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Newspaper manicure is a stylish image in any circumstances. How to do a newspaper manicure How to paint your nails newspaper manicure

For lovers of non-standard solutions in nail design, masters offer newspaper manicures.

  • This option will refresh casual look. Business women it won't fit. More often it is chosen by lovers of the grunge style. Looks great on long and short nails.

    You can also do trendy nail art yourself. It will suit a variety of things, as the color scheme has a wide range. The advantage of this method is its accessibility.

    What you need to prepare

    Before performing a newspaper manicure, you should get your nails in order.

    First, make a softening bath. Cut the cuticle. The edges of the nail plates are filed and degreased using nail polish remover.

    The following tools are prepared for work:

    Step-by-step execution

    Making a newspaper manicure at home is quite easy.

    First, cut out pieces of newspaper (slightly larger than nails - approximately 2x3 cm) so that the print completely covers the plate.

    For a classic design, choose a white or colorless base. It is better to make your nails rectangular in shape. It would be good if the text was in another language, but the Russian edition would also be suitable.

    Manicure with gel polish

    Instructions for drawing:

    1. Pour alcohol. You can take another substance containing it.
    2. Apply base. Wait until it dries. Experts often advise doing this 6-8 hours before the procedure. Then the design will be of the highest quality.
    3. Using tweezers, dip a piece of newspaper into alcohol for 10 seconds.
    4. Remove and press onto the nail plate. Hold this way for 30 seconds.
    5. Remove the fragment and let the print dry.
    6. Apply transparent gel polish.
    7. Dry using an ultraviolet or LED lamp.

    Manicure with regular polish

    A manicure with a newspaper print can be done using regular polish.

    1. Take newspaper rectangles.
    2. Pour alcohol.
    3. Cover the nail plates with varnish. Let dry.
    4. Moisten each clipping in the same way and transfer the text onto the nails in the same way.
    5. Wait until the image dries.
    6. Apply fixative and dry.

    Manicure without using alcohol

    You can also do a newspaper manicure without alcohol, but this method is more labor-intensive and requires
    accuracy. To bring it to life, you need to perform the following manipulations:

    1. Cut out rectangles from newspaper.
    2. Pour water into the vessel.
    3. Apply varnish. Don't wait for it to dry. The substance should stick a little.
    4. Soak the shreds in water.
    5. Press them onto your nails. You need to act carefully so that the paper does not move. This will ensure the clarity of the drawing.
    6. Wait until the clippings are completely dry and remove them.
    7. Cover with fixative.

    Runtime errors

    A manicure with newspaper does not always turn out perfect. It is worth making sure that the paper does not tear when applied to the nail plate, otherwise the letters will be blurry. If this happens, a cotton pad is moistened with alcohol and the unsuccessful image is removed.

    When applying a print using water, it happens that the varnish slightly stretches behind the newspaper when it is torn off. Because of this, the surface is uneven.

    There is a product for newspaper manicure – solution transfer. It is specially designed for this type of nail design, making the work even more beautiful.

    Rules for its use:

    A freshly printed newspaper is better suited for printing.

    Instead of alcohol, cologne, vodka or nail polish remover are often used.

    The holding time for cuttings depends on their quality. Sometimes it reaches 40 s. You can correctly determine the duration of the procedure after gaining experience.

    Sometimes it is not the newspaper that is immersed in alcohol, but the nails. Leave for 5 seconds and apply dry paper.

    Newspaper nail designs include many stylish and interesting solutions. Among the most popular are the following:

    1. French - the print is applied only to part of the nail.
    2. Different font directions - suitable for beginners, because they do not need to ensure the clarity of the placement of the fragment.
    3. Negative – white text on a black base. For this design you will need to find a copy printed on a dark background.
    4. Color transitions - the base is made of several shades, between which there is no clear line. Colors can be contrasting or approximately the same.
    5. Apply manicure - scraps of newspaper are covered with transparent varnish. This design will last longer.
    6. One letter - each nail plate can have a different letter. Sometimes words are made from them.

    The drawing of the burnt newspaper looks original. To do this, first apply a light varnish. Allow to dry. Then a piece of paper is dipped into alcohol. Remove and press onto the nail. Hold for 30 seconds. After the print has dried, apply a clear varnish. Next, using a manicure sponge, individual areas of the nail plates are coated with varnish. Brown. A cotton swab is soaked in nail polish remover and used to imitate burnt patches. A fixative is applied on top.

    Another option to get a non-standard design is to use a map of some area, a sheet of music, a dollar bill, or magazine illustrations instead of text. Glitter is often added to varnishes.

    10 photos of manicure ideas

    Women's creative fantasies know no bounds - feathers, rhinestones, stickers found their place of honor on nails and served as manicure decorations. But time passes, everything becomes outdated and girls have to constantly look for new, original and previously untried methods of creating stylish manicure to stand out from the crowd and surprise others. This is how newspaper print appeared - a new fashion direction, the creator, who became an ordinary girl, and not a popular personality, as is usually the case.

    The author of the original technique was a cosmetologist, about whom an article was written in one of the French newspapers. But either the publication’s ratings were low, or the heroine was not popular, and no one showed interest in the text and the seats in the salon were still empty. And then she decided to do manicures for her clients through this newspaper, namely an article dedicated to her.

    The original idea instantly gained popularity, rewarding the author with fame and recognition. Soon the Frenchwoman became in demand, and there was no end to clients. What was it that got the girls so interested?

    Features of newspaper manicure at home

    Decorating nails with newspaper is an easy option even for inexperienced girls. Features of newspaper manicure:

    1. Many manicure techniques require creative skills, certain skills, money, and newspaper method easy to implement and requires virtually no investment. To achieve a satisfactory result, you must follow the instructions for performing such a manicure.
    2. Newspaper manicure is universal. With such nails you will look appropriate and stylish both at work and at a party, although it will take very little time to create a printed print.
    3. Each time a unique pattern is obtained, unlike the previous pattern, because different pieces of newspaper are used.
    4. For such a manicure, the length of the nails does not matter; it will look equally good on both short and long nails.

    What do you need to create a newspaper masterpiece with your own hands?

    To perform a newspaper manicure, you need to prepare some materials.

    1. A napkin or paper towel to protect the work surface from varnish and a drop of alcohol-containing liquid.
    2. Base coat to create a base and level the nail plate.
    3. Basic varnish. It is better to choose varnishes in light shades - white, pink, beige, gray. On a dark surface, the print will be poorly visible and will not give the desired effect.
    4. Top coat to consolidate the result.
    5. Newspaper and large scissors. It is necessary to cut out pieces larger than the nail plate so that they completely cover the surface of the nail.
    6. Pour alcohol, cologne or vodka into a shot glass (about 50 ml) or other small container that can easily accommodate a newspaper clipping.
    7. Tweezers for dipping “stencils” into liquid and applying them to the nails.

    Technique for performing manicure using newspaper at home

    Before creating a newspaper manicure, you need to prepare your nails - make a softening bath, remove or push back the cuticle and give them an even shape. Only after this can you start decorating.

    Step oneCover the nail plate with a base coat and let it dry. Can be additionally coated with holographic varnish to add shine to the nail surface
    Step twoApply one or two coats of base varnish to create a dense coating without bald spots. White varnish goes perfectly with newspaper print. Leave for at least 1 hour until completely dry.
    Step threeUsing tweezers, dip a piece of newspaper into a container of alcohol for 12–15 seconds, then carefully apply it to the nail and press it with your finger. Let it sit until the tenderloin dries out a little. This step must be done very carefully to prevent the drawing from smearing. Under no circumstances do we move the “stencil” so that the letters do not become smeared. We repeat the same thing with each nail.
    Step fourUsing a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover, carefully remove the translated letters from the skin around the nail
    Step fiveWe fix the result with a top coat or any transparent varnish and let it dry.

    Video - Newspaper print on nails

    Experienced craftsmen claim that the main condition for a perfectly executed newspaper masterpiece is a well-dried surface onto which it is planned to “transfer” the newspaper. Therefore, it is recommended to let the base varnish dry thoroughly for several hours.

    It is preferable to use foreign newspapers; this manicure has already become a classic. But you can also use Russian-language copies, select specially interesting text, symbols or numbers. Some craftsmen adapt magazine clippings, dollar bills, portraits of celebrities, maps, transferring faces, continents, cities, rivers onto their nails.

    To make it more original, you can use torn pieces of newspaper or burnt along the edges. Many “stencils” of different shapes and sizes are cut out of newspaper and applied to the nails in a chaotic manner, achieving the effect of “dancing letters.”

    Newspaper manicure at home will not take much time and does not require special skills. With a minimum set of materials in a fairly short period of time you can create a masterpiece on your nails. Stylish, beautiful, and, most importantly, a unique pattern will not leave others indifferent.

    Newspaper print is a haven for imagination. Any size of letters, directions, texts, new inscriptions on each nail that do not stand out from the overall composition, and everything else, newspaper is the most accessible material.

    With such a manicure, both at a feast and in the world, everywhere it will be appropriate and will cause delight and admiration.

    A newspaper manicure, at first glance, seems something unattainable, but everything is much simpler. It will take very little time, and the result will be unusual.

    First, prepare all the necessary material.


    • Base and top coats.
    • Any newspaper, a regular one is better, not a colored one.
    • Isopropyl or other alcohol.

    How to do a newspaper manicure

    1. To get the effect of typographic printing at home, you need to cover your nails light color. Apply at least two layers. Choose a creamy, non-shimmery texture.
    2. Once the varnish has dried, prepare alcohol; regular vodka will also work. The strength is required within 40-70 degrees.
    3. Cut out several small pieces from newspaper. Dip your nail in alcohol for 5 seconds, and then press the printed edition to the surface of the nail plate for half a minute.
    4. Don't hold it too long or the paper will stick to the varnish.
    5. After five minutes, carefully apply the fixing topcoat so as not to smudge the inscription.
    6. Wipe the letters imprinted on the skin with a damp cloth or liquid.

    Manicure using newspaper is ready. Sometimes alcohol can be replaced with water, but this depends on the base of the printing ink.

    Look step by step video instructions, as well as a photo gallery of the design with a newspaper:

    There is no limit to human imagination, especially when it comes to our appearance and attractiveness. For a long time now, women have stopped covering their nails with a layer of the first varnish they come across, giving preference to original and unusual patterns, for the application of which a wide variety of products and accessories are used. One such nail art was a manicure using newspaper, which can be done at home, spending very little of your precious time on it.

    Newspaper Nail Art Basics

    The idea of ​​such nail art appeared to humanity relatively recently. And it came to the bright mind of a young French woman, who was written about in a local publication. But only a few people read it, and, after all, they wanted fame. Then she decided to place this small article on the nails of her clients, that is, to do the same manicure using a newspaper.

    • The main advantage of the design is the ability to make a different pattern on each nail while preserving semantic load the entire composition.
    • In addition, you are armed with one of the cheapest materials, presented in a huge assortment.
    • Here you can independently experiment with letter sizes and fonts used in printed publications.
    • The time spent on creating the design will be minimal, and the finished manicure will exceed all expectations.

    You just need to find out in advance how to do a newspaper manicure and decide which technique you will use.

    Design techniques

    A manicure at home using a magazine or newspaper can be done with two different ways. In both cases, the result is practically the same, and the choice of the appropriate technique depends on your wishes and the availability of alcohol on hand.

    So, to do a newspaper manicure at home without alcohol you will need:

    • clear nail polish
    • printed edition with selected text
    • nail polish remover with acetone

    Before you start working on the drawing, get your nails in order: do a hygienic manicure at home, trim them with scissors and a nail file. Note that manicure using newspaper is universal and can be applied to nails of any length. As soon as the preparatory work is completed, you can start making your unusual design at home - newspaper manicure:

    To do a manicure with newspaper using the second method, prepare:

    • white varnish (can be replaced with any other light shade)
    • newspapers with the required text or any other printed publication
    • a fixative (transparent coating) with which the design will be held on the nail
    • alcohol or any other alcohol-containing liquid

    As in the previous case, a manicure with newspaper must be done on a previously prepared nail. So the first thing we do is a hygienic manicure.

    Most ladies very often ask themselves the question: how to perform a newspaper manicure at home? After all, it looks very stylish, and also original. Initially, it seems that it is almost impossible to perform such a manicure at home, but this is far from the case, because all that is required to perform it is a little patience and accuracy. How to perform a newspaper manicure at home?

    Basics of the procedure

    A similar manicure appeared quite recently. And the idea of ​​​​creating such a manicure was conceived in France, it was there that a French woman was the first to do such a manicure. They also wrote about her in a local publication. However, many did not read this article, and she really wanted fame. And then she decided to transfer this article to the nails of her clients. Features of the procedure:

    • Make a different pattern on each nail;
    • One of the features of this manicure is that it uses very cheap material;
    • You can choose the text yourself, as well as the font of the selected letters;
    • A manicure is completed in a few minutes, and the result will exceed all expectations.

    In order to perform a newspaper manicure, you can use one of the techniques.

    This will be required

    The technique of performing the procedure at home is more reminiscent of children's translations. In order to apply such a manicure you will need:

    • Base (transparent and also light);
    • Newspaper (small pieces);
    • Top coating;
    • A liquid designed to remove varnish.

    To degrease marigolds you need to use special liquid. You should use a regular newspaper, which is published on regular paper, such as a daily newspaper. The thing is that gloss is much more difficult to use. As for colors, there are no restrictions. To perform a manicure, you should use various pieces of newspaper.


    First of all, your nails should be prepared for a newspaper manicure. To prepare your nails you need to use:

    • Files;
    • Wire cutters;
    • Stick (orange);
    • Cuticle oil;
    • Base;
    • Fixative.

    Execution process:

    1. Adjust the shape of the nail;
    2. File down rough edges;
    3. Give your hands a bath. For a bath it is better to use chamomile decoction;
    4. Remove the cuticle using tweezers and a stick;
    5. Lubricate the cuticle with oil:
    6. Apply base coat to the nail plate.


    After the hands are prepared, you can proceed to the main stages of manicure. Procedure execution process:

    1. If you want to apply a holographic coating, it must be applied over the base coating. The decorative coating should dry out a little. The effect of such a manicure will be noticeable, because... they will shimmer with a glossy shine;
    2. Using tweezers, take one piece of newspaper and place it in an alcohol container for 10 seconds;
    3. Place a piece of newspaper on the nail plate. Using the finger of your other hand, press the newspaper firmly onto the nail plate. Try not to let the newspaper move during the process, otherwise the drawing will turn out smeared and unclear;
    4. After waiting a few seconds, it must be removed using tweezers. Repeat the same movements with other nails;
    5. In order to consolidate the result, a top coat should be applied to the nails. The varnish must dry completely.

    There is also a second way to create a newspaper manicure at home.

    1. Prepare newspaper clippings (it is better to choose the text in a foreign language). For a manicure you will need 10 equal squares. However, the squares should be slightly larger than the size of the nail plate;
    2. Cover the marigolds with a base coat and place a drop of acetone on a piece of newspaper until completely dry;
    3. Place a piece of newspaper on the nail and apply pressure. The newspaper does not need to be moved;
    4. After a few seconds, carefully remove the newspaper sheet;
    5. Apply fixative to nails;
    6. This procedure should be repeated with other nails.

    Variety of colors

    To go out in public, you need to add some zest to your manicure. This manicure can be done with either clear varnish or a colored finish. To do this you need to use newspaper squares. Depending on the color palette, the text can be colorful or black. The technique for performing such a manicure is no different from the usual process.

    In order to give the procedure some originality, you can use varnish coatings different colors. For example, a French manicure can be decorated with a newspaper manicure. Pieces of newspaper are applied over the varnish. If for you at all nail plates, such a manicure looks too colorful, then on one such design will look simply great.

    After the newspaper manicure is ready, you can go to the event, surprising all the guests. Probably every lady will also want the same manicure, so don’t be surprised if your friends ask you about the technique.

    Newspaper manicure: video tutorial

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