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How to lose weight if you have hormonal imbalance. Diet for weight loss in case of hormonal imbalance in women - All diets. Critical periods for gaining excess weight

When taking hormonal drugs, women often encounter unpleasant phenomena. Some begin to recover rapidly when they undergo a course of treatment, while others begin to recover when the drug is discontinued. This happens due to a violation hormonal levels in the body, because no matter how effective and modern hormone-based medications are, they can cause malfunctions in some organs and systems. The question of how to lose weight after taking hormonal pills remains a very pressing question among women. To find the answer, we need to figure out why we can get better.

Hormonal medications can be prescribed to treat problems with the female reproductive system, they are often used as contraceptives, and help fight diseases such as depression or thyroid dysfunction.

In women, the same medicine can cause different reactions when taken. Some do not feel any negative changes in their appearance and well-being at all, while others begin to rapidly gain weight.

“Provocateurs” of extra pounds:

Symptoms of failure

To understand how to lose weight after taking hormonal drugs, you need to decide what exactly they caused you to gain extra pounds. If a woman has gained weight, perhaps she is simply often stressed, does not get enough sleep, or has psychological problems.

If hormonal drugs are the cause of unsightly folds, then the following additional symptoms may be observed:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • sudden mood swings, even depression;
  • rapid weight gain even with a balanced diet;
  • insomnia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased libido;
  • frequent headaches and migraines;
  • dryness and hair loss, fragility and brittleness of nails;
  • the appearance of fibroids and myomas;
  • rapid aging.

Defining the problem

If you don’t know how to lose weight after hormones, you need to use the tips that we will discuss below. Be prepared for the fact that this process can take from six months to a year and a half, because complete restoration of hormonal levels is not an easy task.

Start of weight loss

Once you've consulted a doctor and determined what exactly triggered the sudden weight gain, it's time to find out how to lose weight after taking hormones. We start with simple things:

Adjusting the menu

How to lose weight if you only have fatty and sweet foods, processed foods, and fast food on your table all the time? Naturally, no way. When a woman has recovered from the fact that she no longer controls her appetite and diet, she urgently needs to reconsider her eating habits. To do this, you must clearly remember which foods you can eat and which you should forget about or at least reduce their quantity to a minimum.


Be sure to include

Healthy eating habits

An analysis of your eating habits will help you understand how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance. Think about how exactly you eat food, in what environment, with what thoughts, in what quantity and how often. All this affects the process of fat breakdown.

So, these eating habits should become a law for you.

Much water

Proper drinking regimen will help balance hormonal levels and lose excess weight. Regardless of other liquids, the body should receive at least 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water every day.

For each cup of tea or coffee, add 1 more glass of water, since these drinks remove beneficial fluid from the body.

You need to drink small sips throughout the day, so the water has time to be absorbed. Its temperature should be at room temperature so that the body does not eliminate it in transit, but allows it to perform all useful functions.

You should not drink an hour before a meal or an hour after it, as this may upset the balance of substances contained in gastric juice.

Active lifestyle

Without movement, it will be difficult to lose weight, so you need to seriously think about what sports or physical activity you like best. Contraindications for people taking hormones are only heavy strength exercises with heavy weights. Cardiac stress is only beneficial. You don't have to spend hours at the gym.

The following exercises will help you lose weight:

  • cycling;
  • walking at a brisk pace;
  • dancing;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • swimming;
  • water aerobics;
  • tennis;
  • Nordic walking, etc.

Loyal attitude towards yourself

Excess weight is a serious reason for complexes and even some diseases, so you need to fight it with all your might. However, you should not make one of the most common mistakes when losing weight - a biased attitude towards yourself. Even if you missed a workout, ate a piece of cake and spent the whole day reading a book on the couch, there is no need to scold and punish yourself. Failures can happen in any program, and a body shaping program is no exception.

Treat yourself tolerantly, but do not give in to your weaknesses once again. Wait out the day of your failures, analyze them and confidently move on towards your goal.

In conclusion

Losing weight after taking hormonal drugs can be very long and difficult. You need not only to adjust your diet and physical activity, but also to balance your hormonal levels.

Before you begin body contouring, you must have patience and faith in your abilities. Also remember that only an integrated approach, which you choose together with an endocrinologist or gynecologist, will help you become slimmer and healthier.

If the hormonal balance is disturbed, no diet, even the most competent one, will help you lose weight. Find out what hormones are needed for weight loss and how to bring them back to normal, then lose weight easily, without dieting or training!

Hormones in the human body affect almost every aspect of its functioning. Your well-being directly depends on their quantity and ratio, appearance and availability excess weight. At the same time, there are so-called weight loss hormones, which have a direct effect on the amount of adipose tissue, the rate of its formation and breakdown, as well as other processes that affect the normalization and maintenance of body weight.

Using hormones for weight loss

The use of hormonal drugs to lose excess weight began after it was noted that after hormone therapy, many people noticeably lose weight. It should be borne in mind that hormones are biologically active substances responsible for regulating specific functions of systems and organs. Thus, thyroid hormones normalize the rate of metabolic processes, sexual - reproductive abilities of men and women, secreted by the adrenal glands - the reaction to stress, and so on. In a healthy body, exactly as many hormones are produced as are required for its normal functioning. Additionally, synthetic hormones should only be taken by people with certain diseases and only those that affect a specific function.

The use of hormones that promote weight loss to increase or decrease their levels must necessarily be aimed at creating and maintaining a natural hormonal balance. Violation of this extremely fragile balance is fraught with very serious and sometimes irreversible consequences.

To determine specific hormonal imbalances, you need to get tested and consult a specialist. Only a doctor can determine which hormones need to be increased and which ones should be decreased in order to normalize body weight. You can only correct their level on your own through nutrition or physical activity. To do this, it is enough to know which hormones promote weight loss and which ones interfere with weight loss.

A growth hormone

Growth hormone (somatotropin) is produced in the pituitary gland. Its secretion occurs periodically with a peak every 3–5 hours, especially during sleep, 1–2 hours after falling asleep. Baseline somatotropin levels (1–5 ng/ml) are highest in early childhood and peak in adolescence and can range from 10–45 ng/ml. For middle-aged men and women, the norm is 0–4 µg/l and 0–18 µg/l.

Effect on weight

According to its properties, somatotropic hormone is an anabolic steroid that helps build muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat. In addition, it ensures the strength of bones and skin, strengthens the immune system, and promotes overall rejuvenation. When used for weight loss, growth hormone does not so much reduce body weight as change the ratio of muscle and fat tissue in favor of the former. At the same time, the greatest fat loss occurs in the most problematic area - the stomach and waist. Due to this effect, somatotropin is often used by athletes or those losing weight to dry and reduce the percentage of fat.

When used for weight loss, somatotropin exhibits mainly fat-burning properties due to the following actions:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic effects;
  • enhancing protein synthesis and preventing its breakdown;
  • slowing down the processes of subcutaneous fat deposition;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • regulation of the amount of fatty acids.

To lose weight and get rid of fat, cells must absorb more fat, not glucose. This is exactly what growth hormone promotes, while insulin, which maintains glucose levels and promotes the creation of its reserves, on the contrary, forces cells to use glucose, activating the formation of fatty acids and fatty deposits. To force the cell to “refuse” glucose and begin to feed on fatty acids, growth hormone is embedded in the membranes of fat cells, releases fatty acids from them and transports them into the blood, giving oxygen in return. As a result, the process of lipolysis is launched, leading to a decrease in the number of fat cells.

The main role of somatotropin in the fight against excess weight is that without it, fat cells do not give up their contents and are not destroyed. It is under the influence of growth hormone that the breakdown of fat deposits occurs, since it forces the body to feed on its own fat.

In addition, when the level of somatotropic hormone increases, a number of other positive transformations occur:

  • the condition of all tissues improves;
  • the growth of muscle mass is activated and its destruction is prevented;
  • energy use is optimized;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • accelerates wound healing and recovery from illness;
  • age-related atrophy of internal organs stops, their regrowth is stimulated;
  • Libido increases.

As a result of all these influences, the aging process is inhibited, and rejuvenation of the body begins at the cellular level.

How to increase

There are two options for sources of increasing the concentration of somatotropin in the blood - using drugs and naturally.

Growth hormone drugs

The best and most common products containing somatotropin are:

  • “Jintropin” - reduces the fat layer when injected subcutaneously into areas where excess fat accumulates, and also promotes the rapid growth of muscle mass, slows down the aging process, activates collagen production, and improves mental abilities;
  • "Ansomon" is an analogue of "Jintropin", suitable for daily use;
  • “Hygetropin” is one of the highest quality drugs for “drying” the body; it gives visible results after just a few injections;
  • “Neotropin” – is very popular among novice athletes, it allows you to quickly create sculpted muscles;
  • “Kigtropin” is the most budget-friendly, but no less effective option for getting rid of subcutaneous fat.

All of these drugs can be taken for weight loss. But do not forget that the level of somatotropin can be increased without the use of chemicals, if you put some effort into it.

To increase the concentration of growth hormone, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • eat foods with “correct” complex carbohydrates and a low glycemic index (oatmeal, whole grain flour products, brown rice, legumes, dairy products), especially before training;
  • ensure adequate sleep lasting at least 7 hours;
  • refuse a late dinner, since somatotropin is produced during the first hour after falling asleep and it is extremely important that at this time the sugar level does not rise, which contributes to the release of insulin, its antagonist;
  • follow a balanced diet, eat small meals - 6-7 times a day, without overeating;
  • keep active healthy image life - play sports, visit the bathhouse, provide 1 hour of quality sleep during the day.

In addition, you can additionally take the amino acids Arginine and Ornithine. They are purchased in sports nutrition stores or consumed pumpkin seeds, which contain these substances in large quantities.

Growth hormone is natural to humans, so side effects when taking it are minimal. Compared to steroids, somatotropin does not alter the production of sex hormones and does not require post-cycle therapy.

Negative phenomena can only develop with drug abuse. Most often they are expressed:

  • increased growth of internal organs, cartilage tissue, bones, the appearance of bulges on the joints;
  • development of tunnel syndrome with numbness of the limbs;
  • disruption of the pancreas and thyroid gland;
  • increased blood pressure.

All these side effects can be caused only by the administration of drugs, but are never a consequence of an increase in hormone levels naturally. Properly dosed use of somatotropin for weight loss does not cause such effects.

Thyroid hormones

The hormones secreted by the thyroid gland (thyroxine, thyrocalcitonin, triiodothyronine) are active participants in almost all biological processes and, first of all, are the strongest regulators of metabolism. With their deficiency, health deteriorates, a person’s activity decreases, and excess weight appears.

Effect on weight

The benefits of thyroid hormones for normalizing body weight are manifested by the following actions:

  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • appetite suppression;
  • accelerating the process of breakdown of adipose tissue;
  • increased heat production.

Decreased thyroid function, leading to decreased hormone production (hypothyroidism), most often appears in older age. One of the symptoms of this disease is weight gain, partly due to the so-called “mucoedema” - myxedema.

In this case, the skin thickens, the face becomes puffy and, in most cases, fatty deposits appear. But the main reason for excess weight is puffiness. Therefore, normalization of body weight after treatment of hypothyroidism occurs due to the removal of fluid from the body, not fat.

If the production of thyroid hormones increases, hyperthyroidism develops, in which the metabolic rate increases, which, on the contrary, leads to emaciation and loss of fatty tissue. Despite the increase in appetite characteristic of this disease, weight is still lost, that is, metabolic weight loss occurs. But such a process cannot be called healthy.

How to normalize

Normalizing the level of thyroid hormones is possible with the help of medications, if excess weight is associated with thyroid disorders, as well as through proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Thyroxine preparations

The ability of thyroid hormones to have a powerful effect on metabolism and normalization of body weight is used for weight loss with the help of drugs such as Thyroxine, Levothyroxine, etc. Moreover, if thyroid hormones are taken by people with normal hormonal balance, this leads to the appearance of symptoms of hyperthyroidism and weight loss. But this is usually completely unjustified, since with moderate hyperthyroidism it is impossible to lose many kilograms, and with severe hyperthyroidism there are too strong negative consequences for the activity of the cardiovascular, digestive and central nervous systems.

Thus, synthetic thyroxine is suitable for weight loss only in cases where there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones. In this case, weight loss will only be a side effect of using the drug to treat hypothyroidism.

Synthetic thyroid hormones are contraindicated for healthy people. To achieve the necessary weight loss results, you can only stimulate the production of your own thyroxine by taking the drug several times. This will improve metabolism, but will not exceed the permissible hormone levels. But it's even better to use healthy ways to stimulate the thyroid gland.

Level up naturally

You can force the thyroid gland to produce more hormones in the following ways:

  • consume at least 2 liters daily clean water;
  • introduce lemons, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and freshly prepared juices into the diet to cleanse the intestines of toxins that impede the production of thyroxine;
  • reduce the load on the liver by avoiding heavy foods, flavorings, and artificial colors;
  • provide moderate physical activity, avoiding too high loads;
  • Avoid stress, which causes more fat to be stored.

Using these methods will help increase your thyroxine levels naturally.

If the arguments against a synthetic hormone are not valid, and losing weight turns out to be more important than health, then you should at least be careful and not exceed the dosage.

Thyroid dysfunction develops with long-term use of the drug in high doses. When using thyroxine in the permitted quantities, the thyroid gland is restored a month after the end of the course.

Pancreatic hormones

The body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates depends on two pancreatic hormones - glucagon and insulin. In this case, the first is responsible for the release and level of sugar in the blood, and the second directs it into the cells, ensures distribution and storage.

In weight loss, the role of glucagon is to suppress the feeling of hunger when sugar levels drop - when glucose becomes low, it releases a portion of sugar into the blood, and before that accumulates it in the liver so that the body takes energy from fat. At this time, insulin “takes over the baton”, cleanses the blood of sugar and supplies it to the cells of all tissues for energy. Thus, the uniform supply of nutrients and energy to the body depends on the coordinated action of these two hormones, which prevents the conversion of glucose entering it into fat.

To ensure that insulin and glucagon are present in the required quantities, a properly balanced diet is necessary. Otherwise, there will be a disruption in the insulin-glucagon balance, fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • with a significant predominance of carbohydrate foods, the sugar level will be too high and the liver will send it to fat deposits;
  • If the food is predominantly protein, then the lack of glucose will significantly worsen your well-being, and especially your psychosis. emotional condition.

To constantly maintain the balance of thyroid hormones, the diet must contain all nutrients in equal proportions. In addition, each of these hormones plays an important independent role in normalizing body weight.


The pancreas produces this hormone constantly to satisfy the body's need for an energy source - glucose. Insulin secretion begins after each meal when sugar levels rise. This indicator can vary greatly depending on the composition of the products consumed. The release of insulin helps smooth out blood sugar spikes by binding glucose and transporting it primarily to the liver, where it is stored as glycogen, as well as muscle and fat tissue.

Effect on weight

With normal insulin production, the amount of sugar is maintained at the required level. When more glucose is needed, such as during increased physical activity, it first uses up glycogen stores and then begins to break down fat tissue. If there are too many glycogen reserves and too little exercise, the turn to burn fat does not come.

A high concentration of insulin inhibits the breakdown of fats and activates the formation of fat deposits. In people who do not have diabetes, the level of this hormone is controlled naturally. If you have metabolic syndrome, when there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus (insulin resistance), you cannot lose weight by burning fat, since only carbohydrates from food will be broken down.

Increased levels of insulin in the blood are manifested as follows:

  • meals become frequent and plentiful;
  • appetite increases;
  • always want something sweet;
  • no desire to play sports;
  • pressure rises.

At the same time, carbohydrate dependence is formed and a constant craving for sweets appears.

How to normalize

Taking medications that lower or increase insulin levels to help you lose extra pounds is dangerous. If used incorrectly, there are serious side effects that cause health complications.

Artificial injection of large amounts of insulin in a healthy person sharply increases sugar levels and the body turns on its defense. At the same time, growth hormone, somatotropin, is intensively released into the blood, which significantly enhances anabolism. This is why insulin preparations are often used by athletes to build muscle mass.

To normalize insulin production naturally, the following rules must be followed:

  • to maintain glucose levels throughout the day, eat complex carbohydrates;
  • introduce more fiber-rich foods into your diet (vegetables, bran, grains);
  • switch to fractional meals, avoiding overeating, be sure to have breakfast;
  • give up dessert and sweet snacks;
  • provide moderate physical exercise, best anaerobic;
  • consume simple (“bad”) carbohydrates at least 1 hour before training so that they have time to break down and provide the desired glucose concentration;
  • eat some simple carbohydrates (something sweet) after sports to increase insulin production, which will prevent the destruction of muscle tissue and provide cells with energy and amino acids;
  • Do not eat immediately before bed, have dinner only with protein foods.

In nature, a complex of substances that can gently reduce insulin production and stop hunger attacks is found in avocado fruits. To achieve the desired effect, you can use fresh fruit or avocado extract along with a balanced low-carb diet.

To remove fat and give muscle definition, it is recommended to alternate between increasing and decreasing glucose levels. It is best to increase your sugar immediately after training and twice throughout the day by eating foods with a high glycemic index. At other meals, you should eat complex carbohydrates and proteins.


Another pancreatic hormone, which, unlike insulin, is useful for weight loss because it increases blood glucose, reduces appetite and causes the breakdown of fats.

Effect on weight

Once in the blood, glucagon performs the following tasks:

  • binds to liver cells and stimulates the release of glucose, maintaining its stable level;
  • activates the breakdown of fats;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • increases blood supply to the kidneys;
  • promotes the restoration of liver cells;
  • stimulates the release of insulin from cells;
  • accelerates the excretion of sodium, reducing the load on the heart.

Glucagon also sharply increases glucose levels when adrenaline is released to increase the body's energy, support skeletal muscles and increase the supply of oxygen to them.

The level of glucagon in the blood in adults ranges from 20–100 pg/ml. Deviation from standard values ​​may indicate the presence of diseases of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, as well as a severe stressful situation for the body caused by physical or psychological trauma.

How to normalize

Glucagon production depends on three factors:

  • decrease in blood glucose concentration;
  • increasing the amount of amino acids, in particular alanine and arginine;
  • intense training (the higher the load, the higher the hormone level).

Thus, in order to increase the level of glucagon, you need to give up fractional meals, in which its production is inhibited and it ceases to participate in fat burning. With longer breaks between meals without severe fasting, this hormone is able to break down large amounts of fat reserves. You can also increase glucagon levels by regular exercise - the hormone begins to be produced after 30 minutes of active physical activity.

Synthetic glucagon is used when conducting gastrointestinal examinations or to correct severe forms of hypoglycemia when it is impossible to administer a glucose drip. For the purpose of losing weight, glucagon-like peptide is most often used, similar in structure to glucagon, but capable of being synthesized in the intestines. The drug helps regulate glucose levels and reduce appetite. But we should never forget that before drinking or injecting any hormone, you should always consult your doctor.

Hormones of hunger and satiety

The human body has hormones that cause feelings of hunger and satiety - ghrelin and leptin. Their imbalance causes obesity.

After each meal, the level of glucose in a person’s blood rises, to which the pancreas responds by releasing insulin to process it. When insulin levels rise, leptin sends a signal to the hypothalamus that it is full, which in turn reduces appetite, reduces the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and causes the pancreas to stop secreting insulin.

In people who are overweight, this homeostasis is disrupted due to the formation of resistance to the hormone leptin. The hypothalamus does not see its signals of saturation, so it does not send a command to stop the release of insulin. As a result, the concentration of this hormone continues to increase and another resistance of the hypothalamus appears - this time to insulin. Its production continues and, accordingly, leads to an increase in leptin levels, and it already destroys the hormone amylin, which regulates glucose intake and prevents sugar surges.

As a result of all these hormonal imbalances, the body slows down its metabolism and begins to store fat, usually in the abdominal area. Therefore, maintaining a balance between leptin and ghrelin is extremely important to normalize weight.


The satiety hormone, leptin, regulates energy metabolism and sends a signal to the brain to stop eating. The content of this substance in the blood depends on gender and age - in men and women under 20 years of age this figure is 15–26.8 n/ml and 27.6–38 n/ml, respectively, then the concentration decreases significantly.

Effect on weight

Leptin is secreted by all fat cells (adipocytes). Therefore, the more there are, the higher the level and the better it is for weight loss. It is due to this action that a person with significant excess body weight loses extra pounds much easier than one who does not have too many of them. For the same reason, losing weight on a low-calorie diet in combination with physical activity occurs only in the first stage, after which weight loss stops.

All these signs indicate the emergence of immunity to the action of leptin, in which it cannot send a signal to the hypothalamus about saturation. At the same time, leptin levels remain high, but the brain does not see this and causes the number of fat cells to increase. Therefore, there will be no weight loss until the susceptibility of the hypothalamus to leptin is restored.

The appearance of hypothalamic immunity to leptin can be caused by various reasons:

  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • an increase in the amount of fatty acids in the blood;
  • disruption of leptin production by adipose tissue;
  • excessive consumption of sugar or fructose.

It is the resistance of the hypothalamus to leptin that is associated with the tendency to constant overeating, which invariably leads to obesity.

How to normalize

To make weight loss possible, you do not need to change the level of leptin, but get rid of insensitivity to it. To do this, you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits, increasing physical activity and giving up junk food.

There is an opinion that the insensitivity of the hypothalamus to leptin is caused by the consumption of large amounts of synthetic crystalline fructose as a sweetener, which is added to many industrial products - sweet soda, baked goods, and semi-finished products.

You can force leptin to send a signal of satiety to the brain, and the hypothalamus to notice them and “turn off” your appetite. simple methods. To do this you need:

  • abandon diets with severe restrictions, which stop the synthesis of leptin by fat cells;
  • determine for yourself the minimum calorie intake by multiplying your weight in pounds (1 pound = 454 g) by 10 and do not allow it to decrease;
  • reduce the amount of meat and dairy products with a high percentage of fat in the diet;
  • accept fish fat, which normalizes leptin production;
  • reduce sugar consumption, abandon artificial fructose sweeteners;
  • eat meals with short breaks so as not to develop a strong feeling of hunger.

It should also be borne in mind that a sufficient amount of leptin is produced only in cases where the body fully rests at night during sleep. Therefore, it is extremely important to normalize your night rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

External administration of leptin (in tablets, injections) is not practiced. Studies have shown that artificially increasing the hormone for the purpose of weight loss is advisable only in the case of a gene mutation and disturbances in its production. If the hypothalamus is not sensitive to leptin, then its level does not matter. In many obese people, its level in the blood is elevated because the body tries to get rid of obesity by increasing the production of the hormone to stop the absorption of food, but the brain does not understand this.


Ghrelin, synthesized by cells of the gastrointestinal tract, unlike leptin, is designed to counteract not weight gain, but weight loss, signaling the brain about a strong feeling of hunger. The highest levels of this hormone are observed in those who follow a low-calorie diet or suffer from anorexia. Also, the amount of hormone synthesized depends on the area of ​​the stomach walls - the larger it is, the more ghrelin is produced.

Effect on weight

This hormone is responsible for eating habits. In a healthy person, it is produced when the stomach is empty and ceases to be produced after eating. In case of disturbances, the secretion of ghrelin, even after saturation, does not stop or only slightly slows down. Therefore, in people with excess body weight, the feeling of fullness does not occur or is very short-lived, which forces them to constantly snack.

For a long time, ghrelin was attributed only a signaling function, according to which it sent a message to the brain that it was time to eat. It has now been established that the effect of this substance is much more complex, and an increase in its level entails a number of consequences:

  • a strong craving for high-calorie and fatty foods develops;
  • the volume of portions increases significantly;
  • a feeling of pleasure from eating is created, food becomes more attractive;
  • alcohol dependence develops;
  • the amount of adipose tissue increases.

There are known cases of mutation of the genes responsible for ghrelin, in which it is produced in large quantities. In addition, all people have an unequal number of “ghrelin” receptors, which explains the different speed at which the feeling of hunger appears after eating.

How to reduce

To prevent increased ghrelin production, it is necessary to develop certain eating behaviors:

  • limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • avoid stressful situations and nervous tension;
  • avoid distension of the stomach, reduce portions, and do not wash down food with drinks;
  • engage in active physical exercise for at least 1 hour every day.

In most cases, the level of ghrelin in the blood decreases immediately after eating, along with the appearance of satiety and relief from the feeling of hunger. The only exceptions are products containing synthetic fructose - their consumption does not help reduce the level of this hormone.

Ghrelin can be easily outwitted by a special approach to eating. To do this, it is necessary to constantly maintain a moderate feeling of satiety, eating food in fractional portions 6–7 times a day.

Another way to suppress ghrelin synthesis is surgical reduction of the stomach (gastrectomy), which is usually used in cases of severe obesity. There are no synthetic drugs to artificially reduce the level of this hormone yet. A vaccine with ghrelin epitopes is being developed, after administration of which the body will produce its own antibodies.

Stress hormones

The psycho-emotional state has a great influence on the process of losing weight, since stress is a whole chain of chemical reactions in the body caused by the production of special hormones, the main of which are cortisol and adrenaline. In this case, the first gives a signal to the brain about danger and the need to create reserves, the second, on the contrary, creates a feeling of drive and starts the process of fat breakdown.


This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands in response to a stressful situation to help the body mobilize strength and fill itself with energy. This is really useful if the stress is momentary and you need to do something, for example, run away from an attacking dog. During prolonged physical or emotional stress, cortisol constantly increases blood glucose levels to replenish energy reserves, but does not use fat deposits for this, but first glycogen (energy storage) and then muscle tissue. Cortisol is one of the main catabolic hormones that turns on the destruction processes in the body, as a result of which protein synthesis stops and muscle fibers are broken down into amino acids.

Effect on weight

When cortisol levels remain elevated in the body for a long time, a number of negative processes begin:

  • glucose concentration increases;
  • pressure rises;
  • the load on the cardiovascular system increases;
  • metabolism slows down;
  • the production of testosterone decreases, which is the opposite of cortisol and an excellent assistant in getting rid of unnecessary pounds;
  • Chronic fatigue, apathy, and depression develop.

Under the influence of all these factors, excess weight appears. Moreover, scientists have found that the amount of internal fat increases the most, which is most deposited in the abdominal area.

If you don't reduce your cortisol levels, losing weight becomes almost impossible. The body seems to hide in a shell and does not give up an ounce of weight. Even with a severe restriction of the diet, it will not be fat that will decrease, but the amount of muscle mass, which will not make your figure more beautiful and will only harm your health.

How to reduce

To enable mechanisms that reduce cortisol production, you need to:

  • do not fast, so as not to cause a sharp decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • do not overdo it with training - the more active and longer the physical activity, the more cortisol is produced;
  • sleep more, including during the day - sleep duration should be 8–9 hours a day;
  • engage in meditation and yoga, that is, not just physical exercise, but “gymnastics for the soul,” which helps to establish psycho-emotional balance;
  • listen to your favorite music, which has a positive effect on brain activity and helps relax the nervous system;
  • improve your mood by any means - watch comedies, communicate in a cheerful company;
  • pray or keep a diary so that you can talk about your experiences, since a problem spoken out loud or written on paper loses half of its significance;
  • find something to do for the soul - your favorite activity will be an “outlet” that brings joy.

If you can’t cope with prolonged stress on your own, you need to consult a psychologist.

To provide the body with energy and to avoid a sharp increase in cortisol levels during active sports, it is recommended to consume sports nutrition. Immediately before and after training, you should drink a drink containing 5 g of BCAA and 20 g of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, fruit juice).

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to bring the cortisol level to a minimum. It is advisable to adhere to the norm, which is:

  • in the morning – 138–773 nmol/l;
  • during the daytime – 55–386 nmol/l;
  • in the evening - no more than 50% of the morning indicators.

Cortisol is reduced by medication only in particularly severe diseases before surgery or radiation exposure. Such drugs are not used for weight loss.

You can normalize the presence of cortisol by selecting food products, including green tea, lactic acid products, grapefruits, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and herbs in your diet. It is also important to reconsider your own value system - tune in to the positive and stop getting nervous over trifles.


Unlike cortisol, the level of which increases sharply under stress and danger, adrenaline is produced when there is a feeling of drive and great pleasure. Such a seemingly insignificant difference has a completely different effect on the weight loss process.

Effect on weight

Adrenaline helps you lose weight due to several important abilities:

  • speed up all metabolic processes;
  • ensure the breakdown of fats;
  • help reduce appetite;
  • increase body temperature (thermogenesis).

The presence of adrenaline in the blood helps you forget about unhealthy snacks, give up sweets and significantly reduce your caloric intake.

How to increase

In order to lose weight, adrenaline levels can be increased through medication and natural methods.

Adrenaline drugs

For weight loss, an adrenaline solution is used, which is injected subcutaneously. The dosage is determined individually, starting with 0.1 ml, and then increased to the maximum dose, at which the heart rate does not exceed 90 beats/min. If the heart rate becomes higher, the dosage is reduced.

The main merit of adrenaline is the “buildup” of the sympathetic-adrenal system and the activation of the production of its own neurotransmitters. To obtain such results when injecting, the following conditions must be met:

  • change the drug daily;
  • administer it strictly once a day in the morning.

The use of one drug leads to the formation of addiction and dependence. A set of 6 drugs is considered optimal - ephedrine, clenbuterol, caffeine, adrenaline, sydnocarb. The more different drugs are used, the better.

With the correct use of synthetic adrenaline, not only weight loss occurs, but also the body’s resistance to colds (ARI) and cold increases due to increased immunity and the production of “chemical heat” in the liver. The use of adrenaline helps create a hardening effect that lasts after the end of the course. However, despite this beneficial effect and the practical safety of adrenaline, we should not forget that any synthetic hormone should be taken only as directed and preferably under the supervision of a doctor. If this is not possible, it is better to increase his concentration with the help of acute emotions, a special diet and other harmless methods.

Level up naturally

The physiological increase in adrenaline requires strong emotions, which can be caused by the following actions:

  • parachute jump (only after a training course);
  • extreme sports;
  • breathtaking rides such as roller coasters;
  • car racing on special tracks;
  • watching a horror movie;
  • computer games (20 minutes a day is enough).

It should be borne in mind that with a normal diet without reducing the caloric content of the diet, adrenaline does not have any fat-burning effect. It can only work in conjunction with a reduction diet or carbohydrate unloading, helping to reduce the amount of adipose tissue. This is explained by the fact that with a sufficient intake of carbohydrates, adrenaline, along with the breakdown of subcutaneous fat and the release of an increased amount of fatty acids into the blood, also causes the production of serotonin, which promotes the conversion of carbohydrates and fatty acids into subcutaneous fatty tissue.

With a carbohydrate-free diet, similar processes occur, but instead of serotonin, somatotropin is produced, which, together with adrenaline, promotes the breakdown of subcutaneous fat and the use of fatty acids for energy.

Hormones of “happiness” – endorphins

Endorphins are produced by pituitary gland cells and are conductors of nerve impulses to the pleasure center of the brain. When this center is excited, a person experiences joy, vigor, and pleasure. The presence of endorphins makes him completely satisfied with his life, increases self-esteem, relieves tension and irritation, improves his psycho-emotional state and sleep. All this greatly contributes to weight loss.

Effect on weight

When eating food, endorphins are also formed, creating a feeling of pleasure, because of which many people get used to food as if it were a drug. This is due to the fact that endorphins are similar in structure to morphine. Therefore, if you have a tendency to overeat, food becomes not so much a source of energy as a means to improve your psycho-emotional state.

In addition, the connection of endorphins with the process of losing weight is also manifested in the fact that their level increases when a goal is achieved and decreases significantly when a feeling of guilt arises from incorrect actions that interfere with obtaining the desired result. This explains failures from diets.

When eating during a period of weight loss, a person feels guilty, does not receive a portion of “happiness hormones” and begins to eat even more. To break this vicious circle, you need to lift strict prohibitions and start losing weight only by limiting the amount of high-calorie foods. Then you won’t have to reproach yourself for every bite you eat, which will allow you to enjoy the first portion without filling yourself to satiety. This also explains the pleasure gained from consciously consuming healthy, albeit tasteless, foods. Understanding the benefits they bring, a person himself stimulates the release of endorphins.

How to increase

All attempts by scientists to create artificial analogs that could be used to raise the level of endorphins have not yet been crowned with success, since the body almost immediately gets used to them. They also cannot be obtained with food, but you can eat the following foods that will help increase their production:

  • dark chocolate, honey;
  • bananas, oranges, strawberries, grapes, avocados;
  • carrots, potatoes;
  • sea ​​fish, poultry;
  • eggs;
  • spicy herbs (basil, celery), ginger, chili.

You can also independently regulate the level of endorphins in other ways. The most effective are sports - a half-hour workout is enough to increase the concentration of these hormones by 7-8 times. It is also useful to do what you love, achieving great success in it, listening to music, having fun or simply falling in love.

All unpleasant or harmful factors reduce the production of endorphins:

  • viral and endocrine diseases;
  • failures, failures, problems;
  • bad mood, negative emotions.

Scientists have found that with the help of endorphins, a person’s emotional state is transmitted to the cells of the body. Therefore, positive thoughts help normalize health, including body weight.

Sex hormones

Hormones produced by the human genital organs - androgens and estrogens - ensure the development and functioning of the body, respectively, according to the male or female type. To achieve weight loss and maintain an ideal weight, their level must be normal. Too low or too high levels of such substances have equally bad effects on body weight and overall health.


Estrogens are a group of steroidal female sex hormones produced mainly by the ovaries. Normally, the level of estrogen in women of childbearing age should be 13–191 pg/ml, during menopause – 11–95 pg/ml, in men – 0–36 pg/ml.

Effect on weight

Normal estrogen levels have a lot of positive effects on the body during weight loss:

  • provides an insulin-sensitizing effect, helping to get rid of obesity and metabolic syndrome;
  • improves metabolism;
  • activate bone tissue growth;
  • make the figure feminine.

Estrogens are in close connection with adipose tissue, which is an important part of the hormonal system. The aromatase enzyme it contains helps convert testosterone into estrogen. Therefore, the more fat you have in your body, the higher your estrogen levels will be.

However, it should be borne in mind that too high a concentration of estrogen can lead to disruption of the thyroid gland and a decrease in hormone production. This slows down metabolism and leads to weight gain. Thus, a vicious circle is formed: weight increases due to problems with the thyroid gland, and problems with the thyroid gland appear due to excess weight.

In addition, the increased content of estrogen prevents the breakdown of fat, which contributes to the growth of adipose tissue. Proof of this are the following facts:

  • accelerated weight gain in women early stages pregnancy, when the concentration of estrogen increases significantly, even when following the usual diet;
  • the amount of body fat in women is usually higher than in men, although they eat much less;
  • After removal of the ovaries, women lose weight, and gain it back with hormone therapy.

This feature of estrogen is explained by the fact that it stores fats as a source of energy in case a woman becomes pregnant. Even when the female body is not hungry, estrogens still continue to make reserves.

On the other hand, a lack of estrogen leads to infertility, menstrual irregularities, migraines, decreased libido, memory loss, osteoporosis and other negative consequences. In addition, a decrease in the production of female hormones negatively affects the appearance, causing signs of early aging, especially the skin - it becomes thinner, fades, and becomes wrinkled. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain normal levels of these hormones, which will contribute to weight loss, maintaining beauty, health and youth.

How to normalize

Depending on symptoms and test results, estrogen levels may need to be increased or decreased.

Estrogen preparations

To artificially lower the hormone estrogen, anti-estrogenic drugs are used - Tamoxifen or Progesterone. But it is best not to resort to the use of synthetic hormones, but to normalize the hormonal balance with the help of a well-organized diet.

Normalizing estrogen naturally

To reduce estrogen levels, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition and develop certain eating habits:

  • increase the proportion of fiber in the diet - 15 g of dietary plant fiber per day is enough;
  • moderately limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed, but do not give them up completely;
  • eat enough protein foods;
  • when choosing fats, give preference to monounsaturated fats found in avocados, olives, nuts, olive oil, limiting polyunsaturated fats (soybean, flaxseed, corn, sunflower oil, fish, seafood, any seeds).

Estrogen levels decrease primarily due to a lack of vitamin E, so you need to increase your consumption of foods containing this vitamin in large quantities. Its main natural sources are plant seeds, as well as natural vegetable oils - corn, soybean, cottonseed, sunflower.

In addition, to increase estrogen it is useful to take the following foods:

  • soybeans, peas, beans, other legumes;
  • meat, dairy products;
  • carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin;
  • red grapes;
  • coffee, beer.

Only normal levels of estrogen promote good metabolism, fat burning and muscle growth. At the same time, female hormones not only influence the process of losing weight, but take an active part in creating a figure, distributing fat deposits to different parts of the body.

In addition, they reduce appetite, improve mood and significantly increase motivation, without which no diet will be effective. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting weight loss at the peak of estrogen concentration, which occurs at the beginning of the female cycle.


One of the most important sex hormones for weight loss is estradiol, which slows down the division of fat cells and prevents fat accumulation. This hormone is believed to be responsible for feminine beauty, because it makes the waist smaller and the chest and hips larger.

Effect on weight

When the level of estradiol increases in the female body, a number of negative changes occur:

  • excess weight appears;
  • fatigue increases;
  • the skin becomes oily, pores enlarge, acne develops;
  • swelling is observed;
  • excitability increases, sleep is disturbed.

A decrease in estradiol concentration is also fraught with negative consequences:

  • the frequency of menstruation is disrupted until they are completely absent;
  • the size of the breast and even the uterus decreases;
  • the skin becomes dry;
  • male-type body hair appears;
  • depression develops.

Thus, to maintain body weight and good health, the level of estradiol should be normal: in women of childbearing age - 55-475 pg/ml depending on the day of the cycle, after menopause -19.5-82 pg/ml, in men - 15 –70 pg/ml.

How to normalize

Deviations in estradiol production from the norm are caused by a number of reasons:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • increased physical activity;
  • exhausting diets;
  • vegetarian food;
  • increased prolactin levels;
  • some diseases (inflammation, infections, lesions of the pituitary gland, pathology of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands).

If there is a deficiency of this hormone in women, taking its synthetic analogue containing 17-beta-estradiol is indicated. It is identical to the natural hormone and is available in the form of tablets, ointments, oil solution, and spray. The drug is prescribed by the attending physician for early menopause, amenorrhea, ovarian diseases and for other indications, but, like all synthetic hormones, it is not recommended for weight loss. The female genital area has a very delicate hormonal organization that is easily disrupted. Therefore, any intervention can lead to infertility or early menopause.

You can increase estradiol levels with protein foods, while significantly reducing your carbohydrate intake. It is recommended to include lean meat, fish, eggs, liver, and dairy products in the diet.


Of all the female hormones, progesterone can be called the most “maternal” - it is responsible for conception, awakens the maternal instinct, and ensures the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, the increase in sebum and the appearance of excess weight depend on it. The level of progesterone strongly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle - at the beginning it is 0.32–2.25 ng/ml, then rises to 56.6 ng/ml, and at the end it decreases to 0.64 ng/ml.

Effect on weight

With an increased level of progesterone, the body slowly switches to the same regime as during pregnancy:

  • metabolism slows down;
  • reserves of adipose tissue increase;
  • Resistance to sugar absorption decreases.

This hormone also has the ability to stimulate appetite, increasing cravings for flour and sweets.

An increase in body weight is facilitated by the ability of progesterone to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, which is why the stomach can hold more food, and it passes through the intestines much more slowly and is better absorbed. This is good when carrying a fetus, but for a non-pregnant woman it ends in weight gain.

Additionally, as progesterone levels rise, the amount of other hormones it interacts with begins to change, further contributing to weight gain. In particular, the ratio of testosterone and estradiol, hormones that affect the rate of formation and amount of fat deposits, as well as the production of insulin and the stress hormone cortisol, is disrupted.

How to normalize

Progesterone preparations

Taking drugs that stimulate inhibition of progesterone secretion should be taken only after receiving test results confirming its excess, and always as prescribed by a doctor. This will help you choose the right drug, set the dosage correctly and avoid negative consequences.

The following drugs are intended to reduce progesterone levels:

  • “Clomiphene” – 50 mg tablets, taken from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle for 5 days;
  • “Valproic acid” – has a sedative effect, can cause nausea and vomiting;
  • Tamoxifen is an antitumor drug prescribed for breast tumors.

In addition, synthetic analogs of progesterone can be taken to suppress the production of your own hormone.

However, you should not get too carried away, since low levels of progesterone can also cause health problems, including weight gain. Low progesterone levels are usually stabilized by hormone replacement therapy using capsules, creams, injections and suppositories. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to resort to independent treatment, so as not to upset the overall hormonal balance.

Natural level normalization

Reviewing your diet is not as dangerous as hormone therapy, but may be even more effective for weight loss.

To lower progesterone levels you need to:

  • reduce fat intake to a minimum, switch to low-fat dairy products, give up meat and vegetable oil;
  • reduce consumption of nuts, seeds, legumes.

If you need to increase progesterone levels, it is recommended to take vitamins E and B, zinc.

Foods you should eat include nuts, beef liver, rabbit meat, seeds, legumes, and wheat bran. The diet should be rich in protein and ensure that the body receives all the necessary nutrients.


The main male hormone, testosterone, is one of the hormones for weight loss, since its level affects the appearance of excess weight by increasing the amount of adipose tissue. For good health and normalization of body weight, its concentration must be maintained at a normal level, which for men is 11–33 nmol/l, for women – 0.31–3.78 nmol/l.

Effect on weight

Testosterone affects the male and female bodies differently. For men, increased levels of this hormone help to lose fat and build muscle mass, and for women it can lead to male-type obesity, especially against the backdrop of overeating, a sedentary lifestyle and constant stress.

At normal levels in the blood, testosterone, on the contrary, has a number of beneficial effects:

  • increases libido, normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • creates a balance between fat and muscle tissue;
  • contribute to the normalization of all biochemical processes;
  • responsible for the breakdown of fats and the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • normalizes glucose levels, accelerates protein synthesis;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • increases vigor and activity, fights fatigue;
  • has an antidepressant effect;
  • reduces the concentration of lipids and cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

As an androgen, testosterone has a powerful anabolic effect on the body. This hormone is especially useful during active sports, as it prevents the destruction of protein compounds, helps increase muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat.

A significant decrease in testosterone levels, even in women, can negatively affect the general condition of the body:

  • muscle mass will begin to decrease;
  • metabolic processes will slow down;
  • there will be weight gain.

A normal level of testosterone means a beautiful figure, toned muscles, fresh skin and healthy hair.

How to normalize

Bringing testosterone back to normal is not difficult. To do this, you can use special products containing natural hormones, or start eating right along with active physical activity.

Testosterone drugs

For severe testosterone deficiency, androgen drugs are used, which are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, and can also be administered orally and through transdermal patches. They are considered safe and effective, but only if the choice of remedy is made in conjunction with a doctor. It should be borne in mind that such drugs act for a short time, so it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the change in testosterone levels, as well as establish proper nutrition.

How to normalize naturally

With a slight decrease in testosterone levels, you can correct it yourself using a certain set of products, including:

  • vegetables - without exception, they all raise testosterone levels;
  • fruits are excellent activators of the secretion of male hormones, especially melon, pineapple, persimmons, apricots, oranges, melon, pears, grapes;
  • porridge - they should form the basis of the diet, since their fiber ensures free blood circulation and enhances testosterone production;
  • nuts as a source of vegetable fats, which are active participants in testosterone synthesis;
  • seafood - suppliers of zinc, which is considered the main element of the molecule of this hormone, as well as fatty acids (crabs and shrimp are best suited);
  • D-aspartic acid – this supplement is not natural, but its use is absolutely harmless, so if you cannot increase testosterone naturally, then a course of this acid will help quickly solve the problem.

Along with this, it is necessary to categorically refuse fast carbohydrates, fatty foods, and sweet soda. Also, testosterone levels decrease with overwork, lack of proper rest, lack of physical activity and an inactive lifestyle.

If the level of testosterone in women, on the contrary, is elevated, it needs to be reduced. The following methods are suitable for this:

  • stop taking hormonal contraceptives (the main reason for the increase in male hormone);
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not get carried away with sun tanning;
  • stop using artificial sweeteners.

You should also review your diet:

  • eat more protein foods (meat, fish, dairy products);
  • eat small and often meals, preventing a decrease in glucose levels and, accordingly, the production of insulin, which increases the secretion of testosterone;
  • exclude foods containing free testosterone - eggs, legumes, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • do not give up sweets, but choose only products of natural origin - dates, fruits, honey, as well as those containing low molecular weight sugars - potatoes, white bread, oatmeal.

In addition, testosterone rises significantly during strength training and professional weightlifting. Therefore, its level can be regulated by refusing or joining such a sport.

Fat burner hormone

Adiponectin is a hormone produced by white adipose tissue, mainly visceral fat cells. Its functions include regulating glucose and breaking down fatty acids. In other words, adiponectin tells the brain and body to burn fat. Typically, if we are talking about a hereditary predisposition to obesity, this is due to a genetic tendency to reduce the secretion of adiponectin. Moreover, the amount of the hormone in women is almost twice as much as in men: the norm is 9–12 mcg/ml and 6 mcg/ml, respectively.

Effect on weight

With sufficient levels of adiponectin in the blood, rapid weight loss occurs. When hormone levels decrease, weight is gained quickly. This dependence is explained by the fact that adiponectin is a chemical mediator that provides communication between adipose tissue and the central nervous system. It tells the brain that it’s time to lose weight and regulates all processes that contribute to excess weight gain.

How to increase

  • pistachios - they have a strong effect on the concentration of the hormone, reduce sugar levels, the amount of total and LDL cholesterol;
  • pumpkin seeds, spinach, cabbage;
  • foods with monounsaturated fats (avocado, dark chocolate).

It is also beneficial to fast periodically. It is best to give up late dinner so that the break between meals is 16 hours for men and 18 for women. For example, if dinner was at 17:00, then breakfast should take place at 9:00 and 11:00, respectively.

HCG hormone injections for weight loss

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by a woman’s body during pregnancy. HCG is isolated from the urine of pregnant women and is used for ovarian dysfunction, infertility, threatened miscarriage, as well as during IVF, and recently for weight normalization.

Once in the blood, hCG stimulates the production of sex hormones and acts like testosterone. Bodybuilders take it to restore libido and other sexual functions after heavy training, as well as to maintain results after taking anabolic steroids.

HCG injections for weight loss are used in conjunction with an individually tailored diet. At the same time, the big disadvantage of this technique is the need to combine injections with a too low-calorie diet (less than 500 calories per day). It is believed that hCG ensures the burning of fat and the preservation of muscle mass.

Injections are performed in the abdominal area, which makes this method as effective and painless as possible. The dosage of the drug is set strictly individually depending on the test results.

Injections of the hCG hormone for weight loss cannot be performed if the following contraindications exist:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • malignant ovarian tumors;
  • premature menopause;
  • lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis or tendency to form blood clots;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • chronic inflammation of the adrenal glands.

Overdose or improper injection may cause side effects, which are expressed in ovarian hyperstimulation and lead to the appearance of:

  • polycystic disease;
  • ascites;
  • thromboembolism;
  • acne.

The use of hCG injections for weight loss is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. According to reviews, they are ineffective and do not give the expected effect. Due to conflicting data, the use of hCG injections for weight loss is not recommended.

In any case, when deciding on hormonal weight loss, it is necessary to take into account all the consequences of such a step. Even knowing which hormone is responsible for weight loss, it is not always possible to determine whether its low or high level is the cause of excess weight in a particular case. This can only be determined by a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate tests and make a diagnosis based on their results in combination with other types of examination. Hormonal levels have such a strong impact on the body that any disruption will immediately affect appearance, health and general well-being. Therefore, you should not risk interfering with such a delicate balance yourself.

Hormone tests

The cause of excess weight or sudden and unreasonable weight loss, which is accompanied by increased irritability, insomnia, disturbance monthly cycle, there may be a hormonal imbalance. To determine the causes of this imbalance, it is necessary to take blood tests for hormones.

Rules for taking the analysis

The presence and level of certain hormones (sex, thyroid and other glands) in the blood are determined by separate tests. The basic rules for passing them are the same:

  • blood is donated on an empty stomach;
  • the day before the procedure, you must give up alcohol, smoking, sexual intercourse, and high physical activity.

It is better not to take any medications before the test, and if it is impossible to refuse them, inform your doctor.

Normal indicators

To assess hormone levels and interpret the results obtained, the following norms for a healthy person have been established:

thyroid hormones:

  • thyroid – 1.3–2.7 nmol/l;
  • TSH – 259–573.5 nmol/l;
  • thyroglobulin – 1.7–56 ng/ml.

pituitary hormones:

  • somatotropin – men – 0–4 mcg/l, women – 0–18 mcg/l;
  • prolactin – women – 130–540 mcg/l (in menopause – 107–290 mcg/l), men – 100–265 mcg/l;
  • follitropin – women – 2.7–6.7 mU/ml (in menopause – 29.5–55 mU/l), men – 1.9–2.4 mU/ml;
  • luteinizing hormone - men - 2.12-4 mIU/ml, women - 18-53 mIU/ml (in menopause - 29.7-43.9 mIU/l).

sex hormones:

  • testosterone – women – 0.2–1 ng/ml, men – 2–10 ng/ml;
  • estradiol – women – 200–285 pm/l (in menopause – 50–133 pm/l);
  • progesterone – women – 23–30 nm/l (during menopause – 1–1.8 nm/l).

adrenal hormones:

  • cortisol – 230–750 nm/l;
  • adrenaline – 1.92–2.46 nm/l.

Hormone analysis is a comprehensive study of the concentration and presence in the blood of biologically active substances produced by the endocrine glands. The level of only one hormone changes quite rarely, since the work of all these glands is very coordinated. Therefore, you need to be tested for all or at least several hormones at once. At the same time, the correction of a particular hormone should be aimed not just at bringing its concentration back to normal, but at identifying and eliminating the causes that caused the disruption of the entire hormonal balance.

In medicine, this is hormonal dysfunction, which is associated with disruption of the neuroregulatory and endocrine systems. Previously, this concept was understood only as a pathology in women, the clinical manifestation of which was a disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Then it began to be used for men. The endocrine and neuroregulatory systems have a decisive influence on the functioning of the adrenal glands, the thyroid and pancreas, and the ovaries. The psychological state, appearance and body weight also depend on hormonal levels.


The ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen. The indicated stages of the system are interconnected. If the amount of one hormone decreases, the secretion of another increases. For this reason, disorders are a very complex pathology that requires identifying the cause and prescribing the correct treatment. At the diagnostic stage, the doctor can identify the following types of failures:

  1. Amenorrhea. This is the name given to the absence of menstruation in women of reproductive age (from 16 to 45 years). It can be primary, when you have never had a period in your life, and secondary, which is associated with a lack of sex hormones. The latter type is more often observed in cases of infertility due to lack of ovulation or impaired puberty.
  2. Pregnancy and childbirth. Failure during this period is observed in all women. The imbalance persists from the moment of conception until childbirth. After the birth of a child, hormonal levels should be restored, but this does not happen for everyone.
  3. Oligomenorrhea. This is a menstrual dysfunction in which the duration of bleeding is less than 3 days. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is ovarian dysfunction against the background of improper functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
  4. Premenstrual syndrome. Occurs 2-10 days before the start of menstruation. The reason is an increase in estrogen secretion. This leads to tearfulness, irritability, apathy, sudden mood swings, swelling, headaches, and aggressiveness.
  5. Climax. Represents a decrease in the amount of sex hormones in women over 45 years of age. This causes menopausal syndrome: throbbing headaches, sudden mood swings, palpitations, unstable blood pressure.
  6. Hyperandrogenism syndrome. Causes hypersecretion of male sex hormones in the female body. Manifested by hirsutism, seborrhea of ​​the scalp, acne, increased muscle growth, hair loss, and lack of menstruation. The cause is ovarian tecomatosis, virilizing tumors, idiopathic hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperinsulinemia.

Women who care about their appearance are frightened by the prescription of hormonal drugs. Cases where the use of medication causes weight gain are common. The question - how to lose weight after taking hormonal pills - is often heard in the offices of gynecologists.

What hormones make women fat?

Herbal medicine

Decoctions, tinctures, and infusions are prepared based on plants. Together with sports and diet, herbal medicine helps to lose weight and eliminate hormonal imbalance. The following herbs are useful for this problem:

  1. Liquorice root. Brew and drink as tea for no more than 6 weeks.
  2. Fireweed (Ivan-tea). Use 1 tbsp for brewing tea. per glass of boiling water. Drink as much as you like instead of regular tea.
  3. Fenugreek. Brew into tea or use as a seasoning. The optimal amount per mug is 1 tbsp. dry grass.
  4. Mint. Add to regular black tea or brew separately. You need to take 1 tbsp per glass. raw materials.
  5. Honey herb, or stevia. Exhibits an antiandrogenic effect. Add a little herb instead of sugar to regular tea.
  6. Sea buckthorn and rosehip. Mix in equal proportions, brew 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. herbal collection.

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What are hormonal pills

Diet for hormonal imbalance in women

Diet for hormonal imbalance

To lose excess weight in the presence of hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to adhere to a special metabolic diet. It includes several stages that involve the consumption of a certain group of products.

During each weight loss phase, you should eat no more than 250-300 ml of any food per meal. This volume is slightly larger than the capacity of a regular glass. Also, no more than 3 hours should pass between meals, which will allow you not to feel strong hunger, which leads to overeating.

  • no later than 10 a.m. – breakfast;
  • around 11-12 am – second breakfast;
  • from 13 to 15 hours – lunch;
  • no later than 18:00 – afternoon snack;
  • no later than 20 o'clock - dinner.

The diet should not be too low in calories. This leads to even more weight gain. A balanced diet during hormonal imbalance in women helps to lose weight. This can be a metabolic or selenium-zinc diet. The last two are aimed at accelerating metabolism and replenishing the lack of certain microelements. Each hormonal diet for weight loss has a number of rules, a list of prohibited and recommended foods.



Carbohydrates, g

Calories, kcal


Vegetables and greens




Rice cereal

Low-fat dairy products


Sour cream 15%

Curdled milk




Vegetables and greens


Pasta and flour products



Ice cream


In case of insufficient production or absence of sex hormones, a selenium-zinc diet is recommended. It is especially effective at the age of 14-16 years, when menstruation has not yet occurred. This diet for hormonal imbalance in women is based on the consumption of foods containing selenium and zinc.


In medicine, metabolism refers to the metabolism of substances in the body and their conversion into energy. The higher its speed, the faster a person can lose weight. The body produces fat-burning hormones, such as norepinephrine, testosterone, adrenaline, and fat-saving hormones, including estrogen, insulin.

  1. The first, or active fat burning. Lasts 3 weeks. Involves consuming only zero-value foods with a low glycemic index.
  2. Second, or stable combustion. The menu for the day should not exceed 9 points: breakfast - 4, second breakfast - 2, lunch - 2, afternoon snack - 1, dinner - 0.
  3. Third, or consolidation. Gradually, one point is added to each meal. When your body weight is fixed at one level, you can eat according to the resulting scheme constantly.

The second phase of the diet can be called healthy eating. It is the longest and can be observed constantly. It may be difficult and unusual to count points at first, but after a few days the nutrition system will be built and you can create a varied menu.

Try to eat at the same time, scheduling your meals so that the interval between them is no more than three to four hours. Also, don't eat at night. Make sure that dinner is no later than three hours before bedtime.

Reduce the size of your single serving by gradually cutting it in half. Replacing the usual plate with a smaller one can help with this. Do not overeat, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, which will pass 20 minutes after finishing your meal, when everything you have eaten is completely absorbed by the body.

Eliminate everything fried, fatty, spicy and smoked from your menu. You should also be careful with flour and sweets, reducing their quantity to a minimum or replacing them with other, healthier sweets, such as dried fruits, dark chocolate, marmalade and honey.

Periodically arrange fasting days for yourself, on which you can only drink water or one low-calorie product. This helps cleanse the intestines and remove from the body harmful wastes and toxins that have accumulated in it over many years.

In order to quickly get rid of excess weight due to hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to increase the body's production of fat-burning hormones and reduce fat-storing hormones. The first phase of the diet is active fat burning. During this period, you need to eat fish, seafood, lean meat and drink milk.

The second phase is aimed at normalizing the fat burning process. It involves eating low-calorie fruits, rice, buckwheat, nuts and carrots. The last phase is to maintain the results. To do this, you should eat legumes, berries, vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meats, yoghurts and dairy products.

  • boiled fish;
  • salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs.
Afternoon snack

Metabolic disorders in women or men in many cases lead to obesity. This condition further aggravates the person’s condition and leads to the development of some complications. Diet for hormonal imbalance is the main method for achieving optimal weight. Abruptly getting rid of extra pounds can be dangerous for the body of a sick person. Therefore, in this case, in order to lose weight, doctors recommend adhering to certain rules that will help in solving this problem.

Is it possible to lose weight after a hormonal imbalance? It all depends on the reasons that led to this violation:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This leads to the development of dangerous and sometimes difficult to diagnose diseases - and others. Thyroid hormones ensure normal metabolism in the body. Their deficiency is accompanied by lethargy, fatigue, sleep problems, decreased intellectual abilities and other symptoms;
  • development of insulin resistance. This can be both the reason that a person begins to recover, and a consequence. This effect is observed due to the high metabolic activity of adipose tissue. When the normal weight is exceeded by 30-40%, the body's sensitivity to it decreases by at least 40%. With obesity, which develops against the background of diabetes, other symptoms are observed. These include a constant feeling of thirst, dry mouth, fatigue;
  • decrease in the concentration of leptin, which is responsible for regulating energy metabolism in the human body. This hormone is produced by fatty tissue. Leptin regulates the feeling of hunger, affects the concentration of insulin in the blood;
  • disruption of the production of sex hormones. Hormonal disruption can occur during menopause or due to the development of certain diseases of the female reproductive system. In men, extra pounds may appear due to a decrease in the level;

  • unhealthy lifestyle, including systematic consumption of alcohol, smoking;
  • staying in a state of stress for a long time, frequent lack of sleep;
  • excessive physical activity or, conversely, lack thereof;
  • vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition, including consumption of too high-calorie foods;
  • uncontrolled reception;
  • past infectious or viral diseases (ARVI, influenza, syphilis and others).

Dietary rules and acceptable foods in the presence of hormonal imbalance

How to lose weight during hormonal imbalance with minimal harm to the body? This is quite easy to do. A person losing weight should:

  • Avoid fasting, strictly monitor your calorie intake, and control your appetite.
  • It is best to eat in small portions and at the same time.
  • In order not to gain weight, you need to avoid foods that retain water in the tissues. These include smoked, overly salted and pickled foods.

  • You should avoid foods that have a high glycemic index. Food containing fast carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, confectionery and others) immediately leads to excessive fat accumulation.
  • The menu of a person suffering from hormonal disorders should be composed using foods that contain large amounts of fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Zinc, selenium, and iodine are especially important.

  • The diet of a person losing weight must include dairy and fermented milk products.
  • When organizing meals during hormonal imbalance, you need to practice fasting days from time to time. They involve eating certain foods throughout the day that are quickly digested and do not contain many calories. These include apples, kefir and others.

  • Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink about 2-2.5 liters of clean water, depending on the person’s weight. Tea, compote, coffee and other drinks are not able to fill this need.
  • Dinner should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime. It should include easily digestible foods with minimal calorie content.

  • At one time you can eat a portion no larger than a human fist. It is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed gradually so that the body does not experience stress during weight loss.
  • It is recommended to stop eating when a person experiences a slight feeling of hunger. Full saturation comes only 20 minutes after eating.
  • Every second woman says that she gained weight because of sweets. To stop this process, it is recommended to replace ordinary sweets with healthier ones. When losing weight, you can eat foods such as dark chocolate, dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, and honey in small quantities.

Recommended diet in the presence of hormonal imbalance (acceptable foods)

To lose excess weight in the presence of hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to adhere to a special metabolic diet. It includes several stages that involve the consumption of a certain group of products.

During each weight loss phase, you should eat no more than 250-300 ml of any food per meal. This volume is slightly larger than the capacity of a regular glass. Also, no more than 3 hours should pass between meals, which will allow you not to feel strong hunger, which leads to overeating.

  • no later than 10 a.m. – breakfast;
  • around 11-12 am – second breakfast;
  • from 13 to 15 hours – lunch;
  • no later than 18:00 – afternoon snack;
  • no later than 20 o'clock - dinner.

Rapid fat burning phase (acceptable foods)

This stage should last no longer than 2 weeks. It involves dramatic weight loss. Therefore, at this time you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If a person experiences severe weakness, darkening of the eyes, or tinnitus, you need to drink sweet tea and lie down to rest. If there is such an alarm signal, you should move on to the second phase of weight loss.

The first stage of the metabolic diet allows the consumption of the following foods:

  • eggs;
  • olive oil (no more than 1 tbsp per day);
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid and other products);
  • white dietary meat chicken, turkey;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh vegetables (not starchy foods), herbs;
  • Lime and lemon are allowed as fruits;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • seasonings (mustard, horseradish);
  • green pea.

Stable fat burning phase (allowed foods)

During this phase, nutrition should take into account the fact that some confectionery products (preferably chocolate, honey, dried fruits), pork, duck meat, potatoes and other high-calorie foods are allowed in small quantities. It is best to do this during breakfast.

High-calorie foods can be combined with foods that were allowed during the first two weeks of the diet.

Second breakfast and lunch may include dishes from the following ingredients:

The afternoon snack should consist of products that were previously allowed. If desired, this meal can be supplemented with vegetable juices, berries, and bean dishes. For dinner, you can only eat foods that are included in the diet of the first phase of weight loss.

Weight maintenance phase (allowed foods)

You should move to this phase when the weight has finally stabilized. To avoid gaining weight again, you should limit yourself during dinner (especially) and slightly adjust your diet at lunchtime. In the morning you can eat almost all foods without exception. Much is allowed at lunch and second breakfast, except for confectionery, pork and other particularly high-calorie foods. In the evening, only foods from the first phase of the diet (plus vegetable juices or berries) are allowed.

When losing weight due to hormonal imbalances, sport plays a special role. It is recommended to do swimming, yoga, light jogging or regular gymnastics. Moderate physical activity should be about 3-4 hours per week.


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  2. Ovchinnikov Yu.A., Bioorganic chemistry // Peptide hormones. - 1987. - p.274.
  3. Secrets of endocrinology: textbook. manual: trans. from English – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: BINOM; St. Petersburg : Nevsky Dialect, 2001. – 464 p. : ill.
  4. Milku Sh. M., Yaikolau G. Ya. Relationship of hormonal circadian biorhythms with age // Endocrinology today. - M., 1982. - pp. 227-246
  5. Kolman Y., Rem K. - G., Visual biochemistry // Hormones. Hormonal system. - 2000. - pp. 358-359, 368-375.
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⚕️Melikhova Olga Aleksandrovna - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

The female body produces about 70 hormones that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and tissues of the body. Under the influence of external factors and some other reasons, the level of hormones in the body may increase or decrease. As a result: hormonal imbalance.

And the result of the imbalance is often excess weight, in addition to the main clinical picture. Vez is difficult to correct and increases very quickly. That is why a woman wonders how to lose weight quickly during hormonal imbalance.

Start losing weight

Losing weight due to hormonal imbalance must begin with a visit to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe appropriate tests that will help determine the level of hormones in the body. In this way, the reason why the failure occurred is determined. After the diagnostic results, treatment is prescribed.

Determining the cause of obesity, depending on the zone

In some cases, already from the area of ​​localization of fat, a specialist can determine the causes of hormonal imbalance. And also suggest recommendations that will allow you to quickly lose kilos.

  • if there is fat on the chest and upper back, this causes excess prolactin. A hormone that prepares a woman’s body during pregnancy for breastfeeding. Therefore, the woman experiences swelling, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and increased appetite. The drug Dostinex helps normalize weight. Patients note positive results already in the first 2 months of use;
  • fat in the waist area - folds warn a woman about an imbalance in the level of thyroid hormones. A person feels constant fatigue and lethargy. Performance is significantly reduced. In addition, puffy cheeks are noted. The most common medications for fat deposits in the waist area: Thiamazole, Propicil;
  • fat in the thighs and buttocks - the cause is a lack of estrogen. The patient notes severe mood swings, the person is irritable, and forgetfulness is noted. There may be serious problems with the genital organs of the woman’s reproductive system, with the ovaries. In this case, the specialist prescribes Tocopherol, Proginov to correct the level of hormones in the body.

Localization of fat deposits does not 100% prove the diagnosis. Only a qualified specialist can diagnose the pathology of hormone levels in a woman’s body after passing tests.

Weight loss scheme

A diet for hormonal imbalance is distinguished by its balance in the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. As a rule, people need to follow a few simple rules during weight loss:

  • You should definitely reconsider your diet. The diet should be balanced and include proteins, carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, it is necessary to gradually eliminate or minimize sugar intake;
  • in the diet it is necessary to increase the amount of legumes, berries, mushrooms and fruits. These are the products that help;
  • it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing preparations;
  • fiber is a natural filter that helps burn excess fat.

The menu for hormonal imbalance must first be selected with the help of a nutritionist. After the endocrinologist makes a diagnosis, he will easily create first and second courses, which the woman can over time supplement with her favorite fruits and vegetables.

The doctor will explain how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance, but it is the woman who needs to act. If necessary, a specialist may prescribe additional hormone therapy. After a course of therapy, weight will begin to decrease.

Pregnant women should not worry about gaining excess weight. As a rule, after childbirth, extra pounds go away on their own. Everything is due to the fact that the body suffers terrible stress. After this, all systems work with renewed vigor, hormonal disruption passes and the body is completely restored. The main thing is to remain calm during this period, spend more time outdoors, monitor your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It will not be possible to lose weight after a hormonal imbalance within a week. Therapy of the disease requires systematic control and a uniform pace of transition to a healthy lifestyle. Is it possible to get rid of the external manifestations of obesity: stretch marks, sagging skin with the help of hormonal agents?

A person who has lost weight with the help of medications must add physical activity to his life. Cell tone will come gradually. Everyone who lost weight with the help of nutritionists and endocrinologists noted an increase in the effect of the drugs after the start of physical activity.

In the diet of a woman who is losing weight, it is necessary to increase the amount of the following products:

  • turkey meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • seaweed;
  • cucumbers;
  • greenery.

And also reduce the consumption of the following products:

  • fatty sweets;
  • pork, beef and veal;
  • mayonnaise, fatty dressings, marinades;
  • baked goods and ice cream;
  • alcohol.

Types of hormonal imbalance in the body

Often women turn to a specialist if the level of sex hormones in the body fluctuates. Sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

Lack of estrogen forces a woman’s body to store calories, which are subsequently formed into fat. As for progesterone, its deficiency causes fluid retention in organs and tissues. In women, swelling is observed, as a result of excess weight gain.

Types of hormonal imbalance:

  • stage of puberty, childbirth, pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance appears due to stress, addictions, mental and physical overload;

  • when using hormonal drugs without a doctor’s prescription;
  • abortions;
  • heredity.

Do not forget that the health of the female body directly depends on the proper functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands, as well as the adrenal glands.

Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland contribute to normal metabolism. In sick people, hormone production decreases and the body cannot process food into energy. This is why a woman becomes overweight. If a woman tries to limit herself in nutrition, weight will increase. In addition, lethargy, drowsiness and apathy will be noted.

The pancreas produces insulin. If its metabolism is disrupted, the risk of obesity increases several times.

The causes of hormonal imbalance can only be determined by a specialist after passing the appropriate tests. After diagnosis, the correct treatment will be prescribed.

Weight loss depending on the type of hormonal imbalance

As a rule, hormonal drugs alone will not be enough for weight loss. Therefore, the specialist recommends that the patient adhere to a proper balanced diet, and may additionally prescribe antipsychotics, iodine-containing, potassium-containing drugs, and other medications. Don't neglect physical activity.

In order to quickly achieve the desired result and cope with extra pounds, a woman, in addition to pharmacological agents, should pay attention to physical activity. To begin with, all physical activity should be moderate. Start with walking, or sign up for a swimming or yoga class. Gradually switch to stronger sports activity.

It is necessary to consult a doctor - excessive physical activity or lack thereof provokes the development of hormonal imbalance.

It should be remembered that rest should be complete. The process of losing weight will go faster in women who have slept and rested normally. Steam procedures (bath, sauna) are excellent for removing excess fluid from the body.

Restrictions for hormonal imbalances

Many women, trying to become slim and attractive, pay attention to advertising. And no one takes into account in this case the fact that treatment is prescribed by a specialist depending on the hormonal imbalance, the imbalance that has occurred in the body.

Extra pounds are more likely a consequence of pathological processes without eliminating the cause perfect figure it will not be possible to return.


To avoid serious problems with extra pounds, a woman must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • carefully monitor the menstrual cycle - any failure or delay indicates an imbalance of hormones in the body;
  • if the nature of critical days changes, again it is necessary to contact a gynecologist, explain the situation, and understand the cause;
  • monitor proper nutrition;

  • visit specialists twice a year for prevention;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • You must try to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages.

A woman's body is susceptible to hormonal imbalances. And the reason for this is not only external factors, various diseases, but also stress, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity.

If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, infertility develops, diabetes and other serious illnesses. You should not delay contacting a specialist if you suspect a hormonal imbalance.

A woman’s attention to her health is the key to excellent well-being, health and beautiful appearance.

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