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Status I love you son and grandfather. Statuses about grandfather. Well, grandpa, you give

Statuses about grandfathers speak about our feelings for the older generation. It is important for us to respect our loved ones for their age, experience and love for us. Many of our grandfathers took part in the war, and this should not be forgotten either. After all, if it weren’t for them, would there be peacetime now? Who knows. Perhaps there wouldn't be. In our statuses, we thank our grandfathers for victory in the war, for their heroism. Sometimes we forget about our loved ones and do not communicate with them as often as they would like. Time passes, and with each passing day we move away from each other, and sometimes we don’t think about the fact that a loved one is suffering from our separation and lack of communication.

Elderly people need to be protected and kept in touch with them, because a moment may come when they leave us forever. Now it’s hard to believe it, and it seems that it’s still somewhere far away. But in fact, bad things in our lives happen unexpectedly when we are not prepared for them. And sometimes it happens that we did not say the last “goodbye” and the last “love” to our loved ones. We forgot about them, and now it’s too late to regret, because you can’t get them back. It seems that over time this wound will heal, but it seems to be wrong, because we will no longer be able to ask them for forgiveness. Time is lost, and we can only regret what we did not do. We must remember that we ourselves will someday become old, and we ourselves will need someone’s attention, love and care. And it’s unlikely that anyone would like to feel unwanted.

Everyone wants love and respect, affection and communication. Everyone understands that when his time comes, he will not want to be alone. The connection between children and parents is the strongest of all; it binds people together through relationships of closeness and warmth, caring for each other. Remember your elders, don’t forget about them, and statuses about grandfathers will help remind you of this. By placing this status, you show respect and gratitude to the older generation.

Happiness is for those who have a grandfather, and double happiness when the grandfather is good. And depending on your relationship with him, you can put funny statuses, sad, philosophical, humorous, and so on. Choose yours.

Well, grandpa, you give

When family relationships are friendly, then the child’s love for his parents is no less than his love for his grandparents. With love and joy, you can put statuses about your grandfather:

  1. I have such a grandfather that I don’t know if I’m in trouble with him.
  2. Only grandfather will understand, only he will listen and silently give advice.
  3. You won’t get bored with my grandfather - he knows everything about everyone.
  4. At first, the grandfather holds his granddaughter by the hand, a little later everything will be the other way around.
  5. There are fathers who don’t love their children, but I don’t know any grandfathers who wouldn’t love their grandchildren.
  6. My grandfather is a treasure chest of fairy tales, and he knows everything by heart or makes it up on the fly...
  7. The love of reading was instilled in me not by school and family, but by my grandfather, when he said that all the answers to questions can be found in books.
  8. Grandfather will never leave a single question unanswered - after all, he knows everything - a sage, a daring fellow.
  9. I am so proud of my grandfather, he is very intelligent, there is no one like him now.
  10. I was so lucky with my grandfather - he and I are two restless people.
  11. My grandfather conveyed to me a simple truth: “Do what you must, and be what happens” - after all, life is smarter than us, and will always put everything in its place. This is the basis of life for me.
  12. My grandfather always said that you shouldn’t nod for a while and blame your failures, because times are always the same, but people are different.
  13. My grandfather is not just old, he is Super-Old!
  14. When the grandfather begins to walk around the apartment, the whole family becomes tense, because he is a retired police major - as he orders, no one will find it enough.
  15. “Nothing in life can throw us out of the saddle,” that’s what my grandfather used to say.
  16. “Don’t be afraid to live, grandson,” my grandfather constantly tells me, and the fear disappears as if by hand.
  17. My grandfather is a wise man, first he will think 7 times, and then he will cut it as he says.
  18. Grandfather is a lover of thrills, he eats red peppers without wincing, he chews onions with their heads, he says, he has this habit since the war, when he had to survive, but there was nothing to eat.
  19. As the classic said, “you should make nails out of these people” - that’s exactly what my grandfather is like.
  20. Grandfather always has something tasty in his pocket, but he doesn’t always give it, you still have to earn it - either read a book, or do homework, or do some housework.
  21. I look at my grandfather and am surprised - such a thirst for life, such excitement, such a always cheerful mood, even my peers envy him.
  22. Sports have always been my grandfather’s friend, which is why even now, at 80 years old, he can climb the horizontal bar 5 times. I jumped into it and also pulled myself up 5 times.
  23. Only my grandfather always takes my side in any dispute - it doesn’t matter to him whether I’m right or wrong, he’s just my true friend.
  24. When my grandfather runs after me to school, all my classmates envy me, because even many of them don’t know how to run.
  25. Grandfather likes to tell how during perestroika he was the chairman of a temperance society - but when talking about this, grandfather always knocks back a glass or two - he needs to catch up...
  26. Grandfather loves to argue and almost always turns out to be right - experience plus wisdom take their toll.

My grandfather is strength

Statuses about grandfather with meaning can be of a philosophical nature and relate to important issues: the meaning of life, principles, morality, ethics. But such statuses are always imbued with respect for the grandfather:

  1. He won’t leave you in trouble and won’t ask too much - this is about my grandfather, I simply don’t know a more delicate person.
  2. I did many things only for my grandfather after his words: “I believe in you.” And this faith has helped me achieve a lot.
  3. My grandfather is my example in life, he always thought what he would do in a given situation and tried to do the same.
  4. You need to say kind words to your grandparents in time - then you will regret that you did not have time to tell them how much you love them.
  5. When I see “grandmother next to grandfather”... I am so happy for them - they were able to carry love for all 46 years and still treat each other with great respect. But my wife and I lived for a month and got divorced.
  6. Do you know, brother, what strength is? Strength is in the truth that your grandfather tells you.
  7. Now I remember my grandfather with deep gratitude; it was he who taught me from childhood to finish any task to the end with the words “If you’ve done the job, walk boldly.”
  8. My grandfather taught me how to overcome difficulties, who said: “Grit your teeth, endure and finish, and then there will be a good result.” This is how it goes in my life.
  9. My grandfather is worse than Omar Khayam, as he says - right on the bull’s eye.
  10. Gray hair at the temples and a deep, thoughtful gaze - this is how I remember my grandfather.
  11. There are fewer and fewer grandfathers left - veterans of the Great Patriotic War - we must manage to do good to them, not only on Victory Day.
  12. I’m just like my grandfather – I don’t know how to lose, I don’t admit laziness, I shoot traitors, in my heart, of course.
  13. My favorite person is my grandfather
  14. The status about a beloved grandfather is always imbued with warmth, care and great love:
  15. I have one dream - that my grandfather will always be alive!
  16. My grandfather and I are 2 Siamese twins, as my mother says, where he goes, so do I.
  17. My grandfather always taught me: “Think about your Motherland first, and then about yourself.” I’ve been doing this all my life, although my homeland sometimes kicks me.
  18. There are grandfathers who are “central, tall and important”, but I love my grandfather – he is sincere and simple.
  19. My grandfather never knew how to be cunning and did not advise me: “A hedgehog cannot become a fox for anything in the world.”
  20. As a child, with my grandfather, I was used to doing everything entirely, not stopping halfway, “flying, just flying,” and this helps me a lot.
  21. If it weren’t for the wisdom of my grandfather, I would have messed things up...
  22. Only my grandfather was always aware of my tricks, he never scolded me, he had his own stories for all occasions. So, when I was playing around fishing and when I was swimming, yelling, “drowning,” my grandfather told a story about a boy and wolves, when the boy constantly joked that the wolves were coming. And when they approached, no one believed him. My grandfather’s stories always had a deep philosophical meaning that helps me live and fight difficulties.

But some were unlucky with their grandfather, then you can safely put a status about a bad grandfather:

  1. I have a good memory, but I have nothing to tell - my grandson is too young for such stories.
  2. After talking with his grandfather, the son came home and said: “I know a very bad word, but my grandfather asked me not to tell you.” We still asked to say it once and forget it. “Perda,” the son answered loudly, a word his grandfather often said. It’s good that the son did not hear the correct pronunciation of his grandfather’s favorite word.
  3. With someone like our grandfather, the grandson doesn’t need bad company - he’ll teach him how to use a hairdryer and open bottles.
  4. Our son wrote an essay on the topic “My grandfather is my example in life,” after which we were called to school. The teacher read out part of the essay: “When my grandfather and I go fishing, he doesn’t miss a single bloke, he always shouts to them loudly so that they notice him. But I personally haven’t seen a single bl.., although I would like to.”
  5. We now love to use VKontakte or other networks, and my grandfather says that he used to love to use it too, but now there are no such networks - in the zone, in the monkey barn, in the settlement.
  6. To the grandson’s question: “Grandfather, what is good and what is bad?”, the grandfather did not answer and came out thoughtful, because he still did not understand that the main and best thing in his life was his grandson, and he was standing next to him.
  7. When a grandfather spends a long time with his grandchildren, he greets his parents with such joy and runs faster than his grandchildren, or even any record holder.
  8. When I was visiting my grandfather, for some reason he constantly scoured the room, not paying attention to me. I thought it was a game or a quest and also began to look for something with him. Grandmother came and shouted loudly at both of us: “There are already two of you - she hid it, you will never find it.” So they searched until evening: grandfather for the bottle, me for company.

I'm already a grandfather, but I wish my wife wasn't a grandmother

Today the trend of having children in early age makes their mothers and grandfathers young, then you can put the status of a young grandfather:

  1. I always congratulate my grandfather on Victory Day, although he is 48 years old, but how he flies in airplanes gives a head start to the entire Internet space.
  2. Thanks to my grandfather for winning the tank game - I completed the level instead of me!
  3. I always call my grandfather when my parents are pressing me - only my grandfather can sort everything out, he is my driver.
  4. Grandfather puzzled the whole family with his adventures to the left; he is a widower and 43 years old.
  5. My grandfather says he "had wooden Toys“, so he prefers to fly on a plane on the computer, he didn’t play enough when he was a child, rather than read a book to me. I understand him - I’m like that myself.
  6. My grandfather loves his age - 56 years old and says: “I already want to rest, but the state doesn’t allow it. But I have the strength to work, and women still love me.”
  7. When my grandson started saying “grandfather” to me, only then did it dawn on me, am I old already?
It doesn’t bother me that I’m already a grandfather, the only bad thing is that I’m married to my grandmother.

Children can be good or bad, but grandchildren are always amazing.

If grandparents and grandchildren find it so easily mutual language, then it's because they have common enemies.

My dear grandfather,
We are all proud of you!
And I'll tell you a secret:
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will always try
Look up to you in everything!
Always smart, always calm,
In your family you are just a treasure.
Such a grandfather and father
Probably everyone is happy to have it.

Grandfather, why are you still in demand among young girls? “I don’t know,” answered the grandfather and licked his thick gray eyebrows...

My parents came to visit. My granddaughter (my daughter) asks her grandmother: “Granny, do you play any instrument?” Grandmother: - Only on my nerves. - Grandfather, what about you? Grandfather: - And I am the instrument!

The mother says to her son: “If you smoke, you won’t live to see old age!” And grandfather smokes, he’s already 70! “ But if he didn’t smoke, he’d be already 80..

Grandfather, our beloved, dear!
Your years are only halfway through.
For us you will always be young,
We also wish to live two halves!

My birth control pills are the same color as my grandfather's pills. I’m on my 7th month and my grandfather is telling me how great these pills help him after they changed the packaging...

During the war, Dima Bilan's grandfather distracted the Nazis by jumping in front of them in a white T-shirt

My grandfather once told me that only good people look at the starry sky and get cold... but stand and peer into the beauty of the stars.

Grandfather doesn’t want to be called grandfather,
The soul does not agree, it hurries back.
He would like to kiss a girl -
But the girls just keep looking past.

Times are changing, grandpa. - Times - perhaps. But not people.

Today I’m on the bus, and a grandfather of about 65 is sitting next to me and listening to a CD player, and I had 2 thoughts: 1. what is he listening to interestingly, and 2. how did he figure it out?

Grandson, come on, quickly, wash my socks! - Grandfather, is sclerosis tormenting you again? It's been 50 years since you were discharged...

With our grandfather you won't have to
Don't be lazy, don't be sad!
It's never a question
Can get along and be friends!
Stay in mortal life
An island of warmth!
The best grandfather of the Universe
And an example of kindness!

My grandfather (he was a philosopher) told me before his death: -Remember - life ALWAYS goes on for you in the best possible way!.. And you know, no matter how much I check, I’m always convinced that grandpa was right!!!

Yesterday on the bus I watched how an elderly grandfather sat down with his grandmother, probably to get to know each other. He flooded her with compliments, she smiled... Not every young man is capable of this. Alas.

Grandfather! And you are well preserved! What's your secret? - The thing is, grandson, that I saved at the beginning of each level.

Today I became a grandfather.
This is the thing, guys.
I want to raise a glass of wine,
With great joy for my grandson!

And my grandfather went on vacation to Germany and, out of habit, took Berlin.

Although our grandfather is gray-haired, he is young at heart! He has a lot of love and affection, he knows poems and fairy tales.

Our wonderful grandfather, live another hundred years!

Today you became my grandfather
and you will have to realize
which is exactly from the same date
I'll have to sleep with GRANDMOTHER...

Grandfather leads his granddaughter by the hand. Grandfather protects his granddaughter: “Be careful, my dear!”

Grandfather, you are the most wonderful, kind, handsome and attentive! I'm very interested in you! Everything you say is useful to know!

My dear grandfather, we are all proud of you! And I’ll tell you a secret: there is no better grandfather in the world!

I already knew all the science:
my grandfather is strong and rude.
And how he took the sponge in his hand -
became instantly a MURDERER.

If things get tough, a friend will save you from various troubles. I am very similar to my friend, because he is my grandfather.

Happy birthday, grandpa, happy birthday, dear! Life has flown by like a bullet, and now it’s your day off. Your life was not sweet, and the roads were not easy, the days of success were short, the partings were bitter.

Our grandfather is very busy: he walks around the house, forgetting about peace. He helps his grandmother all day; he is not at all lazy to do this.

My grandfather didn’t easily get into a fight,
He had a different doctrine:
Since childhood he loved ballerinas, poetesses,
And also some Nina...

My beloved grandfather, you are my idol in life! I’ll be just as smart, I’ll read tons of books!

I’ll tell you, grandfather, a few words, I want you to always be alive and healthy!

I remember my grandmother's songs...
And there’s a lump in my throat,
Grandfather's cough: hoarse, sharp
Mixed with tobacco.

My grandfather comes up to the mirror and says: - Christmas trees, sticks... I'm old.. I'm very old.. damn, I'm superstar!!

My grandfather got into my contact page and almost had a heart attack when he learned that I was already married and had 5 children.

My beloved Grandfather, you are the only man I love! It’s been 3 years since you died, but you still live in my soul and in my heart, I love you very, very much!

I remember my grandfather's tales,
Leather belt from the war...
Again on the butt with a rusty buckle,
And she wagged like a seal...

Every grandmother is convinced that her grandchildren are absolutely wonderful, although they were brought up completely incorrectly.
Grandmother's paradox

You shouldn't have children, but you definitely should have grandchildren.
Gore Vidal

It doesn’t bother me that I’m already a grandfather, the only bad thing is that I’m married to my grandmother.
Groucho Marx

If I had known before how wonderful it was to have grandchildren, I would have started right away with them.
Lowis Wise

Children can be good or bad, but grandchildren are always amazing.
Ludwik Hirschfeld

Grandfather: A man who takes a photograph of his grandson out of his pocket faster than a cowboy can draw his revolver.
Unknown American

Does your grandmother also feed you as if you were eating for the last time in your life?

Grandma is my warmest childhood memory.

Grandma is the kindest person on the planet. All kindness and warmth cannot be conveyed without sincere words and a smile.

Grandma is the only person for whom you will always be thin.

Grandma - that sounds proud!

Grandmother is the only person to whom you can endlessly complain about your parents.

Grandma is a mother given a second chance.

Grandma is not an age, it is a state of mind.

Grandmother is the same maternal love, only squared.

Grandmothers occupy a special place in the life of every person. They know how to come up with fun games and entertainment, they say good fairy tales, give wise advice and bake the most delicious pies and pancakes. It’s never boring with grandmothers, and no matter what happens, grandmothers will always console and support. They can fly and sometimes fall from the sky, they are not averse to mischief and fooling around with their grandchildren, and, of course, they will feed everyone, warm them, take care of them and feel sorry for them!

Grandchildren should grow up next to their grandparents! The benefit is mutual. There is something incredible about the connection between grandparents and grandchildren, and it goes much deeper than simple kinship.

Grandchildren are unloved children... that's why they are allowed so much.

They say whoever didn't have a grandmother didn't have a childhood.

They say that the best nanny is a grandmother. AND best mom- this is also a grandmother.

Children are little "terrorists". And grandmothers protect them!

For me, the only authority is my beloved grandfather.

If motherhood is a necessity, then the status of a grandmother is a luxury.

If dad and mom don’t allow you to do something, just turn to grandma. Yes, and complain about them. For you they are adult parents, and for her they are small children.

If there is a person for whom there is no one more beautiful, better and smarter than you, then he is called a grandmother.

If a woman has a man whom she loves more than her life, this is her son. But if a woman has a man whom she loves more than her own son, this is her grandson!

No one has ever managed to leave grandma hungry.

If daughters always obeyed some mothers, they would probably never become grandmothers.

If mom said “No”, ask grandma...

Ideal grandmothers are those who are not afraid to become.

Every grandmother believes that the hungriest people are her grandchildren...

How quickly time flies. My beloved granny was once much younger and more beautiful than me. And now she can barely walk with a stick. Quite a few years will pass and I will also be walking.

Somehow suddenly I moved from the “girl” category to the “grandmother” category. Thanks kids, you made friends!

When children are born in our family, we are still young... When grandchildren are born, a second youth comes...

The only thing better than a child is your child’s child!

Small children are a small criminal gang. And grandmothers are their roof!

My grandson is the only man whom I will always love and whom I will always trust! No matter what and under any circumstances!

Young people, you say you don’t like it? So, after all, grandmothers are no longer the same... They don’t knit socks, they don’t bake pies - they surf the Internet!
My life consists only of pleasant moments - after all, my grandson lives with me.

Real love- this is not the love of Romeo and Juliet, who died on the same day. These are grandparents who have lived with each other all their lives and grown old together.

You can't help but be amazed at how young your grandmother looks after you become one.

Dad, why isn’t our grandmother thinking straight?
- Why do you think so?
- No matter how I come to her, she asks:
- Who came to us?

Order in the house is when the child is with the grandmother.

Why do children grow up spoiled?..... Because... there is no one to BANG... grandma!

The way to grandma's heart lies through conversations about the dacha...
Russian scientists have proven that the closer a grandmother’s house is located, the fatter and healthier her grandchildren look.

The coolest thing about becoming a grandmother is having another child, but not going to the hospital!

The most precious gift for a grandmother is the love and care of her grandson.

Only people like grandmothers have free time for children!

It is worth living to a ripe old age to become as kind, understanding and forgiving as my dear grandmother.

Only with the advent of grandchildren do we have a chance to return to the world of magic - re-read fairy tales, watch children's films and see the world through the eyes of a child!

Excessive kindness and care has only one name - GRANDMOTHER!

The closer the grandmother lives, the fatter the grandchildren.

Statuses about a grandfather who is no longer alive are, first of all, memories... Memories of that person who was really close to you.

Can't hide the tears in my eyes

  1. It seems to me that I can come when it’s difficult for me as before. But now I can't anymore.
  2. You have accomplished so much in your difficult life. I'm proud to be your granddaughter.
  3. Everyone leaves, no one stays. But I didn’t want to give you away so early...
  4. My grandfather was the last thing that reminded me of my childhood. Grandpa is the one I loved the most.
  5. For me, you always remain alive, no matter what life says, and especially death.
  6. Time goes by without you, grandpa. But you are forever in my heart, just know that.
  7. Anything can be transferred. But your leaving... No, I don’t know how to bear it.
  8. I look at your photo and understand that my soul is shrinking. Even she doesn't believe you're gone.
  9. I hope that the Lord has prepared only the best for you there!
  10. I want to be in your arms at least once, so that you can say once again: “Everything will be fine, granddaughter.”

Your loving smile. She is more expensive than everyone else...

All we can remember now is to remember, and often regret, that we did not say something earlier. If you suffer from ruthlessness, set statuses about your grandfather, who is no longer alive.

  1. For me he was not only a grandfather, but also true friend. That's why it hurts so much...
  2. The life in your heart has ceased. And in my soul at that moment everything broke off.
  3. My deepest desire is to have you back. Yes, some wishes don't come true.
  4. For me, you left too early, no matter what anyone says.
  5. Time will not heal this wound. I have come to terms with it. Please come to me, at least in dreams.
  6. I had to lose you. I knew that someday this would happen, but I still didn’t believe it.
  7. Hug your grandparents right now, or at least call them. But in any case, appreciate it.
  8. It's not the first anniversary that my grandfather is no longer with me. But I can’t believe it:`(.
  9. He was the kindest man in the world. Eh, grandfather... If only you knew how much I miss you.
  10. Thank you for being so wonderful. I'm sure no one has ever had such a grandfather.

The most valuable things are the most banal

Statuses about a grandfather who is no longer there - for those who suffer because they did not say something important in time. These phrases will help you make sure that, no matter what, you are not alone.

  1. If I could take it all back, I would spend more time with you. What a pity that nothing can be returned!
  2. All that remains are your photographs and Saturday morning, when I take an even number of flowers with me to the cemetery...
  3. So many people turned out to be less important to me than you. What a pity that I realized this so late.
  4. All my life you helped me in any way you could. I always knew that you are the best grandfather on earth.
  5. I like to come to his grave and just be silent. And, you know, this is better than nothing...
  6. I want to ask you for forgiveness. It’s just a pity that I can’t do it anymore :`(.
  7. Grandpa, I hope you can hear me. I really want you to forgive me for everything.
  8. I learned to live without you. But as soon as it rains, I can’t... It seems to me that the heavens are crying for you.
  9. It’s bad to quarrel all the time and not find a common language. It’s terrible to realize that this person is no longer there!

He was gone - like a blow to the head

Often grandfather is the person who gives us a lot of freedom and, at the same time, shares wisdom. Let's remember only the good things in the “grandfather is no more” status.

  1. My grandfather never gave up. But I can't do that. I miss him a lot.
  2. They say the departed see from heaven. Whether this is true or not, know: I love you very much.
  3. We no longer speak the same way we used to. How to accept that we will never talk like before?!
  4. Someone said that you need to humble yourself. But, it seems to me that this was said by someone who does not fully know what it means to lose.
  5. I still remember your eyes. Your weary hands. Your quiet laugh. And your kindness.
  6. Your heart was very kind. What a shame it stopped so early.
  7. It is unclear to me why your life ended so early. As if this is a punishment from heaven.
  8. It’s scary, but, in my opinion, it would be better if I died than the grandfather whom I loved so much...
  9. We will all have to leave. But I hope, grandpa, that I will see you again someday.

Forgive me if you can

Statuses about the death of a grandfather from his granddaughter are something that is very difficult to convey in words. This phrase will help lighten the stone on your soul a little.

  1. I didn't have enough time to just drop by and see you. But everything just had to be canceled...
  2. I know that you were waiting for me all the time. I loved coming to visit.
  3. You loved my grandmother, my parents, you loved me. It’s very difficult for all of us without your love, grandfather...
  4. Not everything was smooth between us. But now I understand that you are my dearest person.
  5. I just want a quiet evening in your village. To look at the stars together and drink herbal tea.
  6. I don't need anyone. If only my dear grandfather were alive now!
  7. Life stopped when death came into it. The death of a beloved grandfather...
  8. Saying goodbye to someone close to you is a real disaster.
  9. You are no longer in this world. I would like to cling to something in order to stay in it.
  10. No one has ever had a grandfather like you, and never will!

We are sincerely sorry for your grief!

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