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Name day of Ulyana, congratulations to Ulyana. Happy birthday greetings to Ulyana Happy birthday to Ulyana, 1 year old

Now we are really big :) the year has flown by quickly, well, very quickly :) thank you girls for the congratulations, I got so worked up that I only got to the computer today. And now our belated report, unfortunately without photos I can’t find a cord to upload a photo, but I promise to do it and show my Princess :)
At the beginning of the statistics :)
Height - 80 cm
Weight - 9800
We have - 6 teeth (3+3)
We don’t walk, we just hold hands, we chat: dad, av (dog), ay (hot), am-mam (eat), thief (read); sometimes we say mom, but rarely.
And now my belated story about childbirth :)
On July 19, my sister and I went to the ballet, during the performance there were contractions and I kept thinking that I would have time, if, before the RD or not, by the third act the contractions stopped and I calmed down :) At four o'clock I woke up because I wanted to go to the toilet after I didn’t fall asleep, I ran to the toilet quite often and still didn’t understand that it was the water that had started to leak (before this, I had been sneezing in the sense of water, I was getting to the RD), my lower back began to ache, or rather it didn’t ache, but I got very sick and began to count the frequency of the contractions because they started too. While I was rustling, trying not to wake up my husband, what if it didn’t;) he still woke up on his own while contractions were being detected with my husband, because... I had a really hard time with calculations at that moment, the first contraction lasted 7 minutes, the second 5, the third 3 and subsequent ones were already happening at intervals of 2-3 minutes. My husband ran to get the car. I got dressed and called the doctor. At 6.30 I got through to my Super Doctor, he said he was going to and leaves by 6.45 we were at the Central Hospital for Reception and Reception, we were the first while they were registering, two more arrived, my husband expressed a desire to be present at the birth, so while he was running around taking my things to the car, he said that three more women in labor had arrived :) as the nurse said, a bus with women in labor arrived :) at the beginning of the eighth I was already in the delivery room after all the procedures, the doctor on duty looked and said that the dilation was almost complete and we would give birth soon, I called my doctor, he said that he was already on his way and would be there in 20-30 minutes. I’m lying there, breathing like a steam locomotive, holding my husband’s hand, he’s telling me something, the doctor runs in, hurray, you can give birth, I didn’t want to give birth without him :) he looks, asks, is it paining? I say no, in a minute Yeah, it’s painful! And then they tell me that I need to get up and move to a chair, I say I can’t, because... The child is already walking, here it should be noted that the doctor simply moves my bed to the chair and he and my husband, under the guidance of the doctor, drag me onto the chair. Five minutes later I was in full combat readiness on the chair and within ten minutes Ulechka appeared, I had a feeling of relief and joy, but our dad burst into tears and said that he had experienced the strongest positive shock in his life!
We got a fairly calm and smiling girl who slept at night and woke up no more than once a night, ate at intervals of 2.5-3 hours, ate wonderfully and eats complementary foods, sent her mother on vacation four times (thanks to our grandmothers !), we were sick with acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and chickenpox (thanks to our older brothers :)) We went once to visit our grandparents in the Tver region (I can’t say that we behaved well on the road), now there is a trip to Montenegro ahead and I have already I'm afraid:)
Thank you to those who finished reading:) I want to write even more and there’s a lot I can’t express in words. I wish everyone healthy children, because we have the most beautiful, best children on Earth, whom it is impossible not to love! Let all adversity pass and be forgotten! Let there be more white and wide stripes, and let the black stripes be thin and thin! See you at the conference from a year...

Happy birthday greetings are often very, very difficult to make exactly the way the birthday person would like and with which you would be happy. But by following a few tips from psychologists and knowing just the name of the birthday boy, you can create cool congratulations and Choose the most worthwhile gift.

For example, when writing a happy birthday greeting to Ulyana, remember her positive, extraordinary and sensitive nature. Ulyana will be pleased with tender and beautiful congratulations - such that she would cry... Ulyana, of course, will hold back her emotions - so that her mascara does not run, that’s just the way she is, a girl with this name. But still, warm congratulations will leave a deep, pleasant mark in her heart.

What to give Ulyana on her birthday? A gift for Ulyana is an important thing. She is not the kind of birthday person to throw your gift away, even forgetting to look at it. She will definitely appreciate the gift, how it is presented, how much it costs, and so on.

You should not give Ulyana just money in an envelope - she will consider this a small insult in her direction. Ulyana will always be able to provide for herself, but an unexpected surprise gift will be doubly pleasant for her.

Compose your birthday greetings with the name Ulyana with taste, since she herself loves art and everything original. A cool gift would be something that can complete her evening outfit - jewelry, a handbag, a hat, and so on.

Ulyana loves to learn new things, and for her there is nothing better than going to the theater or cinema, an interesting museum, a cafe, bowling alley or disco. She loves to travel even more - so, if finances allow, you can give her a trip around the world or a trip to Europe.

May your years be young
They don't know sadness and tears,
Let, together with you, Ulyana,
A bouquet of amazing roses laughs.

You have a rare name, Ulyana,
And in life you are a rare person.
I want to be overwhelmed by love,
Mutual, winged, for the whole long century.

May people never deceive you
May your guardian angel keep you safe,
Let troubles and tears go somewhere,
And in life only joy and happiness reign!

We heartily congratulate Ulyana.
We can’t count our wishes for her.
Let your friends be faithful to you forever,
Their praise does not sound like flattery.

May your life be a bright clearing,
And fate is not in stones, but only in flowers,
And through the years may the heart not forget,
That life is love, and not a struggle at all!

Ulya, Ulyanka, Ulyashka!
The sunshine of our soul,
Our dear daughter,
Don't rush to grow up.

Hasty days of youth,
Don't drive away quickly.
Let them last longer
These are wonderful days.

We all congratulate you,
And we wish you
To be the sweetest, most beautiful,
The dearest on earth.

So that you succeed in everything,
There would be fewer barriers.
Happiness to be given into your hands,
Life moved forward, not backward.

Be always protected by God,
Let him always help.
So that it doesn't break you,
Difficulty, or even trouble.

Well, also dear,
We all want to wish
To be protected by heaven,
And never suffer.

Dear, Ulyanochka,
Dear girl.
Happy birthday,
Congratulations to you.

Let the dear one be pure,
Your path is creeping.
Always be loved
And be happy.

And let them come true
All your dreams.
Please us with a smile,
With my sweetness.

Always be beautiful
Well, don't worry.

Ulka is a beauty
Happy holiday to you.
Loved ones wish you happiness,
And friends.

Well, I wish
Always be yourself.
Stay, Ulka,
Just as mischievous.

Ulyana, Ulya, Ulechka,
Beautiful and smart!
In absolute admiration
Happy Birthday!

All the beautiful flowers -
They fade if you are nearby!
May God give you strength and faith
And be the first in all matters.

Take care of yourself, appreciate yourself.
Drive away sad thoughts!
Be cheerful and loved
For others necessary!

You got up early today
You are waiting for gifts and guests!
Birthday, Ulyana -
The most awaited day!

Let them cheer you up
Fragrant bouquets
And they will give inspiration,
Filling your soul in summer!

Well, we congratulate you,
Let us wish you earthly blessings.
We will give impressions,
May there be enough for a year!

Let there be more laughter
Thoughts – only positive ones!
Absolute success!
Colorful, active everyday life!

Ulyana! Here it comes
It's your birthday!
I want him to be happy
And bright, without a doubt!

May God bless you
For all good things.
Let success inspire you!
So that you live in harmony,

At the call of the heart and soul!
She knew how to listen and make friends,
And enjoy the little things.
So that there is no time to be bored!

Accept all these wishes
And be the happiest person in the world!

Find at least a couple of flaws
It's probably unrealistic in you!
You are always for me, Ulyana
You will seem perfect!

Your birthday is the best occasion
Confess my feelings to you.
I wish you to always be cheerful,
Drive away grievances along with sadness!

Shine like the edges of a diamond,
Achieve all the heights in life!
And maybe not in a year, but right away
You are lucky in what you put your mind to!

Ulyanais the Russian form of the Latin Julian, Juliania.

For Ulyana, justice is considered the main character trait. She is a strong and energetic girl, always and in any way she shows her openness to other people. This behavior reveals her character and testifies to her determination. In the depths of her soul, Ulyana is soft, sensual and very deeply vulnerable. Since childhood, Ulyana has shown herself to be a rather enthusiastic person. Loves art in absolutely every form.

At school she is not good at the exact sciences, but she can excel in the humanities. Ulyana treats kids younger than her well, never offends them, and devotes personal time to play. Such treatment of people close to her guarantees success and respect not only in the family, but also among strangers.

Ulyana is also called: Ulya, Juliana, Yuliana, Yulianna, Ulyanka, Ulyasha, Usya.

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Ulyana, on your birthday
I want to wish you
Always be so beautiful
And conquer with kindness.

Let it always be in your soul
A magical garden of roses is blooming!
Never know sorrows
Let your gaze be radiant!

I wish, Ulyana, that you stay
Always as beautiful, wonderful,
And so that in this life you always smile,
Let them not leave a trace!

It is important for a girl to be the most beautiful -
And we are talking about you, dear!
I wish, Ulyana, to be the happiest,
Let everything else wait!

I wish you happiness on your birthday,
Success and joy, vitality!
I wish you to be blooming, beautiful,
And may every day give you joy!

Be beautiful, Ulyana, always,
And also - smile more often,
Let it be fulfilled in the life of a place,
May she bring you happiness!

On your birthday I want to wish you,
So that the smile does not leave your face,
Do not be sad, do not know grief,
So that you adore life!

I wish you, Ulyana, always and in everything
To be the first and the best, to remain so!
And happiness to invite you to your home as soon as possible,
Never part with happiness!

Let there be a smile always on your lips -
After all, this is an undoubted guarantee of success!
Let joy burn in your eyes on your birthday,
Good luck will certainly come to you!

On your birthday I wish you
Be confident!
Let them wait, Ulyana
There are many joys in fate!

Ulyana, on your birthday
I want to tell you a secret:
When you believe with all your heart,
There are no barriers to happiness in life!

Build your own destiny
No dictation, no worries!
Don't forget that there is only one life
And may you be lucky in everything!

Joy is your smile
After the night, at the beginning of the day!
Please don't take it as a mistake
Congratulations from me.

On your birthday I wish you happiness,
May success come, Ulyana!
Remember - life is only in your power,
Everything will be fine with you!

I wish you true love,
Hot, mutual, intoxicating,
Without falsehood, anxiety and deception.
Always be happy, Ulyana.

Let your wishes come true,
Yours, exceeding expectations.
Today is your birthday,
A day of happiness, warmth, inspiration.

Happy Angel Day, Ulyana, congratulations,
Happy wonderful, good holiday.
I wish you good luck, happiness, joy,
Do not part with your Angel.

Let it protect you from the wind
And from anxiety an invisible wing.
Let him always help you in life,
And fills your life with goodness.

Cards for the name Ulyana

The meaning of the name Ulyana: “From the Julius family” (Latin).

Since childhood, Ulyana has been a very sincere and fair girl. She has many friends and is quite sociable. A creative girl, she is multi-talented and loves to sing, read and dance. She studies well at school, the curriculum is easy for her, she has a good memory and a rich imagination. She treats everything around her with refinement and delicacy; she does not know how to go ahead, let alone go over her head. Thanks to her hard work, Ulyana achieves great success in her work. She chooses a creative profession in which she can realize herself.

Ulyana knows how to flirt with the male sex, knows how to attract attention. She chooses a gentle and sophisticated man as her husband. Her marriage with such a person is going well, there are practically no conflicts in it. She is always kind to her husband, appreciates his sense of humor, she is always responsive to him. She prefers to raise her children on her own, without the interference of strangers and even her own husband. Ulyana's children are always balanced and obedient.

Other forms of the name Ulyana: Ulya, Juliana, Juliana, Yulianna, Ulyanka, Ulyasha, Usya.

Name days: January 3, January 15, March 17, April 2, June 15, July 5, July 19, August 30, August 31, October 11, November 14, December 17

Happy holiday to you, Ulyana!
You are beautiful and bright.
I wish you not to be sad
Never in this life.

May success, luck, happiness
Waiting on the path of life,
May your health not fail you
You will achieve a lot.

Our dear Ulyana,
Can't find a flaw in you!
You attract with beauty
You surprise with your kindness.
We know your cheerful disposition
We love subtle humor.
You are sociable, open,
Surrounded by friendship.
We want to wish in life
Always be happy!

Dear Ulyana, congratulations to you. I want to wish you a wonderful mood and great inspiration, bright colors of life and incredible joy of the soul, the very sincere love and the fulfillment of bright hopes, good luck and great happiness.

As for Ulechka, Ulyana
The drums started playing
The whole orchestra started playing
So the holiday has begun.
Here the violinist took away his bow -
We will listen to congratulations.
We wish Ulyashka
Become a princess, like in a fairy tale,
Win people's hearts
With the modesty of your soul,
And a fantastic smile -
The holiday turned out to be great!

Incomparable Ulyana,
Congratulations, dear,
Faith in the best and happiness
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

I want to live comfortably
And in harmony with yourself,
Always be happy with life
And capricious fate.

Amazing surprises
Cheerfulness and inspiration,
You always appreciate, Ulyasha,
Every moment in life.

Ulyanochka, my heartfelt congratulations,
Always shine brighter than a star
I wish you boundless happiness,
Let your dream come true.

Forget problems and adversity,
And let go of all the bad things
Let the sadness be carried away by the ships,
Always live in abundance!

My dear Ulyana,
You are like the sun in the sky.
I wish on this holiday -
Remember about miracles!

Let love come to you
On air sails,
May luck smile
And fear will completely disappear.

Ulechka, Ulyana,
It's your holiday.
I want from my heart
Always wish
Be beautiful, bright,
Like a poppy in the garden.
And magical love
I want to wish.
From afar
The prince will come to you
By car of happiness
It will take you to a fairy tale.

Ulyana, happy holiday!
Smile, don't worry.
And let them lead to marvelous successes
All the glorious turns of life,

Let everything happen according to plan,
May you find great success
And may luck not go away,
Leads to happiness without interference!

You are beautiful, without a flaw,
There's no arguing here.
Our dear Ulyana,
He holds everything in his hands.

You are smart and graceful
Drives the eyes crazy.
You are a great sorceress
You know all this yourself.

I wish to stay
Sweet, sassy, ​​strong-willed.
To make machos lose their minds
From dating you.

Ulyana, dear, congratulations
I want you today
We are grateful to your fate,
That she gave us you.

You are the kindest, the best,
Dear, beloved person,
The second one in this world
We will never find it anywhere.

I wish you happiness in life
Love, hope and goodness,
So that the world revolves around you,
It was full of light and warmth.

Congratulations: 45 in verse, 6 in prose.

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