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Svetlana Levashova revelation volume 2 read online. "revelation" p. Levashova - book. How terrible the truth is, if even after the death of these wonderful people they are trying to make their works inaccessible

Svetlana de Rogan-Levashova


Part 1. Childhood. Volume 1. Awakening

Why did I decide to write this book? Of course, not because I consider myself someone special or extraordinary. I just managed to live a bright, not entirely ordinary life, and if this book helps at least someone not to feel alone in our amazing, but very cruel world, which means it was not written in vain.

We are too accustomed to making our lives easier with the words: “this cannot be, because this can never happen...”, easily discarding everything that does not fit into our “generally recognized, generally established” framework. We are too accustomed to believe that all people are kind, and that on TV they show “only the truth,” which turns out to be very convenient to live with. Well, everything that brings (or can only bring) us inconvenience or does not fit into this “orderly”, but already too problematic world of ours, is expelled by us from it without the slightest regret...

This book is about just such a life, not quite “correct” in general terms... This is the story of a “little hermit” lost in the incomprehensible and sometimes very “spiky” world of people. Having gone through a long and very “thorny” path, and finally having found its true essence, an understanding of life and the miracles that have surrounded it for so long...

I am grateful to my grandfather for those bright and unforgettable memories with which he filled my children's world, and those extraordinary miracles that, unfortunately, very soon became the “scourge” of my childhood existence.

I am grateful to my father, without whose support I would never have been able to go through my life with my head held high, without breaking down and never losing faith in myself. Without whose love and faith, my life could never have been what it is now.

I am grateful to my mother for her wonderful kindness and faith in me, for her help and determination in preserving my “extraordinary” abilities.

I am grateful to my wonderful son Robert, for the opportunity to feel like a proud mother, for his open heart and for his talent, and also for the fact that he simply exists on this earth.

And with all my heart I am grateful to my amazing husband - Nikolai Levashov - who helped me find myself in my “lost” world, who gave me an understanding of everything that I painfully tried to find answers to for many years, and who opened the door for me to the incredible and unique world of the big Space. Him, my best friend, without whom I could not imagine my existence today, I dedicate this book.

3. The first “swallows”

5. Reality

6. First contact

8. Farewell

9. Awakening

11. Neighbors

12. Gingerbread

13. The fire that didn’t warm

14. Loneliness

15. Fasting

16. Contact-2

17. Result

18. Pain relief

19. Neighbor

20. Unusual rescue

21. Unexpected guests

22. Poltergeist

23. Accident

25. Stella

26. Stella-2. Harold

27. Stella-3. Axel

28. Stella-4. Astral

29. Stella-5. Light. Hell. Isolde

30. Stella-6. Mental

31. Veya – Other worlds

32. Parents

33. Surprise

34. Sadness

35. Isidora

36. Isidora-2. Rome

37. Isidora-3. Meteora

38. Isidora-4. Loss

39. Isidora-5. Darkness

40. Isidora-6. Svetodar

41. Isidora-7. Cathars

42. Isidora-8. Key of the Gods

43. Isidora-9. Losing Anna. Woman Warrior

44. Isidora-10. Vidomir. Sleeping Kings


Explanation one

As we grow, mature, and age, our lives are filled with many dear (and some completely unnecessary) memories. All this overloads our already slightly tired memory, leaving in it only “fragments” of events that happened long ago and the faces of some people we met a long time ago.

The present is little by little displacing the past, cluttering our already heavily “overworked” brain with important events of today, and our wonderful childhood, together with our youth so dear to us all, “clouded” by the flow of “important today”, gradually fade into the background...

And no matter how bright our lives are, and no matter how brilliant our memories are, none of us will be able to reconstruct with complete accuracy the events that took place forty (or more) years ago.

Sometimes, for reasons unknown to us, some person or fact leaves an indelible impression in our memory and is literally “imprinted” in it forever, and sometimes even something very important simply disappears in the “ever-flowing” stream of time, and only a casual conversation with some old acquaintance suddenly “snatches” from the recesses of our memory some extremely important event and indescribably surprises us with the fact that we could somehow forget this!..

Before I decided to write this book, I tried to reconstruct in my memory some important events that I considered interesting enough to tell about them, but, to my great regret, even with an excellent memory, I realized that I did not I will be able to fairly accurately restore many details and especially dialogues that took place so long ago.

Therefore, I decided to use the most reliable and well-tested method - time travel - to restore any events and their details with absolute accuracy, reliving exactly the day (or days) when the event I had chosen should have occurred. This was the only sure way for me to achieve the desired result, since in the usual “normal” way it is indeed absolutely impossible to reproduce long-past events with such accuracy.

I understood perfectly well that such detailed accuracy down to the smallest detail of the dialogues, characters and events that took place long ago that I reproduced could cause bewilderment, and maybe even some wariness of my respected readers (and give my “ill-wishers”, if such suddenly appear, the opportunity to name everything this is just a “fantasy”), so I considered it my duty to try to somehow explain everything that is happening here.

And even if I didn’t quite succeed in this, then simply invite those who want to lift the “veil of time” with me for a moment and live together my strange and at times even a little “crazy”, but very unusual and colorful life...

1. Beginning

After so many years have passed, for all of us, childhood becomes more like a good and beautiful fairy tale heard long ago. I remember my mother’s warm hands, carefully covering me before bed, the long sunny summer days, not yet clouded by sorrows and much, much more - bright and cloudless, like our distant childhood itself... I was born in Lithuania, in the small and surprisingly green town of Alytus, far from the turbulent life famous people and "great powers". Only about 35,000 people lived in it at that time, most often in their own houses and cottages, surrounded by gardens and flower beds. The entire town was surrounded by an ancient forest many kilometers long, creating the impression of a huge green bowl in which the princely town quietly huddled peacefully, living its quiet life.

There are so many lies and deceit in this not yet perfect world. For centuries, the history of our beautiful Earth was rewritten to whom and how convenient. But I know for sure that soon, very soon people will wake up from a long sleep, their consciousness will awaken. Our Mother Earth will rise up and throw off all the dark and filthy evil spirits. And the Rus will rise, strong in spirit, for the glory of their Motherland, for the glory of the Russian Land.

And no matter how they lieGreat MagiRussian Land - Great Tartary, Truth will triumph!

The book "Revelation" was completed and published when Svetlana was no longer alive, by her husband, academician and great scientist Nikolai Levashov, who was killed just like Svetlana Levashova, for publishing true facts of history andhistory of the development of our country - Great Tartaria,heritage of the Russians. Many of N. Levashov’s works are known, but his websites are prohibited from visiting, and the book “Russia in Crooked Mirrors” is prohibited for sale in Russia. Links to an e-book are subject to criminal penalties, but you can read and store this book. But if you are a true Slav, you will find it and read it.Look rollers on my pages"Great Tartary - Empire of the Rus." This will help you.

How terrible the truth is, if even after the death of these wonderful people they are trying to make their works inaccessible.

The book of Revelation can be read atpersonal website of Levashov N.V. . , where you can still get acquainted with Svetlana’s book andwith some difficulty Nikola I.

De Rogan-Obolenskaya-Levashova, Svetlana

Svetlana means Bringer of Light. There are very rarely coincidences when a person’s purpose, his deeds and name coincide almost completely, as with Svetlana de Rogan-Levashova. Her whole life, from early childhood, was permeated with the desire for Light, for Knowledge, for spiritual development. To say that her fate is unusual is to say nothing. From the first years of her life she had to adapt
to realize that she is not like everyone else, that she can do many things that were incomprehensible and inaccessible to the people around her. While still very little, Svetlana had to study and master her capabilities herself, learn to control them and use them correctly. She early learned the bitterness of misunderstanding and mistrust, envy and cruelty, loneliness and hatred. The wonderful abilities that she possessed since childhood turned out to be misunderstood and unclaimed by the people around her; she had to survive on her own and live in this world - a very dangerous and treacherous world, especially for a lonely little girl...

Svetlana Levashova was vilely murdered at her home in France on November 13, 2010! Vile and cowardly non-humans struck at what was most dear to them! Precisely non-humans, for only cowardly and vile creatures destroy women and children when they cannot cope with men. The mind refuses to believe what happened, but the heart froze. It knows and aches from unbearable pain and melancholy...

Svetlana Levashova was killed

11/14/2010 - Svetlana Levashova was killed yesterday. The wife of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov, famous in Russia and the world.

On Saturday, Svetlana Levashova, the wife, loyal friend and ally of academician Nikolai Levashov, was vilely killed in France. It is very painful when nonentities manage to kill smart and kind people who serve as an ideal for everyone else...

Saturday November 13, 2010 became a black day for all of us, a terrible and tragic day. A day of sorrow and sorrow. The day when we were all orphaned. In the afternoon, when the enemies of the human race tore the brightest Man from our ranks. The best and most worthy of all living.

On this day the enemies are mean and cold-blooded killed Svetlana Levashova, beloved wife, true friend and staunch comrade-in-arms academician Nikolai Levashov. Vile and cowardly nonhumans struck the most precious thing! Exactly nonhumans, for only cowardly and vile creatures destroy women and children when they cannot cope with men.

The mind refuses to believe what happened, but the heart froze. It knows and aches from unbearable pain and melancholy. Grief came unexpectedly. Svetlana told us in her “Revelation” that haters of all life and light on Earth first of all destroy the best. And now she is no longer with us either. A man who, with love and compassion, brought us words of Truth, Wisdom and Understanding, so that we could see the light and also see the Light, and strive for it, and fight for it.

Goodbye Svetlana! A bright, brave and persistent man! You showed us the Path and helped us find the Truth. The memory of you will live in our hearts forever. We will try our best to be worthy of Your life and struggle...

Details of the order for the murder of Svetlana De Rogan Levashova

The murder of Svetlana De Rogan Levashova was ordered by the tenth president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, USA, Sandra Pianalto. PS Sources are not disclosed.

Here is an excerpt from the correspondence of two people about the impending assassination attempt on Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov, by people from the board of the US Federal Reserve System.


It will be discussed behind the scenes on October 22 - 23, including the physical elimination of the “element tamer” (apparently he got it). Warn N.L.

The customer is one of these:

W. Dudley; J. Bullard; E. Duke; S. Pianalto; E. Rosengren; D. Tarullo; K. Warsh

FOMC - Fed - servants of the Schiff, Leiba, Kuhn, Baruch families.

— Do you know that super-Orthodox Old Believers are the owners of a controlling stake in the Boeing company?

Well, you won’t be able to “overwhelm” N.L., so what? There are Nemtsov, Luzhkov, the prime minister will finally relax his vigilance and the grip of his arms.

After all, someone must be “punished” for the failure of the “heat” operation.

Otherwise, it’s a clear signal that the “right guys” have run out of “concept” and cartridges.

The boys are trampling cotton wool.

Dedicated to the memory of Svetlana

I can no longer say words of love to you,
Your heart no longer beats.
I'll never look into your eyes again,
And you won’t see your reflection.

Enemies blew up my heart from the inside
And blood no longer flows through the body.
And life drops from you
To strive for the bottomless cold.

You were my light
And this light warmed my soul.
And immediately it became empty without you
And the darkness was enveloped in a black blanket.

The enemies were unable to survive
That you fought with them as a warrior.
You dreamed of continuing to live so much,
I dreamed so much of seeing the light of victory.

You weren't looking for benefit for yourself
You gave your life drop by drop.
And the most important thing for you was,
May life continue to prosper.

You helped me a lot,
You brought a lot to people yourself.
She illuminated their path with spiritual light
And it saved the lives of many people.

The enemies' plans were thwarted this summer.
They wanted to destroy their homeland
And lay down millions of lives
And kill the Russian soul.

The world's evil spirits are afraid of the Russians,
He dreams of killing the Russian soul,
And slavery will reign in the world,
And rule, drinking blood.

It didn't work out for the enemies this time,
And you prevented them from doing this too.
The evil spirits have gone berserk once again
And she took out all her anger on you.

Can't reach me
They decided on you
Play it out to the fullest
So that you can then watch me with a smile.

To watch me suffer
And how, on the sly from everyone
I shed tears from my eyes
And I curse the black ones.

They will pay for your death!
And they will remember the day for a long time,
When we decided to do this...
I will leave only a shadow from them.

I will not abandon our business,
I'll gather all my strength again,
And don't care about black bullying
I will see it through to victory.

That victory has the name Light -
That victory has your name!
And you lit the dawn for everyone,
It went out on its own...

“My destiny led me to meet a woman,
who was my soul mate and my betrothed -
to my Svetlana, who became me
not only a wife, but also a colleague and friend"

Nikolay Levashov

Two years ago, on November 13, 2010, Svetlana was vilely killed. The pain of a sudden tragic loss then tore apart our established world and filled it with a feeling of dull despair. I remember the tears that rolled from my eyes without stopping in the last minutes of Svetlana’s stay on Earth, and the words that came out of my lips: “Farewell, beautiful Sedara!”

This one is fragile amazing woman lived a bright, not entirely ordinary, truly heroic life. Svetlana was a person of great Soul and great power of Spirit. It's been a long and very thorny path, but managed to find her true essence and understanding of life. She didn’t have time to implement so many great ideas, so many plans remained imperfect! Her only book, “Revelation,” which she dedicated to her husband and friend Nikolai Levashov, became an anthem of LIGHT, GOODNESS, LOVE and FIGHT for this. In it, Svetlana showed the true life of people who died for the sake of the TRUTH and in order to bring a brighter future closer to others. She taught us not to give up, not to betray ourselves, and throughout her life she proved that she had the right to stand next to those she wrote about in this book.

Nikolai and Svetlana Levashov. Their meeting on Midgard-Earth was not an accident. One day, having lost each other in the depths of Space, they were obliged to meet here in order to unite in an invisible war against Evil for us. When he voluntarily left to carry out an important mission without warning her, she followed, not knowing whether she could find him or whether she would survive. But she couldn’t imagine herself without him and knew that he needed her. Their earthly paths, sometimes taking incredible zigzags, crossed one day, against all odds.

It was not possible to remember and recognize each other right away, because, having incarnated in this world, they forgot who they were and who they really are. There was only a great need to search for knowledge, understand and comprehend everything unusual that was given to them. They met in the summer of 1991, never to be separated. This was the beginning of their joint confrontation with the forces of Evil.

Svetlana and Nikolay’s own qualities, abilities and potential, having united, made it possible to accelerate the process of discovering existing opportunities, and then the rapid development of new ones. Svetlana had pronounced inclinations of supersensible perception - from time to time she began to hear the thoughts of other people. It was incredibly difficult not to show others what was happening to her, and not lose her mind at the same time. Using his capabilities, Nikolai made the necessary evolutionary changes, after which Svetlana was able to control the reception of telepathic information at will. Her gift no longer dominated her, but began to blossom with great speed. This helped a lot in the further struggle - she became Nikolai’s “eyes and ears”. “I tuned it to the desired “wave”, set up protection and... processed incoming information, acted and transmitted my own.”. Her help helped implement ideas with minimal side effects. Svetlana’s excellent natural abilities, originality and dynamic personality allowed her to become an ally in Nikolai’s affairs - she supplied the necessary information, while he could focus only on solving emerging problems.

After several brain restructuring, Svetlana was able to “walk” in the Big Space, gradually restoring the knowledge and skills that she previously possessed. Very soon a real hunt was organized for her in order to get her qualities and capabilities. And on Earth, some forces did not like the fact that Nikolai and Svetlana were now together. Open harassment began at all levels, as well as attempts at physical elimination. They did everything possible and impossible to separate them, to prevent them from being together. It was not possible for Svetlana to renounce or refuse. Even though it was very difficult for her, she did not give up. “Yes, you could see tears in her eyes when she was betrayed by those whom she trusted, when they tried to deceive, outwit, but she always wiped away these tears of annoyance, and not tears of weakness, and fought her enemies like a WARRIOR...” .

She was in pain, she was scared, but to save other people she sacrificed herself. It was bitter that sometimes these rescued people responded to her with betrayal, wounding her in the very heart. But she believed in people, her soul was pure and open to them. Throughout her life, she resisted Evil and injustice, perceiving other people's misfortune as her own. She has repeatedly proven her courage through her deeds! We don’t know what trials she had to go through, because she herself did not think that she was doing anything heroic, she simply did what her conscience and heart told her.

Svetlana was an unusually gifted person - a professional singer, pop star, television journalist, world-famous designer, writer. She was the Creator! Everything she did and touched was truly talented, amazing with amazing taste and perfection. Few people know that two of her songs were included in the top ten best songs in Lithuania of the 20th century, she was also accepted into the so-called High Fashion Syndicate and nominated for the title of best designer of the 20th century. Her batik designs have received the highest ratings and awards at many international exhibitions.

Svetlana’s literary work, unfortunately, was limited only to the book “Revelation,” which amazes not only with its content, but also with the beautiful and melodic Russian language it was written in. She dreamed of writing the books “Daaria” and “Children of the Sun” - about the Cathars and the real Templars. What a pity that we won't be able to read them...

The enemies managed to separate them. In 2003, Svetlana was able to come to San Francisco for the last time to visit Nikolai and was forced to return to France without receiving a new permit to enter the United States. They met in 2006 at an airport in France, when Nikolai was returning to Russia. But Svetlana was not allowed into Russia either. Despite the separation from her beloved, the betrayal of friends, the blows of the dark ones, she courageously overcame all difficulties, giving Nikolai strength and confidence, illuminating their difficult path with her love.

In Nikolai Levashov’s book “Mirror of My Soul” we read: “And although they managed to separate us physically, this did not weaken our spiritual unity, but only became stronger and stronger. They counted on the fact that, according to their ideas, physical separation should also lead to a spiritual break, not understanding the simple truth - when there is kinship and unity of souls, no distances or trials are terrible for those who have this kinship. Servants of the Dark Forces and slaves of their physical bodies do not understand that there is something higher than physiology, and if a person has reached at least the phase of a human being - a person controls his instincts, then for such a person the concept of love rises to levels unattainable for the phase of a rational animal a level, a level of such emotions and such values ​​that those who have not reached the level of the actual person cannot even imagine and cannot imagine that such a thing is possible. And therefore, creating problems for us, separating us with circumstances created by them, they thought that in this way they would be able to achieve what they wanted - to destroy our union, but as a result of all their efforts, despite the difficulties that we were forced to overcome, our feelings are different. they didn’t become weaker towards each other, but, on the contrary, many times stronger.” .

She had a presentiment of her death and was afraid of only one thing: that her affairs would not be completed, that her loved one would not be nearby. We will never know what it was like for her to live alone, far from him, and we will not speculate for the reason that we are not given the opportunity to fully understand the full depth of their feelings, all the facets and dimensions of their essences. I can only say that Svetlana was a limitless source of LOVE. The incredible power of this source penetrates us with her image, with every line of her book, with every thought about her. It remains in us, making us cleaner, brighter, stronger, wiser. And he... He loved her, pitied her and protected her. Seven months after her death, Nikolai Levashov wrote his last poem:

Heart bleeding

Heart bleeding
Will never lie.
Cleansing the soul with pain,
Feelings will strengthen!

Because love knows no death,
Love has no boundaries!
And let the devils rage
And they envy love!

After all, love is a soul touch,
Shower touch, not body!
And the distance is not scary,
And she is not afraid of death either!

Death cannot destroy
A wonderful feeling of love.
Just an eternity of waiting
And hope lies ahead...

Waiting for that moment
When soul is with soul again.

Soar above this world
And they will go home.

And this minute may
Oh, what a long time to come!
That's why my heart gnaws,
Contrary to the meaning of life.

Duty and conscience oblige,
Try to do everything.
Before the moment comes,
And the soul will go to you.

After all, we can’t leave
The beautiful world is all in darkness.
Let us burn, but leave the light, Mirror of my soul, volume 1, p. 254

Condolences from friends, colleagues and just good people

Here are published some letters of condolences that came by mail to Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov...

The bullet is afraid of the brave...
The night of Kabbalah is still lasting. We are looking forward to the sunrise. “The bullet is afraid of the brave, The bayonet does not take the brave.”
Somewhere lightning sparkles... Time! Faster, forward! “The bullet is afraid of the brave, The bayonet does not take the brave.”
Who chose to hide, Someone awaits honor for Judas (but!): “The bullet is afraid of the brave, The bayonet does not take the brave.”
Brothers! The honor of fighting awaits us: We are not slaves or cattle! “The bullet is afraid of the brave, The bayonet does not take the brave.”
The spirit is waiting to rise with courage. Russians! We are the stronghold of Light! “The bullet is afraid of the brave, The bayonet does not take the brave.”
Impromptu, 11/14/2010. Best regards, Vladimir Doronin.

  • I read terrible news today on your website, Nikolai Viktorovich. My soul froze, my heart sank and tears came to my eyes. Please accept our condolences. Svetlana will remain in our memory as a bright person, a bright warrior, very beautiful woman. I don’t want to accept this loss with my heart... Don’t give up, dear Nikolai Viktorovich, find the strength in yourself to survive the physical loss of yourself loved one. We grieve with you, my wife and I. Valery and Irina Davniy, Chernivtsi.
  • I offer my deepest condolences. Thank you for what you do. Best regards, Roman Stekolnikov.
  • Dear Nikolai Viktorovich, please accept my most sincere condolences... Sincerely, Ilya Avilov.
  • I perceive it as a personal tragedy. I am ready to provide any possible support. Mikhail Egorov.
  • Dear Nikolai Viktorovich! Grief has come to your home! And grief came to our homes! We all mourn with you for a Person dear to you and who has become dear to us. Dear Svetlana. We know very well the reason for her death. And the fact that we now know the cause of her death, and we do not have even a shadow of a doubt about the correctness of our conclusions, is a great personal merit to her! She died like a Warrior! Like a Russian Warrior, having fulfilled his duty to the end! We are confident that those who planned and implemented all this will be rewarded in full and without pity! We are with you, dear Nikolai Viktorovich, in this sad hour for all of us! You can safely count on all of us now and in the upcoming fierce and uncompromising struggle for our Rus'! On behalf of the members of the “Russian Scientific and Technical Society” F.D. Shkrudnev, M.Yu. Egorov, A.I. Yuryev, A.A. Semin, A.A. V.S. Khurtselava A.A. Dudarev.
  • Dear Nikolai Viktorovich! My family and I mourn with you over the untimely and terrible death of your wife and comrade-in-arms in the fight against evil spirits, Svetlana Levashova, at the hands of monsters. I can’t even call these monsters non-humans. Nikolai Gasilin. Hello, Nikolai Viktorovich. We received the tragic news of Svetlana's death. WE MOURN... We believe in Victory over evil spirits. Pinchukov Evgeniy, Litvinova Ekaterina, Kolpakova Vera. Novosibirsk
  • Nikolai Viktorovich! Please accept our sincere condolences. We mourn together with all honest and thinking people. Svetlana entered our souls and hearts forever. Your supporters, the Makeev family.
  • Dear Nikolai Viktorovich. Our condolences. NO forgiveness to murderers! Polina and Valentin Dyomishev.
  • Dear Nikolai Viktorovich! I just read a message about the loss of Svetlana, your wife and comrade-in-arms. Tears, grief and pain, we can’t believe it! Our family expresses to you, Nikolai Viktorovich, our most sincere condolences! Svetlana always brought us light, kindness and love! We were always waiting for her new sequels to the book and new rare finds! Together with Svetlana, you constantly protect our World! For Light and Good! Eternal memory Svetlana! We will not forget you Svetlana! Yulia and Gazim Bizhanov. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Hello, dear Nikolai Viktorovich. Dmitry writes to you from Germany. I would like to convey to you our heartfelt condolences and share the tragedy with you. Know, Nikolai Viktorovich, we are with you and will follow you to the end. We're all hurting, and I think we all felt it yesterday, but this will make us stronger than ever. You awakened the man in me, and my Russian Spirit, for which I am sincerely grateful to you. Honor and Glory to Svetlana Levashova, she died in a great cause that we continue. Let the enemies run away, they pushed the snowball down the mountain. Sincerely, Dmitry Frizler.
  • Dear Nikolai Viktorovich! Please accept our deepest condolences. It is with great sadness that we learned the news of the tragic death of your wife Svetlana. They were extremely shocked by what happened. We mourn with you. We will continue to work in the name of movement towards the Light! Crimean (Oktyabrskoye) cell of the VZV Movement.
  • Dear, our dear Nikolai Viktorovich, with all our hearts we share your grief and irreparable loss. Accept our Love and support - we are always with you... And the first groan of the soul about Svetlana, beloved by us... Your Vorobyovs-Rhodes.

    With this cynical and cruel action, the Enemies wanted to break you. And vilely striking the Light, We dreamed of seeing your tears.
    Despite the barbaric act of Those who cannot be called people, They failed to instill doubts and turn you away from the Warrior Path.
    The soul hurts, there is a wound in the heart, Which will never heal, But you have not stopped ruining the plans of Those to whom war has long been declared.
    At this hour of loss, we are grieving, unable to hold back a tear, and we will bring the moment of reckoning closer, helping you to fight.
    SVETLANA's image will forever remain in our memory. And the LIGHT that she lit will never dissipate...
    Sincerely, Natalya Bulygina and Boris Kemov.

  • Nikolai Viktorovich! There are a lot of emotions, they are overwhelming, it’s hard to gather my strength and I can’t do anything about it. Grief cannot be shared by everyone, and it is also very, very difficult to help with sympathy... Please accept my condolences, and may your strength not leave you.

    Living in our world is hard, Fighting evil spirits is even harder!.. Losing loved ones is hard for us!.. And the grief here cannot be described in words!..
    The horror that I experienced upon learning of Svetlana’s death!.. He called me to do good deeds, And I am ready to give my strength to the fight.
    Be strong, Teacher! I can't find the words. I just want to offer my shoulder, And the help that you accept, I will accept from you as a reward!
    With sincere respect, Vladimir Mekhremov.

  • Hello Nikolai Viktorovich! There are not enough words, I want to remain silent with you with great bitterness. No words will bring Svetlana back, but it is impossible to remain silent. I also recently lost my loved one and I understand you very much. Black creatures are trying to knock out your supports, and not only yours - ours as well. I am still weak to enter into an open battle with them, but I believe that I will become strong thanks to people like you and Svetlana. Blacks will not be able to win, they probably do not see that Sacred Rus' is slowly rising behind you, and the Russian people are waking up. And with their vile actions they only accelerate the process of their own destruction. May her memory be blessed! Oleg Kolbin.
  • Dear Nikolai! My wife and I express our condolences to you in connection with the tragic death of your wife Svetlana. We mourn, we empathize with you, we are indignant about the vile murder. We really hope that the grief that has befallen you will not give Black any chance of success. The awakened Russians will always keep in their memory the name of Svetlana Levashova, an amazingly talented person, a strong and brave woman. Sergei and Larisa Korsakov. Tallinn, Estonia.
  • What a loss, what a tragedy, what a pity that something terrible and irreparable happened. I express my condolences. I'm grieving... Alexey Kozhurov.
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