. Or just compose an original text and send it to the girl virtual postcard with your proposal.

Universal recipes on how best to initiate serious relationship, simply doesn't exist. But if you have serious intentions and the girl also likes you, she will accept any option of your proposal.

There are moments when even the most confident man becomes timid and has no idea what to do. It seems as if it is simply impossible to cope with anxiety, and all achievements fade, leaving a confused and defenseless person. We are talking about the state of falling in love. And it doesn’t matter whether these are first feelings or a mature choice.

Why is this happening? First of all, of course, any person is afraid of being rejected. Love is a manifestation of the highest, purest and sincere feelings. It’s very scary to be misunderstood, it’s scary to sully this brightness with refusal. What if the refusal is rude? What if it happens in front of witnesses and is accompanied by mockery? What if they just don’t understand? All these questions attack the lover, driving him more and more into a dead end, plunging him into doubt.

Is it necessary to do anything at all then? Should we then strive for something more, fight our fears, or continue to keep our sympathy a secret? The time has come to understand yourself and take action.

Is it even worth asking a girl to date?

So, it doesn't matter how old you are. You are in love or have a special sympathy for a girl, but fear does not allow you to decide what to do next. Should I change anything at all, or should I still go and offer to meet?

Need to initially evaluate own feelings. If you really experience a strong attraction, if it is something special, you have never experienced anything like it, then we can talk about the seriousness of your intentions.

The following signs may also indicate this:

  • The desire to spend more time with this particular girl, because she is very attractive;
  • You don’t see any shortcomings in it or they seem insignificant;
  • It is important for you to see her as often as possible;
  • Your thoughts constantly return to the object of sympathy - her appearance, clothes, words;
  • You can't even explain why you only like her.

If at least some of these points or all of them coincide, we are talking about the most real feelings: sympathy, love, something sincere.

But, if all of the above seems absolutely stupid to you, then perhaps you belong to the second category of people for whom a relationship with a girl is just an indicator of status.

For many, especially in the early adolescence, it is very important to be like everyone else, to feel part of a community. If everyone around you has already acquired a “soul mate,” then feeling like the only “black sheep” in the company can push you to look for a girl. However, think: do you need that imaginary feeling of “correctness” or is honesty towards yourself and towards the chosen girl more important?

You should think about the fact that when you start dating a girl who is not the most interesting for you, there is a risk of rapid disappointment in such a relationship. Having common topics for conversation, showing interest in at least one of the parties to the partner are some of the very first necessities in a relationship.

Therefore, if you really feel attracted or liked, and also think that you have found the ideal girl, but are simply afraid to take action - do not be afraid! Who knows, maybe this girl will become your wife in the future, perhaps she is the one with whom you can live a happy life. family life? Perhaps it is from her that you will have children? Remember: what is better to do and regret than to regret that you didn’t do it, and then think for the rest of your life that everything could have been different!

Well, if you just need to keep up with those around you and the very fact of being in a relationship doesn’t particularly attract you, don’t deceive yourself and other people. Should not be doing that.

How to tell a girl that I like her and ask her to date

The girl really evokes a storm of emotions and feelings in you, but approaching her, talking to her, and even more so saying that you really like her, and then offering to start a relationship is beyond your strength? This can be solved.

Why are many men afraid to talk to a girl? The most common reasons are the following:

  • Fear;
  • Diffidence;
  • The presence of complexes;
  • Fear of rejection, ridicule;
  • Negative experiences in the past.

Yes, these are all good reasons to avoid activism.

But just imagine that she - the girl you are attracted to - may also be afraid to take the first step. Or will she be the one with whom life will sparkle with new colors?

It's time to act!

How to confess your sympathy and propose to start a relationship. Method one

Simple to the point of banality, but very morally complex. Often you can avoid developing complex strategies and workarounds, but act directly. Therefore, the advice is simple to the point of banality: collect your thoughts, approach the object of your sympathy and confess your feelings to her.

Of course, even here it is worth following a few rules:

  • Don’t prepare long speeches - the best words are those that come from the heart, filled with sincerity and warmth.
  • Don't try to seem like someone you're not.
  • Choose a convenient moment: when the girl is in a good mood, alone and not busy. So the possibility of a positive answer increases significantly.
  • If you receive a polite refusal, don’t despair. Yes, sometimes it happens that the sympathy is not mutual, but this is not a reason to blame yourself for this and refuse further relationships. Stay friends if you want - after a refusal, many try to cut off all communication - why?
  • If you refuse, you can ask about the reasons, but remember that the main thing is to be polite and correct. Do not accuse the girl, do not threaten her, do not try to resort to blackmail. Accept rejection with dignity and like a man.
  • If the response to your proposal is positive, try to express your emotions with restraint - too much enthusiasm can cause at least bewilderment.

Despite its apparent simplicity, when using this method it is worth observing several very important points: be neat (clean clothes and a daily shower are important every day), you can spray yourself with cologne with her favorite scent. Be persistent, but not excessively - if you are refused, then you should wait some time and you can try to repeat the confession. Let's say we do this after a few weeks or even months. Girls love someone who is persistent, but not pushy. There is also no need to be overzealous with persistence - after the third refusal, it is best to stop trying.

Confession for a girl. Method two

It is quite possible to start a relationship in a completely different way. If you are an extremely shy person, for whom approaching the object of your sympathy is like death, then you can add mystery. What girl doesn't love riddles and messages from a secret admirer? Therefore, here is a ready-made idea for you:

  • Make inquiries about what she likes, where you can discreetly leave a message for her so that someone else does not receive it. Remember that inept surveillance can make you a “maniac” in her eyes...
  • Write her a note or letter. Give her a few compliments, dedicate poetry to her, tell her about your feelings - in a word, you can write whatever you want. Whether you subscribe or not is up to you, but keep in mind that rudeness, indecent hints or phrases like “You ate so little at dinner at the restaurant yesterday” will have a bad effect on your future communication.
  • If you want to stir up more interest in you, then you can maintain an aura of secrecy longer - write letters or notes to your beloved. Let them not have any logic - send them at different times, place them in different places and with different frequencies. Let it be either short notes or long letters with some gifts like your favorite chocolate. You don’t have to sign up or even come up with a pseudonym.
  • When her interest is high enough, make an appointment with your beloved. And already on it, confess your feelings to your friend, offer to be together.

Yes, the possibility of refusal still exists, but if you showed enough ingenuity and were initially pleasant to the girl, then most likely she is already in love with you in absentia, so she will happily accept the proposal. Well, even if not, you will gain valuable experience. In any case, there is no need to be upset.

Method three. Recognition and proposal

Help the girl. When people see each other often enough, there is a good chance that the guy has already learned her strengths and weaknesses and knows when help might come in handy. Don't leave her in difficult situations, provide support, and then, when left alone, confess to her how you feel.

The fourth way to confess to a girl

If the lady of your heart is a regular participant in friendly gatherings, then you can use this method. Organize some event for the whole company - a trip to an amusement park, a picnic, a walk to interesting places. Make sure she takes part in this. During your vacation, catch a moment when you are alone with her in some unusual, beautiful and atmospheric place. Take action!

How to propose to meet nicely if you are friends

What to do when you have been good friends for a long time? It seems that there is or could be something between you, but there is no exact certainty. It’s somehow awkward to even raise the issue of something like this, especially since friendship is very valuable and many don’t want to lose it... But even in this case, there are always several effective ways for such situations.

  • Write her a long letter of recognition. Design it beautifully, write sincerely what you think and feel. Include a photo of you together that has fond memories for both of you.
  • Invite her somewhere she really wanted to go, but hasn’t had the opportunity yet. Give her an unforgettable experience, spend time with her as fun and eventful as possible. And at the end of the evening, confess your feelings to her, invite her to take your friendly acquaintance to a new level and start a relationship. Choose a beautiful place in advance that will create an unusual atmosphere.
  • When you and the object of your affection have mutual friends, you can ask them to help arrange a surprise confession. It will be great if they offer their ideas or something special. Perhaps they know for sure that she is also not indifferent to you and will be happy to share this information!
  • Go on a trip with your friend. Nothing brings people together better than the shared hardships and hardships of hitchhiking or hiking, or the abundance of fun on a joint vacation. Moreover, a change of scenery will allow them to look at you with “new eyes,” and there is a possibility that an offer will not even be required. And if it is necessary, who else but you knows this girl? Create the conditions for her ideal date, and the answer to your confession and proposal to be a couple will be a happy “yes.”

In fact, in the case when a guy and a girl are good friends, there are both pros and cons. On the one hand, who else but you always comes to the rescue, is a faithful companion in any kind of pastime, knows the details of your whole life and your deepest desires? But, on the other hand, this is precisely what can also serve as a reason for refusal, due to the fact that you already know, if not absolutely everything, then a lot about each other.

And it's not always just that positive sides. There are some aspects of life that can only be told to a friend, but not to your soulmate.

Don't be upset or despair. Often the strongest and most beautiful families are created between best friends, precisely because all the nuances of life and character traits were known in advance.

Whatever it is - it’s a friend, or just a pretty girl who won your heart - never be afraid of confessions, it’s better to overcome fear once. It’s much worse to wake up one day and realize that you once missed the opportunity to try to be close to the one who made your heart jump out of your chest...

Even if you receive a negative response to your proposal, don’t worry. The most important thing is that you tried. This does not mean at all that there is something wrong with you, it does not mean that you should be afraid to try again and again. It’s just that somehow you didn’t suit this particular person and there’s nothing to worry about. Everything is still ahead, you will definitely be happy with the one who will outshine all your past loves!

Reading time: 3 min

How to ask a girl to date? This is a question that all guys invariably ask when they experience problems or uncertainty when communicating with girls. Also worrying how to do it the best way, is typical for guys who are selflessly in love and want to be guaranteed to get a positive response from the girl. The guy tries to make a beautiful proposal so that the girl appreciates how interested he is in her, how much he loves her and how courteous he is to her.

How to ask a girl to date beautifully?

Let's consider three cases. The first is when a guy likes a girl, but she doesn’t really like him or doesn’t realize that she doesn’t like him at all. In these situations, when the first impression is spoiled or previous communication did not go well, the guy may hope that the first phrase with the offer to now meet will change something, he bets on this phrase. It's worth taking a sober look here. Practice shows that an uninterested lady will not change the relationship even with an offer to become a couple. Such a proposal would even constitute pressure on her, imposing moral obligations on her. It may be pleasant for her to communicate only as acquaintances, not closer, and it is inconvenient to refuse because the guy is pinning his hopes on her. Here the girl will refuse, no matter how chic the guy comes up with a phrase or action.

The second situation is better - when the guy and the young lady are already friends. Often girls keep guys in a so-called orbit around them, in the friend zone. The guy pays attention to his chosen one, looks after her, maybe gives flowers, but at the same time the girl is not ready to move further towards rapprochement. Having asked a girl to date, the guy will most likely hear what a good, sweet person he is, but they should remain friends. She does not consider the guy as a man, a possible partner for love and relationships, perhaps even has another object of her desires. The guy’s attention is still pleasant, and he becomes only a friend, remains in orbit. For a guy, this often looks like a transitional stage to a relationship. He is convinced that his chosen one has not yet considered him, has not realized how good he is, and by continuing to communicate as friends, she will understand this and start dating him.

The third situation is when a guy likes a girl, and she likes him. A number of dates have already taken place, perhaps kisses, but the guy is still in no hurry to take action, thinking about how to properly ask the girl to date. However, there is another way to look at this. Why is it necessary to voice an offer to meet if the guy and the girl are already a couple? If it is clear that they are attracted to each other. The only thing left to do is not to spoil anything, and an unsuccessfully sounded proposal to meet can turn out to be such a curiosity. After all, when relationships naturally develop and flow in the right direction, there is no need to add such officialdom to them. The guy can even make some kind of rearrangement in his head - instead of thinking about how to properly ask a girl to meet, set the goal of having a series of pleasant dates that will themselves decide the issue of starting a relationship, adding intimacy and strengthening communication. The fact that the lovers have become a couple will become clear to both them and those around them, when there is already a series of meetings that gradually turn into dates, they constantly spend time together, go to the movies, go to meetings with friends together, meet new people, or even with parents.

However, if you still want to make such an offer, we will look at ways to do it beautifully.

The shortest way is to simply approach the girl and express yourself, calmly, easily say that you like her and offer to communicate. And continue to get closer to her - hug her, try to kiss her, don’t be afraid to be active. After all, there really is no super technique or 100% correct actions that must be done to make a girl fall in love. Nothing can replace natural presentation of yourself and your pleasure from communication. You yourself are the main component of the relationship, and a beautiful proposal can only complement the already established pleasant image.

When you are successful in communication in general, then it will be easier for you to ask that one girl to date. Such characteristics of a guy as confidence, dominance, knowledge of what he wants, responsibility, ability to evoke and switch emotions - generally form overall picture, which arouses attraction in a girl.

It would be a mistake to start doing too much for a girl or showering her with gifts, just so that she will finally change her mind and pay attention. A beautiful offer should not be a bribe or cost disproportionate to your current relationship. The main thing is that the guy should bet on himself. If you feel that you are not enough, you need to take care of yourself, become interesting to yourself first, and raise your self-esteem. But don’t try to start paying the girl extra, compensating for your shortcomings with gifts and excessive helpfulness. The most a guy can give is emotions, and they are by no means proportional to the cost of the gift.

How to evoke a girl's emotions? The most important thing here is to experience them yourself and be able to convey them. To evoke an emotion, you need to feel it or come up with some non-standard action that will trigger it. Therefore, it is important to understand which proposal to meet will be beautiful for the girl herself and will arouse her emotions. Understanding what a girl likes, what’s going on in her head, in her soul is the key not only to a successful start to a relationship, but also to their harmonious development. Otherwise, what may seem beautiful to a guy and cost a lot of effort, may not evoke emotions in a girl, but, on the contrary, a simple act may amaze her.

When a guy himself feels an emotion, fully experiences it, he infects the girl with it too. That’s why it’s so important to enjoy yourself, to be calm and relaxed at the time of the proposal. There is a guy who is worried, experiencing negative emotions - no matter how beautiful the proposal he has prepared, the girl will also experience negative emotions.

How to invite a girl to meet on VK?

How to invite a girl to meet on VK? This can be either an additional opportunity, a convenient channel for verbalizing your sympathy, or your main way of communication.

If you communicate in reality as friends or even just acquaintances, you can make a date with her through a social network. Moreover, there may be some kind of business occasion for him, and the date will look like an ordinary meeting for study, work or interests with friends. At such a meeting, you will be able to once again understand for yourself whether you like the girl so much that you now want to become a couple. And then think about how to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte in the best way, the way she will like it. After the date, even a couple of days later, in a calm, comfortable environment for everyone, you can continue communication by voicing your proposal in writing.

The time for standard proposals, template humorous or romantic messages has passed. Therefore, let your message be original, simple and sincere - this is exactly what a girl who is also not indifferent to you will appreciate. Tell her that even though you've only known each other for a short time, you're excited to meet her. That you are not going to look for some poems on the Internet, but say from the heart how you reach out to her every day, literally thinking about the meeting. And when you see it, you are immensely happy. You can thank her for simply being there and ask if she will be with you. For a girl who wants to date you, this will be the best confession, open, sincere and sincere. Your emotions will not go unanswered.

However, you may want to be original or even want to impress a girl. Perhaps she loves surprises, or you think that with a spectacular invitation you are guaranteed to win her and her friends' affection. Then use one of the means of social networks, of which, fortunately, there are many! You can record audio or shoot a video for her, make a mini-quest or game, involve her friends, even make a flash mob! Such vivid confessions will remain in your emotions for a long time and even longer in your memory and notes. Perhaps even in her old age she will remember this romantic moment.

It even happens that you have not communicated with the girl in reality, and so far only on a social network, but you have already managed to get to know each other well, and are sure that you want to continue your relationship. Here it’s worth weighing everything carefully again, offering to first meet and chat. If you are separated by kilometers and it is not possible to meet now, although you are sure that you have met a soul mate - communicate via video conference, get to know each other even better, discuss the possibilities of a long-distance relationship, and only then proceed to the proposal.

How to ask a girl to date without her refusing?

A guy who is worried that a girl might refuse, or even, perhaps, has already received a refusal from this or another girl, can be advised not to worry because, having studied the psychology of girls, he can with a high probability achieve almost anything. If a guy really wants to build a relationship with the girl he has chosen, he will be able to do this when he does not give up and stops making efforts. Even if the girl initially refuses, doesn’t take you seriously, and doesn’t want to hear about the relationship. The only question is the number of samples, which is not a problem for the purposeful young man, who does not react to refusal, but continues to courtship and express himself.

Girls really like it when they are wooed, and they can even specifically refuse at first in order to further inflame the guy or weed out insecure suitors. When a guy actively pursues a girl, it evokes strong emotions in her, and here it is no longer so important whether they are positive or negative. In any case, at this stage she is already beginning to become attached to the guy.

If you are experiencing an insurmountable rejection, use such a psychological technique as reducing the importance of the object. Imagine a girl you really like, without such good makeup, in ordinary clothes, without status accessories and a retinue of friends, doing ordinary household chores - debunk her almost magical image.

Having broken it into parts that synergistically make up a beautiful picture that has such power over you, you will see before you an ordinary person who has the same fears and fears.

The proposal to meet will not be so scary for you, and will even sound much more natural, accordingly, with greater chances of success. The girl will like the way you communicate with her on an equal basis, and not fawn over her like other failed suitors. In an extreme situation of fear of rejection, it is even worth turning to the roots of this fear with the help of a psychologist - it will turn out that the situation is not connected with the girl, but with personal destructive attitudes.

To overcome the fear of rejection, a guy needs to increase his own value and receive evidence of success in relationships with girls. When you apply and are rejected, you receive opposite evidence, confirmation of your failure. Instead of confidence, I develop the idea that, despite the fact that I good guy, girls don't like me.

You need to have something in your experience that will confirm your high self-worth, strong, which no one can take away. Based on your personal successes, knowing that the girl has something to love you for, you propose. Know your worth, find out what exactly you respect yourself for, even to the point of writing down your merits on paper. Focus on the positive moments in your life. You will remember the girls you met and liked without noticing it. Ask your friends what attractive strengths they know about you. You will discover a lot of new things and this will add points to your confidence.

How to ask a girl to date in an original way?

Do you want to make an unusual offer? Today, a lot of opportunities open up before you. If earlier there was even an inscription on the asphalt, today there are a lot of means to express your feelings in an original, memorable way. Even professional agencies can help you make your dream come true; they will discreetly do most of the work, while providing you with the role of the main character.

You can organize the proposal at the girl’s house, which will enhance the effect thanks to the delight of family and neighbors. This could be an inscription made of candles or flowers, a serenade performed by yourself in a comic amateurish style, or even with invited accompaniment. Do you want to involve your friends in this too? You can make a flash mob at her house or, if a girl loves riddles, even a quest with a twisted plot, created especially for her. The girl will definitely not forget this!

All technical and media means are also available to help you. You can shoot a video message for a girl or even just a series of photos with a confession, sing and give the girl a song on social networks. You can even stay anonymous if you're worried about the girl's reaction or don't know if she's available.

If you are looking for phrases to ask a girl to date, then an original and at the same time effective way to get closer would be to appeal to emotions, rather than dry reasoning or a formal proposal. If you are interested in how movie characters do this, you will see that an experienced boyfriend can simply note the beauty of the moon while walking, but do it in such a way that the girl feels close to him, the desire to be with him, his ability to feel beauty and emotional sensitivity, which will automatically attract it will be replaced by a positive answer to the question that was never asked.

How to ask a girl to meet phrases: sometimes some guys still prefer to voice such phrases as “let’s switch to “we”,” “let’s become a couple,” “will you be mine?” They also have power, mainly for young girls or those waiting to hear an invitation to start a relationship.

Let's give an example of a specific scenario for a creative proposal to meet. The guy planned a meeting with the young lady to hand over books on the embankment and came in a suit with a tie and boutonniere, which immediately alerted the girl, causing her curiosity and puzzlement. Without explaining anything, he hands her a player with headphones and asks her to listen to music, turns on a romantic track and takes out a stack of prepared sheets from the books, on which he wrote with his own hands a confession and an offer to meet, each word separately on the sheet and with design. It looked cute, especially compared to his serious suit. At the end he wrote that if she refuses, he will jump. If he agrees, too! And without waiting for her answer, literally without allowing her to come to her senses, he jumped into the water in a suit and swam away. He turned around after swimming a little and waited for an answer from the girl. Needless to say, the answer was positive.

In this example, the guy demonstrated self-confidence, readiness to act, creativity, the ability to plan, control himself, create something with his own hands, and not be afraid to be funny. After a positive answer, he swam out, with a calm face, tucked in his wet tie and, with boots full of water, went for flowers and sweets hidden right there in the bushes. A girl cannot help but single out such an original and brave guy, rejecting the advances of other men.

Another example scenario might look like this. The guy calls or sends his chosen one a message with an appointment for a certain time at an agreed place, being sure that she will come. However, he himself does not appear at the appointed time, the girl waits, looks out for him and, almost in despair, notices a poster with instructions to follow the white rabbit. She had noticed this strange man in a rabbit suit nearby for a long time, and now she ran after him. But the rabbit runs away and ends up getting into the car. The car drives away literally in front of the girl’s nose, but she sees on the asphalt in the place where the car was parked an inscription with the name of a cafe familiar to both of them. The girl hurries there, and behind the glass of the cafe she sees a “closed” sign, which is turned over before her eyes, and on the other side there is an arrow. She follows the directions indicated on the street walls and comes to beautiful place in the park, where a guy in love awaits her with recognition. The girl experienced an emotional upsurge and by completing the quest she automatically proved her interest and desire to continue the relationship.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

As a preface, I would like to note that I am always against memorized templates and prepared material. Therefore, do not use the material in this article as a magic pill.

Always learn to generate the right words yourself.

1. Initially, it is better not to hint, but to tell it like it is (the girl is not a telepath)

The best thing is to always say it directly and as it is.

For example, tell her: " You `re cool. You are super! I like you!»

  • Tell her why you chose her over other ladies. And then later she will feel chosen by you! And then she will feel special to you! And it's super attractive and powerful.
  • It’s better not to hint, but to speak directly! The girl is not a telepath and cannot read minds.
  • This way, you remind yourself why you have every reason to be with her, and why she attracts you. This is where motivation and confidence come from.

Here is the first point on the topic of how to tell a girl that I like her.

2. If you are really attracted to her appearance (hairstyle), voice it

For example, you can compliment her hairstyle if she has really cool hair:

  1. « I like your hair».
  2. « Wow, I love your hair!».

3. Hint at a future together where you are already a couple in love

You can use phrases to project your future together, where you are already a couple in love:

  • « What are you doing on February 14th?».
  • « What are you doing for Valentine's Day next year?».

These are such subtle hints of sympathy for a girl.

4. You can compliment her on her cuteness if she's really cute.

You can come up with a lot of different compliments about how cute a girl is.

If she's really nice, this shouldn't be a problem.

If only because she reads the charm of her femininity from your face.

For example: " You are so cute. I will definitely give you a New Year's gift».

This way, I don't worry about how to hint to a girl that I like her.

5. Let her know what's going on inside you because of her.

You can tell her about this indirectly, thereby creating some kind of intrigue.

« Why are you doing this to me?“- ask her this, thereby making it clear that she is very attractive to you.

6. Hints about her style at the beginning of dating

« Hello, I like your style“- you can start getting acquainted with these words.

I'm talking about a case when a beauty is completely unfamiliar to you, and you make your first approach to her.

7. Offer to play funny roles like in a novel, voice your script

« Let's play a romance game where you get pregnant from me and then we have to get married“- with this phrase you invite her to play different roles for funny topics.

Having said something like these words, I no longer ask questions about how to let a girl know that I like her.

8. Use this phrase to show sympathy and emotional closeness to her.

« Do you want to be my soulmate?“- a phrase of sympathy for her and spiritual closeness (an example of an opener for starting a conversation with a stranger).

Under no circumstances should you say these words from the position that you cannot live without her, and she supposedly will somehow complete you.

9. We give her compliments and blame her for it at the same time.

« You are so cool and pretty. What are you doing to me?“I compliment her and blame her for it at the same time.

For example, these words close the dilemma on the topic of how to confess to a girl that I like her.

10. Be as close to her as possible

« I want to be closer to a nice girl“- say this if she doesn’t understand what’s happening, and you sit closer to her.

Thus, she feels your condition better, and it is transmitted to her. This also happens in cases where the guy knows everything about.

11. In case you want to ask her to date

Let's look at the question of how to hint to a girl about a relationship correctly.

  1. It is not necessary and not at all necessary to hint about a serious relationship.
  2. The relationship will only begin when you spend the night in bed together. And you need to think about them only after that. Not before.
    Therefore, there is zero point in offering to meet before that!
  3. I usually tell a girl I like that I want to see her more often. It is not necessary to copy my words word for word.

It's something like this: “Listen, you’re cool, and I feel good with you. Let's see each other more often and have a great time together!”

Then I usually ask what days she is free most often.

I never have problems with how to tell a girl that I like her and ask her to meet.

For those who want to confess their love to her

For those guys who are wondering about how to tell a girl that I love her.

To start, ask yourself:

  • Did you sleep together before or did you have nothing? If not, then it is foolish to rush into such statements.
  • Do you want to tell her this because you feel not self-sufficient and you think that the girl will somehow complete you?
    If the answer is “Yes,” then most likely she will leave you sooner or later.
  • Is this feeling mutual according to your feelings?
    If the answer is “No,” then why rush to make such statements again? It’s better to say your approximate words as in point 11 just above, or go through and choose the words that suit you from all 23 points.

For those who want to confess their love to their passion, they should remember realize the following.

A woman doesn't want to be an adventure, she wants to go on an adventure with you. She wants to go to a more meaningful and bigger event than herself. Otherwise, if your focus is entirely on her, she will lose interest in you and you will become needy in her eyes.

Keep this in mind, this way you will not need phrases on how to hint to a girl that you want to date her, and will remove all doubts.

12. Invite her on an adventure with you

« Do you want to go on a date? Do you want to have an affair with me?“It’s better to say this to an unfamiliar beauty when you first saw her.

By doing so, you are inviting her on an adventure.

And I’m not even saying this with the intention of inviting or calling her somewhere, but simply finding any reason to start a conversation with her.

This is all done playfully and the words should correspond to your state, that is, there should be.

Otherwise, this point will not suit you.

Then you can continue the conversation by changing the topic to any other topic.

13. Use jokes with hints about bed

« I just posted on Facebook that you and I made love“- rapprochement through positive emotions and humor.

Ideally, there should be no filters at all. Know everything about communication and life in general.

14. Be the chooser, not the one chosen

« I choose you, I like to communicate with you“- with this phrase you show that you choose her.

15. If you see her for the first time

« I just saw you and couldn't help but come over"- use when approaching a stranger.

You don't have to be mega-charismatic to know everything about...

16. Tell her that she is better than all the other women around

“I like you better than those girls.”– and point to any random girls nearby.

One more words as an addition to the discussion of the topic about how to tell a girl that I need her, beautifully.

This can be done both in a club, if you just met her, and on a date.

17. Jokes about the wedding and her mother

“Can I call my mom and tell her I met my wife?”- hints at your marriage as a joke.

18. We voice our feelings and sensations towards her with humor.

We have such strong chemistry, like in the series "Breaking Bad"– voice what you feel about her with humor.

It is always better to talk about your feelings towards her in your own words without memorized text.

Thus, you will upgrade this ability in yourself, you will not need any prepared material and you will know everything about it.

19. You don’t have to name the reason why you are attracted to her.

“I’m really drawn to you. I do not know why- voice your strong attraction to her.

20. Let her know that she is the one you want to be with most now.

“I like being in your company more than with my friends.”– you chose her among others and you want to be with her most of all.

21. Kiss her

On the question of how to hint a girl for a kiss:

  • Start from the position that you give a kiss, not take it away.
  • I usually kiss myself and not verbally I don't ask permission.
  • If you initially positioned yourself correctly, then there will be no resistance to the kiss.

How I did it

I had a case when one woman deliberately began to dodge my kiss. Initially, I did everything right and saw no reason to resist.

I didn’t want to play this cat and mouse game and immediately said directly: “ I want to kiss you".

To which she replied: “ What if I don't know how to kiss?"(and everything became clear right away).

To which I replied: “ I will teach you".

And there was no longer any resistance. This is how you can easily hint a girl about her first kiss without any games or other nonsense.

Video of my approach

In addition to the topic, I decided to show my video where I meet a hot woman in a shopping center.

In it you can clearly see what I wrote about in this article.

In it you can also find answers to the topic of how to tell a girl that she is beautiful in your own words.

About finding a topic for talking to women on dates I have a site.

22. Use the role change feature

A trick for changing roles between you and clues for a future together:

  • “If you take me on a date, where will you take me?”
  • “Where will you take me on our date?”
  • "Stop seducing me"- a cunning phrase with a role reversal, with which you will relieve yourself of responsibility.

Even if it is not she who seduces you, but you who seduce her, this will remind you that you are a man and a woman.

23. Subtle, non-repulsive words about her figure and face at the same time

“Take your breasts away, hide them from me, I only want to see your beautiful face.”

This is the kind of compliment you can give to her figure and appearance at the same time, which will help you admit your sympathy for a girl.

Key Important Points to Remember

  • You let her know that you make her stand out from others and why you like her.
  • When you tell a girl about your crush, looking straight into her eyes.
    It’s stupid to look away, look away and talk into nowhere.
  • Keep it as simple as possible!
  • Be silly, don't be serious about everything.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • When expressing yourself, don't try to impress.
  • Don't be afraid to touch her and touch her. She herself is waiting for this.
  • Never consider your openness in liking a girl as weakness. This is always a plus and it’s strong. But at the same time, don’t think that she will immediately swim after your words and want you.
  • Be honest and congruent. Say what you think (don’t forget about adequacy).
  • Let your emotions come out and they will attract her.
  • Don't focus on prepared words! Let you say it ugly, but from the heart.
    And these will be your better words than those borrowed from someone or prepared in advance.
  • Don’t try to act like James Bond or another movie character by voicing his cool phrases.
    You will only be able to be a cheaper and unnatural copy of a movie hero, whose life you will not be able to live anyway.
  • The best thing you can do is be your best self.
  • You need to understand that many of the phrases were spoken in a state of flow, and there is no need to expect unrealistic reactions from the woman and quick acceptance after these phrases.
    In any case, you need to continue communication and not depend on prepared phrases.
  • The sooner you let her know how you feel about her, the better.
    The longer you wait to figure out how to show affection to a girl, the more awkward it will be later.
  • Talk about your sympathy in places where there is no social pressure and unnecessary judgmental glances of people. Better - alone.

Why the Internet or SMS are the worst ways to show sympathy and feelings

If this is the first time you want to confess to a girl about your sympathy and intentions, then never do it over the Internet.

Better ask yourself: “What prevented you from doing this in your first minutes of meeting when you met?”

What stopped you from hinting to a girl that you like her when you saw her for the first time?

Why is the Internet so bad for this:

  1. The girl can read your message and just go out from online mode, without even answering your deep lines about crazy love.
  2. The Internet is very beautiful women On social networks, sometimes several dozen men write letters of declaration of love in a day.
    Do you want to be one of these gray fans?
  3. All the sincerity and honesty of your sympathy, you can convey all openness to a woman only through your gaze when meeting face to face. But not through the monitor.
  4. A woman might think you're lying or just kidding me after reading your message. And already there is a wrong positioning and a wrong understanding of you.

Due to the fact that I have been doing pickup since my youth, the question of how to properly ask a girl to date has never particularly bothered me. Although before that, back in school and in my first year at University, I was actively looking for girls to start a relationship with. In those days, I was pretty worried about the moment when a guy and a girl turn from ordinary acquaintances into potential boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now a lot of time has passed since then, and I know exactly what to do if you want to beautifully ask a girl to meet and. Moreover, in the age of high technology, meeting someone on the Internet and asking a girl to date is not difficult; the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

First you need to determine what is between you.

There are three possible options:

  • You like her, she doesn't like you, you haven't dated
  • She likes you, she likes you, but you haven't been on dates
  • Have you had dates as friends?
  • You like each other and communicate on VKontakte

There is another option - you had dates in a love format. But this option implies that you are already dating and have no intention of breaking up, so it does not apply to our list.

Old friend

The first option concerns cases when you just know a girl with whom you would like to start dating. Perhaps this is a classmate, an acquaintance from a dance club, a neighbor, or just a friend of your friend, or perhaps it was last week. You talked to her, and now you have the address of her VKontakte page and you are determined to make her your girlfriend. Inexperienced in the science of seduction, you don’t know whether she likes you or you understand that the girl didn’t show any special signs of sympathy.

This is the worst option to ask a girl to date, because there is no special reason! You’re not the only one who likes her, you can be sure that there are a dozen other guys hanging around her who want to be with her. In addition, the opportunity to create a positive first impression, which is the cornerstone of seduction, is lost forever.

As you can see, there is no reason, no interest either. Will the girl be happy even if you very nicely ask her to date? Also no.

Interested friend

The second case is when you are sure that she likes you. The girl is clearly interested. She smiles a lot when you communicate, keeps up the conversation, and hints at going out together or with her friends. You may not have had a date yet. Confidence that she likes you gives you the opportunity not to waste time and get in touch sooner. Many guys are afraid to quickly make contact because they think that they are guys, and because of this they waste a lot of time.

All you have to do is ask her out. Please, there is no need to have a serious conversation with her in order to agree to meet. If everything is going well for you, then all you need is a series of dates!

A quick transition to dating completely eliminates the question of how to properly ask a girl to date, because a series of dates already implies that you and the girl are dating. At the same time, there is an interesting point that even if you didn’t notice sympathy on the part of the girl, then she still exists, because without sympathy she would not have started dating.

Cute girlfriend

The third option is that you have already known each other for some time, you have had meetings, but the level of sympathy on your part is much higher than on hers. Perhaps you have already heard hints from the girl that you are just good friend, and have a good time with you. Alas, if a girl offers to become friends, then in most cases this means that you are the very last person with whom she will have sex.

However, it’s good that she doesn’t disappear anywhere and leaves this kind of bridge. You have the right to call her, invite her to meetings and spend time together, but access to the body is prohibited.

And here's what you need to do in any of these cases. You need:

  1. Remove the importance of this girl. Stop putting her on a pedestal. She's good, but there are hundreds of other women ready to date you! You just don't know about it because you're too focused on her alone. You're blind. You allegedly want to return it, but this cannot be done.
  2. Stop being a nice guy, awaken the male in you. The more emotions you bring into your relationship, the better for changing the frame. In general, this moment is worthy of a whole training, so if you want to do everything right, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter (forms at the top right of this page!).

Network beauty

You can invite a girl to meet on VKontakte. This method is very comfortable, since you don’t have to overcome yourself to propose this to a girl live.

Suppose you met a girl on VKontakte, and she has certain signs of sympathy - she likes you, communicates willingly and positively. First you need to simply invite her to meet. One meeting to spend time together - a walk in the park, drinking tea in your favorite cafe, etc. If after such a date the girl’s sympathy has not disappeared, then you can safely invite her to meet on an ongoing basis. Since you are doing this on VKontakte, you can simply write her the following phrase:

“I’ll be honest, today was one of the most boring and unmemorable dates of my life... just kidding, it was great, let’s do this more often”

As you understand, such a phrase is essentially an offer to date a girl on VKontakte. You can also use a similar phrase via SMS. If the girl’s answer is positive, that’s it, congratulations, you are dating her.

By the way, I’ll share one useful trick that I use myself in VKontakte. When you meet, take a photo together or photograph an interesting event, situation or person during a date. Then, when you get home, get in touch and post this photo directly to the girl on the wall. Here you are pursuing two goals: to show all her VKontakte friends that you are not afraid to claim this girl (this is great if you want to start dating a girl), and also because you remind her of something that connects you!

You can sign this photo:

We should definitely meet more often and don’t even think about refusing!)

In conclusion, I would like to note that, regardless of whether you decide to nicely ask a girl to date or you prefer to ask a girl to date on VKontakte, the main thing here is to be decisive. If you knead your buns, the girl will feel your masculine weakness. This is a negative quality. It's like you're telling her that you're afraid to take responsibility for your meetings, afraid of commitment. Girls try not to take such men as partners. Well, judge for yourself who needs an unreliable man.

Be decisive, dear friend, and you will definitely be able to start dating a girl!

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