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Who is better not to be friends with? Which zodiac signs are best not to be friends with? A friend who drains all your energy

The covers of glossy magazines are full of beautiful figures; the graceful forms and graceful movements of the stars will take your breath away. And here excess weight, bad posture, “creaking” joints... The decision to take up fitness is born instantly, but before you go for a gym membership and buy expensive sneakers, let’s take a look at the contraindications.

First of all, this is the presence of mental disorders, malignant tumors, serious injuries and diseases of the spine, traumatic brain injuries, severe diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. For such patients it is indicated physiotherapy. It is quite possible that the ban will be lifted later, but for now there is no talk of visiting the gym, as in the case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, and even a banal lack of sleep. Doctors and fitness instructors are unanimous in the opinion that the body, weakened by illness and insomnia, physical exercise will not bring any benefit. But that’s not all; in addition to general recommendations, there are specific ones.

Step aerobics, shaping and more

Aerobics is an “old-timer” among the types of fitness that are constantly increasing every day. Exercises with your own body or on a step platform are one of the most popular and the secret is simple - cardio exercises allow you to reduce and control body weight, keep your muscles and cardiovascular system in good shape. In addition, it is rhythmic, fun, beautiful and interesting; music gives classes an emotional coloring, charges with positivity and energy. Absolutely beneficial for your figure and psyche! However…

Aerobics loads the heart, the joint system of the lower extremities and the spine, therefore Such exercise therapy is contraindicated for people with angina pectoris, arrhythmia, heart defects, hypertension, spinal hernia and severe osteochondrosis, deforming arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis of the leg joints.

Water aerobics

This kind physical therapy especially popular among middle-aged females. It is not inferior in terms of fat burning efficiency to exercises on land, since the body has to spend energy maintaining body temperature in fairly cool water, but at the same time, due to the lack of gravity, the spine is minimal.

Water aerobics shown those people who, by virtue diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system cannot engage in ordinary “land” fitness, those who love to splash in the water and receive a colossal emotional charge from this. Water exercises are useful even for pregnant women; special complexes have been developed for them, but...

Exercise therapy in the pool is not recommended patients with chronic and acute diseases of the genitals and urinary organs, dermatological patients, people suffering from allergies. It is prohibited to visit the pool if you have fungal infections of the skin and nails.

East Dance

Beauty, grace, femininity - all these epithets fully apply to belly dancing. Belly dance classes are usually sold out. Thin people, fat ones with and without bellies, young and not so young - everyone feels like graceful doe. In fact, oriental dance tones the muscles, improves joint function and posture, allows you to master the body and releases female sexuality.

Vigorous movements of the pelvis and contractions of the abdominal muscles activate blood circulation in the genital organs, which prevents the development of many diseases of the female genital area. But there is another side to this coin. With uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors, and acute inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity, a rush of blood will aggravate the condition.

Belly dancing is contraindicated for diseases of the spine, cholecystitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage; with such problems it is better to forget about strip dancing, body ballet, Latino, and pole dancing.


When fitness is not good... Who shouldn't exercise? This system physical exercise came to us from America, its author Joseph Pilates, an American of German origin. During the training process, the emphasis is on stretching and strengthening muscles, coordination of breathing and scrupulous adherence to exercise technique, which includes one or another muscle group in turn. Pilates can be practiced at any age, with any physical fitness. It helps improve posture, activate metabolic processes, teaches you to breathe correctly and overcome nervous tension. Even for “beginner” heart patients and those suffering joint diseases and spine in the initial stages, Pilates is allowed - the load can be easily dosed depending on the state of health, contraindications for classes are only general.


Classical yoga classes are a sure way to get rid of chronic stress and fatigue. True, you need to practice exclusively under the supervision of an instructor, since incorrect execution of asanas can be fraught with injuries to muscles and tendons.

Yoga is contraindicated for those who suffer from injuries and severe diseases of the spine, increased intracranial pressure, suffer from glaucoma, hypertension, or have problems with the vestibular system.

Strength training equipment

Power loads are a separate topic in physical therapy. They allow you to quickly burn fat, build muscle mass, and shape your figure. But Entrance to the gym is closed for patients with angina pectoris, hypertension, especially in the presence of heart failure. For such people, there are cardio equipment; with a minimum degree of load, they allow you to train the heart and blood vessels.

In order not to doubt your choice if you have health problems and want to go to the gym, it is better to consult with a sports doctor, undergo stress tests and consult a cardiologist. In this case, you will avoid many health problems and get the true benefits of fitness.

If you know how to treat arthrosis folk remedies please leave feedback on your method of treating arthrosis in the comments below


Don't forget to tell your friends

We want to always have people around us who will lend a helping hand at any time and support us in difficult times. This does not mean that you should gather everyone around you. As a rule, these occur, but very rarely. If this does happen, they become friends. There are few of them, but they exist. Of all the acquaintances who communicate with you, you need to choose exactly those with whom you can bear all the burdens of friendship. Let's see who needs to be weeded out and who needs to continue to go through life together.

1. Egoists. You absolutely do not need this type of “friends”. They are used to communicating and making friends with people only for personal purposes, for their own gain. Cold-bloodedness, selfishness, manipulation, and, of course, determination - these are the main characteristics of egoists with whom you are definitely not on the same path. To get rid of them, politely say that you have a lot to do or are busy for a few days.

2. Envious people. At a time when you have problems at work or something has happened in life, they will say to your face that they sympathize, but in fact, deep down they rejoice at your problems and failures. You can never rely on such friends or trust anything; you need to stay away from them, because at the most crucial moment they can substitute or “stick” a knife in your back.

3. “My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.” Another type of friend to get rid of. We all have times when everything is fine, things are going up, there is order at work, we periodically meet in a company to relax, have a drink, etc. But as soon as a small problem appears, in which a little help is needed, almost everyone is blown away by the wind. They disappear for several days, the phone is turned off or “on silent mode,” and they receive more than one “like” on social networks. In this case, forget such friends and drive them away with a nasty broom, and the one who stayed with you to the end and survived the failure is a true friend.

4. Droolers. Of course, one of the important points in friendship is help and support. But sometimes it goes too far. Everything has its limits. This is especially true for the weaker sex. When, at the first need, a friend starts calling on the phone to cry on your shoulder, you can experience this once or twice, but not constantly. Similar situations occur in men. In such cases, when you see a call on your cell phone from such a friend, pick up the phone and say that you are not at home or have gone out of town for a few days. If you constantly play the role of a pillow for whining and tears, you will not have time for your personal life. You don't need such friends.

Whatever it is, everyone needs friends. The main thing is to learn how to choose them correctly, so that you can always proudly say to this person: “Friend.”

Beware of freeloaders. This type of person only likes to spend time with you because of your money. They love to ride in your car, spend time in the luxury of your home, eat in restaurants at your expense, etc. Or perhaps they are using you to get closer to your more powerful friends or relatives. Such people will sit on your neck, using all your things, including hygiene products. If you start expressing dissatisfaction, they will immediately become angry with you. They don't show an ounce of respect for you or your things.

  • You will likely notice that borrowing things becomes a problem. Your friends borrow money from you and never pay a penny back. They also take your clothing and personal items without returning them. And, if they return something, it’s very poor condition. Perhaps they even let their friends “drive” your things.
  • They may also ask for a favor without ever returning the favor.

Beware of the "navels of the earth." Such people follow the motto: “The whole world revolves around me.” Such individuals will always talk only about themselves and their problems, without the slightest attention to you and your activities. Also, notice that they constantly brag when talking about any topic, including personal relationships, money, shopping and, at the same time, always, absolutely always, they come out in the best light, winners or adherents of the correct theory, which puts you in the position intellectually disabled person.

  • The person described above always has his own arrogant opinion regarding everything in the world. Opinion is a person’s thoughts or ideas regarding an object; it is an evaluation, judgment or comparison of something. A braggart or egocentric person has not developed the habit or ability to make any theories, put himself in the position of other people and take into account the opinions of others. Such people are undoubtedly confident that everyone else sees this world exactly the same as they do, or, in especially severe cases, they believe that their opinion is endowed with divine superiority and correctness. Such habits are most often found among young children who cannot yet separate their thoughts from the thoughts of others.
  • Stay away from the so-called “whiny Pierrots.” This species of Homo Sapiens usually signs up as your friend with only one purpose - to pour out their suffering and problems onto your generous soul. No matter what happens to them, they come to you and spend hours drawing on your heart with black ink their exaggerated suffering adventures, drinking tea at your home and snacking on your hard-earned crackers, while if something happens to you, you will not be honored and five minutes of time to tell about your misfortune. Remember, therapists get paid good money to listen to these soap opera monologues, and you do it for free. It's time to stop nagging at your expense and your time.

    • Such a person may be very offended by you if you quarrel, because they are only able to perceive their personal point of view.
  • Unstick yourself from your “Velcro friend.” We present to your attention such a product psychological development who is not fit to share you with other people. Distinctive characteristics of such obsessive behavior are the release of a pheromone of fierce envy and jealousy when they see you surrounded by strangers. At the same time, the above person has a hierarchical selection of the object of attention. For example, you are unlikely to ever be invited to a threesome with your obsessive friend and his girlfriend, and all because your importance is inferior to the importance of this girl and all his attention will be paid only to her, and if for some reason the girl goes somewhere, then you will suddenly receive all the attention. Most likely, this behavior originates in the inability of this person to be alone, and you, in this case, act as a nanny. Do not doubt that this person will leave you as soon as someone more important appears on the horizon.

    Don't fall for the "fake" stuff. In this case, you constantly see an ever-smiling person in front of you, who warms you with the warmth of his attention when he is alone with you, but as soon as you are surrounded by other people, this person, to your surprise, will begin to verbally expose you to ridicule. Such people may even engage in drugs, but still deny it. They may promise to call you back without ever following through on that promise. They constantly make you wait and always find all sorts of excuses for being late or not showing up.

    Avoid "upstarts". Such a person never shows respect for your nationality or culture. This type of friend mistakes you for something else, not accepting you for who you really are, making jokes and telling jokes about your nationality, while realizing that this may somehow offend you.

    And you, Stirlitz, I will ask you to leave. Nobody wants a friend who will spy on you and make some inquiries about you. This friend most likely works for someone else who wants to find out something about you. Such a person may use spy tricks out of jealousy or to teach you a lesson. Another reason for his communication with you may be the purpose of taking advantage of your friends. They have absolutely no interest in you, so try to dump them as soon as possible.

    • You may notice that these people want to know everything. For example, you are talking with your friend about some personal problems, and the so-called “spy” was not present, and now he is rushing from the other corner of the room in order to find out what you were talking about. Yes, your fears may be unfounded, don't be paranoid. Perhaps this is just your close friend who is sincerely interested in you, although the “spy” will not be satisfied with superficial information - he needs details, so be prepared to eavesdrop on your conversations, break into your personal belongings, phones, notebooks, etc. .
    • "Spies" often lie. They may lie to you about their name, age, etc.
    • Be careful what you say. They may use your words as a reason to blackmail or bully you in the future.
    • They can eat your food and use your things.
    • If you are confused or frightened by such a person, then seek help from your parents or superiors.
  • Don't hang out with people who ignore you. This behavior can be absolutely outrageous. When you go out with this kind of friends, and also with your other friends, they always talk to you and try to become friends with your friends. However, when you are around them and their friends, your so-called friends completely ignore your existence, trying to avoid talking to you or paying attention to your comments. Thus, they express their fear of you as a threat to their "coolness" among their friends, so they consider themselves above associating with such, in their opinion, an unpopular person like you. Try to avoid these types of friends.

    Beware of the "smuggler". This person is brazenly using your ideas and other intellectual property without asking. They also rummage through your contacts, monitor your conversations with others, try to make friends with everyone you know, and, simply put, climb on your neck and try to infiltrate all your meetings and interviews. This type of pseudo-friend is looking for or has already received promotions at the expense of their more gifted friends by manipulating their superiors and presenting themselves in a better light than you.

    • If you mention that you are going to compliment someone on a nice suit, the “smuggler” will intercept your intention and beat you to it. If you want to apply for a position that seems good to you, then your friend, most likely at your encouragement, has already done so. If you happen to work with such an individual, he will ask for credit for your ideas and tell your boss that all your brilliant ideas belong to him, the “smuggler.” If such a person is your classmate, then he will always run up to the teacher and share your clever ideas as if they were his own.
  • Don't be friends with the "kings". This type of person is very powerful and dominant. They will never accept your opinion unless it coincides with theirs. Some of them behave this way because they have some complexes about power, and some of them are just scoundrels with a need to command. But the worst reason to avoid friendship with “kings” is that they do not care about your friendship with them and they are ready at any moment to set you up or ridicule you in front of other people. Such people are simply worthless and dangerous, so avoid them.

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    Lucky are those people who met their best friends at school. In general, school friendship is often considered a standard for lifelong friendship. But there are times when friendship remains only in words, but in reality classmates more and more often seem to be strangers. Is this normal?

    website I decided to look into this issue and identified 3 facts that will help you understand: are classmates real friends? And are those people who are not friends with their desk colleagues at all adequate?

    Fact No. 1: Classmates most often unfollow each other on social networks

    You will say: “Well, that’s a ridiculous indicator.” And we will object to you: as they are called today, “unfriends” are very illustrative examples of the cultural and life distance of people.

    Christopher Sibona, a graduate student at the University of Colorado (USA), conducted a whole study on unsubscribing on social networks and found that most often it is classmates who unfriend each other on Facebook. The reason for unsubscribing is usually “depolarization,” that is, a radical estrangement in the worldview of people who, seemingly just yesterday, were sitting in the same class. Indicators of these changes are religious, political and generally morally excellent publications on the Internet, which force many people to commit such a terrible act of unsubscribing. Another reason is the triviality and uninterestingness of a former classmate. Why not delete it if you are unlikely to ever cross paths?

    To put it quite rudely, today there is an unspoken rule among young people: “if you remove them from your friends, you erase them from your life.” And most often it is former classmates who do this. What do you think this says?

    Fact #2: You have nothing to talk about

    Have you noticed that memories are most often discussed at classmates' meetings? We are, of course, talking about standard class meetings, and not about get-togethers with your best / bosom friends from school, with whom you have not parted since last call. If you cut out all the old jokes, gossip, news about teachers and dry facts from your life from your conversation, then sometimes you will have nothing to talk about. Now is the time for a visual story from one of our editors:

    “Last year I found myself passing through the city of N, where my former classmate now lived. We were good friends at school and still communicated socially: you know, group chats on instant messengers, comments on Instagram. In general, I did not have a single doubt that I should spend these 5 hours before the plane in her much-awaited company. The first 2 hours of our meeting were spent discussing the lives of our classmates, our own lives and the life of the city of N. The next 2 hours passed in the company of tense pauses and sharp changes in the direction of the dialogue, when one of us suddenly remembered a suitable topic for discussion. For the last hour it was necessary to film us: we walked side by side in the park, looked in different directions and interrupted our silence with heavy sighs, accompanied by the phrases: “That’s it, hmmm” and “That’s how things are.” There was catastrophically nothing to talk about. And then I thought with regret that all these chats in instant messengers and comments on Instagram were a fiction of friendship, clinging to the past out of respect, nothing more.”

    Fact No. 3: team ≠ friends

    This problem is described best by Heidi, one of the authors of the children's blog Fortworth: “For several years, I have heard that many teachers position my son’s classmates as his true friends. Everything seemed to be like this until one day my son returned from school, disturbed by the rude behavior of one such “friend.” Knowing that this was not the first time this boy had clashed with my son, I explained to him that sometimes we run into people we don't get along with, and that's okay. We should be polite to them, but we don't have to be friends. I will never forget that confused look and the question: “Then why does the teacher say that we are friends?”

    Not everyone in the class will be your friends - this is understandable. But could it be that no one in the class will be your friend? And is it normal that friendships are lost over the years, and you and the once closest children of your youth grow incredibly distant from each other?

    Answer: yes, that's normal. Moreover, sometimes it is logical(the word “sometimes” means that this may not be your case. Maybe you are lucky and met real friends at school).

    To figure it out, let's look at your friends from other walks of life:

    • You have a common specialty with your classmates. That is, you have unanimously determined for yourself in life a certain topic or profession that interests you.
    • With your colleagues, you also have a single, highly specialized area, for work in which your way of thinking may have to be somewhat similar.
    • With companions from (here to choose from): football team, music group, a literary circle, a group at the gym, a volunteer squad, a brotherhood of sectarians, a team for going to trash bars, etc. - you also have common interests with them.

    What about your classmates? You were simply once gathered into an organized group based on your place of residence and age. And if among these 10, 20 or 30 guys you didn’t find a single soul mate, this is not an amazing coincidence, but a completely ordinary case. This is why “not being friends with classmates” is not a terrible sin or a sign of a misanthrope/sociopath/freak/maniac. You just ended up in a group with complete strangers.

    Are you familiar with this story? Or were you lucky enough to meet your best friend at school?

    Of course, each of us wants to be surrounded only by happy, kind, sympathetic and cheerful like-minded people, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Sometimes we come across people who, by their mere presence, poison the existence of those around them. What kind of people are these and what danger do they pose?

    1. Manipulators.These people are experts in manipulation. You can communicate with them for a very long time before you realize that you are constantly being used. Manipulators are good at identifying a person’s weak points and know which lever needs to be pulled in order to force others to do what is beneficial to them.

    · Why are they dangerous? Associating with these people negatively impacts your belief system and self-esteem. They find ways to force you to do things you don't want to do, and this destroys you as a person. You begin to live by the priorities and beliefs of these people, and not your own.

    2. Daffodils.These are people with a heightened sense of self-importance who are accustomed to believing that the world revolves around them. They are not as cunning as manipulators, but they also try to adjust the people around them to suit themselves. Usually such people want to say: “You are not the center of the universe!”

    · Why they are dangerous: They are self-obsessed and focused solely on their needs. Your interests are completely indifferent to them. They use you, being in full confidence that this is in the order of things, because everyone around them is obliged to sacrifice themselves for their sake.

    3. Pessimists.These people do not appreciate the good things in their lives. If you tell them: “Today is a great sunny day!”, they will answer that they promise rain and cold weather for tomorrow. If you share your joy that your favorite football team has reached the final, you will immediately hear in response: “But they will definitely lose in the final.”

    · Why are they dangerous? These people steal the joy of those around them. They look at the world with negativity, which they infect everyone around. Communicating with such people, you yourself begin to see everything in gray.

    4. Critics. When you see something as cute and quirky, they see it as weird and unattractive. If you think someone is talented and promising, they think they are stupid and untalented. If you say you like jazz, they'll say it's just a bunch of jumbled sounds. They constantly need to argue with someone, they believe that their opinion is the only correct one, and those who disagree with it are considered fools.

    · Why are they dangerous? They try to remake the whole world for themselves and start with those around them. These people do not understand that the world is interesting because all people are different and everyone has their own opinion. They feed on negative emotions that they receive in endless arguments.

    5. Dream killers.Every time you have ideas, these people tell you that their implementation is impossible. When you try to achieve something, they pull you down. When you dream about something, they are the first to tell you that your dreams are impossible.

    · Why are they dangerous? They are fixated on what is now, completely denying what could be. They can easily destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence. Progress and self-development are possible only when a person is ready for something new.

    6. Hypocrites.These are people who constantly reek of insincerity. When you tell a funny story, you get a polite laugh from them, although you can see that they are not really funny. When you are depressed, they say that you can ask them for help at any time, but as soon as you ask them for even the smallest request, they refuse you. They say to your face that they love you, but behind your back they tell their mutual friends what a stupid and unpleasant person you are.

    · Why are they dangerous? Relationships with such people are insincere and superficial. When you feel the need for their support, they will not be there. Their warm attitude towards you is just an appearance.

    7. Ignorant people.These are people who have a habit of doing everything at the most inopportune moment and in the most inappropriate way. They don't disdain anything. It is often embarrassing for such people.

    · Why are they dangerous? These people do not know any boundaries or boundaries. They don't respect other people's feelings and can easily insult you at any time.

    All these faces have several common features:

    1) the more comments they receive about their behavior, the worse it becomes;

    2) these people do not want to admit that they are doing something wrong, so all your words are empty sounds to them;

    3) with age, these people change only for the worse.

    Don't try to correct these people, it's impossible. If you have the opportunity to avoid communicating with them, take advantage of it. Life is too short to waste your time and energy on them.

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